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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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for him in any way, as well as voters in america inside story massachuset, the group was fine to send on out jersey around the is really forces attack yet another you in run school and goals out with other students have been seeking shelter. dozens of killed the on somebody the this is all to 0 life from don't also coming up thousands of people protest across kenya, demanding president william rooters. step down, fighting incidence forces thousands more people to flee their homes. whereas one of
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the camps with many and now sheltering calls for a senior us senate such a step down off that he's found guilty of bribery, corruption, and extortion. the we begin to the central gaza where is realized struck another un run school and on the say rug refugee camp killing at least $23.00 people. the facility was sheltering, displaced palestinians, and was in an is waiting designated, so called a safe zone. on sunday, 17 palestinians were killed in a striking a school in central garza. in the past 10 days, 6 schools affiliated with the u. n and its agencies have been hit, is really a tax across the strip have killed at least 50 palestinians since tuesday morning. honey mode has moved from darrell by line central garza, the fact that we're seeing more of the honor with facilities being targeted
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deliberately and directly across the gaza strip. according to the statement by believe that as originated either the director of operations of united nations, we're looking at $230.00 to view and facilities across has to be in either severely damaged or completely destroyed since the beginning of this genocide world war, including it backwards and centers and just to make it clear for our viewers evacuation centers are in stock. you on school, these are on or was run school. i got our owner was our manage and operated by by the united nations. were palestinians, a refugee just the just the fact that we have people who are being displaced into these areas uh for the past 9 months are really struggling on daily basis. and on top of that, the attack deliberate attacks have passed and they do not believe in the 6 is close to being targeted by is really air attacks. going to close to
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a 100 people in 6 this school just did a one to 3 people were killed in one single attack. and in addition to we have 70 plus plus the critically injured here at the hospital in the world, all the hospital records. you can all of the just increasing and exacerbating but really difficult living conditions, any problems that people are experiencing as a result of these attacks. meanwhile, is really monitor in a separate a talk to targeted an area. the western part of time noon is cooling 17 people, and again, we're looking at the same who are big patterns of killing women and children make the vast majority of casually, the spokesman for the un secretary general says a separate is where the s drive hits the a sense of being used by both the you and an aid agencies to coordinate to monetary and working. garza and the operations are continuing,
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but i think one can only imagine how much it impacts our humanitarian colleagues. we're actually working in that place, right. they are already under tremendous stress. they already continue to work in inactive war zone. and if you know, if there was a striking, a 100 meters away from the place where you, where you work a, it's a, it just adds to an already over whelming level of, of stress for a colleagues. not to mention the impact it has on the, on the civilians who are routinely killed in the strikes in the southern part of a strip thing is really all me struck in area west of calling eunice, killing the 17 palestinians and enjoying 26 others for children are among the dead bodies have been taken to the cities on us are hospital of the at least 12 people in kenya have been killed in renewed anti government protests.
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the police fired to guest to disclose crowds gathering and i will be demonstrations. have been taking place in several cities across the country, quoting for president william who to, to resign. moving 40 people have been killed in process that began in june of a proposal to raise taxes, the president since scrap that full on 5 most of his cabinets. but that's not a piece protest. as all the zeros catherine sway was that the protest in the capital nairobi. this is the situation on this case. a lot of people on the phone or using stones to top either for loose and they sometimes are got to load and he'll be having this concern before josh or here are saying that this is the right cost. and then you should be here because i
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was worried about the deposit on here and i saw and there was yeah, the last 2 months. so and the street um how's the process as well? and then we have here from this on this side of yeah. and uh, we are not just talking about uh, the city we are talking about car testing on the costs of the countries. so it's not just about the young people are talking about the tires. he said, that's what this young people of feeling they named creating a so to me, oh, this truth, not the phrase on how to make the passenger side on the 0 narrow view and says at least 50000 people have fled,
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renewed hostilities and so then central central states, it comes off to an escalation and fighting last months and the looting of homes and shops by the power military rapids support forces. many displays people have crossed into neighboring gather of states, the fighting between the r as if an armed forces began more than a year ago. and as a boots of millions of people. we've reached another green milestone and our colleagues said the international organization for migration. now says more than $10000000.00 men, women and children have been displaced since the fighting broke out in april of last year. this means a 20 percent of students population. that's one in 5 people living in the country have been forced to flee in the span of just 15 months. the majority of those displaced are inside. so inside the country, that's almost a 1000000 human beings. and over half of those are children. meanwhile, more than 2000000 people have crossed into neighboring countries. countries that
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often facing their own humanitarian challenges on mama development, some of the display sudanese, when living in a camp and get out of this is one of several cops for the displays in the city of nevada. for people who fled the fighting is a state of so not despite a being provided by several organizations, these people are traumatized funds. they are leaving him off conditions, the late side stories of the and lost lots of homes of belongings and even of loved ones who we are actually needs for the fittest to be in a shelter, take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the food food is essential and we the health help us uh, equipment house uh medicines. this is very session for us to be here. actually. yeah, for these 5 is very hard. think about it still because you're out in the room for
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room full is very at home for variety, these the facing probably year. they'll send them both offers at 6 people here as many cases of missing family members. this, the school alone receive 80 pregnant women. 10 of them gave best policies in surgery during the last few weeks, up to 200000 people arrived in. think about it, states, according to local authorities, out of this number, 70 thousands left for other areas, including consider that it's the states. on monday you 6 new families live in this school, which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. some of them have been moved elsewhere to reduce the quality of the school is a total capacity. many have to sleep in the open until a more suitable place is found. they all full of anger and exasperation, and all day was full. he's an immediate end to the war and to be able to return home. how much fun. i'm just, you know, the city of go about it. so that to you as president joe biden is on the campaign
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trail, trying to quote the black votes. he's in nevada to address the in double a c p national convention. the national association for the advancement of colored people is a key constituency for the democratic party. polls suggest black votes of support for biden's been sliding ahead of november's election. us all, let's now go to rob reynolds, who's in las vegas. rob, how concerned is president trump about support among the black voters, especially considering that in one poll in june, that that support might have dropped by up to 20 percent in a couple of states. the 12, the, the votes of the black americans are absolutely critical to president joe biden. and campbell harris if they are to have any hope of regaining the white house for
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a 2nd firm in november. they, these voters represent the bedrock of the democratic party and have for decades. and so fighting will need every measure of in use. yeah. some of the engagement and of turn out among the black voters, if he is to have any, any hopes of doing that. now this is the 1st political. ready event that the president has held since the attempted assassination of donald trump over the weekend. he in his public state. and since that incident, he has urged conciliation, national unity and a toning down of the heap of literal discourse. so it will be very interesting to see what the tone and tenor of the president's remarks are here in front of this extremely friendly audience. at the, in a c p, a national convention will be listening to see if he has any lines of attack
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against the newly constituted trump vance tickets. or if he will continue with this more moderated political rhetoric and calls for unity already. it's notable that the vital harris campaign has begun advertising again after a brief hiatus after the assassination, the attempt at their ads focusing on the issue of reproductive rights for women and castigating the records of trucks and vans on that issue. and issue that the, the bite and campaign hopes will be powerful and possibly a winning issue for it in november. all right, well thanks very much for that for the moment will be returning to the in double a c p u. where you as president job, i don't, is expected to address people there and it will be bringing you the latest from that's when the president speaks. it's the 2nd
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day of the republican national convention in milwaukee, former us ambassador to the un acadia and florida. governor rhonda santas are expected to speak the pay. bose contested donald trump, the suit of the republican presidential nomination. come as also now revealed ohio . send it to j. d events as his running mate comes right here was bandaged up of the survive the sad today's assassination attempts. you can see that the pub take away and has moved from the republican convention in milwaukee. as you can see, what else do a bit of a quiet star here is the 2nd official day of the republican national convention gets under way with it and does start with the speeches were told by officials which for me to themes, the 1st is republican unity. to that end, and we really didn't know if this was going to happen. but the former governor, nikki haley, who was former president donald trump, you and, and bassett, or is going to get
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a prime time sweet. now this is notable because she was credibly critical of him during the primary campaign. now the 2nd thing theme is make america safe again. and we've been hearing some of the video clips that they are going to be playing during the soundcheck. and it's clear they're going to try and link a surge of undocumented immigration to an increase in crime. i think it's important to point out the facts. there are study after study that shows there is no increase in crime when there is an increase in undocumented immigration. in fact, this one study out of stanford said that since the 19 sixty's, undocumented immigrants are 60 percent less likely to end up in prison. then american citizens, particularly al jazeera milwaukee wisconscin, a jewelry and new york's found a senior us senate democrats above menendez guilty on all charges in his corruption trial. menendez faced 16 charges, including bribery, obstruction of justice, and acting as a foreign agent. the states back to when he was chairman of the pol,
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fully us senate foreign relations committee. this case is always hundreds of thousands of dollars. cash mercedes benz of course, as a new means outside the quote in new york. the prosecution in this case said robert menendez put his hour up for sale, accepting cash in gold bars in exchange for doing favors for 3 business men and his own state of new jersey and exchange for that money in gold. he intervened in court cases and even acted as an agent of a foreign government. this is the 1st time any us senator has been convicted of that charge. they say that he steered millions of dollars in
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a money to the government and also gave them a sensitive information in exchange. one of these businessmen received a lucrative contract with the government of egypt. now, menendez is facing decades behind bars, potentially when it comes back to the store in october for sentencing, but he's still maintains, he's innocent and says he's going to appeal the case. obviously, i'm deeply, deeply disappointed by the jury's decision. i have every faith that the law and the fax did not sustain that decision and that we won't be successful on i p o i have never violated my public out. i have never been anything but a patriot up my country. and for my, i have never ever been a for an agent now. bob menendez has served in the us senate since 2006, but democrats and republicans are calling for him to step down,
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including the powerful senate majority leader chuck schumer, so far. however, menendez has resisted those calls present. so maybe i'll just hear of new york still ahead and i'll just narrow dozens of people have been injured as student protests and bundle with dish. the. the relationship with nature is one of in balance fossil fuel extraction, intensive agriculture, over consumption. it becomes quite clear. we need a reset, ohio, the planet excuse how reassessing human kind place within the well is teen tech lean climate change? this is a totally different piece piece of will we me, we have costs with nature, no support from it on out you 0. the
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challenges here with the,
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[000:00:00;00] the watch and i'll just 0 reminder about top stories this hour. and he's rarely strike on while i run school and on the say, the refugee camps killed at least 23 palestinians displaced people had been sheltering out. the facility. it's the 6 you went up on the 8th of school talking to advise really forces in the last 10 days. at least 4 people have been killed and renewed and to government protest in kenya. police confront of demonstrators demanding the president william roots as them down. nationwide demonstrations broke out to months ago, vince a proposal to raise taxes. a jury in new york sounds, senior us senate democrats, 12 menendez guilty on all charges in his corruption trial. menendez faced the 16 charges,
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including privacy and obstruction of justice. the case dates back to when he was chairman of the office, the senate foreign relations committee. menendez says he'll appeal the verdict. at least the full indian soldiers have been killed in a gun battle with i'm identified on demand and internet when a subscription near a series of back to back attacks have been reported since june raising concern among security officials. charles traffic reports the army is on file, it's in the mountains of indian administered kashmir. full indian soldiers were killed in the latest attack targeting a foot patrol in this decades long contested female in regions. the soldiers were ambushed by revels fighting against indian who in the forest to go to a district late on monday. now the how to get a board post from the senior that i thought to uh, this uh, being pointed out to 80. i'm one question with the how it changed the started do we have to use those started to them and then go to my school, the force of the how to get started,
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the same as it gets without any because they don't want to piece. and of course we do, i need, they don't want to be in the, in that again, since 1947, india and pockets not on a full 2 was for the most of the majority territory. which both countries claim in full control and called on resistance, the indian rule began in 1989 thousands of people being killed since then. but the violence had subsided in recent years. the roof is that may not be changing, but least acreage, the pool to the tank since june, with at least 11 indian soldiers killed this year. that is discontentment, that is under, that is hopelessness. maybe that the situation provide us some support. go those pull, want to in dallas insights activities and don't want to catch me previous attacks that focus mostly on crushing me. you'll start to say the central violence has now shifted to the jump move region in the regional capital. sure. in
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a golf protest is burned and effort. you focus stones point minister shift, but it should be india blames pakistan for training funding and pushing on groups across a c spar into the positive catch me on the deadliest control focused on the noise. these are the people working with the militants who prevent shouts when food should be arrested. until then, we won't be able to find any solutions, renew tension, and killing a cost region. permanent political solution remains elusive. that's the best call strap it out to 0. for 8 soldiers have been killed in an attack by ottoman in northwest focused on 10 television fighters also killed the bathrooms. be on a monday off to a suicide bomber drove a vehicle with explosives into a military enclave in the cave. up up to call. province government then stormed the premises, leading to a gun,
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baffled at last to 26 hours. student protests and bundle dish have done violence with at least 6 people killed and dozens injured by fighting between rival groups and police. students have been demonstrating for 2 weeks, quoting for an end to what they say are discriminatory quotas for public service jobs to be child re, has moved from deco dirty for the medical university, around the us front of the dr university campus. now the product is going on near the language. modern memorial, the large number of students have gathered. yes. there's also students gathered many pops of the city and different names are such and then not staying very long, but testing and then leaving that area. they've been reports of balance in different parts of the country. i feel that as a student, we should all take part in these preteen. we are taking a risk and violence against protest is messed up immediately. we read
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continued the movement and now we haven't used the months aside from the abortion to quote the system. we also want the withdrawal of home expression, i see not stopping old violence against us the city by signing the continued to protest. they are the protest against the code the as. 1 of the government, heavy and effective, and the pro government elements attacking done on the back or university $10000.00 or $10000.00 across the country with hundreds of injuries across the country. the fed they'll continue to protest unless the demands are met. and there one just as, as well for what happened yesterday in the back. i university, campers, and other parts of the country. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just read off the dock uh bangladesh. so that relatable has resigns as far as as prime minister, but will stay on in a k. take a role. french president and manual ma call accepted the tells resignation,
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but the government stays in place for the time being a total as part of macro on centers coalition, which one the 2nd largest number of seats in the election. the national butler has moved from virus. the big question for most people in the phones is who is going to be the next 5 minutes to the left wing of lions one the most feeds in the election . so they believe it should be someone from the wrong spot. the problem is, in the past days, they have not been able to unite behind the candidate and come up with the kinds of day they will agree on. in the last 3 lines, you have a number of policies. you've got communist, called left socialist and greens, and they're finding it very difficult to agree on. one can't stay now on the face, of course is playing into the hands of presidency manual. my calls centers policy that came seconds if you like in this election present. michael might be hoping that the left wing in line simply in close, we already seeing
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a number of divisions and factors within that alliance. he might be hoping that perhaps in a few weeks time, he will be in a position to propose one of his centuries as a possible prime minister, if the less unable to put forth a name for the last 20 lines. this is an opportunity, but it could be one that they failed to take the trash butler, which is 0 power remains as governments more than doubled. the number of bids that polk ranges can legally kill the law was adopted during an emergency parliamentary session on monday and comes a week off to the death of a 19 year old hika, which is 0 is andrew simmons has moved. romania has europe's largest brownback populations living outside russia. that home is the bottom of comp paid for the mountain range. last week that was outrage. when a 19 year old truck was moved to death, wildlife experts say the animals have resulted to scavenging his cities as urban
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school cuts into the habits that climate change. the limits of move services, taurus, or a particular problem, often appearing, taking her to the dangers of getting close and even funding to feed them in the last year, the fault has introduced a manual quote to beckles of 220. now it's been increased to 400 the patient once a year for the past 2 decades, brown, passive code, at least 26 people, and severely injured more than 270 others. right? yeah. a while bull hunt had disturbed the bad hunter. philly to survive. for the world war, a lot of fun says kidding, move as whoops. solve the problem. it says bez need to be kept away from communities with measures such as that's a waste management directing electric fences and preventing people from feeding. the bass dynamo rights campaign is believe the new law will allow for the eventual
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return of tracy hunting. andrew simmons, i was just as well, that's it for me. somebody will be keeping an eye on us presidential by the way, he's speaking in the us state of nevada. we'll be bringing that to you as soon as that happens with us is up next the hello. oh wow. the monsoon range really pick it up. we can trace it through the admin. see, hopping into the gulf of thailand curling around right through to the philippines. so there has been some flooding for western mended now. island in the southern philippines and we've got extreme fund advisories for the northern size of the island. here's our summer rains in china, pretty much just lined up right across the yellow river valley. all of this energy
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is pouring into the korean peninsula. it is going to be a washout for soul over the next few days that grows up the same disturbance into northern china. so talking about sol, i think we'll look at about months worth of rain. i'd say 24 hours or so it's going to be windy too. so prepare for that. also windy breezy through indonesia, poly loan bulk and java islands, where you've got plenty of sunny cells in the forecast here. and the weather maker moves into western australia still unsettled. for this southeast corner definitely dragged in cooler air, but by thursday we're in the thick of the rain and wind for per straight up into australia is pill, broad. so per, if you could see wind gusts about 65 kilometers per hour on thursday, and back to the here and now wednesday across new zealand. okay. somewhat weather coming in to the northland. it's a what day for oakland of the
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was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative, a separation of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to submit an extra re designed redesigns, luxury leasing, trusting of future. today we create donald trump when they were public in presidential nomination, 2 days after surviving an assassination attempt. he's picked ohio senators. 80 balances is running late. all this, this less thing to base a way for president biden's fitness to run. so where to both campaigns down now this is inside story. the


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