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tv   Witness African Moot  Al Jazeera  July 16, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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right, the mileage is here with the other one down jordan dough, with a quick reminder, the top stories here on which is 0, a 112 days to go before the 2020 for us presidential election. and donald trump's been officially nominated, as the republican party's presidential candidate, comes to us 2 days off of the country was shaken by an assassination attempt on him . during the campaign rally. he's not been nominated on day one of the republican national convention of the united crumpling now take on his democratic rival, joe biden. in november's election, his family members represented the delegation of from florida, and they announced clinched nomination. and on behalf of the
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125 delegates, in the only believable state of florida, we hear far, nominate every single one of them for the greatest presidents that ever lived. and that's donald j. trump. 0 willingham, republican nominee for president of the united states of america was only on to that ohio send it to j. d. events was confirmed as trumps running made a decision that's been met with them fuels. he has him from the pocket. it is a great honor to move that j the vance. be nominated by acclimation by this republican national convention as its candidate for the office of vice president of the united states of america. bounces here is that when fisher has moved from inside the convention in milwaukee
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city vance, interesting choice at the 9th, the youngest passed on a presidential ticket for one of the to be parties since 1952 and richard nixon. the 1st marine to appear on a presidential ballot for one of the 2 main parties. and the 1st also to have facial here since told me is to be back in 1948 sport. the guy just been reading the history books and he was and never jumper. and then certainly was very critical of donald trump in 2016. he said he wasn't a donald trump guy. he said he believes the women who made allegations of sexual assault against donald trump. he described him in an email to a former college friend as potentially america's fiddler. but once he was elected to the senate with donald trump backing, his tone changed and he became very pro, my god, very supportive. and just hours before his nomination, donald trump, so a big legal victory, a judge dismissed the criminal case, accusing trump of mishandling classified documents. the florida judge rule of the
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appointment of special counsel jacks may have violated the constitution from pre acted by saying old criminal. and civil cases against him should now be thrown out prostitutes as though say they will appeal the decision. yes, president joe biden is returning to the campaign file and interview with nbc. he addressed the attempted assassination of trump on saturday, and his uncles to change the tone of political rhetoric in the country. as you called your opponent and ex essential thread on a call a week ago you said it's time to put trump in the bull's eye. there's some dispute about the context, but i that you appreciated by this across here is to focus on what the truth of the matter are. so i guess i was talking about as a time was there's very little focus on trans agenda. you have a service. what was that? i was it was a mistake. these were, i didn't me. i didn't say cross here as i've been both. i'm and focus on focus on what he's doing and when he was the headquarters of the u. n. 's agency for
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palestinian refugees in gaza, has been destroyed. officer is ready for his bomb. the area, the head of unrest phony plaza really posted these 2 photos online with a caption headquarters in gauze turned into a battle field. and now police about rest of the a suspected serial killer in kenya, off the he was supposedly confessed to getting 42 people, least attain calling. this can you see a on monday that was in connection to the 9 mutilated bodies recently found at our rubbish dump and i wrote ronda as president polk economy has secured a 4th time in the office of the winning of a 99 percent of the vote. for the outcome of monday's elections was hardly doubt. com has been in power since 2002 been accused of a cracked on in his critics. several opposition candidates were bought from standing. those are the headlines. the news continues here on out to 0 of the opposite or world state you the
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there's a theme that floats and politics should never mix. but history shows they often do . when the major european powers colonized much of the world in the 19th century, they brought their own languages, food, culture, and sports with them. friends occupied algeria from 1813 until
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independence. in 1962, the french colonial authorities heavily imposed french administration and culture on the country mosques and his lum, excludes with band. french settlers got the best land and algerian cultural identity was widely suppressed. the friends also brought its sports to algio. yeah. including football. but only french settlers could set up clubs because the authorities didn't twan dial jerry and organizing their own groups of any kind i imagine and i mean is a, is this a profit to hear more is that will be may yet, and will it be a check i said i'm being yeah, a lot. what is the fuck up could look at to be that. yeah. and then is it the amount of phenomena and from what find out can to may 2nd,
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sorry about the but even though they were 2nd class citizens in their own country, algerians embraced football. how do you as far as football is didn't have any profit, pitches. ok, but the quickly picked up the game, the bid that might have subscribed to that fi. yeah. yeah. kind of the test alshaun feed. yeah. does he? yeah. what can heavy a so kill us to you and efficient but if you have a filter zip. zip alpha, 10 new. yeah, the head, the one we started meet in your say do now. i mean i bought a feed, met a will be show at it. that did i bought enough to know about to shut it? 10 of the buses. i kept the so the caught up. well kendra snarled the cool
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b b i what app was a kid some new plus a quarter because we will let them get the code. we're gonna come one out for us. that'd be got the medicaid, but we would have has had order. uh females quotes come up which is up to that's a 10 to hit canada and we started getting to shape because the hook up to the end, the as 0. so yeah, we started me up with a model i had you know, cut some of upside had it had to restart mune. oh, really i buena, i do wish we had the lia though the us about who your med is, who i cannot but be share with my kids up there with sarah. i met a subscribe to cut the edges. he would video out of there, you know, can to rec, what, how well, let the ship and yeah, it just any yeah, we'll see about what will be there to cover their shooting. yeah, i need be there to kinda say, but corporate got them, but they can just say it will fish i meant if you let to think about that. all i have that
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a just that you will see more and you need to add the house up to him. that kinda home where joe, who more out of that i mean sign up and we started mid to another. we started mid 10 and we did it. can i know the share and yeah, most lima had to what team does it? 80 really the stuff. how, yeah, i mean the, was that what it is to plan and this was when sport and politics began to makes julian football developed in clubs with well supported and a french colonial rule. no one could open the organize any form of political activity. so al jerry and so that thriving football clubs could be a focus for ideas some way they could express unity and resistance. at the same time, the french authorities saw sports associations as potentially dangerous, fearing they might become hoc beds of nationalists defense. to be that that to shut
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it up and just add a list. i'm not, i don't see man, i'm going to assist in the let's just add a new uh, deal of caught a penny about the mean. how would i live in legal age body? am i that you shot? that's the uh home. so for that it'd be in a 1000030 when a juicy a lot of fun and see a bad then you hit them hard, but i know me uh, a funny oh no that's. i've been in the let the kind of tell me that code a that'd be any, any idea just area in the middle of them. oh, hold on the uh and the uh say i'm ready and then be a part on so you kind of feel have jamie, i've done that yet. thought together. yeah. something. yeah. and so how about c, l a n d a to list that model and put on c inputs, i'm used to, i shouldn't have thought of them, and i did the mojo. what i mean and the most of the man, if you put them on the list, i'm not if i don't see how well and the image in the 100 just say area, well, i'm sorry, i don't at the him the much them i'll, i don't see that the actually just a few of them, i can be of the beautiful how i mean it has the mail that we met to lima. happy the
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love to be brought to add them. assume that he couldn't. and the look at the image shot on it to them. oh, shot on auto, but we would just go and the stuff in the new list declared the mdf. yeah. and the list it for let's see. i see the there was a challenge to this rigid and discriminatory french colonial thinking in 1898 eastern on jerry and city of constantine. the city already had 2 french football clubs where only europeans were accepted as members. so i'll jerry and set up their own sports association, cost on teams. and jerry and football club was founded within this association. but the french colonial authorities saw through this plan from the start they force the clap to close several times and they certainly yes,
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but each time it lima using a different to me the the model 5 it'd be and then medina didn't shut off of that into the room, but couldn't see here, and if you could see much didn't because by the, by you to pick them up or how the sheet model fly. but though it can be a fee. yeah. but you're not putting up a shot and putting up the does it much, but it can be less as it goes on in the gym. and yet i just and the assembly of up to mccain it to mean instead of color. i've been the hard associate, lee, how to come to the of the see us yet. and then the cut something a what's the i'm gonna put time use so i should in will. how do i know lou on and let the the do, are you and as to what the i bought on posing the style model just a little off a lot of li live. well, she out of it. so then on the who i now do to us as a woman,
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i know who the come us the and the net. kennedy most the model look in fee and they have time of the shot at the little issue. them was how you will know they had 50. yeah. this to me. yeah. let me it couldn't be more the supply and visual across something you know, can know who nature shipment if the, if the feedback could want to get to look to highlight cap that she us. yeah. here mich schmidt if the yeah. okay, that's how the cut the how really? yeah, the whole so quarter were dead. so maybe if, if there was the bottom line a, b, b, then inch. tim aisha had the d. what can you still be quoted oh yeah. but, but, and we have the yeah, but suppose the month it was so you know, they had that to me. i mean, how court to put them. well, could hello say it was, it was, uh huh. fee. but the way it was a ship bed. i looked at something e hello, but oh that's, i really mean it's just typically i'd be led, step 3,
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it box i lead. we might a summary of the chat to nick how it got a slight hey, yeah, set a fee. yeah. but that's me, that that's something that would fit into a bucket. just a lot of the something you know, and your physical had the how it could slow, hey, you set the, see you how to get a slot. and yadda yadda. you who had the be share that the yeah, the cost we had it and we'll see mean the, the situation in the capital l g is however, what is more complex than in constantine of g is had a lot of friendship. both clouds and the colonial authorities were always on the lookout for m e l. julian collapse that might emerge and challenge the french dominance. but a group of young algerian men from the cost by and by the wage neighborhoods somehow managed to found their own foot folk lobby. now g is in 1921. it's some
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inside been happening. i was near the. yeah. the. well yeah. didn't, did you request something with now? do you have a yeah the any tether you meant kansas for? yeah, i that to be a that's be nice. see about how what i would say the cost to cut them. tell them what would they have to just say and it said it's and then the best have wound up. and are you mad that i would, i mean it's clearly yeah. the color i basically have to cut the says the number the is now it's and it was i'm your windows 8 or my secret that goes. yeah. so so that was there with them. stuff isn't as you, there is already the it was one that has actually had
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the from then i will follow a blow effect to hold on who and then pick it up a total heading on that kind of who should hit, who bought the new a certain automobile the la. yeah, hang on a send me. i can be a quote of the had the i must have jason, i don't see it. you should be on the how you like the candidate i book the i said a lot of the heavy had this got the old model. little auto. yeah. and the should be have a pond. they put out some thought on the show him who not the oh no, on the uh the zip enough. so if i cut off the ship, now did the cost the how would they shut up, shut up or does i have the last name? uh, the the that the, and the oh my we oh my god, this them out because they hired him a said bear with the time you were there. she didn't gym ivy s as if i, well i thought i had a home a heavy at the pick it up. i didn't the, this is how the, the let me i can be sure how you and that's the other one. well imagine the, the, uh, the, uh, what was the, uh, the quote fee. uh, that's one of the, of them kennesaw but not the human oh for us because that is totally
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a new kind of shed been another account payable to them and all. but if somebody at the office of us, i know what them level type, video, cartoony age, and that'd be folks talking about a lot of those weird by then with ask them what the hell does. if it is o j, i met the hey, well the medical board to be locked in. oh because i thought 10 minute visit in and let the there's not enough in a thought the other part on. so yeah, you have a dead end at the start the let's see. so we'll get to just the it. yeah. it the lodge will start to be at a let me know, but i was to see met. no, i feel as you can do. you are you who me and the co would that we had it will see me. but what is it the uh, what is it will do? yeah. has either see uh what i mean. we'll start meeting. so let's see what the i'll play said my let a had a lot of korea just area and you have the and you as well,
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that part you. but to that, i thought it was c, c would be that eco to mckenneth to move it to just a minute or 2. yeah. a little at a sofa. i will start mula. will you share the deed with moody? it just a, as he can read words. yeah. now do you feel i'll see if you just a new let him to have to look. i can who i would know the will see the courts about the deadlock are i don't mean just to ask you to learn the rules and to me what, what are the words, what as soon as you know the value of this book, if i didn't hear you just okay, and so i definitely cannot be, had be, could be made a note a within the spot of the month. yeah. and you can
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see that it could go to the 192 items could be the new the item. is that the, the move, however? well, what do you have? uh, what do you just have it connected up sick and it looks up to how would witness but sleep it would tell you we have the records look at them. when was it on the drum or do you, how does that have you set it up? uh nothing i guess for me to have that one as well because he kept had a notice. what would happen, or what did the chevy inches 80. what did you say if somebody is 80 at the federal emergency my bad and no set him up? if you helped me, i did feel like you did. what did it say that what, what it needs be? j o y? i did fill quinette by 10 and somehow that they've been suspended. most of them know that we should be ok with the bench. anybody. how the method can. so what do you just have a spot to check?
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and i mean it could be the been, it's been the put them if i've lost him. oh, but i have to have my little so i'm gonna come up with the company. can i bought out of and ask if i at least will, but i'll tell you what it can. mattie, can you wish yada yada see what had be could be a goodness, but it's about 10 years. and they'll say that i'm more than just a boy let me know. so i know if i do a cook, i know for the cook, but the i did could be administered up to limit the sort of teddy and then yeah, i did get him to try to look at the ab to. i mean, typically funny was doing that the call will not was just had to, but just had the neck. uh does she need to be able to use it? what, what is it about the items? something like that, or should i tell is different than the terms and then you know how well what i'm gonna need to do. and if i don't see in this age, i'd the sooner she can feed them in with a and the so how far is it, how does, why does that work? i know if i have to add the can the photo see the,
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the visual had to be what people call, which after the 2nd world war algerians expected changes to the colonial regime but were disappointed any anti colonial movement grew at the same time. football also develops from an elite pastime to a sport with mass appeal and an increasing focus on nationalism. this found expression in the west out, jerry and city of chicago. the he's in the tv but us the, i have the he had the point is to have body here with him is to keep being today of just a yeah. i lead just it will stuff. hello. um i bought the so bad if you should have the issue to me it should of dictate to cool not then i let dina all i do and
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yeah, and you look the whole so right has even looked at cost for kids. i mean, i went in and did a deep breath. i said, the power but the stab. but i'm funny, of course, to look at the it may slip, select it as a set to use about it, but then you can to pick up the yeah, the to me is it. to me is it the more not how the web, the tacoma can be an issue i'm a fan of top should be modified as a bait slip in the app that it can turn that goes into it could no one extra bed the with the should be the up on the what connect up the street in the meant was the mean, the ship for the but this is a lot to be to proceed to lie. that's an odd that the main thing going to be limited. just just want to be a waste time. you're going to be a visual benya come to somebody's you for the pick up. is it not to buy the ship fee to ship it?
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yeah. well he does have to come up. oh yeah. which was yeah. what do you have the uh, to be at municipal names time, even if i don't see him and that was not what i need and what, how well not with disability moves job. i mean, i'd appreciate if let me according to the, the gym. i get this slip in with some of the heavy engine, may it slip. and then 2nd, let me know how the new beam kind of in a lead, pretty mid. i've been at the very least the muddy at the so i had the home the, the whole let him lick out and now is that more do, did i had did a new seminar but instead of the shouldn't be there? yeah, i do really. yeah. been feeling so yeah, you don't really yeah. be a cost to be just a to fill. i'll see a 10 a come on the are the and this jeremiah you me to the alarm is who is
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a counter wait. i said that kid a be that should be an issue. then we'll get to just a uh, 10 mckenneth does. he have been was said i can feed both the kids feel as love to do new and if in the don't at 30 to 10. yeah. selected mcwilliam. uh it stopped. uh now did you say the mean? no, sir. what would be the order? uh, credit will start menu pick level by the to him. when you, how would he did throw you the case? is he doing a budget so somebody can tell you, what does it matter to and he, and does it any, i mean, how deep the federal federal how would that and to she allow people to. oh, so the idea would be that the hospital and the a and which team that can it's their model for the career or the one that had that had that bab, let's do a high that. that is to clear the yeah, the, what we, some of the shipping is c a c, because i would have to have these, uh,
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is there any, did that the, the, the french colonial policy of subduing algeria. nationalism by controlling football was a failure. algeria and found loopholes in the colonial regulations and played football regardless. this culminated in 1958 when at the height of the old jerry and war of independence. a group of top professional, jerry and football is who played for leading french clubs. formed a break away out julian national team. this was the national liberation front side. it played 91 international matches, mainly in eastern europe. each one i defy in statement of the evidence, spiteful independence. a c k
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defendant, a double at the very back to the see a color. we have the wood and the cost of a few minutes here to cause to get them create the way. it's a shy with just 80. how would i thought, i better stick, let it be lead. did you will fuck up? i'm not, i don't live. he very bell friday at the trip. i took the heavy or what funny that had the navy had he had that pretty cool. would be navy and does a high level can i ask football field or what me and home me to the is he tony him a whole lot? look and i should improve fee at the low fee albany can do so. yeah. who don't care? so there are other math feelings office with a fee. that's a good time. you know, to me your home seen that keep the home tenants who do i was curious. what the hell, what the heck will be for them to. but at the head, in the kind of attitude mean home the door is pretty,
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i mean it costs to cut the free less. so he said, the does it any, what he says to forward the he julia gained independence in 1962 and the break away team was disbanded, its goal achieved. it was succeeded by the official algerian national football team . the all jerry and football federation was formed, and algeria joined in 1963 coming up in part 2. how football is in sudan use this for the chinese british colonial. the millions of people to cherish the american dream of owning a home has slipped out of reach mike, price and accountant, and his wife had spent years searching for an affordable home. things are just so priced above what we can actually afford that we're constantly searching for
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something i feel for those people who are struggling, who need to get out before it's too late. i mean, i would say it's just the money in chicago, like many us cities, former working class holes now cost millions and there's a yawning racial gap in home ownership. the home ownership rates between black and latino households and whitehouse holes in chicago and nationally is as much as 30 percent. yeah. lack of affordable housing is one of many factors that have put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. i freaking stories from african perspectives, antagonists had come my life. and i did process is to show documentary spice african filmmakers from molly and sent somebody for example,
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one loss of the size of the can 3, linus and toddler, new series of africa, direct on, i'll just 0, a to 0 is here, it's a report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take the time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas? of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how this finds, the young men have regions and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care strict. hodge, i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the move in the f one is government with this, this part that you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way.
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that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not an important factor here? the story on talk to how does era the hello and are in georgia in the country mind at the top stories here on i'll just say around a $112.00 days to go before the us presidential election. and donald trump's been officially nominated. as the republican parties presidential candidate as it comes just 2 days off in the country was shaken by an assassination attempt on him during the campaign rally. he's not been nominated on day one of the republican national convention. trumpet take on his democrat rival joe bind in november's election. half of the 125. in the only believable state of florida,
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we here far nominate every single one of them. for the greatest president that ever lived, and that's donald j trump. here it's wearing him to a public anomaly for president of the united states of america. but shortly after that, ohio send it to j. the vans was confirmed as trumps. running late at 39 years old, he's one of the youngest fix for the vice president sport vans sold for a lawyer used to be a trump critic. there's not one of the staunchest supporters. yes, president joe biden does return to the campaign trail on monday. in an interview with nbc, he addressed the attempted assassination of trump on saturday. and his uncles to change the tone of political rhetoric in the country. if you cold, your opponent and ex essential threats on a call a week ago, you said it's time to put trunk in the bull's eye. there's some dispute about the context, but i do appreciate that it's across here. is that to focus on what the truth of
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the matter, right? so like this i was talking about as a time was there's very little focus on trans agenda. you have a service, most of i was the mistake. these were i didn't, i didn't say cross here as i've been both. i'm and focus on a focus on what he's doing. as i saw people have been killed and several others injured in the shooting there. the why the out could be a mosque in a mom's capital musket. the ones that have been taken to hospital in a state of emergency has been declared in the area. police have now launched an investigation. spuralan does pull, the economy has secured a 4th term as president off the winning of a 99 percent of the votes. but the outcome of monday's elections was hardly in doubt. com has been in pilot since 2000 and has been accused of cut down on his critics. so those were the headlines and these continues here and i'll just say are opt out of 0. well spectrum pennsylvania. the
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so done in ne africa was a british colony from 1899 until it gained independence in 1956 british colonial administrators control every aspect of food in the society. government defends an even recreation if a good yeah, not, that was the same. what icon in the windows, if it is, you know, i need to loaded it up. but if i have this done, well, most of all of all of them are not through. okay. um, but i understand motor, but if i go to your status, what or not if the moment i knew it was time to choose to know, don't know who wants it. oh yeah. i know i, you know, side on that would uh a lot of some higher. we strictly covered. we didn't get a new, i lost,
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i could kind of be better. no feel gotten fed up. would be done if he's taken out the dish with him yet. because the i didn't mean to suit any more, do the low movies, tell me as a 100 and how much do you yeah, i need to go see it. and obviously a lot my little sample was kind of be sure i'd definitely be the funding. be a beautiful of cora dunham who come which had the id will he should go? we should be in t bone with a wiley. the got a positive have please let me know and we do have t i o and the 2nd in the mean the most good at that and gives you a shot. i saw a dining room and i believe the queen and the head start being somebody else in the model. and that's kind of show for, for on nothing i corner well, and that's kind of where the, the initial i didn't buy the good news. now go to the other, go to the 100 and agree with the laws of in the suzanne in shutting down by the 9
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and a half. we could have to shut off the modem. not that's good because even if it died, isn't this law bought a human and we're going to look at how difficult of them for them be some of the communities come on out if that ac. i mean show on who uh, within a couple islands. if i could have them put them all in english and say that most could ultimately be just kind of mazda of one of them for the street, but it was cut off. well, you got accepted of my id. something was helping me. uh huh. but uh, when were you with, if he sold on the mazda mazda? good afternoon thing these some of them are the, has a whole month to shop, come in, and they never showed up. and i brought my, uh, my 600. i mean, can um medina to make any money. he has already been dining with unit issued on july to see how it pulled up on the site. but on the, on the corner behind the altima, even by that, does it have it the, the, i didn't mean an removed the shuttle showed on this and about so then how about the
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bottom of you hear me now what, what an immediate kind of why you know who knocks tomorrow, is it? how about unable to log into shot record of that? how about the ship? because so then i thought of running, wish i'm of them were gentleman if i did, i mean if i to that to get my uh much more out for the actual demand. well, the whole pool for the whole thing to go and put the somebody on the go most of them and put it in your mouth, like little doing with the dental and visual that'd be needed for them. about $1015.00 a bus for the most beautiful pool. walk on a diamond team show how it was a, how it was all coming to and our bus and who made or what we started hiding in that can, hasn't been done. who are concerned as to how to be off on the job. what can be done, a secret, had it for me that shuttle and see that it has a new nice mega. let's go to the here in northern i will share the scene. hello
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home, while living in the i'm wondering if you dish how living you not a that was the one of people live quite a don't at the if god you get in the cover of the luxury the season, whether it's a little the study. i sure i'm literally all then if you heard the really while i'm here the but i will do though. uh let's do some it through the portal. should that the dollar? i know at the far box is that it cut off. so if you have the it, whether it's a home or anybody wants to go to them for them. i wish i do. and what do you mean and then give you that morgy dean. oh what fun i'm going to try the mean when inside of just to run the bottom started. oh i know and, and what was the oh for the was started. who is it that is the woman that the cleaning and the out of the out of the passage to down seen the customer? who would i probably just looks telling me i should have looked up and were not
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able to log in. can i'm going to on the specific thoughts. i know madison thought when he says i, i know on the, on the about that without that idea. but that model and a lot, i mean it's been a minute. i'm going with the, i'll also you also, and most of us i will also most of them when we set this up for them. and so somebody on demand jumped up on and think about it will sort of, we will do that. and how do you have the day at the sudden i did on the dividing mom up the, this was our local suit. any football started? many players were from a college students from institutions like the graduates club. this was founded in 1918 and was a branch of gordon memorial college, a school named after a british army general. the club had its roots and a british educational institution, but it later became i had 4 untied colonial activity. out of sport clubs started around the same time, the matter of fact in front of the line
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and for today. oh uh, some of us have other thoughts uh how sort of fit outside city. yeah, definitely. and then that is definitely a lot of up for the united navy. uh, name 0 madison, the shopping s t i see what sort of action the mdf and a half hour and then the and you have called at the for after the 1st world war, the british actively encouraged the development of football in sedan, but on their own terms it was dominated by english gentlemen with little regard for the sudanese they named tournaments after british civil 7 setting and so done, or as a tribute to british colonial rule. the, the 7th of january comp commemorated the visit just the dawn of the british king george the 5th very november 1924,
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a group of egypt should nationalist and cairo attach the cost of carrying the british governor general of so dodd, or at least todd died the next day, at the same time they were untie colonial protest since don known as of 1924 revolution. and old sport was band. the fairly stuck the show i had, i had this has feasible so so that i'm with them. what about sort of autobiography shooting the think you had a full bought a bit of funny that you got a think you're right. you getting gun tripler had to deal with it from what i thought i must be sticking more. a lot of yelp, he a gun wash up lifting it easily and only one google mush off all the, all the commercial you know for that, that'll cut them in for shuttle for so that i'm just going to give you sort of flush, i'd be a bugle with that enough, the mobile,
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my being not the must have an affinity dean. what not so much i'll do for you. i'm the, i'll be able to us these are we still a lot of them? it has the a mobile. they have to dora fi fee for you, i'm going to see see what we thought of on the shopping. we all be with them. you're not fee. and for this for me. yeah. so the higher security being going to be set up and for the certainly is the shooting hassle of tiger when we get them into here, this deal and physically i'll be at this new little wood feet and for the for the music. the richard in lou medina, and we're going to fill up a couple more couple by one your things because he has the for the, for this put this in with, you know, be most of it, that hockey what kind of, how difficult or easy if you have a disease or how for how does the method be shuttle hold for mean, i mean, yes, we thought of god, who does the field be the wife here? i'm the
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good . by the mid 19 twenty's, the british colonial authorities reached the same conclusion. as the french emailed syria, that sports clubs had the potential to become breeding grounds for sudanese nationalism . so they only approved the founding of clubs that they've vetted in advance. and even then they have to have english names. i mean, i can get, you know, if he comes to a box of you might be in a spot without them on the account, a little assignment. will this, you'll probably be. yeah, i mean, my thought on my, you know, help on. no more shannon out bought a me to get a new and not doing a walk on. not him was, i'm a heidi on what's on. so me a different sort of a film us. i lie that you seem easy and then you know, you don't like, i don't see both. so then. now does
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a lot of side of the model tiny and what i'm all good to go to them does was kind of use a month for the when you own i doing you tyler and get easy. we can get some on easy while some so me at that as on up. so my bother writing it on a side 5 on my the need to have a have our highly encounter with someone id. so i'll, i'll think of them. i do cool, but it was something why the, i mean, really easy. it was before when you opened something about the kind of highway, you know, mean i though let me at the football is move. i mean, i do call but a lot more pop up about that. been how you have to be seen online that then the not surprisingly aspiring sudanese football is approved for it out of playing in clubs with english names. they wanted their own genuinely sued in these clubs. alamo, ronda is just that. it was founded nearly
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a century ago in 1927 in under mine, on the western side of the river, 9 across from the capitol cartoon. alvarado was set up by a group of suited these army offices from home to the mines military college. and the club still plays in the saddam leads today. and more of that. and you're welcome with what i mean. and the photo can have that height for comfortable. i don't have a good me. what hired what on, on what it i knew well how to get my initial line, yell or mine at all, piled the box again. mark fee for it is a more than a fine $1.00 of them in a non silicon per diem and you're done. uh, probably not remitted. yeah. kind of the more of the wish out of who wish article and how to get unless you can kind of to yeah, yeah, it does a lot of the above the yeah, i mean, well, you didn't fee, if you, if he, if he's in gwinnett had to bill morgan,
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if you gesture what kind of wood within someone's that the more of the calendar could be to get done, she loves will not have or will not have a some some if i could see i knew how to go to the bottom. how about with the thought to sort of the for the was kind of sticking a i need to show the mean mean high, the hidden monthly comments about that more of the d, the kind of the low boss and the limousine weight and on know, i'm a 2nd, the more you with the feet, fremont, that the more of the 3 years later in 1930 another football plot imaged again in on demand. he was founded by graduates of gordon memorial college. they set up the trap in defiance of the british colonial band on all activities and organizations that threaten the control of the region. the name of the law comes from the arabic word for crescent. the story goes at the club founders were trying to think of
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a name when a crescent moon appeared in the sky. a problem . uh, not even a lot, let me come for this. okay. the other day was also supposed to be in front of somebody else on the team that can come to con, continue to been living at. i wont more. you, within 2 miles it'll be the my bus lives on. so on saturday and i've had a yellow s as a new line when i had of time. uh well the list, the model. uh company look, but i see uh the that. com. i have them uh, feed load them. i live by then it'll water come to you guys a lot and have you looked at these much? i need that, but one of them, i'm gonna somebody my loaded up. so i guess i need minimally what their cost money to go. and my mother get ahold of yeah, yeah, somebody in the way of going to see that he had a motor. so i thought, why don't i don't quote them of them. i don't see that. and when i was at them this
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i've had to why then? uh and then yeah, and then i don't know how the language a little bit. well, i'm going to simply, well, i'm going to throw a basic is a more know then how to go to within the move because of the miami to mean the work for the same i to the bottom as my brain wasn't in d z and women and this with any of that, i think these kind of matters. what are the aba shipping, the most of the ones that i'm the has a and the i'm of a shift the out the economy shy here. what have you tried to? well, and i last talk a little bit about the meals. you might have some sort of the name you're going to use and who am i sure what that mean? and when my current and it is kind of, when i will come on, let us out because the way or the other will shoot ending, but we'll see how was a hubble you down to one. and the like, elliptical will not move. why my number, let me what it not that if i am a lot of them, i mean uh english. oh my, i mean, i mean i, i, yeah, i'm cool with us without any kind of id. ok, that's on the surface. so don appeared publicly to be
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a loyal outpost of the british empire. use rios at the time, showed lines of locally recruiters soldiers the rating before the colonial voters. but the nationalism that had the ruptured in the 1924 revolution had continued to build. and with no existing pseudonyms, political parties, football became a platform for voices demanding a change on the be mine. so he, at the funeral home, labor door community, then fremont. all of them all being was um, up in mitchell off a little up on me to keep the most of them. um, new models of a you know, shop, see us what we might in the corner cause i'm gonna shop with you all the all you been gone at the station off on with the boss. anything needs to be studied. kinda with how you all the, i'll be with the full set of masonic a few. i. yeah, i'm a little fun and kind of get a little the english and then
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a lot of c a c. and we will continue to kind of be, i mean, yeah, well for the continued on free diety, some of the all the new and the fee and will not tell us, i will call phone will help him. but he was on the mom kind of be chatting with you, but what i'm sending the diamond dining daily. the come on come on ice in, you'll see that as a filing fee, that's a problem. and there's shooting for sold on, come with that, cuz i the 80 at the home. oh, let me now i'm gonna my langley's so how and it's and you had called us up cuz i'm not side to initial dining for so non maintained on people to call out and we're shotuko fee. we'll pull up that them was a man's the cause of dining with southern computer system across on monday. yeah. and the other day. no, nobody does that. and you know you're not caught on on, on the kind of thing you might. yeah. not now, didn't he, that own i didn't. what if i suck opposite of the all the to my daughters to possibly do an interview for me fussing. i'm an adult and i thought of that because i got a gun to the water, had to be
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a you might have something i'm going to see as if it's done. i should serve it's been and the oil is causing busy in a calm when we that sees it, i'm the only time between own what has it on the account and see that the last. who am i see i see. and then what kind of a minus what i'm minus, what i'm going to see as it come on, all the name of the wasn't easy. oh gosh, has had, have been in an open unified. i'm assuming i'm not talking on a few different but that has been mine and mine and he's with c, as he and haile nothing about the i'm the are the i'll be a here kind of me that yeah me, i'm going to see as if somebody to clean it as obviously as a be shipping on how do you, you have to see as the and the most of the site is made. it allows id, have to not be that it wouldn't that be another way to be happy holidays, a members of the any say this man, let's hide, he said i'm off my my, let me what else? all alone into my basically the ship like i'd be in the absence of any political parties, some sudanese nationalists in the 1950s,
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came up with an alternative idea for becoming organized. they tried to form their own football federation, but the british saw it coming and made sure that their colonial interest when not threatened well, if he said i'd for the certainly at that level philippine that i'm the comfortable . but anyway, a lot of us and i did this, got it. well that i'm getting more difficult to do. mine weren't comfortable by lisa when the car always had loop and we would have kind of gotten to haven't looked at any of the um, we should if i knew we saw him. i knew i said that the amount of money will say that. but if money and money will, should even him to do, i'm not up to life. and then he had got up is i must hold on. is that correct or not into my head will start middle, a bit of finding you, the whole book, value calamity. why little for it?
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yeah, i will stop little bit of body. do you know we have all the, some dining, if you, i'm for the certainly i think the key obviously the receiving the items for me as a token of in the map. the queen you had the suit on a busy assa, maybe as a few to hold. what did, what did you have an awful lot of the opponent hackney milan. what do i use it for her really taught us to die. literally have no use of slipping home with uniform world. we have what they told me to remind them of what the zip code, what's a couple of by this is i these i missed it or might not us. what's a good fit of it? that was, i missed that a get up in the homeless wood minutes will come was, i mean, i'll be funny and the cut them will do dean well be most suitable. but daddy up let me tell you that go and haven't looked out. will the little bobby will be daddy, them will you hop only? how would have to order them to go?
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but we have some funny li, the funds we can to donny back. yeah, somebody wants to pull it up from on the economy. usually it's a little worried how come see if you know, shots really must bully me know and my little mind unknown no model in the, in a see i saw already all of our coffee up to about what the on the 1st of january, 1966 the new republic of sedan slide was raised that the people spun is in cartoon . football followed and i've done hardly. mohammed became the 1st chairman of the sudanese football association with a new also denise membership for don had already joined the fight in 1948 and post independence was the host of the 1st advocate couple of nations in 1957
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to how this was on in the box, so done to or did the no fee. uh, how does that 50 or do a year? somebody that's a little up near the end of the year that would allow us we should have that set up though to sign you know, a salary. so we're not gonna go to the lobby on and on and then i found out about that yet. so i'm be set up for the office that vehicle where you've done the ones i've sent. so you're not losing the one with the how the notice how it's how that affinity uh, from the 11th of both, a lot of them have new certificates of, of a whole lot on what are the notice. so down for the article, look, the lower cost us to the highland notices on kunkle me. uh yeah. actually when we looked at the suite on oakland name should not be allowed to go look during the highly if we move to had the issue on 62 okie if you would like to hopefully my dental uh cool in that that i had that had my leo, when she doesn't have that in mind, me, i need a little of i'm a model of the
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does also extend that. how did you hold? well, i think it's in august 2000 and will you that you as you've done have had this so done on the whole, i'm just looking during british and french, colonial road in africa. football played a crucial role in the growth of nationalism. and it helped create ways the colonized countries just of these repressive regimes and for people to fight for the freedom from colonial. the in 2021. the toughest security surfaces. the rest, the 15 suspected spies allegedly between 2 buys, rainy intelligence. the must have 2 reports on our listing and just allow me to get in touch you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being
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recruited. so just a little while to explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface. most that is done on the safe, them even come in as an international insight. corruption excellence award nominator here on now
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the well, it's a hot picture for most of north america. let's type into those details. some showers and storms rolling across the great lakes. gotta tell you, some of these will certainly be severe. they are going to knock at the heat. so i show you the forecast on wednesday. toronto is down to 25 degrees. give it a bit new york, your time will come. so we take a look at the 3 day forecast. you go from feeling about 40 on wednesday, down to 29 on thursday, and shooting for a high of 27 degrees on friday. it's pretty close to where you should be at this time. you're also hot along the eastern seaboard and the deep south here, plenty of spots reaching the upper thirties as we go to the us southwest. okay. it's not as hot as it has been late. we've got you in for 28 degrees, but things are beginning to heat up once again for the us state of oregon. so portland, 36 will be the number for you on tuesday. central america. pretty typical weather,
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but look at these rounds of rain coming in to coaster rico and panama certainly could see some flooding there that meets up with the wet weather towards the top end of south america. some verse of rain, not too far away from ballast temperatures, about pad in front of sorry is that 15 degrees and some disturbed weather, speeding in some showers for southern brazil. the. all right, let's cross a live now to milwaukee with donald trump has just arrived at the republican national convention. let's remind, i've used it was nominated by the party as a candidate for president earlier on monday, during the proceedings. this comes just 2 days are involved. the trump of shots that during an election invalid in the spring state of pennsylvania advocacy. some of the delegates here waiting for it from we know he's arrived at the convention center. some of the members and senior republican officials waiting in a box. the area for trump to arrive, the shooter, a 20 year old man, was killed by secret santa shop. shoot. is this the 3rd time but from the nominated
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by the republican party for the presidency? and it's worth pointing out. this is trump's 1st public event. since the assassination attempt on saturday, so a trump has arrived at the venue. we're expecting him to move out into the area where the delegates can turn around and look at in. he'll be in the v i p boxes at the back of the whole, we're not expecting from to speak at this stage that somebody was for thursday when he's expected to address at the convention. but so it's worth pointing out before we bring in the island fish a. that's a, it's been a long standing tradition of the nominees. uh, not to appear until the last night of the convention. but this rule we're told has been eroded over the last 20 years or so. trump made an appearance at the r and c convention in cleveland. that was back in 2016 on the 1st. now let's put in now just as alan fisher who's inside the convention center and just focus.


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