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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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for the world, because of sea level rise, we're going to see more categories, $4.00 and $5.00. hurricane. so maybe even categories we've never experienced before . we're about to get a brand and find the there's no place in america, this kind of violence job i didn't call as a. com. and unity of the assassination attempt on is republican presidential, right? donald trump, lines, and milwaukee the head of the republican national convention, wayne's to, to be officially consensus. the policies constant. the of the bulk of this is obviously a life though. also coming up at least 5 palestinians are killed including 2 children and overnight this way to get the tax on causes. oh my god,
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the refugee camp at least 18 people are being killed in this way. the attacks and the last 24 hours focused on government says it plans to bomb the country's largest opposition policy led by a full, a prime minister in aqaba. i'm outside a busy cafe and somebody is capital kills at least 5 people. oh sure. bob claims responsibility the us present job. i was cool for unity following the assess the nation attempt till the presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump for president was short time during a rally in the state of pennsylvania. on saturday, the government was killed by secret service agents like kind of begins coverage from washington. in a prime time address from the oval office. the president may the passionate appeal for a less toxic political disclose in the country. violence has never been here. where
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there's with members of congress and both party being targeted and shot, or a violent mob attack in the capitol on january 6th, or brutal attack on the spouse or former speaker of the house. nancy policy or information intimidation and election officials are the cannot be plot against the city governor or the attempted assassination on donald trump. there is no place in america. this kind of violent police have identified the shooter as 20 year old thomas crooks. they reportedly also found explosives in crooks, vehicle you're sold whip and he used was legally bought by his father. crooks is reported to be a registered republican who had made recent small donations to groups aligned with the democrats. something that in the early address bite in aust, americans to be cautious about to new. i urge everyone, everyone, please don't make assumptions about his motive or is affiliations. 50 year old
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quarter. you can put a tory, a form of 5 fight to die. that the rally protecting family members who live with him while other family members watched on television to other people in critical condition. the bite and campaign has for now pulled oh its radio and tv adverts nationwide. this is something that the campaign for the former president donald trump, has not done an image from this shocking fail. dissemination attempt has already been posted as a fund raise the by the trump campaign to the picture of a candidate with bloody face, likely to feature locked in the months leading to the november election. the investigation into such a day shooting continues with a political temperature's will cool. remains to be seen. mike kinda, oh, just sierra washington. meanwhile, trump has arrived in the state of wisconsin. the head of one of the most important
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events, the american election year, is due to announce his choice of running made to the republican national convention . an official has well enough to milwaukee and come in wisconsin. this republican convention will be different to be attempted. assassination of donald trump will dominate conversations, proceedings, and speeches from the platform. who years ago came from accepted the nomination as president that was at the white house of the corporate district to the event. i profoundly accept this nomination for president of the united this time to be in front of those. instead of doing delegates from across the country, people who we could and what we can information if it's donation of one of america's filters, political party to party has been re made a couple times in the image of trump. but as it stands right now,
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the party is completely his. he has not only got his done print on the party platform. he has managed to get people to see things his way republican see milwaukee is growing 0 and reclaiming the white house. a prime time show, extolling the virtues of the 45th president anticipated a 6. it is a ford, a commercial for the party. it allows them to make their affirmative case for what they do. it allows them to attack the other side. it allows them to introduce new talents to be american people in prime time, and it gives them a chance to try to shore up excitement amongst the base. republicans tend to pick swing states for the convention states that are so close. they could decide the election on donald trump 1st one, the policies nomination. the event was in ohio. he's not the 1st former president to run again after losing an election. he is the 1st to run as a convicted felon. expect delegates to argue with those evidence. the 2020 election
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was stolen. the donald trump was the best president in history. the people one change we talked about lately will be the parties platform. it's election manifesto just 16 pages long. it's limited in detail to avoid giving democrats room to criticize crumbs plans if you with to win the language that trump, uh, or any of the republican candidates should use to try to get that centrist vote. it's simply not there for so it is, it is a very accurate statement to make this republican party is more far right than ever before. in modern history, there will be protests here, but nothing that will stop donald trump excepting the claim of his party for his thought presidential run any year. i would say sure, i'll just see them at the republican national convention in milwaukee where they attempt to him. donald trump's life is re ignited the debates around gun accessing the united states and how it contributes to political violence. weapon used to be attack has been described as an a off 15 styles. semi automatic rifle was recovered
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near the attack his body and was report to the purchase legally by his father. the firearm, as one of the most popular rifles in the u. s. is even being billed as americans rifle by the national rifle association. they all 15 has been used in a number resubmit shootings including the las vegas attack. and october 2017 that attacked killed maybe 60 people and injured 100 small jonathan met. so is the professor of sociology and psychiatry at vanderbilt university in nashville. he says the attempted assassination of learning push people further upon on the issue of access to weapons. my research has shown for a few decades that there is a moment of shock really that happens after shootings, mass shootings, or political shootings like this. where as president biden was saying, people call for unity. people want to be on the same page for it used to be for a few days now. it's just a few moments. but ultimately these become very polarizing events. and half the
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people really will say we need more guns. that helps people to see what we need more laws and serve in a way. we're living almost 2 different realities in this country. and this, this political shooting, i think, is almost like a mass shooting on steroids. i think it's going to push people farther. part unfortunately, even as the president is gone for unity, but i just had a book come out called what we'd become, that looks at the history of mass shootings and guns in america. and i showed that you've been a few decades ago. it would have been unimaginable somebody walking toward a political event with an a r 15, a semi automatic weapon, basically a modified military rifle. and would have been stopped just because he had a guy. but now we have 40 states in the country including pennsylvania, where you can open cherry. people can very easily purchase guns, but more importantly they can carry them in public. and so there's really nothing the story is can do. because if they stop somebody and say, hey, you're carrying
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a gun and neck, 40 states and counting there, they're able to do so. and it really limits the abilities of law enforcement and other people to stop people who might be, who might be looking suspicious. we see this in mass shootings and i think it was the case on the shooting as well. the to central guys and now we're at least 5 palestinians have been killed in australia, tax on the o because the refugee camp for you. the victims with children strikes had residential buildings in the early hours of monday. now it was the reports of his ready helicopters, opening, finding the rob bhalla, at least 18 people have been killed in this way. the of tanks and guys are in the last 24 hours. let's go live now to tell like i've been using, who joins is from dan rob. i live in central gaza and i'm terry, can i launch numbers or depths and casualties in the past? 24 hours alone? do bring us up to speed with the latest. yes. and even fact,
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the age by the occupation forces have been scaling up the military attacks across the entire straight ball. while we have been recording in the past couple of hours is that there is a clean fits of ation of the compartment in the central area. in particular, it can get very far off where we are right now. why they use valley you fight digits have talking to their residential flats in a different fellow had the attack was carried. so it's in a very densely populated area. at least 3 palestinians after repeated killed. one of them is a young child and do so has been injured with pro, to alexa hospital to get medical treatment. this tech has really left left behind. the trail of destruction was closing a very great deal of panic and frustration among the neighboring houses that were closely affected from the attack. debtors by law. we need just funny to remember that this is where palestinians have been told to get on to seek refuse, but also we have been hearing from so soon on the ground in con eunice, that there is a power shield military. encouraging in the eastern areas of hon. you this why that
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you spend a minute to be hot tongues. if i came to cotton and uncle patty's village in the eastern areas of the town that also, but we do notice that the operation in the roof has a still on going while the military is flowing. got presidential banks, or who's in the central time. the eastern and the eastern areas of robot. additionally, the palestinian troops continues to say that the managed to attack is very much over troops in the rough, our district alongside in the eastern areas of the kansas city. we're back to the hospital getting and ranging that we from us or protest, these without sufficient forces and according to the latest updates release from the power for the minutes, for those one, by how much supplements the success of lease more than $260.00 is how the city of housing killed would also into one palestinians have been reported, kills during the past 24 hours. nice with the light is fantastic. it was
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a many sex hundreds of protest as have gathered south of tel aviv demanding as well as government finalize a ceasefire. deal that would see the return of captives held and gaza. that was growing pressure. i'm finding this defensive and that the i to secure the, as a lease is latest demonstration in the city over a whole lot. so hundreds of people join the family over kept to israeli settlers of supp fine. so posting in agricultural land, south of nablus, notified westbank residence, say settled to surround the area and attract people on farms, funding olive trees and other trumps. like was also say, this isn't the 1st attack. the focused on government says it's moving to bind form, a prime minister in wrong comes policy. the p t i. the government is accusing the potty of participating an empty state activities. last week a quote award is pci more seats and parliaments and pci says the plan to bind it is
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a sign of panic from the government. couple of height as well from the slums of, of the budget. so i need government decided to move again. step august on teddy can solve this and we're on fund sparky thing that they intend to bandage political party and also accusing them of treason charges which includes the ex president are focused on dr. audit for all the rate is a member of the pocket funds that you can solve, and those are the deputy speaker of the national assembly at the time of m. ron cons, government, citing reasons that the party was going against the state against the interest of the state. and also the fact that there were serious charges like the cypher case, read 4 days through the official secret act. but the court has already granted them are on a quicker, and those cases are on con. what supports to be released from jen yesterday after?
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i had a question in the, in the going to manage case. and uh, the cord that goes to order that they have, there are no other cases that you should be a free man, but the government and an expected reaction decided that is or go ahead and bring more charges against them or on, on, uh, including uh, uh, credited them charges so these use cases was something that really expected, but many people are digging down the list and focused on really be saying that this is indeed a big role still focused on demo tragic dispensation. come i like that. i get it off. it's not my by knowing you. syrians and government held areas of voting in the fullest parliamentary elections since the civil war, abrupt it in 2011. well then 1500 people are standing for 250 seats. so the large, the rubbish down parliament, president bush auto size ruling boss, policy and it's highlight is running virtually unopposed. serious exiled opposition is cool. the election absurd saying the vote only represents the ruling of our
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teeth. the poles of open denver lender for presidential impala entry elections. present. poca. com is running against 2 rivals, including an independent while 2 other opponents with bond from taking part to gum . a who's been in office for 24 years is seeking a 4th time. the state of the economy and security of some of the major issues weighing on versus minds. while they're more than 9000000 people eligibles of votes in the 3 day polls, i would like to president and a team members of parliament. a constitutional amendment passed in 2015 as a loud president polk economy to bypass the consecutive to time limit and run for 2 additional 5 year terms is led lenses since the end of the 1994 genocide, often winning more than 90 percent of the vote and in this is will press freedom index. rolanda brings a 144 outside of a 180 countries. the report indicates, decades of oppression have significantly weakens the nation's media landscape. will
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say, while the candidates offer an cubby, naser of the democratic green policy and independence, felipe compiled them on both legs, had to be approved while the, by the electoral commission, before they were allowed to run, fix. why in going to be right on the whole is that as a one politician and the chair person of a new political policy, cool, the development of liberty for all parties, she says these elections diminish the legitimacy of democracy in one day a. the election where the best the candidates will come into the business. it cannot move out of bad. that is the city user, the cost $70.00 a demo across the industry are present, ition. it's janine the competition. so we have a conviction today about the that's diminished the, the estimate of democracy in our i think of that. so even if it presented to them, it is really that his boss is they said that his, some of the products, i think he has a few. yeah. to corporate, to repeat, the tentative way of meeting,
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populate him all around that. so that can be like in mississippi, i really gotta, how did you move? how so chicken mentioned the quarterly. i accept a angry with some people to talk about it because it gives you different mid thinking that you got a glass, the scene to introduce the guy who's big box in the majority of the one, the old lady, can you do the objective both? i see a sick considering the dizzy g that edition that to rather documents back up the militia in d. c. that's of cause leave the big proactive between about gushing. because now if you've seen this law business, manual menu cannot to take that the. they bought us and the do the business because of this one conflict between 2 classes. this is why i say that one doesn't need change to new. read that she doesn't kind of big. and with the less than that,
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she was in the bottom or maggie about countries w. make business deal with that, which is 0 still a has a suspected serial killer was arrested by police and kenya, after confessing to killing 42 people steam depths, analysis of the day, sidelines he's right. is like his res, accusing that i was looking for them since informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachuset, the group was fine to send on out jersey around the
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. ringback the, there's a deliverance mission of posting in western and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of wait, examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listening post, the the,
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you're watching out, is there a, is there a mind about top stores this our us present joe biden has once again called for. com and unity pulling the attempted. assassination of donald trump, finding the vote is to resolve the difference is at the ballot box in the pockets. tom's government says is leaving to band for my prime minister amazon. com's policy, the pci. the government is a key using the volume. participating an empty state positivity to i, one more seats and parliament last week, ramping up pressure on the government. and israel's latest strikes and the cause of the strength is killed at least 5 other students in home because the refugee camp 3 of the victims with children. there was a report, so was ready helicopters, opening fi and india outbound them. but northern guy is a positive rubbish on ways to have reached alarming levels. 9 months will have crippled waste disposal systems. they physicals leaders and diseases spreading rapidly, putting even more pressure on hospitals. wel,
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that's all clue task more from the giovanni refugee. the situation here is the terrier waiting day to day. as the shortage of a few was who's on will to is aggravating the situation here, as you can see, i'm talking to and a phone. so i, you're a russ tool existence that will do better for you can, which is all the delay to this vacuum related garbage on. the entrance of the younger was cooled. this could spread the season increasingly, and that shows you the suppression. so wish to select a z and z in this area. and my daddy, i also have suicide, overflowing in every house on every street which is causing an environmental disaster. it's leading to the spread of serious diseases, and it's putting more pressure in hospitals which already have limited medical supplies and capabilities. us and people are still wasting
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a roll top. because the guidelines on this school was the guy that the people have to walk a really long way to get to this area for water. there are no other water stations in the camp, and the water resignedly turned on once a week on fridays between 10 am and 3 pm, or sometimes it's even turned off at 1 pm. this is the situation. yeah, nothing does spread. and as it can see, they are struggling every day to adapt to this new life. why? because you just need a nothing does a thread all this time. please. in somalia say at least 5 people have been killed in 20 inches out of an explosion of the capital. the carbone went off outside a busy cafe in mogadishu. i'll expand as more as it was supposed to be a noise of football, but ended like this. a cub them caused
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a huge fire at this popular morgan issue. cafe tax with football fans watching the euro 2024. find that i think i got down. i'm looking at it. i had stepped away when the attack happened to us. i called my colleagues and they told me that a suicide ta bomb exploded in front of the box. people were just watching the football match, the group, i'll sure bob has claimed responsibility for the attack, which caused extensive damage to nearby buildings and cons. it happened in a well gutted area near the presidential palace frequented by government wickets by slow i again, i fell down on the ground and was shocked when i heard that there was a suicide attack at the bar. i lost my beloved colleagues and customers. i pray for them, or else you bob has been fighting the government for control of somalia for more than 17 years. it launches frequent attacks against government targets and is carried out many daily bombings like this across the country. the somalis president has vowed all out war against the group,
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but the tex like this in the center of the capital, prove that the war is far from over. alex bid, which is 0. and can you suspected serial killer was being arrested by police to of, to reports of the confessing to killing 42 people, police detained to call him straw mice kindly see us on monday in connection to the 9 mutilated bodies were recently recovered to the dump site in nairobi, apologies say, the suspect admitted to getting dozens of victims since 2022, including his wife, corresponded malcolm web isn't directly with what police are saying about the case . why some critics, a skeptical as they presented some items at a press conference that they said of being confiscated at the suspects home, including a rusting, majestic. this has been met with a great deal of skepticism on social media and by rights groups. people are asking how it is the 19 could dismember so many parties,
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possibly using or suppose that generally using just a mis jesse. it is home without his neighbors noticing how could we carry them alone to the quarry when one of the bags, for example, had 2 total size in it, as well as a stones account of the intended to make it think they're asking how this could have happened just meters from a police station at the car, a police station is, is right next to that cory and some side where the bodies are being retrieved and write scripts, winowski where the missing persons registers that match this accounts. that is a great deal of skepticism about the place account coming at a time when there is a very low level of trust in the government. and the police following be sometimes the government protests and the sorts of the car you've seen on the rest. on friday, saturday on sunday and angry crowds who didn't trust the police to take the bodies away,
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were broken up by please using c a gas. and the local rights group from that is just told us that they distance themselves from this police accounts of events. and that that needs to be a full and independent investigation, including independent right squeaks before they can establish what's uh, what they say is really been getting on a venezuela is opposition candidate. as monday gonzales held a riley at the central university of the capitol caracas on sunday. this comes the head of the presidential election on the 28th of july. gonzales was accompanied by opposition leader maria carina machado who is banned from public office. she's back in gonzales ahead of the university, had initially denied permission to hold the riley, but hundreds of students attended the event to show the support timeline. i'm moving with this. i'm still a little much that is not thick, that they are going to tie on us because we are going to solve it. any obstacles, the place is an obstacle we overcome. we are doing this for you. we
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are going to give you as in his way that will make you proud to be venezuelan venezuela. that is going to be an example for the whole world. and that starts on july 28th. we need to see you there with the motion with firmness. meanwhile, venezuelan president nicholas madura who has attended the premier of a film about his life. dura was welcomed by his supporters of the screening and correct as the film trace is leih from childhood to becoming a trade union leader before being elected to the national assembly in 2000 the films release as seen as an attempt by policy lawyer less to boost the president's popularity, just 2 weeks ahead of elections. but it's not easy to watch the film of one's life and especially when life is still 17th. and we have so much to lift to live tunnel and a rush are undertaking joint military drills in the west and, and northern pacific ocean. russia says the trails will include ad defense as well
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as anti submarine exercises. they're expected to continue until wednesday. i can't, you're up to date, that's it for me, any pocket i'm going to website out. as a result, comes of the weather is next. then inside story will examine the full length as well as the latest mexican gods and stay with us. the the color of the met you front continues to bring some really big down, pulls in across central parts of china, just to the north of shanghai, around 200 kilometers to the north of shanghai. we have 164 millimeters, a frame. some of the values to, into pulse of southern japan, the system will make its way little further northwards. as we go through the next steps, i just dragging its way across the korean peninsula, flicking a little further north. as we go on through tuesday. yellow sea sinks some heavy
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rain that will run its way across into the korean peninsula. and that is why just close flooding here as well. along with the flooding we have seen in central positive china with, by the humid weather, just affecting a good parts of japan. to southern areas of china. good to drive it. we have got some live the showers, the just around the fall south towards hong kong, lots of lobby showers, along the spouse of right up the west and got some in the we have read warnings in force. all the way up into good to write more big down pulls, coming in here over the next few days. i'm on the same rise. really have pet top central india, sing some lobby, shower shower's, the longest bells and frank too with the bundle dash and into the funnel faced up in the meanwhile, across the right peninsula. plenty of hazy sunshine hearts here in doha with 45 of the middle, one of these thirds dignity being displays and makes shift comes and not being able
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to get access to food. asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing? yeah. who would be arrested when visiting a fine look posing from the action. but what i would say to the ministry of health is come to see the effects of us best off from the factories in india. i'll just use chines across the world. when you closer to the house of the story, global outcry after israel committed yet another massacre in gaza. it's army killed at least 90 palestinians in an area designated as a so called safe zone. israel plains, it was targeting, how much leaders? what does that justification for killing so many civilians? this is inside story, the .


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