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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  July 14, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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a lot of favors, i say people are they all that we have to show is that what set a goal? liberia pushing across gonna using cost can affonso southern past to sit down at the south. so that again seeing sunblock, the showers future i was to into kenya. but for months or something last week is drawing quiet on the serious, darkest days with one man leading the country throughout, present to all of us out as the last legitimacy. he needs to step down. how did he retain control to over a decade of war? we examined the global power gains of president bush out, alyssa, we believe a side simply carrying out a ronnie and orders. what keeps you awake at night? many reasons that could affect any human. i saw most of of chaos on audra, 0 global outcry after israel committed yet another massacre in gauze. its army killed at least 90 palestinians in an area designated as
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a so called safe zone. israel plains, it was targeting some us leaders, but is that justification for killing so many civilians? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much of a risk massacre that's how palestinians are describing. one of the worst is really a tax on gaza since the war began. where the 90 palestinians were killed and 300 injured on saturday in animal honestly, an area israel had designated a safe. it's fighter jets and drones, and least a barrage of missiles and bombs obliterating tents that sheltered thousands of displaced families. as the death toll rises and these are mandatory and crisis deepens, there are serious questions about israel's military conduct. and the protection of
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civilians will get to our guests in a moment. but 1st, this report from axles i'm of which it was supposed to be a century. but instead of with this horrific blog that. 6 is really judson jerome struck 10 sheltering thousands of displays, palestinians in almo boss, there was no evacuation order. gods came to them any less. i was sitting safely in my tent, when suddenly the 10th around the of this building was started running. and i'll go top of the 10 and run them, the streets bombardment was ongoing. we came here where the street begins. had also been here. the whole street was full of bodies and body parts, or the emergency workers or i'm on the injured witnesses, saves really forces, waiting for rescue clues to arrive before targeting them. these are the conditions in which palestinians are transporting hundreds of injured to nearby
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nestled hospitals in hon. eunice, doctors can no longer cope with the influx of casualties. we started receiving good tens of cases. in a few minutes later, we are separating from lack of supplies on the summit. we are nearly enough of, uh, everything inside the israel says, well, how many dice had the mazda smell it through? we was the intended target from us, that's pools and baseless alma was, sees a narrow strip of land between hun eunice and a rough uh where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are living in dire conditions. this rarely army designated as a so called humanitarian area meant to be protected under international law. but just like other areas, israel had claimed were safe. it's been repeatedly bombarded. we have had the situation over and over in should a draft either by that jump on, the said over and over. you sort of could kill literally every one in the gods trip
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. so far, the killed the nearly for 40000 people with this argument that people started getting the how much combat but by now, what am i to go about that should be dead. instead, what we find, these are population which is being star general decided to moulder means of warfare with to tell him to take families have buried their loved ones. many are still missing, believes to be trapped under the rubble. the un says the claim that saved zones existing cause is false and misleading. the latest striking all my wasi proves, once again, the nowhere gaza is truly safe. axels, i'm gonna reach out to 0 for insights story. all right, let's go ahead and bring in our guess in there, but i centralized it brought him the ivy, a writer poet and activist. and i'm on the honeymoon, stuff of
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a senior palace on analyst at the international crisis group. and in liverpool, you. okay, so you know, my them yellow professor of law had liver pull john moore's university and a member of the legal team representing the victims before the i. c. c. a warm welcome to you all and thanks so much for joining us today on inside story. it brought him, let me start with you today. you are there in there, but what's your reaction reaction to that devastating attack on animal wasi? all right, thank you, mr. mohammed. the, as i'm shown for the total and invitation and to be platform by your programs. and my name is abraham, and my identity doesn't match any mean match the genocide dr. ring. i could be killed just any moment and i will be turning to a number on your screen. this is, this is what the all of us feels especially off to the massacre yesterday and the mossy the say. you've had been this. how these, where you,
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the army was sale or do for the west when low yesterday and less than 5 minutes, almost 100 people were killed. half of them children, a women, imagine how people, children, and women are feeling better and long civilian. this has been our daily reality for almost 9 months. i have been evacuated from my house 4 times on my relatives, my relatives and friends have been or have had to evacuate almost 9 times. there is no safe place in garza and the meaning of safety or the meaning of save itself is being eradicated from our dictionary. to be more than precise from the gauze and dictionary. ibrahim, you, you spoke so eloquently about the heretic situation there, i,
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i want to follow up with you because you made mention of the fact that this attack on a milwaukee happened on an area that had been designated by israel as a safe zone. now the un says that basically there are no safe zones that exist in god's or that to call something. a safe zone is false, that it's misleading. when you hear that term that you just spoke about a safe zone or humanitarian zone, how does that make you feel, considering the current climate that you and so many others are living in? do you feel said i'm gonna, i'm done this day and say something for you, mr. macklemore, mohammed, i'm sorry. i was in go, i was i firstly, i'm these read occupation forces have said that most of the cities and all the city have to uh, yeah, they have told us that it is a safe place. and i am here in the law because gaza is a safe place. did it, but it's a safe place. they were telling us that and also, you know, it's
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a safe place either. i don't know either of us and things are just giving it's right away. so the thing isn't here, we don't believe and to think of safety, we don't believe in every single thing that the is really the army are saying it's old lives, it's old lice, even the term itself. i'm telling you as it goals and i know groups representing why people to you and i'm telling you that this term is being eradicated as the people by this done as the people have gone. so i've been there radically from the civil reduced rate to honey israel. says that it was targeting how much they have the leader of how much is military wing and that attack on milwaukee. but is israel in no way concerned about considerations of international law. they attacked an area that we've already mentioned. they have designated as
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a safe stone. does that not come into play at all in their considerations and how they are prosecuting this war? what we've seen throughout this war, that israel has acted completely just proportionately. it has violated the laws of war, but it has tried to justify that on the basis that from us has been using a civilian shields. and that's exactly what the justification for this attack that killed around 90 people injured, 300 targeting or conducting a talk, citizens the nation in what israel itself designated as a safe. so these really prime ministers come out and said that they don't actually have any serious information that they've actually targeted that was made of 2 targets. but yet as i said, we've seen 90 people killed. it was a collateral that these radius had, had calculated was, was the risk taking. but you know, this is something that we systematically seen since the 7th of october when his role has conducted. suppose it talk to precise targeted assassinations,
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inductive populated areas, and where it has failed to, to really come out with anything substantial. whether that's the, the, the actual narrative for that top team. which actually proved that there was any substantial evidence to make the judge. my target, we've seen that time and time again. we saw it was just that hospital. we've seen in this instance. there's been no substantial proof that how much does actually use civilians as human shields. even uh, reputable human rights organizations have come out in previous honest, and what's very israel has done the same thing where it systematically has a history of doing just that top team, densely populated areas on the basis. that last uses a stability as, as, as shields. and there's been no substantial evidence what we have actually seen about israel often times to use palestinians as human shields when it conducts its ministry campaigns, which we've seen in the west bank before that just recently lost mountain jeanine. we've seen an increase of cover on our so, you know, once again this is,
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this is really, is route facing a serious prices where it has, you know, conducted a supposed to precise, talked at assassination on the basis that it is targeting of the judgment minutes. we talk it, but once a guy has failed to substantiate it, suppose made it to objective here. and instead, what we have seen is 90. people killed $300.00 people injured, cheer say that what are the implications under international law under a humanitarian law under the laws of warfare when it comes to attacking areas that have been designated as a safe zone or issue mandatory. and so it was so, so many things so heavy knew me today. what has just happened yesterday in economy . you only say, you said clear evidence that diesel and ignores the fundamental principles of international new money time, you know, so the pick up already going to regina to any donation out of the home to conflict which is taking place in the gods of sleep. so solely in these wor,
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lisa l i. system, i think i need you to know the, the principal and all of these things showing which book he bates dialect, stuck box to cv, down to and cvd on all projects that i've talked to. and he's nothing, all of his, the old dominion corporation engaged the gods and been a collect sterilized. goodbye director taught fox and babies window saw the dc. so cv nuns and cd and object types widely document the, the by nothing may shots, independent. the commissions will be quiet and even mean visa on going to war in the, in the guy the, in the gods, us to whichever the consequences. first of all, devotedly shown over these things on the principle over these things on ease, as seen as the validation of contamination on your money. i know they've been paid, so responsibility will be so as a state, but at the same time it sold say what climb under the statewide publishing dimension on the, to me, i called and that's why the prosecute the international criminal court coming come as a request, the dentist would on said jason, it's i'm yeah, we're in garland. oh, so for the event shown on lock box, a gaze to cv downs. we, charlotte,
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why do we go through man indeed sees the 7th of october and they've got us through it, but i am, you've spoken about the fact that there is no where safe in because that people try to go from place to place, try to find safety that that is not an option that is available to you and to them i want to ask you about another aspect of the risk situation in regards to for the palestinians. there what kind of psychological trauma is being experience by palestinians and was to me. so my question is in here, have you tried sleeping in the in attend? have you tried losing everything in your life? let me just visualize for you or give you a visual frontage for you and for the watchers actually and a few words what the palestinians or the golf ones are suffering. now. i wish i
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could say to anyone who tells me we feel for you and tell them, come on truly experienced the following feelings. the feeling of a sleeping good attend, forget the things seeming in a small room with 10 people, half of them children. this room is your changing room dining room bed dreams, living room and kitchen. and sometimes we bath, the kids in the same room, no privacy. forget about privacy. you don't even get the chance to be alone in the room to change your own clothes. i swear. change your clothes in front of everyone, and then tell me how much you've you feel for us. come, i'm standing in the line for the path room, especially in the morning with 10 or 20 people in front of you. you and 10 or 20 behind you. you turn comes in your turn, comes hurry up,
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you can only do one thing. one, think, one thing guys, either relieve yourself, wash your hands or pressure. these have become a dream for us. and believe me, it could save more time. if someone else goes into the bathroom with you and you take turns, because there was no privacy, any way i swear in the bathroom often doesn't have water. you have to deal with it. it's on your own. and then tell me, how much do you feel for us? dry craving, your dish? no matter how simple. forget yourself drawn the feeling when your kids ask you for assembling meal. a piece of bread and meg, or an apple, you can provide this to them. you can provide because you have all the money in
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the world big, but it's worthless now. or you can provide because you do not have the money or you can provide it because there is simply nothing to by trying, depriving yourself on craving something for months and then tell me how much you feel for us dry sleeping in the same clothes will, can go up in the same clothes and going out in the same clothes, a thing and the same clothes is doing every single thing in the same clothes. why? because you're actually lucky if you have a change of clothes and even lucky or if you have, if you can't afford to buy, if you buy, you will buy boys low boys, clothes for your daughter, and men's clothes for your mit waiting for your wife. this is the privacy, this is everything and goes on. the important thing is to manage. i'm covered
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yourselves, dry darling. i tried dying from the cold because you don't have that when you don't have wonder clothes and can find any. and then tell me how much you feel for us. you know, i need some statistics of i've came out there lately that almost 7070 people had been killed by home by now one. but winter is this, is this a crime or not? is this a criminal attitude or not? have you tried having your wife pregnant and her knowledge right during a war? hey brian, i'm sorry to interrupt you, william. i'm sorry to interrupt you. i. i didn't do so that's why. absolutely i understand i'm a to honey. i want to ask you, if you think from your perspective, if, if this attack on at milwaukee is going to play in some substantial way into the genocide case, the south africa is brought against israel at the international court of justice.
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absolutely. this, this incidence is just another long list of part as off this phase row. once again, it is trying to justify its violation of the laws of war. on the basis of, of these unsubstantiated arguments from us has been using a civilian shields. targeting densely populated areas, and those are, it has been solved designated as a signs and once again come out, being completely incapable of substantiating any or qualifying any of its military objectives. here i need nothing else. just comment as i oh, sorry, i'm statements around this incident. the better that a con, confirm what they actually did actually target those that they were supposedly trying to, to strength. and yet had calculated to come out. told that this would cause and felt that this was a risk worth taking. you know, this is just really just evidence bouncing off for this genocide case for the
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person that israel is systematically targeting civilians and his doing so. despite the claims that it is making to the contrary, which again, as i said, we didn't see no substantiated. i was evidence for so just, you know, you were speaking before about the principle of a distinction and, and i want to ask you about another question. when it comes to all this, the question of proportionality under international law, as real, as claim that it was targeting, how much leaders, but from an international justice perspective, is that justification for killing so many civilians. i mean, isn't there still supposed to be a principal at play in warfare of attempting to distinguish between civilians and combatants as well? yes, that's correct. so i was mentioning before the debt collector, the lease needs the violating of the principle over these things strongly because all the dialects, toner, police, that need to be screaming a box they do use the cv doesn't seem to con mccadney. when he said he's right.
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allowed to do the hazing, the previous muscle cars they, they was, they may need to have your jack dvds. so let's assume that what these are, these are doing the store, but there is to be no evidence provided the best way to buy the guns for these. but let's assume that you select the state demand piece, the correct fix is to, in any case, even he said there was a combat bundle of combatants. indeed, these were not tom vi or a the into immediate the jack, you may not the war to these will still be a violation of the principle of a distinction into was b c of water crime or because it wouldn't be any discrete mandate of talk. but let's assume that the entire area was immuno project steve, which he's not the case, but let's assume that these are these a board in the future to prove that to be in fact, it wasn't many federal reject. the data will seem to be a violation of the thought, going to seem to be a violation of the football finality principle. because the useful for someone to be as you correctly say, the excessive. but these will also be able to at least one other for the principal
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with an overall how much conflict which is in the principle of appeal because shows which impose steps on a state he own a belligerent on the box. what dog? but the only effect people to the course shown still the deals that the palm of the bucket all the cd down. so all the video cds and has it says it'd be no associated to before. but basically give me showing up and say, hey that's, that's not the amount for the effective of precautions because he's the so far has ceased their mind to going to be a box to basic humanity behavior. as it stated the by you do you when the special ed about books better for you on the lights? indeed in palestine is that the mission of safe saying that it's generally used by users to sort of you money thought on the coming flies. you know that for the store to do the laws of war to hide the general side. darling dent. it's interesting. let me also just follow up with you about another thing. um, are you seeing that there is any indication that israel is in any way really concerned about the case at the i c j or,
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or do you think they're just going to continue to carry out the war the way they've been doing? so what we also 5 is that he said, hey, so you know that that's all the binding on the international binding the decisions and to provision on mass, you've seen both by the international and cost of the just the song. so the, the, for that location, that's the only measure that these wireless complies weeks has to be made. the submission of the confidential opposed to the then the no, no one has seen not of doing the hallways that will be complying with the deal. with this one over the mass, you've seen both the by the international court of justice, fully sounds he's that you may believe that the access always say, shall go to the got to sleep. that's has not happened off though. he's right. there's all thing by the dropbox one, no, the only possibility to get access to it. there's also stopped one of the people see, but it is. that's a policy that some guys i had to get access to as saying charlotte going to so he's the continual store and you can know the decisions opening done,
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national cost of justice. it's a honey i'm you know, the fact of the matter is that israel has continued to say throughout all this that they will do whatever is needed to achieve their objectives in the war. so do you for seeing that there is anything that that could change the way they are prosecuting this war or will it just continue in this manner? and such an international pressure on israel that have been no red lines. we've seen gold 1st constantly shift when the u. s. has claimed, you know, prior to the, the invasion of any invasion of, uh, would be uh, red line. and then suddenly we see that goto shifted to any major invasion or rough . so there have been no serious red lines imposed on israel, and here's where i will continue to try and do what it can as long as it thinks that it can get away with that. and that is exactly the message that the international community or center is that as well can continue to, to conduct his campaign in the way that it has done for the last 9 months without any serious pressure on it. whether, which will be my economic, diplomatic,
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in terms of security relations, we see normalizing states continue relations, isn't always the normalizing states and the range and even providing some addition, monetary and cover. and we've seen the tassel community provide, gosh monetary and cover it instead of actually putting pressure on israel to actually at the very minimum allow. so the, the required monitoring age to enter through where seem to continue shipment watkins that are entirely responsible for these attacks. and civilians that are responsible for the now what is considered to be a complete underestimate the $38000.00 that have been reported. so there have been no serious that has been a serious international impression, especially among states. but do you have the ability to, to really a school israel back it brought him, i'm curious to get your thoughts, do you or your loved ones or relatives? and because have any hope that there is any mechanism right now for
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accountability when it comes to israel and the way they're carrying out this, where do you have any hope that the case at the i c j for example, could change the way things go? yes, a ceasefire is a crucial to stop the ongoing blood should and allow for the human if they are in a to reach those in dire need. it is the 1st step toward restoring the sun security in the region to the world. i say, i know a month to come to, but it's a simple to cease fire and provide humanitarian at the people of palestine to be beloved goza. especially those that need those in need. they need your help more than ever. we must work together to end the cycle of violence and insurance. a just them blasting these it brought him a good. i also just ask you, we just have a couple of minutes left,
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but i thank you. first of all for speaking. so personally about what you and your family and your loved ones have been dealing with. but could you tell our viewers about what you were doing before the war broke out? how is this all impacted your life? well before war i was a palestinian journalist on active as the human rights activist, a wife and a who. it was working with a lot of institutions. i was working with the 16th of october. i was working with a 3 year always working with a lot of a institutions that had been supporting the palestinian or supporting or raised by the city of flag and to let the world remove their boxes and to say for them, we need someone to support us i have been working with a lot of people. i have been working with the violated a children in golf actually for almost
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a one year actually before war. everything had been demolished, everything, every single dream that i was hoping to have or hoping to seek either everything has been demolished. yeah, i mean, before i am a english literature student this summer kind of hers that have gone so there is no if someone can reverse that of gauze that there is no one loves the university. there is no university stuff going on. so there was no hospitals and goals, so there was nothing gonzalez' grandma itself, i'm sorry to interrupt you. um, but we just have time for one last question to honey. i want to ask you because you heard about him, they're talking about the need for a cease fire from what you are are are seeing as far as what's going on. do you think right now that that things can be on track for a potential other ceasefire? or is this going to be elusive? it seems very unlikely and how about themselves so sad that this is another attempt by israel is trying to rail seized by talks. we've seen numerous other attempts in
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the past when, whenever you've had seized by talks, you've always had some kind of major incident of the background about that has ended up derailing things. and it seems very, very unlikely at this point in time, you've got to 2 warring parties here. we've mentioned exclusive denies from us. want to see the complete and total association of hostilities. this hasn't been enough to develop their involvement agencies by tools, but you still have israel, that an ottoman on, on refusing to, to see to any sort of spy as long as it was on this house remains. and as long as it has not, you just made a trip to activity will continue to try to do so, which is to destroy it. how mouse and it started to use medic, tree political and social wing. all right, well we have run out of time to we're gonna have to leave the conversation there. thanks so much to all our guests. brian, me out of the dining and stuff of entry. i've seen a lot in yellow thank you to for watching. and you can see the program again any time by visiting our website up 0 dot com. and for further discussion,
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go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash age and side story. you can also drive the conversation on fix. our handle is at a inside story for me and how much i'm jerome and the entire team here. bye for now . the thing. what has happened to guys since october 7 has been ranking? i'm so ashamed. i'm so ashamed because it's being done in my name, a leading jewish voice speaks out against israel bruce to own gaza. until palestinians are safe and secure. ease riley's nipple, booby, and use no, no to my name. witness on, oh, geez era. the
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showcase based upon entry films from across the flood on al jazeera, the the color that run this tells us, hey, and this is the news our lives from the coming up for the next 60 minutes. take a look what happened the top chapter and the divided nation. an attempt to kill a former us president general public in front of donald trump. since shock waves across america, i'm the one the 20.


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