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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the, there's no place in america, this kind of violence for any violence ever period, or exceptions. us president joe biden calls for calm and unity following the assassination attempts on donald trump on saturday. and that's this trump arrives in milwaukee for the republican national convention. the u. s. secret service insist that will be say, the, you're watching all the 0 life or my headquarters in delphi,
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and getting you navigate is also coming up. the one of is rose latest attacks target to un run school in central dogs are killing 17 palestinians plus several villages into john have been cut off. also river burst its banks following through a rental range in neighboring area trail. the hello us president joe biden has called for units the following, the assassination attempts on his republican opponent, donald trump. police have released the name of the gunman and details of the weapon used, as well as the identity of the trump supporter shot dead at the rally in the city of butler in pennsylvania. my kind of reports in washington dc in a prime time address from the oval office. the president may the passionate appeal
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for a less toxic political discourse and the country. violence has never been here. where there is with members of congress and both party being targeted and shot or violent mob attacking the capitol on january 6th or brutal attack on the spouse or former speaker of the house. nancy policy or information intimidation and election officials are the can not be plot against the city governor or the attempted assassination on donald trump. there is no place in america, this kind of violence. police have identified the shooter as 20 year old thomas crooks. they reportedly also found explosives in crooks, vehicle you're sold with and he used was legally bought by his father cooks is reported to be a registered republican who had made recent small donations to groups aligned with the democrats. something that in an early address bite in aust, americans to be cautious about to i urge everyone everyone please don't make
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assumptions about his motives or is affiliations 50 year old courtney. you can put a toner, a, a form, a fire fight to guide at the rally, protecting family members who were with him, while other family members watched on television. to other people in critical condition. the bite and campaign has for now pulled oh, its radio and tv adverts nationwide. this is something that the campaign for the former president donald trump, has not done an image from the shocking failed assess nation attempt has already been posted as a fund raise the by the trump campaign to the picture of a candidate with bloody face likely to feature locked in the months leading to the november election. the investigation into such a day shooting continues with a political temperature's will cool. remains to be seen. mike kinda, oh,
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just sierra washington. meanwhile, one of the most important events and that american election year begins later on monday. donald trump has arrived in milwaukee, wisconsin ahead of the start of the republican national convention. and he said to be officially confirmed as the parties candidate for president during that event. the secret service security measures are already tied up and around the venue. tens of thousands are expected to attend the convention. so pretty safe. um, i know that the security measures have been amped up quite a bit. so pretty confident, especially after last night. so everybody's gonna be up to on, on par with everything as far as security goes and probably get there as well for anything suspicious as far as like in any type of retribution or anything like that . and i'd like to have confidence in us as
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a society that we won't but we won't let things get out of control beyond what they already are. i'm really happy that it's here. and as far as the security measures are concerned, i trust that all of that has been taken care of and considering what happened with the attempted assassination yesterday, i think things are probably even tighter than they would otherwise have been. i hope so. but i, i trust the things are under control. well, trump's expected to announce his choice of vice president of the convention. i will make the key speech of the event when he accepts the nomination. island fisher has more this republican convention will be different to be attempted. assassination of donald trump will dominate conversations, proceedings, and speeches from the platform 4 years ago. then from accepted the nomination as president that was at the white house of the corporate district to defend. i
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profoundly accept this nomination for president of the united this time to be in front of those. instead of doing delegates from across the country, people who we could and what we can information if it's donation of one of america's filters, political party to party has been re made a couple times in the image of trump. but as it stands right now, the party is completely his. he has not only got his done print on the party platform. he has managed to get people to see things his way. republican c, milwaukee is growing 0 and reclaiming the white house. a prime time show, extolling the virtues of the 45th president on his policy. it is a 4 day commercial for the party. it allows them to make their affirmative case for what they do. it allows them to attack the other side. it allows them to introduce new talents to be american people in prime time, and it gives them
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a chance to try to shore up excitement amongst the base. republicans tend to pick swing states for the convention states that are so close. they could decide the election on donald trump 1st one, the policies nomination. the event was in ohio. he's not the 1st former president to run again after losing an election. he is the 1st to run as a convicted felon. expect delegates to argue with those evidence. the 2020 election was stolen. the donald trump was the best president in history. the people one change it won't be talked about lately will be the parties platform. it's election manifesto just 16 pages long. it's limited in detail to avoid giving democrats written to criticize comes plans if you were to win the language that trump uh, or any of the republican candidates should use to try to get that centrist vote. it's simply not there for so it is, it is a very accurate statement to make this republican party is more far right than ever
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before. in modern history, there will be protests here, but nothing that will stop donald trump excepting the claim of his party for his start presidential run any year. i would say, sure, i'll just see them at the republican national convention in milwaukee island, luke mendez, a professor of history at american university. and he says that it's too early to say how the assassination attempt will affect the presidential campaigns of trump. and by me, hey, one of the things i know the impact on my campaign is misleading you. snap judgments all always wrong. it's going to take a long time before this place. i could play out a different way. on the one hand, it could benefit donald trump either be seen as a more as a row, i'd say you're on the other end, the republican should be blowing this by based loosely blaming in a joint bye and the democrats. and so far we know about the shooter
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is he's registered republican, we, 3 years ago, donators are doing boss to a democratic organization. appears to have no box whatsoever to jump by or to the democrats. the issue here is whether or not this will focus us on the norm is epidemic of gun violence in america for the government homicide day in america. that america is 20 times more likely to kill buyer to be murdered. there are closest pure nations that could benefit the democrats. the 2 central goals are now where is really
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a tax of killed these 5 palestinians and the un, my has the refugee camp. 3 of the victims were children strikes hit residential buildings in the early hours of monday. and there are reports if is really helicopters, opening fire near data and by law. and this comes after, at least 17 palestinians were killed in the air strikes. targeting an owner, west school housing displaced people in the state. aust, refugee camp. honey mission was, has this report from dated by now in central garza, as the air is thick with the smoke and dust. and they'll say right after is really bombs hate to you and run school. and then and you panic and scenes of horror was initially running to help the wounded force to sleep. the it's a raised to get to those very, to live like this young boy, the 4th of the explosion was catastrophic. for the hundreds of people filtering
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within the walls of the school, the targeting civilians inside schools look like the whole world. see, these are the remains of a human being. this is a shelter. we are a non civilians. the buildings of blue and white colors remove any doubt that this was the united nations facility. but shouldering there did not, and has not protected palestinians in gauze on a mouse, has released the statement, calling the talk, barbaric. we were sitting in the building and some were cooking. when the building collapsed on top of us, many people were injured some seriously. just look at the blog. this is the plot of a child. our man or dead, our man or dead, our children are gone. there's no one left, no one. this is no way to live. the number of casualties is pushing jobs. the crippled health care system to a breaking point in the wake of this late is
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a time on a head to lead. feel as a really has cold on the world. 3. again, it's common to humanity. the men women and children of god. he says, have a right to life any more. i was just the central gaza palestine. i'm how much so bear has a doctor at a field hospital near dated by last for some of the wounded were taken. he says many of them are chill friends with life threatening injuries. we just got word that there was a missile strike on nearby, and that is that after school, all the bad. we've received already, uh, watkins, several children with educated fingers dig loving injuries, deluxe long internal bleeding there have demons. all this is missing feed. people was trapped on their fines and were waiting additional ambulances to come
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with the civilians that have been killed or maimed or severely injured. probably half, if not more are children with the loving injuries where their hands are torn in muscles all torn up your injuries, head injuries, chests, injuries, collapse, loans, leading internally, funds clinic ruptures, liver lacerations, and they continue to to arrive. another ambulance just arrived. so mind boggling that schools are still being targeted schools that are on housing, internally, displaced people, uh, killing of innocent men, women and children. uh, yeah. you know, um we are going to continue to do our part and serve the people here and try to save as many lives as possible. palestinians have been holding funerals for victims if is really strikes that killed. at least 90 people on saturday strikes heads and
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milwaukee and southern garza, which israel had designated as a safe. so the army said it was targeting of how much military leader, but prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there is no certainty he was killed from the son who is following developments from my mind in jordan. because the is really government has found out is there are some reporting from israel. these really army chief of staff speaking on sunday, a saying that israel still cannot confirmed with certainty whether or not and how much the lift that is the commander for him. as of december gates was killed in the deadly series of airstrikes on the alamo. se designated safe zone by these really military. we do know that these really army regularly use is this justification to target and kill palestinians in the gaza strip. specifically over these last 9 months, they say that they are looking to target either have mass fighters or officials or
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buildings that have us use this for military purposes without providing any sort of intelligence. but then they say that and they target those areas anyway, even though they themselves had designated it as a safe zone for palestinians who were forcibly displaced time and time. again. that was really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, even though israel can't say with certainty, but life was killed. it's still sends a message to the world of what israel is capable of saying that the is really war on god is a will continue until all of the objectives of the conflicts are cheap. we also heard from israel's defense minister, you'll have the launch who said that the targeting of hamis leaders and commanders will happen not just during the war, but for years to come even after the conflict is over. but it's really official say that even with all of this in mind, israel's we're on gaza is going to continue with what they're calling on president of force. and the central jersey, though, i'm still a head on alpha 0,
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the k all set to a new a go the 112 minutes of the tournament. final brings elation for argentina and crushing disappointment for columbia. the same depth analysis of the days headlines. he's right, is like his race accusing the entire world and up you'll see the front them says informed opinions. this is versus 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around ok, so we start with driving forces. those are what are the emissions going to be? and it's not that easy if you think about it,
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what are we going to be doing $3050.00, a 100 years from now? that's going to cause human beta emissions. how does the political system going to respond? how does the human psyche get a response? they are getting an area which is really impossible to predict. and the question then becomes, how do you fix up between these events? how do you recover from a hurricane before you have time to really fix the damage? the question i guess we might, as of drake, they'll pick up next time is why do we do nothing? thank you. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the top scores on office 0 this hour. the u. s. presidential biden has reiterated the need to lower the temperature of political rhetoric following the come to the sauce, the nation. a former president, donald trump. 5 urge voters of all political persuasions to resolve their differences. as in violet fox in november, donald trump has arrived in milwaukee, wisconsin had of the start of the republican national convention on monday. at the events he said to be officially confirmed as the parties candidates for the upcoming presidential election is really a tax of kills at least 5 palestinians. and that has the refugee camp in central cause. all 3 of the victims were children strikes, hit residential buildings in the early hours of monday. saudi arabia's foreign minister as an assembled for talks with his turkish counterparts and they're discussing
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a number of issues. but israel's were on gaza is top of the agenda for ministers have again called for a cease fire, as fear as if a regional spillover grove, the circus for administer. how coffee don. once the international community to increase pressure on israel to accept a deal center because of inclusion is stumble. following that meeting, a solid you for them to certify solving for home visit the to k is actually the 3rd administer level as a paid by solve the of the shows within the last 2 weeks. and he was 1st received by took his present bridge of say, 5 don and assemble. and then he has talks with a circus called through par telecom fee. done, of course, along with the by late tribulations and aids and targets in the corner. man, politics. one of the main key topics was the war in gauze out to talk to them us on the line that a 2 state solution is necessary based from 96 to 7 borders. and independent. tell us side is a must the on the way. it's a piece and permanent ceasefire, and they,
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they both emphasize that more what some countries must recognize. tell us not as an independent states, wiling to national community, much pressure, israel to accept the piece, the of that present that how much is accepted? focus foreign minister on the line. that's how most good an accept this piece, rob, because it was a week or the best route, but that was necessary airport as safety and stability in the region. and they pointed out the potential international risk is royal continued its attacks on god, so forth. and 2 kids. serial normalization was also one of the topics asked it to a turkish for administer. and he mentioned that the syria to kids. it starts towards assuming opposition is the same uh and it will position entered to some of the to pulled against iso and other terrorist organizations inside syria shoulder to shoulder. and the return of the syrian refugees back to their phones can only
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happen on the voluntary basis. seen up to solo challenges, series is really a police say at least 4 people have been injured in a double ramming and shooting attack. it happened near the city of foot. i'm not at a junction to have the injured or in serious condition authority say the suspect was killed of israel, and the lebanese group has been not have traded near daily strikes since the world gaza began. his butler says that it opened the front against israel and solidarity with palestinians in the strip. but tens of thousands of civilians in southern lebanon had been forced to flee because of as really strikes there as a big met, some people who remained in the village of comfort from them. the sound of rockets lie it can be heard. and the way to comfort him on the village with mountain views was once a sort of the retreat. few remained here. there. the streets are empty, houses damaged or destroyed. even possible means of escape have been crushed. the
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conflict between his blood and his ready forces as long delivered on the southern border as forced tens of thousands from the homes and the hudson. and let's do. we suddenly felt something heavy falling on us. i asked my sister if there's been an earthquake. my mother and other sister were sleeping and the glass telling them in my head was injured. the 2nd to do i held my sister's hand. the smoke obscured our view. we couldn't move afterwards, we had to go to my grandfather's house. they have nowhere else to go, is where you made a few positions, overlook the homes. they used to sit on the balcony and enjoyed the view. now if they live in fair and then i've seen lots of things and let them know, i should love life, not as happy as it was before. my older sister used to be can do, or earning money. i own goats and chicken, the goats died because of the shelling only the chickens were left was last week and he's ready drone to has in the village there were no injuries is ready. um he has also used white phosphorus on the health surrounding concert. i'm on the story
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of this village is one of many along this border almost everything within 5 cuz i'm because of his ready positions having targeted tends like food and art. the shop have been hardest hit, making it has to do with those who remain is when you visit villages along the board to the spring head. there's one thing that striking as the silence, there's no signs of movement of people's talking of children. pink people have been forced from the homes and the 2 scared to attend. and they still don't know whether this conflict with turning to an or that tool. i started big. i just say to cover him on sideslip in the polls of open denver wanda, for presidential on parliamentary elections. president polk, a gun a is running against 2 rifles, including an independence, a 2 other opponents were barred from contesting kazama who's been in office for 24 years or seeking a 4th term. the state of the economy on security or some of the major issues.
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so while the police say at least 5 people have been killed and 20 more injured, following an explosion, a car bomb went off outside of busy cafe in the capital, a mortgage issue. people who gathered there to watch the european football championship, finals for villages. and so don's eastern state of casala remain isolated by flood waters, days off to the river gas burst. it's banks. how much all reports from the town of aroma a. this is a slice of life of what's going on here. ok. city, if a gosh delta area has been flooded a few days ago. for villages, at least, besieged behind these trees, besieged by water, and were told that so few people can actually wait through this month. you want to go out of town to bring them supplies. they can't escape onto them. no. and only some individual volunteers come and bring them a few things they need. but no international or locally relief agencies have been
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able to go and help them out even for people living on a slightly higher ground. the impacts is visible, the waters have swept across a section of the out on the town. when most of the families live in month houses, they've seen their homes meltdown in the flooding. so the families that have managed to escape now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property, the farm, and land as well as their homes, half old being some, most local authorities believe that between 5 and 6000 people have been affected. and they are afraid this might only be the beginning. flushed lodgings normally stopped in august. and this early incident, as well as predictions of heavier things this summer, out of sorts of real concern here. how much fun does the off the tone of arrow mount? because of the states eastern, so that rescue teams in a paul have recovered 7 bodies from a river after
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a land slide swift to buses into it, emergency workers have been searching for on 50 people. 50, missing people this week, as inborn as iris. this is the moment that argentina scored the winning goal of the co pay america tournaments so there were scenes of jubilation is urgency in a wanda title for a record smashing 16th time. and they beat columbia one mill after a low tower martinez court and the 112 minutes as well. the spanish national team beat england to one and the european championship in berlin. and the richardson has more you're paying for is biggest international trustee, was up for grabs, of buildings, live big stadium, spain and england cancel each other out in the opening, 45 minutes england. lucky though not to concede a penalty in depth and royce, tangled with heinrich,
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the prince explains breakout stone steps to the occasion straight after the break. let me about 17 year old. let me in your mouth, sitting up nico williams and spring at the lead spring could and perhaps should have wraps up the 22 in the minutes that followed england's go people children picks, it kept this country in the contest. and that gave substitute co home of the chance to make it this is the only safe contribution for going home alone. rain shots to level the final one. 0 most momentum as quickly as the gained. it's become a syllable school. the late winter england's
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6th decade. wait for a major trophy, goes on to spain, celebrating a record full your insights. so i'm the richardson l g 0. okay, that's it for me. thanks for watching. you can find more information by heading to our website. i'll do 0 dot com. the weather is next and inside story examines the fallout from israel's latest. must occur in the swat for the last 3 days. it's been 50 degrees or hotter in quade city. and that is set to continue high for want to bits cooler if we can call it that. on monday you're down to 49 degrees, but while it has been hot up and down the goals. so here's our forecast on monday for us here in the 44, still bit of a brisk wind, so that's going to create hazy and dusty conditions throughout the afternoon to central asia. we go up much going on, few showers,
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we can see for it to g gets done was becca stand, for example, but otherwise, a quiet pitcher here. hot pitcher though, for turkey, a temperature is running above average and is stumble on garage and on talia. for example, and plenty of sun in the forecast here. it's also hot pitcher in algeria is still in the thick of a heat wave here hotter than it should be in cairo $39.00 degrees. and there's our summer range across west africa pretty much from senegal. the gambia wrapping right around into the gulf of getting f attends in the you know, the story right. still cut these wind alerts and play up and down the coast are looking at gusts of about 40 kilometers per hour. it's turned much commer though, for south africa. that's certainly good news. plenty of sun right across the country. cape town, it's 16 touch cooler than you should be for this time of the year. that's it. say later,
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the global outcry after israel committed yet another massacre in gaza. it's army killed . at least 90 palestinians in an area designate it as a so called safe zone. israel planes, it was targeting. how much leaders? what is that justification for killing so many civilians? this is inside source, the


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