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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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is to repass the damage close to the destination of plants, sewage systems and networks of water supplies the show of unity from us. republicans that the conventions as donald trump makes us 2nd, the parents just days off to savannah. i think on s. fascination attend the carry johnston. this is sarah from the also coming is ready for us, is a talk. you have to know that you and run school in gauze that the palestinians have been seeking. shelton, dozens of killed the thousands of people
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protest across the kenya, demanding president when he steps down on china and the philippines agreed to set up across his offline to prevent extensions. rising the south trying to see the has been a so of unity a from a senior republicans and former rivals of donald trump. on the 2nd day of the policies national convention in the us state of wisconsin. trump, himself has appeared again that the gathering this days office evolving an assassination attempt. he was greeted by j events, who at trump has 19000 republican vice presidential candidate. both then listen to speeches of support from former us ambassador to the un, nikki haley and fraud, and go from there on desantis. once among donald trump's biggest critics, donald trump has my strong endorsement harris.
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if we have 4 more years, advice or a single day of, here's our country, we sadly worse off for the sake of our nation. we have to go with donald trump. donald trump stands in their way and he stands up for america. donald trump has been demonized. he's been sued, he's been prosecuted and he nearly lost his life. we cannot let him down and we can not let america down unofficially. it was listening to the speech is that in the convention in milwaukee, the republicans are finding what it is run desantis a, nikki haley phone, didn't in the primary campaigns. you can't really go after someone and say, look, the doing a good job. but we could do better, i'd expect to win. and so the republicans may have thought there was an idea that
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they could talk about you to, to the talk about bringing the country together. but to get their message across, they've got to go on the attack against joe biden, and also going the attack against the democrats. and that's exactly what we've seen happen here. the donald trump surprising the d. c for the 2nd night. he's sitting next to the bunch just over my right shoulder. probably be here tomorrow would do the event will address the convention is the vice presidential candidate for the 1st time. that's a big speech for him. he's a relative and very few people knew about the most, say political circles have done that listing circles. so this is a chance for the ohio senator to introduce himself to the american people in prime time on american television. and also convince them that if there are 14 for donald trump, they're getting him as part of the package c, u. s. president. so biden's return to the campaign trail for the 1st time since the attempted assassination of donald trump. these address the annual convention of the
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n, a c p, one of the oldest and most prestigious son, simply powerful organizations of black americans. run those reports from las vegas . receiving a warm welcome from any a c p members, us president joe, but acknowledge is enormous political debt to black voters. it's because of, you know, i present a couple hours with vice. president biden spoke about the assassination attempt on his rival, donald trump, and the threat of political violence responsible to lower the temperature temperature, and condemn violence in any form. but he also took some jabs at trump to start the floor of the girls of watchable business. let me say this again because dropped his line like gel about what the poor did of workers
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low over by. there's investigation by didn't mock trump's reference during the debate last month to black jobs, which many people thought he implied were on skilled? well, try the job is of the states in the after man of that debate, some democrats urged binding to drop out of the race over concerns about his age and mental stamina. but black officials and voters have largely stood by him. he's a proven track record a b as a portal for the initiative for what blacks are facing today. and so we are looking for him to do that again to continue to do that. but some recent polls suggest some black voters are drifting away from bite bite and will need every last measure of support enthusiasm and turn out from black voters. if he is to have any chance of winning a 2nd term in the white house, roberts, l g 0,
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las vegas. inside his son is a democratic political strategist on the found of convey communications. he says biden's domestic policy is like the installation reduction act have helped retain that voltage. we start with the blackboard itself, although not model with big is over well being. we pro democratic candidate, whoever the democratic candidate is. so when we're talking about losing support, we're talking about losing something like 9394 percent down to something like 8384 percent. just to be clear about what the context is for that. and that's something that's in flux. i think there still opportunity for bite in to get some of these wavering voters back if you know what one of the reasons is for this. one of the biggest areas of concern among voters of color, not just black voters, is a bite and is handled positive to it is as long as bite and continues to support
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these really militaries campaigns and causes. there will be some skepticism on our side that said, i was just into the same debate that you were in and listening to that crowd. the support is still strong because of everything else that bided has done domestically . and that certainly affects african americans and other people are calling this country disproportionately from the inflation reduction act and infrastructure investments to non working non discrimination and labor protections. all of this has got a long way to keep a lot of the coalition together. the israel has struck another un run this school in this rach refugee camp. and central garza kidding it. these 23 people. the facility was sheltering, displaced palestinians, and was in an it's very designated, so called safe. so on sunday, 17 protestant ends with 2 and a strike on
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a school in central goes up. in the past 10 days, 6 schools affiliated with the us and this agencies have been hit, is really a tax across the strip of kills at least 50 policy. and since tuesday morning. and then the southern southern parts of the strand fee is very ami struck in the area of west to conclude just kidding, at least $17.00 palestinians. and enjoying the 26 of those 4 children among the dead bodies had been taken to the cities and i sat hospital well, 9 months since, as well as well and gauze that health care workers are still struggling. it to properly treat the wounded or correspondent honey my little visited an intensive care units in debt over not by phone. dr. shed some of the challenges they face each day. when i came into the guys a strip, i was prevented everything except for one suitcase and i've been here for a month. and so as much as i tried to stuff with the suitcase, it's only so much you could put in one suitcase in law and we have 10 patients here
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that would use all those, all those medications probably in a day or 2. while the health care workers here save lives and do their best to keep people living there, thinking about their own family members at home. and when they hear these closing the distance between here, every hour or 2. while we're here in the buzzing above us with the drones, those health care workers are constantly into world one where they're here with their patient with they know they have a duty 5, but the career chosen in the 2nd is to their own family, their own neighborhoods. at home, where they don't know when the next patient that rolls and will be their family member. the medications we use for controlling severe bleeding, especially if there's a liver disease in an environment where everybody is bleeding, we are out of these really vital medications. and so with the, with the communities had to do is work off of suitcases bought in by prior medical teams greater than 3 months ago. because currently all in flow, medical supplies and stuff to the border. we have several cases in the last 24 hours where they survived their surgery. this revised the initial blast paper side
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survive the initial assessment patient, but then subsequently passed from infection relate to the lack of root care supplies and typically flies we see in any hospital world. this is a 20 year old woman, except for a significant dramatic brain injury. she may be able to be pulled off the ventilator. she may refer itself whether or not she'll ever talk again or wake up again, meaningfully or walk again. is this truly no known thing? for us, she's a 5 year old little girl who came in overnight to blast. and this injury is not the end of her journey to recovery, right. she has the physical recovery ahead of her, of recovering from low action levels and long injury and superficial brands and these type of things. but in the long term, the thing that i feel most concerned about for the, for the population as a whole, for a public, a suspect, it is. these kids have seen and experienced things that kids are not supposed to experience. is ready. defenses, it shuts down several missiles fired from southern lebanon,
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videos show the movement. the missiles were intercepted as well, and the lebanese group has but not have traded in their daily strikes since the war on guns. it began as with us as it opened the front against israel. it sort of balanced with palestinians in the strip ultra orthodox jewish is right. is how many protesting in the central israel against the compulsory military service area on tuesday, these very minute tree analysis will begin drafting triple stops. and next week, the supreme court ruled anonymously last month, that members of this group should be drafted with us to say the ruling goes against the jewish religious move. the in kenya, at least 4 people have been told and renewed anti government protests, police fire to a gas to disperse crowds, gathering in the capital. not really the demonstrators in cities across the country,
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all dom, i think the resignation of the president when a router. catherine story reports from not ready of these has become a weekly affair. and it's not letting up young people who have been protesting against the government, say enough, is enough. police had a hard time managing the protest. daniel, one boy never flinched, even as police fired t a gas out him. and i, the protest as we are out, you're trying to fight for one like, you know, i'm a student. where do i go from there? all this young people, you see here walking around the past because there's no hope in this country. people 1st came to the streets to protest against a proposal to raise taxes. the contentious by nonce bill was withdrawn, but many said they want the government and president william russo to deal with bad
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governance corruption, mismanagement of public sense. and to step down, this is where it's on the, on the street, the police in times of pay out of the walls and they are using sand. * but so the for testers, also you, you stones and know they are not a high for this thing that they are going to stay here until the, on the process and not just happening in a robi demonstrations. happened in 23 out of 47 counties across the country. thank you so much in west and can you protest is said they wanted the electoral commission as re appointed since the monday ended last election. i use it to reform quickly as quick as possible. so that the view and people that are taking that cannot mindful grunted visually be called the box according to their cause,
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bishop is a startled protest president to have yielded to some demands since like if this are not making things easier, this is keeping gala on the outskirts of nairobi, police killed a protest to here, and a journalist was also shot in another town. nearly 50 people have been killed and many out is injured since the unrest begun weeks ago, or less than a 2nd lesson, that's how he's handling the debt. so might drop off in 6000 and most likely not, no way of the solar eclipse of the president has been under a lot of pressure to deal with a situation where the younger on the streets can be solved by many kenyans who say they resonate with a young protest as catherine, sorry, altura. now ruby seconds, a group of a $200.00 kenyan police of horizon, haiti for you, and that mission to tackle gang violence. they joined an area contingent,
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12 canyon offices that arrived last month. you and it says the mission is also meant to support haiti's, national security forces and gangs control most of the capital footprints and other parts of the country as well. so the head, hair analysis here, sold his house of gold. the senior us senator is found guilty of bribery, corruption unexposed onto the could some of the challenges facing new cases, new prime minister when texting. nice calling the hello. any way you look at it. it's been a washer in the western cape province in south africa, states of disaster declared there has been flooding. look at the provinces, capital cape town, and the $200.00 millimeters of rain for the 1st part of this month. all of that to
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say you blown past the july average rain fall and guess what? there's more rain and wind coming out. you another combo rolling in here on wednesday. so we'll see those winds turn up over the next little bits. gusts of about 60 kilometers per hour and cooler than you should be. central africa looks like this as we'd expect that some showers in storms around shad dropping down into central african republic. so bungie you'll get into some pretty socket conditions. and look at all of this rain moving out of molly pushing into senegal. it's meeting up with the wet weather and equitorial. jenny, guinea and sierra the own. there's going to be some funding here. alerts issue for northern nigeria for how much rain you're about to see had been some flooding along the turkey as ne black sea coast. still some showers falling around traps on. for example, on wednesday into the middle east we go things once again heating up here. so here's the forecast on wednesday. let's go in for a closer look because great. i like about 50 degrees on thursday and looking pretty
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good in central asia. not a whole lot to report bye for now. the with mist nothing's happening. there's no question why? like this, let denise this call to mind it's area and relief foundation. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the you without just here a mind to off on main storage now, is really striking to you and run school. and then this route to refugee camp is kills at least $23.00 protest in the space. palestinians have been shouting at the facility is the 6th un to the school targeted by? it's very forces. last 10 days, at least 4 people have been killed and renewed anti government protesting. can you please confront it demonstrates onto the router and step down nationwide demonstrations bro, counts a month ago against a proposed bill to raise the texas and it's the 2nd day, the republican national convention in milwaukee, wisconsin from what you invested in nikki haley and to florida. go from there on the start, just both endorsed donald trump's presidential nomination to pay with those critics of trump before jumping out of the race as
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a subsidies attempted assassination of donald trump rattled the us presidential race on the eve of the republican national convention. now as politically those questions, both sides to turn down their rhetoric, volunteers with a non partisan civic group are seeking to lead by example. i'll just, there was a how did your customer has more? or did you find what you were looking for? cameron swallow, is volunteering after republican national convention and she says, to try to listen and learn. anyone you know, when, when asked, she says she has nothing to hide, but she came to the r n. c as a democrat, to try to understand the other side. no, it's the work she's been doing with the non partisan group. there's raver windshield. seeking to d, polarize the nation during a flash point, moment a political division we made to engage with other people. and remember that they
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are humans and not monsters. hold show a growing sense of intending political violence among americans with nearly half the leading that a civil war is likely within their lifetime. and that was before the attempt on trump slight. now in the attacks after mass, some republicans at the r n. c openly said they did support a civil war. the fact that we are on the verge of civil war. that's probably a good thing. reg, switzer from san antonio, texas, says democrats bear some responsibility for the trumpet destination attempt. i see it as they've been confessing to premeditated murder and the fact that he jumped up in your flight as opposed to just getting uncovering probably something we need to get people to fire up and start realizing just how bad things can be on the these people will stop at nothing to destroy this country. this one river angels workers
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say the us versus them mentality is the root of the nation's division. they also recognize the incredible challenge of addressing it. we're not trying to create a new political order. we're trying to make a community and make a country where people bring out their better angels more often then they to come to the there were statements because does not because it's not. you see what's happening on the streets. you see people giving into their fear. protesters from the political left converged on the r and c earlier in the week and were just as loud and angry as those on the right. here have american those working to lower the temperature, say the do moving sides risk hearing the country a part high digital, castro, which is 0. milwaukee wisconscin. material in new york has found senior
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us senate democrats, but manenda is guilty on old charges and his corruption trial. and then this phase 16 charges, including bribery, obstruction of justice and acting as a for an agent in the states back to when he was chairman of the powerful us senate foreign relations committee. this case is always hundreds of thousands of dollars. mercedes benz china and the for the things have agreed to set up an emergency hotline to prevent future escalation in the south china sea. it's the 1st time the 2 countries are setting up a direct line, not the presidential level to handle such disputes. many of the has the keys, china's coast guard,
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and i'll spell maneuvers in the contested waters. beijing says philippine ships have in the past, encroached on chinese territory, despite repeated warnings. barnaby lo has more now from manila, the social details of an agreement signed by philippine and chinese born ministry officials during their meeting here in manila on july. second, have now come to light. we now know that the 2 sides have agreed to establish a new emergency hotline to manage and prevent parking patients in the south. china sea was spiraling out of control, but it is important to note that a similar communication mechanism has been available to both sides. so is january 2023, when philippine president for the then marcus junior, and the chinese presidents being met each other inmate, james. but that mechanism was only available to officials in the lower bureaucracy
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of both governments. now this new agreement would involve higher level officials as high as chinese foreign minister, one g and philippine foreign affairs secretary and became another even as high as representatives of the offices of presidents of both countries. now the july, 2nd reading came just weeks after the most violent confrontation between philippine and chinese forces in the south china sea. in recent memory, where a philippine sailor lost his finger and a philippine military hold was punctured by chinese coast guard personnel. these actions where described by china as law enforcement measures. but these are the kinds of incidents that these new agreement which seek to avoid. course this it needs to be seen because again, government says that it was bad, conducted a resupplied mission to it. strips treats stations at the 2nd policy in the south. china sea is july. second. what would that be?
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what the philippine military can see is that they have monitors your chinese specials within the going to be exclusive. we cannot zone area the philippines planes and just trying to find out is there a so 8 soldiers had been killed into the attack. my own man, northwest pocket, stone ton, a ton of band fighters were also killed in the fighting. the buffaloes began on monday after suicide boma drive a vehicle with explosives into a mitre camp in a convent pack to inquire a province gunmen, then storm the premises, leading to a gun. faucet lost it for 26 hours. for these to fall indian soldiers had been killed in a gun by foot, unidentified on demand and intern administered kashmir. a series of back tobacco tax had been reported since june raising concerned among security officials.
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charles traffic reports the army is on file. it's in the mountains of india and administered kashmir. full indian soldiers were killed in the latest attack targeting a foot patrol in this decades long contested, emulate, and regions. the soldiers were ambushed by revels fighting against indian who in the forests of the district, late on monday. now the how to get a good report from the scene that i thought to uh, this uh, being pointed out, adrian, warner christian with the how it changed it started you, we have changed. i was started to indiana to go to my security forces. they have to this study, same as it gets without any use because they don't want to piece. and of course we do, i need, they don't want a piece in the indian. since 1947 indian pockets not on her full 2 was for the most of the majority territory, which both countries claim in full control and called on resistance to indian rule began in 1989 thousands of people being killed since then. but the violence had
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subsided in recent years. the roof is that may not be changing, but least acreage, the pool to the tank since june, with at least 11 indian soldiers killed this year. that is discontentment, that is under, that is hopelessness. maybe that situation provide us some support, go those pull, want to in dollars, insights activities, and don't want to catch me. previous attacks that focus mostly on crushing me. you'll sort to say the central violence has now shifted to the jump move region in the regional capital. sure, in a golf protest is burned and effigy. 6 pocket stones point minister sharp bodies should be india, blames pakistan for training funding and pushing on groups across a c spar into the positive catch me on the deadliest control focused on the noise. this, the people working with the militants who prevent shouts when food should be arrested . until then, we won't be able to find any solutions, renew tension, and killing
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a cost region. permanent political solution remains elusive. that's the best call strap it out to 0. gabriella, how has resigned, as francis prime minister, both will stay on the can take of all french preston, some of them a call next step to the tells resignation. but the government stays in place for the time. being atalla is talking about crumbs centrist coalition, which one the 2nd largest number of seats in the election. it's actually a box that has more now from paris. a big question for most people in phones is who is going to be the next 5 minutes to the left. when the lions one the most seats in the election, so they believe it should be someone from the wrong spot. the problem is in the post days, they have not been able to unite behind the candidate and come up with a candidate they will agree on in the left of the lines. you have a number of policies. you've got communist,
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called left socialist and greens. and they're finding it very difficult to agree on . one can't stay now on the face, of course is playing into the hands of presidency manual. my goals, centuries policy that came seconds if you like, in this election present my goal might be hoping that the left wing in line simply in close we already seeing a number of divisions and factors within that alliance. he might be hoping that perhaps in a few weeks time, he will be in a position to propose one of his centuries as a possible prime minister, if the less unable to perform a name for the last 20 lines. this is an opportunity, but it could be one that they failed to take latasha buckler. i'll just sarah paris . one of the 1st promises made by the u. k. 's, new prime minister was to make a talking nice crime, his moral mission. well no i for tax has been on the rise across the country, but it's the west and the west midlands, where a campaign is, according for the government to do more,
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to keep the young people safe in the end of its reports from birmingham. the hello tonya was a very happy go lucky. the daily in san daniel was killed. he was celebrating a new job. the 26 year old was out with friends when he was stabbed, and black to death, the attack ending a bright future that was just on the horizon on that day. he was really, really happy and he was planning his birthday is planning a mortgage that was probably the one of the happiest days of his life. and i never saw him again. we missed him when we seemed constantly and we, we still look for in the day. and so it can feel like it only happened yesterday. you know, we've never really moved on to the what keeps lane going now is promoting these medical kids that can still pleading several have been installed in padding and


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