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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the, the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now the a win win for donald trump. a judge dismisses the cost of 5 documents case against the for me, us present i'm try to call, hey, to the republican national convention is a gets underway afternoon, attempted assassination and surprise legal, the finding the hello again. i missed as you pay and this is all just here at like from the also coming a blatant disregard of international humanitarian. jewel unrest,
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chief condemns the destruction of his agencies headquarters in gauze, robbing whatever they can. the red cross calls for more help to the limit, desperately in need of age into casa city, and a mass of new slice of bodies, kenyon, police arrest serial, kill us suspect, but there are still some doubts, not the case. the a big legal victory for donald trump also, just as he's about to officially receive the republican nomination for the us presidency. a federal judge has dismissed the criminal case against trump on charges of mishandling top secret documents. the judge ruled that the appointment of special counsel jack smith in the case was unconstitutional. trump was accused of endangering national security for keeping fast as his home. after leaving the white house of a legal victory comes to stays off, the trump survived an assassination attempt. he says monday's dismissal is just the
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1st step in the or criminal and civil cases should be thrown out. trump is now in the background state of wisconsin. so the 4 day republican national convention that he's use officially accepted the republican nomination and name has running names outside the venue authorities of set up zones where i protest as of also gather to demonstrate against trump and his candidacy. while we as to correspondence covering the conventional force in milwaukee, certainly will be hearing from 300 times the he's out the way i protest as a gathering, but 5 minutes speak to apache called hans you inside the convention center itself, pass you change the dramatic few days for trump, now this favorable see who the documents really a yes and he is easy now in social media saying that they need to dismiss all of the many cases against him. don't forget there's more than 90 charges against the former president to again is running for president. now i hope you'll excuse us on
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behind me. they're testing all of us on systems. although today's officially the 1st day, it really doesn't get into full swing until later tonight. but let's go back to that legal, got that legal case. this is judge a lean can and she was appointed by donald trump. and she was space of tremendous amount of criticism because she was basically been seen as slow rolling on this case every time the trump team asks for a hearing on an issue, she grants it takes a very long time to issue a ruling. so now this surprise announcement, she's decided that the special council jack smith cannot go forward, but the case is dismissed. she is arguing because jack smith was not appointed by the president and confirmed by the son and she sites a clause in the constitution. now this goes against decades of legal precedents, where people judge after judge a says, no, this is how special for such a counselor can be appointed. so likely jack's listing is going to appeal in that appeal. they can ask for her to be removed from the case given to another judge,
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but it's going to take time. this could be appealed all the way to the supreme court. even before this, it seems highly unlikely in this case would go to trial before the election just makes it absolutely certain that even if a case is going to go for. busy it won't be any time soon, and whether or not it will, we just won't know for a while. well, let me ask you, then what we do now, what can we expect and in the coming hours at the republican national convention? well again, we're going to have sports of course, sounds just sudden, not always when i should try to come up and speak to live. so what we're going to hear is we're going to hear who the vice president take is going to be donald trump and said he wanted to make it sort of a reality show sort of announcement. it seems like that's going to come out late or this afternoon. we do believe that from the present. donald trump is going to be here in the reno. not supposed to speak, may show up with his vice president. we really don't know. sources are telling people all sorts of different things,
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but it is going to be was think at the end of the day, we will in fact have the name for the vice president candidate. and a lot of people are saying there's the top 3. they're ready expects for donald trump's to man who like surprises. so we'll be here for all that myself and my colleague kelly fisher. we're bringing out the latest as it happens here from milwaukee. we will indeed thank you so much for now. patrick, how hand the inside the republican national convention center for us. well, let's now cross. does she have good times that you, he's at the protest outside the convention. she took us through the messages you're hearing that from, from the purchased. as is a gathering it's a combination of over a 100 groups of 5 cool messages to fight for republicans, racist, and reaction. we agenda to stand up for pilots. not just something we've post. i'd rather defend women's l g b t q and reproductive rights defends of expand immigrant rights. i'm to advocate for peace of justice and a quality rule. but what's really clear here is that the democrats and joe biden shouldn't take much comfort by these. probably just because as we are behind me
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makes 10 boxes, trumpet, leg genocide, joe, the host um systems got together and that's and that's what keeps saying. it goes up really central to the protests outside the are and see where we want to be. the probably just is here with the how to, i'll be there. he's with us college student community networks. why was important for you to be a major part of this demonstration? well, we had joining this coalition over a year ago because our organization is not a one issue organization. we care of course about pal palestinians in error. but all of these other issues, immigrant rights and women's rights and eligibility to rights and workers rights are important for our community because we are part and parcel of the social fabric of the social justice community in this country as palestinians, and as arabic. and that's why we joined the call listed in march on the are and see from the day one and why we're leading the coalition of march on the dnc as well as your to your, by the here. as malcolm x one is a really center and yet on,
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on the political struggle in the united states policy rates all the issues. absolutely. and one of the things that is very unique about our organization is the relationship that we have with the black liberation move in along with the national alliance against racism. political refreshing the united states posted it could be network has been doing black, palestinian solidarity work for years and years decades. in fact, we support those communities when they're fighting against police crimes. when they're fighting for police accountability, they support our communities. when we are fighting for against repression of our leaders and. busy organizations here and of course for freedom and liberation for palestine. awesome, thank you very much. the box is about to get all the way to expecting a few 1000 people. it will be to an off kilometers long. we'll keep you posted. thanks so much unless you have a tendency to keep an eye on those protests for us outside the r and c. thank you. she had, well, that's not bringing class in co sign. she is a professor of law and philosophy at the university of pennsylvania. today she is
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joining us from philadelphia. can we break down from view is exactly what's happened to you when it comes to the documents case. so the judge made this decision on the procedural appointment of the central council, not on the charges against trump price. that's correct, and this stems from the separate concurrence that um uh, it was written by justice thomas in the immunity case in which he said that he believed that the entire appointment of jack smith was unconstitutional under the appointment's clause. um, now that was not a view that was shared by any of the other justices. we need to be clear. so here she took a very french view of view that conservatives had been touting for a long time to say that the appointment of special counsel was unconstitutional. in this case, what it needs to be clear, however, that we did not hear justice thomas or conservatives in general objecting to the
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appointment of uh, john durham, who was special cancelled to look into the origins of the rustic case. um, nor did we hear them objecting to the appointment of special council and the hunter biden matter. so suddenly this becomes a view that is being used to eliminate special counsel. in the case of donald trump . it's not a view of course, shared by the other judges who have been presiding over the other case for january 6 case that is being addressed except for justice thomas. this will now go up to the 11th circuit, presumably. and i have full confidence that the 11th circuit will restore these the case of these charges, but the question will be on remand whether it goes back to
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a judge island cannon or whether it goes to a different judge. can i just to explain from you is what exactly is judge kind of saying was wrong about the house. special counsel jack smith was appointed. i understand this was a process that's been followed for nearly 30 years. that's. that's right. and, and let's remember that there were 2 special councils appointed in the case of nixon. uh and uh, that was found to be constitutional by the supreme court many years ago. and of course, it goes for democratic presidents as well, because now this was under a special council law, but a president clinton was investigated by special council, but what the judge is saying here, following up on that thomas concurrence is that under the appointments clause of the us constitution, there should have been senate confirmation. mm hm. and so that would suggest that
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there needed to be a statute of such as that existed during the clinton years. when ken starr was special counsel to a point of special counsel, there has been arguments for years that the primary supreme court case of morris, in case that upheld the special council appointment of special council is constitutional. in fact, was a wrongly decide his case. but that is the status right now of the of the supreme court's jurisprudence on this. and so this decision actually is not supported by supreme court jurisprudence with respect to the appointment of special council. and will certainly be saying how this plays out over the coming weeks and months, and certainly how long this also takes to result finkelstein there. professor evelyn philosophy at the university of pennsylvania. thank you so much for joining
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us on tuesday or i can thanks for having me. of the whole the headquarters of the un agency for palestinian refugees and gaza has been destroyed off to is riley forces from to the area the head on roughly plaza. we need posted these 2 photographs on the with the, with the caption headquarters in dollars a ton and into a battle field. and now flattened. does. it really went on to say and now the episodes and the relation to disregard of international humanitarian law. united nations facilities must be protected at all times. they must never be used for military or fighting campuses. every war has rules and cause that is no exception as well. and central garza, at least a few people have been killed by, is really a tax. and the last 24 hours, 5 palestinians were killed in attacks on the, on the gauzy refuge account. 3 of those victims for children. there was strikes 2
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on residential buildings in the early hours of monday, and there are also reports of his really helicopters, opening fi near. they're all bala, honey f one joins us now from there all by which has and central gaza. i need to focus through these multiple attacks that have been taking place. not so far away over the past few hours. when can you tell us about what's been going yes. well, we're looking at the past couple hours have been quite a bloody and by and we look at a total number of 10 people have been killed, the vast majority of them happened to be women and children. and we're, we, we are not exaggerating this because we look at the nature of the talk that are taking place. these are residential phones, people who are taking these residential homes as filters for the past few months. they either the northern part from gauze as to the more recent from the city of han units on dropbox, to the end,
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up in these residential buildings shouldering and protecting themselves from the unpredictable calling bugs. the 3 different attacks in the central area alone. and then what's been part of the 3 people who reported skills in omaha, the rest of the g. com, that's the eastern part of the center. there were 5 people were one of them to try the little girl. and 4 of the women inside the house, that is one family of 4 women and one child. and we have 3 more if you can just within the past half an hour with it'd be artillery struck a really been the way this building these tours and the warehouse underneath serve as the distribution point for the displace families around the vicinity of this building is there it's in jobs have been set up by the by of the displays, families the, the situations keys do exponentially increase, increase in a exclaim in a very risk way,
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right now the hospital has been quite busy since the late hours of this afternoon. we see and many of the bodies arriving here and just within minutes their pronounced stands. it's given to kind of intox and the nature of bonds that are being a drop the are. these are bond 0. i talked with a trap. nose and neil's dense and small piece of metals are causing severe cleanings, and from the time these casualties are picked up from the bottom sides all the way to the hospital. it's a long time. they are really blood so much and the chances of, of saving them is really slammed right here in the us. we seen the increased number of casualties by the hours right now. and honey, i have to also ask you about the owner a headquarters. when you look at the photographs, the level of destruction, the suddenly looks like, like it was targeted, what do we know about what happened that you know so far the past 9 months has approve and just that is from has no limits to what is
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targeting across the gases for the pudding, international organization facilities and mainly i'm talking about the united nations facilities across the district. that these are the evacuation centers on or what schools that have turned into evacuation centers and, and shelters for the displays families just within the past. and they looked at 5 facilities, these are $500.00 which would have been targeted and as high gonna close to a $130.00 people been killed inside these schools in the past is the past month to witness the extreme direct and deliberate attacks. the new on facilities other than the headquarters, but this is part of a narrative that has been pushed by these really military. and these very government on a political level, these do to visit a mice on a lot. it's operation across the god. the service starting by accusing on a lot of being a do a military grooves and by an aid of covering up for any of the attacks happening in
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a way to do just defy the attacks. what we're seeing right now does not need any justification of judging from what we're seeing. attacks and schools attack on the headquarters that took place within the past week. happy because of the tv confrontation, military confrontation, a classroom at the, the residential, the block around the college university block. and here on our well headquarters of the heavy artillery shows that the news eyewitnesses who describe the scenes as they were making their way out of that area. describe deep dozens of another 3 times the amount of time for military vehicles in the area to heat air. attacks that took place in there, including the direct attack on the gate of, of the headquarters, the destroy major parts of the facilities. and the operations conducted by these really ministry from a street. the street from building to building involved the, the destruction and the severe damage of the headquarters of underway and got the city. i mean the one i was
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a very nice as far as from the ground proportion from daryl by law in central garza . thank you. 100, not still ahead here on out a 0, a call bombing as a cafe had with the fence. a somali on group says it's behind the, the, to hello welcome to look at the international full cost, more of examples for central parts of china. the you front, so just running its way up towards the cramp an inch that towards japan and that somebody can see the heaviest re this. we go on for the next couple of dice and move examples here that will cause some flash flooding somewhat to where the further north up to was an oil faced of china and the system just because its way across the yellow sea, some really heavy down pools for a time coming into north korea eventually into south korea. still some live you
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shows that cause a good parts of japan for central parts of china. we will sit turning a little dry just around. we have just around shanghai, few showers, the to was the south, but nothing to live live. we all going to see some live examples in the other hand, across indo china. it'll circulation here that say a tropical depression, that i think will be too much of a fee to the winds. no great concerns, but some pretty heavy rain coming into vietnam. miles, cambodia, thailand. as we go on through the next couple of days, the circulation to keep an eye on just around the central and southern parts of the philippines. may mon, across south asia, heaviest rain running rites up the west and gas with red warnings, info's all the way to go direct. the was a journey through every story. every step is to the
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celebration of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to simmons and exclude does the redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future? today we create the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching. i'll just hear on that to remind you about top stories. the sound us federal judge has dismissed the criminal case against donald trump on charges of mishandling top secret documents. the president was accused of
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endangering national security for keeping those files as his home. after he left the white house. meanwhile, trump has arrived in the battle ground state of wisconsin for the 4 day republican national convention that he's due to officially accepted the republican nomination . a name is running name headquarters of the you, an agency for palestinian refugees in costa has been destroyed off the is rarely forces from the area. the head of unrest. city plaza really says the destruction was, and now the episodes and the relation to disregard of international humanitarian law. in casa, all the level of desperation is so high and gauze are that people are still clambering onto a trucks in the hope of getting what ever freed they can have a look at this video. it's from goal is assessing and chose one. a truck arriving with fruits and vegetables after months of interrupt deliveries. some people are seeing overwhelming the vehicle and then crowds with picking through the rubbish. but any vegetables that may have for william some back is the head of the
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international committee of the red cross. and rafa where the organization is running field hospital, he's calling for just the need, his aid and medical supplies to be allowed into the strength. we have been able to bring in some of the desperately required supplies in order for a doctors and nurses to continue treating the wounded and the sick thoughts. we see that we're bringing things into gaza is extremely complicated. and so that is only made even was by the continued breakdown of law and order, which is hampering our capacity to deliver assistance to those who need it the most . we are simply cool for an increase in the amounts of assistance that can uh, and so the goal of the strip unimpeded so that we know the humanitarian organizations can quickly meet the needs of the civilian population.
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the council has announced new sanctions against 5 is rarely such as and 3 entities and the occupied westbank among those named is a group called solve 9, several of the individual sites that have established legal outposts some where they routinely launch attacks on palestinians. this move by the father is some of the functions last week, find the us a and e you council statements. so sanctions have now been adopted against extremist as really step as responsible for human rights abuses against palestinians in the occupied westbank. and the violent is rarely active as symbols have been sizes for blocking humanitarian aid, destined for golf. western palace have been trying to broker an end to 9 months of hostilities between these rarely, i mean has block triggered by the war on gaza. it's unlikely to end until a ceasefire is reached in the strip of correspondence and what i meant to you and peacekeepers in southern lebanon, who are trying to de escalate tensions on
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patrol and what is essentially an active frontline united nations peacekeepers are monitoring yet another round of hostilities between as well and has the law. this time triggered by the war on garza, we are in southern lebanon. that's the who is this idea of what they seem to opposition and deal with someone who is really hilltop positions doc, the horizon along what is known as the blue line, which is not the recognized border, but a line of withdrawal. much of the area is empty of people. this is the main battle ground on the lebanese side of the border. our role is korea is to arrive to a cease fire to go mind you can put it exist by and, and bring back the status here in the spark of that happen. this is hezbollah, as heartland, and it is where many of its fighters live. their leadership says it is not
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interested and then negotiated withdrawal from border areas as well says to diplomacy or by force. it wants to hezbollah free zone in line with you on resolution. 1701. it would be too dangerous to be here. if we weren't with un peacekeeping troops are roughly 5 kilometer deep strip along the border is considered a military zone. the lebanese army is not a party to the conflict, but it was supposed to with the help of the un force extend state control in this region, western proposals to end the confrontations build on international agreements for the implementation of 17 o one. the full support for the nissan me to make sure that there is an increase in the number of troops coming to the south of 11. as it was envisioning 2006, part of the diplomatic process would involve resulting disputed points along the border. has belies refusing any discussions until the war on garza ends. but in recent years,
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it has been accused of re establishing itself along the border. despite the presence of the lebanese army and u. n. troops, lebanon and hezbollah, to accuse as well as not complying with un resolutions. 1701. they want to is route to stop. it's violations of lebanon's air space and withdraw from what they say are occupied lands. the conflict between israel and has the law has a long history and the arrangement in place since their last 4 in 2006 that allowed for relative stability. ended in october center for their elders. 0 along the blue line. so there's nothing on pocket stones government says it's moving to ban the largest opposition party that the government is accusing former prime minister in non cons potty the p t i and participating an antique state activities last week. a quote awarded the p g. i'm will seats and parliament and wrong caught himself was removed as prime, minnesota and
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a no confidence 1st in 2022. the p t i is has the plan to bind the policy is a sign of panic from the governor. police have arrested a suspected serial killer antonia after he reported the confessed to killing 42 people, police detained collins to mice. calisha on monday. it's in connection to the 9 user license buddies recently discovered as a dump and i ruby with ours. you say he was admitted to cutting thousands of victims since 2022, including his own wife. the suspect was listed so way to him. i notice of county this morning around the you know, doing to operation by the dca dimensional police artist courses the suspect confused fluid keys under dispos
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forwarded to female bodies of adobe site between 2 the assistant us investigate 11th of july 24. and i'll come lab reports not from the canyon capital. please say they have the rest of the suspect. they describe as a serial killer. they say has confessed to killing $42.00 women over the last 2 years and something that bodies at the disused, cory, the mccurry slum area as nairobi is that corey, well, local residents have found at least 8 bodies since friday, dismembered and wrapped up in bags. schools, i'm going not community people that say they don't trust the police to carry out an investigation into the origins of these bodies. a class with police on friday, saturday and sunday, please use a gas. in one instance,
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live gun slacks the breakup at the angry crowds. a great deal of skepticism is being expressed online and by rights groups about the police account. people are asking how one man could have dismembered so many bodies alone in his home and carried them to the quarry in some cases of a suitable size wrapped in one bag and done this without. his name is now to see their asking how this could have gone unnoticed, so long. just meters from the car, a police station which is next to the quarry and the dump site where the bodies were found. and they were also asking why it is the police could find the suspect so quickly in this case, while the repairs to be no progress in holding anybody to accounts for the dozens of protest as killed and abducted in anti government demonstrations that started last month. malcolm web out to 0. my baby kenya. it hasn't protest in the city a pretend bo, in democratic republic of congo, hundreds of people joined to march against the increasing violence by m. 23
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fighters have now captured multiple times in the east. fighting between the group and companies forces as escalated, forcing many from their homes. companies will start to use um, branding for one the on uganda, supporting the group. something which posts of those countries tonight we are protesting because our country has been on the questions to give the ongoing situation in our communities. dia, because of this war, imposed lost by the m 23 rebels, which are supported by rolanda. and you can, this is why we wanted to denounce them today. by supporting i was told as we won't dakota from the international community, which still supports our addresses. police in somalia say at least 5 people have been killed and 20 others injured in an explosion. a call them went off outside a busy cafe in mogadishu. when funds were gathering to watch the your cup final


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