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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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0, now the unity is the most elusive goal, but nothing is important. and then that right now you can unity us president joe biden orders and independent review of security measures off to the attempt to kelly's republican arrivals. donald trump, the hello, i'm somebody the this is all to 0 life from don't will. so coming up is really forces to the displace palestinians. yet again, at least 17 people were killed in a striking on. are you in one school in central garza,
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several villages and sudan have been cut off off the river 1st as bank holding torrential rains and neighboring every pre owned the police. and can you apply to a guess of crowds, the sides with mutilated body plots found the less than 24 hours often assassination attempt on these republican rival. donald trump, you as president joe biden try to lower the temperature with a cool for unit. see at the white house, he condemned the attack and ordered an independent review of security at the riley way. a gunman opened fire on the full president. biden's expected to address the nation in the coming. all was, but here's what he told the media a short while ago. mr. trump is a former president to nominate republican party, already receives
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a heightened level of security. and i've been consistent in my direction of the secret service to provide him with every resource capability and protected measure necessary to ensure his continued safety. second, i've directed the head of the secret service to review all security measures for all security measures for the republican national convention, which is scheduled to start tomorrow. and 3rd, a direct and independent review of national security. yesterday's rally to assess exactly what happened. and we'll share the results of that independent review with the american people as well. and finally, i mean, speaking more about this tonight is greater land from the oval office. we must unite as one nation. we must united one nation, the demonstration we are and is the moments of the gunman opened fire on trunk while it was on stage in buck the pennsylvania. take a look what happens. the
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attack killed, one person in the crowd and severely injured to others from who was injured was now announced that he'll be traveling to the republican convention. milwaukee and just about an hour from now. bite is direct to the secret service to review all security measures for that convention. meanwhile, the f. b i as names 20 old thomas matthew cooks as the gunman. he fired multiple shots using a semi automatic rifle within seconds security. a secret service agent shocked him . did the associated press is reporting that materials used to make bombs are found inside the vehicle of the suspect to chew to their questions about how close he got to the former us president with a heavy security detail a this aerial shot taken off, the rally shows just how close he was. groups was on the roof of a manufacturing plant that was about a 120 meters from from stage some of the supports as they say, they saw him and tried to warn law enforcement offices before the shooting began. i
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was up at the fence line, i saw the guy move from roof the roof talk, told an officer that he was on the roof and the officer come along and i went back to where i was standing. i heard that there was somebody that could see the person, so i went back to where they were standing. so the person went back and told the officer again that if he goes back to that particular spot, he can see the person figuring that he would go with radio. and when i turned around to go back to where i was, is when the gunshots started, and then it was just k awesome. we all came running away. when i was sitting there, a guy said, oh god, you had a gun. i looked up, there's a guy on top of the building right over there and with an m. 16 with a blanket point and that the president, he started shooting about about, about, about, about $4.00 to $5.00 shots rang out. all right,
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so i threw the guy out with jim on the ground. i jumped to the ground. i look up and then i see his head gets split open by the shot front of the secret service of the cop started flying over, pushing us out. they pushed me off to the side because i was right there and i was able to see everything they took my name. i went to support and everything like that, my cellphone number just to get in touch with me to go over what happened? but let's talk to kristin salumi, she's in bed minutes. the new jersey with a full of presidents spent the night off to the attack. kristen, as harrowing as that attack was a trump, is as bailey taken a pause. what are your plans or yeah, he arrived here in bed minister where he has a golf club in the early morning hours just 6 hours after that shooting took place and it looks like he's going to be leaving very, very soon. he put out a post on his social media side truth social not too long ago saying that he
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originally planned to delay his trip to the republican national convention which starts on monday by 2 days. but then. ringback he decided that he wasn't going to allow a shooter or presidential potential assassin to force changes in his schedule. he has been striking a tone of unity in his statements on social media since this happened, keeping a low profile but his age say that he's in very good spirits. he, again, speaking of unity for americans saying that it's more important than ever that we stand united and show our true character as americans a leading up to this big event where he is due to formerly received the republican nomination and is expected to name his running mate and all eyes on that event.
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still now he attempting to turn this events around and use that momentum and continue on with the uh, plans as given. and we saw josh in the last hour, his uh fundraising team, sending out a, a fundraising plea from the campaign with that iconic picture of donald trump with his fist in the air and the flag behind them and the blood on his head. with the headline, i will never surrender and asking for donations beneath it, and we've seen certainly supporters here in bed minster driving by with a trump flags and american flags showing their support in that way as well. meanwhile, kristen would also getting more details about the gunman. and he's a parent plans. we all we with the investigation. so yeah, if you need details have been coming to like the government has been identified as
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20 year old. thomas matthew cooks, we know that he was carrying a, a are sell semi assault weapon that was bought by someone else in his family. uh, when this incident happened. uh we know that he had bomb making materials in his vehicle that has been leaking out from investigators following this case by making materials. there was also concern of explosives at his home and that kept investigators at the scene of the riley and butler, pennsylvania through much of the night to make sure that there was nothing left behind that could do more damage to people there. of course, one person was killed in 2 critically wounded as a result of the us tempted assassin's actions. and we know now that the victim has been identified as a local firefighter, trump support or
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a father of to someone who jove on his family members to protect them and, and died in the process. so in terms of what motivated this person, that however is still very much up in the air, and we heard from president joe biden, not too long ago, warning people not to draw conclusions until the investigation is complete. christian salumi, thanks very much for that update from new jersey as investigations. continue into that assassination attempt. oh, scott lucas is a professor of us and international politics at the university college dublin. he says, all lies will be on how trump reacts to any political violence in future. in the case of the cat, what time? on january the 6th 2021. you had a man who was president who was trying to overturn the election, who yelled at his supporters fight, fight, fight. that same man yesterday stood up and pointed to the support has put
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a fist into there and said, fight 5 by. in the case of nasa closely that's equally interesting because far from calling for a cold up from political violence. when nancy plus his husband talked was the show for the fractions golf from an attacker to one of the main or show his wife. trump did not condemn that file. instead, he actually mocks nancy and paul closely saying, well, she had a hall around her house, but i guess it didn't work too well. so the question is, what type of truck do we get going forward? what, who sees that this celebration of violence is not the way to go for, or one who has flush. if i get back to the white house in january 2025 on day one, i will act like a dictator. and i will shake retribution against my supposed penalties the . these really miller trees conducting a strikes on heavily populated areas across garza,
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with palestinians living under deteriorating conditions, trying to seek shelter. at least 17 people have been killed in the latest is where the striking central garza bodies discuss it on the ground. israel targeted a war school housing forcibly displaced people and then to say, right for the future you can even run schools are meant to be protected and they international humanitarian who. 6 they are targeting civilians inside schools, look like the whole world. see, these are the remains of a human being. we was searching and suddenly they hit the school. this is a shelter. we are a non civilians. and this all came crashing down with the whole world. see, this is a human beings. hand dozens of engine palestinians have been taken to the nearby alexa hospital, many of them children,
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the medical facilities overwhelmed with the number of patients and is trying to cope with a severe shortage of some lies. doctors all being forced to keep the wounded on the floor. the latest strikes came, is funerals are being held every 15 minutes and garza, that's off to these ready military kills at least 90 palestinians on saturday. in an attack it said was targeting him, us military lead a prime minister opinion minutes and young says there's no such as he was killed. israel's army says it killed the brigade, commander of i'm us in con eunice russell. i'm not from us. is yet to confirm honey, my mood has more details from darrow by line. central garza right now, there is the saturn sense of safety and security for an already display. as in a traumatized population, been trying to move it from one place to another. literally her data from the northern part, gauze, and city. more recently from han, you and your son drop off city to be concentrated inside evacuation center. these
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evaluation centers are managed and operated by owner was that the united nations were competing in refugee. this is part of ongoing psychological work welfare, not all the hospitals are coming on, save for display sams, any factory, but also these under international organization, a k, the united nations port palestinian refugees, the colors of the buildings, the blue and white colors remove the any doubt that this was in an international organizing or united nations facilities. however, filtering inside these evacuation theories have been proven to be deadly as 17 people were killed today. the majority of them, women and children who been children inside this a you on run school for the past 9 months and more recently within the past couple days and more families poured into the central area and ended up at the same exact school. i've already been on the school, 80 people, critically one data transferred to do health facilities. the majority weren't
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allowed on here at the lot stuff has to be done. but we're really seeing the difficulties in the challenges that the medical staff here is experiencing because doesn't have enough medical supplies that doesn't have the proper and the right kind of medical supply and pain medicines are intervene and healthy. many of the children here and the women who experienced severe burn are in agony since the moment they arrive to the hospital. we could literally hear the screen right here from the point we were pointing it from. we are the entrance of the emergency department, and often times we hear the screams of agony coming to crohn inside the doctors who manage to walk outside just to read the pressure. i'm the solo days following developments from amman and jordan because these really governments has banned all to 0 from reporting from israel. these really army chief of staff, speaking on sundays, saying that israel still cannot confirm with certain see whether or not and how much the lift that is the commander for him as of cassandra gates, was killed in the deadly series of airstrikes on my own. my was the designated safe
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zone by these really military. we do know that these really are mean regularly news is this justification to target and kill palestinians in the gaza strip. specifically over these last 9 months, they say that they are looking to target either have mass fighters or officials or buildings that have us use this for military purposes without providing any sort of intelligence. but then they say that and they target those areas anyway, even though they themselves had designated it as a safe zone for palestinians who were forcibly displaced time and time again. and it was really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, even though israel can't say with certainty, but life was healed. it's still sends a message to the world of what israel is capable of saying that the is really war on god that will continue until all of the objectives of the conflicts are cheap. we also heard from israel's defense minister, you'll have the launch. who said that the targeting of hamis leaders and commanders
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will happen not just during the war but for years to come even after the conflict is over. but it's really official say that even with all of this in mind, israel's we're on gaza is going to continue with what they're calling on president of force. i'm the central jersey to i'm the still ahead on al jazeera, a revolutionary or system feminist. on the anniversary of this, we look at the global appeal of mix. it goes for you to call them and call us alvarez, makes it back to back home the titles and you will be here with that story. the hey there for a stuff somewhat, whether it dances in so the western slice of friends that moves into southwest england and wales, there could be some pretty big downforce cure now. the rain spreads out and fills
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in across france as we head through monday. otherwise it's pots in central and eastern europe, i mean, bucharest during the sick of a heat wave. and you still got several more days ago. could see your hottest july day on record. i'm going to beat us 42.6. okay. we got you in for 42. eventually showers and storms will cool the atmosphere here. it's also hard to increase in searcy. i mean is stumble on cra on, talia all hotter than they should be at this time of the year. and for the other side of the matter, training few shares coming into northern spain and up and down. portugal shouldn't be anything major though, where there is major rain fall is along the coast of sierra leone. and any of these are seasonal summer rains, really starting to pep up here is off the atlantic means it's a touch cooler than it should be at this time of the year for new rock shirts. and well, things have finally, content rate across south africa, much calmer weather here. plenty of sun in the mix here that includes for cape town at 16 degrees, but you to little cooler than where your should be at this sunday or go bit further
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north and not a bad day. and then talk on monday afternoon with a height of 25. the the the
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the, you're watching all to 0 reminder about top stories this hour. you as president, jo biden's condemned the assassination attempt on his rival in the election race. donald trump, he's ordered a review of what happened at the riley and pennsylvania. trump's announce that he'll be traveling to the republican convention in the loop and just about an hour from now, biden's direct to the secret service to review all security measures for the convention. at the 17 palestinians have been killed and it is really a tax targeting, and it was in on the se road with the g captain, central garza, that's way of forcibly displaced people will seeking shelter to kenya. now where people have been injured in an intense stand off between the police and the angry residents, that's off to parties and of mutilated body parts will phones in
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a disused, laurie. malcolm where proposed from nairobi. the seat started with a young woman searching for her missing sister. 10 bags of mutilated bodies kept coming. they've been retrieved from this disused corey, and because the neighborhood of slums in my baby is triggered outrage among kenyans following protests last month against the government of president william recheck. holden, 40 people were killed rights group say thousands of protesters have been abducted and several are still missing. so i do enjoy. we don't know whether they are among the people who were abducted because of the protest. since most of them are ladies, we are not sure if it could be some side or in securities that have been happening to get it to crowd wanted the police to open the bags at the same police, refused any 10 violent kenya is police are frequently accused of extra judicial killings, including in this community activists say offices of rarely convicted the subset.
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they'll investigate the bodies and rights groups can participate in post bolton's skepticism and, and run deep. i think it is now the work of the pathologist and the forensic investigators to tell us and to tell the nation what is happening. because if you put those pieces together, you're talking about 13 bodies being recovered in about 24 hours. that is not a normal thing for any nation. please have hours and firing. the guy said crowds of angry residents down the streets have been without a swing by sobbing science. is it the mistrust in this community of the place on the government? they've been taunting router, you must go in their graves, not least because the bodies, the found just meets, is from the cooperate police station many and retailers,
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deputy president for 9 years before he was elected president 2 years ago. and then he said he didn't, kenya is long history to disappear. and susan, extrajudicial killings, people here at the quarry side along with many canyons, say they no longer believe what he says, the truth must be found. so that those who are involved in this community of act must be punished and must be taken to court and must be the law must be applied to its fullest extent. president said the police might disappear the bodies to the school, to pick up carrying them all the way to the city. moultrie, acted as say, the entire flooded quarry would need to be told to find out how many more parties could be to whether or not any one is held to account. it's clear in this community to have almost no face in that government. malcolm web out to 09, maybe full villages incidence,
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eastern states or casala remain isolated by flood waters, days off to the river gas bust. it's bank's mom with valve oppose from the tone of aroma. and this is a slice of life of what's going on here. that if a gosh, delta area has been flooded a few days ago. for villages at least be seated behind these trees, besieged by water, and were told that so few people can actually wait through this month. you want to go out and bring them supplies. they can't escape onto them now, and only some individual volunteers come and bring them if you think they need. but no international or locally relief agencies have been able to go and help them out, even for people living on a slightly higher ground. the impacts is visible, the waters have swept across a section of the out on the town. when most of the families live in month houses, they've seen their homes meltdown in the flooding. so the families that have
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managed to escape are now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property, the farm in land, as well as their homes of old being some most local authorities believe that between 5 and 6000 people have been affected and they are afraid this might only be the beginning. flushed lodgings normally stopped in august. and this early incident as well as predictions of heavier things this summer, out of sorts of video concern here. how much fun does he all the tone of arrow mount? because of the states eastern. so then south korea's come in the racing. it's 1st national defect is day since the ends of the korean war, more than 54000 people from north korea has made their way self rubber bride for poetry. so taking his seats in south korea's national assembly is the latest milestone for north korean defect. to talk to him kwan having studied to attend
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a late university supporting north korea's nuclear weapons development. he says he used the excitement surrounding the 2009 launch of what p o young claims was a satellite as a distraction to make his escape. in the 15 years since he had seen those missiles developed greatly, antonius video and they started testing hypersonic ms. tiles for the 1st time in 2021. and recently there are a signs of testing multiple warhead messiahs. and that says, park should worry north korea's neighbors to northern go to north korea, china and russia, a roll nuclear. and if they form a strong alliance, then south korea, which does not possess nuclear weapons, becomes vulnerable and then try one could be next followed by japan steel. he's up beat about south korea's future, wanting his success to be an example to others of the move in 30000 north korean
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defectors who made it to the south. pop 2 quantities, one of only 4 added to serve on the national assembly. and it comes at a time when into korean relations all the worse they've been in years making relations more complicated or recent moves by russian president vladimir putin to forge close the ties with the north korean leader, kim jong, going to help with the war and ukraine and then from told me that kim jong wound stands to benefit the most, if the condition is russia transfers k technical help, instead of lights, nuclear powered submarines and re entry rocket technology to north korea. and then there's the possible return of donald trump to the white house in november as us presidential election to the printer. your book, the former president, trump returns kim. john stays a chance to reopen dialogue with the us, potentially gaining recognition as a nuclear state. that could be used into solomon negotiations to ease sanctions.
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but ultimately, with all the uncertainty, he says he wants to use his new found position to help the human rights situation of the citizens he left behind rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so call us authorizes the wimbledon champion once again off that he defeated novak brokovich and straight sit stump sizes and reports. the gentleman singles champion for 2020 full from spain. carlos full brand, spend finals, full brands websites and calling. so perez, on the eve of the match, no big deal could which quote him the greatest 21 year old the sports has ever seen . and so the 2nd year running, he took the picture of the man, 16 years, his senior been just the fight in i believe in. um uh, i don't know. it's a huge honor for me to, to be part of the,
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of those players who have i to have the wrong. i know some women in the same year really got to be to be, you know, in the same table as a know like to, to boy across set the tone of the on the 1st game. last it 14 minutes, 5 break points. joking which eventually folded the rest of the mash was a much quicker event. joke event you had me surgery last month. the pit to struggle and what was his 1st one with the yeah. a reco 25th grand slam title. a step to solve to just a bitch on this occasion. i need 3 other players and the history of tennis, one full by 21. outcries now has the us open in september and you straightening open early next year to make it 5. i know i'll say to myself, it's something yet, but uh, you know, i'm try to, i don't think they agree. no, no, no, that's no, no, no, no, that's them. but i try to, to keep going to keep uh, you know, building my,
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my boss i try to remind myself of sometimes how so real, the feeling is of being here. and even though i was playing so many matches in my life and be being really blessed to be, you know, fighting for the trophy, 10 times in my career as you mentioned. but you know, every single time i step on this course, you know, it feels like the 1st time he and outcries who now to and their attention to trying to win. and then pick the middle at the upcoming parents gains some size. and i'm 0 this week mark 70 is since mix. it cannot just read a condo, died since then. she's gone from little known painter to international stardom will, you know, looks at how color comes formed misfortune into works. a vivid self expression for image is instantly recognizable, a symbol with mexican identity and culture. her story is
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a jail of overcoming adversity and openly sharing it through her art. these are just 70 years ago. the mexican artist frida kahlo has exploded into an internationally recognized figure embrace, especially by women. she gave it important to her on feelings in that, in a way that are going to move and are not able to do because we're always stalled to keep our personal lives quiet. and like the things that we, you know, the pain that we go through or even the physical experiences that we got through. we just need to kind of like contain it within ourselves and keep moving forward and, you know, support everybody else that level this is directed the recent documentary freedom which aims to gift called greater agency and her own story.


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