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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, there's no place in america, this kind of violence, jerry about and calls for come and unity of the assassination attempt to him. donald trump is in the walking ahead of the republican national convention. the bulk of this is just their life. and so what's coming up at least 5 posting is a clip killed, including 3 children in overnighted, sweetie. attacks on guns is, elma goes,
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you refugee camp. people in gun 0 also facing the rapid spread of disease south to his reading strikes, destroyed the waste disposal facilities on poles opening, melendez, presidential and parliamentary elections for polk gummy, seeking to extend his 24 year old, the beginning of the united states, where president joe biden has cool for unity of the assassination attempt to on the presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump, the full, but president was short task during a riley in the state of pennsylvania. on saturday. the gunman was killed by secret service agents. i wish there was my kind of begins coverage from washington in a prime time address from the oval office. the president may the passionate appeal for a less toxic political disclose in the country. violence has never been the weather with members of congress and both party being targeted and shot or violent mob
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attack in the capital on january 6th or brutal attack on the spouse or former speaker of the house. nancy force or information intimidation and election officials are the cannot be plot against the city governor or the attempted assassination on donald trump. there is no place in america, this kind of violent police have identified the shooter as 20 year old thomas crooks. they reportedly also found explosives in crooks, vehicle assault weapon he used was legally bored by his father. cooks is reported to be a registered republican, who had made recent small donations to groups aligned with the democrats. something that in an early address bite in aust, americans to be cautious about to new. i urge everyone, everyone, please don't make assumptions about his motive or is affiliations. 50 year old quarter. you can put a tory,
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a form of 5 fight to die. that the rally protecting family members who live with him while other family members watched on television to other people are in critical condition. the bite and campaign has for now pulled oh its radio and tv adverts nationwide. this is something that the campaign for the former president donald trump, has not done an image from the shocking failed assess nation attempt has already been posted as a fund raise the by the trump campaign of the picture of a candidate with bloody face likely to feature locked in the months leading to the november election. the investigation into such a day shooting continues with a political temperatures will cool. remains to be seen. mike kinda, oh, just sierra washington. meanwhile, one of the most important events it an american election year begins later on monday. donald trump has arrived in milwaukee,
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a head of the republican national convention. he said to be officially confirmed is the policies candidate for the presidential election. the secret service as a committee measures are already tied in and around the venue that and tens of thousands of expect you to attend trumps to, to announce his choice of running mates at the convention, and will make the tea note speech when he accepts his nomination. official has more than that fall, milwaukee wisconscin. this republican convention will be different to be attempted. assassination of donald trump will dominate conversations, proceedings, and speeches from the platform. who years ago came from accepted the nomination as president that was at the white house of the corporate district to defend. i profoundly accept this nomination for president of the united this time to be in front of those. instead of doing delegates from across the country,
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people who we could and what we can information if it's donation of one of america's filters political parties, we can party has been re made a couple times in the image of trump. but as it stands right now, the party is completely his. he has not only got his thumbprint on the party platform, he has managed to get people to see things his way. republican c, milwaukee is growing 0 and reclaiming the white house. a prime time show, extolling the virtues of the 45th president anticipated a 6. it is a ford, a commercial for the party. it allows them to make their affirmative case for what they do. it allows them to attack the other side. it allows them to introduce new talents to be american people in prime time, and it gives them a chance to try to shore up excitement amongst the base. republicans tend to pick swing states for the convention states that are so close. they could decide the election. donald trump 1st one, the policies nomination. the event was in ohio. he's not the 1st former president
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to run again after losing an election. he is the 1st to run as a convicted felon. expect delegates to argue with those evidence. the 2020 election was stolen. the donald trump was the best president in history. the people one change it will be talked about lately will be the parties platform. it's election manifesto just 16 pages long. it's limited in detail to avoid giving democrats room to criticize crumbs plans if you were to win the language that trump uh, or any of the republican candidates should use to try to get that centrist vote. it's simply not there for so it is, it is a very accurate statement to make this republican party is more far right than ever before. in modern history, there will be protests here, but nothing that will stop donald trump excepting the claim of his party for his thought presidential run any year. i would say sure, i'll just see them at the republican national convention in milwaukee. oh brenda,
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the kona is a professor of american politics, the university of city. he says, the republican convention could deepen divisions within the presidential campaign. there isn't a sight of trump that really enjoys working up the crowd, getting them off to be enjoying the kind of extra city of criticism of various elements of american society. finding that america is as bad as a chamber bank, but with them it will be as bright as it could ever face. so this sense of emotion, all its explicit surrounds. trump is why some people see it is more like a cult movements and a political asi edit is very much transformed the republican party into much more of a party based on what more populist ideas or even bordering on the 3rd terry know ideas rather than being a party of the sort of seem to ride that was polite, texas love as a government for people like mitt romney for the pain
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a forward consult. and let's find himself and say those days of the republican party. same for the distant memory. and that was early, 2012, when he was the candidate volumes already at 11 in the conference, hadn't started. so i think there is the sense, the, when ever something goes wrong. it's the left. that was the, one of the arguments put out on january 6th, 2021. the people that and chief of the left wing purchase the had gone into the capital voting. that wasn't for, in these events we seem like we want to speed up time. instead of working out of this was just a sad, lonely, very disturbing young man. the shot from, from everyone's got an opinion before we've got the facts. and so this seems that everything is to be politicized. everything has to be used against your opponent, no matter what the evidence is, is one of the tragedies of american politics to die. and trump, i think it's been pretty simple to that whitening i. bama was born came year and
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many other things died stack up the one the last election. when the results were clearly that he lost the last election side. we live in a world of kind of mike blake to some extent and american politics of the mind that the essential goes. and now whereas radio tanks of killed at least 5 palestinians in the home because the refugee camp 3 of the victims with children strikes had residential buildings in the early hours of monday. and there are also reports of his ready helicopters, opening fighting. and darrow bala, let's go to live to tackle those. im who's in darrow, by live in central gaza and tara, cuz i was saying that when extremely deadly. 24 hours tell us more. yes, that's why. cuz during the past 24 hours of with that list strikes being carried out by that you spend a minute treat on separate areas in district. but the main focus was in the sense
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for the areas of the district specially all the noise strikes for at least 5 palestinians have been reported killed in my guns. the refuge account of the of that house was completely destroyed, including the 3 children well, monday through spectrum spa. oh, so in the past couple of hours, the fingerprinting move casualties impact has been resulted from and is really attacked or close to just electricity company. and then other parts of bundles that retro to dekalb and what also, what we do know for our services on the ground, especially in the north of the strip, is that at least the palestinians have been killed off to palestinians. a group of palestinians and parked had been attacked by it's very true. and uh, besides that take the area without getting any prior warnings that also a number of casualties being revolted on. one of the latest series developments that we manage really to get from the result, municipalities that there was a wells won't be able to provide the best play. somebody would to, within the coming days, due to the uh,
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to the fact that the houses have run out of essentially a few that is required in order to provide to the generators waive in order to enable the work of the will to wells in be, or is that a 100 means that they will not be any longer operational in order to keep providing most of surfaces for more than a 100000 palestinians. living in that very densely populated area which would certainly bring serious ramifications on the humanitarian conditions in the central area. so literally you are talking about area lambs and naval buttons. i own that very densely populous area. now the most true mystery, well excessive, painted with this abuse shortage of the fuels that will impact on the ability of useful to wells or to be a function of from now on. so literally me compartment continues in the north, central and southern parts of the gaza strip. it's a very drastic humanitarian situation. that is that your rates are going on the phases as well. yeah. then lots of rules are incredibly di for many,
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many people. they haven't cause atomic many things, so that's talk companies even enter about well, in northern goes a heaps of rubbish and waste have reached alarming levels 9 months, so full of crippled waste disposal infrastructure that this is also leading to diseases spreading rapidly in the area. and putting pressure on hospital as well as how clued has more from the jabante refugee camp. the situation here is the carrier waiting day to day. as the shortage of a few words who's on will to is aggravating the situation here. as you can see, i'm talking to and a phone, so i younger was cool in the sense of the value because you can, which is all the way to this is i can relate the garbage on. the entrance of the younger was cooled and this could spread the season increasingly, and that shows you the as the person so wish to select a z and z in this area. and my daddy on,
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on how to is overflowing in every house on every street which is causing an environmental disaster. it's leading to the spread of serious diseases and it's putting more pressure in hospitals which already have limited medical supplies and capabilities. and people are still waiting for rules because the guidelines on this schools we've got to check in and the guy that the people have to walk a really long way to get to this area for water. there are no other water stations in the camp. and the water resignedly turned on once a week on fridays between 10 am and 3 pm, or sometimes it's even turned off at 1 pm. this is the situation. yeah, nothing does threat. and as it can see, they are struggling every day to adapt to this new life. why? because you just need a, nothing does
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a thread. all this time is around and the lebanese group has belong. i've traded need daily strikes as the war and guns have again, has bloss to open the front against israel and solidarity with palestinians and the strip. the 10s of thousands of civilians and southern 11 only being forced to flee because of his when he strikes them. as a bank met some people who remains in the village of fall, i'm a to the sound of rockets lie. it can be heard on the way to cover him up. the village with matching views was once a sort of the retreat. few remained here there. the streets of empty houses damaged or destroyed, even possible means of escape had been crushed. the conflict between his blood and his really forces along left it on the southern border has full tens of thousands from the homes and the hudson. and let's do. we suddenly felt something heavy falling on us. i asked my sister if there's been an earthquake. my mother and other sister were sleeping and the glass telling them in my head was injured in the 2nd.
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to help my sister's hand, the smoke obscured our view. we couldn't move afterwards, we had to go to my grandfather's house. they have nowhere else to go. is where you made a few positions, overlook the homes. they used to sit on the balcony and enjoyed the view. now they live in fair. and then i've seen lots of things and let them know i should love life, not as happy as it was before. my older sister used to be can do, or earning money. i own goats and chickens. some of the goats died because of the shelling only the chickens were lifeless last week and he's ready drone who to has in the village. there were no injuries is ready. um, he has also used white phosphorus on the hill surrounding ca for i'm on the story of this village is one of many and on this folder, almost everything within 5 cuz i'm because of his ready positions having targeted terms like who the and all right. the shop happy, hardest hit, making get hazardous for those who remain. when you visit villages along the board that i've been had. there's one thing that striking as the science, there's no science of movement,
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of people's talking of children tank. people have been forced from the homes and the 2 scared to attend. and they still don't know whether this concept would turn into and for that tool. i started big, i just data for him on sideslip and the still ahead on i would just say what the gas and a couple america goal in a 112 minutes of the tournament. final brings elation for argentine. crushing disappointment, colombia, the pod came in to be, is israel, it needs to go to pieces. i think that the new thing, the f one, his government with these 5 digit you say getting russell, they thought provoking. nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table?
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hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the effective use of the present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era the government challenges with
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the are you watching? obviously, right. here's a reminder of our top story. is this how us president joe biden has reiterated the need to lower the temperature of political rhetoric? the following is the attempted assassination of for the president, donald trump bite, and hodge boat has a whole political persuasions to result that differences at the bottom, the bulk, some november donald trump has arrived at milwaukee, wisconsin, a head of the republican national convention. later on monday of the event. so you said to be officially confirmed as the positives candidates and likely to announce running mates is reading strikes of killed at least 5 palestinians at home because the refugee camp is central guns, free of the victims with children. and also reports of his ready helicopters,
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opening fine if 0 by the police in somalia say at least 5 people have been killed in 20 inch adults and explosion in the capital. the comp them went off outside a busy cafe and mortgage issue unexplained how small it was supposed to be a nice of football, but ended like this. a cub them caused a huge fire with this popular mortgage issue. a cafe tax with football fans watching the euro. 2024. find that? i think i think i got down there looking. i had stepped away when the attack happened here. i called my colleagues and they told me that a suicide ta bomb exploded in front of the box. people were just watching the football match, the group, i'll sure bob has claimed responsibility for the a tech which caused extensive damage to nearby buildings and cons. it happened in a well gutted area near the presidential palace frequented by government, which is my soul. i again,
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i fell down on the ground and was shocked when i heard that there was a suicide attack at the bar. i lost my beloved colleagues and customers. i pray for them all. oh sure. bob has been fighting the government for control of somalia for more than 17 years. it launches frequent attacks against government. and it's, it is carried out many daily bombings like this across the country. the somalis president has vowed all out war against the group, but the tex like this in the center of the capital, prove that the war is far from over. alex bid, which is there. another news for villages and students, eastern states of casala remain isolated by flooded waters. days off that we have a gas bust it's banks, but how many file reports in the town of a robo. this is a slice of life of what's going on here. ok, city if a gosh delta area has been flooded a few days ago. for villages, at least, besieged behind these trees, besieged by water,
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and were told that so few people can actually wait through this month. you want to go out and bring them supplies. they can't escape onto them now, and only some individual volunteers come and bring them a few things they need. but no international or locally relief agencies have been able to go and help them out, even for people living on a slightly higher ground. the impacts is visible, the waters have swept across a section of the out on the town. when most of the families live in month houses, they've seen their homes meltdown in the flooding. so the families that have managed to escape now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property, the farm, and land as well as their homes, half old being some, most local authorities believe that between 5 and 6000 people have been affected. and they are afraid this might only be the beginning. flushed lodgings normally
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stopped in august. and this early incident as well as predictions of heavier things this summer, out of sorts of video concern here. how much fun does your, to the town of rome? because of the states eastern so that now polls have opened into one to for presidential impala, menchie elections. present. polk economy is running against 2 rivals, including an independent well, 2 other opponents were bought from contesting government, who's been in office for 24 years, is seeking a full time. the state of the economy and security of some of the major issues weighing on votes as mine's more than 9000000 people eligible to vote. in the 3 day poll legs of president and 18 members of parliament. a constitutional amendment passed in 2015 has allowed president polk academy to bypass the consecutive to time limit and run for 2 additional 5 year terms. he's led luwanda since the end of the 1994 genocide, also winning more than 90 percent of the vote. and the issue as well,
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the press freedom index for lender rank to 144. out of a $180.00 countries report indicates, decades of oppression have significantly weakens the nation's media landscape. and the 2 other candidates, all front combination of the democratic green party and independent felipe pipe on both had to be approved though by the electoral commission. first, i think twice in could be a right. or jose is everyone doing politician and the chair person of a new political party, the development in liberty for old policy. she says these elections diminish the legitimacy of democracy and rolanda in the election, where the best the candidates will come into the business that cannot move out of bad. that is the city use a cost $70.00 a demo across the industry that are present ition and doing the competition. so we have a conviction today, buffy that's diminished the,
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the estimate of democracy in our i think that the even if it presented to them, it is really that his boss is they said that his, some of the products. i think he has a few. yes. to corporate, to repeat, the tentative way of meeting, populate them all around us, and that can be like in mississippi on it we gotta, how did you move? how so chicken mentioned the quarterly. i accept a angry with some people to talk about it because it gives you different mid thinking that you got a glass of seats and introduced i lose big box in the majority of the one, the old lady, if you knew to add a, i think the object itself, i see a secondary that did g data and edition that to other documents, back up the militia in d. c. that's a cause lately, a big proactive between boxing. because now if you've seen this law business,
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manual menu cannot to take that the. they bought us and the do they business because of this phone call fix to between to got this is why i say that one doesn't need change to new. read that she doesn't kind of big. and with the less than that she was in the box or mag about countries that you make business. all right, so breaking news down pockets times government says is binding the country's largest opposition policy? p t i. that's the potty or full, the prime minister in rank con, the governments is accusing the potty of participating in n t state activities. p t o i one more seats in parliament last week, ramping up, pressure on the government, and run, come was out. sit back in 2022 and he remains in jail despite all 4 of his sentences, having been overturned or suspended. more than that when we get a judge and tina was celebrating is the victory and the corporate america to him in to thousands of funds. $10000.00 for the service to cheer that teams big when
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the scenes on jubilation. as you can see off the origin to the one the title for a record smashing 16th time. the read columbia one neil of to allow tyro mountain is scored well into extra time in the 112 minutes and across the atlantic on sunday night. what was it was another foot board tournament, spanish national team in england to one of the a p injunction. shipping fell in taking a record for title id. richardson, escal of the you're a painful is biggest international trustee was up for grabs, of buildings come and pick stadium, spain in england, cancel each other out in the opening, 45 minutes england. lucky though not to concede a penalty in depth and royce, tangled with heinrich, the prince stains breakout still step to the occasion straight after the break. let me about 17 year old. let me in your mouth sitting of nico williams in spain,
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at the late spring could and perhaps should have wrapped up the 22 in the minutes that followed england's goalkeeper children picks. it kept this country in the contest and that gave substitute co home of the chance to make it. this is the only see the contribution for going home. a long range shots to level the final at one of the most momentum as quickly as the game did. make it to the school, the late winter, england's 6th decade wait for a major trophy, goes on to spain, a celebrating a record full your insights. so i'm the richardson l g 0. okay, that's it for me and the bulk of reminder, the breaking news this our, that the progress on
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a government has binds the pci policy. that's the policy of the former prime minister in wrong con who remains in jail at the moment. don't forget our website. how does that don't come much more. all of our top stories stay with us. uh because the news continues here on how to 0 of the total out your 0. thanks for watching the on the highlight. we've got more very wet weather coming in across the indo china. big down polls here. you can see this little clutch of storms rolling away in the southern parts of vietnam over a 100 millimeters afraid in 24 hours. now the system here that is a tropical depression and that'll feed more very heavy rain into a good part of it. and i'm central air is particular just to the north of the 9 as
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we go one through the next task that you can think of. much of indo china, some live to shower as long as the spouse of freight is. that circulation continues to just not just lay a little further west with the system here that might well develop into something. a little more ominous. you can say some very heavy rain coming into central and southern parts of the philippines. scott, during the showers they have across malaysia. lots of indonesia does look along sheet drive, but this is certainly something to watch out for over the next couple of days. that circulation bringing some big down, pause. now the circulation bringing down pulls into the southeast of australia. you can see this just around the past. right now. that's fading. some very strong winds in from the south blasting that cold snap at the very cold air and across the tasmania into victoria, southern parts of new south wales as well as the rest of shelves. winter weather there as well, one or 2 spots. seeing and at assess of 50 millimeters, afraid of the next few days the
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the grand olympic games are coming to from. and along with the unprecedented surveillance system, the minute tries ation of communities. the displacement of people and resistance to what many c as a destructive for the people in power explores where the friends can deliver on promises made and what the outcome to meet for future games. francis olympic gamble on a jersey to the i'm for training you jose east in china, a place many considered to be at the forefront today we dive into the world upholstered manufacturer. neil often hailed this trying to luxury electric vehicles . we're headed by william lee stubbs trying to see law. neil has kept a global attention in his budget and swap the battery technology. it challenges to
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conventional charging model and claims. you can drive more than 1000 columbus on a single shot. despite its technological advances,


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