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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 16, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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the, the, this business uptake, the rooftop, know bundle dash football. he is the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry. i may say that this has been use out live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. protest in nairobi and he got mon demonstrates is a calling for can use president to resign. when i these really strikes target civilians in central garza, at least 19 palestinians are killed, including women and children.
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the donald trump receives the rafters. the reception of the republican national convention is named ohio. send that to j. the vaughn's to be is vice presidential running night and security forces in northwest, fastest all attacks by on demand at least 18 people are killed. joe nash with the support cutting them by fe signs on the round madrid of the french stall joining on a free trump stuff. the next 5 seasons, the beginning and use out in kenya is capital nairobi where there's been more violence between pro testers and security forces, off the weeks of unrest. while the cooling on the president william brito to resign
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. he 5 is cabinet last week. thousands more expected to take to the streets. let's go straight to malcolm web, these following those developments from nairobi. so how those protests looking so here we're not going to be $0.60. a said that demonstrates is it being gathering or at least trying to gather some of them holding canyon flags. others with black cods? i'm going to step aside. we can see man and take a look up the road. it's about this junction. just need the city archives that they've been trying to get that police have been fighting to got to even the smallest groups of people. it's clear that they don't want any kind of demonstration to happen it so. so there's a heavy sense of tear gas in the ad, but nonetheless demonstrate to keep coming back. they keep trying to coming back and those to be seen so far. uh, mostly a peaceful uh,
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but nonetheless seems to please don't want them here. i. so we, we've been hearing conflicting the same ones that we made the case in case of a, of a bullet, which many people are picking these up the so you can see that this is a, a black ground. so it looks like a police have been fighting black grounds as well. so it's, i mean, car, you know, thank you for pointing that out. that was interesting and important to know. but we've also been hearing, it's not just tear gas, they've been hearing countering different claims about the presence of all men armed with clubs on the streets. tell us what you're hearing about that value. as we said, they come around and have a look at the what's happening here. but yeah, the police have said that protests have been infiltrated by a guy who's now what we've seen some of the by chance the lease weeks,
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including today reported by a local tvs many clicks on social media, showing dogs of men tiring club picked out candles in the towns across came yeah. and they can paint is a visa deployed by the straight to intimidate process doesn't take them off the street. and then some of these videos say i have no idea on social media. the seeing these men on his fix walking out of government buildings in, in large groups. and so the place where they didn't mentioned invest statement when the legs, the guns having to sort through the process, is it, there's a wide release of like the processes that these kinds of man, terry clubs are actually deployed by this things now come uh you let me know, at any point if you need to leave, obviously jo, safety and the team safety is because we can see
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a lot of things happening around you take us through what's going on with as you can see if we get a bit to the lawyer, the passing, present to the, to the police have been calling a dependency today that we haven't seen before. this gases both if you thought to do that the whole area and that certainly seems not a weapon. seems in line with the police is designed to stop by the crowd gathering it too. and now we see that i'm getting stuff in the middle of the junction. i don't know whether or not someone in the i'm going to the receiving a positive reaction from that crowd of demons scrapers. who with that in the,
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in the center of the dunsen, the put tons of normal life in my babies. $0.50. uh, let me down here, 1st thing in the morning, some businesses were open. the strings of a client, the people around the now the businesses that he can see closed. and for the last 3 weeks now, then uh, demonstrations of the code for pretty much every tuesday and i because they, they don't always happen, but not so long as the business is a closing on those days please to block the some of the roads coming sense of course is having in the middle of us were significant economic impacts at a time when the government is already strapped for cash and many, 10 years uh, sending the prints of wages or to the start date. the last 2nd, that's one of the reasons is the people that took to the streets in the 1st place malcolm. uh, they're like you catch your breath for a moment. we're going to come back to in a little bit so that smell can weigh about dating. also fall in
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a very fluid situation as we can see. going on in nairobi. can you right now? let's continue this conversation the about kenya. we're going to go over to stella, a gallery, governance and security unless joins us from nairobi. so we're seeing quite dramatic pictures. data is all the protest intensifying once again. i'm so the so intensifying and we are going to be seeing these kinds of focus for an attempt to come based on the reactions of the president, what the purchase and business, all the options that she's taking some um, some events up to can see what is taking so far that you think you stoking the protests because we seen bruce and the they climbed down on things like the tax hikes finding most of his cabinet and so on. right? yes, we did do that, but one of which is a t has been doing is going back on some of the expenses that he has really made
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during this protest. he has to be caught separately. defending, defend, has been attending kids. they're going to regret pushing for the renewal of the scene. he has been had to be mean the product is not just people to get some of these. these agencies, what have been had been the purpose of all kinds of people from the beginning of the purpose. they have been blamed on the position definitely been to the former president. they have been the 14, they have been blamed on on, on, on the president of the south korea. they have even been glimpse of the movie not yesterday. you know, but in between the ford foundation, we don't even know the dimensions. the benchmarks been the new speed, the 2nd at for palm beach indies funding the focus. but it seems to know that she doesn't assemble this purchase. this company is being driven by tenure and kenneth can get picked up because the moment that's the missing thing is that she doesn't p as in business. and especially if we can
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get that reach the subject to cover for the beginning. you mentioned that they must get that which they've decided to climb a full how have the demands of the pro testers, take the gen z involved i initially was with this company instead of just doing the finance deal, but just and how does the good in the afternoon, the subject to the finance built into it. i mean that the provisions deals, but obviously you did not listen and then this fixed on. so you shouldn't be too. i'm to my will kind of put this up to one for pistol was cute agony in the beginning on the purchase of the call for him to resign. the one point for some time that book to you truly owe for testers. the bridge in into the ship, the national assembly, all the if the,
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the police abductions in please don't know what to do because it was funny because there's no confidence in his company that day. the minutes that i've looked at for the t. v shows on different on the and these know for the delay looking and also just increasing the 2 patterns. and he's proving that he speaks over the weekend. do people, does anybody covered some inquiries? some of the never will be that may have been cleaned with approaches the have given an explanation of whether, what is canceled. why does the thinking of those groups that despite that expenditure, unfortunately, also over and above all this, he has not been gains. he has not been conflict, looked in clearly. and now kingsley constructed the one that comes out of his most, sweet b, b as in the, to having to deal with this kind of a security shows kind of distrust to you. or anyone that comes up to me is most
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start. how much confidence does he enjoy within the security circles? i mean, is he really in danger? his position in danger? and i'm, i'm becoming moving in multiple things that even if you disagree to suppose majority of these people understand what can someone give me to ship by doing your best for you by the different pennsylvania. because some of the stuff will be not by the list. they're buying from the buyers were due to the week of the police, have the citizens of can you have been pushing for this thing when he called to the city to come up to the streets of the fast to be just come to the little studio setting the t actually the
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the t has fired to speak to that have been changed all of them. and the 1st person to speak with the attorney general to move into the company. most of the keys in the custody of the people working on that. but i'm worried for me because i'm beginning to get the feeling that he doesn't have the support of security purposes can be because because the thing is affecting the. ringback reason why you see this is because the have a for months to look at my for the. ringback government and all that purchased amend clubs and being offered me something that i did to valley politicians. so seeing many uniform clubs to me by the see my sense is assigned to
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somebody is systematically funding this. the single dispute is, when does, what does, but it didn't see what kind of mazda they've done. well, i mean, over the phone and the language can, you know, you know, people appearing with the club and most of them into the loop like young people. so this is a good price concept by somebody to be a, with the company in the country. all right, spell out out of a thank you so much for your analysis on what's happening. let's go back to malcolm web based following those bases, developments nairobi. so you've got your gas mosque off now, malcolm. uh i, you know, a good site in terms of the amount of tig, so it has that. does that also mean they managed to clear the protest is, are they still standing the ground? i've lost, i see. all right, it seems. let me try again malcolm, can you hear me?
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all right, unfortunately, we lost all connection with malcolm by the . now these variety ami is killed, at least $49.00 palestinians in several areas across scows, or over the past 24 hours. the ministry targeted the residential building and then the site on the refugee camp. and these 19 palestinians, including women and children, were killed in the attack. some central garza bodies have been taken to along to the hospital. one of the few in the strip is still functioning, is rarely a tank so killed at least $38713.00 policy. and since the war on garza began in october, let's go live to thought a couple of zoom, who joins us from that and by,
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in central gaza and public understand those is really strikes still continuing to take us through once on the fire right now. yes, in fact some of the strikes did not stop since the early hours of this morning across multiple areas in district pop. what we do see on the ground is that there is a very remarkable intensification of the development on the central areas which i police had killed since for you don't today more than 30 palestinians as we include . you can see that the bus majority with children opposed to what emerson's civilians know. the vast majority of also houses being targeted did not get tiny probably when, when they had been founded by the study army. basically we also continued to key loud explosions. one of the past couple of hours in the bills were positive on his, the rochester discount that he so a jake sims, who needs a refill redone, which seems to be a part of the ongoing to offer residential houses to expand duct could result whether even
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a treat uh with the ministry is existing at no it take so generally there is ongoing escalation of the attacks us will be hearing from the power city administration saying that at least 49 palestinians have been killed within the past 24 hours. and this is being for the police, had been escalating day by day, were areas where does it make it to be safe for commerce, city is have been targeted by the same time where people have recently started to return in the southern parts of garza, including the city had also witnessed a very city attacks by the it's very funny subjects which had phone service been show house in the condo in a city to enclose family which had been wiped out. completely. afloat from december were just 3. and this is the peak reality. in fact, signed me word, palestinian read it gets i sold to safety sofa on the ground. did you to the high intensity of the it's by the a tax on the strip and thought it how people dealing with the
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challenge of piling up bodies to the house. the new scenery are desperately frustrated and now they are challenged also by a new reality, which is the mounting number of victims on the ground to day. for example, the move of unlocks the hospital that has been widely overwhelmed with our bodies were in an outside of the bulk lining up on the ground, waiting to be perpetual burial. they've been using their own transportation and vehicles to deliver them for burial. and even they were struggling to find the grades because there is a deep shortage of graves in garza, especially that within the latest ways of displacements, from rough, i know people are looking for an empty space for blonds in order to sit up, make shift choices in order to take it as appropriate refuge for them. and this includes proof collected on the shrink cobra spaces that could be mc enough for for barriers. and also for perry into school have been killed during the past couple of
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days. 5, as long as these various types of district continue to search, it seems that palestinians will keeps crumpling in order to afford their beloved ones will have been served with the proper period on the ground. sammy, and that's not a covered zoom from data by the former us president donald trump has made an appearance of the republican national convention. it was choose by hundreds of delegates in milwaukee where he also announced his vice presidential running mate, a survived, and assassination attempt on site today during o'reilly in pennsylvania, an official reports from the conventions the the moment to support of
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a clean duration a little more than 40 hours since the attempt in his life, the trump meet his 1st real public appearance, walking into the republican national convention to be met by people who already saw it. he was a hero. advantage over the wind for this year, clear to see he didn't speak that will come in. so i think this was about reassuring the policy based unraveling in the support and repeating the word to you to the crowd. after he was short, he was joined in the v i. p books by the mine he knows as his running mate will hire senator d. defiance once and a vote. anti temper competing him at one point to hitler. no, i'm not gonna die hot. it was a decision which brought the light from delegates. he brings a lot to a ticket for one thing, a different age level, you know, and that's what we need because we need to carried on. you know, some of us are, are getting up there in years. so we gotta, we gotta bring on a new generation. we carried on. but
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a warning from one analyst about the why the repeal of the stuff to know your old former marine a band though he's from ohio and wrote this wildly popular book hillbilly elegy that hit the hit, a great court for a lot of folks. i think he lacks christmas, and i don't think he's quite the type of candidate that could have vast appeal to a general election audience. congresswoman marjorie taylor green there was talk, the trump brush with death would lead to a kinder, gentler tune at this convention. what about unity than division? more about respect than rank court. but that didn't stop many on the platform falling into familiar ways. they promised the unity and delivered division. they promised peace and brought war 2 days, democratic agenda. their power policies are clear and present danger to america, to our institutions. our values in our people follow some full address to convention on 5 different streets,
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a different form. and so that's why his team from a mine his campaign was almost standard liability. oh, and for sure, i'll just see it on the public and national convention in milwaukee. peggy grandy is a california a republican delegate. she says the party is united in approval of the vice president to pick. there was great enthusiasm when judy vance was announced. as donald trump's vice presidential peck and america and the world will have an opportunity to get acquainted with him, i believe he's speaking on wednesday night, and i hope that will give him a chance to articulate a beautiful vision for america. that's very inclusive. i think donald trump chose him at a time like this, where so many americans are suffering under the failed policies of joe biden. and comma la, here is the katie vance came from poverty. he knows what it's like to have to work 2 and 3 jobs just to make ends meet and his isn't only in america. beautiful story
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of inspiration. and so i hope that america in the world will give him an opportunity to introduce himself to them on wednesday night and really give a chance to listen to him. and listen, why donald trump has chosen him for this time. didn't take long for trumps upon us president joe biden to weigh in on his choice for vice. president biden is back home the campaign trial off the sand. today's attack on trump, mike had a, has moved from washington dc. well present, joe biden remains unapologetic about the language he has used in the past against his content to donald trump in an interview with nbc news, joe biden insisting that he's not the one who is guilty of inflammatory rhetoric. that in fact, donald trump is, he's singled up to a number of donald trump's comments in the past as an example of the symmetric. but what president biden is indicating in this interview is at any risk, but in the political heats,
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the rivalry in the wake of the attempted assassination of donald trump is now over at that it is now back on the campaign trail. he will continue to criticize donald trump. he will continue to point out what he sees as flores as to donald trump's nomination. as vice president j. d. vance. well, president biden, we acted within minutes of that announcement, releasing a tweet ad insisting that we cannot make policy of bonds. and of trump is going to only benefit 1000000000 as you then went on and spoke to the polt is at andrews air force base. and this is what he had to say about j defense. so any pledge from either candidate that is going to be a reduction in the level of the political debate, a movement away from the inflammatory rhetoric that has been used in the past. well,
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that would appear to be well and truly over mike, hannah, i'll just sarah washington. now in biden's one on one interview with us major on monday he was asked about the language that both candidates have been using and the lead up to the election. and in fact, could possibly in science, incidents like the attempted assassination of donald trump, as you called your opponent and ex, essential threats on a call. a week ago, you said it's time to put trump in the bull's eye. there's some dispute about the context, but i that you appreciate. i didn't say cross here to focus on what the truth of the matter. right? so i guess i was talking about as a time was there's very little focus on trans agenda. you have a service both. i was the mistake these were i didn't, i didn't say cross here as i've been both. i've had focus on focus on what he's doing. focus on, on his, on his policies, focus on the number of lives you told me the debate focus. i mean there's, there's
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a whole range of things that look, i'm not the guy that said, i want to be a dictator on day one. i'm not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election. i'm not the guy who said the one to accept the outcome of this election automatically. you can't only love your country when you went to shortly before you and i sat down. former president trump named his vice presidential pick j b advanced. what does that tell you his qualities? what does that tell you about a former president trump values in terms of the terms of who you will surround himself with in the next administration? sure, the way, oh, it's not on you're just going from some of the people agree with completely with what directors. i support him. even though if you go back and listen to dfad said about trump a j. the vance was among the 1st politicians to react, often from bush shots on saturday. he blamed president joe biden writing online.
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today is not just some isolated incidents. the central practice of the bible campaign is that trump is an oil for a terry and fascist who must be stopped at all costs that rhetoric lead directly to trumps attempted assassination. steve clemens is host of al, just arrows weekly show. the bottom line is advanced as comments will only raise the political temperature. judy vance may have put himself over to the top with that we. at the same time, the president trump was committing to dial down the rhetoric and to talk about the need for in unity in the country. and you had both fighting and trump sending each other signals in the country signals that violence is not the way to go. but the bottom line is that both of these candidates and the people around them have talked in very stark terms about the other side. and, and there's just no doubt that while judy vance is,
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is actually correct that many people around the bargain cap did. in fact, talk you to in fact talk about donald trump is not being democratic as being someone who will usher in an era of fascism. and that that needs to be stopped because democracy itself is at risk. but to go further into pin the responsibility of an assassination attempt on, on buying is a very loaded thing for advanced to have done. because you could also say that, that donald trump is also talking about there will be blood in the streets if he were to lose the election. and he's talking very demeaning terms about his opponents calling them vermin. who need to be stopped at all costs. so the blame goes to both sides candidly. and i think judy vance, which is performing for an audience of one who is president trump, a still a head on al jazeera, the thousands of people injured at student protests in
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bangladesh as an update, plus european champion, spain. celebrate with that fans off to winning a rank hold full confidence and confidence. enticing. that's coming up and spoke with jim the one weather maker moves the way another moves and let's type into those details. hi everyone. so that southeast corner melbourne sides of what a state in 3 months, some parts of victoria state, dallas with more than a 100 millimeters of rain. this is definitely dragged in cooler air hobart, i'd be surprised if you get to double digits on wednesday. here's that next weather maker we talked about, but this time it's coming into w 8. it's going to strike you with rain and wind, those winds picking up to about 60 to 70 kilometers power. then
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a cool southerly breeze. here looked us 15 in purse on friday. you should be about 23. sure there's sun, rain for new zealand, north island. nothing major here, no weather alerts to speak of. so let's go to introduce here where it's also compet, a bit breezy for bodily loan book and java islands here 30 degrees in jakarta. and here's where it gets messy. the monsoon reins picking up through the enemy and see the gulf of thailand. so for southern thailand, cambodia and vietnam solid bands of rain here. our summer rains in china really lined up across the yellow river valley, marching into the korean peninsula. this is going to dallas, sol, we see a curl up into ne, china. so some down ports to be expected around harbin on wednesday. okay, we'll leave it there, but i'll see you soon. take care. i the examining. the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to ship,
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they started attacking the machines unflinching john lewis. and what message do you think that they were trying to send? we'll come here and we'll tell you and meet it, sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on a funding. well, class progress on ours is 0 in 2021. the to the security services. the rest of the 15 suspected spice allegedly routine to advise really intelligence the most that to report on our college student and just allow me to get in touch you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. so just a little while to explore the doc surveillance on dwelt beneath the diplomatic surface. most side is done on
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the i'll come back here watching out just 0 time to recap ah, headlines now. the security forces 5 gas to discuss crowds in kenya is capital demonstrations is a calling on president william, rooted to resign of 2 weeks of demonstrations. unrest began in june officers propose tax fights. these right of the army is killed at least $49.00 palestinians in several areas across scholars. so as of the past 24 hours, the minutes we targeted the residential building and the on the site on the refugee camp at least 19 palestinians, including women and children. were killed in the attacks and central garza forming
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us president donald trump has appeared at the republican national convention 2 days off that he's the vibe and assassination attempt was cheered by hundreds of delegates in milwaukee where he also announced his vice presidential running nights 8 soldiers have been killed in an attack y um man in northwest pocket. stone. 10 sizes were also killed in the strike. the fighting began on monday when the men storm demetri base in higher type of pop to inquire providence in the set for the attacking the neighboring district to security forces. and 3 fights is killed focused on the scene and intensify. the wave of attacks against security forces in chinese engine is working in the country. the instability has raffled foreign investors and allies and say the government needs to types and security. these fee is putting
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a multi $1000000000.00 development project with china risk come off high, the reports from to home and the focused on the ask and border this is the latest video from did you get the button focused on warning of intensified attack before digit perez? to show up police going away, being ambushed in the group in increasingly targeting focused on the security forces and chinese nation of many of whom are engineers working on major projects as part of the china progress on economic quarter goal for and interested. and chinese government calling for more protection for the workers. china is very concerned that fucker song has failed to protect chinese projects and pushing it in foxes funds. the bug, it's on the prime minister court on neighboring a bonus,
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dawn to crack down on on groups and done around government. must date concrete and effective measures. didn't show it. so i did not use for terrorism by any entity against other states. however, this worthington increase of in a long, focused on 2600 kilometer, mostly mountainous and borders. florida, where the furnace dawn focused on melodrama as boys to launch a new nation wide, congregated them offensive guard arguments that com or as all that get it a great number of attacks against as a gear defaulted. but the plan is facing criticism, as well as public all position invested in swat, riley have rallied against the plan thing there will be on the front lines of any military operation to the be off. whether we have concerns about the new military operation for that not to be displeased again,
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as we are displeased and previous operations manager come on to say that a, mr. insured and jordan stability, an economic prosperity. while analysts goal on the government to do more focused on itself has a very serious domestic terrorism problems which needs to become good. and then also focused on, frankly, has no effective, suitable counter terrorist strategies for the last few years. despite focused on efforts to reinforce this border, i'm groups are still able to launch attack previous operations of only forced by did back into a hold on just on and redoubt head from the dollar bond government. many happy needs. a script solution would likely remain in new to come. i like that. i just the uh, door home focused on one is done bordeaux. oh, come on. private joins us live on the somebody come on listening to your report. that one has to wonder how much of a threat it all these attacks to investments,
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the chinese investments in particular well in day this is something that the chinese res, with the focus on a prime minister or the resurrected china recently. in fact, one of the chinese, minnesota store, the senior focus on the delegate that defend save for the end of one is done, then you didn't have run it and focused on. so indeed that there's something that the chinese or what it involved. they've invested tens of billions of dollars into progress on depend infrastructure to bring to go out up or down d r a, b and c co sign that our energy projects in red. and because of the tax on the chinese engineers, many have gone back. they have gro shop, they're not willing to continue work on keep projects on their, their solar guiding day that day. well, good engineers and nationals will be safe and side focused on. alright,
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we'll leave with that. thanks so much. come out of high the of friends presidents emanuel, my call is expected to accept the resignation of 5 minutes to gabriela todd. so happened during a close to cabinet meeting. tyler, was it like to the leader of the apartment for a group belonging to my calls renaissance policy? he'd offer these resignation as prime minister officer. his policy failed to win a majority in parliamentary elections. or the president then asked him to stay on temporarily. or jack for a long day as a senior research fellow at the global policy institute to joins us now from some motto in france. good. have you with us? so 1st of all, how long does the president have before he will have to fill that prime ministerial position if he indeed accepts the resignation of mister child today?
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and he can have a few weeks in the meanwhile, what's going to happen now? uh we in a way to resign. but stay on as prime minister for a simple reason is that the eat eat is do you care about the fairs? there's no, no luxury or a t as come out of the the sections every but broke just free broke the or at least on the board showed the majority. so in the meanwhile, you know, the form of government, we should not be over fro. at the 1st instance, they need to find a good he should go but months to find a prime minister. oh, good god. the no votes, you know the to a bus. they just take it in the meanwhile, i still don't think they're left. wanted to claim, claim that the warranty addiction, as they were entitled to choose
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a prime minister, but it's not true. the left, yes is 15 votes, engine seats are head of the all solve it, but it's very divided. and within the last 2 of us, each we just spent it was a minister or 2 edition. and we would see that the edits, me and just socially democratic, social isn't going to agree on it. come to you guys are supposed to be shown in the last few days. so in the meanwhile, you didn't need a government to got read the emergency. the current affairs are the oh okay, i'll tell you because that's in you to do that. you mentioned the problem is within the less this alliance is the end of the disintegrating at this point that me the, the warnings from one of its senior leaders of a shipwreck. yes. i mean, no, you can sit up today and don't i agree on anything. there's also i agree on it, on a audio, it could be pro rob did or agree or international bodies the so they have both to
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split and just no way they can come up with the data and the very different approaches from both thoughts of that you know that basically the social, these are ready to go and dig, popped in the integration with some same board members officers much your president short measure already know during that big on. right. so what is the grid and such as the house? does that mean the current has a, a good chance of putting together a coalition of i don't know what you would call that mainstream policies? yes, x of board teach wouldn't be happening in the meanwhile, i do get set up. yeah. well yeah, that we take care of business and is government when take your business at this drug deal didn't be games as being the so that's something for the defect ations between the different bodies. okay. i need to be a board. bunch of the primary stuff, which would, would eventually, but we're not there yet. in the meanwhile,
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the government wants to stay involved and to resign just in order to be able to uh, to st. empowerment and to be able to vote in power. but if they would, you couldn't be a minister and then p at the government. does 17 members? well, and these did very important because no, to see the as moved from did, is it that us and my whole to the bottom? i received a big be stuck with you that tab and you'll all hope she's on the right. was do had their groups in the fall or a month. 12 of really advanced because for was the french rent the big that the, the, or the games we'd be empowerment and it's up to them to be able to step up to the break. yet it should show only one thing. the french, which the french underwent to be done fucked, and refused the should already know the party just showing benefits into right wait for the g shows. but if you need a lift waiting
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a lift gate of to step up to the plate and come up and reassure the fridge, come up with a program show that they get well together. so the risk will be gone from mostly do arithmetic of a, an extra that must be due. the 30 going from government lead installing is going to go on here. thank you so much, sage we got it was a long for analyzing it for our senior research fellow, the global policy institute. thank you. and thousands of people have been injured by violence that student protests in bangladesh. the police $52.00 guys in charge of his battens off to fighting, broke out between rival groups and the doc. or on monday, students have been protesting for 2 weeks holding for an end to what they say. a discriminatory closes for public service jobs. they say favor support as of the routing policy, want to marry they system instead,
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a small this way joined from call by tunzia challenge race. so 1st of all, what does the process look like right now? well, what is the intersection of the main part of the city that was blocked by the students? just about 20 minutes ago, they've left this area. many of the students happen to be from high school, which is quite on huge big of all this like time. it was mainly the come flying to university stores and across the country, not even high school and private university. so those are taking part in these products, mostly with public university. now what we're hearing from our sources in different name to section that blocked access to traffic. there's been flashes not only in the capital city, but now the parts of the country like yes, so that comes up. so the heart of the main university doc i university campus is basically blocked off by a ride police and pro government student waiting members. so the products that
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basically and by that, that whole campus, you said that 2 products in different parts of the city named the section and didn't stay too long to keep moving across different parts of the city. and they'll continue to progress from what we, when we spoke to them, that's what they said until and unless the demands are met. in any sign that the government is listening to the months. not really, the governments is quite defined. the data is off to the codes to decide, although the code say that the government does have a probation to change something. now in minutes of this uh, civil service code that has been designated on our side upside for the liberation movement. heroes and their families. that's upfront god, when i'm in the protesting student are saying that it was taken off in 2018, but in june this yeah, the, the high code that again, rules against it. so that out in the street, what is different?
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this time is the m and the number of stories out industry is massive number. now, the private and public university student, including high school student, have joined the movement, particularly off for the biling. yes it is. this is really and get the student that they've said they will continue their movement until i left the government did. then i made the thanks so much. send this child right now. in eastern afghanistan, heavy rain is killed, at least 40 people thought it. bon officials, concern then the 350 was injured, taken to the hospital for treatment, and i witnessed that he sold his neighbor's house of 15 collapse, 7 of dive pharmacies, reports around 400 houses, and 6, the electricity poles were destroyed across the hall province 5 finances in con county in california baffled several wild fines. over the weekend. the fires
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spread rapidly, all through lightning storm hates in the middle of a heat wave. in the western united states, thousands of acres have been burned by one fire load. the national weather service had previously won't have been increased file risk. so i have now the 0 remain is government doubles. the number of bags that pock ranges are allowed to kill each year off through a series of incidents and testing times. so china swim is as well. the classics announces fell on the go twice as many drug screening since the arrivals that really takes some of the way in school. the business latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in dubai.
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the spoils file size to catch off and all the news in the games with gems. thank you. send me 85, a 1000 pounds of packs into the database stadium in madrid right now to watch it. kidding them back. they presented as ram withdrew his newest signing. these all live sick just from the spanish a capital madrid. the 25 year old a friend had his medicine earlier and a great a 5 year contract having joined the european champions on a free trump, sir, from paris such a man as you can see that he will weigh the number 9 shots and by pay was past these highest score with 256 goals and the 7 seasons he spent with them, he will say picked up 17 tracy's with past you, including 6 the french, the titles on the international stage and by it won the world cup with fonts in
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2018 and was a runner ups watch and teen it 2 years ago. well, the issue is yours is team. last 2 event, 2 champions. spain will, spain beat england and the final and then monitor. gar. southgate has now resigned in a statement southgate rights as a proud englishman. it has been the owner of my life to play full and manage england. it is meant everything to me and i have given it my old, but it's time for a change. add a new chapter under his 10 year england reached at 2 consecutive years finals. the quarter finals of the catalog woke up 2 years ago and the semi finals of the 2018 while. com. as will england's congress, spain, they've held a victory parade and mature is the team withdrawn from germany with the european tracy having peace and england, 21 in the final involvement on sunday. what made that record for european championship? even more impressive as winning is 7 of that much is it the tournament? and a 17 year old living in the mail who was named young claire of the tournament there
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is having become the youngest go score out of major competition. south american champions, argentina have rise back. i am off to successfully defending the call for america. firms waited hours to catch a glimpse of the team buses coming the players on the tracy from an apple. it's on the outskirts when the service to the origin time f, a compound. the team won a record 16th championship off the beach in columbia, one the funding in miami, which was modified, kyle succeeds. this ticket was found this tried to storm the stadium the full amount from that months continues at the most at columbia. it's but well, president and his son had been charged with battery of to allegedly fighting with security guards off of the game. 71 year old or rum on just a run and 43 year old, a rum on jemine's as a re were arrested. often altercation in the play as tunnel. the columbia and football federation has declined to comment. chinese some is face being drug tested twice as often as other competitors, the power. so let me fix the united states and to the agency says only a cover up allowed
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a number of chinese athletes to take part in the last games and take care of the richardson reports the mucky walters of doping in school to feed the, the money to head of the power, so lympics $11.00 show any swim is will be the games tested positive for a banned substance. shortly before the last bill and fixing tokyo this point this, they were allowed to compete in japan. of the fail tests only became public knowledge early. this year, prompting some of the schools all time greats to voice, long health concerns. i out worked at any single human on this planet. that's a fact. and that's why i got the results that i got. and for me, i don't want kids growing up thinking that it's only doping and cheating where you're able to do these unfathomable things showing as anti doping agency had rule that of the band hall medicine was accidentally taken by 23. johnnie. swim is a few months before the tokyo olympics and the world,
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and he thought being agency said it wasn't in a position to disprove that conclusion. this is cynthia fine. she, when did you go to the united states continues to high pop in the tech, international organizations with the name of discrediting outstanding chinese athletes. and affecting that participation in the parents of lympics. trying to believe that the united states isn't qualified to make these comments or interfere in the global anti doping system. the interim findings of an independent report commission point, the world empty doping agency says there was no bias shown in favor of showing a swim. is it hasn't stopped the us government from opening its own criminal investigation into the case. what else don't we know? cause unfortunately when there is not transparency, then that just raises a lot of questions. because now people are questioning a bunch of things because it appears like the rules weren't applied consistently in this case that they had been previously. thousands of athletes will be tested
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during the parents olympics as organizes and to convince competitors they all doing all they can to be a drug sheets. on the richardson, algae, 0. a tiger woods have just been speaking to the media and says he believes he can win. this week's open championship dislike question marks about his full on future . the 48 year old has completed, completed, 72 holes of the tournament, just full times since his cock question, february 2021. what's the struggle in major's the seasons finishing last of those who made the weekend of the mazda is for missing success of cuts, the p. j championship. and us open, we will hear from target in on that supports person plan home and will look to emulate what, what state in 2006 and that successfully defends the open championship. this is home and having back to the current job off to having it in his possession for the last year. the american will be hoping to list it again on sunday. any time that you become a major champion, it certainly elevates your status and the game elevates the way that you're perceiving the game. and i've tried to take all that and strive,
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but at the same time understand that you know, the golf is the most important thing. i've tried to improve my golf game and, and get it in a place to where i can maybe contend some more majors. and before we go, let's just go back to madrid. these are the latest pictures on the web, getting them back a, it hasn't just being presented to funds of round madrid as that new signing the present and founder that is giving it a speech today is that of gathering your friendship saw, has signed a 5 year contract with the spanish champions, we will bring you more on that and hopefully hear from him by himself and i'll next sports selection at around the session for fucked into and as always sports now more like us. i thanks so much, dana. now in 10 days, the sporting wells will gather in paris for this season and pick games on the rock and sons, the city, signing the river, won't be cleaned at all 5 fleets to compete. and despite the efforts to clean it up, ponts of the river have been tested as unsafe for humans in recent weeks. fast loan
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and madison swimming competitions is scheduled to take place in the river. the opening ceremony will be held on july the 26th. on saturday, the french sports minister took a plunge to demonstrate that it was clean. standard testing of indicated organization take 24 hours. although there's some tests or testing techniques these days. it just brings it down to 18 hours, so it pat, but they're taking samples at 3 in the morning and it's hoping that the, you know, to get going to have a multitude of water quality information. but it, when they get the results, it's going to tell them the water quality 18 hours and go not at the time. consumers are going to be in the water and between the sample and getting the results. there might be some rain began at rush which go into the water and the test. they're not going to have it real time. it water quality data as the olympic
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torch arrived in central power. so monday group of charities, protested the city is being and they woods, socially cleanse the head of the games. activist banners said, 12000 people have been false from the french capital, which our se, se migrants in refugee have been forced out squats. housing fundable, people have been shot down as many as government as more than double the number of baz the talk ranges can legally kill little was adults is during an emergency parliamentary session on monday comes a week off to the death the 19 year old hika. how this is andrea simmons has mall. romania has your roots lodges, brownback populations living outside russia. that home is the bottom of the comp, pacey in mountain range. last week that was outrage. when a 19 year old truck was moved to death,
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wildlife experts say the animals have resulted to scott virginia cities as urban school cuts into the habitat. climate change limit that we've sort of it's taurus or a particular problem. often a parent taking her to the dangers of getting close and even funding to feed them in the last year. the fault has introduced a manual quote to beckles of $220.00. now it's been increased to $400.00. the patient want to use it for the past 2 decades. brown, passive code, at least 26 people and severely injured. more than 270 others. right? yeah. a while bull hunt disturb the bad hunter, philly's to survive in the world. one, a lot of fun says kidding mold as whoops solve the problem. it says bez needs to be kept away from communities with measures such as that's a waste management directing electric fences and preventing people from feeding the
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bass. the bottom of rights campaign is believe the new law will allow for the adventurer with ton of tracy hunting. andrew simmons, i was just a fence it from me. so this news out back in the moment, actually we're back of itself. we also stay with us. the in 2 weeks into protests against a controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of can you police accused of disproportionate violets showed no signs of backing down. president william retail may have scrapped the bill, but protesters demands, as of all, they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to canyons exercising their constitutional rights. there's still
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a great deal of anger against the government protesters here say their voices are still not heard. and the government still doesn't understand. they're coming out and protests in 2021. the toughest security surfaces the rest, the 15 suspected spies. allegedly, we're going to buys rainy intelligence, the must have 2 reports on our list 1000000000 and just allow me to get in touch you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. how does the real world explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface? most that is done on tuesday, around maybe 300 people died, one flight time age 17 for shut down of ukraine, but a decade later have to fight for justice continues. must go, refuses to hand over 3 men convicted of maxima, john 12 prosecutions believe. russia's president was directly involved, 101 east investigates. the case against platinum includes in on al jazeera,
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the challenges with the, the police fly, take us a protest. as in i robi as cool, so can use president to resign, continue to grow the bulk of the social 0 life. the also coming up overnights is where the strikes target civilians in central gaza. at least 19 palestinians are killed,


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