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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now the, the i said with unity from us republicans at the convention, as donald trump takes a 2nd appearance just days off to surviving an assassination attempt. the hello, i'm darn jordan, this is alex from dell also come in response to the temperature temperature while yes, president wagner hips the campaign file for the 1st time since the assassination
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attempt against onto the truck is ready for us. and i talked to you another you and one student got somewhere else through youngs, have been seeking shelter, testament and thousands of people protest across to mazda the president of the best. but i still have unity from senior republicans and full arrivals of donald trump on the 2nd day of the party's national convention in the us state of wisconsin. trump himself, as appeared again at the gathering just days after surviving an assassination attempt. he was greeted by j d events who trump his name as a republican, vice presidential candidate, both and listened to speeches of support from former us ambassador to the un, nikki haley on foreigners governor, run desantis were once among donald trump speaking of course it was
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a gracious invitation, and i was happy to accept the i'll start making one thing perfectly clear. donald trump has my strong endorsement, harris republicans often down the ballot and left me the call of our parties nominee to bye bye bye for the united states to west when in november without in place of doing just live now from the convention in milwaukee island. so we heard that from both nikki haley and rome desantis the ones big critics of donald trump, but have not put the full support behind the the absolutely,
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they have political, i'm easy or they forget the criticisms that they made of donald trump during the primary campaign and they are here to express their loyalty. dear obedience essentially to, to the, to tom. both of them are smart enough to realize that politics is alone deep. and if they want to have a future and republican politics, they can be on the side of the trump camp. they have to abandon the essentially, and that's exactly what both of them did. then nick, you nearly got an invitation on sunday after the assassination attempt on the problem for not sure if this was about expressing unity but certainly one desantis, nicky healey. go to bed a warm reaction from the florida. in fact, when nicky healey said she was endorsing donald trump, she got a standing ovation. we might have expected a few boots. it was nothing like that at all. and we also had some ted cruz. no, he was donald trump biggest rival in 2016, his biggest critic as well. you have to remember. i would need to address the conventions back in 2016. he did not mention donald trump's name. once
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a people in the trump tab did not easily forgive him for that, you didn't make that mistake in the last couple of hours when he spoke here. the very 1st thing he did was he said, thank god for donald trump. and all of you are telling us last night, then in the wake of the assassination attempt on from the rhetoric from speak, cuz it had been dialed back some. what is not happening tonight as well? i know it's not, it's just not. i mean, we have from tati lake who is the prospective senate candidate for the republicans in arizona to attack the media. i that's important because after the assassination attempt on donald trump on saturday, as republicans was to me go to that ben and pennsylvania be turned on the media and started accusing the media of being responsible. so she, it certainly riled up the trojan that led to a great deal to boost the very uneasy feeling in the whole, for some considerable time. ted cruz, when he spoke, essentially said that the democrats were releasing emigrants to come across the
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board to i'd be involved in rates and mothers note that there's nothing in this specifics which suggests that that is actually true. but we've seen that from speaker after speaker that a lot of the claims that they're making against the democrats simply don't hold up against the facts. and i think that the republicans have found the difficulty that run desantis and nikki haley had been the primary campaign. you can't really go into a battle against your opponent and say, yes, that beautiful key, but we've actually slightly better. you have to be combative. and we know that donald trump is certainly that. and we just to the point that donald trump is here again tonight for the 2nd night. he's still in the seat over there next to j. d events, his vice presidential pick. but of course all the eyes will be on gigi events. or what is the he is a little known politician outside of political circles and political lives like as . so this will be his opportunity to introduce himself to the entire country in primetime, across america, all right, to ireland such
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a life as the from the convention in milwaukee island to well meanwhile, president joe biden return to the campaign trail for the 1st time since the attempted assassination of donald trump, he spoke to the annual convention of the in double a c p. one of the oldest most prestigious and politically powerful organizations of black americans is rep reynolds, the, the receiving a warm welcome from any a c p members, us president, joe, by an acknowledge is enormous political debt to black voters. because of you. and i present a couple hours with vice president biden spoke about the assassination attempt on his rival, donald trump, and the threat of political violence, no response to go to lower temperatures, temperature, and condemn violence in any form. but he also took some jabs that trump started to go to florida, rather girls of watchable business. like i said,
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as again because dropped his line like jail about what the poor the workers low over by. there's immunization bite in math. trump's reference during the debate last month to black jobs, which many people thought he implied were on skilled. well try to black job is or the vice president of states. in the aftermath of that debate, some democrats urged biden to drop out of the race over concerns about his age and mental stamina. but black officials and voters have largely stood by him. he's a proven track record b as a portal for the initiative. for what blacks are facing today, and so we are looking for him to do that again to continue to do that. but some recent polls suggest some black voters are drifting away from by bite and will need
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every last measure of support enthusiasm and turn out from black voters. if he is to have any chance of winning a 2nd term in the white house, rob reynolds, l, g 0, las vegas. i seen a us senator has been found guilty of a wide ranging corruption scheme that included acting as an agent of a foreign government. robert menendez, a democrats themselves as chad. the powerful senate foreign relations committee is now facing calls to step down questions. many reports from the senator robert menendez summit back to court to hear the verdict. after 13 hours of jury deliberations in a 9 week trial, the jury found him guilty of all 16 charges, ranging from bribery to obstruction of justice and acting as an agent of a foreign government. profiting from political favors to 3 businessmen in his home state of new jersey, 2 of them were tried and convicted alongside of him. the us attorney overseeing the case at the level of corruption was shocking. this wasn't politics as usual,
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this was politics for profit. and now that a jury has convicted bob and then does is years of selling his office to the highest bidder. have finally come to an end. the evidence included gold bars over $480000.00 in cash, and a mercedes benz convertible. all seized when the f b i rated is home in 2022 for many years. chinese we as check herman of the senate foreign relations committee. menendez helps dear military aid to egypt and shared sensitive material in the process, helping a co defendant. while honda obtain a lucrative business deal with the egyptian government, the democrat continues to maintain his innocence and says he'll appeal the verb and obviously i deeply, deeply disappointed by the curious decision. i have every faith that the law and the facts did not sustain that decision and that we will be successful upon i pos, i have never violated my public out. i have never been anything but
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a patriot off my country and for my menendez is attorney attempted to shift the blame to his wife nadine, who was also charged, but had her trial postpone for medical reasons for 70 year old faces, decades behind bars when he returns for sentencing here and october just weeks before the november elections until the verdict came in, menendez was vowing to run for re election. now he's facing calls from his party members to step down to media. preston salumi. i'll just hear a new york. the is right, less truck, another you and run school in minnesota, refugee camp and central gulf getting at least $23.00 people. the facility with sheltering displays, palestinians, and was in his randy designated so called safes them on sunday, 17 palestinians were killed in a striking on a school in central garza. in the past 10 days,
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6 schools affiliated with the u. n and its agencies have been hit. is really a tax across the strip of dealers, 50 palestinians since tuesday morning. well 9 months into israel's war and gone to the health care workers are still struggling to properly treat the wounded. all corresponding honey, my mood visited an intensive care unit and did our butler and a fine dr. shed some of the challenges they face every day. when i came into the guys a strip, i was prevented everything except for one suitcase. and i've been here for a month, and so as much as i tried to stuff with my suitcase, it's only so much you could put in one suitcase in law and we have 10 patients here that would use all those, all those medications probably in a day or 2, while the health care workers here save lives and do their best to keep people living there, thinking about their own family members at home. and when they hear these closing the distance between here, every hour or 2, while we're here in the buzzing above us with the drones, those health care workers are constantly into world one where they're here with their patient with they know they have a duty 5,
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but the career chosen in the 2nd is to their own family, their own neighborhoods at home, where they don't know when the next patient that rolls and will be their family member. the medications we use for controlling severe bleeding, especially if there's a liver disease in an environment where everybody is reading, we're out of these really vital medications. and so with the, with the communities had to do is work off of suitcases bought in by prior medical teams greater than 3 months ago. because currently, all in flow, medical supplies has been stopped with the border. we have several cases in the last 24 hours where they survived their surgery. this revised the initial blast paper side, survived the initial assessment patient, but then subsequently passed from infection relate to the lack of root care supplies and simplifies with you at any hospital world. this is a 20 year old woman except for a significant dramatic brain injury. she may be able to be pulled off the ventilator, strongly agree for herself whether or not she'll ever talk again or wake up again,
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meaningfully or walk again. is this truly no known thing for us? she's a 5 year old little girl who came in overnight to blast. and this injury is not the end of her journey to recovery, right. she has the physical recovery ahead of her, of recovering from low action levels and long injury and superficial brands. and these type of things, but in the long term, the thing that i feel most concerned about for the, for the population as a whole, for a public, a suspect, it is. these kids have seen and experienced things that kids are not supposed to experience. is really a defense of shut down several of missiles pod from southern lebanon video show the moment the missiles were intercepted. israel and the lebanese group has blown have traded in their daily strikes since the war and gaza began as bloss as it open the front against israel. and saw a doctor with palestinians in colorado, springs ultra orthodox jewish. these rates have been protesting in central israel against compulsory military service. only on tuesday these randy ministry announced
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that will begin drafting ultra orthodox men next week. the supreme court ruled unanimously last month. the members of the already religious group to be drafted with us to say the routing goes against jewish religious personal break here. and i'll just say about when we come back, fight against them, forces thousands more people to free the homes. we're one of the, comes many, a now sheltering on china in the philippines agreed to set up a crisis hotline of the south china sea. we have more of the dispute over troubled waters for not stay with the load. the ring keeps coming actually up and down the west coast of india. however, one will pick up the weather story there. keep in mind dark, the blue and yellow, the more intense that rain is falling. as of now, highest level alerts issued for kinetic a state for how much rainbow c,
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this is now dragging across central india over the bay of bengal, all the is what weather finding its way into the admin seat. then passing into the gulf of thailand. so for southern thailand can bodya and vietnam, while i look at all this rain we're about to see. then there has been some flooding for the western side of mended now. island and the southern philippines. extreme flooded advisors in play here. so it's going to get worse before it gets better. summer rains lining up across the yellow river valley in china. this is marching across the east trying to see into the korean peninsula is going to be a washout for so we're looking at potentially half a month's worth of rain over the span of 48 hours to introduce. here we go. okay. bit breezy through bullied zone box and java islands. but we're in the clear plenty of sun jakarta looking good with a height of 30 degrees land off this weather report in buckets downward. okay, our monthly rate, it's just on the border of northwest india and lower as in providence. crunchy
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should stay dry though on wednesday. that's it for me see later. the viagra cultural revolution promised abundance, but it's damaging the planet. this is destroying the habitat that tries leeway explodes. how sacrificing by diversity for maximum yields is leading, complete and security and threatening of very existence, leaving the any se on able to adapt to climate change the need to retain world we so full hail. the plan is on, i'll just say era, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about you watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this is the 2nd day of the republican national convention in milwaukee, wisconsin, one of the speakers nikki haley and run desantis. they both contested double comes seem to have the republican presidential nomination. yes, president joe biden as return to the campaign trail, urging americans to reject from school fathers sits his 1st appearance outside of washington. since guest explanation attempt on his republican rival coming from. and it's very striking to you and one school wouldn't be necessarily, refugee compost killed at least 23 palestinian displaced people have been sheltering. and so let's see, is the 6 you in the, for the edge of school target advisory forces in the last 10 days to kenya, now we're at least 4 people have been killed and renewed anti government protests leased by 2, a gas to dispatch crowds, gathering in the capital of my robi demonstrators in cities across the country,
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demanding the resignation of president william route to come from solar reports by capital. my ready of these has become a weekly affair and it's not letting up young people who have been protesting against the government say enough, is enough. police had a hard time managing the protest. daniel, one boy never flinched, even as police fired t a gas out him. and i the protest as we are out, you're trying to fight for one like, you know, i'm a student. where do i go from there? all this young people, you see here walking around the past because there's no hope in this country. people 1st came to the streets to protest against a proposal to raise taxes. the contentious by nonce bill was withdrawn, but many said they want the government and president william russo to deal with bad
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governance corruption, mismanagement of public funds. and to step down, this is where it's on the, on the street, the police in times of pay out of the walls and they are using sand. * but solve it for testers. also you stones and know they are not a high for this thing that they are going to stay here until then, you know, on the purchase and not just happening in a robi demonstrations happened in 23 out of 47 counties across the country. thank you. so much in west and can you protest is said they wanted the electoral commission as re appointed since the monday ended last election. i use it to reform quickly as quick as possible. so that to be empty. is that the victory that cannot wonderful, grunted, visually be called a buck according to their cause, bishop is
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a startled protest president to have yielded to some demands. but since i, if this are not making things easier, this is keeping gala on the outskirts of nairobi, police killed a protest to here, and a john, at least, was also shot in another town. nearly 50 people have been killed and many out is injured. since the unrest begun weeks ago, or less than a 2nd lesson as how he's handling the depths of my brother since he started and most likely not, no way of the off. he's sort of the president has been under a lot of pressure to deal with the situation or the anger on the streets can be solved by many kenyans who say they resonate with a young protest as catherine, sorry, altura. now it will be a 2nd group of $200.00 kenyan police arrived. and i hate to you for you in back commission to talk of governance that they joined an area contingent of kenning offices that arrived last month. but you and says,
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the mission is also meant to support haiti's security forces. i'm guy is control most of the capital of poor to frame some other parts of the country. so and so them the you and says that these 50000 people have fled, renewed hostilities and the central sanaa state comes off an escalation and fighting and recent weeks between sedans. i'm a, i'm the rapid support forces. many of the internally displaced have crossed into the neighboring get out of state. maybe 13000000 people have been forcibly removed from their homes in the conflict with again in april last year. we've reached another green milestone and our colleagues at the international organization for migration. now says more than $10000000.00 men, women and children have been displaced since the fighting broke out in april of last year. this means a 20 percent of students population. that's one in 5 people living in the country have been forced to flee in the span of just 15 months. the majority of those displaced are inside. so inside the country,
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that's almost 8000000 human beings. and over half of those are children. meanwhile, more than 2000000 people have crossed into neighboring countries. countries that often facing their own humanitarian challenges. without the zeros mohammed, val met some of those who are living in that come for the displaced in cub doris. this is one of several cops for the displaced in the city of nevada, for people who fled the fighting is a state of snob. despite a being provided by several organizations, these people are all met, ties, funds, they, i'll be thinking of off conditions. the lights out stories of via and lost lots of homes of belongings and even of loved ones who we are actually needs for the fittest to be in a shelter to take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the food. food is essential and we the health
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health equipment house medicines. this is very session for us to be here. actually. yeah, for these 5 is very hard. think about it still because you're out in the room for room full is very at home for variety. these, the facing probably year they'll send on both offers of 6 people here as many cases of missing family members. this is phone alone receive 80 pregnant women. 10 of them gave best policies and instead of during, during the last few weeks up to 200000 people arrived in, think about it, states, according to local authorities. oh, so if this number 70 thousands left for other areas, you could do it because of that and that it's the states. on monday you 6 new families are like this school which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. some of them have been moved elsewhere to reduce the quality of the school is a total capacity. many have to sleep in the open until a more suitable place is found. they all full of anger and exasperation and all day
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was full. he's an immediate end to the war and to be able to return home. how much fun. i'm just, you know, the safety of the body. so that of 20 people have been killed after a bus skidded up a mountain road in southern peru. authorities say the pressure code during the as of tuesday morning, government spokesman said assistance was being provided to those injured in the crash, but admitted the response have been slow and disorganized. data shows that more than 3000 people have died, improved as a result of traffic accidents in 2023 along china in the philippines and agreed to set up an emergency hotline to prevent future escalation in the south. china sea is the 1st time the 2 countries are setting up a direct line at the presidential level to handled such disputes. many law has accused china is cause god of hostile maneuvers in the contested waters. beijing says the philippine ships having the past encroach on chinese territory despite repeated warnings on below,
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as more from an enough the social details of an agreement signed by philippine and chinese foreign ministry officials during their meeting here in manila on july. second, have now come to light. we now know that the 2 sides have agreed to establish a new emergency hotline to manage and prevent parking patients in the south. china sea was fairly out of control, but it is important to note that a similar communication mechanism has been available to both sides. so this january 2023. when philippine president for the been marcus junior, and the chinese presidency being met each other inmate james. but that mechanism was only available to the officials in the lower bureaucracy of both governments. now this new agreement would involve higher level officials as high as chinese foreign minister warranty and philippine foreign affairs secretary and became another even as high as representatives of the offices of presidents of both countries. now the july,
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2nd reading came just weeks after the most violent confrontation between philippine and chinese forces in the south china sea. in recent memory, where a philippines sailor lost his finger and a philippine military hold was punctured by chinese coast guard personnel. these actions where described by china as law enforcement measures. but these are the kinds of incidents that these new agreement which seeks to avoid. course this one needs to be seen because the things that we say that it was that we did a re supply emission fluid st. trees stations at the 2nd pull machine into south china sea since july, 2nd. but with the, the, what the philippine military could see is that they have monitors fewer chinese vessels within the philippines exclusive because of its own areas, the philippines, plains. and just trying to find out is there
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a as 6 bodies have been found that luxury hotel room in thailand's capital, bangkok, the victims of old getting the means nationals to have jewel american citizenship authorities of opening an investigation into the incident as a wait for the top 2 results, wayne, hey, has more metallic up. this is the hotel with the 6 bodies were discovered earlier on tuesday, police confirming that the bodies were found inside just one hotel room. they've also confirmed that they were all foreign nationals, 4 of them, vietnamese, and to the means americans. and they had been in thailand for just a few days. they also believe that the bodies had been inside the room for around 24 hours before they were discovered by a hotel look up. they say there was no sign of any struggle inside the room and no sign of any wounds on the bodies. and then not ruling out that this was a case of poisoning, but they will wait for the results of autopsies and toxicology reports. well, this is a 5 star hotel. the grand flat right in the hospital bank helps very busy shopping
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into his district. and just happens to be you. meet is from one of the bank hawks most popular tourist destinations. the intro one shrine, which was the scene of the bombing in 2015, that sold the depths of 20 people. 8 soldiers have been killed and attacked by on man in north west pakistan. 10 telephone fight, as will also killed. the battles began on monday after suicide boma drive, a vehicle and explosives and to administrate comp and the type of talk to him across the province guns and then stormed the premises, leading to a gun box. the loss of 26 hours student protests in bangladesh of 10 volunteers at least 6 people killed and dozens injured and fighting between rival groups and the police. students have been demonstrating to 2 weeks, quoting from the end to what they say on discrimination, with quotes as a public service jumps. it's 8 say the supporters of the routing party and they want a married base system instead. a nice enough chemist on heavy rain and flooding of
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killed at least 40 people kind of unofficial is confirmed that maybe 350 people were injured in taken to a hospital or witness study. so a neighbor's house collapse with the 7 killed inside. at least $400.00 homes have been destroyed by the flooding and heavy rings of cost. severe funding in the canadian city of toronto on tuesday, cause were left stranded on major highways and parts of the city. flood waters rose quickly leaving some vehicles of managed, emergency responders rescued, several drivers. deborah atalla has resigned as fonts as prime minister that will stay on and i can't take our old french president of money on macro, accepted a 1000 resignation. but the government stays in place for the time being a child's part of my call centers coalition, which one the 2nd largest number of seats in the election. now one of the 1st promises made by the u. k. 's new prime minister was to make talking life crime is maro, mission life attacks have been on the rise of causing them, but it's was in the west midlands. that campaign is quoting for the government to
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do more to keep young people safe. elena, send a note that reports now from pending. and oh, daniel was a very happy go lucky. the jalen san daniel was killed. he was celebrating a new job. the 26 year old was out with friends when he was stabbed, and black to death. the attack ending a bright future that was just on the horizon on that day. he was really, really happy. and davis planning is where they was planning a mortgage that was probably the one of the happiest days of his life. and i never saw him again. we missed him when we seemed constantly to and which we still look for in the day. and so it can feel like it only helped him just today. you know, we've never really moved on for the what keeps lane going now is promoting these medical kits that can still pleading several have been installed in padding and her son died. and in other cities across the case assigned perhaps of
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a white problem. nice crime, a rule has been rising in england and it's this area of the west midlands that's


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