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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the, the challenges here with the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm this all the time. this is and use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a federal judge in florida dismisses the entire classified documents case against donald trump, ending the form of president a major legal reprieve ahead of his republican nomination. trump is riding on the mention he set to announce his running names in the coming out of
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the that sound like it's around the general, happy to return a place and disregard of international humanitarian law. under his chief condemns the destruction of his agencies headquarters in casa and a mass of new salacious bodies. kenyon police arrest a suspected serial killer, but they're all still doubts about the case in full spain and celebrates in a record full european championship scene on the trophy of back on time. so he left the victory against england, the less than 48 hours of to surviving an assassination attempt. donald trump has got a major legal victory just as he's also poised to be 4000000 nomination. as the republican presidential candidate,
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a federal judge and sorta has tossed out the entire case of mishandling top secret documents, saying that the appointment of the special council jack smith violates of the constitution. the pullman president says the ruling is just the 1st step and the old criminal and civil cases should be thrown out on trump himself is now in the background stage of wisconsin for the, for the republican national convention. in the coming out is that he will reveal his pick for running mate before he for when he gets nominated himself as the republican presidential candidates. meanwhile, outside that venue in milwaukee, thousands of people are already demonstrating against trump's candidacy. she had pretends the correspondence is at the sight of those protest outside the convention center. but 1st, let's speak to patty. go ahead and she's inside the r and c venue apache. the for a convention has just for me to kicked off with seeing out a series of opening, pres,
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being read out. it's old and really very good timing for donald trump has ended with this case now being thrown up by a judge that he put on the bench just as the aren't so useful getting, getting going. it really is a need. now he can come out and say, look, this is what i've been saying, a was wrong of the law, and therefore therefore, all the other cases should be dismissed. it's just kicking down one of the things that may be going against him in this election. but yes, this was a judge ailing cannon. she's the one who was appointed by trump. she ruled that because the special council jack smith was not appointed by the president or confirmed by the senate. therefore, he's illegitimate under the clause of the constitution. and now, throughout history for decades, judges courts, appellate court, supreme court ruled that special countries can be pro, can be appointed in this manner. we've gotten reaction. now chuck schumer, the senate majority leader, democrats,
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it calls it is misguided wrong or the law. of course, republicans are good, like i said, or call it vindication or how speak or my jobs. and so the jack smith abused his office and they this should lead to the end of the law fair and political which, hans. so again, that the case is not over though. jack smith is likely to appeal again, the law president seems to be with him. but what this does is it delays the trial. it probably wasn't gonna happen before the election, but it will probably be appealed. possibly all the way to the supreme court. so it's not that he's not going to face this, this trial, this will succeed, is the most serious case against him. it's just not going to happen now. uh, interesting with the timing though, in a few hours patsy. we understand we could know comes, pick the vp, but the campaign and come himself has definitely been trying to a go on the anticipation. yes. you know, this is the president who likes to uh, type things he likes those, you know,
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major reality tv moments. and so he's been hinting at 3 people that he is a potentially looking at. that'd be the center for the higher ged fads the governor from north dakota and also my sen merkel. rubio. where are you starting to see all sorts of leaks? it will be him, it won't be him. i wouldn't put it past trump to pick somebody who has not been circulated, but we'll see that's supposed to be in just a couple of hours. we do think we're going to see a former president, donald trump, here at the opening of the convention. as you said, the 1st gabble just went down. the delegates will do a roll call vote. they will officially make donald trump there nominated for the 3rd time in a row. we just saw a per uh, opening prayer from the greek orthodox priest. and now we're seeing the star spangled panel. all the pageantry that you expect from convention is now well underway. patrick,
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i'll hang that literally in the convention center for us and we all watching just a few minutes of the beginning of the republican national convention. now this is a 4 day convention. it's literally just gotten going in the last few minutes or so we are hearing as had you was saying this, the star spangled banner. seen some that and we do then expect a roll call vote. republican delegates as this kicks off, there has been a huge amount of speculation as to who might be indeed, the choice comes choice for running nights. we hope to find out in the coming hours . and we do expect to hear from tom himself at the convention. it's not sometimes when a who's speaking yet this evening and everyone very much in anticipation of tonight and then will that speak to she have her time the he's just outside the convention center at a protest to the she have you telling us earlier this has been really a group of, of different protest. those who come together took us through the messaging,
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the $128.00, the $52.00 messages besides the republicans, racist and reactionary agenda. the stone with thomas gone to the same women's l, g, b, d, 2 and reproductive rights. to defend its found the rights and advocates of distrust as other qualities. only one of those groups is the freedom root search. this is kirby gallery is with us. why was it, sir? no, sir, do represent him. i will see you today. what do you want me to represent? and is this a real fight against the republicans in the streets? it's not just the batter box, we're about to sort of jones, we talked about defeating controls and the republicans right here in the streets. the way that we do that, like you just said, we have our demands. we have our agenda and we're going to buy for processing and by shutting down the streets as, as many times really to the democrats side of the lesser of the 2 e. well sir, it's a bad side. sometimes it's from this practice,
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today's the republicans were going to protest against the gnc as well. we're going to be in chicago. i'm actually from chicago. oh, that's where i live and work in the middle school science teacher. when the democratic national convention comes to chicago and i'm going to, we're going to be protesting, there was going to where do you get your heart from? if i was about, i have says it's receiving faxes from an genocide. good. what can you do? what, what are you doing here? i mean i, where, where is the ultimate? oh, what, what we can do is what we're doing. we're not just waiting for joe biden to have a change of heart and stop supporting the, the genocide in time. so what we're doing is you're putting pressure on the same way that people internationally put pressure on their governments to stop them from supporting the budgets out there for go on back in the ninety's and you know, the say the pressure on the us to stop there genocidal war against the not in the seventy's. and that's what we're doing to stop in times there was other stuff. how old are yours? there's different issues i mentioned earlier,
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reproductive rights workers' rights because how do i connect to reach them? you know, you mentioned the democrats say that there the rest are 2 evils, issues that they're both workers, right? they work for the same system. so at the end of the day, they back to certain policies, sir, richard and people. so what we need to do is show that is our apartment, any show that we are each of these rooms to be on the women's rights to our neighbors rooms, the workers for lack of the ration. and so stop, you know, we just heard the trying to make just this new piece. you know, that comes from the murders that could use, have been committed against that can bring people, miscarriage. so all of these are united, we have the same or press or we have the same exporters. so we have to have the same uh, 5 back survey. thank you very, very much for it. i thought of the way through the march we saw the google chrome
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or no, i guess with the box. so we're going to try and catch up with it. it's about to knock off kilometers and we'll come to the next time. we will indeed to have a tansy the outside the convention for us with those protesters. thanks for you. well, displayed some legal relief for the former us president. let's remind you of his 3 criminal trials that is still pending at different stages. trump has been found guilty on study for felony charges, but falsifying business records by new york court. he's appealing that case. the sentencing that is expected in september. he also faces 10 felony charges unlawfully conspiring to change the 2020 election outcome in the state of georgia. but that tron is on hold likely until next year, unless the term faces for charges related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and for his own actions during the attack on the capital. on january 6th,
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2021. that case will also likely face some significant delays. well, let's face it in a $5.00. she's an attorney on legal unless you joins us now from los angeles. so do you know, just focusing on this case to begin with judge, kind of throughout the documents case, not on its merits, but on a specific point of disagreement about how the special council was appointed. what does that actually mean for the charges the trump faces, in this case, they haven't necessarily entirely gone away, right? as well. they haven't gone to the nearest of the case as you say, but according to her, the indictment. so the charges would go away because it was filed by the special council, which she says it's unconstitutional. doesn't necessarily mean that somebody else can't re bring those charges, but that is a huge process. he went to the grand jury, that's how the indictment came about us. we were talking about that thing kind of a large, a people to even bring bring the charges of what's going to happen 1st certainly is jack smith will appeal this motion to dismiss and argue that his appointment was
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constitutional and should be able to perceive what kind of timing, are we looking at here? if that appeal does take place as we expect but it, well presumably none of this is going to get resolved before the election. definitely not mean this appeal most likely will go to the supreme court. we saw the supreme court justice clarence thomas, just in that opinion about the whether or not present trump got absolutely immunity with his january 6th case. they in his concurring opinion, that he thought the appointment of a special prosecutor jack smith was unconstitutional. certainly this led the way to judge canon's dismissal. i think she saw that as support for her argument. and so whether or not clarence thomas was speaking with his own opinion as he was in that opinion. or if that was a precursor to how the whole supreme court will eventually will let me see this case on appeal. i think that's
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a big question mark is whether or not the supreme court will take it and agree with judge cannon, or was it just as thomas an outlier when he made those comments? well, tom meanwhile is saying that the war criminal and civil cases should be thrown out, could this actually affect any of the other cases against and will given that it's also about how special counsels are pointed to this effect, the case against present biden's son and it will not affect the case against a present pride in son hunter because his special council was also an attorney general who was already appointed and approved by the senate. and his kind of, let's say, a job capacity. that's the difference here is jackson method wasn't already um and appointed and approved attorney and within the attorney office. he was brought in from the outside, so it won't quite, it will not effect hunter by hands case the same way is it will affect donald trump's case. if the supreme court work, and i think what has to be the supreme court,
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who was ruled as the supreme court ruled that yes, jack's missed appointment is unconstitutional. it would certainly affect the january 6 case because he was the one that brought the environment there. and d, c will not affect effect the georgia case because special council has no role and the georgia case, that is the, the d, a prosecutor, bonnie willis as the one who's going for it both that georgia case. let me ask you about some speculation that's been going around because judge cannon, who made this ruling on the documents case, she was put on the bench by trump. she also has an, as i understand it, a reputation for fairly unusual decisions. the timing to seems notable the 1st day of the r and c, a 48 hours off to an assassination attempt. what do you make as of all of that? as you know, they're evidently colleagues of jobs. cannon had suggested that she don't, doesn't take the case. she was randomly, given this case, it's a random process, but they fed, you know,
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the best you should step aside. she didn't step aside. the fact is, she was appointed a few short years ago by trump, and then she has that case against them. to me that does seem like that would be like a conflict of interest and how could she be made and partial. and the fact is, a lot of her decisions people have been questioning, she's taken under advisement issues. that didn't seem to have any kind of legal plausibility. and to your point about the timing, this issue of jack smith was raised way back in february. so for it to come out the day of the r and see definitely not a good time for trump. and because he appointed turn not that long ago. it's really hard not to see all her actions in some sort of lens of whether or not she is indeed fair. bring the farmer president and dana just last week before i let you go . i wonder if you can, perhaps contextualize had decisions for our view is because the appointment of special counsels has essentially been done in this matter for nearly the last 30 years. so this is quite a, as someone else faced earlier on on,
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on use our friends decision as well. it's interesting because to your point, we have been acting as f and the country that the attorney general can appoint a special counsel and that's normal. and it's even to the fact that this absolute immunity decision allowed the case to go back down to the court to jack smith in dc . so we've been asking is the f, the attorney general can appoint special council? what church counting this thing is that the powers of appointment under the constitution can only be done through an act of congress. and it is true that the congressional act that specifically laid out the power her appointment that was put in place after next. and then expired in 1999. and since 1999, the attorney general has been appointing special counsels under the regulatory power, which is also given by congress, but may be as not as let's say,
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explicit and the delegation of the power. and that's what she's watching onto is that fitness by congressional act expired in 1999. the regulatory power of attorney general is using is not proper. but this is the 1st time a judge has done that. and we have been practicing is it that regulatory power is constitutional? so her pain is an outlier, and if we were in a different circumstance with different supreme court justices, i would say the motion to dismiss would be over time. but because of what clarence thomas and the supreme court said, and his concurring opinion about his belief that the special counsel, we don't know how many other justices agreed with him. and it's possible they might decide that that same regulatory actions that the attorney general has been acting as if they had power, wasn't enough genocide, all of an attorney and legal and this breaking that all down for us from los angeles. thank you so much for your expertise and insights with us here on tuesday
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or dean. thank you for having me as well. let's take you back to the republican national convention in milwaukee wisconscin. we on now we understand less than 45 minutes away from the goal. cool, in which donald trump will be formerly nominated as president, as the presidential candidate for the republican i taught. you will have much more of that for you. this news on the honorable henry mcmaster also coming up will be reporting on un peacekeepers on the active front line between israel and hezbollah and southern level. and the bottom, the rips through a busy cafe in somalia is comfortable with fans with gathering to watch the euro cups find the headquarters of the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees in gauze that has been destroyed off the is randy forces bombs the area the head of on run for the browser
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any posted these 252 also say now and x with the caption headquarters in gaza turned into a battlefield. and the flattened as there any went on to say. and now the episode and the blatant disregard of international humanitarian, the united nations facilities must be protected at all times. they must never be used for military or fighting purposes. every will has rules, and garza is no exception. owner of the head of external relations. tamara, our fi says the destruction is possible. why that passes violence by is really forces. so last week has been one of the deadliest weeks and guys lessons the work start the, the images that are coming out of the, the under i headquarters are really shocking. and that is why commissioner. and was there any issues that we you for having visited these headquarters several times?
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what i sold today in the footage is recognizable and it speaks volumes to the blatant disregard for international humanitarian know. because today's 191901, your was facilities and got the most of which serve as shelter is for this place. people, hundreds and 90 had been damaged during the conflict. healing more than 500 people in sites and people who are looking for projection inside the u. n. building underwriting, with flat and injuring over a 1600 people inside our own shelters. and we're schools across the gaza strip of filled with displace palestinians who hope for being in a un building will grant them some protection. so they also know that there's no west safe, a correspondent who could ari was at you when school in central goes away. families are living an overcrowded and sign of treat conditions. the key in the hearts of
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didn't bella in one of the owner was schools where it's thousands of displaced. palestinians from different areas from the north to the south of the district are displaced here. they're not only displayed in the classroom, but they also set up their own tents. the life is hard. we don't have food to go to the bathroom. we don't have water or shoes. we have no space to sleep. we don't even have mattresses to sleep on in the past couple of weeks. that is really, forces has been hard guessing. many lunar was schools and owner was shelters. those targets where thousands of palestinians were left homeless again, there were dozens of palestinian hills and dozens of other polish things have been injured. what number he must be. where can we go? there is no safe place left. whether it's intense or schools everywhere is being bombed. if they're looking for one person don't mess with the people, they do it and justify it by saying is because there was
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a wanted person in the area. this is a school where thousands of palestinians comedies have been displaced. they don't have any other place to go to, despite the fact that they know that this place is not safe. they don't have any place to go to knowing that there's no safe place all across the gaza strip. this isn't the somebody, i just need a little bit of cause of palestine. well, the situation in the north of gauze was equally di. this might be almost complete destruction of gauze and said he buys rarely bones. the space palestinians are still retaining the people say they no longer have the economic resources to run it . email colonial is in goals associated with this report. for money, their home is more than just the place. it is at this time in there i do see the i resigned the land carries generation of size memories and a sense of belonging that is not easily really waste, wilbur. oh,
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i'm on my girlfriends and i stay here because of my sold tied to the slant. my father passed away here, especially after what happened in 1948 when they told refuges to go promising they would return in a matter of days or, you know, they never did even off the move in 75 years and it's a general. and while we were born and raised yeah, we will live and die. yeah, palestine they remain all loud. this noise is all noise the spine tool. the bombings flyers and attempts to display says so it will stay stayed foster care resilience despite the siege and famine and everything that has happened, we will pitch out tens and stay here despite the hardship. because this land is on land for money. the same thing is of having nowhere else to go. it's not just an emotional declare ration, but the spark reality choices are very limited by the lack of resources.
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many families live in poverty. their financial needs insufficient to facilitate even re it'll look neat being the question. humanitarian a though critical of in fold sort of meeting the basic needs of the population. this is going to make straight jackets forces families to remain in their homes despite the danger. this is really forces has killed at least a few people across calls that in the past 24 hours in central goals, or at least 5 palestinians for kills. and it's really attacked on the, on the gauzy refugee camp for women. and one was a child that densely populated cam has a piece of the come on to. is there any attack since the school began on just a few kilometers south? there are reports of israeli helicopters, opening fun. yeah. they're all blah honey, i'm a ford reports from there all the from just outside the i likes the hospital that and we're looking at the past couple hours have been quite
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a bloody and violent. we're looking at a total number of 10 people have been killed. the vast majority of them happens to be women and children, and we're, we, we are not exaggerating this because we look at the nature of the talk that are taking place. these are residential homes, people who are taking these residential homes as filters for the past. a few months, they either the northern part in gauze as to the more recent from the city of han units on dropbox, to the end up in these residential buildings, childrearing and protecting themselves from the unpredictable calling on to 3 different attacks in the central area alone. in the western part of the free people were recorded skills, you know, not have the rest of the g. com. that's the eastern part of the center. there were 5 people were there, one to tie the little girls and 4 of the women inside the house, then one family of 4 women and one child. and we have 3 more at the rest of you
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can just within the past half an hour with the artillery tracker rather than by the way this building these tours and the warehouse underneath serve as the distribution point for the displace families around the vicinity of this building, is there a concept been set up by, by the displaced families the, the situations keep to exponentially increase, increase in at a exclaim in a very risky way. right now the hospital has been quite busy since the late hour of this afternoon. we see in many of the bodies arriving here and just within minutes, they're pronounced stands just given the kind of attacks and the nature of bonds that are being dropped. the are, these are bonds. there are talked with a trap, nose, the nails in and smoke. these of metals are causing severe cleaning. and from the time these casualties are picked up from the bottom sides all the way to the
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hospital. it's a long time. they are really bled so much and the chances of, of saving them is really slim. right here in the us. we seen the increased number of casualties by the hours right now. western powers have been trying to broker an end to 9 months of hostilities between these rarely ami and has belonged to get it by the war on cause that it's unlikely to end until a sci fi is reached in the strip. then a hold on that's un peacekeepers in southern lebanon, who are trying to de escalate tensions that on patrol in what is essentially an active frontline united nations peacekeepers are monitoring yet another round of hostilities between as well and has the law this time triggered by the war on god. so we are in southern lebanon. that's the who is this idea of was he seems to opposition and deal with someone who is really hilltop positions off the horizon along what is known as the blue line,
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which is not the recognized border, but a line of withdrawal. much of the area is empty of people. this is the main battle ground on the lebanese side of the border. our lot, it's korea is to arrive to a cease fire to provide you can put it exist by and, and bring back piece that just here in the spark of that happen. this is hezbollah, as heartland, and it is where many of its fighters live. their leadership says it is not interested. and then negotiated withdrawal from border areas of israel says to diplomacy, or by force, it wants to hezbollah free zone in line with you on resolution. 1701. it wouldn't be too dangerous to be here if we weren't with un peacekeeping troops, or roughly 5 kilometer deep strip along the border, is considered a military zone. the lebanese army is not a party to the conflict,
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but it was supposed to with the help of the un force extend state control in this region, western proposals to end the confrontations build on international agreements for the implementation of $17.00 to $1.00. the full support for the liberties army to make sure that so there is an increase in the number of troops coming to the south of 11. as it was envisioning 2006, part of the diplomatic process would involve resulting disputed points along the border. has been laws refusing any discussions until the war on garza ends. but in recent years, it has been accused of re establishing itself along the border. despite the presence of the lebanese army, and un troops loving on and hezbollah to accuse as well as not complying with un resolution, 1701. they want is route to stop. it's violations of lebanon's air space and withdraw from what they say are occupied lands. the conflict between israel and has the law has
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a long history and the arrangement in place since their last 4 in 2006 that allowed for relative stability. ended in october center for their elders. 0 along the blue line. so there's nothing on a hostile ahead here on alan's era pack is down, government says tons to ban the country's largest opposition. policy led by former prime minister in mon. com 90 up to a verge. we look at why everyone does present. focus on me is likely to extend his already 24 year old. and the 715 time major when it has been that action is super fast. so the open championship details coming up shortly in support with m news. hello we are looking at the wins easing down across c, arriving peninsula river the next couple of days. uh,
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lots of hazy sunshine around. not too much cloud to speak of temperatures here in the hall around 45 degrees celsius. a little bit of lift deduct from the side just around the east composite the plants, the down to will settle the sections of saudi arabia a little change as we go on into a wedding. stay always a possibility of one or 2 showers up towards the caucuses. but again, not too much to speak of him. meanwhile, the close the eastern side of the mediterranean. it really is about the heat. terms is close to 40 celsius, the full side for us, warm enough to right across the levant. br squint that just coming into west southern parts of the other line so gaza at around 32 degrees celsius, plenty of hot sunshine to cause northern parts of africa. 30 i celsius and tripoli, that's a 100 in found high in the showers. continue across west africa. sunny go liberia for see already on can and processing some lavish as most child stretch across into
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saddam where we have the flooding concerns. they run across into cell, sit down as well, few showers close to somalia, but from not just tell them africa is fine, dry and sunny of the the african stories from african perspective. though i had my mail, i think a lot of the process is too short documentary spike african field makers from
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monday and sent a guy the lady for example, one last on the peninsula of the can. 3, linus and tyler. a new series of africa direct on l. j 0 the the the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you of our top stories, this our headquarters of view and agencies of palestinian refugees and garza has been destroyed off to is ready for us as fall into the area. the head of run run for the plaza. really says the destruction was another episode in the blatant
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disregard of international humanitarian born in cost. us the federal judge has dismissed the criminal case against donald trump on charges of mishandling top secret documents. the president was accused of endangering national security for keeping those files as his home. off the he left the white house on tron is in the background stage of wisconsin and the full, the full day republican national convention. that literally just started in the last half hour that he's used officially, except the republican nomination and name is running his running mate. you're watching that live pictures from the convention where the official role cool. that's part of the, the formal nomination process of donald trump should begin in less than an hour. what country watching a bit of housekeeping and in the meantime that speak to steve clemens, he's the highest about his ears weekly. sure. the bottom line, he joins us now. from washington dc. steve, that's been speculation that that long the list of candidates being vested as v p
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with links to hyphen anticipation is the aides of even been saying that there's a private jet. the calling from force to is popped and ready nearby for the new v p . heard from it certainly sounds like the trump team and signing some pretty good television since night as well. look, i mean, this is a showman, right? donald trump, despite whatever else you may think about him, was a major tv show, a celebrity in the united states with his long running show, the apprentice. and they've been going through a kind of real live version of that in selecting their vice presidential candidate . and, and right now we've been looking at any number. now i was wondering because we knew who the final 3 were, but that i wonder, was there a possibility of a 4th out there that we hadn't even thought of. but, but right now it's looking like, you know, maybe by process of elimination, we know who it might be. i wanted to get to that in just a moment, steve, but i'm wondering about the criteria here for trump, 1st and foremost, i mean, there are many in the policy who want to see
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a pick that has appealed across other demographics, especially asking americans, for instance, when the trump himself, is this fundamentally about loyalty, fundraising ability, television presents? what's the most important thing to him? number one above everything else as loyalty. i think i think secondly, battleground state, major battle ground state that might be able to tip one way or another, given who that individual might be. those are the 2 most important criteria. and the 3rd is if you were to re run what we did in the last election and the sort of at the end of the divide trump election, they want to know that this person is not going to do what mike penn state and they're going to be completely loyal and take orders from the president even when things are contentious. so i think the loyalty is way up there. but i also think the politics of a battle ground state. i think there are other areas you might have thought of. he might have gone for a woman, you might have bunch of the gender card. it doesn't look like that's that is in the
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full but where they come from and their loyalty is most important. when it comes, team is now leaking that he has made his choice. has the assassination attempt changed anything a look, i believe that it's easy to hide the assassination attempt. the one thing that we got out of the assassination attempt is this. i conic codo with, with donald trump's wrist and you know, raised high defiantly blood spattered across his face. and it just shows really the tenacious ness of the kind of leadership that he has. and i, i think it was an amazing photo. i think the, the president trump has committed to try and dial down the rhetoric. i think of course, president bite and did to. but ultimately you have to very different people with incredibly different visions and part of the vision to donald trump and his, you know, nominee will bring, is this vision that america is wrecked right now that it is teetering on the bridge
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of collapse because of immigration from the southern border because of crime, because of weak leadership in the world, and i don't think that is going to be dialed down. so getting back to what we were speculating about earlier, we were to about 3 front runners that had been widely discussed. we are now hearing that it is not market rubio, it's not the guys i'm so out of the front runners. that leaves date events. and obviously that could be someone entirely out of left field. but let's talk about dance for a moment because he was an outspoken critic of trump. he called him america's head to one point article before then changing his mind design and get on the side. he said that he'll be disappointed if he doesn't get this, but he had some pretty strong language in the optim off of the assassination attempt. how does that go? the a look. i think that all 3 of the candidates have been trump resistors in their past, particularly market rubio. but as you said, judy vance, at some very harsh things to say about donald trump, early on. but you would not know that today. i think i think judy vance,
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senator vance, is one of the most vigorous, my go adherence. many people look at him as the inheritor of the market spirit. and so i think that's very important to look at with, with regard to, you know, who these candidates are and, you know, science, that's what i think they're looking at. they're looking at someone who's going to carry on that spirit in terms of what he would represent to the policy. we had him point the finger at democrats and the immediate off them off of the assassination attempt to actually, as donald coming out. and he blamed joe biden. yeah, he blamed joe biden personally and exactly at the same time as, as for the president, trump was actually calling for unity. i was wondering if that might have affected any, any kind of of process if he was already 11 of the leading fund finance. and i think i think that judy vance has shown himself to be a good attack dog, a good defender of the market spirit. i think he's also famous as an officer. and
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as a film producer, wrote a very famous best selling book, killed billy elegy about those people left behind them, the appalachian mountains appalachian states. and you know, the chronic under development of the way people that have been living in these under developed areas have been ignored. by the power eats what he would call the liberally leads and the country. and so that's part of judy vantage. dick, he's a very smart guy. i think what's going to be interesting for him is that donald trump doesn't really liked people in the room smarter than he is. and he doesn't like people in the room who out shying him. and we do know that ged vance is a very good performer. so far he's gotten through these test, we'll see if he is the final one. but my sense is he's going to have to dial it down or around president trump, he's going to be out there to be, you know, president trump spear carrier and flag carrier. and i think in that sense, i think he has got all the right attributes, but he's also a flashy personality. very, very compelling at the podium, a great writer in thinker and or a to are, you know,
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one thing about judy vance as you work for a while for the company called revolution revolution is headed by a friend of mine, steve case, who is the founder of america online, if you remember aol many years ago, and this was a very and, and another major staff member of revolution was ron claim, who happened to be the former chief of staff for joe biden. so one of the things that hasn't been reported about ged bits is he worked among a lot of like pragmatic, you know, mostly centrist, trying to do investments in the country and trying to look at helping you take tech, tech investment and put it in some of the lesser developed parts of the country. jeremy vance hasn't talked much about about that about, you know, his, his portfolio. but i think it's a very key um element of his, of his background. very interesting. i'm wondering, going into this for a convention. what do you think that the turn is going to be like, especially after what happens on, on saturday? for instance, what we're hearing that nikki haley is due to speak at the convention now,
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which was on the plan before the assassination attend. that's being read as a gesture of unity. trump is obviously said, she's not under consideration. so the p. but in terms of this, this idea of bringing people together is, is that going to be the theme of the r and c this year, or is it likely to go back down the mazda pop a book? i am one who, who thinks they can't avoid the mug. pat, they may gloss it over. they may put some frosting on top of it and try and promote unity as long as it's their unity. but this is this brand that, that donald trump has opened up and brought many americans over our people that are frustrated with washington who think that they are being led in the wrong direction . and i think that means that they're going to have to differentiate themselves from that buying view. and i think they're, you know, buying the view as pro international as being crow, engaged in ukraine being pro nato. i think donald trump and
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a lot of these people feel like america's been playing too much of that global security guarantor role without getting enough for average americans in return. and i think that means that there is no unity in that message. there's a division and they're going to have to struggle through that. and the nation doesn't mean that the ripped each other apart. and maybe it will say, hey, there is a line of violence. but remember, it was donald trump, who said if he loses, they'll be blood in the streets. you know, here it was joe biden, who said that the own trump is a criminal mean the language these to have use with each other and for each others party has been really, really intense. and i, i think some of that may be dial down, but believe me, it's not just the surface at the top of this rhetoric. there's also very, very deep tektronix core differences between the visions of these parties and the anger of each side and the fear among democrats candidly. that, that,
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that donald trump seems like a one of the fastest. and so when you have that you, it's going to be hard to pack that all back into some neat little bo, well, we'll certainly be able to take a little bit of the temperature of things over the course of the next 4 days. div clemons the, the highest developers, there is the bottom line. thanks so much for joining us on, on the new ground to be with you. great to be with you. the pocket stones government says it's moving to them, the largest opposition party to the government is accusing the former prime minister in wrong cons policy. the p t. i a participation empty space activities. last week of course awarded the pci more seats and parliament. and wrong con himself was america's prime minister and a no confident expires in 2022. the pci says the content band, the party is assigned a conic from the government. come out of high that has worn out from this on the
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back of august on the government are decided to move against a budget on tatic and solve this is amber on fund sparky saying that they intend to bandage political party and also accusing them of trees and charges which includes the ex president are focused on dr. audit for our rate is a member of the project on septic and solve and also the deputy speaker of the national assembly at the time of m. ron cons, government citing reason that the party was going against the state against the interest of the state. and also the fact that there were serious charges like the cypher case, read for days through the official secret act. but the court has already granted them are on a quicker, and those cases are non con. what support can be released from jen yesterday after? i had a question and a in new going to manage case. and uh, the cord that goes to order that they have, there are no other cases that you should be
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a free man. but the government and unexpected reaction decided that it was go ahead and bring more charges against them. and on, on, uh, including uh, uh, credited them charges. so these use cases was something that i really expected, but many pointed to going down the list and focused on where to be saying that this is indeed a big role still focused on the demo. tragic dispensation. come i like that. i get it off. it's not my by the police have a rest of the suspect in serial killer and kenya off the who reportedly confessed to killing 42 people. police detained collins to mice, calisha on monday, it was in connection to those 9 mutilated bodies that were recently recovered at assumption i ruby with ours. you say he's admitted to killing thousands of victims since 2022, including his own wife. the suspect was always through the window
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and i notice of county this morning around the you know, doing to operation by the dca. under national police artist courses the suspect confused fluid keys under this pause for the 2 female bodies, adobe site remodeled between 2022 and they sent us lots of the 11th of july 20 as millions of every single one of those presidential in parliamentary elections . president polk is ami is taking a 4th time his publicans to contend is about 2 other opponents were bought from the contesting by the state from electro commission. charles trot federal loan lines outside pulling stations across rwanda election,
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which the incumbent who was already ruled this east african country for almost quarter of a century is widely expected to win a game. you've got 50, you need to 66 year old. poke a gummy has one more than 93 percent of the vote in each of the 3 previous selections. which rights groups and observe a se one not free will for. the electoral commission allowed only 2 of the 8 candidates who were deployed to run against him in this problem entry and presidential poll, even if it presented to them, it is really his boss. and they said that's a use of the i think he has a fee, a to corporate with the, the targeted way of needing to be locked in the wrong. that's going to support his credit to him. rebuilding the country off to the 1994 genocide went up 280-0000 people, killed well being praised, but transforming were one of his economy. rights activists and wisdom. critics
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accusing the media crackdowns of backing rebel groups in the mineral rich, neighboring democratic republic of congo, the graduate by frontier call me and from president she teddy in the d. i. c has very vicious and has been escalated about recent months to concerning the region is that that this could lead to the kind of regional conflict that we saw ernest and come during the 19 ninety's gone. these human rights record has faced additional scrutiny at home and abroad. recently of he's 2020 to deal with the u. k. to receive thousands of asylum seekers. britain, this new government to say it's cancelled that deal in 2017, telling me one almost 99 percent of the vote. which enabled a constitutional change removing term limits that would have prevented him running again. he believes that the long term strategy that the ruling party is pretty place to try to rebuild the country. of the genocide really depends on q us or to tommy is not the leads of political say anytime soon as you started to be
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a fixture or one of the politics of it for as long as he's live with a fit or admired, to go on the look, set to win a full time child stratford. elder 0. the still ahead here on out to 0 and support a series of incidents delay the corporate america final for more than an hour and a half that story. the business latest is wrote to you believe i guess is i live slowly on. one of your lives makes more than please
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the business like just is free to you believe i guess is a light supply on one of your makes modern plates. the from that is it's time for sport and his ending. thank you so much. this policy will springs, football team are all set for
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a madrid st policy. the school has returned home from germany as europe in champions spacing in england see want and somebody's finals to lift the trophy for record full time. the same one, all of that 7 games with the rotary named flyers, the toilets, and the 17 year old lemayne. your miles taking the prize, the best young fire gave me the money to your mom is like, my little brother. we have that choice with each other, but i'm really proud of him. he's doing incredible things that just 17 years old and i hope he keeps growing like this because he doesn't have a ceiling. it's all. those are all the different mood around the england things they work up to reflects on another title named miss manager. dennis southgate is going to decide to suit your eyes finals. i woke up semi final, but the country's 6 decade white from major trophy comes on. so it's of these guys are the crazy schedules and then coming together for the end of the season. for one that's the 11 is, is difficult in the body, you know, mentally, physically exhausted,
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but for our country we're wanting to give everything and then yeah to, to losing that, why is read a crew? you know, again, we probably didn't lab best time, but there was definitely some, some good moments and we felt like we got back into the game and then it's kind of be sort of going through the like goal. it's a top right and i can say, and i have bass in columbia, it's a successful defend that call for american title. they don't mess either hinge, you design cool. early on in the finally trying to keep playing that was eventually full of the 370 counts. and in season the french from injury looks to be a serious one will. despite losing him, his teammates were able to get the jump. the time i've seen is the hero screen. the wouldn't go in extra solely this person seems. 3rd, major trophy in his many years must seize international seats without remains unclear. but another veteran angle the maria has played his final game. you know, it didn't seem share the building for once we got to win. it's a messy to make him happy. and that's for me. i dreamed of this that my last couple
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america would end here in the final a dream that we would win. and i would retire like this. i am a totally grateful to have been parts of this generation as well. the final was delayed by moles and an hour. it was taking place in miami, due to thousands of ticket, was fans trying to get into the stadium. and it's a venue that's due to high as much as of the world comp, interiors time david structure pulse sent out crowd of $65000.00 was expected at the hardware stadium in miami, but far more than that to adopt ticket. this friends try to post the way in that security, close to gates, meeting styles and describe it out. so it's in the south florida. i am 70 years old in my life. i've not seen a stadium one hour before. kick off with 80000 people, only one gate open. there are people with children. people who are pregnant. it is shameful. some friends required medical treatments and there were multiple arrests at the venue,
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which is set to host 7 games that the fee for woke up in 2026. the can't organize a world cup. it's impossible. people stuck against the gate for hours unable to breed. there was a senior citizen, looked at him, look at him, left without water. what is going on before getting into the medical through the ventilation system. what is going on here? well, some friends did whatever they could to get in to see the game. there were many supporters who did have tickets, left, prostrated outside, and the we've been here for an hour and a half. we paid $10000.00 for 5 tickets and they still don't open the gates. k o. kickoff was delayed by more than one hour with many of the players loved ones caught up in the chaos the deal. we had to stop the match without knowing where our family members were. i think the columbia team were going through the same thing. it was very weird for the local government in miami,
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a punch to fully investigate what caused the trouble before the final saying it should never have happened and cannot happen again. they did stokes out your 0 a small account that has begun for us in the dial in his olympic tennis campaign he joined up with well, number 9, caspar route and the doubles of this events in sweden and they will not 1st round match the 2 time olympic gold medalist skipped when moving in fear his fit a phone for singles and doubles iris, gainesville help pair up with the recently problems and shampoo has helped me to the the spanish simpler than amazing. gabriel cobb since the 1st day. the last we are very proud sole the, all the old account today about what, what they did have been a very happy day yesterday to with, with carlos when we moved on. so
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this one is the scores and i think the sports and race function on the motivation to people. and that's good for the account that we talked about. now the world's best gulf, as are in scotland for the final major championship of the open season. at royal true on thursday. very macro is aiming for his 1st open sign for when in a decade, adjusting his spouse on a 5th career major at last month to us open brooks kapco. he does have 5 majors to his name, but has yet to win this events to american copatrick bryan home and is the defending champion. pleasure watching. will tiger woods. this participation has been criticized by some full erotic accounts and call them and gomery questioning why he hasn't retired from the sports with the 48 year old such a feature and just as 9th pga tour event since early 2022009. which says my, the hall foot count on only 3 occasions. it's all right, but it's how useful it's is looking for noun installs you thanks so much on day. well, that's it for me and this talk to you today, but i'll leave you with some live pictures that we're getting in right now from the
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republican national convention in milwaukee, wisconsin, where that involve calls to formally and dominate donald trump as the presidential nominee is about to begin in the next couple of minutes to stay with us here analysis here that maintaining order unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization and the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0 is investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. all knowledge is here,
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the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption excellence award, nominator here on now. once a journey through every story, every step is a narrative celebration of what we cannot change when to reach
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the welcome to simmons and exclude does that affect the redesigns luxury living trust you know, future today we create the . ready ready of the republicans gather to formally nominate donald trump, to the us presidency and find out who is wanting mates. and the legal boost for the former president, a judge drops the classified documents case against from the hello. hello. this is alta 0. live from dough also coming up grabbing whatever they


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