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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the challenges with the the, the color there on the stalls the attain. this is in use our line from the coming up in the next 16. is there any force as attack yet? and now the un run score and garza where palestinians have been seeking shelter, thousands or hundreds of thousands in the central gauze, i can no longer access drinking water because of a shortage of pills. the thousands of people
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protest across kenya demanding the president william with his step down and bandaged in front of his face. donald trump is formally declared the republican presidential nominee and has announced his running and peace of statements authority of sports needs. kidding and buffet fulfils a childhood dream. $18000.00 friends welcomed him the 1st day at the hall. we begin this news outlet in central garza where israel has struck and now the un run score and the only sex refugee account this time killing at least 23 people. that facility with sheltering the space to palestinians and this was also and then is really designated so cool and say something. over the past 10 days, 6 schools affiliated with the u. n. and as agencies have been hit on sunday,
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17 palestinians were killed in a strike on a school in central garza is really a tax across the strip has killed at least 50 palestinians since tuesday morning. well meanwhile, and the southern part of this trip, these really only struck in the area west of con eunice, killing, of east 17 palestinians. the injuring 26 of those 4 children among the dead bodies had been taken to the city is not a hospital. well, let's meet tile correspondent, honeymoon when he joins us now from darrell ballot and central gaza honey. every time we speak has been another attack on the school of the sound. that seems to be exponential increasing for the past week or so. we're seeing more of these schools that turn into evacuation sensors being deliberately directly attacked and targeted by relentless error strikes with tens of people are being killed or critically injured and brought to and transferred to different
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health facilities. whether it's the new review account or in there is a city 23 people, confirmed it killed by these attacks on a school. and it's not the the 1st time we've seen this within the past in the city of the day. and we're looking at 16 schools within the past 10 days. i've been directly and deliberately attacked by these really military, despite the fact that these are the facilities that are designated as an international organization facility. they are operated, they're managed by the united nations. we're kind of seeing rush review on or what run the schools and what we're seeing right now is more of a systematic. it talks in a weight seems to cripple the operations and the services are provided by on or what so far, not only to school, but in the past receiving food, distribution points and other facilities. the owner warehouses were targeted and destroyed in other parts of the government, including 8 workers who were also targeted on their way. securing and delivering aid force for palestinians. they doubled the number,
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almost 17 people were killed. triple the number in fox 72 reported with the various the critical injuries either in a loud here at this post facility that it's already over crowded. and, and it's tracking on daily basis to provide proper medical care for the large number really inside the hospital. and unfortunately, we go with, this is a tragedy. we expect this to happen and the number will increase because of the lack of medical, the stuff, one doctor describe the situation. some injuries are quite difficult to deal with. others are treatable, but the fact that there are no medical supplies available like 10 minutes, it makes it very difficult for the ones to recover and to healy, they end up being brought in and causes various infections that are very threatening to their livelihood entered their, their safety here at the hospital on a separate attack is really military. a conduct it also uh a villa,
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a massive pierce strike in western part of tonya. and it's a mazda your 17 people reported killed. 4 of them were children, and that is across the board. the same patterns of targeted population, women and children make the vast majority of people killed by relentless airs, tribes. antonia, i see in there. oh, by the way you are right now, the municipality is now also saying they can no longer provide drinking water to some what? 700000 people because they're out of fuel. water has been running short for some time now across the street. well, this problem quite visible right now across distance from area, but mainly more visible than acquiring a shopping way here. and there is the last to be where the vast majority of this place people at ford into the city that are in the past couple months when the work force. they do this in force,
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internal display from robust city more recently from han units and within the past months of from the northern part of golf and city of we have water was across the central. they have completely shut down due to the lack of, if you do the generate powers and to run these water ponds. there's also another problem, not only water is being the problem here. it's, it's venus care sense right now and people to q and long for longer hours, right now to get very version of water. but also the fact that we see and it was filled the streets right now because also the lack of excuse said, is rod. the v is waste management or waste, the treatment of plans into complete shut down and unable to clean up or to operate in order to do 3. these waste water or waste waste of the treatment across the centrally or something that is leading into the spread of disease and then all definitely increasing the risk right here at the vicinity of the hospital
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that is really struggling on to cope with everything. and right now, on top of it, the lack of water for the 100000 of displaced people here on inside the hospitals as well as you've been seeing and keep a clean environment to stop the spread of diseases from the ground from general ballot and central gaza thank you. of the, in kenya, at least one person has been killed and renewed and take off the protests. then the police find to a gas to this past crowd scattering in the capital library. the demonstrations have also been taking place in several cities across the country, calling for president william richard to resign. and since you, people have now been killed in these protests since against back in june of that
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proposal to raise taxes. the president has and scrapped that bill in 5 most of his cabinets, but that's still not a piece of protest as well. let's be trying to correspond it off with web. he's on the ground for us in downtown, and i wrote me not going to gas as we were saying was being 5, not so long ago. i had things come down some of the big. i sold a lot in the streets. they said to vmc canisters, which would be an exploding in for hours. it is a bit common now. gonna step aside. you can see mean down the street and see a couple of riot police that with the with, with, with pick up time those they've just been selling people to hurry up and go home, threatening them as they will foster those that use will to come in here today and then the local press that report to demonstrations in 23 different counties around the country and the tech to come around. you can see another one of the hot spots where there was still some right place is very intense. it just an hour ago. and
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these demonstrates is some of coding for routes to go. many of saying that they need sweeping reforms. they really challenging the governance model that we've seen in kenya for decades of politics which in which corruption is endemic. and people feel that this became a acute on the president william roots as government, or certainly more visible than it has been the full, which is why so many of them the same by the routes. i must go to the whole a method of governance should be a whole. now this is cool. responds by the government, that rights activists of this guy does that. and also it's very an attempt to try and squash this protest move in. and they say right, so pieces of included killing at least 50 people over the demonstrations over the last month. i know so adult thing, 59 people in a couple of cases, people to go missing that bodies have been found dumped in the countryside. several
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are still missing a dozens of them report being abducted for one or 2 days, during which time they say they're interrogates 8 beats and, and then release that we spoke to a couple of them. let's take a look at that story. these joshua acquire says he just left his home when men bundled him into a call and coughed him and put it back over his head, gives it was the day off to protest as in my re be entered parliament. 2 weeks ago, joshua was that we need to make the visual, he's a student leader. it can you as law school, he says he doesn't know where he was detained, but he was interrogated and beaten. they're asking me questions. i think of, i says, he says they asked him who was organizing and funding the protests that experience . i don't like to remember because every time i remember i get this over. he entered the lead to this demonstrations were initially against
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the finance bill would have raised taxes and widespread corruption of the police killed dozens of protest. as many started cooling for president william roo 7 his government to resign. police of arrested hundreds of people, more than a 180 of them were brought here. the middle of money, little quotes, and charged with various crimes, including looting and destruction of property. they both since been released on bail defense. lawyers say they were arrested for exercising that constitutional rights to protest. well, police that dilutes as will free the rights groups say that's happened alongside a campaign. have at least 34 adoptions an arbitrary detentions this. cctv for these shows permanent social media right to this child can leave being bundled into a call days before protest the people who have been abducted and then released have said that they've been in the company or police offices. no, you know there's no higher authority than the deputy president has declared to the
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nation about 2 weeks ago that the intelligence and the security services have been abducting people. and therefore, we have been very concerned that they seems to be, this seems to be part of a policing strategy that has no basis on the law. president russo who said the abductions will be investigated. and those responsible held to account for come over here, hasn't reassured activists like bill using them like he says he was abducted last month. i'm forced to sit and make you do the room flooded with cold water for 24 hours. after he was released, he fled my baby, destiny's home, and i person on the feeling. so i'm, i'm ready for g mon country. bill says he took part in the protests to defend kennedy as constitution. many of the demonstrate to say whether it's policing process. so managing public funds, all they ask is for
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a government that follows the law malcolm web out to 0, maybe. well, in the us, it's now the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee. now we had yesterday from donald trump, he made a surprise appearance. he also revealed ohio senator j. the vance as his running mate is you see that sounds right. it was fun, been stopped off. they survived that assassination attempt on saturday. now, in the video message that was recorded the full, the shooting, he rallied republican supporters. the republicans must with and we must use every appropriate tool available to beat the democrats. they are destroying our country. we will make sure your ballot is secure and your voices are very republicans like to vote on election day. and we must swap the radical democrats with massive turn up on tuesday, november 5th. the way you when is due swap them, we swap them. they can't cheat, it just doesn't work out. but if you can't make it, you need to make
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a plan register and vote any way possible we got to get your vote. so with your vote, we will win a victory the likes of which no one has ever seen before. we will evict stricter joe biden from the white house, and we will take back to our country. on november, 5th, 2024. the most important day in the history of our country. the count has the convention in milwaukee wisconsin for us, and he joins us now. that he said, we have that surprise appearance from trump yesterday. and we know how much he loves good television to go through. what to expect today? i'd love to tell you, but i've absolutely no idea. but before we get to that, i think it's important to fact check what we just heard from the former president. the 2020 election was in fact not stolen. there's actually no evidence of that, but getting back to you here in milwaukee take a look at the beginning of officially day 2. there's literally nothing clicking on . it's a very unusual convention. usually they wait till the prime time hours to do the
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roll call vote. when they make it into the official and how many they did that the 1st order of business did we know that was going to happen? know we'd absolutely no idea because the schedule just simply says the session starts at this time. so the 3rd session starts in about 7 hours from now. who's going to be speaking? i really wish i could tell you were trying to find out. we have a list of speakers just that when they're speaking includes the president's family, business leaders, some very minor celebrities influencers, possibly making at least some of the report. and it might be nicky, healy, his opponents during the primary. but i can tell you, is the theme is today, it is make america safer again. so we will likely hear the same thing from speaker after speaker. once they do take to that podium behind me, likely they're going to talk about a rise in crime under joe biden. and also about the they're going to like we try and tie it to and documented immigration. now let's take a step back. the facts are, according to all the statistics and all the government agencies violent crime has
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been following since 2022. but if you ask americans, they just don't believe that latest pulse and 77 percent of americans believe the violent crime and crime in general is in fact rising as for undocumented immigration, we have seen a surge on that under president joe biden. he recently put in measures to try to reduce immigration at the southern border and it seems to be working. it's down about 22 percent in one location year after year. but when you look at broader poles, immigration has really prison in very, somewhat unusual. if you look over decades is really risen to one of the top issues for voters and over. well, mainly voters think donald trump is much more able to handle that than joe biden. they blame joe biden for the search. and so it is a very big issue, not just for republicans, but also for firstly, for independence. so we're going to be looking to see what they have to say,
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who's going to say it? well, as soon as i find out, i'll let you know. but again, covered a few conventions, never quite seen anything like this. thank you so much pass. you've had any kind of hand keeping him on all the action for us at the r and c this here. thank you patty . speaking of making america safe again, enjoy biden's one on one interview with us media. on monday, he was asked about the language that both candidates have been using in the lead up to the selection. and if that could possibly incite incidents like the attempted assassination of donald trump, you called your opponent and ex essential threat on a call a week ago. you said it's time to put trump in the bull's eye. there's some dispute about the context, but i that you appreciate that it's across here just to focus on what the truth of the matter. right? so like this i was talking about as a time was, there's very little focus on jobs and the other service both. it was a mistake. these were, i didn't,
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i didn't say cross here as i've been both. i'm and focus on a focus on what he's doing. focus on, on his, on his policies, focus on the number of lives you told him, the debate focus. i mean there's, there's a whole range of things that look up the guy that said, i want to be a dictator on day one. i'm not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election. i'm not the guy who said that one except the outcome of this election automatically. you can only love your country when you, when just shortly before you and i sat down, former president trump named his vice presidential pick j, the advanced. what does that tell you? his qualities, what does that tell you about a former president trump values in terms of the terms of who you will surround himself with in the next administration shooting when it's not on you're just going from some people agree with completely with holding record. i support him, even though if you go back and listen to the man said about trump. well let's be to
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our white house correspondent can be how could she is joining us from washington dc? can we in the bible campaign, clearly came to focus mines on data events as well. the colorful rhetoric about trunk before he transformed into one of his most loyal defenders. the right, that's exactly what they have done. and what they have done is really continued what they plan to do all along, and that is portray, not only the new vice presidential pick j d vance, but also donald trump, as extremist. this has long been the strategy that joe biden has intended to portray the republican ticket, the light and dark, or uh, the sort of threat to democracy versus someone who is more presidential. this has been the plan and well, it may have been briefly interrupted by plans to even remove joe biden,
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from the ticket or near assassination attempt. uh, it seems that things are back on track as of just in the last 24 hours and already what we know is that the trump campaign is pushing back on this, calling it poor taste and accusing the biding campaign of using this is even a fundraising opportunity, the truth is both caps are using this as a fundraising opportunity. but what many are arguing about on social media is the fact that this might be a little bit too much too soon. because you remember just a couple of days ago, we had the us president sitting in the oval office promising to unite the country. and that this was a moment where a former president had been nearly assassinated and that there was no place for this type of rhetoric. in the united states, yet already we've seen that the president will him, he himself may not be using this rhetoric. he certainly is given the green light
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for his campaign to do so. so what it seems is politics as usual in the united states, even if we had one former president, dripping with blood less than 72 hours ago. it seems the gloves are already off. and as is the case, often in the united states, it doesn't seem that so political memories last very long whitehouse correspond can be housed at the with the latest for us. thank you. kimberly. well, why didn't we bring in law on the sean out? is there a senior political unless he joins us today by skype from paris alone, that has had really quite the transformation by all accounts, his play it has called to his trunk perfectly. well look. uh, actually i just, just uh, 5 minutes ago i finished his book. i had it built elegy, although he had ordered a few years ago back in 2016. it was an attempt at an early age,
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started to define himself and what type of entity means to him as someone who grew up in the appalachian mountains and later on. and of course in ohio, where he grew up and went to school and all of that. and the whole point of his book course to show how sent the cues and how, although he grew up in dramatic times and dramatic circumstances, including his mother being has extended all the rest of it. that's the main, you know, putting himself with the straps and all that kind of stuff. but he also says that much of the wisdom of life to learn from his grandparents and his grandparents told him that not all the bad people are rich. but all rich people are backed, he says that this is the kind of a single struck him since he was a child. and that to, you know, he continued the, when you went to yale school to, you know, make fun of the idea that the, or there's a sparkling water under
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a different street chart. do any and see if i'm blown wine. and i know all of these because i'm a product and people are an elite and american all the rest of it. but suddenly i sort of here in the center. and as soon as he really stopped working the corner doors, the power, the man started chasing his colors. and clearly there is no one position that survive steaks into thought 6 to about 60 in your thoughts chunk parts. uh, you know, a horrible man and he would never be a trump supporter and look at him now. here's the vice president running for the 2024 inches long and we know that jamie vance has a great storyteller. and he's kind of got that very strong narrative going from his iron background. but was not what made trying to pick him was this more about the loyalty that vance has demonstrated in recent years or as tom keeps pointing out, his television funding do was a just allow me uh, take a bit of an exception. uh, someone who wrote also reads, um say for example,
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the buck obama is uh about his upgrading and the number of on the books for the clinton and bush and, and what have you. i tell you this is not exactly start get started. i think it's a very your sort of go centric. uh, not quite boring, to be honest, quite personal, you know, and the rest of it, there is no, there are no wisdoms of life out of uh, you know, 31 year olds, both sort of that book. it may become very well made him very famous, but it wasn't that important. but just as you said, there are other reasons for why he was picked that 1st of all and he is almost 40. and he's a kind of a young generation of about, of social conservatives. he's also, i did the wrist in a way he does think in terms of form fawcett, not too far from trump, although he doesn't really have much of a photo policy. um, philosophy as it where. i mean, you know, he served in iraq for over 6 months and there's probably 12 lines in the book about
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your walk is this kind of fascination that corner to conclude from the rock is that you're not supposed to talk a woman before you talk to the man and that you shouldn't show the bottom of your foot, you know, stuff like that. it's just kind of amazing to see how you are set up there now was become a vice president understanding with a well being that the u. k. is a slender country that's has nuclear weapon, that's how what he says and that you're wanting needs to be student more. i so. ready is that is the best thing that's happened to humanity and why ukraine should be sanctioned and not send them so much money on arms. but is there, i shouldn't be drowned with more american money on arms. so he's taking the charging position, who's taking a more populous approach and the question of immigration over to stop to shoot the new campaign along with withdrawn. so he's pretty clearly more kindly levels done pens, the old vice versa. and i need those come from uh, you know,
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these twink states are not to be from ohio, but he also has a bit of, uh, you know, history, kentucky, and other places. and then it was so trump, things he could be uh, quite an asset, forehead in the sense of, uh, you know, bringing up the votes. being inspiring is a good talker and a lawyer, an older student loan. they would've been an argument though for the pick that would pay it to one demographics, the term needs women, african americans. we know nonsense, certainly incredibly forthright when it comes to the culture was he's been very eloquent about that. but how much does he actually strengthen the ticket when you look at the demographics and, and bringing out the vote that you were just talking about as well. you know, as i said, being good like a 3940 year old hand being guy, you're not good speaker and, and have been married to a, an indian. and he talks of the book about how that helped him break out of his very sort of a solution. it's nativist totally believed by identity and that now he does become has become more of
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a customer product. and then he goes to the american dream as it were, right? so he doesn't have a whole number of credentials of, you know, rags to riches and how he pulled himself by the bootstraps and how, how he worked hard and if you work hard in america, you can achieve all sorts of things that's out there. i thought that i saw so in terms of demographics in terms of geographies, terms of shrink states in terms of capacity and because of my intensive degree as well as someone who served as a marine. i someone who grew up poor. but when do you, i am an old best of it. you know, that tunnel that could help trump more than say, if you picked up on old governor from somewhere or whoever else you might have had in mind. so on, as i've been saying, we, we know how trump loves good television and certainly j, the vans does deliver that. and i wanted to show our elders here as soon as i list the scene to us today from power. thank you. my a still
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a head here on out of their sizing, answered on force as of thousands of people to see their homes where it one of the comes with many on our shelter. and tiger woods is head back of criticism and papers. as for another major details on that, coming up shortly, annual sport 50 to the while last night, the tornado sirens were blaring in chicago. severe storms through here today on tuesday, much of the same through the midwest and the great lakes. this eventually pushes into the us northeast, and in the zone here, sir, we'll see more severe thunderstorms capable of producing large hale powerful wins and the threats of tornadoes. now this will bring cooler air in, so just 25 in toronto on wednesday, back to the here and now the storm is also dropping down into missouri's st. goes
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here. your temperatures will lower in the next little bit, and all of the heat alerts have been dropped in the us, south west, much more comfortable, much more bearable, but still hot enough for you in the us state of oregon, portland, that $37.00 your showers, thunderstorms off the foothills of the rockies in canada is alberta province. and would you look at all the rain pouring into costa rica, san jose could see about half a month's worth of rain over the next 24 hours. this of course, meets up with all the way, whether it's what the top end of south america and you know, for this part of south america, we did have a cold stop here, but things are changing. it's about to heat up. we do have some disturbed weather for southern brazil, but in terms of these temperatures, look at a song sale and give it a few days your clothes in on your how to stay for july on saturday. the, the,
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the the welcome back to watching now to 0. let's remind you about top stories, the sound. i think it's one person has been killed and renewed anti government protests. and can you please confirm to demonstrate as demanding that presence when enrich step down. nationwide demonstrations broke out a month ago, again, step proposed failed to raise taxes in the us. it's now the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee. donald trump has now been confirmed as the parties presidential nominate, and he has picked a highest dentist, had j. d vance as his running mate is really a tax across because i have killed at least 48 palestinians since tuesday morning.
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and all of us strike on an on route run, school sheltering, displaced palestinians, and the all new sierra procedure accounts has now killed at least 16 people 9 months into israel's war on gaza. health, cadillac is still struggling to properly treat the wounded. of course, one of the honeymoon wanted visited an intensive care unit and they're all bala and a fine doctor that she had some of the challenges that they face every day. when i came into the guys a strip, i was prevented everything except for one suitcase and i've been here for a month. and so as much as i tried to stuff with my suitcase, it's only so much you could put in one suitcase in law and we have 10 patients here that would use all those, all those medications probably in a day or 2. while the health care workers here save lives and do their best to keep people living, they are thinking about their own family members at home. and when they hear these closing the distance between here, every hour or 2. while we're here in the buzzing above us with the drones, those health care workers are constantly into world one where they're here with their patient with they know they have a duty 5,
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but the career chosen in the 2nd is to their own family, their own neighborhoods. at home, where they don't know when the next patient that rolls and will be their family member. the medications we use for controlling severe bleeding, especially if there's a liver disease in an environment where everybody is bleeding, we are out of these really vital medications. and so with the, with the communities had to do is work off of suitcases bought in by prior medical teams greater than 3 months ago. because currently, all in flow, medical supplies has been stopped with the border. we have several cases in the last 24 hours where they survived their surgery. this revised the initial blast paper side survived the initial assessment patient, but then subsequently passed from infection relate to the lack of root care supplies and typically the size we see in any hospital world. this is a 20 year old woman accepted significance for medic rain injury. she may be able to be pulled off the ventilator. she may refer itself whether or not she'll ever talk again or wake up again, meaningfully or walk again. is this truly no known thing for us? she's
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a 5 year old little girl who came in overnight to blast. and this injury is not the end of her journey to recovery, right. she has the physical recovery ahead of her, of recovering from low action levels and long injury and superficial brands and these type of things. but in the long term, the thing that i feel most concerned about for the, for the population as a whole for a public perspective is these kids have seen and experienced things that kids are not supposed to experience. how student protest in bangladesh have tons violent for these 2 people that killed doesn't were injured by fighting between rival groups and police. crackdowns students have been demonstration now for 2 weeks. calling for an end to what they say on discriminant, or is discriminatory. cortez and public status jobs. they say favorite supporters of the ruling party and they want a nurse based system and spend tons of how do we has more now from zacko. c from the back of medical university, around the us,
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proud of the doctor university campus. now the product is going on near the language. modern memorial, the large number of students have gathered yet. there's also some gather and many pops of the city in different answer section and then not staying very long, but testing and then leaving that area. they've been reports a balance in different parts of the country. i feel that as a student, we should all take part in these preteen. we are taking a risk and all violence against protest is messed up immediately. we re continued the movement and now we have new d months. aside from the abortion make up the quote, the system. we also once the withdrawal of comic busha, seen and stopping all violence against us, the cities are signing the continued to protest. they are to protest against that
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proto as. 1 of the government, heavy and effective, and the pro government elements attacking government. the buckeye university, 10000. now the $10000.00 across the country with the hundreds of injuries across the country. the fed, they'll continue to protest. i left a demand on that and that one just as, as well for what happened yesterday in tobacco university campus and other parts of the country. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just say the dock uh bangladesh as well. 8 soldiers have been killed and an attack by on demand in northwest and pack a strong. 10 tyler bond fighters were also killed in the strike. these boxes we on, on monday of the suicide, from the drive vehicle with explosives and to a minute tre enclave. and the kinds of problems gone and then stored into the promising is leading to a gun, baffled at last, in some 26 hours. meanwhile, in a separate attack and the neighboring district of vera is small con to a security forces. 3 fighters and 5 civilians were killed. well,
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talk to stone has seen it increase and attacks against it. security forces and chinese engineers working in the country. the instability has ruffled. 1 and investors and allies, her say the government needs to type in security. these fees are pushing a multi $1000000000.00 development project with china at risk. come on high to reports from talking on the pockets. don't ask on board. and this is the latest video from that you get the button focused on warning of intensified attack before digit peers to show up police going away, being ambushed in the group in increasingly targeting focused on the security forces. and chinese nation has many of whom are engineers working on major projects . as part of the china progress on economic quarter goal for and interested, and chinese government calling for more protection for the workers. china is very
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concerned that focused on has failed to protect chinese projects and personnel in foxes funds. the buckets on the prime minister court on neighboring a bonus, dawn to crack down on on groups and done around government must date concrete and effective measures. didn't show it so i did not use for terrorism by any entity against other states. however, there's worthington increase of in a long, focused on 2600 kilometer, mostly mountainous and borders. florida, where the furnace dawn focused on melodrama as boys to launch a new nation wide, congregated them offensive guard arguments that com or as all that get it a great number of attacks against the security forces. but the plan is facing
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criticism, as well as public all position invested in swat, riley have rallied against a plan thing. there will be on the front lines of any military operation to the be off whether we have concerns about the new military operation. so that not to be displeased again, as we are displeased and previous operations manager come on to say that a, mr. insured and jordan stability, an economic prosperity. while analysts goal on the government to do more focused on itself has a very serious domestic terrorism problems which needs to become. and then also focused on, frankly, has no effective suitable counter terrace strategies for the last few years. despite focused on efforts to reinforce this border, i'm groups are still able to launch attack previous operations of only forced by did back into a for honest on and redoubt head from the dollar bond government. many happy needs
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. a script solution related remain in new to come. i like that. i was just a all door home focused on of one is done bordeaux as a k, but as a security and defense on less than she says, the government needs move in a military plan to address the security situation. and it's very interesting to note here that on the 8th of july, the government officially authorized the i aside to, into effect increases calls in the interest of national security. now exactly a week later, we did it with us, the bundle incident that happened. so we need to really look at how effective the sanitize ation efforts are going to be not just for this isolated incidents, but also in this of full zone emitted for you authoration the smith is to come because we need to keep in mind that what is the opportunity cost here, we see that the bug interest a tentative slip in this morning, however, in the same operation about 8 security forces agents,
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but last as well. so i think that the government here really needs to rethink the strategy. so quoting the former prize for foreign minister, blah, blah because of the, the, the comment that he did aid last year was that we really need to revisit the negotiation. dr. g. because any for 10 assets are going to be, to be honest, in my opinion. um, going to end up in a deadlock situation again because we know for the fact that 2 years ago, almost a year and a half ago in december 2022. we know that talks between the pakistani officials and the attend outfit, the terese atalla von faxed on. they broke down with the fair warning to carry out a subsequent attacks and the entire country. and now the un says at least $50000.00 people have fled, renewed hostilities ensued on central phil all states and comes off to an escalation and fighting last month. and the looting of homes and shops by the
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permanent true reference to port forces, many displays to pay for the cost and to the neighboring state of got a ref with age was a trying to provide food, shelter and medical health advising between the, our assess and ami began moving a year ago and has operations in millions of people when i was corresponding with home about when to a cans and got a ref west. some of those displaced on now according. and this is one of several cops for the displaced in the city of nevada. for people who fled the fighting is a state of snob. despite a being provided by several organizations, these people are traumatized. sunday, i'll be thinking of off conditions, the lights out, stories of the and lost lots of homes of belongings and even of loved ones who we are actually needs for the fittest to be in a shelter to take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the food food is essential and we the health help
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us uh, equipment house, uh medicines. this is very station for us to be here. actually. yeah, for these 5 is very hard. think about it still because you're out in the room for room full is very home for variety, these the facing probably year they'll send them both offers at 6 people here as many cases of missing family members. this is for a loan receive 80 pregnant women. 10 of them gave best policies in surgery during the last few weeks, up to 200000 people, arrived in. think about it, states, according to local authorities, out of this number, 70 thousands left for other areas, including yourself and that it's the states. on monday you 6 new families live in this school and which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. some of them have been moved elsewhere to reduce the quality of the school is a total capacity. many have to sleep in the open until
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a more suitable place is found. they all full of anger and exasperation, and all day was full. he's an immediate end to the world and to be able to return home. how much fun. i'm just, you know, the safety of the body so that well gabriel atalla is expected to stay on his can't take a prime minister fronts. it was thought that a ta is resignation, would be accepted by french president along a lot from by the catholic. a role allows him to sit in parliament as an m p. he is part of my problem centrist coalition, which one the 2nd largest number of states and the election french politics. there has been and deadlock since the present cold snap election earlier this month. discussion about the has moved from power. the big question for most people in phones is who is going to be the next 5 minutes to the left wing of lions, one the most seats in the election, so they believe it should be someone from the wrong spot. the problem is, in the past days, they have not been able to unite behind the candidate and come up with the kinds of
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they, they will agree on in the left of the lines. you have a number of policies. you've got communist, called last socialist and greens, and they're finding it very difficult to agree on. one can't stay now on the face, of course is playing into the hands of presidency manual my goals, centrist policy that came seconds if you like, in this election present. michael might be hoping that the left wing in line simply in close, we already seeing a number of divisions and factors within that alliance. he might be hoping that perhaps in a few weeks time, he will be in a position to propose one of his centrist as a possible prime minister if the left or on able to put forward a name for the last 20 lines. this is an opportunity, but it could be one that they failed to take the trash butler, which is 0 power. i'm still a head here on i was was here. romania is government doubles. the number a says the pock ranges are allowed to kill each year off to
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a series of incidents. and testing times for china swim is as well as the coordinates analysis al undergo twice as many drug screenings as their rivals updeal effects. that's on the way shopping in the business. latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by the fact it is time for supporting his teeth. if that was it, thank you very much to me and buffy says he has fulfilled a childhood dream signings around the grid. the 25 year old french superstar received
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a huge welcome on the 1st day at the end of the stadium. as 85000 fans watched insufficient presentation earlier, but they post the medical and signed a 5 year contract. i think doing the european club champions on a free transfer from power send you man, even with the number 9, this is where they see don't of course i agree and i will give my life for this club and this badge, you know, if i'm in that i'm if i also want to give a message to the children because i see a lot of them here. i was one of you. i had a dream and i'm still filling it today. just a piece of advice with passion you can fulfill your dreams. every thing you want was one of you and i'm here today. oh no, good. good. let's take a look at what it brings to rail. he was p a students highest score with 256 gold. in the 7 seasons he spent with them, he also picked up 17 trophies with pastry and cutting 6 french any titles on the international stage. but they won the world cup with fonts in 2018 and was
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a runner up to origin tina 2 years ago. well that this is your rosie's team, last 2 eventual champions, spain, the speaking of the spanish, they be the final and the manager get itself good, has now resigned in a statement. southgate roads as a proud englishman, it is being the honor of my life to pay for and to manage england has made to everything to me and i have given a mile. but it's time for a change and a new chapter and re send you england reach 2 consecutive years finals the quotes of finals because of woke up 2 years ago. and the semi finalist of the 2018 world kept wellington's congress. spain held a victory for writing madrid on monday, following they to one victory in berlin. but the spanish football association could find themselves in trouble. today, accounting gibraltar is spanish doing those celebrations, which you brought to if
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a has taken issue with it making an official complaint to european for fools governing body. you a 5th things football has no place for behavior of this nature. person to control on the, on the label, gibraltar, on the southern tip of spain during the 18th century. but spain has one cold for it's for tune south american champions, urgency that have arrived back home of a successfully defending the couple of america. fans waited hours to catch a glimpse of the teen buses carrying the players and the traffic from an a food on the outskirts of weight. oh, so here is so the origin time, if a compound the team one are equal, the 16th cut that off, the beaten columbia bundle in the finally miami, which was not by k on succeed, says the ticket the spends trying to store the stadium to the full that from that match continues, it's the most that columbia is football presidents and the sun had been charged with battery off the religiously fighting with security guard soft of the game. 71
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year old rum on that one. and 43 year old. i'm only communicate so doing with arrested off to an altercation in the play is tunnel. the columbia and football federation has declined to comment to any sort of space being drug tested twice as often as other competitors that the parents, the lympics, the united states. entity dining agency says only a cover up allowed a number of chinese athletes to take part of the last games in tokyo and the richardson reports the mucky voltage of doping in school to thing. so the money to ahead of the power. so lympics 11 shawnee swim is will be at the games. tested positive for a banned substance shortly before the last bill in picks in tokyo. despite this, they were allowed to compete in japan. of the fail tests only became public knowledge early this year, prompting some of the schools all time greats to voice, long cold concerns. i out worked at any single human on this planet. that's
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a fact. that's why i got the results that i got. and for me, i don't want kids growing up thinking that it's only doping and cheating where you're able to do these unfathomable things showing as anti doping agency had rule that of the band hall medicine was accidentally taken by 23. johnnie. swim is a few months before the tokyo olympics and the world, and he thought being agency said it wasn't in a position to disprove that conclusion. this is cynthia fine. she, when did you go to the united states continues to high pop in a tech, international organizations with the name of discrediting outstanding chinese athletes. and affecting that participation in the parents of and picks, trying to believe that the united states isn't qualified to make these comments or interfere in the global anti doping system. the interim findings of an independent report commissioned by the world anti doping agency, says there was no bias shown in favor of showing his swim is it hasn't stopped the
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us government from opening its own criminal investigation into the case. what else don't we know? cause unfortunately, when there's not transparency, then that just raises a lot of questions. because now people are questioning a bunch of things because it appears like the rules weren't applied consistently in this case that they had been previously. thousands of athletes will be tested during the parents olympics, as organizes and to convince competitors they all doing all they can to be a drug sheets. on the richardson algae 0, a french rugby present, sorry, and grills says its governing body will take a 0 tolerance approach to misbehavior of the 2 of its play as were charged with aggravated rape. the 2 players consumed google or to do and oscar jake who have yet to respond to allegations. they ranked women in the hotel room during francis tour village. and tina and mendoza girl said, the incident is tragic for french rugby. it follows the suspension of fullback
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melvin gemini, who was sent home last week following a racist comment made on social media. does that want to see a pretty she, we're going to step up a training and awareness raising work. and we're also going to step up the sanctions. the point of the street, we says there will be 0 tolerance that will, that will be financial penalties and penalties that could go as far as permanent exclusion from the french tape. tiger woods is giving up for the open at royal training and is here beckett? suggestions he should would tie up for me. you're a bride, a cup captain color montgomery who finished 2nd to woodson, the 2005 open as question why tanya is continuing to compete. the 15 time major champion has completed 72 holes of a to him and just full times since he's called crash and february 2021. and woods has made the cots in just one of these last 6 majors as a pass chip. and i'm exempt from 60 college, not is not as champion,
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so he's not exempt. so he doesn't get the opportunity to make that decision. i do, i'll play as long as i can play and feel like i can still win the event and has a police waiver to in the, in the last 2 units that you can still with no was also revealed a sense of support of text message to really mcelroy of the been old, an irishman misspelled in the us open type of last month. mcelroy squandered the 2 sharp lead in the closing holes to finish. second, a sole disclosure. i changed my number 2 days after the us open so i didn't get it until he told me about it today. so i was like, oh, thanks very much. so i blank. tiger woods which is probably not a great thing. you know, it's always nice when you know you're here when the guy that you had on your bedroom wall is reaching out and offering words of encouragement and we'll finish with some baseball is tail hska. and then days became the 1st los angeles bulges player. so when the home run duty,
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this is an annual home run hazing competition held the day before. the e mail, the all star game of the 2 rounds in texas. it was a mondays and local store, but we would junior all the kansas city royals in the final. and then there's managed 11 homeless plus 3 mo, in a bonus around fulfilling the team. with junior it was on the 13 and then fell. so with these last swing back lift and then days to celebrate victory and the $1000000.00 prize. if any one year old, having a total of $49.00 home is over the 3 year round. good. that's what was supposed to be. so now that sounds like so much pieces and the police and the resilience that here we're diginero has almost a major operation to we gain control of 10 of the cities, slum neighborhood score fellows needing 2000 soldiers and police moved into neighborhoods, controlled by gangs in the west, the areas of seen intensive violence between arrival drug traffic is and militia groups,
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politicians and the conservative next concert equivalent have verses in favor of it built in deep from lies of ocean and the 1st 12 weeks of pregnancy. crowds that supporting the right to abortion celebration of the outside congress, mexico supreme court has rules so that abortion was, and also crime in 2021. since then, 14, especially if you're a states have legalized abortion. and still remaining is government has more than doubled the number of beds that poke ranges can legally kill. and then it was adopted during an emergency parliamentary session on monday and comes a week after the death of a 19 year old hika out of here is under, simmons has romania has your largest brownback populations living outside russia. that home is the bottom of the comp, pacing of mountain range. last week that was outrage. when a 19 year old truck was moved to death, wildlife experts say the animals have resulted to scott virginia's cities as urban
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school cuts into the habits that climate change limits. move citizens, taurus, or a particular problem, often appearing, taking the dangers of getting close and even funding to feed them in the last year, the fault has introduced a manual quote to beckles of $220.00. now it's been increased to $400.00. the patient once a year for the past 2 decades, brown, passive code, at least 26 people, and severely injured more than 270 others. right? yeah. a while bull hunt had disturbed the bad hunter. philly to survive for the world. while a lot of fun, says kidding, move as whoops. solve the problem. it says best need to be kept away from communities with measures such as best to waste management directing electric fences and preventing people from feeding the bass. the bottom of rights campaign
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is believe the new law will allow for the eventual return of tracy hunting. andrew simmons, i was just as well as that for me and his donkey as high as of this means that but i'll be back in just a month with much more. stay with us. the maybe 300 people died. one flight time, age 17, or shut down of ukraine. but a decade later, i have to fight for just as continues. must go, refuses to hand over 3 men, convicted of mass, magic clubs, prosecute us. believe russia's president was directly involved. $1.00, oh, $1.00 east investigates the case against platinum includes in on out to 0. what happens in new york has implications all around the world to make these stories resonate requires talking to everyday people, the mayor of the city, and now sending doing away with the 1st you want us to get everybody off the street . it's international perspective with the human touch name, way in and then pulling back out again.
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the safe, the mean comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero now in 2021. the toki security surfaces, the rest. the 15 suspected spies allegedly between 2 bodies, really intelligence the most sense to report on our listing and just allow me to get in touch you. sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're
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being recruited. so just a real world explosive docs of sealants underwhelmed beneath the diplomatic surface, most side is done on the is there any force as attack yet? and now the u. n. run the score and dogs that web had us to indians have been seeking shelter. thousands again, i'll count the hello on. this tells us, hey, this is algebra ally from the also coming hundreds of thousands and central gaza can no longer access drinking water because of a shortage of show. the thousands of people
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having purchased a new customer can you demanding the present when we're so stepped down and vantage in front of his face. donald trump is formerly declared the republican presidential


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