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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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the old and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on al jazeera, the israeli forces attack yet another you in one school in gauze away, palestinians have been seeking shelter. dozens, i killed the somebody, the this is all to 0 life, although i'm also coming up the thousands of people protest across kenya, demanding president william wooten, step down. fighting into them forces thousands, move people to see the homes were at one of the camps with many and all sheltering the. the price of our a senior us senate is found guilty of bribery,
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corruption, and extortion. the we're beginning central galls away is real, struck another you in run school and own the civic refugee camp, killing at least 23 people that facilitate was sheltering, displaced palestinians, and wasn't in his way the designated so called safe zone. on sunday, 17 palestinians were killed in a strike also on a school in in central garza and the boston day 6 schools affiliated with the un and its agencies have been hit is when the attacks across the strip have killed at least a 50 palestinians. since tuesday. morning the spokes person for the un secretary general says a separate is really as try kits near a center being used by both the u. n and agencies to coordinate humanitarian work and garza. the operations are continuing, but i think one can only imagine how much it impacts our humanitarian colleagues
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were actually working in that place. right. they were already under tremendous stress, already continued to work in inactive war zone. and if you know, if there was a striking, a 100 meters away from the place where you, where you work a, it's a, it just adds to an already over whelming level of, of stress for colleagues. not to mention the impact it has on the, on the civilians who are routinely killed in the strikes in the southern parts of the stuff. these really all me struck an area west of con eunice, coming at the 17 palestinians and entering 26. others for children are among the dead bodies have been taken to the cities nasir hospital, honey. my mood has moved from darrell bella in central garza. the fact that we're seeing more of the honor with facilities being targeted deliberately and directly across the gaza strip. according to the statement by, believe that as originated the, the director of operations of united nations,
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we're looking at tooth 3rd of un facilities across has to be an either severely damaged or completely destroyed since the beginning of this genocide world war, including it backwards and centers and just to make it clear for our viewers evacuation centers are in the box you on schools, these are on or was run. schools that are owner was, are manage and operated by, by the united nations, were palestinian refugee just the just the fact that we have people who have been displaced into these areas uh for the past 9 months are really struggling on daily basis. and on top of that, the attack, deliberate attacks have passed and they do not believe in the 6th, as opposed to being targeted by is really an era talks is going to close to a 100 people in 6 this school just did a one to 3 people were killed in one single attack and in addition to we have 7 c
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plus plus the critically injured here at the hospital where allows the hospital records you can all of this just increasing and exacerbating but really difficult living conditions, any problems that people are experiencing as a result of these attacks meanwhile, is really monitor in a separate a talk to targeted an area. the western part of time noon is swimming 17 people. and again, we're looking at the same patterns of killing women and children make the vast majority of casual well motor was a, the last a twin sons. and most of a family in and is really, is striking. the jump on the a refugee camp in may. a surviving sun nasir had his own blown off. well, she lost the legs. this is her story and whats headed? isn't kenneth cleveland. yeah, i mean, john, it's
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a pretty been missed all of this, but i'm have to download it from cisco. very slow. i'm not sure who to said most of them have most of them the name, one name, what's the model, what's a minimum with him for me to blame for school. and i that led to believe in chester school because of the less and i'm supposed to, one of the i added a one must have some a window, a one most viewed the screens us and then i'm the person to come tennis center. the
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issue is just assume stuff aside from hesitant of what he must study long, i'm an issue on the follow semester sort of play with the law and elizabeth, i don't know the one. and then i noticed the kids on the bus is some of the fun. yeah. since then. so then when you see it, then it has just one more time somebody to buy a home. so most of the look of the future in the midst of the the, the, in kenya, at least the 4 people have been killed in renewed anti government. protests
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police wide to gas to discuss crowds gathering in my roving demonstrations have been taking place in civil cities across the country. holding for president william router to resign. well than 40 people have been killed in protest that began in june of the proposal to raise taxes. the presidents in scrap that phone and fired most of these cabinets, but that's not a piece of processes or the zeros catherine sway was that the protest and the capital nairobi. this is the situation on this case. a lot of people on the phone or here's the sellers of top august police. it's a new sometimes or got to load and he'll be having this cosign. it says here are saying that this is the right cost. and then you should be fairly worried about the deposit down here, 94. and there was the last 2 months. so this fee
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um we how's the process as well? and then we have here from this on this side of. yeah. and we are not just talking about the city, we are talking about car testing on the costs of the countries. so it's not just about the young people are talking about the tires. he said, that's what this young people are feeling. they resonate creating a so today, oh, this truth, not the phrase and the call to make the passenger side on the 0. not only did you and says at least 50000 people, the flood renewed hostilities incidence central cent, all states. it comes off to an escalation is fighting last month and the looting of
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homes and shops by the foreign military rapids support forces. many displays people have crossed into neighboring together of states. the fighting between the r s f and all the forces began more than a year ago and as a boot of millions of people. one would have all went to a camp in good r f and mid to some of the displaced. this is what a civil cons for the displaced in the city of nevada, for people who fled the fighting is a state of snob. despite a being provided by several organizations, these people also on the ties funds the thinking of off conditions, the lights out, stories of fee and loss, lots of homes of belongings and even of loved ones who we are actually needs for the fittest to be in a shelter to take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the food food is essential and we the health house equipments,
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house medicines. this is very session for us to be here. actually. yeah, for these 5 is very halting about extent because you're out in the room for room full is very at home for variety these the facing probably year they'll send on both offers at 6 people. yeah. as many cases of missing family members. this, the school alone receive a 2 pregnant women. 10 of them gave best policies they didn't sound during, during the last few weeks, up to 200000 people arrived in. think about it states, according to local authorities, as of this number, 70 thousands left for other areas, including yourself and that it's the states. on monday you 6 new families, a life in this school which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. some of them have been moved elsewhere to reduce the quality of the school is a full capacity. many have to sleep in the open until a more suitable place is phone bill full of anger and exasperation. and all day was
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full ease and immediate end to the war and to be able to return home. how much fun, i'm just, you know, the safety of the body. so that the jury in new york's found to senior us senate democrats above menendez guilty on little charges and his corruption trial. menendez face to 16 charters, including bribery, obstruction of justice, and acting as a foreign agent. the states back to when he was chairman of the pol, full us senate foreign relations committee, in this case is always in about hundreds of thousands of dollars. mercedes benz of course, and salumi is outside that quote in new york christian tell us more about what he did and what kind of sentence you know faces
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the what we just heard from the us attorney whose office overseas, the prosecution of this case. and you described it as a shocking level of corruption. essentially what menendez did is exchange favors with 3 business men in his home state of new jersey for gold and hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash. and in exchange for that money, he intervened in court cases and also acted as a foreign agent for the government of egypt, essentially steering money in military aid to egypt to offering them sensitive information for the benefit of one of these business man. who in turn received a very lucrative contracts with the government of egypt. and now menendez is facing possibly decades behind bars when he returns to the port here in october for sentencing. he is promising to appeal the verdict. however,
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and outside of the court house earlier, i continued to say that he's innocent. as obviously as deeply, deeply disappointed by the jury's decision. i have every faith that the law and the fax did not sustain that decision, and that we will be successful. and i have never violated my public out. i have never been anything but a pay throughout my country. and for my, i have never ever been a for an agent or customer while i'm and then went into is hoping for a positive outcome in that appeal. what does it mean for his constituents and democrats in the senate? yeah, well his term is expiring at the end of this year. and already he's being called on to step aside to step down, even by chuck schumer,
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he's the senator from new york. the senate majority leader, he had resisted pushing menendez out of the senate. he's a long time, a representative from new jersey. he's been there since 2006 before that. he's been in congress. as soon as the verdict came out, schumer put out a statement and said, menendez had to do what's right for his constituents. and step aside, and pressure coming from all around the governor of new jersey as well. calling for them for him to step down. whether or not he does that voluntarily use resistive so far, it couldn't be put to an expulsion vote if he doesn't voluntarily step aside before his term expires. at the end of the year, kristin said to me in new york, thanks very much for that update. in the us, it's the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee, former us ambassador to the un, nikki haley and florida governor rhonda santas are expected to speak the payables
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contest to donald trump, the suits of the republican presidential nomination. trump is also now revealed ohio as soon as his j d events as his running mate trumps right here was bandaged up. we can see that they of these 5 set of days, assassination attempts, bicycle a and has moved from the republican national convention. as you can see, we're off to a bit of a quiet star here is the 2nd official day of the republican national convention gets underway with it and does start with the speeches were told by officials which for me to themes, the 1st is republican unity. to that end, and we really didn't know if this was going to happen. but the former governor, nikki haley who was former president donald trump's view, and ambassador, is going to get a prime time speak. now. this is notable because she was credibly critical of him during the primary campaign. now the 2nd thing theme is make america safe again. and we've been hearing some of the video clips that they are going to be playing
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during the soundcheck. and it's clear they're going to try and link a surge of undocumented immigration to an increase in crime. i think it's important to point out the facts. there are study after study that shows there is no increase in crime when there is an increase in undocumented immigration. in fact, this one study of stanford said that since the 19 sixty's, undocumented immigrants are 60 percent less likely to end up in prison. then american citizens, particularly al jazeera milwaukee wisconscin, still a head on notice era. as the dozens of people have been injured at student protests and bundle dish, and testing times full china swimmers as well. the quad takes announces dylan to go twice as many drug screenings as arrivals of feeling pics. the
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needed services can be the difference between life and death. but here in gaza, the lives of paramedics are also endangered. the son is one of those who was detained. he says his rescue team was this actuating the injured from a hospital when they were stopped around the lenses way. intercepted despite coordination with the palestinian with creston, they stripped us of our clothes, treated us members. terrific way of the war was supposed to prove him deadly for those attempting to save flies. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had to shut out with a direct hit of i'm in an emergency. he was killed during a strike on the clinic in the cities, the house ministry described them as a solid model of said bosses and determination put the high chips and presume based on like so the house on the cd would continue working to see how the 2 wins under and list is really some by think this is took,
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took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its job. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape, hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties or the the you're watching old 0 reminder about top stories this hour. at least 4 people have
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been killed in renewed anti government protest, and kenya police confront of demonstrators demanding the president william boot step down. nationwide demonstrations broke out a month to the goal against proposal to raise taxes. agirri and new york's found to senior us senate democrats above manenda is guilty on all charges. it is corruption trial, menendez face 16 charges including bribery and obstruction of justice. the case states back to when he was a chairman of these awful senate foreign relations committee. menendez says, he'll appeal to a verdict, and he's really strike on who i run school and on the said refugee camps killed at least $23.00 palestinians displaced palestinians. edwin sheltering up the facility, it's the 6 you wouldn't affiliated school target to advise when the forces of the last 10 days of your orthodox jewish as rays have been protesting in central israel against compulsory military service. early on tuesday,
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these rating ministry announced it will begin drafting all for orthodox men. next week, the supreme court ruled unanimously last month that members of the already religious group should be drafted into the military vote is to say the vote and goes against a jewish religious no. or 9 months into is those war and gaza. healthcare was still struggling to properly treat the wounded correspondent, honey, in my mood, visited an intensive care unit in general butler and a phone doctor should the some of the challenges they face every day. i when i came into the guys a strip, i was prevented everything except for one suitcase and i've been here for a month. and so as much as i tried to stuff with my suitcase, it's only so much you could put in one suitcase in law and we have 10 patients here that would use all those, all those medications probably in a day or 2. while the health care workers here save lives and do their best to keep people living there, thinking about their own family members at home. and when they hear these closing the distance between here, every hour or 2. while we're here in the buzzing above us with the drones,
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those health care workers are constantly into world one where they're here with their patient, with they know they have a duty fibers, but by the creator chosen in the 2nd is to their own family. their own neighborhoods at home, where they don't know when the next patient that rolls and will be their family member. the medications we use for controlling severe bleeding, especially if there's a liver disease in an environment where everybody is reading. we are out of these really vital medications. and so with the, with the communities had to do is work off of suitcases bought in by prior medical teams greater than 3 months ago. because currently all in flow, medical supplies and stuff to the border. we have several cases in the last 24 hours where they survived their surgery is provide the initial glass paper side or survive the initial assessment patient. but then subsequently passed from infection relate to the lack of root care supplies and simplifies. we see at any hospital world, this is a 20 year old woman except for a significant dramatic brain injury. she may be able to be pulled off the
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ventilator. she may refer itself whether or not she'll ever talk again or wake up again, meaningfully or walk again. is this truly no known thing for us? she's a 5 year old little girl who came in overnight to blast. and this injury is not the end of her journey to recovery, right? she has the physical recovery ahead of her, of recovering from low action levels and long injury and superficial burns and these type of things. but in the long term, the thing that i feel most concerned about for the, for the population as a whole, public, a suspect, it is, these kids have seen and experienced things that kids are not supposed to experience student protests and bundle with dish of tons violent with at least 6 people killed and dozens injured by fighting between the arrival groups and police . students have been demonstrating for 2 weeks, quoting for the end to what they say are discriminated. 3 quotas for public service jobs. tundra child really has moved from deco 30 for
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the somebody goes university around the us, proud of the doctor university campus. now the product is going on near the language. modern memorial, the large number of students have gathered yet. they've also still got it and many pops of the city and different names are such and then not staying very long, but testing and then leaving that area. they've been reports of balance in different parts of the country. i feel that as a student, we should all take part in these preteen. we are taking a risk and violence against protest is messed up immediately. we read continued the movement and now we haven't viewed the months, aside from the abortion method to quote the system. we also once the withdrawal of comic busha, i see not stopping old violence against us. the city by signing the continued to protest. they are the protest against that proto,
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as well as the government, heavy and effective. and the pro government elements attacking done on the back i university comes from now the 10th as a, across the country with the hundreds of injuries across the country. the fed, they'll continue to protest unless the demands are met. and then one just as, as well for what happened yesterday in the back, a university campus and other parts of the country. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just say the dock out bangladesh or 8 soldiers have been killed in an attack. why on demand in northwest puckett, stone, 10 tele bun fights is also killed. the vassals begin on monday. off the suicide bomber drove a vehicle with explosives into a military enclave in the cable pop to qua province. government then storm the premises leading to a gun battle. the last of 26 all was focused on seeing an
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increase in attacks against it. security forces and chinese engineers working in the country instabilities raffled foreign investors and allies to say the government needs to tighten security. come on ada reports from to come on the buckets, donnie of gun border. this is the latest video from did you get the button focused on warning of intensified attack before digit beer has to show up. police go on. why being ambushed in the group and increasingly targeting focused on the security forces and chinese, national of many of whom are engineers working on major projects. as part of the china focused on economic quarter adult foreign investors and chinese government calling for more protection for the workers. china is very concerned that focused on has failed to protect chinese projects and person that in focus on
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the progress on the prime minister court on neighboring a bonus. dawn to crack down on on groups in dunham around government must date concrete and effective majors. don't show it so i do not use for them by any entity against other states. however, there's road in good increase of in and along focused on 2600 kilometer, mostly mountainous and borders bordeaux where the furnace dawn focused on millet j as boys go launch a new nation wide, congregated them offensive guard arguments that com or as on the back end at a great number of attacks against the security forces. but the plan is facing criticism, as well as public all position invested in swapped, rarely have rallied against the plan, saying they will be on the front lines of any military operation to the be off.
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whether we have concerns about the new military operation. so that not to be displeased again as we've our display is and previous operations manager come on to say that a, mr. insured and jordan stability, an economic prosperity. while analysts go on the government to do more focused on itself has a very serious domestic terrorism problems which needs to be counted. and did also focused on, frankly, has no effective, suitable counter terrace strategies for the last few years. despite bucket stones efforts to reinforce this border, i'm groups are still able to launch attack previous operations. i've only ford fighters back into it, but honest on and redoubt head from the dollar bond government. many happy need. i stripped solution related remain in new to come. i like that i just, they all door home focused on one is done bordeaux 6 bodies have been found in the
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luxury hotel room and thailand's capital bank called the victims will v, as in these nationals to do american citizenship and police and not sure what caused the death, so far as ease of opens and investigation into the incident and the weight, the top see results. when hey, has moved from bangkok. this is the hotel way of the 6 bodies were discovered earlier on tuesday. police confirming that the bodies were found inside just one hotel room. they've also confirmed that they were all foreign nationals, 4 of them, vietnamese, and to the means americans. and they had been in thailand for just a few days. they also believe that the bodies had been inside the room for around 24 hours before they were discovered by a hotel look up. they say there was no sign of any struggle inside the room and no sign of any wounds on the bodies. and then not ruling out that this was a case of poisoning, but they will wait for the results of autopsies and toxicology reports. well,
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this is a 5 star hotel. the grand flat right in the hospital bank helps very busy shopping into his district. and just happens to be you. meet is from one of the bank hawks most popular tourist destinations. the intro one shrine, which was the scene of the bombing in 2015, that sold the depth of 20 people to gabrielle atalla, has resigned as fronds as prime minister. but we'll stay on in a kid. take a roll. fringe president emmanuel mccall accepted tells resignation but the government stays in place for the time being. it's always part of my cross interest to coalition, which one the 2nd largest number of seats in the election. there is 2024 officials are putting the finishing touches to the olympic village which opens as doors to athletes on thursday. well then $14000.00 doctorates will be welcomed to the village. for the games it will eventually be refurbished into $3000.00 of new flats . the village will offer lots fitness center training grounds and anti doping st.
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the well trying to swim is face of being drug, test a twice as often as other competitors at the paras olympics. the united states anti doping agency uses a cover up, allowed a number of chinese efforts to take part at the last games in tokyo. and the richardson reports the murky waters of doping in school to thing the, the money to head of the power. so lympics 11 shawnee swim is, will be at the games. tested positive for a band substance shortly before the last bill in pics in tokyo. this point this, they were allowed to compete in japan. the field tests only became public knowledge early this year, prompting some of the schools all time greats to voice, long cold concerns. i out worked at any single.


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