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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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0, now, the is there, any management kills at least $27.00 palestinians across casa residential buildings . and the mosque is targeted the times that means a, then this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up, as african migrants continued to risk their lives crossing the mediterranean summits in triple a, libya aims to tackle the crisis. relatives of those killed wins line. am i 17, was shot down monks 10 years since the trying to be the my loads. the members of the has come to my government to govern in service to the
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country the case king charles opens parliaments and lays out the new purchasers. governments plans for the rest at the beginning, the news hour and go. so whether he's ready minutes recess is killed. 27 or rather has killed 27 palestinians in stones. it's where they will play and struck a mosque and the house. and then they'll say it on the refugee camp. at least 11 people have been killed in several attacks in the area. in the west of gauze, the city is ready bombings near a school in the out of a mountain neighborhood killed at least 9 palestinians. 3 of them with children on tuesday as try and come to you and run school killed, $23.00, displace palestinians sheltering in the facility on sunday. that said any, the underwood chief is once again condemn the targeting of schools and gaza. he
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posted on social media saying it's an almost daily occurrence at least 8 schools hit in the last 10 days, including 6 underwood schools, the wall rob the goals and boys of goals are of the childhood and education. schools must never be used for fighting on that for the purposes by any policy to the conflict. schools on not a target. the blatant and constant disregard of international humanitarian law continues unabated or rules of war, of and broken and gaza, losing our common humanity must not become the new norm are. hi monroe joins us now from dallas. bella in central garza and these really minutes we have is been talking about 25 strikes in just 24 hours. what does that look like in garza? and particularly in central areas. there's
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a lot of white disturbing because as we were preparing for this report then an attack just took place right at the right refuge account. but the eastern part of the refugee camp is you can wear a very close and this just bring it back bad memories and quiet horrifying it from the initial week's a vision inside the war. when a whole residential tower was laughing to the ground, completely work close to 200 people were killed just in large the civilian population, residents of that residential talk. so there's a taco today, just reminded the local residents of what happened to this low this residential power, a dentist on the week of the war. we're looking at a google injured individual the brought to the hospital and including the 3 children so far the they're coming in with the crying of bag anyhow,
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because of the burns that they suffer from. as the result of, of this, a taco, in addition to 2 of them, there are, uh, they're going to phase computation as we were told by one of the doctors here because they're kind of fond of drop them the area they're packed with the strap, nose in the very, very short pieces of metal that causes to view the bleeding and fracture to the point. so that's what's going on inside the hop that this is part of ongoing. a chain of, of very strikes and heavy artillery is for the past 44 hours. we looked at 81 people that being killed, the vast majority of these people having to be women and children, entire family, you know the state of a look at a father, a mother and there is children. we looked at our entire family, including 3 generation of that family, the grandparents veterans and their children, and also a killed. this is $27.00 uh within the past, the 10 hours of being killed across the central area. and the northern pike looting
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the deliberate attacks. wow. schools, these are on or what facilities and schools as well as public schools in, in the northern part of district and have a how deadly is it for displace palestinians when we see schools targeted? well, you know, sammy palestinians, wendy were forced into the what, what this is, randy military have described largely as evacuation orders when they are in fact they are in force displacement because they are taking place under the artillery the non stop relentless era talks people to these evacuation centers, maybe we'll look at the bi evaluation center, the, the are you on or what facilities where the, the, where seeking protection and safety. because these are international organization to manage and operate advice on what via are protected under international humanitarian law. but right now, the deliberate talks of these facilities,
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particularly just job or any lift, any sense of security left for these people or safety. they end up being killed inside these very particular facilities. you know, the blue and white colors of these facilities leave, no doubt that these are part of an international organization the on with yeah, they are deliberately targeted. they're destroyed, they're severely damaged. people are killed inside these facilities, then it's been happening for quite some time. right. now it is, in fact this started as soon as the is very military on whether the military level or the political level to started to deal legitimize on or when it's operations. and the constant attacks on it says opperation is across the gaza strip. does litigate work as smooth distribution points and now they evacuation, since there is no other way to live. the safety sense of safety for people for the dismay populations were really struggling daily basis to find basic necessities to
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survive these difficult conditions. now they're left without any sense of security or safety. fine, thanks so much. hi me, my mood that let's take you now live to the united nations where the security council is holding it's cool, totally open debates on the middle east. let's, let's name units have been reported killed according to the ministry of health and guys of how we didn't guys of, with some 8 to 7000 injured and thousands of missing many of our women emphasis over 1500 is relays and foreign nationals have been reported to killed, according to is really source is with more than 7000 injured and a 125 hostages still held in god bless you, monetary and support system in guys of is close to total collapse. there was a complete breakdown of public order. and the specter of further regional spillover
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is increasing by the d as exchanges of fire across the blue line between the law and israel. continue. nothing can justify the horrific acts of terror committed by how most and other groups in israel, on the 7th of october. and nothing can justify the collective punishment of the palestinian people. mister president, in recent weeks is really military operations and fighting intensified across kaiser. rockets continued to be launched by palestinian arm to groups from guys or towards is really population centers. the russell is in ruins. and the rascal crossing remains closed for the hampering humanitarian operations. almost 2000000 people have been displaced nearly the entire population of
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kaiser and many of them multiple times. nowhere in garza is safe. meanwhile, the integrated fluid security phase classification partnership reports that almost half a 1000000 people face catastrophic levels of food insecurity. communicable diseases are on the rise to close on the fuel supply have severely reduced access to water, sanitation, hygiene, and health services. the united nations remains committed to deliver to delivering live saving age in gaza between face severe challenges and deadly risks. to monetary and convoys are frequently unable to collect and distribute live saving goods in safety. including from the crucial crim upwards selim kareem shuttle crossing. attacks on humanitarian aid workers and shelters,
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as well as strikes on or near health and you mandatory in facilities, continue. lawlessness and criminology are rampant. the parties must fundamentally and urgently change their conduct to address these challenges, visual monetary, a notification system. and although coordination mechanisms are not effective, resulting in the need and the bar to to aid missions and the exposure of humanitarian needs to more to the risk. as the u. n. still does not have the necessary security equipment in guys or to manage the extreme risks that or person as piece, despite ongoing dialogue, which is really all pharmacies and some improvements. much more is needed. the entry of humanitarian aid at scales and it's delivery to all parts of guys of our essential doesn't survive on and way of being of civilians. we need to consistent
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access through on crossing points and better access to those in need where ever they are. it is long past time for a safe enabling environment for effective humanitarian operations. and guys are in line with international serenity area. know mr. president, has most of the world's attention is focused on guys of the occupied westbank concluding east jerusalem faces. paradise conditions. high levels of violence persist, including by is really security forces such this palestinian armed groups between the 7th of october, 2023 on the 17th of july, 2024557 palestinians, including $138.00 children for killed in the occupied, westbound concluding easter slips. the vast majority were acute into context of
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these really is really security operations, including during subsequent exchanges with the palestinian armed groups. these include $540.00 killed by israeli forces. 10 buys rails, settlers, and 7. we're trimmings on the one, whether the perpetrators, where is really forces or settlers is during the same period of $22.00 is really is including 9 members up is really forces for a candidate by palestinians in israel and occupied west back, including east jerusalem. meanwhile, is really measures are on demanding the protest in, you know, authority, crippling the protest in you and economy. i'm driving instability. this month is really security cabinets, approved a series of cumulative steps against the palestinian authority. the steps reportedly include the legalize, the ocean on the is reading and all of
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a 5 is reading the old posts in the occupied restaurant, the advancement of thousands of sacrament, housing units, and demolitions and parts of the area be in the occupied west backs at the same time, these really finance minister lifted the suspension of the transfer to the palestinian authority of partial clearance revenues. these revenues are collected by israel on behalf of the palestinians. he also renewed for 4 months. the letter of indemnity for is really corresponded banking with protest and young backs. both of these measures are critical for protest in fiscal stability. but once again, much more is required. is the president. recent developments are driving a stake through the heart of any prospect for a 2 state solution. the geography of occupied westbank is steadily being altered
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through is really administrative and legal steps. the seizure of large land parcels in strategic areas and changes to planning, land management and governance are expected to significantly accelerate settlement expansion. as these changes include the issuance of 2 military orders at the end of these orders transferred paws to under pointed a civilian deputy is rose civil administration, which is alarming. this move is another significant advance in the ongoing transfer of authority over many aspects of daily life in the occupied rest back. and a further step towards extending is really sovereignty over this occupied territory . if left on addressed these measures, risk causing the repair of those damage. mister president,
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we must change course. oh, sacrament activity must cease immediately is really such a mentor or a flagrant violation of international law and a key obstacle to peace. the violence must end and the perpetrators of the violence must be swiftly brought to justice is read, it must ensure the safety and security of the palestinian population. mister president, the united nations disappearing no efforts to deliver humanitarian assistance to palestinians in guys all just secure the release of for hostages, accredited by him, us and all the palestinian armed groups, those being held hostage. i've been suffering along with their families for far too long, that we need any media to manage here in seas file and the immediate and unconditional release of all and hostages. with the tireless efforts of egypt,
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guitar and the united states negotiations to formulate a dealer for the release of the hostages and the ceasefire. continue with some reported progress. the parties must reach such a do you know, your monetary and situation in guys of is immoral. staying on us, all international humanitarian law must be respected at all times. and by all parties, we must intensify, efforts to increase to manage area, and skid delivery. international supports to these efforts is critical, particularly for the essential work of a winter off meet continued reports of serious abuses against the palestinians in the history of the custody. i reiterate that the old detainees must be treated humanely, and those has without loss of calls must be released. and this terrible war must and we must re focus on finding
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a political solution that was in the occupation of resolve the conflict in line with international law and great event united nations resolutions ensuring that governance is restored in guys or under a single, legitimate palestinian government is essentially it's about to efforts supports to the proudest and you know, authority is critical. it's institutions must be strengthened so that it is prepared to govern and need recovery and reconstruction efforts in gaza. all of those with influence must take the urgent steps needed to enable the parties to re engage on the long delayed political path towards ending the occupation and resolving the conflict. this must occur in line with international law, relevant un resolutions and bilateral agreements in pursuit of the vision of 2 states, israel and an independent democratic, contiguous viable and sovereign,
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palestinian states, living side by side in peace and security within, secure and recognized borders. on the basis of the pre 1967 lines with jerusalem as the capital of both the united nations will continue to support all such efforts. mister president, this concludes the remarks of the secretary general. i thank you. you have a little that it was funny enough. i think mister rad tray for his briefing, and i now give the floor to the permanent observer of the observer state of palestine. mister president, allow me upset to express our appreciation for your excellent seas decision to take part and to share this meeting, that's when it's due to 11 and 2 that you've the company name of the success of the
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john for his briefing. mister president, that is an old greet program that says on the coat society grows great. when old men plan threes, whose shade they know they shall never sit in and go station. this is the international law based order put in place by those who endorse or witnessed the worst that i do these 3 by 3 to provide shade to future generations. is it a, it has uprooted every one of those these guys? it produced every rule of our elaborated every principal humanity pledge to uphold as it killed those most entitled to protection civilians. including
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children, humanitarians, doctors, governments, it defied every nation on as an every oregon, about a set up to uphold the most fundamental rules from the highest political organs to the highest initial body from the security council and the general assembly to the i. c j. is it a m, is doing so? i'm apologetically. it is committing crimes openly brazenly and repeatedly its own. so do not hesitate to share the recordings of those crimes with the rest of the world. what is happening in gaza will go down as the most documented genocide and just to tell when, when the war, the nouns, the crimes and totally dead 3 cabins. 10 when, when it's consider that it's,
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the responsibility is to state the law instead of upholding it. but i've seen you and guys that do not need to hear the word talk about the uprooted trees. they need their protective shape. they could care less that we all agree on what the rules say and that we own, observe and recognize the breach. what is it old that is not enforced? what do these rules mean anymore? when for 9 months is an has bombed the homes, hospitality the schools including those designated as you and shelter, and now is bombing people intense as the case in the mos. so how can you, could you be, how criminal must you be to bomb the same population over and over and over again.
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and since bombs and bullets, i'm not good enough in this collective punishment and genocide, enterprise isn't a and has decided to impose the most terrific conditions on those who satellites. we have seen it for months now. manufacturer of humanitarian catastrophe. with famine at its core, we have seen it used starvation, dehydration, and the spread of diseases as the ultimate weapons. 2000000 people who were subjected to a 17 year old blockade are now confronted with methics siege, dying of hunger and disease. while food and medicine are available, only meet, there's no way of doing now, is an consider,
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it was enough to shout security to get away with the worst crimes imagine of its or as if it security could legitimize genocide, colonization, war crimes and crimes against humanity. as if it security could justify denying the most fundamental rights of the nation and the most basic rights of millions of palestinians as if its security could be achieved by marketing and more injustice. it pretended the blockade was about security. it only hung innocent civilians. it pretended its walls and military orders. what about security? that through colonial nature is evident to all those willing to see. it pretended that every war would be the last and would achieve the tenants. it simply laid the seeds for another or a few years later. since 1948 successive is that i usually governments have said
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they've got the palestinian problem once on foot all since they're not about which constituted one of the most terrible attempts to approve that entire nation. in modern history, i've done that is really, does pretended they never had the palestine or the palestinians denying the very existence of the people they had can expend. in 1967, they were certain that by occupying whatever was left of the land of historic palestine, they had eliminated the problem altogether. in 1982, they explained that if they invaded lebanon and force to be allowed to move far away from punters, stands both of those. this would be the end of the palestine question in 1988 when the ballasting and the billing that opted in palestine itself in
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a piece one way explained that breaking the bones of the demonstrators literally breaking them. what did tell to them in 2000 explained that the best way to deal with the 2nd intifada was models, model progression mod occupation in 2008, 20092012201420162018. 20212022 explain that a blockade over 2000000 people and the repeated military assaults and ship shooting on demonstrate those would eventually lead to subjugation and set and essentially military responses to a political question. essentially of she had a violence against an entire nation to avoid the only solution possible freedom for the palestinian people and peaceful. but there is no reason it behaves this way.
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everything in its history does it, it will get away with it. it is bedding this time will be no exception, but this time must be the exception and change must stop right now. mister president, this security council adopted the resolution 2735 to achieve an immediate cease by our leading to. i've had them in a succession of a hostility. this would not restore the lives of those killed or the limits of those amputated. it would not remove the pain from the mother's heart or the fear of hunting a child's mind, but it would save lives and stop again as much. it would lead to the release of hostages and prisoners on both sides. it would allow a set in humanitarian aid, it would lead to immediate region on the escalation. it would have to preserve
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whatever phase is left and a lot of months i liked the system, but then nothing you know does not care about us. the new lives, or even the hostages life, he does not care about international law or human decency. he only cares about his own political said why that. so what, what do you do to ensure he is not the one calling the shots, and he, i'm talking to you the security gums. so what are you going to do in order to stop this lunatic from continuing this genocide or again, since i've seen young people a mr. president, in recent weeks, they're aware of collective statements set that stressing that i see the decisions are binding on must be respected, defending the independence of the i, c. c. and rejecting attacks against it. their way to ship commitments an hour to which all council members present an incoming subscribe together with over $100.00
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countries around the world. there is a globe and consensus and support of the palestinian peoples right to self determination and the 2 state solution in line with you on does any issues an international law that is law convergence on the palestine question then on any of them at the, on the international again and there is one isolated fund that the government rejecting this international consensus and attacking every institution entrusted with upholding the information of the best or the accusing is to present the lives of this order of terrorism and anti semitism, getting detaining, torturing, harassing, intimidating them 10, when, when we pretend this government is anything else, then what it proclaims to be 10 when it wins. will
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trump international? once a, mr. president, i want people. what do you live in? so we had that from the u. n. and the secretary general speaking, calling for an end, the said, this terrible war must end followed by the palestinian representative to the united nations resolved and on. so, outlining and saying israel is committing crimes openly and brazenly, but its soldiers not hesitating to share recordings of the crimes the well, it's all going on that session at the united nations. we've got uh, gabriel, i was on the joining us live. he's watching what's happening at the security council and gabriel, very bleak take chip painted by the on the secretary general of basically no improvement in anything i. it sounded to me. yeah, that's right. he spoke uh before re odd man. sure. the palestinian,
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the ambassador to the us, and you heard there from uh, the under secretary, the shift to cabin a if you will for the secretary general saying basically to main themes, i think and it was a fairly long speech. number one is that the un needs more help getting sustained humanitarian aid into guys. a said the united nations remains committed to delivering live, saving a because a but we face beer challenges and deadly risks. he said that sometimes is real, will allow some aid in a very small levels, but he said it's simply not enough. we need sustained and long term a coming in. and that's something that the israelis have not been working with with the un. and that he also talked about and one.


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