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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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ministry described them as a solid model of successes and determination. put the high chips in person, some like so they have done the cd will continue working to see how to use. unless it's raining, somebody, i think the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm somebody them. this is the news, our life from dela, coming up in the next 60 minutes. assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for some information. every united states is reading one day off to a gun when attempted to kill former president. donald trump divided is said to address the nation again in the coming always we are fully prepared to have
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a comprehensive security plan in place and we're ready to go. the republican national convention is always away from taking off security and says it will be safe. donald trump insist you'll be there the is there any forces to to displace palestinians? yes. again, at least 17 people were killed in a stripe on a human run school in central cause of the police. and can you apply it to a gas and crowds, near sites and mutilated body parts were found? the we begin this news, our in a shaken united states. the nation is still trying to make sense of what happened almost 24 hours of to a man attempted to assassinate republican presidential candidate donald trump. some
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politicians, according to unity, others are blaming their rivals. president joe biden is due to address the nation, and the coming always is, what do you condemn the attack? and what does an independent review of security at the trump? riley. a white house correspondent, kimberly health it's, begins our coverage. take a look at what happened and then billable image, former president trump fist clenched and bloody after being injured in an assassination attempt. saturday in pennsylvania. on sunday us president joe biden gathered his national security team in the white house situation room to review the security labs humored to brief reporters on the investigation to you know, you guys have any information about the motor of an issue. we know who we is. police have identified the shooter as 20 year old. thomas crooks,
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police reported we also found explosives in crooked vehicle. brooks was said to be a registered republican who had made recent donations to the democratic party, something 5 and as americans to be cautious about. i urge everyone, everyone, please don't make assumptions about his motive or is affiliations but the f. b, i do their job. 50 year old court. come per a tour, a, a former fire. she's died at the raleigh. well, his family watch on television to others are in critical condition. republicans blame biden's campaign because of comments made about trump in the july 8th phone call with democratic donors, present by himself said in recent days, it's time to put a bull's eye on, on trump. i mean, i know that he didn't mean what is being applied there,
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but that kind of language on either side should be called out. johnson alleges biden's re election campaigns threatens trump safety by characterizing the former president as an ex, essential threat to american democracy. he's also calling for congressional hearings into the failures of trump, secret service detail by then has not addressed the allegations of ap, the rhetoric towards his rival. instead, he appealed to con. we must unite this one nation. for now, president bivens re election campaign has pulled all radio and television adverbs. nationwide. trump's campaign has done the same. kimberly held kids al jazeera, the white house, to we've got to correspondence on the story. mike, hannah, is that the white house, but 1st let's speak to joint engine, is live in basements, done new jersey. and that's way donald trump spent the nights as his golf course.
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john trumpet said he'll be at the convention. we know that so far a little more. can you tell us about his plans? that's right, trump headed to newark airport. a short while ago we was planning on leaving a couple hours ago is a little delayed by rain, and he should be in the air on the way to milwaukee now. and before going, he sent out a note on social media saying that he had considered delaying his trip to milwaukee by a couple of days that would have really thrown off the republican national convention by the way. but he said he didn't want to allow a shooter or a potential assassin to affect his movements. so he's clearly trying to send that business as usual message. he's going to the convention and when he gets there, of course, he's expected to announce his vice presidential candidate. but he's already using the incident that happened in pennsylvania as
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a fundraising tool. he sent out that i conic picture of secret service agents swarming around him. and he said he will be defiant in the face of a witness to those horns. you hear by the way, those are people halting at the trump supporters who are waving flags nearby here in bed minster. he has a strong base of support here on where to go. so getting more details about the suspected gunman, his apparent plans. what do we know about the investigation so far? many will be following exactly what comes out of what we learned a lot from the police briefings. we've learned that the young man who was 20 years old used a weapon in a or 15 assault rifle, a as in military style, a weapon. interestingly, briefly banned for production in the ninety's. and joe biden had led the efforts to
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do that. anyway, the they are 15 was use that weapon and, and a parent, a rudimentary explosive device. and the phone of the gunmen has all been sent to the f. b i lab in quantico where they'll be, they'll be looking through all of that. and one of the things are looking for is something they haven't been able to find so far. that is a motive. they say they've found no evidence that he was mentally unstable. so it's unclear exactly what his motivations are. as you heard in kimberly story, there was a registered republican who had given money $15.00. i believe it was to a democratic cause that was politics or a little unclear. and a naturally one would think that this would be a politically motivated shooting. it was after all, that a presidential rally, but police say they really don't know yet what that motivation was, but it's important also to put this in perspective, i mean, every so many years in the united states,
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there is an assassination of president mckinley, lincoln, john f kennedy, robert f kennedy and there have been attempted assassination attempts on multiple presence. after that reagan famously at george w bush had a hand grenade thrown at him in tbilisi, in 2005. so the secret service really are, are doing their best to be on top of this. they were very quick and responding, but there are a lot of questions being asked about whether they should have been on top of that government before he moved there. he was outside of the arena, where trump was, i was standing on one side, he was on the roof. tough. i mean, reno was on the other side. but there are a lot of questions being asked about whether he should have been allowed to have been there. how we got a weapon into that area because you had to pass a number of police. so those questions will all be asked about the investigation as it continues forward. while those questions remain a lot has happened in the last 24 hours,
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you mentioned how you will act you in butler, in pennsylvania when that attack happens. it will also touched on how mr. trump's support is, are reacting in the last few hours the how do you gauge? they moved ahead of this convention. well, i would say that it has changed over the past 24 hours initially when we heard that was unmistakable gunfire shots and we heard the answering shots of the secret service at standing outside of that arena. we're trump, were speaking of outdoor reno, which i should say is, is one of the hardest places. the secret service agents will tell you to protect. we saw people running out past us, some were screaming, some were angry, some yelled at us, some yelled about democrats. but really mostly what we heard was fear there was uncertainty. people were concerned that there might be a continuing threat. it took
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a while for the information to filter out that the secret service had in their words and neutralized the suspect. but what i've heard since that and is all been really positive and supportive and, you know, really low ionizing trump for having survive that incident. and for pumping his fist at the end of it. so what we're seeing now is really a lot of support and donald trump is a show. and i wouldn't be surprised if he didn't use this during the republican national convention this week. all right, thanks very much john, engine day in with mr. with the latest. let's move now to mike hans. he's in washington dc. a. mike, so mike, so far we've what we've heard from president biden statements of unity, also kinds of nation. what have we heard from the president? well, he did speak halfway shortwell earlier today, and he will be speaking within the next few hours and then national address to the
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nation from the oval office. and he is calling for com e is calling for a reduction in the level of the political debate within this country. he's also expressed sympathy and concern for the family of the on look of who was shots during that assassination attempt. so president biden trying to get ahead of the situation. you staying police by homeland security by the f b i by security from pennsylvania, who are on the scene as well. he's staying at the breast off all of this in order to basically control the narrative in terms of what happens next in the wake of this assess nation to attempt that speech is going to be making in a few hours is a very important part in that particular attempt president biden, most likely would be press 2 to catch a figure that would unify the nation. what is his address likely to include given that he would be under some pressure at least to some extent,
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in terms of that leadership role he's playing as well. it's unlikely that he would venture into that kind of area in terms of what is a bi partisan speech intended to bring the nation together not to remind it of its political differences. one notable thing is that uh, before the assassination attempts, the debates about president biden's fitness to stand for office was raging within the democratic party. and outside that, since that assassination attempt of that debate has gone quiet, simply because the other things, perhaps a more prince pressing consent to be looking at. but that may be a last thing result in terms of which a reality may not be sleeping home on democratic voters, that the selection is near. it's in november that the man that they have nominated 98 percent of delegates to the democratic national convention had voted for joe
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biden to stand in that election against donald trump. it's very, very late in the game to start changing voices. right in montana at the white house, thanks very much for that. as as mentioned, the republican national convention will get underway on monday. security has been stepped up off to the attempted assassination of donald trump, local and district law enforcement agencies. what, where do you on high alert before the attack, but now roads have been closed and security tightened around the venue in milwaukee . at least 2400 people are expected to attend the convention. so pretty safe. um, i know that the security measures have been quite a bit so pretty confident, especially after last night, so everybody's gonna be up to on, on par with everything as far as security goes and probably get there as bill for
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anything suspicious. as far as like any type of retribution or anything like that, i'd like to have confidence in us as a society that we won't but we won't let things get out of control beyond what they already are. i'm really happy that it's here and as far as the security measures are concerned, i trust that all that has been taken care of and considering what happened with the attempted assassination yesterday. i think things are probably even tighter than they would otherwise have been. i hope so, but i, i trust the things are under control. well, james davis is the founder of touchstone strategies. the communications firm is also a republican strategist, and he joins us live from milwaukee. and james, we've just outlined at least $2400.00 people will be there. and i hit all of this convention. we know the security is being tightened. you've arise,
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they what is it like trying to navigate perhaps what could be sort of a changing landscape within that convention? what is the experience so fall? what do you expect? yeah, so i just grabbed a little while ago, i will tell you there are lots of people coming in. there will be more than $50000.00 visitors here for the republican convention. and you have all the delegates, of course, which are you know, the that, that have to show up as part of the business operation to just nominate and cast their vote for. um uh the the, the who will be the republican uh nominating which will be trump. uh and uh, and then also the vice presidential nominee. um they have uh certainly taken down some of the parameter which from what i can see as someone who worked on a presidential nominating convention before i ran the 2012 convention in tampa and also worked on the convention in 2008 and minneapolis saint paul,
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you work really well with the secret service, the organizing team does, and they, this is a special so security event that you get money for the event from the federal government to put it on both conventions do because they have to walk down that, that the the menus really well. um, so it may be a little bit more in terms of traffic and you know, a little bit tougher to get in and out of the vin use. um, but it looks like it's uh, being adapted pretty well and things are moving forward. well well mr. trump has stayed on course in terms of his presence at the national convention. how is it likely to be received and given that sort of the imagery that we've seen the last 24 hours that specifically, immediately off to that shooting, we mr. trump rose from the ground. he a 1st pump, the and he said he would fight on. how would those attending use
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a $50000.00 people? how are they likely to respond to him being they, i think it's a unifying event. uh, honestly, in the republican party and you'll see a lot of the delegates unify a lot more around. um, nikki haley came out and gave her endorsement as you saw. so i think it's it's, it's really going to strengthen his position. and i think honestly, even if we project forward to the democratic convention, there had been a lot of conversation about whether joe buying would be the nominee. and that conversation has died off a lot right now. and i think they're in a precarious position because while some offer those in, in the party might want to shift and george clooney might want to shift in terms of who the nominee is. if it makes it difficult to shift during a moment like this, where you are still president and you have to show some level of leadership and some level of com and it is also
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a very opposed arise. the climate do you think it could be worse and by statements like ones that blame this attack on the democrats as well. i think everyone has you know, responsibility to kind of look at how we contribute to the overall uh, you know, um, discussion and a political discussion. but what makes america great is that we solve our political differences by vote not by violence. we solve it at the ballot box, you know? and so that is where i think i said, you know, if you saw him along the 1st lady, milan the, a trump's note, it called for a more peaceful discourse overall. and i, you've seen that from democrats as well, he saw from joe biden, of course, she saw it from brock obama. you've seen it from members of the senate and the house in both parties. and so hopefully this is an opportunity where we as a nation, reflect and say, how do we want to carry ourselves in and what do we want to communicate?
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how are we going to raise up the next generation and what kind of values do we want to spell? so i'm hoping that that there's the result that wins for our country. we've seen it in the past. we can come together and i hope we do very much. and then mr. funds, future responses to political violence that that might be closely watched. oh, it's absolutely going to be closely watch. so the themes of the convention are to the overall theme of the convention is make america great again. and then they have a day make america say again as a daily team. and so that is going to be a big part of the program for the day. and then they'll talk about the economy obviously. and make america a wealthy, i believe, is the title for that day. and so i think that, you know, it's going to be inherently, based into the program. it was already baked into the program and maddox before this incident in terms of, you know, talking about safety in america. and so i would,
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i would just assume that this is going to color and all of the commentary for that day and all the speakers that are lined up for that day. but we appreciate your time. thanks very much for speaking to us at all to 0 is james davis is the found to of touchstone strategies. the secret service has addressed public concerns over safety at the r and c. they've said security was a weed extremely tied, and that no major changes have been made to preparations. this is a national special security event. that designation is the highest level of security, doesn't mention the fact that the federal government can determine. so we are confident they in the security plans that are in place for this event, and we're ready to go. it's been an 18 month process. it's the we've worked together over that 18 months to develop operational security plans for any and all aspects of security related to this so that we're not just leading any changes to our operational security plans for the,
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for the practical hey. and is that the venue for the republican national convention where preparations are taking place? i was really curious as to what the mood was going to be like because it was just so shocked, not even 24 hours ago when that attempted assassination happened. and so we've seen more and more delegates coming in as the days as the day is going on. and it feels very much the same as it has. let's just take a look behind me. we are practicing the display of the flag. we've heard the bands practice. we've heard some of the speakers. com and just do white checks and sound checks. and you might see the lighting go a little bit crazy behind me because they're testing the lighting as well. but really the delegates are there. archie says they're going to continue just as scheduled as planned. the del go delegates has started to arrive. there's a welcome parties are getting their swag bags and really feels exactly like every political convention that over covered before. so very much unexpected. but again, since the former president is fine,
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i think that people are now starting to move on to what is going to be a very big party for the next 3 days. old people are questioning how well us presidential candidates could face such an attack. this aerial shot, taken at the ready shows just how close the shooter was. the shoot, the cooks was on the roof of a manufacturing plant about a 150 meters from from stage. some supposed to say they saw him and tried to warrant law enforcement officers before the shooting began. of course, the photo jewelry is a full my f. b i. agents, he's now senior vice president of global operations at the sofa and group. he explains once they investigate as well because of considering on the default and the check box. number one is this alone actor who might have mental challenges was the sort of radicalized. did he feel that this is something he had to carry out because he was uh, you know, is dealing with his own team is, or if there is
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a motivation that is tied to an audiology or perhaps other individuals who might help him carry this out. that's a whole different situation and then we have a more complex investigation. so i think that's what the f b r is currently doing right now. yep. yeah. search resources off of washington dc and want to go to support the i've got the law office that is in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. that includes behavioral analysis specialist r r a b a to you folks. evidence collection of 5 or computer forensics. every resource that that field office would need has been set up there so they can get to the bottom of who this individual was. and what his motivation was, a lot of the investigative steps of the f. b, i generally does fall into the classified room. however, you always have to find the balance of making sure you are telling the public what
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you're doing and keeping everybody come and say. so i think there will be a real effort to try to share as much without compromising the investigation of the shooter is dead. if you use the loan after, then it can potentially compromise a, a future court case. so i think there will be an effort to try to lean forward and share it as much information as we can possibly do. just because we know what a char flitted, black must be, or there is in the united states right now. let's mendoza, a professor of history at american university. he thinks it's too early to say how the assassination attempt will affect the presidential campaigns of trump. and by to hey, one of the things i know the impact on my campaign is misleading you. snap judgments all always wrong. it's going to take a long time before this place. i could play out a different way. on the one hand,
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it could benefit donald trump, he could be seen as a more, as a ro, extra year. on the other hand, the republicans could be blowing this by based loosely blaming in a joint bye and the democrats. and so far we know about the shooter is he's registered republican, we, 3 years ago, donators are doing boss to a democratic organization, appears to have no box whatsoever to jump by. and what to the democrats. the issue here is whether or not this will focus us on the norm is epidemic of guns. mileage in america, 40 gun homicides a day in america. america is 20 times more likely to kill buyer to be murdered. there are closest pure
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nations that could benefit the democrats, the elusive, unseen palestinians of entailed and is really s strikes targeting on law schools. in the say about the refugee camp in central garza, that's a forcibly to space. people will seeking shelter, dozens of interest that us thing is we're rushed to the nearby alexa hospital. honey, my hold has this report from daryl bella, and central garza, of the air is thick with the smoke and dust. and they'll say right after is really bombs hate to you and run school. and then and you panic and scenes of horror was initially running to help the wounded force to sleep. the it's a raised to get to those very, to live like this. young boy,
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the 4th of the explosion was catastrophic for the hundreds of people filtering within the walls of the school. the targeting civilians inside schools look like the whole world. see, these are the remains of a human being. this is a shelter. we are a non civilians. the buildings are blue and white colors. remove any doubt that this was the united nations facility. but shouldering there did not and has not protected palestinians in gauze on a mouse, has released the statement, calling the talk, barbaric. we were sitting in the building and some were cooking. when the building collapsed on top of us, many people were injured some seriously. just look at the blog. this is the plot of a child. of our man or dead, our man or dead, our children are gone. there's no one left, no one. this is no way to live. the number of casualties is pushing dogs,
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a crippled health care system to a breaking point. in the wake of this late is a time on a head to lead realize a really has cold on the world. 3 again, it's common to humanity. the men, women and children of god. he says, have a right to life. and even more, i was just the central dogs of how sign language. so they is a dropped at a field hospital new darrow, by the way, some of the wounded would take and he says, many of them are children with life threatening injuries. we just got word that there was a missile strike on nearby, and that is that up in a school called the band. we've received already uh, watkins, several children with educated fingers, deep loving injuries, deluxe long internal bleeding, their admins, all this is missing. feed. people were strapping on their fines and were waiting
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additional ambulances to come with the civilians that have been killed or maimed or severely injured. probably half, if not more are children with the loving injuries where their hands are torn in muscles all torn up your injuries, head injuries, chests, injuries, collapse, loans, leading internally from scholastic ruptures, liver lacerations, and they continue to to arrive. another ambulance just arrived. so mind boggling that schools are still being targeted schools that are housing internally displaced people, uh, killing of innocent men, women and children. uh, yeah. you know, um we're going to continue to do our part and serve the people here and try to save as many lives as possible. palestinians have been holding funerals for victims of
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and is rarely strikes that killed at least 90 people on saturday. the strikes hits l, milwaukee in southern garza, which is will have designated a safe so the only stated was targeting almost submitted to need of the prime minister. benjamin antonio says there's no such since he was killed. israel's ministry says it killed the brigade commander of a mouse and con eunice rough as selma. how much does he have to confirm for a while? i'm disability following developments from amman and jordan, because these really governments banjo to 0 from reporting from israel. these really army chief of staff, speaking on sundays, saying that israel still cannot confirm with certainty whether or not and how much the lift that is. the commander for him as of cassandra gates, was killed in the deadly series of airstrikes on the island. what was the designated safe zone by these really military? we do know that these really army regularly use is this justification to target and
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kill palestinians in the gaza strip. specifically over these last 9 months, they say that they are looking to target either have mass fighters or officials or buildings that have us use us for military purposes without providing any sort of intelligence. but then they say that and they target those areas anyway, even though they themselves had designated it as a safe zone for palestinians who were forcibly displaced time and time again. and it was really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, even though israel can't say with certainty, but life was killed. it's still sends a message to the world of what israel is capable of saying that the is really war on god. so will continue until all of the objectives of the conflict are cheap. we also heard from israel's defense minister, you'll have the launch who said that the targeting of hamis leaders and commanders will happen not just during the war, but for years to come even after the conflict is over. but it's really official say that even with all of this in mind, israel's we're on gaza is going to continue with what they're calling on president
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of force. i'm the central jersey. oh, i'm awesome news from the past hour coming out of somalia. now local police say at least 5 people have been killed and 20 more injured. following an explosion, a call bomb went off outside a busy cafe. in the capital, mogadishu, people are sold to have gathered to watch to appear in full championship final. it's still a, i don't know to 0. several villages in sedan have been cut off off to over the 1st it's banks funding to windshield rains in neighboring it. retrieve the the a. there are quite the weather maker. we got over. it has many of states and australia 1st, the wide looks not much going on,
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but now this where the bulk of the activity is right over it has many a. this is, it has been low and it's flipping around a lot of rain and wind and also cooler air as well. so kendra, just 8 degrees free, but really the big story will be those winds pushing past 75 kilometers per hour. so the potential to knock down some trees there, all of this is really draped right across the tasman. this rain is feeding into it, but it is dragging some rain over a new zealand north island, especially for the northland sun. spots could catch about a 100 millimeters of rain within 24 hours to indonesia. we go, it's dry as we'd expect at this time of the year. but north of this, we've got something spinning around the south china sea, so that's within rain around the western side. of the philippines and for the central and southern coast of vietnam today. and could see a month's worth of rain over the next 24 to 48 hours. and our summer rains across china really broken apart, less organized. so where it's dry, it's hot in sunny places like wait, lynn, for example. but we do have some treasury rains,
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moving into the picture for the west coast of japan, especially for q island, where there are some land side of birds and play there for the next bit of the the grand olympic games are coming to the front. and along with the unprecedented surveillance systems submitted, tries ation of communities. the displacement of people and resistance to what many c as
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a destructive people are power explores where the fronts can deliver on promises, made outcome to meet for future games. francis olympic gamble on a jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the, to watch, you know, to 0 reminder about top stories this hour. you as president joe biden has condemned the assassination attempt on his rival in the election race. donald trump, he's ordered a review of what happens after reading pennsylvania. it's expected to address the
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nation from the oval office and the coming always trump has announced that he'll be traveling to the republican national convention in milwaukee. the secret service is security measures already tied to that event and no operational changes. a plant at least 17 palestinians have been killed and it is really a tax targeting and or more school in on the state of a place that you can. and central garza, that's wait for us to be displaced, people were seeking shelter as well. and the liberties group is below have traded near daily strikes since the one calls that began is below us. is it open the front against israel in solidarity with palestinians and the strip, but tens of thousands of civilians in southern lebanon have been forced to flee because of is where it is. strikes them. as a bag of met some people who remain to the village of co, far along the sound of rock. if i can be heard on the way to cover him up,
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the village with mountain views was once a sort of the retreat. the fuser man, he has in the streets of empty houses, damaged or destroyed even possible means of escape had been crushed. the conflict between his blood and his ready forces along left it on the southern border has full tens of thousands from the homes and the hudson. unless you were suddenly felt something heavy falling on us. i asked my sister if there's been an earthquake. my mother and other sister were sleeping and the glass telling them in my head was injured. the 2nd to do i held my sister's hand. the smoke obscured our view. we couldn't move afterwards. we had to go to my grandfather's house. they have nowhere else to go, is where you made a few positions, overlook their homes. they used to sit on the balcony and enjoyed the view. now as they live in fear. there i've seen lots of things and let them know i should look likes not as happy as it was before. my older sister used to bake and we were earning money. i own goats and chicken,
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the goats died because of the shelling. only the chickens were lifeless. last week and is ready drone, who to has in the village. there were no injuries is ready. um, he has also used white phosphorus on the hill surrounding ca for a month. the story of this village is one of many and on this folder, almost everything within 5 cuz i'm because of his ready positions having targeted terms like who, the and all right. the shop have been hardest hit, making get hazardous with those who remain when you visit villages along the board that i've been had, there's one thing that strikes, it's the science. there's no signs of movement of people talking of children. pink people have been forced from the homes and the 2 scared to 10 and they still don't know whether this concept returning to an or that tool. i started vague, i just data for him on sideslip and so the rape is foreign ministers and is done both for talks with these tuckers counterpart, they're discussing a number of issues. but israel's war and gaza is top of the agenda. the foreign
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ministers have again called for a ceasefire, as views of the regional spillover grow, stuck as far and went us to kind of you down once the international community to increase pressure on as well, to accept a deal to them because we all glue is in this done both following that meeting for them to certify solving for home visit the to k is actually the 3rd administrative level as a paid by solve the of the shows within the last 2 weeks. and he was 1st received by took his present bridge of say, 5 don and assemble. and then he has talks with a circus called through par telecom fee. done, of course, along with the by late tribulations and aids and targets in the corner. man, politics. one of the main key topics was the war in gauze out to talk to them us on the line that a 2 state solution is necessary based from 96 to 7 borders. and independent. tell us side is a must the on the way. it's a piece and permanent ceasefire, and they,
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they both emphasize that more what some countries must recognize, fell aside as an independent states. wiling to national community must pressure israel to accept the piece the of that present that how much is accepted? focus foreign minister on the line. that's how most student accept this piece, rob, because it was a week or the best route, but that was necessary airport as safety and stability in the region. and they pointed out the potential international risk is royal continued its attacks on god, so forth. and 2 kids. serial normalization was also one of the topics asked it to a turkish for administer. and he mentioned that the syria to kids. it starts towards assuming opposition is the same uh and it will position entered to some of the to pulled against iso and other terrorist organizations inside syria shoulder to shoulder. and the return of the syrian refugees back to their phones can only happen on the voluntary basis. seen up to solo challenges,
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series stumble. so can you know where people have been injured in an intense stand off between the police and anger residents? that's off the police are found in a disused quarry. welcome waive reports from nairobi. it started with a young woman searching for her missing sister. 10 bags of mutilated bodies kept coming. they've been retrieved from this disused korean mccurry. the neighborhood of slums in my baby is treated outrage among kenyans following protests last month against the government of president william re to hold in 40 people were killed rights group say thousands of protesters have been abducted and several are still missing. so i do enjoy, we don't know whether they are among the people who were abducted because of the protest. since most of them are ladies, we are not sure if it could be some side or in securities that have been happening . crowd wanted the police to open the bags at the same place,
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refused to 15 and 10 years. police are frequently accused of extra judicial killings, including in this community activists say offices a rarely convicted piece of said they'll investigate the bodies and rights groups can participate in post mortems. but skepticism and, and run deep. i think it is now the work of the pathologist and the forensic investigators to tell us and to tell the nation what is happening. because if you put those because together, you're talking about 13 bodies being recovered in about 24 hours. that is not a normal thing for any nation. please have hours and firing diagnostic crowds of angry residents down the streets have been without a swing by sobbing science. is it the mistrust in this community of the place on the government? they've been telling seeing roots
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a must go in their graves not least because the buddies, the phones just meets is from the cooperate police station. many and retailers, deputy president for 9 years before he was elected president 2 years ago. then he said he didn't, kenya is long history disappearances and extra judicial killings. people hear the course sides along with many canyons, say they no longer believe what he says, the truths must be found. so that those who are involved in this community of act must be punished and must be taken to court and must be the law must be applied to its fullest extent. resident said the police might disappear the bodies to the school to pick up carrying them all the way to the city. moultrie activists say the entire flooded quarry would need to be told to find out how many more parties could be the weather. oh no to any one is held to account. it's clear in this community
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to have almost no face in that government. malcolm web out to 0. my baby. okay, i'm todd quite to is a canyon to send it to and human rights activist. he says there's no trust or transparency in the process of investigating these debts. pickup of the police being this gave, this kind of crime, has been the severely on my mind that presented windows. they gave me the problem is many things. and they have not been able to go through that a modem is getting a so the question i've been investigations, investigations are done on the stone top, done. they look at these bins, but they don't tell us what they see. the investigation was going to be done on the turn can be the investigation center used to, but to by times the people come down on simple forget and move on. so i don't know is the 100 this particular one. but if, if it's different,
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it'd be just the right trends at the same way. i mean, who's on pallets or whatever. i'm sure they would be able to come visit with them and see what happens, but to be upgraded to a good, but it to an overtones the taking over districts when we don't know why they what governance of what cubes, woods, i'm looking for, a different thing the products, so we don't know exactly what this is for villages incidence. eastern states casala remain isolated by flood waters, days off to the river gas bus. it's banks moment, vall reports from the town of aroma. this is a slice of life of what's going on here. at city, if a gosh delta area has been flooded a few days ago. for villages up to least be seated behind these trees, besieged by water, and were told that so few people can actually wade through this month. you want to go out and bring them supplies, they can't escape onto them now. and only some individual volunteers come and bring
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them a few things they need. but no international or local relief agencies have been able to go and help them out, even for people living on a slightly higher ground. the inbox is visible. the waters have swept across a section of the out on the town. when most of the families live in month houses, they've seen their homes meltdown in the flooding. so the families that have managed to escape are now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property, the farm, and land as well as their homes, have all been submerged. the local authorities belief about between 5 and 6000 people have been affected and they are afraid this might only be the beginning. flushed lodgings normally stopped in august. and this incident, as well as predictions of heavier names this summer, out of sorts of video concern here. how much fun,
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i'll just see all the tone of our oma casela state is from so that still a head analysis era. find out why south korea's government is holding its 1st national defect is days the in 2021. the to the security surfaces. the rest, the 15 suspected spice allegedly routine to buy is really intelligent. the most sense to impose on our other student and just allow me to get in touch you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. oh, just a little while to explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface. most that is done on tuesday at the latest news, as it freaks that you functioning hospitals are in the bring up
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a lot with details. coverage. elizabeth facilities are 400 of 1000. more people are at risk of contracting, painful and dangerous infection from the hearts of the story goes, is economy is in ruins. israel hospital gifted and destroyed industrial that employees tens of thousands of people. the the south korea's commemorating it's 1st national defect tuesday. since the end of the korean will more than 54000 north koreans of flared selves, many haven't counted difficulties rebuilding their lives within 20 percent. say
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they're not satisfied with life in south korea, 16 percent say they face discrimination or 40 percent say they're not working for those who do work. the average wages often lower than the south korean colleagues. but the success of one to fix, to in recent national elections is giving up to others. robot pride reports from sol taking his seats in south korea is national assembly is the latest milestone for north korean defect to talk to him kwan having studied to attend a late university supporting north korea's nuclear weapons development. he says he used the excitement surrounding the 2009 launch of what p o young claims was a satellite as a distraction to make his escape. in the 15 years since he has seen those missiles developed greatly antonia video and they started testing hypersonic ms. silas, for the 1st time in 2021. and recently there are
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a signs of testing multiple warhead messiahs. and that says park should worry north korea's neighbors to northern board, north korea, china and russia, a role nuclear. and if they form a strong alliance, then south korea, which does not possess nuclear weapons, becomes vulnerable and then try one could be next followed by japan scale. he's up to about south korea's future, wanting his success to be an example to others of the mold in $30000.00 north korean defectives who made it to the south pop 2 quantities, one of only 4 added to serve on the national assembly and it comes at a time when into korean relations are the worst they've been in years, making relations more complicated. a recent moves by russian president vladimir putin to forge close to ties with the north korean leader kim jong good to help with the war. and ukraine has them from told me that kim jong stands to benefit the
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most if the condition is russia transfers k technical help, instead of lights, nuclear powered submarines and re entry rocket technology to north korea. and then there's the possible return of donald trump to the white house in november as us presidential election to the printer. in your book, the form of president trump returns came, john sees a chance to reopen dialogue with the us, potentially dining recognition as a nuclear state. that could be used into solomon negotiations to ease sanctions. but ultimately, with all of the uncertainty, he says he wants to use his new found position to help the human rights situation of the citizens he left behind. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so i just want to bring you some live pictures. now this is the tom back in milwaukee, wisconsin. that's a former us president donald trump as just arrived. you can see he's playing and his motorcade there just 24 hours ago at the riley he faced and assassination
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attempt with a bowl of grazing his. yeah. but is now about to attend the republican national convention, which he will be officially confirmed as the parties candidates for president will bring you updates from the convention and move. okay, in the coming always or well, this week, mark 70 is since mexican auto. sweet color died. julia gully, i know looks at how carlo transformed misfortune into works of vivid self expression for image is instantly recognizable, a symbol with mexican identity and culture. her story is a jail of overcoming adversity and openly sharing it through her art. these are just 70 years ago. the mexican artist frida kahlo has exploded into an internationally recognized figure embrace, especially by women. she gave it important to her on feelings in that, in
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a way that i've got a woman. i are not able to do because we're always stalled to keep our personal lives quiet. and like the things that we, you know, the pain that we go to, or even this piece of car experiences that we've gone through. we just need to kind of like, contain it within ourselves and keep moving forward and, you know, support everybody else that level this is directed. the reason documentary freedom, which aims to gift called greater agency in her own story, so often told by others, did this use colors own journals to narrate the film. okay, let me say hello, painted and wrote extensively about her experiences with infidelity, heartbreak, chronic illness and miscarriage. during a time when society rarely heard about such issues, much less from women, mississippi being that while she was relatively unknown as an artist during her
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lifetime global fame since her death has generated a debate about whether frida kahlo should be harold as a feminist icon. she was a woman that, that, you know, actually chose the from, from a 1st self permission, not to be signed, right? i mean, for me, she is a feminist icon, but it's 10 minutes. i'm also is not perfect. i see that accepting are all the complexities and the way that we lost that sometimes the block is very complicated . right. you know, be as little confused here in the home and studio that frieda shared with her husband deal with the beta her life. an art continue to draw a large crowd, teen for a glimpse into some over 200 words, but mostly curious about the life of this woman. what times that seems to have become larger than life. above all else, paula was mexican. passionate about the country. she loved and in more to lives in her art, to guess that one. but the though in this a, for the reason she has become an icon away from museums, galleries, and art critics. but rather for everyday people that adore frida is because her
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work was a narration of her life. it means we can connect with her. beyond the boom and frida kahlo iconography for many and her homeland. she's still there for you to call of the mexican woman who broke the mold julia ago. yeah, i know i'll just euro mexico city spain have beaten england to one to win the european championship for a week or 4th time. well to 0. as soon as i eagle was at a fence walk in london with the hood goes on for england supporters. it's a hot breaking ad for england in the 2024 years. but not because of the of the 5 to cabin a wembley to watch the same. i'm rooting them on the why. the ones that moment of a nation wide, thomas thought that, oh, most thought could this be a good english to make it all the way? sadly, with that goal, by oh yeah, so it was not meant to be,
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this is the 2nd time that england has reached the final and failed to quench because unfortunately, the 3 lines did not have a victory and valid, but there always is the dream. all the next time warner diagonal, i'll just narrow london unintended scholars authorize is the wimbledon champion. once again, thomas silent reports the gentleman singles champion for 2020 full from spain. carlos full grand slam finals full grants website and still calling. so perez, on the eve of the match, no big deal could which quote him the greatest 21 year old the sports has ever seen . and so the 2nd year running, he took the picture of the man, 16 years, his senior been just the fight in believing. i don't
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know, it's a huge honor for me to, to be part of the, of those players who have i to the wrong i was on women on the same year really got you to be, you know, in the same table as a know like to, to boy, across set the tone of the on the 1st game last it 14 minutes, 5 break points. joking, which eventually folded for the rest of the mash. was it much quicker? event joke. events you had me surgery last month, appear to struggle and what was his 1st one with the yeah. a reco 25th grand slam title a step to solve for just a bitch on this occasion. only 3 other players in the history of tennis, one full by 21. outcries now has the us open in september and you straightening open early next year to make it 5. i'm not considered myself a temp and yet, but uh, you know, i'm try to, i do think they agree. not. not. no, that's no, no,
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no, no, that's them. but i try to, to keep going to keep, you know, building my, my boss i try to remind myself of sometimes how surreal, the feeling is of being here. and even though i was playing so many matches in my life and be being really blessed to be, you know, fighting for the trophy, 10 times in my career as you mentioned. but you know, every single time i step on this course, you know, it feels like the 1st time he and outcries who now to and their attention to trying to win. and then pick old middle at the upcoming paris gains some size. and i'm 0. well that's it for me for me to miller cherry johnston will be here in just a moment with more news. the this is the 1st to decide that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social. ready media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. for millions of people to cherish the american dream of owning a home has slipped out of reach mike, price and accountant, and his wife had spent years searching for an affordable home. things are just so priced above what we can actually afford that we're constantly searching for something i feel for those people who are struggling, who need to get out before it's too late. i mean, i would say it's just the money in chicago, like many you city's former working class holes now cost millions and there's a yawning racial gap in home ownership. the home ownership rates between black and
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latino households and wide households in chicago. one even nationally, is as much as 30 percent. yeah. lack of affordable housing is one of many factors that are put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden, as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. the assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for us as a nation. everything united states is reading one day often gunman attempted to kill a former president, donald trump, joe biden, to set to address the nation again. in the coming hours. we are fully prepared and have a comprehensive security plan in place and we're ready to go. the republican national


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