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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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ero, now the show of unit to you from us republicans that the convention, as donald trump makes the 2nd the parents just days off to surviving an assassination attempt to carry johnston. this is all just, there are lots and also coming up is ready for asses attack yet another you and your own school in gauze. the palestinians have been seeking shelton, doesn't account the thousands of people protests across kenya, demanding present steps down on china and the sort of things that we need to set up across as offline to prevent tensions rise of the south china sea.
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the, there's been a show of unity from a senior republicans in the former rivals of donald trump. on the 2nd day of the policies and national convention in the us states of wisconsin. for yourself has appeared again at the gathering just days office of having an assassination attempt . he was greeted by daddy vance who trump has named us the republican vice presidential candidates. both then listen to speeches of support from a former us some best to view and nikki haley and protocol from that room. the census, who once among no trumps biggest critics. donald trump has my strong endorsement, harris. if we had 4 more years, advice or single day of, here's our country,
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we badly worse off for the sake of our nation. we have to go with donald trump. donald trump stands in their way and he stands up for america. donald trump has been demonized. he's been sued, he's been prosecuted any nearly lost his life. we cannot let him down and we cannot let a mirror cut down on the fish i was listening to the speech is that the convention in milwaukee the republicans are finding what cars run desantis and nikki haley phone, the in the primary campaigns. you can't really go after someone and say, look, the doing a good job, but we could do better, i'd expect to win. and so the republicans may have thought there was an idea that they could talk about. you'd have to talk about bringing the country together. but to get their message across, they've got to go on the attack against joe biden,
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and also go on the attack against the democrats. and that's exactly what we've seen happen here. the donald trump surprising that he's here for the 2nd night. he's sitting next to the events just over my right shoulder. probably be here tomorrow would do the events we'll address the convention is the vice presidential candidate for the 1st time. that's a big speech for him. he's a relative and very few people knew about it. most say political circles have done the list except goals. so this is a chance for the ohio senator to introduce himself to the american people in prime time on american television. and also convince them that if they're forcing for donald trump, they're getting him as part of the package. james davis is a republican, physical strategist area, he told thousands the are that the republican norman, the for vice president trade events would appeal to vote. as i was doing a road trip across the country and i listened to as a book with a couple of friends he'll really allergies. and he liked me came from very humble
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beginnings and had to overcome a lot of challenges. i think that that is great for america to see obviously now that this guy who grew up in such poverty has been able to come forward and be a vice presidential pick, which is amazing. so that's inspiring. and i think the story, the words that he gave to his life, we're really empowering to a lot of folks. lot of americans feel like they're in that say right that they've been left behind and, and so there is a great opportunity for j. d vineyards. i believe and a president, trump, to focus on solving the chaos. that's a border to focus on the crisis. we see the costs of the global internationally worries, both of the front end to end by nomics. and if the focus is on that, i think that they can be very strong going into november and ultimately quench the white house. i don't want to, i don't want to see more government policy uh, government intervention. and so that's where i'm,
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where you empty vance in some areas and the minimum wage, the f t. c, the federal trade commission blocking mergers and acquisitions. i, you know, citing with union bosses over hardworking americans. those are the areas where we have disagreements, but hopefully again, they'll focus on those issues that outlined and i think it'll pay off well for them in the balance us, president joe biden has returned to the campaign trail for the 1st time since they attempted assassination of donald trump, he's addressed the annual convention of the n, a c p t, one of the oldest and most prestigious son. it took a powerful organizations of black americans from reynolds reports from las vegas receiving a warm welcome from any a c p members, us president joe, but acknowledge is enormous political death to black voters. because of, you know, i present a couple hours with vice president biden. spoke about the assassination attempt on
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his rival, donald trump, and the threat of political violence. no response to go to lower temperatures, temperature, and condemn violence in any form. but he also took some jabs that trump the scar to go to florida to record growth of watchable business. let me say this again because dropped his line like jail about what the poor did of workers low over by. there's investigation by didn't mock trump's reference during the debate last month to black jobs, which many people thought he implied were on skilled? well try the job is it's a vice president nodded skates. in the aftermath of that debate, some democrats urged biden to drop out of the race over concerns about his age and mental stamina. but black officials and voters have largely stood by him. he's
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a proven track record of being support over the initiative for what blacks are facing today. and so we are looking for him to do that again to continue to do that . but some recent polls suggest some black voters are drifting away from by byte and will need every last measure of support enthusiasm and turn out from black voters. if he is to have any chance of winning a 2nd term in the white house, rob reynolds, l, g 0, las vegas of the israel has struck another you and run schools and then this route refugee camp in central garza kidding. at least 23 people. the facility was sheltering, displaced postings, and was in an is very designated circled safe thing. on sunday, 17 palestinians were killed in a strike on
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a school in the central garza. in the past 10 days at 6 schools affiliated with the un under the agencies have been hit. it's very a tax across this trip of kills at least 50 percent of students since tuesday morning, honey mountain. and it has more now from the overall and central garza. the fact that we're seeing more of the honor with facilities being targeted deliberately and directly across the gaza strip, according to a statement by believe that as originated either the director of operations of united nations, we're looking at $230.00 to view and facilities across has to be in either severely damaged or completely destroyed since the beginning of this genocide world war, including it backwards and centers. and just to make it clear for our viewers evacuation centers are in spot you on schools. these are on or was run schools that are under was, are manage and operated by, by the united nations, were palestinian refugee just the just the fact that we have people who have been
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displaced into these areas uh for the past 9 months and really struggling on daily basis and on top of that the attack deliberate attacks have passed and they do not believe in the 6th as opposed to being targeted by is really a era cox is going to close to a 100 people in 6 this school just did a $1.00 to $3.00 people were killed in one single attack and in addition to we have 7 c plus plus the critically injured here at the hospital where allows the hospital and on the site i reckon as you can, all of this is just increasing and exacerbating really difficult living conditions, any problems that people are experiencing as a result of these attacks, meanwhile, is really monitor in a separate a talk to targeted an area. the western part of time noon is swimming 17 people. and again, we're looking at the same patterns of killing women and children make. the vast
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majority of casualty is really a defensive supp shut down the several missiles fog from southern lebanon, videos that show the moment the missiles were intercepted. israel and the lebanese group has been all have traded net daily strikes since the world does have begun. as what else says open the front against israel in some a diety with palestinians in the strip. the china and the philippines have agreed to set up an emergency hotline to prevent future escalation in the south. china sea is the 1st time the 2 countries are setting up a direct line at the presidential level to handle such disputes. and other has the keys, china's coast guard of hostile maneuvers in the contested waters. aging says for the pain ships have in the past, encroached on chinese poetry,
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despite repeated warnings only below has more now from minute the social details of an agreement signed by philippine and chinese foreign ministry officials during their meeting here in manila on july. second, have now come to light. we now know that the 2 sides have agreed to establish a new emergency hotline to manage and prevent parking patients in the south. china sea was fairly out of control, but it is important to note that a similar communication mechanism has to be available to both sides. this january 2023, when philippine president for the been marcus junior and the chinese president eugene being met each other inmate james. but that mechanism was only available to officials in the lower bureaucracy of both governments. now this new agreement would involve higher level officials as high as chinese, or administer wong e and philippine foreign affairs secretary and became another even as high as
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representatives of the offices of presidents of both countries. now the july, 2nd meeting came districts after the most violent confrontation between the philippine and chinese forces in the south china sea. in recent memory, where a philippine sailor lost his finger and a philippine military pulled was punctured by chinese coast guard personnel. these actions where described by china as law enforcement measures. but these are the kinds of incidents that this new agreement which seeks to avoid. course this one needs to be seen because the thing douglas says that it was bad. he conducted a re supply emission sewage streets, streets stations at the 2nd publishing into south china sea since july, 2nd. but with the, the, what the philippine military and see is that they have monitors fewer chinese vessels within the philippines. exclusive. we cannot zone area the philippines
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plains and just trying to find out is there a in kenya, or at least 4 people had been killed into renewed anti government protest. face 5 tear gas to disperse crowds. gathering in the capital, nairobi demonstrates as in cities across the country, all the mounting, the resignation of president willing router. catherine story reports from directly of these has become a weekly affair and it's not letting up young people who have been protesting against the government say enough is enough. police had a hard time managing the protest. daniel, one boy never flinched, even as police fired t o goes out to him and either protest as we are out, you're trying to fight for one like, you know, i'm a student. where do i go from there? all these young people, you see here walking around the past because they know,
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hoping these country people 1st came to the streets to protest against a proposal to raise taxes. the contentious by nonce bill was withdrawn, but many say they want the government and president william russo to deal with that governance corruption, mismanagement of public sense. and to step down, this is where it's on the, on the street. the police sometimes appear on the walls and they are using c and. * but solve it for testers. also you stones and know they are not a high for this thing that they are going to stay here until then, you know, on the purchase and not just happening in a robi demonstrations happened in 23 out of 47 counties across the country. thank you. so much in west and can you protest is said they wanted the electoral
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commission as re appointed since the monday ended last election. the to reform quickly as quick as possible. so that the view and prove that the 13th cannot mindful, grunted, visually be called a book according to their cause, bishop is a startled protest president who to has yielded to some demand. it seems like is this not making things easier? i this is keeping gala on the outskirts of nairobi, police killed a protest to here, and a don, at least, was also shot in another town. nearly 50 people have been killed and many out is injured since the unrest begun weeks ago, or less than a 2nd lesson. that's how he's handling the deaths of my brother since he started, and most likely not, no way of the. he's sort of the president has been under a lot of pressure to deal with a situation where the younger on the streets can be solved by many kenyans who say
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they resonate with a young protest as catherine, sorry, alta 0. hi ruby. so to come off to the breaks sold his palace of gold, a senior us senator is found guilty of bribery, corruption, and extortion. the 1000s of people have been injured at student protest and things that, that the hello any way you look at it. it's been a washer in the western cape province in south africa, states of disaster declared there has been flooding. look at the problems as capital cape town in the $200.00 millimeters of rain for the 1st part of this month . all of that to say you blown past the july average rainfall and guess what?
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there's more rain and wind coming out. you another combo rolling in here on wednesday. so we'll see those winds turn out over the next little bits. gusts of about 60 kilometers per hour and cooler then you should be central africa. looks like this as we'd expect at some showers and storms around shad dropping down into central african republic. so bungie you'll get into some pretty socket conditions. and look at all of this rain. moving out of molly pushing into senegal. it's meeting up with the wet weather and equitorial, guinea guinea and sierra leo. and there's going to be some funding here, alerts issue for northern nigeria for how much rank you're about to see had been some funding along turkey as ne black sea coast. still some showers falling around traps on. for example, on wednesday into the middle east. we go faints once again heating up here. so here's a forecast on wednesday. let's go in for a closer look because kuwait's, i like about 50 degrees on thursday and looking pretty good in central asia. not a whole lot to report bye for now.
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the. with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the bold and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on out just era the the
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welcome back reminder about top stores. this is the 2nd day of the republican national convention in walkie wisconsin, former even invested in nicki. hi it. in the florida gulf net wrong de santis both endorsed donald trump's presidential nomination. the pay with both critics of trump before jumping out of the race. and is very striking to you and run school and in this wretched refugee camp was killed at least 23 palestinian displaced protest. tenants had been shouting at the facility. it's the 6th you in a city, a school targeted by it's ready for those 10 days and at least 4 people type entails and renewed anti government protesting. can you please confronted demonstrate system? i think that i sent a newsletter to step down nationwide demonstrations for account a month ago against a proposed bill was to raise taxes. as a senior us senator has been found guilty of a wide ranging corruption scheme and included acting as an agent of
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a fund government. but menendez at democrats, who served as chair of the powerful senate foreign relations committee is now facing close to step down. facility reports from new york, the senator robert menendez, summoned back to court to hear the verdict. after 13 hours of jury deliberations in a 9 week trial. the jury found him guilty of all 16 charges, ranging from bribery to destruction of justice and acting as an agent of a foreign government. profiting from political favors to 3 businessmen in his home state of new jersey, 2 of them were tried and convicted alongside of him. the us attorney overseeing the case at the level of corruption was shocking. this wasn't politics as usual, this was politics for profit. and now that a jury has convicted bob and then does his years of selling his office, of the highest bidder, have finally come to an end. the evidence included gold bars over $480000.00 in cash, and a mercedes benz convertible. all seized when the f
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b i rated is home in 2022 for many years. chinese we as chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, menendez help steer, military aid to egypt and shared sensitive material in the process, helping a co defendant. while honda obtain a lucrative business deal with the egyptian government, the democrat continues to maintain his innocence. i'm says he'll appeal the verdict and obviously as deeply disappointed by the jury's decision. i have every faith that the law and the facts did not sustain that decision. and that we will be successful upon. i keel, i have never violated my public out. i have never been anything but a patriot off my country and for my menendez is attorney attempted to shift the blame to his wife nadine, who was also charged. but had her trial postpone for medical reasons, the 70 year old faces decades behind bars when he returns for sentencing. it's here
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in october, just weeks before the november elections until the verdict came in. menendez was bowing to run for re election. now he's facing calls from his party members to step down immediately. kristen salumi, i'll just hear a new york the heavy rains of close to the flower thing in the canadian, the city of toronto on tuesday, cause we left stranded on major highways in parts of the city. such waters rose quickly leaving some vehicles of much emergency responders rescued. several drivers, 20 people having killed off a bus skidded off a mountain road in southern prevent. authorities say the pressure coaching that early hours of tuesday morning. the government spokesman said, assistance was being provided to those injured in the crash, but admitted that the response had been slow and disorganized. because it reveal that to more than 3000 people have died in for me as a result of the traffic accidents in 2023. a know at least for indian
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soldiers have been killed in a gun box. was another thing to fight on demand. engine administered, kashmir. a series of attacks have been reported since june raising concerned among security officials. charles traffic reports the army is on file. it's in the mountains of india and administered kashmir. full indian soldiers were killed in the latest attack, targeting a foot patrol in this decades long contested, emulate, and regions. the soldiers were ambushed by rebels fighting against indian who in the forest to go district late on monday. now the how to get a good report from the scene that i thought to uh, this uh, being pointed out, any of your more integration with the how it changed the strategy we have to use. i was starting to them and then go to my security forces they have to this study. same as it gets without any use, because they don't want to piece nicholas with riley. they don't want to piece in the indian. since 1947,
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indiana park is still on her for to was for the muslim majority territory, which both countries claim in full control and called on resistance to indian rule, began in 1989 thousands of people being killed since then. but the violence had subsided in recent years. the roof is that may not be changing. but the state report to the tech since june with at least 11 indian soldiers killed this year, that is discontentment, that is under there is hopelessness. maybe that situation provide us some support, go those pull, want to in dallas insights activities and don't want to catch me previous attacks and focus mostly on crushing me. you'll sort, you said you have a central violence has now shifted to the geometry region. in the regional capital sure. and a golf protest is burned and effigy. 6 pocket stones pointing to step share above should be india, blames pakistan for training funding and pushing on groups across a c spine into the positive catch me on the deadliest control focused on the noise
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. this are the people working with the militants who provide shelter when food should be arrested. until then, we won't be able to find any solutions, renew tension and killing a cost region. a permanent political solution remains elusive. that's the best call staffing out to 0. 8 soldiers have entailed in an attack by the men in northwest pocket. stone. 10 ton of on finances were also killed and fighting. the battle was begun on monday after suicide format drive a vehicle with explosives into emitted tree company in the car. the putnam club proteins gunmen, then storm the premises, leading to a gun bath on the last for 26 hours. the student, protests and bangs, a dash of 10 father into the at least 6 people killed and thousands injured and fighting between the bible groups and police holding for an end to what they say or
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discriminates. re quotes is for public service, jobs by site phase of supports is what time the child dre has more now from the com. c somebody goes university around the outside of the dr university campus. now the product is going on near the language. modern memorial, the large number of students have gathered yet. they've also still got it and many parts of the city and different names are such and then not staying very long, but testing and then leaving the area they've been re pods, a balance in different parts of the country. i feel that as a student we should all take part in these proteins. we are taking a risk and violence against protest is messed up immediately. we read continued the movement and now we have new d months. aside from the ability to quote the system. we also want the withdrawal
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of home expression, i see not stopping old violence against us. the city by signing the continued to protest, they are to protest against that proto as. 1 of the government, heavy and effective, and the pro government elements attacking gun on the back of university 10000. now the $10000.00 across the country with the hundreds of injuries across the country. the fed, they'll continue to protest unless the demands are met. and then one just as, as well for what happened yesterday in the back i university, camper and other parts of the country. sunbridge children, i'll just read off the bangladesh. 6 bodies have been found in the luxury hotel room in thailand's capital bank, called the victims with all the the means national as to how to do american citizenship. authorities have opened an investigation into the instant as they await autopsy themselves. wayne hay has worn out from benco. this is the hotel with
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the 6 bodies were discovered earlier on tuesday, police confirming that the bodies were found inside just one hotel room. they've also confirmed that they were all foreign nationals, 4 of them being amazed and to the means americans. and they had been in thailand for just a few days. they also believe that the bodies had been inside the room for around 24 hours before they were discovered by a hotel look up. they say there was no sign of any struggle inside the room and no sign of any wounds on the bodies. and then not ruling out that this was a case of poisoning, but they will wait for the results of autopsies and toxicology reports. well, this is a 5 star hotel. the grand class right in the hospital bank helps very busy shopping into his district. and just happens to be you. meet is from one of the ben cox most popular tourist destinations. the intro one shrine, which was the scene of the bombing in 2015,
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that sold the death of 20 people. now the sanctions imposed on russia of its invasion of ukraine. i mean that thing to the, a good culture. what is of cause it's done, the country has done that chief weights imports an effort to increase its green exports. because like farmers say, they need more financial support if they are to increase productivity. some of in job and reports now from n back in the northern, caustic, still really hopeful the out of the land in this 34000 heck the iphone produces organic crops. this nice and drawn 3 goals every 3 years. and it's harvested and vacuum seen for the $84.00 during the winter months of the most of the year. the weather is too cold for farming. so they look around the clock doing some 80 percent of cause, a green production is week is going exports. some problem is attending to organic farming for a bit and not for yield and returns in foreign currency. one is just like every
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culture means everything is put to use by being fee of chemicals and pesticides. well that's what i send you a survey. we went to complete the cms that debbie a meet farming tool, county crop rotation. we harvest and lots of le games export. there are no less davis by products go to live stock. if there was no profit, we would not develop. there would be no point in old base. because expands continental climate means sharp fluctuations in temperatures and phlegmatic changes have a major impact. multiple factors from lucas to out of season rain, been transformed, bumper crops into huge losses. being central asia as largest floor explore to garbage stones, neighbors are on a ballast on and your.


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