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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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an exclusionary designer, redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future today we create the . ready a days off to an assassination attempt. donald trump has arrived in milwaukee to especially accept beaver public, a nomination for president the pedal on elizabeth bonham. and this is obviously our lives from don't. how so coming up a blatant disregard of international humanitarian. no on was chief condemned to destruction of his agencies headquarters and gaza, all ballast indians camera onto a trucks and picks garbage from scratch to food. focused on the governments of the
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plans to ban the countries and modest opposition policy led by former prime minister and wrong. com and a car bomb. outside of this, a cafe and somebody is captain kills at least 5 people. should bob claims responsibility? the beginning, the united states with a focus is on former president donald trump, the survived and assassination attempt on saturday. he's now in milwaukee to officially accept the republican nomination for president has policies convention and the coming hours. it is one of the most important events and then the american election here, the saturdays events have increase tensions across the country. the secret services security measures are already tied in and around the venue would trump is also due to announce his choice of running major the convention and will make the keynote.
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speech official has moved from milwaukee and wisconsin. this republican convention will be different to be attempted. assassination of donald trump will dominique conversations, proceedings, and speeches from the platform. who years ago came from accepted the nomination as president that was at the white house of the corporate district to the event. i profoundly accept this nomination for president of the united at this time to be in front of those. instead of doing delegates from across the country, people who we could and what we can information if it's dominique of one of america's field is political parties. we can party has been re made a couple times in the image of trump, but as it stands right now, the party is completely his. he has not only got his thumb print on the party platform, he has managed to get people to see things his way republican see milwaukee is
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growing 0 and reclaiming the white house. a prime time show. extolling the virtues of the 45th president anticipated a 6. it is a ford, a commercial for the party. it allows them to make their affirmative case for what they do. it allows them to attack the other side. it allows them to introduce new talents to be american people in prime time, and it gives them a chance to try to shore up excitement amongst the base. republicans tend to pick swing states for the convention states that are so close. they could decide the election. donald trump 1st one, the policies nomination. the event was in ohio. he's not the 1st former president to run again after losing an election. he is the 1st to run as a convicted felon. expect delegates to argue with those evidence. the 2020 election was stolen. the donald trump was the best president in history. the people want change. it will be talked about lately will be the parties platform. it's election
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manifesto just 16 pages long. it's limited in detail to avoid giving democrats room to criticize crumbs plans if you were to win the language that trump uh, or any of the republican candidates should use to try to get that centrist vote. it's simply not there for so it is, it is a very accurate statement to make this republican party is more far right than ever before. in modern history, there will be protests here, but nothing that will stop donald trump excepting the claim of his party for his thought presidential run any year. i would say sure, i'll just see them at the republican national convention in milwaukee. but only at the u. s. president, once again, cool for com and unity following that attempted assassination of donald trump. i don't know which bus has to resolve the difference is that the ballot box in november? there's no place in america. this kind of violence for any violence ever period or
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exceptions. we can't allow this violence to be normalized. you know, the political record of this country has gotten very heated. it's time to cool down . we all have responsibility to do that. yes, we have deeply felt strong disagreements. states in the selection are normally hi, which are now by our white house correspondent company houses. and just before we can get to what's been happening at the white house, you're seeing the pulls that a judge and florida has dismissed the classified documents cases against trump. kimberly tell us what you're hearing and remind us about this case. yeah, this is certainly going to be disappointing to president biden's campaign. this is a case that one of the many that has been a legal challenge that the u. s. president, former us president donald trump has been dealing with well also campaign in front of the term in the white house. this is a case that involved his time at the,
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in the white house, where he retained some classified documents in his home in morrow, alonzo, florida. and this was a, these were documents that the f b, i found to be classified of nature. and that were a public record, and as a result, the special council jack smith did is ultimately charged the president with mishandling of classified documents. well, this case now we have just learned in the last few moments has been thrown out because according to the judge in florida, the special council jack smith was unlawfully pointed to oversee this case as also had no authority to oversee this case. so this is a major legal victory for the former president donald trump. we should also point
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out, this is the 2nd major legal victory that he has had in about 2 weeks. so remember at the start of july, he had another major like legal victory when he was found to have partial immunity for some of the actions that he conducted in office another blow for president biden. so we expect that prosecutors in this case are likely to appeal this roy that has just come down. but again, this is certainly some might say, but i, as the former president has guardian angels because in just the last few days, he has eclipse death. and now he has just in fact had another major legal victory. yeah, that's exactly what i was going to say. kimberly, it certainly seems like a good week for donald trump surviving that assassination attempt. now have him one of the legal cases against him thrown out. yeah, that's right. what we know about the former president is that he has as
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a result of this near death experience as he has to roll out. he's now in milwaukee and we know that as a result of that, he is rethinking his entire strategy. what we're hearing from some of the people on the campaign is that he a roughly rewrote his speech and even directed some of the people who are participating in the convention to take a different tone. now we know donald trump is known for his vitriol. he is known for his attacks. it's unlikely that this is something that a man of advanced age, almost 80 years old, is likely to change overnight. having said that, given the brush with death, we are hearing that he is trying to take a more unified approach to the country and given the divided nature and the polar as nature of the country. and so we're watching very carefully in the coming hours to see when we see donald trump, what this speech might look like, and whether it is as unifying as we're hearing it might be somebody. thank you very
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much for that. so white house correspondent, committee house at the very latest of the to gauze, and now we're at least a t p for having killed and is really a tax. and the last 24 hours 5 were killed in the, on magazine refugee camp. 3 of the victims were children that were most right, fun residential buildings. the early hours of monday as one is report. so this is where the helicopters opening find me a date on the, on the, on the headquarters of on why that is the, you want agency for palestinian refugees and gaza has been destroyed. that's according to the head of the agency for the plaza, the any. supposed to these photos on towards the, with the caption headquarters and gaza turned into a battle field and now flattened. that's what any went on to say. another episode in the blatant disregard of international humanitarian rule. united nations
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facilities must be protected as old times. they must never be used for military or fighting purposes. every will, has rules, gaza is no exception. well, the level of desperation is so high that people are still clamoring onto a trucks and the whole life is guessing whatever food they can. this video from garza city shows one a trunk arriving with fruits and vegetables. awesome moments of interrupted deliveries with some people the scene or the welding the vehicle for crowds pick through rubbish for any vegetables that may have fallen off. while in gaza. mountains of rubbish and waste have reached a non and levels 9 months of will have couples waste disposal systems. and this is leading to diseases spreading rapidly, pushing even move pressure on hospitals. malott's color. it has moved from giovanni, a refugee can. of the situation here is the charge of waiting day to day as the
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shortage of a few words who's on will to is aggravating. the situation here, as you can see, i'm talking to and a phone. so i younger was cool in the center of japan, there could you can, which is all the delay to this. they can release the garbage on. the entrance of the younger was told this could spread the season increasingly, and that shows you the as the person. so wish to select a z and the in this area. and my daddy, i also had to, is overflowing in every house on every street which is causing an environmental disaster. it's leading to the spread of serious diseases, and it's putting more pressure on hospitals which already have limited medical supplies and capabilities. us and people are still wasting a roll top. because the guidelines on this school was double checking the guy that
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the people have to walk a really long way to get to this area for water. there are no other water stations in the camp. and the water resignedly turned on once a week on fridays between 10 am and 3 pm, or sometimes it's even turned off at 1 pm. this is the situation. yeah, nothing does spread. and as it can see, they are struggling every day to adapt to this new life. why? because you, i just eat or nothing, does a thread all this time. hundreds of protest is of god itself, the v of demanding, as well as government finalize a sci fi deal that will see the return of captives held and gaza. there was a glowing pressure on comments to benjamin netanyahu to secure their release. the latest demonstration in the city of the whole, but so hundreds of people joined. the family of the captive is where the settlers have set fire to palestinian agricultural 9 south of nablus and the occupied westbank. residents. a set list surrounded the area and attacked people and palms,
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bending olive trees and other crops, palestinian se attacks like these have increased in recent months. focused on governments as it's moving to bad from prime minister and mom. cons p t. i potty, it's accusing it of participating and what it calls and to stays activities. last week, a course awarded p t i mostly it's empowerment. and one con was removed as prime minister and in a confidence version 2022 p t. i says the plan to band deposit is a sign of panic from the government. come on high that has moved on his mom about the budget on the government decided to move against a budget on teddy can solve this and then run con sparky thing that day. and then to bandage political party and also accusing them of trees and judges, which includes the ex president are focused on dr. audit for all your rate is a member of the bug or sunset it can solve and also the deputy speaker of the
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national assembly at the time of im, ron cons, government citing reason that the party was going against the state against the interests of the state and also the fact that there were serious charges like the cipher gaze ridge for days through the official secret act. but the court has already granted them are on a quicker, and those cases them are on con. what support can be released from gen yesterday after i had a question and a in new going to manage case. and uh, the cord that goes to order that they have, there are no other cases that you should be a free man, but the government and an expected reaction decided that as well, go ahead and bring more charges against him. and on, on, uh, including uh, uh, credited them charges. so these use cases was something that really expected, but many political analysts and focused on really be saying that this is indeed a big role still focused on his demo tragic dispensation. come, i like the data. it's not my by still ahead on al jazeera,
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we speak to you and peace keepers who are monitoring yet another round of hostility is between israel and has been law and find out what's on the agenda. as china is coming, this policy gathers for a 4 day planning session. the unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire wants of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has not been rough and looks like we're off. it looks like it's held on heard voices, we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0, the agriculture revolution promised abundance, but it's damaging the planet to this system is destroying the habitat that tried
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leeway, explored, how sacrificing by the best, the teeth, a maximum view is leading to feed and security and threatening on very existence. leaving the office based on data to adapt to climate change, the need to retain mode we so full have the plan is own oh, just the era the the watching me elizabeth put on the window. huh. i have a mind to about top stories to sell for me, you as president donald trump has arrived in milwaukee often nowadays surviving an assassination attempt on the past day. he would officially accept the republican
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nomination for president. has not his convention in the coming hours. the us president, once again closed for com and unity following the attempted assassination pocket found government says it's moving to bed full, a prime minister and run cons potty the p. t online. the government's accusing it of participating. an anti stays activities, the p t. i's as the plan to bad, it is a sign of panic from the government and the headquarters of on why the un agencies of palestinian refugees and 1000 that has been destroyed. that's according to the head of the agencies to need lots of really. you posted these forces on towards over the caption, headquarters in gaza, turned into a bathroom field and now flattened weston palace a trunk and broke an end to 9 months of hostilities between the israeli army and has bola triggered by the war the gaza. it's unlikely to end until a seas font is reached and the strip zayna folder has moved from southern devon on
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on patrol in what is essentially an active frontline united nations peacekeepers are monitoring yet another round of hostilities between as well and as well. this time triggered by the war on garza, we are in southern lebanon. that's the process idea of what they seem to up with you soon, and deal with someone who is really hilltop positions doc. the horizon along what is known as the blue line, which is not the recognized border, but a line of withdrawal point. much of the area is empty of people. this is the main battle ground on the lebanese side of the border. our goal, it's korea, is to arrive to a cease fire to go mind you can put it exist by and bring back be status here in the spark of that happen. this is, has the laws heartland,
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and it is where many of its fighters live. their leadership says it is not interested and then negotiated withdrawal from border areas as well says through diplomacy or by force. it wants to hezbollah free zone in line with you on resolution 1701. it would be too dangerous to be here. if we weren't with un peacekeeping troops are roughly 5 kilometer deep strip along the border is considered a military zone. the lebanese army is not a party to the conflict, but it was supposed to with the help of the un force extend state control in this region, western proposals to end the confrontations build on international agreements for the implementation of 17 o one. the full support for the nissan me to make sure that there is an increase in the number of troops coming to the south of 11. as it was envisioning 2006, part of the diplomatic process would involve resulting disputed points along the
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border, hospitalized refusing any discussions until the war on gaza ends. but in recent years, it has been accused of re establishing itself along the border. despite the presence of the lebanese army, and un troops, lebanon and hezbollah, to accuse as well as not complying with un resolutions, 1701. they want to is route to stop. it's violations of lebanon's air space and withdraw from what they say are occupied lands. the conflict between israel and has the law has a long history and the arrangement in place since their last 4 in 2006 that allowed for relative stability. ended in october center for their elders either along the blue line. so there's nothing on as they have been valleys in the avenue city of size, the portal moves by the central bank targeting the finances of the movement. the bank has cancelled money transfer networks controlled by the 40s. it's also would have private banks to move the headquarters to auditing the temporary capital of
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the internationally recognized government. so who things will lodge pots of yemen end up at will with the government? but a truce has been in place from all of them to his place in somalia say at least 5 people have been killed in 20, ended off to an explosion in the capital. the cob bomb went off outside of busy cafe. and while that issue, alex bad has more it was supposed to be a nice of football, but ended like this. a cub them caused a huge fire with this popular morgan issue, cafe packs with football fans watching the euro 2024. find that? i think it's like i got down there looking. i had stepped away when the attack happened here. i called my colleagues and they told me that a suicide ta bomb exploded in front of the box. people were just watching the football match. the group, i'll sure bob has claimed responsibility for the attack,
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which caused extensive damage to nearby buildings and cons. it happened in a well gutted area near the presidential palace frequented by government wickets. so again, i fell down on the ground and was shocked when i heard that there was a suicide attack of the bar. i lost my beloved colleagues and customers. i pray for them, or else you bob has been fighting the government for control of somalia for more than 17 years. it launches frequent attacks against government targets and is carried out many daily bombings like this across the country. the somalis president has vowed all out war against the group, but the tex like this in the center of the capital, prove that the war is far from over. alex bid will just here. saddam's, eastern state of nevada as being overwhelmed the stalls and sleigh fighting between the army and the power mother, treat back of support services. hundreds of people arriving every day. this estimation of all that a 100000 to taking refuge that they live in contemporary shelters. and lack even
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the most basic necessities since the whole bro called for the 7000000 people across the country have been forced to flee their homes. and kenya, a suspect of serial killer has been arrested by a police officer reportedly confessing to coming 42 people. police detain, collins to may so kind of see on monday and connection to the 9 mutilating bodies that were recently coveted to dump science. and i will be, that's all you say, the suspect admitted to kevin dawson is a victim since 2022, including his wife. that had been protests in the city of the temple in the democratic republic of congo. hundreds of people joined to march against the increasing violence by m. 23 fighters, and captured multiple towns in the east. fighting between the goals and comedies close as has escalated and base in twiggs, forcing many from their homes comedies, the policies of blaming rolanda and uganda for supporting the onto. the accusations
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denied by both countries. we are protesting because our country has been on the aggression for years. the ongoing situation in our communities, dia because of this war, imposed lost by the m 23 rebels, which are supported by rolanda. and you can this is why we wanted to denounce them today. by supporting i was soldiers, we want to call upon the international community which still support our aggressive pulls of wasn't under a wanda for presidential and parliamentary elections. president polk gummy is running against 2 rivals, including an independent and to all to all the opponents for bod. from contesting child stratford reports the long lines outside pulling stations across for one the election which the incumbent who was already ruled this east african country almost quarter of a century is widely expected to win a game. you've got to 66 year old. poke a gummy has one more than 93 percent of the vote in each of the 3 previous
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selections. which rights groups and observe a se one not free or fed. the electoral commission allowed only 2 of the 8 candidates who would applied to run against him in this problem entry and presidential pole, even if it presented to them. it is really that his boss is. they said that's his some of the products. i think he has a few. yeah. to corporate, to really, really the targeted way of meeting popular m orlando, go in and support his credit to him. rebuilding the country off to the 1994 genocide went up 280-0000 people, killed well being praised, but transforming lawanda is economy rights activists and wisdom. critics accusing the media crackdowns of backing revel. groups in the mid roll rich, neighboring democratic republic of congo, directorate by frontier call me and from president she teddy activity ah, see, has been vicious and has been escalated over recent months. the concerned in the
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region is that, that this could lead to the kind of regional conflict that we saw or an eastern congo in the 19 ninety's going human rights record has faced additional scrutiny at home and abroad. recently of his 2020 to deal with the u. k. to receive thousands of asylum seekers. britain, this new government has said it's canceled that deal in 2017 to go on the one almost 99 percent of the vote. which enabled the constitutional change removing term limits that would have prevented him running again. he believes that the long term strategy that the ruling party is pretty place to try to rebuild the country off of the genocide really depends on q us or to tommy is not the leaves of political st. anytime soon as you started to be a fixture or one of the politics of it, for as long as he's live, with a fit or admired, click on the look set to win a full time child stratford ultra 0. then as late as opposition candidate edmondo
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gonzalez has held a valley and cut off because it comes ahead of the presidential election on the 28th of july. gonzalez was accompanied by opposition, needed money of putting a machado who's banned from public office. she's backing gonzalez. the head of the university where the value was held had initially denied permission, but hundreds of students attended the events to show their support real pain. suddenly moving with this, i'm still very much that is not take that they are going to try honest because we are going to solve it. any obstacles, the place is an obstacle we overcome. we are doing this for you. we are going to give you as in his way now that will make you proud to be venezuelan venezuela. that is going to be an example for the whole world. and that starts on july 28th. we need to see you there with a motion with firmness. meanwhile, venezuelan presidents, they cut off my doodle, has attended the premier of
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a film about his life. was welcomed by his supporters at the screening in the capital. the phone traces his life from childhood to become a good trade union dated before being elected to the national assembly in the year 2000. i'm sorry, it's an attempt to increase the president's appeal ahead of the upcoming elections . but fuss is great. it's most easy to watch the film of one's life and especially when life is still 17th and we have so much list to live georgias president his father and also took the constitutional quote against a foreign agents nor to spot mass protests. the bills applies non governmental organizations and media outlets to buy just as fun agents, if they receive more than 20 percent funding from abroad. it's already being passed by the georgia in parliament kind of expected to be enforced in a few weeks slow met. so the bishop vinny had previously v to the little cooling it russian an essence and saying it contradicts george's constitution.
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try that and russia holding joint military drills in the western and northern pacific ocean. moscow says the exercises will include a defense, as well as anti submarine drugs they're expected to continue on to wednesday. china's wooden communist party has been gone for days of high level tools, strategies to help us trouble the economy are expected to be a priority. depend on recession takes place every 5 years, and it's a platform to discuss functional economic reforms and long term policies. foreign invest as a, keeping a close eye, especially since the chinese economy is seeing slower than expected growth. there are low a job numbers of real estate prices and we consume a demand, trade tensions of western countries over another issue. and analysts have want of a lack of invest. the confidence that wind does. the chief economist with hank sang bang china, and she says the government would have to consider widespread tax reforms to help
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the economy to the trying. this government decided that it's important to, to true the housing crisis because one way or another, if china is going to have a financial crisis, is going to be linked with housing and reflects it in the banking sector. so in 2022 chinese government started to start as the leverage and campaign among the property developers. as a result of the housing sales housing in bossman contract, it's sharply comparing to the peak in 2021. the housing process in china. you major cities has declined by 30 percent and that also dropped down to consumption as well . we're expecting more of a long term approach because in the short term, it seems that the monetary policy and the fiscal policy are both having great constraints. the central bank has very little room to kind of interest rates because they value more of the stability of r n b. and for fiscal stimulus, they are in a way expanding on by the local governments are in constrain.


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