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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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to change the needs of those remotely. so full hail the plan is on out to 0. the is raining full says attack yet. and now the un run, the school and gaza web palestinians have been seeking shelter. thousands. okay, the associates, hey, this is al jazeera at life from the also coming hundreds of thousands in central garza can no longer access drinking water because of a shortage of fuel. the thousands of people protest across the canyon demanding the president when he moved to step down and bandaged in front of his bess. donald trump is fully declared the republican presidential nominee and has announced his running nice.
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the only begin in central garza where israel has struck and now the un run school and the owners have had refuge account this time killing a place 23 people of as soon as he was sheltering, displaced palestinians and was in his really designation so called say son on sunday, 17 palestinians were killed in a strike on a school in central garza. and the past 10 days, 6 schools affiliated with the un and its agencies have been hit. is really a tax across the strip have killed at least 50 palestinians since tuesday morning. meanwhile, and the southern part of the strategy is really army has struck in the area west of con eunice and killing at least 17 palestinians. the engine 26 others we understand 4 children are long, the dead bodies have been taken to the cities, nasa hospital. what we can now speak to honeywell once he joins us from darrow bala
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in central garza honey. it feels like a school attacks of an escalating of the yes. and just within the past a few minutes, the still, the remaining bodies that the more of the hospitals being taken to their buying a resident here at the graveyard near the vicinity of deluxe all hospital in there and by the city 23 people were killed at the, at, on a war run school that turn into an evacuation center. there, at least close to 75 people were critically injury. then what we're hearing right now is from the doctor just within the past half an hour. we talked briefly with some of the medical staff here, really exhausted of what they have been experiencing so far for the early hours of the day there talk about the possibilities of the number to increase as more people here will be dying. because if there isn't
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a proper intervention to stop leading to the acute shortage of a medical supply, just making it very difficult. this is really a time is not the 1st of its kind that so far in the past. indeed, we've seen deliberate direct attacks on 6 on or was schools. these the schools are international belonged to international organization. they are protected by international humanitarian law. but despite that, despite that, there are no doubt that these are international organization facilities are being targeted and destroyed. we see that happening in the beginning of this genocide, the more in the northern part in gauze and city. and now in a more concentrated form to 6 is schools have been targeted so far. it just deepening chatter, sense of, of, of safety and says status then so security for the really, this is traumatized and displaced. population in defense from the area of the area right now is the home of one point. 7000000 displays to the people here and
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700000 of them are only in the city of the remaining numbers are scattered in the central area already putting the pressure on health facilities. the meeting that goes into that as more overcrowded with people, new medicine is not number 700000 units of policy in there. oh, by the way, you are saying they can no longer provide drinking water to those 700000 people. so what options to the people there actually have of the we're right now, the options are quite limited. we're really seeing it. you're chewing in lines that are getting more extended for more hours, at least 2 or 3 hours. so people can get their share of water for the day and it puts more pressure and evacuation centers. we understand that honor was worked with other partners to bring water, even drinking water to these evacuation simply the right now with the lack of,
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if you would be shut down on, the vast majority of water was all of them so far. and then the destination it finds you to the lack of the fuels that have been coming to gaza for the past 6 months and a half just making it was difficult already. people struggled with a short as you brought up in front of the it's the end of hydrated as being hydrated. sorry. right now they are right on top of the lack of food supplies and basic necessities. a couple. the problems here together then leading into more complications in term of health care in terms of the, the spread of diseases in terms of maintaining it. then it's high as environment. and the higher end facility though, really destroyed by be ongoing intense bombing campaign. the, the shortage of water right now, the water was that are completely shut down. it just the threatening they increase of this complexity they've been unfolding within the past week or so into much
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more difficult scenario. name of what they're reporting for us from the ground for relations from daryl bella and central cause and thank you hon. the the . now in kenya, at least 3 people have been killed and renewed anti government protests then the police find, take us as you continue to fight to dispense crowds gathering in the capital nairobi. now demonstrations haven't taken place in several cities across the country. calling from president william russo to resign moving 15 people have been killed in these protests that began back in june of to have proposals to raise taxes. the president has some scraps that fell in 5 most of his cabinets. but that has still not a piece for testers. right,
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scripts and kenya have accused police of illegals, attentions and abductions since those protests. some people have been released about the whereabouts of others still remain unknown. not from lab reports from an average of the least joshua acquire says he just left his home when men bundled him into a call. i'm cuffed him and puts it back over his head. your gaze, it was the day of the protest as in nairobi, entered parliament 2 weeks ago. joshua was that we need to make an individual who is a student leader. it can be as little school. he says he doesn't know where he was detained, but he was interrogated and beaten. they're asking me questions. i didn't advisors . he says they, austin, who was organizing and funding the protests, then experience. i don't like to remember because every time i remember i get this over, you enter the leader. this demonstrations were initially against the finance bill
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would have raised taxes and widespread corruption of the police killed thousands of protesters. many started cooling for president william roo 7. his government to resign, police of arrested hundreds of people. more than a 180 of them were brought here. the middle of money, little quotes, and charged with various crimes, including loosing and destruction of property. they both since been released on bail defense lawyer say they were arrested for exercising that constitutional rights of protest. well, police that the looters will free the rights groups say that's happened alongside the campaign. have at least 34 adoptions an arbitrary detentions this. cctv for these shows permanent social media or i can to this child can leave being bundled into a call days before protest the people who have been abducted and then released have said that they've been in the company of police officers. i know, you know,
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there is no higher authority than the deputy president has declared to the nation about 2 weeks ago that the intelligence and the security services have been abducting people. and therefore, we have been very concerned that they seems to be this seems to be part of a policing strategy that has no basis on the law. president russo who said deductions will be investigated. and those responsible held to account to come over here. hasn't reassured activists like bill using them like he says he was abducted last month and forced to sit and they could do them room flooded with cold water for 24 hours off the he was released, he fled my baby, destiny's home, and i person on the feeling so i'm, i'm ready for g mon country. bill says he took part in the protests to defend kenny as constitution, many of the demonstrate to say whether it's policing pro test. so managing public funds will they ask is for a government that follows the law malcolm web out,
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his era, nairobi united states. it is now the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee in so many us, some boss of the, to the u. n. and he had a, as well as started a government run desantis always expected to speak. now the pad contested donald trump's spears of the republican presidential nomination. donald trump has also revealed ohio senator j. d vance. as his running mans. as you see, there are no surprises appearance last night from right. it was bounded stuff off, but he survived. sounds today's assassination attempt. well, that's bringing patrick hall and she's out the convention in milwaukee, wisconsin for us. apache, when you were telling us out of the that it seemed quite a mystery. what was going to happen today? it sounded suddenly like the organizers wanted to hyphen anticipation, but now we're getting a better idea of what to expect today. as we are, and we know donald trump likes to keep people guessing. so the question is, was it
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a tactic to try and make us all sort of speculate on or they just really that does organize, we really don't know the answer to that, but yes, around 10 am local time. republican officials briefed us on exactly what to expect to be said. there's 2 themes for today. there seems every day and each of them is make america something. but again, today is make american make america safe again. but then they're going to pair that in with a republican unity. so let's talk 1st about the make america say forget, if you look at polls, americans, a crime is a big issue and crime did spike quite a bit during the pandemic. but most studies show that it started violent crime, at least started to go down. it peaked in 2022 and has been going down since the americans don't believe that, especially americans, you consume a lot of conservative bent media because what they tend to do is focus on the most horrific crimes. they just run it on repeat, especially for those crimes involved,
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a documented migrant crime statistically is going down 77 percent of americans the latest policy. they simply just don't believe that moving on to republican unity. it was a big question, is nikki haley is a former governor of south carolina and the former, you and, and basset, or from donald trump, was actually going to be invited here. she wasn't as of just a few days ago, but she will be getting a prime time address and keep in mind the dynamics of this, she ran against him and she got a more support that i think a lot of the republicans pundents thought she would. she recently released her delegates and said, please go ahead, vote for donald trump. so now she's been invited and i'm going to be watching for the reaction because it was very clear where the republican stands just 20 republican stands just 24 hours ago. mitch mcconnell who has been to face the republican party for decades, he got up to speak to dominate donald trump, and he was booed so badly at the stuff talking nikki haley is called. don trump on
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hinge unable to win. so it's an even like after she dropped out of the race, she wouldn't say she would even vote for him for months. so going to be watching the reaction for that. and as for the 2 key people, donald trump and judy vance, again, we expect them to walk in watch some of the speeches be here, but be silent. oh, certainly be watching all of the action. very interesting. and they and patrick held in there at the r and c for us. thank you patty. well, gabriel, a tall is to stay on as the can take a prime minister, friends and friends present them on your back on, accepted at the house resignation. but the government is staying in place for the time being not at all as part of my problem. centrist coalition, which one the 2nd largest number of seats and the last election funds politics. so has been and deadlock since the present platform called that snap election out of this month. the talks about the has moved from parents. the big question for most people in phones is who is going to be the next 5 minutes to the left. when the
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lions one the most seats in the election, so they believe it should be someone from the wrong spot. the problem is, in the past days, they have not been able to unite behind the candidate and come up with a candidate they will agree on in the left of your line. so you have a number of policies, you've got communist, called left socialist and greens. and they're finding it very difficult to agree on . one can't stay now on the face, of course is playing into the hands of presidency manual. my calls centuries policy that came seconds. if you like in this election person, michael might be hoping that the left wing in line simply in close. we already seeing a number of divisions on fractures within another lines. he might be hoping that perhaps in a few weeks time, he will be in a position to propose one of his centuries as a possible prime minister, if the less on unable to perform a name for the last 20 lines. this is an opportunity,
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but it could be one that they failed to take. this hash butler, i'll just, sarah power will be you and says at least $50000.00 people have said renewed hostilities and surround central sanaa state and comes off to an escalation and the slicing last month on the losing of homes and shops by the permanent tre. ralph and support forces. many displays people have cost and neighbor and got a ref stage with a walk as a trying to provide food, a shelter and medical house. the fighting between the recess and the armies again, holding a year ago and has a person in millions of people who are involved going to a camp and got a ref. annette some of the space that and this is one of several cops for the displays in the city of nevada, for people who fled the fighting is a state of snob. despite a being provided by several organizations, these people are all on the ties. funds the think, you know, off conditions the lights out stories of via and lost lots of homes of belongings
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and even of loved ones who we are actually needs for the fittest to be in a shelter to take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the food food. this is say show and we the health house equipment house medicines. this is very session for us to be here. actually. yeah, for these 5 is very hard. think about it still because you're out in the room for room full is very home for variety. these the facing probably year they'll send on both offers at 6 people here as many cases of missing family members. this, the school alone receive a to pregnant women. 10 of them gave best policies that didn't sound during, during the last few weeks, up to 200000 people arrived in. think about it states, according to local authorities, as of this number, 70 thousands left for other areas, including yourself and that it's the states. on monday you 6 new families,
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a life in this school which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. some of them have been moved elsewhere to reduce the quality of the school is a full capacity. many have to sleep in the open until a more suitable place is phone bill full of anger and exasperation. and all day was full ease and immediate end to the war and to be able to return home. how much fun . i'm just, you know, the safety of the body so that i'm still ahead here on houses in the dozens of people have been injured at student protests and time for this kind of price of our a senior and us senate has found guilty of bribery, corruption, and expulsion the they don't want to miss their dignity being displays and make gift cards and not
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being able to get access to food. asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing? yeah. who would be arrested when visiting a fine look posing from the action. but what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects about the best off from the factories in india. i'll just use change across the world. when you close to the house of the story, the in depth analysis of the day sidelines he's right, is like his ray is accusing that i was looking upon them. sense informed opinions. this is person's 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way, as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around on accounting the costs this week. why may so is pushing members to raise defense spending, power,
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new confederation of notary governments, just dividing west africa plus, what does the future hold for boeing? offer a please deal with the us. go counting the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the talk a lot, you're watching out of era. let's remind you about top stories. the sounds and is really striking on, on run, run the school in the understand what refuge account has killed at least 23 palestinians to space, palestinians, hot and sheltering up the facility. and now this is the 6th you went to from the agent school targeted by. is there any forces in the last 10 days at least 3 people
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have been killed and renewed and take up little quiet challenges. and can you please confirm to demonstrate as demanding that present when we're to step down to nationwide demonstrations for a couple months ago. again, it's to propose to bill to raise taxes in the united states. it's the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee. donald trump has been confirmed as the policies presidential nominees, and he has picked ohio center st, changing bounds as his running age as well. let's move on to new york where a jury has just found senior us centers have both been and us guilty on all charges and has corruption trial. i'm gonna end us faced 16 challenges, including bribery, obstruction of justice, and acting as a foreign agent. as all dates back to when he was the chairman of the powerful u. s. senate foreign relations committee. well, let's speak to christine. so maybe she has been following events for us mountain side of that course in new york. so kristen gold bars, mercedes benz envelopes of cash and pen to front entry. it seems like yours when he
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had put the 2 months of testimony of this trial. yes, it was a very lengthy and thorough prosecution that took all of 9 weeks 37 witnesses gave testimony. and when it was all said and done, the evidence was too powerful for the jury to overlook those bold bars and hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash found, locked in a closet in senator bob, and then does his home. his attorneys attempted to paint his wife as the culprit here, someone who needed money. they claimed and was making deals that bob hernandez didn't know about. they said menendez was only acting in his role as a senator advocating for his constituents. but the prosecution laid out a very detailed case over those 9 weeks showing that menendez not only was involved in this,
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but knew what was going on. but the 2 co defendants also were found guilty of charges including bribery and obstruction of justice. this for their role and trying to get bob and then those to help them with their businesses . this is the quid pro, quote that was proven by prosecutors. they say that menendez helps them by interfering in court cases. there was testimony from the government officials in the court system that menendez had reached out to them and asked them to think twice about what they were doing. and these court cases, there's also the charge that he acted as a foreign agent for the government of egypt. steering military aid to egypt and in return helping one of these business man get a very lucrative contracts with the government of egypt for allowing me company an
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exclusive contract worth millions of dollars. the senator himself has said that he was just acting on behalf of his constituents. he resistant calls from the democratic party to step down. he has remained in office and technically even now as a convicted felon. there is nothing in the law that requires him to step down. he had been bowing to run 3 election. this fall as an independent seems highly unlikely at this point that his constituents would support that given. as the prosecution alleged, he put his power up for sale custom, telling me that keeping an eye on all those events for us at not court house in new york. thank you. kristen. a certain protest and bangladesh have tons violent with at least 6 people killed thousands well injured during fighting between rival groups and the police. students have been demonstration now for 2 weeks, toiling for an end to what they say on discriminatory questions for public service
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jobs. they say favor supporters of the ruling party. they want to narrow it based system. instead. candidates haddaway has moved from dock. com. 30 paragraph things on the back. somebody goes university around the front of the doctor university can for now the product is going on near the language. modern memorial, the large number of students have gathered yet. they've also still got it, and many pops of the city and different names are such. and then not staying very long, but testing and then leaving the area they've been re pods, a balance in different parts of the country. i feel that as a student, we should all take part in these proteins. we are taking a risk and violence against protest is messed up immediately. we read continued the movement and now we have new d months, aside from the ability to quote the system. we also,
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once the withdrawal of on the question, i see not stopping old violence against us, the cities are signing the continued to protest. they are to protest against that proto as. 1 of the government, heavy and effective and the pro government elements are talking done on the back or university $10000.00 or $10000.00 across the country with the hundreds of injuries across the country. the fed they'll continue to protest unless the demands are met . and then one just as, as well for what happened yesterday in the back i university campus and other parts of the country. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just read off the bangladesh. so 8 soldiers have been killed and an attack by osman and northwest and pack a stone 10 telephone fight, as also killed in the strike. the bottles began on monday of the suicide bonnet, drive a vehicle with explosives and told me that she own players and the kinds of come to core problems to come and then stormed at the premises,
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needing to go national that last for the 26 hours. for an east enough kind of stone heavy rains and flooding have killed at least 40 people. talking about officials have confirmed that nearly 35050 people have also been injured and taken to hospital for treatments. one witness. besides that, he saw a neighbor's home collapse with at least 7 killed and not single incident. at least 400 homes has been demolished by the flooding. now 6 bodies have been found in a luxury hotel room and thailand's capital bank called. and the victims was getting to me as nationals, 2 of them had dual american citizenship. police are still not sure what caused the depth and authors use of open an investigation into the incidents. they're wasting . the autopsy results when hey, has worn out from 9 cox the this is the hotel way of the 6 bodies were discovered earlier on tuesday. police confirming that the bodies were found inside just one
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hotel room. have also confirmed that they were all foreign nationals, 4 of them being amazed and to the means americans. and they had been in thailand for just a few days. they also believe that the bodies had been inside the room for around 24 hours before they were discovered by a hotel look up. they say there was no sign of any struggle inside the room and no sign of any wounds on the bodies. and then not ruling out that this was a case of poisoning, but they will wait for the results of autopsies and toxicology reports. well, this is a 5 star hotel, the grant class right in the hospital bank helps very busy shopping into his district. and just happens to be you. meet is from one of the bank hawks most popular tourist destinations. the intro one shrine, which was the scene of the bombing in 2015, that sold the depth of 20 people as well. that's it for me and associates. hey, you can find one small on our website out. is there
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a dot com next inside story looks at where the democratic and republican presidential campaigns on a officer around the domestic week to stay with us here on the hello anywhere you look at it. it's been a washer in the western cape province in south africa. states of disaster declared there has been flooding. look at the provinces, capital cape town, and the $200.00 millimeters of rain for the 1st part of this month. all of that to say you blown past the july average rainfall. and guess what? there's more rain and wind coming out, you know, other combo rolling in here on wednesday. so we'll see those winds turn out over the next little bits. gusts of about 60 kilometers per hour, and cooler, then you should be central africa. looks like this. as we'd expect that some
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showers in storms around shad dropping down into central african republic. so bungie you'll get into some pretty socket conditions and look at all of this rain. moving out of molly pushing into senegal. it's meeting up with the wet weather and equitorial, guinea guinea and sierra leo, and there's going to be some funding here. alerts issue for northern nigeria for how much rank you're about to see had been some funding along turkey as ne black sea coast. still some showers falling around traps on, for example, on wednesday into the middle east. we go things once again heating up here. so here's the forecast on wednesday. let's go in for a closer look because great. i like about 50 degrees on thursday and looking pretty good in central asia. not a whole lot to report bye for now. the
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the the . ringback the donald trump wins the republican presidential nomination 2 days after serving an assassination attempt. he's picked ohio. senator j. d balances is running mates over is this less thing to base a way for president biden's fitness to run. so where to both campaign span. now this is inside story, the


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