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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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all the the flow on the bucket, this is the news life window. how coming up in the next 60 minutes. there's no place in america, this kind of wireless job. i didn't close for calm and unity of the assassination attempt on his republican presidential arrival. donald trump lives in milwaukee ahead of the republican national convention where he will likely be officially confirmed as the policies can at least 5 listings are killed, including 3 children. it overnight is radiate tax on causes l. mcguffey refugee camp. the
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jubilation on the streets of origin, tina, when they come to america for a record 16th to the thanks for joining us. we begin this news though in the united states with president joe biden has cooled for unity of the assassination attempt on the presumptive republican presidential. normally, donald trump, the former president with shaw signed joining a riley in the state of pennsylvania. on saturday. the gunman was killed by secret service agents. i'll just say it was mike kind of begins coverage from washington. in a prime time address from the oval office. the president may the passionate appeal for a less toxic political discourse in the country. violence has never been the ass, whether it's with members of congress and both party being targeted in the shot or violent law of attacking the capital on january 6th or brutal attack and the spouse
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or former speaker of the house, nancy forcing or information intimidation and election officials are the cannot be plot against the city governor or the attempted assassination on donald trump. there is no place in america. this kind of violent police have identified the shooter as 20 year old thomas crooks. they reportedly also found explosives in crooks, vehicle. you're sold whip and he used was legally bought by his father. cooks is reported to be a registered republican, who had made recent small donations to groups aligned with the democrats. something that in an early address bite in austin, americans to be cautious about to new. i urge everyone everyone, please don't make assumptions about his motive or is affiliations 50 year old courtney. you can put a toner, a, a form of 5 fight to die. that the rally protecting family members who lived with
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him while other family members watched on television. to other people in critical condition. the bite and campaign has for now pulled oh its radio and tv adverts nationwide. this is something that the campaign for the former president donald trump, has not done an image from the shocking failed assess nation attempt has already been posted as a fund raise the by the trump campaign of the picture of a candidate with bloody face likely to feature locked in the months leading to the november election. the investigation into such a day shooting continues with a political temperature's will cool. remains to be seen. mike kinda, oh, just sierra washington. meanwhile, one of the most important events in the american election year begins later on mondays, donald trump has arrived to milwaukee and had of the republican national convention . he said to be officially confirmed as the parties candidate for the presidential
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election. the secret service says security measures are already tied at and around the venue, the 10s of thousands are expected to attend. so pretty safe. um i know that the security measures have been quite a bit. so pretty confident, especially after last night. so everybody's gonna be up to on, on par with everything as far as security goes and probably got their eyes filled for anything suspicious. as far as like in any type of retribution or anything like that, i'd like to have confidence in us as a society that we won't but we won't let things get out of control beyond what they already are. i'm really happy that it's here and as far as the security measures are concerned, i trust that all that has been taken care of and considering what happened with the attempted assassination yesterday. i think things are probably even tighter than
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they would otherwise have been. i hope so, but i, i trust the things are under control, which helps also as you to announce his choice of running mates at the convention and will make the keynote speech where he accepts his nomination. unofficial has more than that from milwaukee wisconscin. this republican convention will be different to be attempted. assassination of donald trump will dominate conversations, proceedings, and speeches from the platform. 4 years ago, the trump accepted the nomination as president that was at the white house of the corporate restricted event. i profoundly accept this nomination for president of the united. at this time, you'll be in front of those things that we're doing delegates from across the country, people who we could and what we can information if it's dominique of one of
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america's field is political party to party has been re made a couple of times in the image of trump, but as it stands right now, the party is completely his. he has not only got his thumb print on the party platform. he has managed to get people to see things his way. republican c, milwaukee is ground 0 and reclaiming the white house. a prime time show. extolling the virtues of the 45th president anticipate policy. it is a ford, a commercial for the party. it allows them to make their affirmative case for what they do. it allows them to attack the other side. it allows them to introduce new talents to be american people in prime time. and it gives them a chance to try to show up excitement amongst the base. republicans tend to pick swing states for the convention states that are so close. they could decide the election. when donald trump 1st one, the policies nomination. the event was in ohio. he's not the 1st former president
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to run again after losing an election. he is the 1st to run as a convicted felon. expect delegates to argue with those evidence. the 2020 election was stolen. the donald trump was the best president in history. the people one change will be talked about lately will be the parties platform. it's election manifesto just 16 pages long. it's limited in detail to avoid giving democrats room to criticize crumbs plans if with to win the language that trump uh, or any of the republican candidate should use to try to get that centrist vote. it's simply not there for so it is, it is a very accurate statement to make this republican party is more far right than ever before. in modern history, there will be protests here, but nothing that will stop donald trump excepting the claim of his pocket for his start presidential run any years. i would say sure, i'll just see them at the republican national convention in milwaukee. the
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. let's take you to central gods and now where is radia tanks of killed at least 5 palestinians in the o because the refugee camp 3 of the victims with children strikes had residential buildings in the early hours of monday. and they're also refused to be ready. helicopters opening fire at the bottom. well, this follows the killing of at least 17 palestinians in this rate the strikes targeting an online school housing displaced people in. no, sir, i have come out of a mood. has this report from darrow, by the in central cancer. and the air is thick with the smoke and dust, and they'll say right after is really bombs hate to you and run school. and then and you panic and scenes of horror was initially running to help the wounded force to sleep. the, it's a raised to get those very,
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to live like this young boy. the force of the explosion was catastrophic. for the hundreds of people sheltering within the walls of the school. the targeting civilians inside schools look like the whole world. see, these are the remains of a human being. this is a shelter. we are a non civilians. the buildings of blue and white colors remove any doubt that this was the united nations facility. but shouldering there did not, and has not protected palestinians in gauze on a mouse, has released the statement, calling the talk, barbaric. we were sitting in the building and some were cooking. when the building collapsed on top of us, many people were injured some seriously. just look at the blog. this is the pleasure of a child. of our man or dead, our man or dead, our children are gone. there's no one left, no one. this is no way to live. the number of casualties is pushing dogs,
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a crippled health care system to a breaking point in the wake of this late is a time on a head to lead. realize a really has cold on the world to regain its common humanity. the men women and children of god, he says, have a right to life and even more i was just the central gods of house side. okay, let's go live to talk about it. so you may have joins us from darrow by that in central gaza. so time i could multiple attacks several locations and of course many sit very in depth and injuries. describe it as uh, working through the, the latest that are definitely vaughn. surprisingly we wake up every morning with the sounds of bombs. and he was about to get a call to his whole for and central areas of this trip which has been made, which has been the main focus of the is very attached especially, you know, because the refugee camp, the residential house,
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was paid the nova nights strikes without getting any, probably a warning, at least 5 hausteen's, what killed including 3 children now. they have been pro, to lock the hospital in order to get the best of burial and re so the level of pain that i would need assemblies of been really enduring as they are putting fall. we'll put them in the yards. all along. some fall generally is where it has been is to pick up the minute tree attacks. not only the central area, far along side with the 7 parts of the couch be where residential collapse has been targeted by a true and attacked new casualties to mount has have their revolted, while the process of the miniature information and rough. i as long as i mean guys the how most corporate tests have been engaging and fighting with these without the patient forces in our street so roughly district as well. so the minute treat continues to clue for residential quest for an in be central areas old for rough, i had to be a bit also getting an update from the ministry of health saying that more than
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38000 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th, but the good reality in fact leave is that people have been north of district. i've been recovered from onto the ground of the destroyed areas and buildings that talking about. don't keep costs building the uh, the, the palestinians who have been killed and are trying to find the appropriate place for them for the value for barry in light of the deep shortage of a phrase in the gaza strip. they are now being buried in open areas in the subject areas of kansas city. why are people that been really reporting or her rustic seems that been enduring and terms of these very bombardments and there is definitely a humanitarian conditions that they have been giving through. seems to be as valley babbled in a sort of humanitarian age. do you think into this stress test especially that people have been right now hoping would be very searching display that tax life of the fact that they are suffering from please. the hype ration an ongoing time and that continues to appear in the north of districts as new age august is getting
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into the buttons, very different parts of district that need. yeah, the saw the truly devastating images that we're seeing on our screens that territory goes a lot for us there. and down bottom, palestinians have been holding funerals for victims. obviously the strikes the killed at least 90 people on saturday. the strikes hits, milwaukee, and southern gaza, which as well had designated the safe side. the army said it was targeting ahead of us military leader, but prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there's no certainty he was killed. i'm the salt lake just following developments from amman and jordan because he is where the government has been the al jazeera for reporting. that of these rarely army chief of staff, speaking on sundays, saying that israel still cannot confirm with certainty whether or not in him of the list that is the command or for him. as of cassandra gates was killed in the deadly series of airstrikes on the other, my wife, designated safe zone by these really military. we do know that these really army
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regularly use is this justification to target and kill palestinians in the gaza strip. specifically over these last 9 months, they say that they are looking to target either have mass fighters or officials or buildings that have us use this for military purposes without providing any sort of intelligence. but then they say that and they target those areas anyway, even though they themselves had designated it as a safe zone for palestinians who were forcibly displaced time and time again. and it was really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, even though israel can't say with certainty, but life was killed. it's still sends a message to the world of what israel is capable of saying that the is really war on god. so will continue until all of the objectives of the conflict are achieved. we also heard from israel's defense minister, you'll have the launch. who said that the targeting of him as the leaders and commanders will happen, not just during the war but for years to come even after the conflict is over. but it's really official say that even with all of this in mind,
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israel's we're on gaza is going to continue with what they're calling on president of force. i'm the central jersey to i'm as a budget. go ahead and use out including polls opening, melendez, presidential and parliamentary elections with full become a seeking to extend his 24 year room and find out what's in the agend with china. is communist policy or the gathers for a 4 day funding to the police and somebody say at least 5 people who've been killed and 20 injured officer and explosion in the capital. a car bomb went off outside a busy cafe in mogadishu. people to gather that towards the european football championship. final 4 villages in 2 times eastern states of casala remain isolated by flood waters. days off to the river gosh, bust its banks behind val reports from the town of aroma. this is
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a slice of life of what's going on here. ok. city if a gosh delta area has been flooded a few days ago for villages, at least besieged behind these trees, besieged by water and were told that so few people can actually wait through this month. you want to go out and bring them supplies, they can't escape onto them now. and only some individual volunteers come and bring them a few things they need. but no international or local relief agencies have been able to go and help them out, even for people living on a slightly higher ground. the impact is visible. the waters have swept across a section of the out on the town. when most of the families live in month houses, they've seen their homes meltdown in the flooding. so the families that have managed to escape now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their
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property, the farm, in land as well as their homes, half old being some most the local authorities belief about between 5 and 6000 people have been affected i've had a freight this might only be the beginning. flushed lodgings normally stopped in august. and this incident, as well as predictions of heavier names this summer, out of sorts of real concern here. how much fun, i'll just see all the tone of arrow my car. so lets states east, i'm so that israel and the lebanese group has below have traded near daily strikes as the war and gaza began. as the law says, open the front against israel and solidarity with posting isn't the strip, but tens of thousands of civilians in southern lebanon have been forced to flee because of his way the strikes them. aside bake met some people who remained in the village of conf. i'm on the sound of rock. if i can be heard on the way to cover him up, the village with matching views was once
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a sort of the retreat. few remained here. there the streets of empty houses damaged or destroyed, even possible means of escape had been crushed. the conflict between his blood and his really forces as long delivered on the southern border as forced tens of thousands from the homes and the hudson. unless you were suddenly felt something heavy falling on us. i asked my sister if there's been an earthquake. my mother and other sister were sleeping and the glass telling them in my head was injured. the 2nd, do i held my sister's hand? the smoke obscured our view. we couldn't move afterwards. we had to go to my grandfather's house, that they have nowhere else to go, is where you may have 2 positions, overlooked the homes. they used to sit on the balcony and enjoyed the view. now they live in fair. and then i've seen lots of things and let them know i should love life, not as happy as it was before. my older sister used to bake and we were earning money. i own godson, chicken, the gods died because of the shelling only the chickens were left was last week and
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he's ready drone who to has in the village. there are no injuries is ready. um, he has also used white phosphorus on the health writing for a month. the story of this village is one of many along this folder. almost everything within 5 cuz i'm because of his ready positions have been targeted. tends like food and all right. the shop have been hardest hit, making it has to do with those who remain is when you visit villages along the board to the spring head. there's one thing that striking is the silence. there's no signs of movement of people's talking of children. pink people have been forced from the homes on the 2, scared to 10, and they still don't know whether this concept we're trying to avoid that tool. i started big, i just say to cover her mom, sideslip and photos of open didn't wonder for presidential and parliamentary elections. president polk gummy is running against 2 rivals, including an independent or 2 other opponents with bod, from contesting, become
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a who's been in office for 24 years. is seeking a full time. the study of the economy and security is some of the major issues waiting on votes his minds. removing 9000000 people eligible to vote in the 3 day poll like to president and 18 members of parliament. a constitutional amendment passed in 2015 has allowed president polk academy to bypass the consecutive to time limit and run for 2 additional 5 year terms. is i to end up since the end of the 1994 genocide, often winning more than 90 percent of the vague when they see it as well. press freedom index row and run into a 144 out of a 180 countries. the report indicates, decades of oppression have significantly weakens the nation's media landscape. we have the 2 candidates upfront cabinets off the democratic green policy and independent felipe and pipe on both had to be approved by the electoral commission . and i'll tell you, well, let's bring in the vic twine and go,
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berry we'll move was. she's a real london politician and the chair person of the new political party development liberty for all she joins us from, could go to the a viable and welcome back to houses here. so looking specifically about how the selection ponds out. so mean this is an election where the chief candidate is being empowered for 24 years opposition content as of even had to be officially approved or they've been bought from running altogether. i mean, how will you describe the health of democracy they haven't winded? thank you for having given me the election where the best candidates for the challenge and the physical to come down the bad. that is the city use the cost $70.00 a demo across the industry of the present ition incidentally in the competition. so have a conviction today about the that diminished the, the estimate of democracy in our country. and you specifically
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understand what bond from the like, body electro commission to stand and these elections were you given any particular reason for that? and that's what the company make, cuz as you know, they stop at the time they want to be the best fit in the special election. welcome to this and then when they come back from design. and if you model that i was listed in here, i would say above at the end a part of dishonest, huge issue. and there was, i spent the g as in the prism. but one of the idea is to get to control in a lot of that, if you're spending more than 60, isn't a bizarre about 200. it is 5 years after you kind of ask it to be the dentist that you got the audio to cut out what i did by the quotes refuse my obligation on bottleneck stuff. it was fired. i get to buy them from the prism to come in and other things off, but it's got to be honest. we got this,
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do it again and we got yeah, she wanted to spend in the election 2017. she was also asked that this has been the one who's been in prison and this. yeah, she's trying to get it to benefit about to the index or information on the bottom of the head. this is what i say the best candidates will come to the check engine to present and condemn me where to buy the best fit in these elections. and let's talk about the 2 candidates who have been officially approved to run in this. and the selection approved by the state run a landfill commission. they are uh front covering is a and the independent phillip pile. you might why those 2 allowed to run and you would. so yeah, that's a surprise to me because of the day on this. so can you do that to the start for me? sure. accepted to investigate because in 2017 and this, this stuff wrestled with corporate tipped against
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a cut that me and then this is lakesha into to be this press. so i think of that. so you're going to press them to tell them it is reading that his boss is. they said that to his so the, i think he has a few. yeah. to compare with the, the tentative we rarely the book the let them all around us like me and i can mrs. to get it. we gotta i'm looking at the last 24 years like a gummy has been impala. i mean, he's credited of course it boosted in the economy, but he's also faced criticism before, as you say. and given us much examples in details about of silencing the opposition, it'll say backing rebel groups and neighboring d r c. i mean, what do you think that's done internationally? tube or when does image. and yeah, that's really the program and because how did you, how so you mentioned that i accept any, agree with some people in the dark about it because we have different been thinking
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that you got a glass of students and introduce the boards, beams boss and the majority of the default lane, can you do that at it yet? and then i'll take that policy as a category that i did, he gave me that, i guess that's a lot of documents back up the militia in d. c. that's a cos lady, a big proactive between boxing. because now if you see this small business manual manual cannot to tell that the they bought us and the day business because of this phone call has to be changed to god. just this is why i say the need change to her new read that she doesn't kind of be able to lessen that she was in the bottom or, or mag about countries w meg business. i think that's one of the country be a go to. uh. okay. uh sorry to interrupt the victoria many thanks. well,
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thank you for joining us and i'm just gonna vick to uh, in good barry, boomer. how is everyone doing politician who has being borrowed from taking part in this is election it okay, let's return to our top story just 2 days. of course, after the assassination attempt on donald trump, one of the most important events and an american election year was set to begin. trump, who is the presumptive republican nominee as arrived in milwaukee ahead of that. so republican national convention, the secret service says security measures already tied in and around the venue that printed the corner is a professor of american politics at the university of sydney's us study center. he joins us live from sydney, thanks for your time. so ordinarily, as i was saying that the republican convention would be a major event of the political calendar. but of course, following the attempt on trump's life, it's now set to be extraordinary. and so much of course will match or exactly on how trump chooses to react what words he will choose to use. uh, what do we expect?
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well, these events are always heavy on crowd participation. large audience of delegates who usually say like they've had very large amounts of fuzzy sort of sugary drink, excitement, balloons, lots of american flags. i think that atmosphere will be end up obviously after the death spending of donald trump, they'll be able. so i think a sense of trump playing and kind of victim that everyone's out to get him, including the slide shows us. busy i think it will just, as you said, be a convention on that facebook page where they usually at a kind of level of a combination of it kind of flip rally and a children's birthday party with balloons and all the rest of it. so, but the sort of spectacular beat and the association of time seems to have coincided with the trump being allowed back on certain social media platforms like facebook and instagram. i mean, he seems to,
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on both of those platforms so far to have restrained some of his perhaps was in stinks and off the attempt on his life. but the speed, of course, in which he put in the shooting into a political opportunity seems to reveal a lot about his instincts. yes, there is a side of trump that really enjoys working up the crowd, getting them off to be enjoying the kind of extra say of criticism of various elements of american society. finding that america is as bad as a chamber bank, but with them it will be as bright as it could ever base. so this sense of emotion politics picture surrounds trump is why some people see it is more like a co movement than a political asi editor. it's very much i transposed the republican party into much more of a party based on what we might to populist ideas or even bordering on the 3rd. terry know ideas rather than being
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a party of the sort of seemed to ride that was for lloyd texas limited government for people like mitt romney for being a former consultant that bind himself and say those days of the republican party same for the distant memory. and that was early, 2012, when he was the candidate of those around trump though of course they've been slightly less restrained then trump himself, i'm thinking of j. d, van c might end up of course being announced that this convention is the vice presidential candidate, easy to use, the left of villa fine. trump was saying that the fact that trump survives, the assassination attempt shows that he's chosen by god. i mean, they, the rhetoric is pretty extraordinary coming from sun sectors of the republican party. yes. as a suggested before the volumes already at 11 in the conference hasn't started. so i think there is the sense that whenever something goes wrong, it's the left. that was the, one of the arguments put out on january 6th, 2021 that people the n t for the left wing purchased. it had gone into the capital
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voting. that wasn't sure it's in these events. we seem like we want to speed up time. instead of working out of this was just a sad, lonely, very disturb young man that shot donald trump. everyone's got an opinion before we've got the facts. and so the sense, but every thing is to be politicized. everything has to be used against your phone and no matter what the evidence is, is one of the tragedies of american politics to die. and trump, i think it's been pretty central to that finding a bomb was born came year and many other things. the died stack up that he won the last election when the results were clearly that he lost the last election. yeah, i, we live in a world of kind of like the lake to some extent and american politics of mine and, and of course, the opposite effects phone, the media and conspiracy theories will have a social media at the moment, brenda, the caller many, thanks for joining us my pleasure. a still a head on out, just
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a rep, revolutionary artist and feminist. on the anniversary of adapt, we look at the global appeal of mexico's free to kind of the hey there for stuff some. what, whether it dances into the western slice of friends that moves into southwest england and wales, there could be some pretty big downforce cure. now. the rain spreads out and fills in across france as we head through monday. otherwise, its parts in central and eastern europe. i mean bucharest during the sick of a heat wave and you still got several more dates ago. could see your hottest july date on record number to beat as 42.6. okay. we got you in for 42. eventually showers and storms will cool the atmosphere here. it's also hard to increase in searcy. i mean is stumble on gra,
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on talia all hotter than they should be at this time of the year. for the other side of the major training, few shares coming in to northern spain and up and down. portugal shouldn't be anything major though, where there is major rain falls along the coast of sea or the own. and any of these are seasonal summer rains, really starting to pep up here is off the atlantic means it's touched cooler than it should be at this time of the year for new auctions. and well, things have finally con town, right across south africa. much calmer weather here. plenty of sun in the mix here . that includes for cape town at 16 degrees, but you to little cooler than where your should be at this sunday or go bit further north and not a bad day. and then talk on monday afternoon with a height of 25 of the
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. ringback the, the agriculture revolution promised abundance, but it's damaging the planet. this is destroying the habitat that allow right leeway exploded, how sacrificing by the best, the t for maximum deals is leading to food and security, and threatening on very existence. leaving the ability to any se, on able to adapt to climate change, the need to retain mode, we so full have the plan is own oh, just the era the the
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the you watching out just there is a reminder of our top. so is this our us present, joe biden has reiterated the need to lower the temperature of political rhetoric. it follows the attempted assassination of for the president, donald trump, by the end of july, which is of little political persuasions to results that differences in the ballot box and move in. but donald trump has arrived to milwaukee wisconscin, the head of the republican national convention. later on monday of the events he sent to be officially concerned, as the policy was candidates and likely to announce a running mates and is very strikes of killed at least 5 palestinians in l. my goal is the refugee camp and central gaza. 3 of the victims with children and also reports of israeli helicopters, opening fi and if they're off by society until it gets farmed, ministers have held tools,
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and this done boil and cold for an ends to as well as well. on garza, the 2 ministers once again stressed the need for an immediate cease fire tuckers, foreign minister. how come see done? says the international community should increase pressure on israel to accept the deal. and then we'll see what it was in a stumble following that meeting to do for them to certify solving for home visit the to k is actually the 3rd administrative level as a paid by solve your office shows within the last 2 weeks. and he was 1st received by circus present, bridget play by dawn and assemble, and then he has talks with a circus called through par telecom fee. done, of course, along with the bi later relations and aids and targets in economy and politics. one of the main key topics was the war and goes out to talk to so much on the line that a 2 state solution is necessary based from 9 to 6 to 7 borders. and independent. tell us side is a must the way it's a piece and permanent ceasefire. and they, they both emphasize that more what some countries must recognize palestine as an
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independent states. wiling to a national community, much pressure israel to accept the piece, the of that present to how much is accepted. so it gets bored minister on the line . that's how most of them to accept this piece. rob, because it was a week or the best fruit, but that was necessary. a for a safety and stability in the region. and they pointed out the potential international risk is royal continued its attacks on god, so forth. and 2 kids. serial normalization was also one of the topics asked into churches for administer, and you mentioned that the syria to kids. it starts towards assuming all position is the same and it will position enter to some of the to pulled against iso and other service organizations inside syria. shoulder to shoulder and the return of the syrian refugees back to their phones can only happen on the voluntary basis. seen on the console, l just series, stumble. a spring and have some very easy,
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profess of international affairs accounts. all universities in the georgia, anti and capital, i'm on the welcome assign the so we are, we just had the saudis are in trying to collectively push for an end to the violence fees and costs, original spillover, or high, especially given tensions between has blown 11 on an israel, how would you describe the pace of peace efforts right now of what it is very important to me that the tech is farming assigned to solve this and see i to i on the, on what is happening across the golden and in the occupied territories. the realization is very important, that sort of having them to see a solution and do this or you know, the region and that is going into a kind of case. and i can see, and this is very important because at the same time, and they core for more pressure on israel and, but also how much in order to reach
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a deal. and that would mitigate the situation. and the peculiar to the is took over effect all this 9 month old at prices. and has the house out. of course, certainly the last 24 hours 48 hours and gone. so being particularly deadly, haven't they? i mean to lodge strikes one at to in the wasi in western rafa on saturday. at least 19 people killed them. any more people missing and strike on kansas city. 60 bodies were coming that were talking once again about high caliber weapons being used in densely populated areas. as of course, the united states deals with its own political challenges. do you think that's having an impact on what kind of pressure americans are willing to put on as well right now? that's why i think in the united states is the pay of combined with the internal domestic issues. you know that the particular and the trend attempt and on terms like, i think we have
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a little bit of time to put more pressure on on these right is. and at the same time the thing i was trying to appease is the autism, the government. uh, buy escalating and buy, escalating the, the complex with the, with him ask that at the same time. and he knows very well that the, you know, that he needs to restrict, be because he failed over the last 9 months to the rape, even one hostage. i mean, they did manage maybe 3 or 4, but you know, the, the, and the vast majority of the hostages that are still helped in them and maybe safe areas and, and get that. and the only way is to, to bring them is why having to deal with time us and depression and nothing, you know, is mounting also internally, you know, giving the demonstrations, i'm giving also the position and the capsule or the war cabin. and so he needs to do something, but at the same time, you know, he's trying to, to balance between the need to piece his own condition process and also the demand
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over the public. there is of course, a very real risk that in a few months time we will have of a different present to in the white house. how is that being fax it in to the equation by regional powers? do you think? what do we didn't have like one common position here and this is under the read, you know, there are some chairs here. i'm talking about peace dates and that would really uh they're going to be a be defeat from again. nathaniel has one of them. i think he's trying and he's buying time and use a tie and given it to cause a kind of electronic loss on the front of binding because he feels more comfort comfortable with with the come. but at the same time there's some out of root. james here, and they want to see a come back again because they see i to live with him. he is more transaction in terms of his foreign policy, and he wouldn't pay attention to the obtaining human rights, i think for some countries. so i think there's
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a mixed feelings in this possibly what, what are the same kind of there was some cultures that would truly expect the trend by the, by time, you know, doing that as one of their kiddos. he's the trump is one of yeah, is one of the people looking for at the end of the century and expensive and assigning jordan. okay. how so in many sites about how some very profess of instructional says across the university to china. now with the ruling communist party has begun for days of high level tools trust use to help it's troubled economy. we expect it to be a priority. the plenary session takes place every 5 years and it's a platform to discuss crucial economic reforms. a long term policies, phone investors are keeping a close eye on it, especially since the chinese economy is seeing slower than expected growth. and relo a jump numbers, the real estate crisis and a we can see that demands and trade tensions with western countries. another issue, a list of what kind of a lack of investor confidence down. why is the chief economist with hangs staying banking china? she joins as life from shanghai,
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a welcome to i'm to 0. so the platinum begins as china. it was a mention that reported its slowest rate of economic growth in april, the june since the 1st quarter of 2023 affected in part by this real estate crisis . why is that happening? and the chinese government decided that it's important to, to true. the housing crisis, because one way or another, if china is going to have a financial crisis, is going to be linked with the housing and reflected in the banking sector. so in 2022 chinese government started to start as the leveraging campaign among the property developers. as a result of the housing sales housing in bossman contract, it's sharply comparing to the peak in 2021. the housing prices in china. you major cities has declined by 30 percent and that also dropped down to consumption as well . so how do we expect the, the chinese government to respond to these key challenges?
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well, we're expecting more of a long term approach because in the short term, it seems that a monetary policy and a physical policy are both having great constraints. the central bank has very little room to cut the interest rates because they've value more of the stability of r and b. and for fiscal stimulus, they are in a way expending on by the local governments are in constraining terms of tax revenue. so we're expecting more talks in his planning about the tax reform and how to resolve the local government, the finances, and talking specifically about tax reform is you mentioned that used to potentially support these cash strapped. busy local governments, while a local governments firstly under such financial stress. and it was not a problem the for 2021 because housing market was good on among all the local governments, about a one 3rd of their revenue was coming from the land sales. when the housing market
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was good, then it was not a problem for them to auction off those land. but now the landfill was a basically crashed. and for a lot of local governments, they also have to pay more during kobe to for all the cobra child. so taking care of patients and now they are basically delaying their payments for a lot of the suppliers. so we're in desperate need to broaden the attack space and also to prevent more tax evasions. i'm on the private sector. yeah, i was gonna mention the tax evasion because then of course there's another key issue. how much of a problem is that for china, considering it's likely to be discussed and dealt with that this meeting all tax evasion was quite per basis. it was one of the common practice for my pro and midsize a chinese firms because it's quite easy to evade taxes. and chinese government has tried a lot of different ways in the past, but it was not successful. now they have more measures to tackle this problem. one way to tackle it is through the online transaction,
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because most of the small sailors, small sellers would have online accounts. and then the government is also quite keen to collect more of the tax and the non tax revenue in terms of non tax revenue. it's targeting those companies that have a beta tax in the past. so they're trying to recruit some of those laws. and as a result of people are, are in a way quite anxious to look forward to more of similar measures. right down one chief economist with the hung saying bank. thank you very much for joining us. thank you. it still has allowed a 0 spans football fans to celebrate the gas star equipment for that country. as the earliest football championship in germany and colorado as makes it back to about wimbledon titles off the he defeats move at. jumping to the
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judge and tina celebrating is a victory in a couple of america tournaments. thousands of fans turned out in buenos aires to cheer their teams big. when the the scenes of jubilation lost the argentine one, the title for reco smashing 16th time. they made columbia one mill off to allow tile ro, mountain. busy a score wellings extra time of the 112 minutes. then the columbia and capital. of course that was the whole break. lesandra run patch used in boca time. that's been a hard match and maps with a number of opportunities on both sides both way. but in the end, it was,
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i can see that the world champions that the probably another major ralphie, the 3rd, the major trophy in a row, the couple america, the world cup. and because america, again, thanks to a goal well into over time by low title, my thing is their biggest striker with 5 goals. and this turn them into for a gen tina, another major victories for colombians who came out here at the this park and northern go to sign in other parts of the city. it was, was a night of great excitement after a truly a wonderful competition. by that color on getting team has turned into sadness and disappointments. so we were annoyed because argentine it didn't deserve to win the fund. i think judge and teen up tight. a bad game always stuck behind,
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holding out some way things accounts were tech, but they got the points and school to go. in the end, they were more efficient, but colombia deserves to. when you look at the old of us, colombians with towed to the excited we were also happy. this was great for everything, even the economy and it encouraged people to come together and that was great. but this is how things turned out in the end. sadly, the last time columbia reached a couple america final was 23 years ago, back in 2001 the only time columbia won this tournament to the 3rd. this was the 3rd final, overall, before 2001, you have to go all the way back to 1975, which i understand explain just how excited the colombians were with reaching this the final with their team. they are happy because they believe that this is the beginning of a new process for this team that has shown that they are able to play
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a great fit with both. but once again, in the end, they then when there is a small consolation prize scale in a country that is deeply divided politically, deeply polarized the best team brought the country to gather. and the president of columbia, gustavo announced that tomorrow will be a holiday, at least for public employees to celebrate the fact that this team brought the country together. i listened that i'm get the address, the book with that. so that was the corporate america. but across the atlantic on sunday nights was another football tournament. the spanish national team beat england to one of the european championship in berlin, taking a record for the title and the richardson as well. to the you're a painful is biggest international trustee was up for grabs. of buildings, olympic stadium, spain in england, cancel each other out in the opening, 45 minutes england. lucky though not,
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you can see the penalties in depth and royce tangled with i'm at the pence. springs breakout still step to the occasion straight after the break. let me about 17 year old lemming, your mouth sensing of nico williams and spain. the late spring could and perhaps should have wrapped up the 22 in the minutes that followed england's goalkeeper children picks. it kept these countries in the contest and that gave substitute co home of the chance to make it. this is the only safe contribution for going home. a long range shots to level the final at one of the most momentum as quickly as the game did make it to the school. the late winter,
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england's 6th decade wait for a major trophy goes on the spain a celebrating a record full your insights. so on the richardson out you 0, i'm another big wooden for the spanish this time in tennis. call us alca, this is the wimbledon champion. once again. tell the size on reports. i am the gentleman singles champion for 2020 full from spain. carlos. full friend spend finals full grandson's license for calling south perez on the eve of the match, nodded back jokers, which called him the greatest 21 year old. the school has ever seen. and so the 2nd year running, he felt the better of the man, 16 years, his senior been just the fight in i believe in. um uh, i don't know. it's a huge honor for me to, to be part of the, of those players who have to have the wrong that doesn't women on the same year
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really got you to be, you know, in the same table as a know i to, to, boy, across set the tone early on the 1st game, last it 14 minutes, right? 5 break points. joking which eventually folded the rest of the mash was a much quicker event. joke event, she had me surgery last month. the pit to struggle and what was his 1st line with the yeah. a reco 25th grand slam flights of steps to fall for just a bit on this occasion. only 3 other players in the history of tennis, one full by 21. outcries now has the us open in september and you're straining open early next year to make it 5. i know consider myself a jump in yet, but uh, you know, i'm try to, i do think they agree. no, no, no, that's no, no, no, no, that's them. but i try to, to keep going to keep, uh, you know, building my,
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my boss i try to remind myself of sometimes how surreal, the feeling is of being here. and even though i was playing so many matches in my life and be being really bless to be, you know, fighting for the trophy, 10 times in my career as you mentioned. but you know, every single time is from this court. you know, it feels like the 1st time he and outcries who now to and their attention to trying to win. and then pick the middle at the upcoming power games size. and i'm 0 now friends to celebrate to this national day less than 2 weeks before the power. so lympics is set to begin. the full tower was lit up by a huge firewood show, with the olympic rings on display that must build a monks the start of the french revolution in $1789.00, which led to the founding of the country's 1st. and finally the sweet monk. 70 years since mexican artist frida kahlo died
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a report to judy i got you on. it looks at how carlo transformed misfortune. it's a works of vivid self expression. the image is instantly recognizable a symbol with mexican identity and culture. her story is a jail of overcoming adversity and openly sharing it through her art. suggests 70 years ago, the mexican artist frida kahlo has exploded into an internationally recognized figure embrace, especially by women. she gave it important to her own feelings in, in that, in a way that a lot of women are not able to do because we're always stalled to keep our personal lives quiet. and like the things that we, you know, the pain that we go to, or even this piece of car experiences that we got through. we just need to kind of like, contain it within ourselves and keep moving forward and, you know, support everybody else that level this is directed. the reason documentary freedom,
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which aims to gift carlo greater agency in her own story. so often told by others did his use colors own journals to narrate the film bandwidth and me. so how painted in rhode extensively about her experiences with infidelity, heartbreak, chronic illness and miscarriage. during a time when society rarely heard about such issues, much less from women, mississippi. that while she was relatively unknown as an artist during her lifetime global fame, since her death has generated a debate about whether frida kahlo should be harold as a feminist icon. she was a woman that, that, you know, actually chose the from, from a 1st self permission, not to be signed, right? i mean, for me, she is a 10 minutes icon, but it's 10 minutes. i'm also is not perfect. i see that that thing are all the complexities and the way that we lost and sometimes the block is very complicated, right. we will be as little confused here in the home and studio that frieda shared
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with her husband deal at a beta her life an art continue to draw a large crowd teen for a glimpses some over 200 words of most sleep. serious about the life of this woman, what times that seems to have become larger than life. above all else, paula was mexican. passionate about the country she loved and in more to lives in her art case jacqueline. but at the though, in this a corner, the reason she has become an icon away from museums, galleries, and art critics. but rather for everyday people that adore frida is because her work was a narration of her life. it means we can connect with her. beyond the boom and frida kahlo iconography for many and her homeland. she's still there for you to call of the mexican woman who broke the mold julia ago. yeah, i know i'll just euro mexico city. i cannot send me any pocket for this news. i'll be back in a moment though with much more the days you can stay with us for them. the
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didn't services can be the difference between life and death. but here in gaza, the lives of paramedics are also endangered. the son is one of those who was detained. he says his rescue team was actuating to inject from the hospitals and they were stopped. arguments as we intercepted despite coordination with the palestinian with chris, and they stripped us of how close treated us and then was terrific way of the war was also proving deadly for those attempting to save flies. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had to shut out with a direct hit of i'm getting an emergency he wants to go there and a strike on that. it's clinic in the cities. the house ministry described him as a solid model of successes and determination. put the high chips in person with some like so they have signed the cd will continue working to see how this to use.
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and list is written by st. in 2021, the toughest security surfaces, the rest, the 15 suspected spice allegedly revised really intelligence the must have to report on our listing and, and just allow me to get in touch you sometimes they regret you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. so just a little while to explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface most that is done. on examining the headlines, these really soldiers, when they came to ship, they started attacking the m that i machines, unflinching journalism. what message do you think that they were trying to send will come here and will tell you, i mean, it sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on
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a funding world. class progress on ours is here on the there's no place in america. this kind of violence job i didn't call was to come and unity out to the assassination attempt on his republican presidential arrival. to trump lands and know walkie ahead of the republican national convention where he will likely be officially confirmed. as the parties cabinets, the bulk of this is all just a life and so will. so coming at least by palestinians are killed including freed.


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