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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 16, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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gibbons, so now let's do the handbook limit the donald trump makes his 1st appearance since subsidies. assassination attempts reaching supports us at the republican national convention center j. the vans has the over whelming support of this convention to be the next vice president of the united states. fire senate to j, the vance is announced as the vice president to be trumps, running between the ontario johnston. this is all just here in the us from to also come present to
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advise and returns to the campaign trail. he's criticized j. d fonts. his nomination. quoting him, a trump claim thus for children are among the 11th palestinians, kills the latest is very striking off of them in central costs. the former us president donald trump, has made his 1st public appearance since he was shot and injured at the campaign rally on saturday. welcome, the next president of the united states. he was won the chair that the republican national convention in milwaukee wisconsin. i was off to. he was officially nominated as the policies presidential candidate becomes just 2 days off to the assassination attempt on doing a rally in pennsylvania. the bullets graze trumps, right? yeah. higher search a,
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the fonts was also confirmed as he's running makes during convention unofficial sense. this report from the convention. you can imagine the excitement of the noise that was generated by the president making his sparks real public appearance. so is that assassination attempt just over 72 hours ago, he was wearing a bandage on his right ear. remember he was nick by that would be assassin's bullet . and he walked into the hole. there was a huge amount of noise, as he made his way to the vip desk just over my right hand shoulder. taking the claim of the code for several minutes trying to think trump trump, i'd also fight fight with the members. that iconic image of him just moments after the assassination attempt, when he clenched his face and showed that to the supporters who were there in pennsylvania, he was joined in the v i. p. books by 2 defines the ohio senator has now been named as the man who will be his running mate in november's election a 39 year old. once never trump, or he's not connected to the mag,
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a bronze. in fact, as being one of the little crumbs biggest supporters in the senate, a one point he said that donald trump was on the way to being united states hitler . he never said that he got that wrong. but once he got to noon once he saw his policies in place that he decided that he would back him and he joins them on the ticket. unusual for the convention to have the naming of the vice president on the 1st day. normally it's all done and dusted before the gather whatever location. but here in wisconsin dd bonds, we greeted with a claim, but everyone who is in the whole will leave tonight with that image of donald trump . the fact that 72 hours after an attempted assassination, he was back here in the whole stage like the television produced. so he is, he knew he would get every attention from everyone in the whole. no one was looking at this stage. they were all looking towards the books and also every single american news channel was on his arrival here in wisconsin. grand is
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a california republican delegates. she says the potter is united in approval, the vice president pick. there was great enthusiasm when daddy vance was announced . as donald trump's vice presidential peck and america and the world will have an opportunity to get acquainted with him. i believe he's speaking on wednesday night and i hope they will give him a chance to articulate a beautiful vision for america. that's very inclusive. i think donald trump chose him at a time like this, where so many americans are suffering under the failed policies of joe biden. and comma la, here is the katie vance came from poverty. he knows what it's like to have to work 2 and 3 jobs just to make ends meet and his isn't only in america. beautiful story of inspiration. and so i hope that america in the world will give him an opportunity to introduce himself to them on wednesday night and really give a chance to listen to him and listen why donald trump has chosen him for this time
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. it didn't take long for trumps opponent to us president joe biden, to weigh in on the choice of j. d. barnes by them is now back on the campaign trail 2 days off, the assassination attempt on trump. mike hotter has moved from washington dc as well. president joe biden remains unapologetic about the language he has used in the past against his content to donald trump in an interview with nbc news, joe biden insisting that he's not the one who is guilty of inflammatory rhetoric. that in fact, donald trump is he singled off to a number of donald trump's comments in the past as an example of this victory. but what president biden is indicating in this interview is that any risk but in the political heats, the rivalry in the wake of that attempted assassination of donald trump is now over at that it is now back on the campaign trail. he will continue to criticize donald trump. you will continue to point out what he sees as flores as to donald trump's
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nomination. as vice president j. d. vance. well, president biden, we acted within minutes of that announcement, releasing a tweet, ad insisting that be on the policy of bonds and of trump is going to only benefit 1000000000 as you then went on and spoke to the polt is at andrews air force space . and this is what he had to say about j defense. so any pledge from either candidate that is going to be a reduction in the level of the political debate, a movement away from the inflammatory rhetoric that has been used in the past. well that would appear to be well and truly over mike, hannah, i'll just. busy washington martin also gave a $1.00 to $1.00 interview with n b. c. news is less to hold on monday and it's he addressed the attempted
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assassination of trump on saturday, on his own calls to change the tone of political rhetoric in the country. as you called your opponent and ex essential threats on a call a week ago, you said it's time to put trunk in the bull's eye. there's some dispute about the context, but i do appreciate that it's across here. is that to focus on what the truth of the matter, right. so i guess i was talking about as a time was there's very little focus on john's agenda. do you have a service at most? i was it was a mistake. these were, i didn't, i didn't say cross here and i've been both. i'm and focus on a focus on what he's doing was before his formal nomination, donald trump clinched a big legal victory. a judge dismissed the criminal case in which prosecutors accused him of mishandling top secret documents before the judge ruled that the appointment of a special council jack smith validate to the constitution. trump reacted by saying all criminal and civil cases against him should now be thrown out,
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prosecute to say, the appeal, the decision on the spot. some legal relief for the former us president is a reminder of his 3 criminal trials pending at different stages. trump has been found guilty on 34 felony charges for falsifying business records by new york courts. he's appealing that case, essentially the same expected in september. if i says 10, find the charges for a norfolk conspiring to change the 2020 election outcome in the state of georgia, but that trial is on hold. likely until next. yes. trump also faces full federal charges related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and for his actions during the attack on the capital on the january 6th 2021 in this case, will also like to stay significant delays. okay, i think holstein is a professor from the what the university of pennsylvania she says the judge's
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ruling on the trumps classified documents, case offense, decades of precedent. the, the stems from the separate concurrence that was written by justice thomas in the immunity case in which he said that he believed that the entire appointment of jack smith was unconstitutional under the appointment's clause. now that was not a view that was shared by any of the other justices. we need to be clear. so here she took a very fringe view of view that conservatives have been touting for a long time to say that the appointment of special counsel was unconstitutional. in this case, what needs to be clear, however, that we did not hear justice tolmas or conservatives in general objecting to the appointment of uh, john durham, who was special cancelled to look into the origins of the rustic case. nor did we
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hear them objecting to the appointment of special counsel and the hunter biden matter. so suddenly this becomes a view that is being used to eliminate special counsel. in the case of donald trump, independent canada, it's robert f. kennedy junior has confirmed, he's staying in the us presidential race. he met donald trump on monday with us media reports saying trump discussed, seeking his endorsement. secret service has also confirmed it will provide protection for kennedy for him to assess the nation attempt on trump. his father with f. kennedy and uncle john f. kennedy were both assassinated in the 19 sixty's . the . these very ami has again targeted civilians and central garza kidding. at least 11 people, including women and children. strikes hits residential buildings into alba though.
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both these have been taken to the exit hospital. one of the few that are still operating is very attacks of kills at least $38640.00 palestinians since the war and gods began in october. but headquarters of the un agency for palestinian refugees in gaza has been destroyed. officer is ready for his bomb, the area, the head of what he paid. now is there any hosted these 2 photos on x with a caption headquarters in gaza turned into a battlefield and now flattened. but it was head of external relations that tomorrow out. if i says that the destruction is part of a why the positive bought it and spot is very forces. the last week has been one of the deadliest weeks and guys lessons the work. start the, the images that are coming out of the under. i have folders are really shocking,
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and that is why commissioner, and was there any issues that we you for having visited these headquarters several times. what i sold today in the footage is recognizable and it speaks volumes to the blades of disregard for international humanitarian dual. because today's 19190 on the rise facilities and got the most of which serve as shelter is for displace people. a 190 had been damaged during the conflict. healing more than 500 people in sight. then people who are looking for projection inside the u. n. building underway, you with black and injuring over a 1600 people inside our own shelters. when you are schools across the goal, is this trip off filled with displace palestinians. so hope that being in a un building, we ground them some protection of correspondence inquiry. it was actually you in
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school in central garza but families on the thing is a crowd event on sanitary conditions. a key in the hearts of didn't bella and one of the owner was schools were thousands of displaced palestinians from different areas from the north to the south of the douglas through our this place here. they're not only displaced in the classroom, but they also set up their own tents. the life is hard. we don't have food to go to the bathroom. we don't have water or shoes. we have no space to sleep. we don't even have mattresses to sleep on in the past couple of weeks they is really forces has been hard guessing. many owner was schools and when there was shelters, those targets where thousands of palestinians were left homeless. again, there were dozens of palestinians killed and dozens of other policy needs have been injured. one of those young men, where can we go?
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there was no safe place left, whether it's intense or schools everywhere is being bombed. if they're looking for one person. so massa people, they do it and justify it by saying is because there was a wanted person in the area. this is a school where thousands of palestinians comedies have been displaced. they don't have any other place to go to. despite the fact that they know the place is not safe, they don't have any place to go to knowing that there's no safe place all across the gaza strip. this isn't the company. i just need a little bit of cause upon his time. well, the level of desperation is so high and the causes check that people are crammed, bring them to a trucks to get what ever food they can. this be the from a goes, a city shows and a truck arriving with fruits and vegetables, often months of interrupted deliveries. some people have seen overwhelming the vehicle before crowds pick through rubbish for any vegetables that may have fallen off. with him, some bug is head of the international committee of the red cross. and rough is
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quoting for urgently needed aid and medical supplies to be allowed into the goals district. and we have been able to bring in some of the desperately required supplies in order for all the doctors and nurses to continue treating the wounded and the sick thoughts. we see that bringing things into gaza is extremely complicated. and so that is only made even was by the continued breakdown of law and order, which is hampering our capacity to deliver assistance to those who need it the most . we are simply cool for an increase in the amounts of assistance that can uh, and so the goal of the strip unimpeded so that we know the humanitarian organizations can quickly meet the needs of the civilian population. so it's a come here on the algebra.
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under media is government doubles the number of beds that talk ranges out to kill each year after series of in the the latest news as it breaks the functioning hospitals across the street are in the bring up a lot with details coverage. elizabeth facilities are for hundreds of 1000. more people are risk of contracting, painful and dangerous infection from the hearts of the story goes, is it come to me, is in ruins. israel hospital gifted and destroyed industries that employed tens of thousands of people on accounting the costs this week. why may so is pushing members to raise defense spending power,
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new confederation of the free government's just dividing west africa plus, what is the future hold for boeing? offer a plea deal with the us government. counting the cost on al jazeera, a $150.00, is a gyptian history scene through an extraordinary photographic archive. this remarkable treasure trove shows how well photographers captured key military historical moments from the earliest british occupation to the arab israeli, who was the 20th century and the contrast of emotions at 6 trees and defeats egypt through the lens. conflicts on which is 0. the all the
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welcome back our mind to about top stores. this is welcome to the next president of the united states. donald trump, former us president donald trump, has made his 1st appearance since he was shot to an engine doesn't come, tang romulans. today. he was wildly chaired that the republican national convention working out itself is officially nominated policies. presidential candidate j. the vance was confirmed. as the trump running made the convention, searching the annual income, i sent it to 2020. if trump wins eviction, voluntary come, one of the youngest, one of us was among the 1st bullets issues to react off the trump of shots on saturday. he blamed president joe biden writing online today is not just some isolated incidents essential premise. so the bite and campaign is that trump
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is an authoritarian, fascist who must be stopped at all, costs that rhetoric that direct me to trump attempted assassination. we'll see if clinton's is host of i'll just there was weekly showed the bottom line. he said, von says tweets will only raise the political temperature. judy vance may have put himself over to the top with that we. at the same time, the president trump was committing to dial down the rhetoric and to talk about the need for in unity in the country. and you had both fighting and trump sending each other signals in the country signals that violence is not the way to go. but the bottom line is that both of these candidates and the people around them have talked in very stark terms about the other side. and, and there's just no doubt that while j. d vance is, is actually correct. that many people around the bite and camp did in fact talk you
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to in fact talk about donald trump is not being democratic as being someone who will usher in an era of fascism. and that that needs to be stopped because democracy itself is at risk. but to go further into pin the responsibility of an assassination attempt on, on buying is a very loaded thing for advance to have done. because you could also say that, that donald trump is also talked about. there will be blood in the speech. if he were to lose the election and he's talking very demeaning terms about his opponents calling them vermin, who need to be stopped at all costs. so the blame goes to both sides candidly. and i think judy vance, which is performing for an audience of one who is president trump know that they want to know walkie on monday was a trump support outside the convention venue. thousands of people have been protesting against him and his ponti. i'll just there is heidi drug test jose out the demonstration in milwaukee wisconscin despite please from the
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nation's leaders to lower the political temperature after the attack on donald trump. these protesters are doing the very opposite. i think what we need is people actually raising the temperature of summer resistance. i don't think of calls, unity is going to get us anywhere to protest against the republican national convention. drew a few 1000 people from across the country. most our democrats and independents, others were present. this far left. you were saying no faster, strong, no genocide drove the whole damn systems got to go from was president. when in august of 2020 justin blake's nephew, jacob blake was shot by police and can no show wisconsin and a right wing vigilante killed the 2 people during an ins doing protest. blake says he blames trump for setting the country down that path. no,
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asking america is going to support this guy. he is a racist you to stop play and nobody's come out in articulated. we understand who you are. you would never get our boat in any large kind of way. then there's israel's war on gaza. protesters a bite and has enabled the genocide of palestinians in your trump would do even worse. what's motivating me is seeing the struggle every day the palestinians are having to go through. well, i'm sitting here while people around me is pensions. are investment in weapons. companies that are destroying family's lives. they are trying to raise their voices as they can. but my design, they're being kept are far away from the prevention. and that is to minimize any sort of security question between the protest remain peaceful though defiant. this woman brought her babies to oppose the republican
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platform against abortion, by our daughter to the right. this is the best for her with so much at stake in this election, protest, or say they have to demonstrate, despite the volatility of the moment. i the jo, castro, alj a 0 know walkie wisconsin. the police 4 people have been killed and several others injured in the shooting there. the why the, i'll have them mosque in a man's capital most got the wounds that had been taken to hospital by the state of emergency has been declared in the area police of launched investigation. police have a rest of the suspected serial killer in kenya. i'll tell you, but fortunately confess to kidding 42 people face detained. collins felicia in connection to the 9 mutilated bodies recently found it's
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a rubbish dumping nerve ruby the suspect was always through the window. and i notice of county this morning around the you know, doing to corp quite a d. c. national police artist poses the suspect, confused fluid keys under this pause for the 2 female bodies, adobe site remodeled between 20 to 22 and they sent us lots of the 11th of july to turn to the web. has molnar from the canyon capital? please say they have the rest of the suspect. they describe as a serial killer. they say has confessed to killing 42 women over the last 2 years and something that bodies at the disuse corey, the mccurry,
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some area as my riley is that corey. my local residents have found at least 8 bodies since friday, dismembered and wrapped up in bags. schools and going not community people that say they don't trust the police to carry out an investigation into the origins of these bodies. a class with police on friday, saturday and sunday please. you see a gas in one instance live gun flats, the breakup of the angry crowds. a great deal of skepticism has been expressed online and by rights groups about the police accounts. people are asking how one mind could have dismembered so many bodies alone in his home and carried them to the quarry. in some cases, the seats all size wrapped in one bag and done this without his name is now to see their asking how this could have gone unnoticed. so long. just meters from the car, a police station which is next to the 40 and the dump site where the bodies were
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found. and they were also asking why it is the police could find the suspect so quickly in this case. while there appears to be no progress in holding anybody to account for the dozens of protests as killed and abducted in and see government demonstrations that started last month, malcolm went out to 0. my baby kenya for many is government has more than doubled the number best is that punk ranges can legally kill the little comes, we cost the death of a 19 year old hike a. i'm just simmons as much. romania has your largest brownback populations living outside russia. that home is the bottom of comp, pacing and mountain range. last week that was outrage. when a 19 year old truck was moved to death, wildlife experts say the animals have resulted to scott virginia's cities as urban school cuts into the habits that climate change limits. move services, taurus or
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a particular problem, often appearing, take your to the dangers of getting close and even funding to feed the animal. last year, the fault has introduced a manual quote to beckles of $220.00. now it's been increased to 400 and patient once a year for the past 2 decades, brown, passive code, at least 26 people, and severely injured more than 270 others. right? yeah. a while bull hunt disturb the bad hunter, philly's to survive data for the world war. a lot of fun, says kidding, move as whoops. solve the problem. it says best need to be kept away from communities with measures such as that's a waste management directing electric fences and preventing people from feeding. the bass dynamo, writes campaigns, is believe the new law will allow for the eventual return of tracy hunting. andrew simmons, i was just small on our website. i'll just say
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o dot com continues head of to the the hello. you're just in time for your weather report across the middle east and africa. good to have your long plenty of hot sunshine to go around for the radiant peninsula here when it's not as strong as they have been up and down the golf. so generally what we see is temperature start to go up and less to, but that's not to say it won't be human at all, but a bit more bearable. so $45.00 degrees and go ha on tuesday. let's go $43.00 in regards to the central laser, there has been some flooding in curtis done several hours south of bish kick, but this kick you're going to get striped with some showers on tuesday. otherwise fairly quiet picture. 37 degrees in asked about there has been some flooding along
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turkey's black sea coast, still more rain falling in this area and some pretty potent storms in that south east corner. there was some winding rain here about to get soaked with rain freight across west africa, but particularly through sea or the own and guineas. so free town and concrete. looking at a couple 100 millimeters of rain over the next little bit. and we've got this batch of rain, i'd say, look at this just off the coast of camber room and jerry a but some of that will make it on shore. and this is going to be some pretty solid bands of rain. why didn't wendy for kick town on to stay with the height of 15 degrees now you're in the know see a of the thing. what has happened to god since october 7 has been cranky. i'm so ashamed. i'm so ashamed because it's being done in my name, a leading jewish voice speaks out against israel bruce to own gaza. until
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palestinians are safe and secure. ease riley's nipple, booby, and use no, no to my name. witness on o g 0. the low i made or sent again, and this is counting the cost on al jazeera, your. we can look at the world of business, i think, till next this week, the scramble to the top of russia and prepare for potential donald trump presidency . nature pushes all my best to raise defense spending to, to.


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