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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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when the wiring him, the republican nominee for president of the united states of america, republicans delegates, formerly nominate donald trump, is the 2024 presidential candidate to take on joe by senator j. the van has the over whelming support of this convention to be the next vice president of the united states senate object events also get some official nod. he'll be trans running mates on the republican ticket. the hello, i'm diamond, jordan, this is out to 0 life and also coming up,
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present to abide and returns to the campaign trail. he's criticized j. d. events has nomination just 2 days off the trump attempted assassination and grabbing whatever they can. the red cross coal, some more hope to deliver desperately needed. a interguards assist the 112 days to go before the 2020 for us presidential election. and donald trump has been officially nominated as the republican bodies presidential candidate. it comes just 2 days off in the country was shaken by an assassination attempt on him during a campaign rally. he's not been nominated on day one of the republican national convention, which kicked off just hours ago in milwaukee wisconscin. trump will now take on his democratic rival, jo button, in november's election of the family members representative delegation from florida that took him across the finishing line. i'm french, the nomination. half of the 120 far delegates. any only
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believable state of florida. we here, bye, nominate every single one of them for the greatest presidents that ever lived. and that's donald j trump. here it's wearing him the republican nominee for president of the united states of america. what's holding up about ohio? send it to j. d. events was confirmed as trumps running late. it is a great honor to move that j vance be nominated by acclimation by this republican national convention as its candidate for the office of vice president of the united states of america. the 39 years old. he's one of the youngest, pittsburgh vice president spots funds. also, a lawyer used to be a true critic, but he's now one of his fits to support his president bite, and that's called him a clone of trump on the issues here is that one official joins us live now from
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milwaukee wisconscin, where the republican national convention is taking place, islands that focus through the mood in the hold of the policy number. next, donald trump for a 3rd time as presidential nominee a very boy and there's a hole in the hole. just speaking to a couple of delegates that donald trump might actually appear at some point on monday evening. nothing confirmed from the trump campaign, but it would be the sort of thing that donald trump would do. he of course arrived in milwaukee on sunday evening, just little over 48 hours from the assassination attempt. and certainly there's a pleasure with the appointment of the vines as the vice presidential candidate. he's likely to give his speech on whether you see that additional for the b p slow that the protocol, the candidate himself getting from will of course officially accept the nomination . on thursday, i did events interesting choice at 39. the youngest passed on
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a presidential ticket for one of the 2 main parties since 1952 and richard nixon. the 1st marine to appear on a presidential ballot for one of the 2 main parties. and the 1st also to have visual here. since thomas g back in 1948, spoke the guy just been reading the history books and he was and never trump parks . i didn't certainly was very critical of donald trump in 2016. he said he wasn't a donald trump guy. he said he believes the women who made allegations of sexual assault against donald trump. he described him in an email to a former college friend as potentially america's fiddler. but once he was elected to the senate with donald trump's backing, his twin changed and he became very pro my got very supportive. the issue you may have is that donald trump thinks he speaks to ordinary working people because he's the author of the best selling book called the hillbilly allergy. but he also, it's very absolute on his position on the boss and he doesn't believe that should be any exception. what even for re an incest, donald trump needs to court this apartment women to try and get them over the line
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in november. i'm with g d fonts and the ticket, it's a lot harder to convince them that that would be part of the agenda. so be interesting to see what do these on says when he finally speaks here at the out and see on wednesday evening. yeah, now and we were told of the speeches would be less fine. i realize that actually happened or well, this was being trailed by the trump campaign kind of quietly. but donald trump was shot by what happened on saturday. he believed it was time for a much more moderate way of speaking. and certainly one of this because we weren't expecting fireworks from pasta. mont robinson, who is running as the governor in north carolina. we expected something from him because this isn't not new in the past. said there are some people that you should be allowed to kill. he's also holocaust denial. but he essentially just use this time on stage to introduce himself to the american people. but we did hear from ron
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johnson who's a senator here in wisconsin to describe democrats as a clear and present danger. we also had marjorie taylor being one of the total tons of biggest supporters and the house of representatives. also be very critical of the democrats, perhaps noticed by the issues being in the past, but certainly appears that some people didn't get the memo. if there was one same type from donald trump, that he wants to see the temperature being reduced, more talk up unity more talk of bringing america together. less about the divisions and more about the common ground that the 2 faulty share which at the moment is very, very said. all right, to add in such a life as the republican national convention in milwaukee island. thank you. well, vance was among the 1st politicians to react off to trump a shelf out on saturday. he blamed president joe biden writing on x. he said today is not just some isolated incidents. the central premise of the button campaign is the trump, as an author, retiree and fascist. it must be stopped at all costs that rhetoric lead directly to
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trumps attempted assassination. so let's say primitive host of options. it was weekly show the bottom line, he said j d bounce has tweet with any raise the political temperature. judy vance may have put himself over to the top with that we. at the same time, the president trump was committing to dial down the rhetoric and to talk about the need for in unity in the country. and you had both fighting and trump sending each other signals in the country signals that violence is not the way to go. but the bottom line is that both of these candidates and the people around them have talked in very stark terms about the other side. and, and there's just no doubt that while judy vance is, is actually correct that many people around the bite and camp did in fact talk you to in fact talk about donald trump is not being democratic as being someone who will usher in an era of fascism and that that needs to be stopped because democracy
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itself is at risk, but to go further and to pin the responsibility of an assassination attempt on, on buying is a very loaded thing for advance to have done. because you could also say that, that donald trump is also talked about, there will be blood in the streets if he were to lose the election. and he's talking very demeaning terms about his opponents calling them vermin. who need to be stopped at all costs. so the blame goes to both sides candidly. and i think judy vance, which is performing for an audience of one who is president trump. so thousands of people have been protesting outside the convention. alger 0 is how does your cast or is it the demonstration in milwaukee wisconscin this type please from the nation's leaders to lower the political temperature after the attack on donald trump. these protesters are doing the very opposite. i think
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what we need is people actually raising the temperature of a summer of resistance. i don't think uh false. unity is going to get us anywhere to protest against the republican national convention. drew a few 1000 people from across the country. most are democrats and independents. authors represent this far left. you were saying no faster, strong no genocide drove the whole damn systems got to go from was president. when in august of 2020 justin blake's nephew, jacob blake was shot by police and can no show wisconsin and a right wing vigilante killed the 2 people during an ins doing protest. blake says he blames trump for setting the country down that path. no, asking america is going to support this guy. he is a racist you to stop play and nobody's come out in articulated. we understand who you are. you would never get our boat in any large kind of way. then there's
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israel's war on gaza. protesters a bite and has enabled the genocide of palestinians in your trump would do even worse. what's motivating me is seeing the struggle every day the palestinians are having to go through. while i'm sitting here, while people around me is pensions, are investment in weapons. companies that are destroying family's lives. they are trying to raise their voices out loud as they can. but my design, they're being kept are far away from the prevention. and that is to minimize any sort of a security question. the right to protest remain peaceful though defiant. this woman brought her babies to oppose the republican platform against abortion. her daughter to the right to choose the best for her. with so much at stake in this election, protesters say they have to demonstrate, despite the volatility of the moment. hydro castro alj a 0 milwaukee wisconscin,
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because you mentioned joe biden as weighed in on from spic of j event saying that funds towards a big game about helping working class people. but he, in trump one to raise tax on middle class families while pushing for great a tax cuts for the rich. well, i don't intend to let them. and if you're with me, wrote 5 and then pitchin directing people to a donations page. independent candidate robert f. kennedy junior has confirmed, he's staying in the us presidential race. he met donald trump on monday with us meet a report saying from discussed seeking his endorsement. the secret service is also confirmed. it will provide protection for kennedy following the assassination attempt on from his father, robert f. kennedy and uncle john f. kennedy were both assassinated back in the 1961
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hours before his former nomination. donald trump changed the big legal victory. a judge dismissed the criminal case, accusing crump of mishandling classified documents. the fraud, a judge rule that the appointment of special council jack smith violated the constitution. trump reactive by saying old criminal and civil cases against him should now be dropped. prosecute to say the appeal, the decision. ok, i finkelstein is a professor below the university of pennsylvania. she says, the judges rooting up ends decades of precedence. the stems from the separate concurrence that that was written by justice thomas in the immunity case in which he said that he believed that the entire appointment of jack smith was unconstitutional under the appointment's clause. um, now that was not a view that was shared by any of the other justices. we need to be clear. so here she took a very french view of view that conservatives had been touting for
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a long time to say that the appointment of special counsel was unconstitutional. in this case, what needs to be clear, however, that we did not hear justice thomas or conservatives in general objecting to the appointment of john durham who was special cancelled to look into the origins of the rustic case. nor did we hear them objecting to the appointment of special counsel and the hunter biden matter. so suddenly this becomes a view that is being used to illuminate special counsel. in the case of donald trump, the headquarters of the u. an agency for palestinian refugees in gauze that has been destroyed. officer is ready for his bomb, the area, the head of unrest. 3 polezza really posted these 2 photos on x with a caption headquarters in gauze that turned into
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a battlefield. and now slackened lots of reading and went on to say, another episode and a blatant disregard of international humanitarian know united nations facilities must be protected at all times and was going to be used for military or fighting purposes. every wall has rules and guns, that is no exceptions. one rose had of external relations tamra, a revised says that the destruction is part of a wind of pass on the violent spies ready forces in the last week has been one of the deadliest weeks and goes lessons the worst start the, the images that are coming out of the, the under i headquarters are really shocking. and that is why commissioner. and was there any issue that we for having visited these headquarters several times. what i sold today in the footage is recognizable and speaks volumes to the blades of disregard for international humanitarian dual. because today's
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19190 on the rise of facilities and got the most of which serve as shelter is for displace people. a 190 had been damaged during the conflict . healing more than 500 people in sight. then people who are looking for projection inside the u. n. building on the right, you with black and injuring over a 1600 people inside our own shelters. what i'm or schools across the gaza strip off filled with displace palestinians who hope that being in a un building will drop them. some degree of protection correspondence inquiry was at a you in school in the central gaza. but families are living in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions to really in the heights of didn't bella, and one of the owner was schools were thousands of displaced palestinians from different areas from the north to the south of the douglas through our this place here. they're not only displayed in the classroom,
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but they also set up their own tents. the life is hard. we don't have food to go to the bathroom. we don't have water or shoes. we have no space to sleep. we don't even have mattresses to sleep on in the past couple of weeks. that is really, forces has been hard guessing. many owner was schools and owner was shelters. those targets where thousands of palestinians were left homeless again, there were dozens of palestinian kills and dozens of other policies have been injured. one of those young men, where can we go? there was no safe place left. whether it's intense or schools everywhere is being bombed. if they're looking for one person don't mess with the people, they do it and justify it by saying is because there was a wanted person in the area. this is a school where thousands of palestinians comedies have been displaced. they don't have any other place to go to, despite the fact that they know that this place is not safe. they don't have any
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place to go to knowing that there's no safe place all across the gaza strip. this isn't the somebody i just need a little bit of cause of palestine with the level of desperation is so high in the gaza strip, the people of cameron on to aid trucks to get what of a food they can. this video from kansas city shows a truck arriving the fruits and vegetables. after months of interrupted deliveries . some people seem overwhelming the vehicle before crowds picks rubbish. any vegetables at may are fully not. william somebody is the head of the international committee of the red cross and a rough, he's quoting for urgently needing aid and medical supplies to be allowed into the st. that we have been able to bring in some of the desperately required supplies in order for all the doctors and nurses to continue treating the wounded and the sick thoughts. we see that we're bringing things into gaza is extremely complicated. and so that is only made even was by the continued breakdown of law and order,
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which is hampering our capacity to deliver assistance to those who need it the most . we are simply cool for an increase in the amounts of assistance that can uh, and so the goal of the strip unimpeded so that we know the humanitarian organizations can quickly meet the needs of the civilian population. professional frank here and i'll just say about when we come back, we're mainly as government doubles, the number of beds the hawk ranges are allowed to clean each year after a series of incidents on the road. the difference during the pro ration
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which is the selection that the best news from across the network and the the, the challenges here where the listings in the gaza strip as is, is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity, in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes his readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies
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everywhere here at the listing best. the welcome back here watching out. just a right quick remind about top stories here. this uh, the republican national convention. us formerly nominated donald trump, present to us presidential candidate to contest the election on december the 5th against democratic turbine. j. defiance has been confirmed as trumps. running makes the 39 year old as a new come to politics, selective as in ohio, send it to in 2022. from when's the election funds become one of the youngest us vice president police of the rest, the day suspected serial killer in kenya. after he reportedly confessed to getting 42 people, police detain,
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collins colleagues here on monday. and that was in connection to the 9 new connected bodies recently found a rubbish dump. and i wrote me a thought you say he's admitted kidding. dozens of victims since 2022, including his wife. the suspect was understood that uh, so wait to him. i notice of county this morning around the you know, doing to operation by the dc national police artist courses the suspect confused fluid keys under dispos pointed to female bodies. adobe site remodeled between trips due to i know you sent us last day. 11th over july, 24 out of arrows, malcolm lab reports from the kenyan capital nairobi,
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please say they have the rest of the suspects. they describe as a serial killer. they say has confessed to killing $42.00 women over the last 2 years and something that bodies at the disuse, cory, the mccurry slum area as nairobi, is that corey by local residents, have found at least 8 bodies since friday, dismembered and wrapped up in bags. schools and given that community, people that say they don't trust the police to carry out an investigation into the origins of these bodies. a class with police on friday, saturday and sunday please. you see a gas in one instance live gun slots the breakup at the angry crowds. a great deal of skepticism has been expressed online and by rights groups about the police accounts. people are asking how one mind could have dismembered so many bodies alone in his home and carried them to the quarry. in some cases,
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the seats all size wrapped in one bag and done this without his name is now to see their asking how this could have gone unnoticed. so long. just meters from the car, a police station which is next to the quarry and the dump site where the bodies were found. and they were also asking why it is the police could find the suspect so quickly in this case, while the repairs to be no progress and holding anybody to account for the dozens of protest as killed and abducted in anti government demonstrations that started last month. malcolm went out to 0. my baby kenya, a bunch of stones government says it's moving to a band, the largest opposition party, the government's accusing for my prime minister in mind. cons, bond to the p t. i a participating an empty state activities. last week, a course awarded p g i most seats in parliament, him and con was removed as prime minister in and no confidence votes in 2022. the peachy eyes. as the plans abound, the party is a sign of panic from the government. i'll just say what's come out of hide has
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moved from some of the above your time the government are decided to move again. step august on derek and solve this in denver on con sparky, saying that they intend to bandage political party and also accusing them of treason charges which includes the ex president are focused on dr. audit for outbreak. is a member of the project on septic and solve. i noticed that the deputy speaker of the national assembly at the time of m. ron cons, government citing reasons that the party was going against the state against the interest of the state. and also the fact that there were serious charges like the type of case read for days through the official secrets act. but the court has already granted them are on a quicker. and those cases are on con, what the board should be released from then yesterday, after i had a question and a in new going to manage case and uh,
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the cord that goes to order that they have. there are no other cases that you should be a free man, but the government and unexpected reaction decided that as well, go ahead and bring more charges against them or ongoing including uh uh, credited them charges. so these use cases was something that really expected, but many people are digging down the list and focused on where to be saying that this is indeed a big role still focused on his democratic dispensation. come, i like that. i get it off. it's not my by snow. romanians government is more than double the number of beds that pop range has come legally to the law was adopted during an emergency parliamentary session on monday comes a week after the death of a 19 year old hika under. there was under simmons has more. romania has your roots lodges, brownback populations living outside russia, that home is the bottom of comp, pacey, and mountain range. last week that was outrage when a 19 year old tracker was moved to death wildlife x but say the animals have
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resulted to scavenging his cities as urban school cuts into the habitat on climate change limits, move services, taurus or a particular problem, often appearing ignorant to the dangers of getting close and even funding to feed them in the last year. the fault has introduced a manual quote to beckles of $220.00. now it's been increased to 400 the patient, one of you over the past 2 decades, brown, passive code, at least 26 people, and severely injured, more than 270 of us. here. a while bull hunt had disturbed the bath home to philly to survive for the world. one a lot of fun says kidding, move as whoops. solve the problem. it says bez need to be kept away from communities with measures such as that's a waste management. directing electric fences and preventing people from feeding
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the bass. the bottom of rights campaign is believe the new law will allow for the eventual return of tracy hunting. andrew simmons, i was just as now is there, let me pick towards, arrive in central powers. on monday, a group of charities protested that the cities being searched the clintons, the head of the games active this plan has said to how some people have been forced them. french, comfortable challenges, say migrants and refugees have been forced out. and that's squats. housing vulnerable, people have been shut down to hold out that i mean that it was on group the other side of the middle. we want to make ourselves the visible up as the and i'm fixing that as a strategy and power of the cold run up less than a republic is less. we have been pushing ideas that would make the games exempt for $84.00 and avoid searching the cleansing vulnerable groups. now for the rest of the past year. those ideas have mostly been ignored. these olympic games of the games of social exclusion enough to. okay, well that's it for me down in jordan for now. the weather is coming up next then inside story looks at the why the implications of the assassination attempts on
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donald trump. right? that's it. don't go away. say to tons of watching the the right off the back. let's talk about these highest level or it's issued for rain fall up and down the west coast of india. good to see by the way. so duncan, the blue and the yellow, the more intense the rain will be following. so pretty much i'd say from good, you're right straight down to connecticut state. this is where we're going to get hit the hardest with our monsoon rains here over the next 24 hours, could see a couple 100 millimeters of rain. different story though in indonesia much dryer is it should be this time of year, plenty of funding. the forecast for jakarta, but somewhat weather is wandering around. so the ways the island on tuesday, north of it's quite a met straight across indo china during the blue and the yellow. the more intense
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rounds of rain stretching from vietnam rate through to central thailand potential to see some funding here. i'd say over the next 24 to 48 hours, summer rains clip in the yellow river valley over the east trying to see all of this energy is point in to the west coast of japan. so pretty saw you forecast here too far away from tokyo, and then we've got this line of showers in store and stretching from eastern mongolia, dropping rate down to northern china. what do you say we had this weather report in august on where the monsoon ranch pretty much on the border with lower st profit. and so i think it should stay dry and crunchy though. on tuesday. see you later. the latest news, as it breaks you are in the bring up lots with details, coverage. elizabeth facilities are 400 of 1000. more people are at risk of
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contracting, painful and dangerous. inspection from the hall to the story goes is economy is in rooms. israel hospital all gifted and destroyed industries that employed tens of thousands of people. the former president donald trump escapes and the fascination of 10 that's cost a shadow on the us physical. see how potent arises. america wants to behind the rise in political violence. that was of the implications, this is inside story the while come to the show. i'm sam is a that now a campaign riley in western pennsylvania, turned into a scene of horrors.


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