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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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an exclusionary designer, redesigns luxury losing, trusting of future today we create the . ready ready the republicans gather to formally nominate donald trump, to the us presidency and find out who is wanting mates. and the legal boost for the former president, a judge drops the classified documents case against from the hello. i'm somebody the, this is old to 0, live from the law, also coming up, grabbing whatever they can, the, with cross close to move,
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help to deliver disk with the need aids. and to calls us as a mass of mutilated bodies. kenyon police arrest a suspected serial killer, but the doubts about the case, the big quote, big fee for donald trump, and now he wants to eliminate more legal hurdles as he's about to be formerly nominated. as the republicans, u. s. presidential candidates, a federal judge has tossed out the entire case of mishandling top secret documents before the judge ruled the appointment of special council. jack smith violated the constitution crumbs we acted by saying old criminal and civil cases against him. we should now be thrown out. scott, the on from pull soon be officially nominated to go up against the democrats and joe biden,
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for the u. s. presidency at the republican national convention in milwaukee, who is also expected to announce is wanting made for november's election. thousands of washington legos have travel day for the full day event. the full process to nominate donald trump has begun known as a vocal listener, sitting for a moment. $22.00. madam secretary, my name is corey lou and data security and i served as president trump campaign manager in 2016 that is stored victory. i stand before you today on behalf of the great state of new hampshire. the granted states, the 1st in the nation, primary state, the state that delivered president cons, 1st election victory way back in february of 2016 new hampshire proudly cast all 22 votes from my good friend, the 45th, and soon to be $47.00 for the united states donald to
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the, to the now the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention. new hampshire, 22 by president trump. the nebraska. sorry. the secretary, my name is eric, who i'm the chairman. i present the great state of nebraska the good life is our motto, where agriculture, beef and corn is the life blood of our economy, where our medical field and university are amongst the top and the nation. but it is our people that embody a nebraska nice, modest lifestyle. now to announce our delegates allocation, our delegation co chair john tucker. adam secretary, the great state of nebraska proudly cast all of its 36 boats far prior to
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the pursuant to the announcement of the delegation in the rules of procedures of this convention, nebraska 36, the president trump, to california. the new 169 dell i guess. california represents nearly 5400000, registered republicans more than any other state in the nation. from expressing beaches to exploring mountains from expansive desert to the redwood forest. the golden state is responsible for securing 2 days g o p house majority. it will be
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the state responsible for returning a house majority to washington this november so that president trump has a partner in congress to support his common sense agenda. with the largest delegation in the nation, madam secretary, the great state of california proudly cast all of its 169 boats for president the pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention. california. 169 above president trump tennessee the 250. i don't like it. thank you madam secretary. my name is jack johnson,
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i have the honor serving as the republican majority leader in the tennessee states senate. on behalf of our delegation sherman, the honorable billy, the 50th governor of the great state of tennessee. i am happy to report that from the mighty mississippi graceland to bill straight to the grand ol' opry, to the great smoky mountains, rocky top, and dolly woods, the rock city, look out, mountain russell, motor speedway, and all points in between. we bradley castle, all 58 of our boats for the next president, the united states, donald j trump. alright, let's get move on. what's happening at that convention as well? cool, continues the shop with tennessee is that the site to protest that the republican convention will go to him in just a moment. but 1st practical aid is inside the convention venue apache. it's all rather good timing for trump. a judge he puts on the bench throwing off the documents case as he hits to this
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r and c to your right is you could forgive a conspiracy. there is for seen a connection because this is really going to be a boon for a former president. donald trump, he has been fighting more than 90 felony counts against him, and this will give him and his supporters a chance to make the argument that look, it wasn't, it wasn't fair in the 1st place. so basically this judge, church of england canon that it was a trumpet party. she's been incredibly criticized harshly by independent and left leaning legal scholars because it's seeing that she's slow walk in this process every here in this is requested. see if she gets a hearing for take her to the side. so basically she's come out now and said, because of the way special counsel justin smith was appointed, that he was appointed by the president nor confirmed by the senate. so the quote that goes against a clause in the constitution. now for decades, legal precedent,
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all the supreme court has said the way he was appointed is a constitutional process. so what happens now? it doesn't mean the cases that just because this what district judge said so to experts could appeal if he appeals, he could also ask but this judge be remove something that's less, they need scholarship and they seem, he shouldn't done months ago. i've been at the details for or with the term paper had the chance to possibly appeal all the way to the supreme court. so what does this mean? this is by far the most serious case against donald trump, for the couch of espionage act, making false statements, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice. one child could have landed in prison for 20 years. the thought of guilty that might still go through. it's just not going to happen before the election and if he's re elected, but he can say to the justice department, drop it, and they will apply to you. i just want to bring in the news as we're getting it. so we are expecting the, the, the us or the donald trump to pick he's running made. we have word coming in,
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but it isn't j. d vons. and this is somebody who not too long ago, identified himself as a, a niv trungpa. and today he's now announced as the running made potential vice president. for now i wouldn't caution everybody cuz donald trump does like to create suspense. so we're going to wait until we have official announcements cuz you never know until you know. but if it stated that the senator from ohio, let me tell you a little bit of what we know about him. you're right. he was a truck critic in 2016. he said, i've never been a trump guy. and then he said in a different interview, that he didn't see trump offer and solution. so what changed? well, in 2021, he was running for an open senate seat, a very competitive set, etc. and he told the very conservative use out with fox news that he apologized that he had been wrong about trump. he got a late that it endorsement from trump right before the primary campaign for that senate seat at one was a very close race, a very expensive race,
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but he won the senate seat. uh, let me tell you a little bit about him. he became famous because he wrote a book called hill billy elegy, he grew up very poor in a small world rest about time for us about town in ohio. and he wrote a book about growing up and severe poverty surrounded by violence and addiction. it was a very famous book, the best seller that he ran for, set it. so let me tell you a little bit about his policies. he is extremely conservative when it comes to aid for ukraine. he voted against that. he's opposing opposed to any additional aid to ukraine. he, uh, it is somewhat controversial. for example, he was just given, given an interview on a job growth and he said those, the jobs that are growing under by it and presidential bide, they're not going to a real americans. basically, they're going to illegal immigrants and people who are foreign born. so he's very, very controversial, but he is going to be affected if he is, in fact, the vice president of any age it healthy donald trump with fundraiser. he's become
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very close to trump, since he's apologize. he's become a surrogate for him on the campaign trail. a little bit about his personal history . he was went to the marine corps, he went to a highest deal high state university, as they say in ohio, went to go on eventually graduated from jail with a law degree was corporate lawyer for a little while i went into the texas tech industry is a venture capitalist and became an officer in dallas, senator, and potentially a, a very young sen, very new senator. but now potentially a vice president tech and the republican party ticket. hard patchy, just as you give us a little bit of background on j. d fonts, a confirmation coming of via to social from donald trump that he has indeed picked today do bonds as he's running mates, but i'm sure will speak to you again and get more around developments on that. but for now, let's close to a she hub to tennessee. he's also at the convention, but at a protest she have what's the message from the protest is there of the
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far cool issues have to fight to the republicans races and reaction the agenda. the son with cala stein to defend women's l. g b to to reproductive rights to the defended expand, able to rights and advocate for peace, justice and equality for a little bit. it doesn't really matter who terms vice president because as long as that consent sold ticket will be wrong. whatever, whoever the vice president is, we're talking to one of those who's probably from around the country a victoria, and please from the students are a democratic society. you guys in florida to be a that's why was it appeared to be here today. we're going to be here today. the reactionary, as i know there were that the minute or right to be given to us. that's how people are versus wait a minute, 8 hour work day to raise the how do all these issues connect very from down to
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reproductive roads, to pass through unions and everything has to intersect. yeah. it, you know, there's one struggled, free us all and we can all by, for a better future together, you know, we have a, a common enemy. it's such a right here. the are in the, there's a common enemy. and the republican party customer no point that we can put together, you know, connect on points of unity and struggle against the reactionary be ready for the job. i mean is, eva is eva lesser of 2 evils. i'm not the, you know, a lot of people here believe that, you know, he is, you know, representing a lot of the same things that companies representing, you know, they're sending billions of dollars of ac is real. they're putting the done aside a post them in both of them, you know, don't protect women's or reproductive rights. so, you know, we don't do as a solution. we do it as, um, you know, they represent the same kind of thing. so what was the hope some problem, if i were to do it by the choice between classes, trumbull, genocide, jones,
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i mean, as well. no right here, you know, in the power of the people, as i said, you know, everyone has won their rights throughout his struggle direct action and he's going to be something wrong with what we're doing here today. and we believe that, you know, we, you know, quite hard enough that we can win, and instead of you going to expel from your university of having a dozer and tell them yeah, i mean, how's that part? uh, yeah. so i was, oh, it's spelled out from the university of south florida in tampa. i was you know, what just want to sign away for graduation. it was 4 days away from walk into my graduation ceremonies when i was suspended and they later expelled me for being a part of my enchantment for ya. so um we have lots of, uh, local campaigns who are very nice built in uh for them to give me my degree. but i work so hard for him, but it's also building a national campaign as well, directly stag strong. thank you very, very much. the motors are bad rooms out gathering where we began, but i'd have to add a cost commitment commitment to suck it around the streets of milwaukee. and i
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think it's gonna be another robbie started treatment spread sharp. thanks very much for that from milwaukee. now, as we've just mentioned, donald trump has confirmed his learning mates. he just released this on choose media. and he is said of the links, the deliberation and thoughts and considering the tremendous talents of many others . i've decided the person best suited to assume the position of vice president of the united states as senator j. d. vons of the great state of ohio j. d honorably served no country in the marine corps, graduated from ohio unit a state university in 2 years and welcome lottie and is a law school graduate. where he was editor of the yale law journal and president of the a little veteran's association. he also went on to say trade, his book hillbilly energy became a major best seller and movie as a champion, the hard working men and women of all country j. d is at a very successful business, career and technology and for finance. and now during the campaign,
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it will be strongly focused on the people who for so brilliantly for the american workers and farmers in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, ohio, minnesota, and far beyond those are the words of donald trump, the head of his own confirmation of his candidacy for the presidency. let's have a look at who j. d. vons is the 159 year old has been serving as the junior united states senator from ios since last year. in his role he's maintained is a tough, conservative stones, notably, opposing military, a to ukraine. he both relationship with trump off to the full president, endorsed him during the ohio send a primary. this relationship has since deepened with fonts, consistency defending problems, policies, and conduct. many believe fonts has the ability to articulate transmission and help him raise money to or despite some legal relief for the former
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us presidency. as a reminder of these 3 criminal trials pending at different stages, trump has been found guilty on the 2 full for the new charges for falsifying business records. why i knew your quote is appealing that case with sentencing expected in september. if has 10 for the new charges for norfleet conspiring to change the 2020 election outcome in the state of georgia, i thought that charles on hold are likely until next year. and losely, trump space is full charges related to his efforts to attend the 2020 presidential election and for his actions during the attack on the capital on january 6th, 2021. this case will also likely face a number of delays. okay? finkelstein is a professor of law at the university of pennsylvania. she says the judge's ruling on crumbs classified documents case up in decades of president. the stems from the separate concurrence that um uh, that was written by justice thomas in the immunity case in which he said that he
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believed that the entire appointment of jack smith was unconstitutional under the appointment's clause. now that was not a view that was shared by any of the other justices. we need to be clear. so here she took a very fringe view of view that conservatives had been touting for a long time to say that the appointment of special council was unconstitutional. in this case, what needs to be clear, however, that we did not hear justice thomas or conservatives in general objecting to the appointment of uh, john durham, who was special cancelled to look into the origins of the rustic case. nor did we hear them objecting to the appointment of special counsel and the hunter biden matter. so suddenly this becomes a view that is being used to eliminate special counsel. in the case of donald trump,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the headquarters of the you, an agency full palestinian refugees in gauze has been destroyed off the is really forces on the area. that of one was really pleasant. ronnie, it was a really well the post of these to focus on x with the caption, headquarters in gaza turned into a battle field and now flattened as we knew, went on to say another episode and the plates and disregard and international humanitarian law. united nations facilities must be protected at all times. they must never be used for military or fighting purposes. every war has rules. garza is no exception on why he to of external relations. tamara over fi says the destruction is part of a why the pattern
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a violent spies really forces in the last week has been one of the deadliest weeks and goes lessons the worst start the the images that are coming out of the, the under our headquarters are really shocking, and that is why commissioner, and was there any issue that tweet for having visited these headquarters several times? what i sold today in the footage is recognizable and it speaks volumes to the blatant disregard for international humanitarian dual. because today's 191901, there was facilities and got the most of which serve as shelters for this place. people, a 190 had been damaged during the conflicts killing more than 500 people in sight. then people who are looking to your projection inside the u. n. building on the right, you with glass and injuring over
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a 1600 people inside our own shelters is really forces i've killed at least 80 people across calls in the past 24 hours in central gaza at least 5 philistines were killed and is really a tax on the almost as the refuge account for women and one was a child. the densely populated camp is repeatedly come on to is really attack since the rules. again, just a few. columbus is down south. they are reports of his really helicopters opening fire and you're darrell by the name of motor pulls from outside the alexa hospital that we're looking at the past couple hours have been quite a bloody environment. we're looking at a total number of 10 people have been killed, the vast majority of them happened to be women and children. and we're, we, we are not exaggerating this because we, we looked at the nature of the talk that are taking place. these are residential homes, people who are taking these residential homes as filters for the past few months. they either the northern part from gauze, and the more recent from the city of con,
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units on dropbox, to the end, up in these residential buildings shouldering and protecting themselves from the unpredictable calling on to 3 different attacks in the central area alone in the western part of the free people were recorded skills, you know, not have the rest of the g. com. that's the eastern part of the center. there were 5 people work there. one child the little girl and 4 of the women inside the house . then one family of 4 women and one child and we have 3 more and then the rest of you can just within the past half an hour with the art hillary's track, or rather than the way this building these tours and the warehouse underneath serve as the distribution point for the displaced families around the vicinity of this building. it's there, it's in the concept been set up by, by the displace families the, the situations keep doing exponentially increased increase in
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a exclaim in a very risk way, right now the hospital has been quite busy since the late hour of this afternoon. we see in many of the bodies arriving here in just. busy within minutes they're pronounced stands just given the kind of attacks and the nature of bonds that are being a drop the are. these are bonds. there are packed with a trap. nose, in nails and, and small pieces of metals are causing severe cleaning. and from the time these casualties are picked up from the bottom sides all the way to the hospital, it's a long time. they are really blood so much. and the chances of, of saving them is really slammed right here in the us. we seen the increased number of casualties by the hours right now. the level of desperation is so high and gauze, other people are clamoring onto a trucks to get whatever food they can. this video from galls us with the shows in a truck arriving was fruits and vegetables after months of interrupted deliveries.
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some people have seen overwhelming the vehicle before the crowd speak through rubbish. for many vegetables they may have for the last. william school book is the head of the international committee of the red cross in rafa where the organization is running a field hospital. he's quoting for urgently needed aid and medical supplies to be allowed into the gaza strip. we have been able to bring in some of the desperately required supplies in order for all the doctors and nurses to continue treating the wounded and the sick thoughts. we see that we're bringing things into gaza is extremely complicated. and so that is only made even was by the continued breakdown of law and order, which is hampering our capacity to deliver assistance to those who need it the most . we are currently cool for an increase in the amount of assistance that can uh, inside of the college district,
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unimpeded so that we know the humanitarian organizations can quickly meet the needs of the civilian population. the police of the rest of the suspected serial killer in kenya off the he reportedly confessed to killing 42 people. police detained collins to mesa, calisha on monday, that wasn't connection with the 9 mutilated parties recently recovered at a dump. and i, roby. i'm sorry to say he's admitted kidding. dozens of victim since 2022, including his wife. the suspect was understood that uh, so wait to him. if i notice of county this morning around the you know, doing to corp by the dca national police artist offices, the suspect confused fluid keys under this pause for the 2 female bodies,
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adobe site remodeled between 22. i know you sent us last day. 11th over the july 20 stairs in protest, and the city of which i'm going democratic republic of congo, hundreds of people joined a march against increasing violence. i am 22 fighters whose captain multiple towns in the east fighting between the group and companies forces is escalate to the race of weeks, forcing many also their homes, congolese authorities blaming wanda, and began to offer support in the on the group. accusations denied by both countries. we are protesting because our country has been on the aggression for years. the ongoing situation in our communities, dia because of this war, imposed lost by the m 23 rebels, which are supported by rolanda. and you can. this is why we wanted to denounce them today by supporting i was soldiers. we want to call upon the international community,
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which still supports our addresses. they've been rallies in the many city of ties. we're supporting moves by the central bank targeting you to finance as the banks canceled the money transfer networks controlled by the group. it's old and private banks to move a headquarters to age and the temporary capital of the international recognize government, who's the levels large costs of human, but a truce between them. and the government has been in place for more than 2 years. as a reminder, no of the announcements in the post hall follow by donald trump on his website. truth social, he's named ohio, send it to j, the vons as his running mate for november's us presidential election. and just in the past few minutes from officially became the republican parties, presidential nominees and his home state of florida puts him over the top and the conventions,
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traditional role cool all states. i'm looking now at pictures coming from that republican national convention in milwaukee. i am eric's for about a and we continue to hear roll calls and some of the house keeping followings. that announcement. well that's it for me. for me develop, you can find more information on all the 0 dot com and then use continues of the counting the cost, the hello. let's start with the good stuff. that is, if you like it, there's plenty of it to go around for central and eastern europe. okay, sure. we've got some showers and storms rolling through germany. poland. check republics will voc yet and hungry, but this is going to do little to stump out the heat. let me show you wednesday. okay. colors are on dark. the red, the hotter it is still $35.00 in budapest. $36.00 in keys, but eventually
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a cooler northwind tier will press down your temperature 30 degrees on friday, but that's still above where it should be at this point in the year hotter than it should be for both greece and turkey a somewhat weather though powerful storms in that southeast corner of the country and still what weather through the black sea coast that has produced some flooding . other end of the mediterranean, also hots here, mostly for southern in spain, but looking good. and both spain and portugal. here's where we run into problems. the northwest spring moves away from eastern england, scotland hops over the channel into belgium and the net lanes. and we've got a copious amounts of rain coming for us. the are the own and guineas. so for both freetown and concrete, generally for the month of july you see about a meter of rain. so this is as it should be. and guess what? we've got more whites and windy weather coming in. so the western cape province in south africa. let's go 15 degrees in cape town on tuesday. see you later. the
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teams in the gaza strip, as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the other major instead of going on this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you know, we can look at the world of business advocate on this. this wage, the scramble to the top of russia and prepare for a potential donald trump presidency. nature pushes old members to raise defense
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spending to 2 percent of g d, p. the military government submits yeah, but keen a fast on molly announced


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