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tv   Witness Ringside  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the supply is restored the problem. so once again, be able to run a full capacity with these palestinians. it will provide at least some really the i'm sammy's iodine in the headlines here and i'll just say it. and now in gaza these right imagery is killed at least $27.00 palestinian sin stone is ready for us is targeted several areas in the silence comes in central gaza, killing 11 people and injuring others. and one is ready for us, is really 16 palestinians have been taken from gaza and detained in inside the prisons. the release prison is arrived at the locks the hospital in central garza to receive treatment. i say they would told you the solitude and humiliated
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representatives some time. the country is amazing and the libyan capital to discuss dangerous migrant crossings across the mediterranean sea. most european union countries will be attending, as well as many african nations in the country for 5 stars, so many years ago. so i'm looking, i maybe i and i now they have a very, very dangerous to how people go to see want to cause to see. so they'll have to stop pause. so i know everybody is going back right now to dial country says when some yes i was. yeah. i don't find like 289, my poor kids. so i'm thinking to move forward or to move out, spend sedan, do you, and says at least 50000 people of slight renewed hostilities in the central cent. all states has been an escalation in fighting and recent weeks between the sydney's army and the records support forces. many of the internally displaced people have
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crossed into the neighboring goods, out of state and fighting in the city of the fashion. in the north of the capital of adolfo states has forced about 3000 civilians to flee through and says the fighting of the size should alone and is like 234000 civilians being forced from the homes. many 13000000 suited needs have been displaced since the conflict began more than a year ago. it's been 10 years since malaysia airlines flight m 8. 17 was down the eastern ukraine, killing nearly 300 people. a don slide investigation in 2018 concluded that cross was shot down by a russian missile of moscow and russian banks. rebels deny this. speaking at a memorial service in australia, foreign minister said a government is still committed to truth and justice for the victims. we cannot
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imagine the car and she has an agent to someone. to get through these 10 years. grace never fully leaves us. tom and love to listen to twice. please note that the people you love, people taken from you, remain in our hearts and in all purpose. ahead of the powers and then pick games, say the man who down goes, swam in the send to prove the river is clean enough to swim in. the river is to supply a key. pause in the opening ceremony. i'm during the games that in the if it's say fast ways to swimming it and it's amazing. you know, it was a dream for us we, we worked a lot and very hard for that. and it is not just for
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a be here today in sweden to guess or it's a very lucky and happy day. it's also for the plan that's, you know, and for the river and for the ocean we, we did it, we did it because we are very connected with the as the challenges of climate change and how we have to do we are, we are a big, big city, and we have to work for the plan that's in for the next generation. brooklyn's king charles the 3rd is officially opened the new parliament, the king laid out the new labor government's priorities for the thing, code, strengthening persons for this, and the commitment to a 2 state solution for palestine as well as the headlines, the news continues off, the witness stay with us the
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of the . 5 8 the case, sims, is heading to the ranks of them. it has an opportunity tonight to make his way into the final. so he's going to be looking to really go into the ring and to talk to some instructions. with this find
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this kid is often telling me it's often street cute for chicago, south side. the sale autographs, the finest 12 year old boxer in america there and the deputy butler junior just to the button shop south side with coach frank smith and the gladiators. boxing bob, he's only 12 years old. you may wanna remember the name of destiny. butler very porterfield. says destiny butler junior, someone you should know. my hopes in gold is only be in its own land, fixed at 17, the way as a man become professional 513 year old and boxing since the age of 6. and he
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already home $75.00 is going what he is above the sports that you love someone. it's like you can get people, you can get in trouble for the newsletter by the destiny was already bought. destiny was the man. this is luke, this the
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he hasn't had any with this particular neighborhood. you have a service the see at least once to twice and why don't you give yourself just the crack here? i don't think the struggle has been times when you know have lights and we have gas sons as we have food. but this fight is come from our ship back
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when i take my rifle 1st. boom. right. no, you can do good is if you with me, i know you can't get in trouble. if you with me, this is what you do of the faith. that's why keep them open. to right. are you going on the skinny button? yes sir. let me see the news i usually he's either going to look up to his father or he's gonna look down on his file. if he has a file that has done his job, he's gonna look up to you guys, father who hasn't looked down on that. he's gonna look for role model somewhere, and that's how it works.
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the as a coat, i want to bring in the side of it. as a father, i want to see the there's been times where i've had him and patted him, added him, and he was ready to quit. that made him keep me on the the tim sold up sometime and i know if i
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can break, nobody else will break. the goal is to make the other day, the natural talent. you just made some bad diseases which sometimes you can get out of that was may it hurt?
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upset because you had to do that. i made all the sacrifices for this family and you want to do some done stuff like that. i gave you my last so a good this is because of him. uh huh. as a deal out as a deal, that was good for real. you've been working out the email organizing? no. what about us is not any and automatic. the major you want to be like is big brother, man. you want to be like you man you want to hang with the right. so you put you show the do
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a good example. me he won't he want to fame. he want the same. there's like you own the same as. busy or right, a want, can you see my mom as you've been? is that right here for 2nd right. he how you do you doing good. yeah. let's make them also. so i can see you've been working at. let me see. who does not think it's bigger than yours? so i, you've been doing oh my yeah. we miss you tremendously. you know then don't you yeah. feel like a loading dock or like a little low, he expect least bit more from a know he he never thought i was going to be and you,
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i never thought it won't be in june. so that's, that's the main thing the you know, the pipe. i know that i won't be so will follow the box, correct. but i know the dates charged him with 3 burglaries. cook county were staring down 12345 burglaries, out of lake county residential burglary. is what we call an illinois a class one felony class one felony. you're not eligible for probation. it's a minimum of 4 years in prison, a maximum of 15 years in prison. but the kicker is you are eligible for something called boot camp. it's called the impact incarceration program,
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the 6 month program. it's in the department of corrections. you go to a camp, has a military, like a training, good mentors. it's a really good program. it's actually found to be very, very successful for a lot of my guys. he could be out a bouquet of by september, back tray, back with your flip to his throat, the keep them out of trouble and i don't see why he couldn't, he'll be waiting for the olympic trials and make you guys a to lift it. right. the . 6 6 6 the,
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the, the allow for us to lose. and now subleasing greece for peace of mind. the
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time to be a father. it was a long time to be to go to his time to be a father and protect the desk.
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you don't try to get to boot camp man. you may, you know, probation by the unit to get there that you will have on the keep 100 which you're not getting no probation. a man, you didn't need a big boy just because you didn't have to get a no big i'm doing all my might do a big boy. you didn't have to do none today. so you, as a young man, you gotta suffer as good because i'm telling you, go to the graduate, get to do, but that's your natural god given talent and all but you know, scholar, see it now you're going to get it. yeah. and that's crazy. but now you got about it . i'm not saying you can't make it. you can't do me. now, you've been a joy when you get up enjoying you made it to the new present. did the same thing
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as me. 50025000. this is, do you guys pay more? oh, what, what do you have? so for me, when i was i have some drugs and i use the sale though i had the pounds. i had money, i had cost with the show for the closet that you the you got to close. it seems to be issued on it. you can get no money today. you got a full robbers in lake county, just sending them out how many times i told you in like you to do is in a car. and if they shoot what i to you always, you might as well grad going to suit yourself because you needed to talk and you're not listen to me. i didn't been out of been rich. i've been bro, i've been paul, i've been through it all to net shot. it, gang, bang. i didn't did all the time. can you not listen to the per roma?
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the. the didn't made the living thing. cry like a big baby. the sense been hit the national power in october 1 that i wanted to us, a nation's just feel like i
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want it to do something bigger go to the next level. the couple people contacted me to me and talk to me. stuff cause a thing as an amateur is saying i was do it so it is trying to convince me is higher pro sometimes just do me down and to listen to give me some ideas and stuff . the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the in design
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the good, good. you ready? for the next transition. everyone. now recently i talked to gary saw yesterday i, you know, the best thing that they say it really was what a nice young man and how your, your dad, they left you out of the how you and your dad, you know, worked together and, and came up through the ranks together and just been very honorable and nice. so they were his mom, mom, mom is anchor. they probably know me if i'm out in the sound and the mom is a so that, that, that makes that contract is 5 years. and if he becomes world
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champion during that time is extended automatically for another to the wireless use
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the pump. this is one of many checks that i have to deliver to you. okay. it's good to have you on our team is good man. i said, you guys know if there's any pros, c, u in california in the ring, the,
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i'll do it all right. and will, joe, what did he find on the box? was supposed to be the 26 to live. that's when they really started right here. we go all the time on your mark, gets it the they put me to the hardest. know they bootcamp got all it just didn't come with vision. the we're go no stop 530 to 330.
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the just trying to give me say a quick of the they felt like i have some to let's see. so they don't want to take away from the i was thursday to go home. i'm thinking like i got this far, nathan, terminate, you know, the big old plan most of the live every day. this program like you mean? yes sir. you have to sound all every day watching me. yes. convince me you have
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successfully complete this program and then you're me and all the rest of the staff and best do the your work that because you're going to give us the end result we want. yes. you understand the this and it kicked me off with dental the 10 days of the 150. is that a gyptian history seen through an extraordinary photographic archive. telling the story of egypt through this, from the lease, for quoted photos of the royal family in 1836 to the country's 1st precedence. and
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i'm showing how those in power have always gone to great lengths to control the public image. egypt through the lens. leaders on to 0 the knowledge as well as
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the safe, the mean comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the and i'm sammy's a down in the headlines here now to sierra and gaza. these right imagery is killed at least $27.00 palestinian since don't, will plains drunk, a mosque, and the house, and then silence refugee camp. at least 11 people have been killed and several attacks in the area. mean wine is ready for us, is really 16 palestinians have been taken from gauze are detained, it is friday. prisons. the released prisoners arrived deluxe the hospital in
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central garza for treatment. i say that with told should assaulted and humiliated representatives from 28 countries. amazing in the libyan capital to discuss the dangerous migrant crossings across the mediterranean sea. last year, at least a $160000.00 people tried to make the journey. 92000 drowning or going missing. finding in the sydney city of advisors forced about 3000 civilians to flee. the sudanese army and the rapids the full force has been vying for control of the country for every year. many, 13000000 people have been displaced since the conflict began. heavy rain and flooding is killed at least full t people in eastern afghanistan, collarbone officials confirmed nitty 350 people were injured in taken to hospital among the victims of people who are returning from pocket st. on living in temporary shelters near the border. at least 400 homes have been destroyed in the
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flooding. has been 10 years since my agent outlines live, m a 17 was down every single crime coming 8300 people. a don slight investigation in 2018, concluded the cost was shot down by russian missile moscow and the russian banks rebels deny this as the head of the power. so let me pick games city mat. i knew that it goes why i'm in the sense, improves the rivers clean and off to swimming. the sun is due to play a key pos in the opening ceremony and gains for them the if it's safe to athletes, to swim minute buttons. king charles, the 3rd is officially opened the new parliament, the king laid out the new labor government's priorities for the yeah. think they'd strain sending prisons, voters and the commitment to a 2 state solution for palestine and as well as the headlines the news continues off, the witness. so stay with us here on,
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i'll just here the of the the friday,
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the of the see the hey guys,
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good evening. i just went over the rules of your opponent's pretty good understanding of what should happen tonight and what shouldn't happen tonight. you guys have an obligation to the promoter and the fans,
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the, the, the, the madison square garden. ladies and gentlemen have fights. we've got a nice 6 rounder here, 2 young charges and this is the 1st meeting between kenneth boss, man sims, the
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you know it as common. oh, man as common. oh, that's a way to blow that. oh boy scott, who is that down there? who is that the stuff that they get to the well so good. oh all right. now do you somebody else?
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god hold on somebody who is this all these right? there we go. we also have problem. very my boy. yes sir. are you any good? so you can be no 165 uh you know, have the job that you love that be doing right now the . so it's you got to tell you, so you know, like when out of the chair a be some beats which you got to take the state as, as a to
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a like i was from state. sure. first told
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the i just on my own with the same box so much time it was all the must be one. so my for me what the the i just feel awkward the
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okay. to give that info you just a moment. did exceptionally well. you already knew we already knew where you're going to get tied. it's ok. just hard. you're going to get back to the i just randomly. ok. i like 4 30 in the morning. the head
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4 or 5 text messages. people telling me they told me how bad it was to another homicide over the weekend took the life of one of chicago's best boxers 25 early saturday morning. where's the west or field manager? say they were after working on to the nearby and kim, when someone pulled up next we've been together since i was 8 or 9. i wouldn't call them offer it. i got a big brother has caused the words, i used to tell them, go buy a house, take you a lot of trouble and call my mom, his mom, it's all my dad,
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his dad the i mean i'm talking about being world savings, winning titles together. says the smallest i do for most of us because you can't do it yourself now
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and make them proud to do what we talked about
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the the the
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the i see it in his as i see liam determination contains the dog and take the home to you can take
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the, it has to be history, it can't be much i'm with the box, it is more get out to you is not even just months. it is the people around me like the people around me is looking for me to make it out. know, looking for me to you box and it looks to me, you get all of us all, all of us out the situation that we and you know, so they always tell me that. so is bigger than me, the,
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the, the,
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the so
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the last 6 months, the wage and the best we have family home. i think we reach in for the it's almost there.
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the have pretty much shouted in for me and his mom pretty much us. so he has a system that said around him for him not to feed the
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guy from beside that model. king who sits in the but being like, no, i don't want him to be like me. if he has a child, i don't want my grandson to be like me because we're supposed even he's supposed to be, but the good to
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use as it breaks the hospitals across the street are in the bring up a lot with detail coverage. elizabeth facilities are for hundreds of 1000. more people are at risk of contracting, painful and dangerous infection from the hearts of the story goes, is it come to me as in ruins. israel hospital gifted and destroyed industries that employed tens of thousands of people. the number of rescues had to be carried out in canada is largest city. so here's why. let me show you good to see by the way. okay, this is one of the main highways in and out of downtown toronto. what does that clogged with water when you consider it was a 5th, whether it stay on record of birth, about a 100 millimeters of rain within a short period of time. so here's where the storms are going today. on wednesday,
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marching into the mid atlantic and the us northeast. this is going to stump out the heat. so look new york's down to 27 on thursday. look a toronto just 22, back to the here. and now the storms also pressing down into missouri, kentucky, tennessee, as well. and arkansas really rate to the us gulf coast could be some severe storm. secure. all of those heat alerts have been dropped in the us southwest pretty average day and late sunday in 29. but still a heat alerts for the pacific northwest temperatures in the low thirties. let's go to central america and i got to take you to dominican republic, some pretty solid bands of rain setting up here around santo domingo and come to kinda could see some flooding. and it is unusually dry for brazil and north or in brazil, really it's most of for sale is drive. but if we go to patagonia, the winds are shifting around. so that's going to pop up temperatures over the next little bit. so yeah, the in india is remote tribal areas, hockey,
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use depression. so it gets selected for the national team play for the country. that's my 3 tribal athletes of contributing to english, international policy research and, and the support is transforming that communities one. 0, one east reveals india's tribal, healthy trans on al jazeera, desperate for palestinians to this, to diesel a nation to on a free day. even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles. i don't have enough money. even the water we drink here is not properly filtered before the war. this punch provides it's 20000000 liters of a fresh water a free day. around 250000 people. now the facility can produce just 15 percent of the original outputs off to the east, but only destroyed power links to the prompt. it has been forced to run a backup generators using fuel, which is radically running out how to study in west coast and coordination with the
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use very forces on now attempting to connect an external power line to the phone has been extra supply is restored, it's around for once again, be able to run a full capacity for these palestinians. it will provide at least some really the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's, i them, this is the news out live from dell coming up in the next 6. the minutes is ready minutes, it kills at least $27.00 palestinians of cost garza, residential buildings. and the mosque is targeted as african migrants continued to


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