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tv   Africa Direct Taala Three Lionesses  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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sports, some farm is attending to organic farming for a bit and actually yields and returns in foreign currency. one is just like every culture, it means everything is put to use being free of chemicals and pesticides. well, that's what i've seen, what 7 we want to complete the cms that debbie m meet farming tool, kind of, you know, crop rotation. we have a lot of like games, textbooks that are no less davis by products go to live stock. if there was no profit, we would not develop that would be no point in all this. because expands continental climate means sharp fluctuations in temperatures and phlegmatic changes have a major impact. multiple factors from lucas out of season rain, been transformed, bumper crops into huge losses. being central asia as large as flour export to garlic stones neighbors are on a ballast on. and european markets all depends on the staple and trying that remains a priority markets because expand has been fees export from 750000 tons. and 151923
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point 5000000 tons in 2023. for the warden, ukraine, and subsequent sanctions in rush, i mean an abundance of cheap russian grain. it's had such an impact because expelled the extended suite import band, which came into effect loss of tuber cushion goodwill. we accumulated large volumes of wheat and needed to sell it to domestic enterprises. russian weed was exported to kansas down at a cheaper price. as a result, a band was introduced on russian wheat of what was to be competes building you've been with it this time. it's the export potential to be 3 times that of it's kind of the exports of $3000000.00 tons. the industry deprives media renewal and up lift, in order to update all the government and adapt new technologies. farmers need funding, although the government says that if we need double lending for this. yeah, it's still not enough for each you follow me is reply short and long term loans.
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farmers association say they expect that to be more than $2000000000.00 yet. i think it was laptops. ok, viagra, industrial complex is the driving force in kazakhstan. but due to budgetary strains, the state. com to fully cover the costs are for an invest is also want to come in. but our tax policy poses risk. sphere investors products on the green production unexplored depends on the world's largest non law country. taking on all these challenges, head on some of them driving down to 0 and bit more than cause expands. okay, well that's it for me down jordan. so now you kind of course find more information on our website out 0 dot com. there it is on the screen. and use, continue to on al jazeera, often africa, direct stages. that's, i'm watching the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the city. no, no, no. the, let me back the, the,
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the, the the sunrise, the new way, nickel for much i'm going to do. i do work on for me. the how does that sound? right? ok. so reading in the bottom fidelity and then let me hook up the name for new hook . caleb on the 31st of all, i love the people for the 75 a us i'm glad you told me we didn't do that. otherwise i do. so talk to the notices until the end of the month and then he said that
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you would you be doing a news day? you lose the baby to move a month and then new port. okay, ben, this is a new duty and team, one of the others has to do this. united to does what is the model of the american national and the must be don't you don't to the example we go, go, go to what and produce a the good like and the phone that it will go.
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i mean to do so we have time for the one for hey, mary, and maybe you can do normally do them at the end. it would have your name on the the but i am going a little money, me, but a not live money. it it fully and they all say what you tell them or not this income of all of this in the wake of for some time with some with someone to say only a but a little buddy move for us on a level for some mean,
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anytime someone lands on his own visit or be mm hm. you know what i mean? this is the time. yes. yes. by the on the on to it it was the only, i mean i had to call you, i mean you're not a very good the
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. 2 the who where the,
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the, me to know the, the, the, i'm not going to order in the who know now and that and those are pneumonia and didn't. what do you to get them loaded on the showing me all right. and 9, this is on the i think i did not 2. mm hm.
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the okay. no words can you and now what now was you in uh was no one, no 10. did somebody please? okay. one, most of the songs of the can us get the light is on the would you be on the my, the descending. uh, you know, i'm gonna come little fishy. of you see the fellow it bought 2 on the 5th. don't know what you do. certain of its most suitable for this knows you don't lose it,
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could he could i see end to see see what the street fell and either on the in the mean digital photo is useful then no, no, no, you know a that's built associate local. so please okay, so can you can joe click on my then i would config on my end, but i need a car. is doing a tanking for one. 0, hold on one second. let me know. mm hm. in the loan, i'm going to do the shooting into the southern you with a southern, you know, i tell you in the day is
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going to book with easy uh, what do you believe the level was or to one now was said before we did what was uh, do to do this, the one in allow us to do this. hm. mm hm. okay. so in this ability and to get into the co workers, why didn't you turn the dock in when you're done or not though not letting me know what uh load you went for you and you had ordered
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a wedding. well, i didn't get a little you. you didn't good mine. yeah. follow up on the you ready for what? the what the buffalo you were you before you meant to you, but i won't be ready to go. are you doing well for me? you're going into for iphone? want to go from? are you ready for, for a josie, since it'd be you want me to go for a baby at the local don't the toll we live room vehicle for local from a local living with this to miss. so i can make a rookie, i'm gonna move in, but i guess i turn this on canvas. i
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think i didn't get the wind doing cool. let me know to. so i'm going to the window and i will ask me to do your, the new york is that you want we did some do or did you add your random random color, but i get is 0 and the money you said you had a nozzle. duty symbol due to affordable.
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so bona was a was the see don't more means not the window the main gate. then you mean don't it in your band them let them not unless you are usable is easy. g, a, would you, me to what to, to, to hook up with these. so without looking name and hook game and we can get you
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going to william then a lot to him back the one. now one more near me. will the buffalo to be the locally there you go for your from color on the fi enough for the video,
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but the the, the, the, the, the low low to oh, now for what level the age and i to go to. i don't want to do it for me. i do like you need more,
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more you for me or this or we just don't know why you go for a lot. we can, i think, is going generate the gift from a we thought of like the,
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the, the last to rid of it are shown me. but the key loved montage, decreased from the, from, from my purse to the happy to do the flex. logical . to me please, there are 2 other list books,
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so i'll call her and pursue stuff that they're going to fumes on for a simple easy the b, c. and i was do mamma and them known to know the come by and, and the only thing about me to do, i left given up with some capacity to give me a good one and they probably want to use it gives you, i'll just move it. sure. what was the, the, the size of the piece as you see, see. 2 the some silly the sticky sound to me now should i do, i'm actually present new on
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a let's go to ya. shoot christian artist or to fade as well. one of white months of the username gallery being if i can please show to your pass code 00. do you see that i see present on a pc? i have is on the compass and a and it will see my content on the one in the phones you said just go you see what was sending uh, calling from toner. so what to do, could you send me it too soon for the new the sales box. i mean,
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cuz i know that the 1995 to ship this 590 minus the new one can can. can you put the yeah, can you appreciate a fee to connect this bill? the loan to the home? it was a lose. i used to find it on cash for the day for an additional fee, aquino, a. to point to this bill. the don't push this prophy, we need can only be
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a priest that experience we use on, on the fees or any given us enough. well select his own compare pensacola bank. gosh, the sweetest you take to move one of the substitutes. they will see no, no, not cause you to do to feed on the menus on avenue, pumpkin. when you do feel as if monday, if you get to can listen to some vincent point pleasant to the guess. we need to repeat the told the defeat of this is what it allows to be, what? but i did, you put it in the put of your local and the 2nd one is in a while? no. so you don't use this easy when a visual met them,
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it's available. and then you, if you do, you know what does that mean? i'm just saying i happened you on the human cord dual can digital because before the day may have been object different now wiley's i have been you, they give me the positive the some of the said the to the news. i'm continuing the past on the definitely can you
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connect me to connect to the see the i'm pregnant, who's in the would you be to your phone cuz you see kind of in my moment choose you sort of understand me through to cover the the for systems at least with
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a brochure for something i need to get out before mister premier because the,
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the, the in 2 weeks into protests against a controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of can you police accused of disproportionate violets showed no signs of backing down. president william retail may have scrapped the bill, but protesters demands, as of all, they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to
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canyons. exercising their constitutional rights, there's still a great deal of anger against the government. protesters here say their voices are still not heard. and the government still doesn't understand why they're coming out and protests. in 2021. the toughest security surfaces. the rest, the 15 suspected spies allegedly between 2 bodies, really intelligence the must have 2 reports on how listed in and just allow me to get in touch. you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. so just a little while to explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface most that is done on our thing. what has happened to gaza? seen some type of 7 sustain frankie. i'm so ashamed. i'm so a shame because it's being done in my name,
3:00 am
a leading jewish voice speaks out against israel bruce to own gaza until palestinians are safe and secure. ease riley's never will be and use never, no to my name. witness on l g 0. revealing eco friendly solutions to come back to our planet on o g 0. the is responsible to lower temperatures, temperature, and condemn, mileage and 94 years president jet by the next the campaign trial for the 1st time since the assassination attempt against donald trump, the following down jordan to sound as they are


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