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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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fine with closing sunday action, but what i would say to the ministry of health is come to see the effects of us best off from the factories in india out to see who is changed across the world. when you close to the house of the story, the hello i'm, adrian said again, and this is counting the cost on al jazeera, your. we can look at the world, the business of the comics. this reach the scrambling to the top of russia and prepare for a potential donald trump presidency. nature pushes old at best to raise defense spending to 2 percent of g d p. the military government submits. yeah, but you know, fossil and molly announced a new consideration of the hill estates. how well this affects regional body echo
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was to strive for a free move for them. trade across the west, africa and boeing's play deal with the us justice department. what lies a head for the aviation jobs and how will washington, most of the country's largest textbooks they certainly does have met in washington dc to mock the 75th anniversary of the military alliance spot. the celebrations come at a time of uncertainty over the us presidential election in november and the russia ukraine. board members are under pressure to raise ministry spending to 2 percent of g d p. us presidential contender, donald trump, as long demanded. the european members should step up, spending is higher, defense spending the necessary at the time of economic uncertainty would examine that. saw that with all gas to just a few moments. but 1st, i'll defense that as an alex could help us looks of who's getting from europe's push for more weapons. as need to members push to arm themselves in the face of 2 political uncertainty. jim and arms jo. environmental stands out as a kid with
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a deal of to deal preparing the company and it stopped price. so approach assault on high of $582.00 and the numbers are staggering. overall total and they to spending increased by 11 percent in 2004, compared to 3 percent in 2023. on the 19th of june, the company received the biggest order and its history. $9100000000.00 to make artillery emulation for the german army. so great is the demand for artillery shells, especially the 155 millimeter round, favored by western armies. the volume metallic recently opened up a factory and ukraine and a 2nd munitions plant in germany to keep up with demand raw materials, purchase, spanish, munitions, company expound in august last year. and it is a patient of a huge deluge of orders that they would receive a bet that is paid off. the ukraine was the driving force behind all the orders. wisdom of the trees of reevaluate to what future armies will need. the tanks and
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defenses in vast amounts of, i munition being high on the wish list and you appear in defense, companies are expanding to meet demand. the missing cell also is these things. it's been officially. what's the goal? does he have to think a long time? i strongly believe that we need to empower your client to be able to protect itself at some point. that's why we have to give them western european technologies, no to technologies. and ryan mattel's proposal is to enable your client to protect itself in the medium time. on july 3rd run, mattel's feeling, the memorandum of understanding the telling defense completely in order to help recruit the a tell you know me the latest generation, pensa tanks and links infantry fighting vehicles in the deal. the german press, one who reported as being with $21000000000.00 added to this is the german armies order of $6500.00 military trucks with $3800000000.00. so in july, the 1st it's easy to see why the german homes john is writing. hi, alex could topless counting the cost, which is 0, which one is not from the land?
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is william alba cruz a non resident fellow at the extension center. he's only a worked on arms control, disarmament and european security updates. so it was one of us, the us government, when a good time you with us, what do you make up of nato's push to get each member state to pay 2 percent of of g d p. uh, this is nothing new. it's been trying to do this for, for quite some time. why 2 percent? why don't one and a half percent? why don't 2 and a half percent? 3 percent is 2 percent a realistic figure? well, i think that you understand that if you go back 222004 or 2008, you're talking about european natal members spending around an average of 1.5 percent a year. so at that time, it seemed reasonable to say that we should set some target that's above 1.5 percent . because at the time actually, european defense capabilities were totally collapsing. the i d, n u r p, and state being able to defend its own territory against the russian attack was
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just, i'm thinkable at that point. so 2 percent was it was amazing guidelines to try to reach. and so we went from in 2014, the total number of allies being able to meet that total to now we have, i think it's $23.00. are going to meet that total as of 2024. yeah. in 2014 or 3. now there's $23.00 and you also have to figure in the middle east countries like saudi arabia or guitar is spending around 7 percent on defense. so 2 percent doesn't seem like too much to ask. okay, but it is that going to be enough to fund day? so given the challenges, but they to currently faces to i think so because if you think about how big the european economy is r s o 20, that's for a fall. 32 allies reach to percent. you're talking about a massive increase from even where we are now. where as i said, $23.00 will meet that total. but i think you're out, you're also right. there are countries like poland and the politics and finland and the czech republic where they exceed 2 percent because the threat to them is so
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huge. and so i think more allies reaching that total will provide more capabilities . but you're absolutely right. even if they all met that total tomorrow, i think you'd still have to reassess where we are and probably set a slightly higher target. europe's to biggest economies, germany and france are gonna hit that that, that 2 percent target this year. um, you mentioned that some countries a paying more with germany of funds do you think be willing to, to step up and pay more than the 2 percent with mates on each? it's a big question. i mean, both france and both of the, germany's west and east germany in the cold war. a spent far more than 2 percent closer to 4 or 5 percent. uh, at the peak of the cold war. it's a real question as to whether they're willing to shoulder that burden. you know, in germany it's been a real struggle for them to get to 2 percent. and they've had to do this thing called the turning point during german, but slightly vendor where they actually try to take defense much more seriously than they have over the past decade. can they reach 2 percent?
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says in a sustainable way, that's the big question. and then can they exceed that because they are going to need, as the biggest economies in europe, they are going to need to shoulder more of that burden. and from a con really has a vision for european autonomy, especially in the threat of a trumpet and ministration. they're gonna have to spend more than 2 percent, i think absolutely right. or given the gemini, the book, an upfront as the 2 biggest economies of finding a tough one of us was economies. i mean, in, in tough economic times, i mean, surely these countries have other priorities done today. well i, i think you're right except if it, as a nation, if you're going to try to make a trip waves between being able to defend your country and prosperity. you know, if, if you really see that as a dichotomy me, then you may with neither defense nor prosperity. ultimately russia and china, these countries are really putting tremendous pressure on your up uh, from the defense point of view. and these countries have to defend themselves in order to ensure the future prosperity. so for me, that's not really
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a trade off. you have to be able to defend yourself in order to really be able to stand up in this quote and this and this security environment. and again, the nation to the middle east understand it says very few nations in the middle east that spend under 2 percent. what about a country like canada, who's economy is relatively healthy and yet, and then it is, is lagging behind in defense spending. absolutely, and you know, ultimately it comes down to your foot perception and i think canada, because it's in north america because it has always sort of the, you know, taking a minor role in global power projection. i think it just sees itself as being in the safe as being um, almost, you know, contented with the way things are. but as they come under more pressure, as they see the russians and the chinese showing up in the arctic circle as they feel more pressure and if you sure i think that will change. but really it comes down to the population that the population really believes they're under threat, then defense money becomes much easier to spend, which is why, for instance, poland can spend so much more because there is popular support for defense. whereas
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in canada use, you've pointed to it exactly, because there's security perceptions or do they just haven't come around to that point yet. it's been really good to talk to you on counting the cost manufacturing data being with us. thank you very much. i of the military leaders of news. yeah, molly and became a fan so hoping that the new consideration will help them to tackle the economic and security vulnerabilities. it comes just month sound. so they broke away from the economic community of west african states. echo was the exit has raised concerns about the future of the regional body and its plans for the free movement of goods and people across the region. echo was that it's recent scientific knowledge, the risk of it's this integration. but it says it's still committed to talks with the new grouping. barbara and go, but reports nisha molly and bettina fast say 3
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military governments, 3 of the world's poorest academies. and all 3 have left the economic community of west african states to form the right and alliance, the confederation of the house states to show, according to cotton geo political context. these means the only subject cannot be that's efficient and come to the reason, of course, has been particularly lacking dislike to do so, they plan to set up a joint military force. they say the alliance will allow them to throw off the yoke of colonialism. so content not just also for africa, is a continent that has suffered and continues to suffer due to imperialist. for them, africans belong to them. our land belongs to them and they've never been able to change their ways until them out. and they want to pull their resources to encourage development such an agriculture, sweet security for to energy and mining projects. they also want to create to
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currency as to how to well back says gross initiative as possible. if the divorce as well handled secure to remain stable, an oil exports are effective, but it's not so up to mystic about molly and became a faster at cost says the departure will be a major play to secure to co operation and economic stability to get funding can only can financial level the withdrawal of the team members, the pension a full projects implemented by across the country whose value is estimated in more than 500000000 us dollars. but years of crippling sanctions by across motivate to the tree as departure sanctions were imposed. beginning in 2021 following the military cuz they cut the countries off from that trade in partners and caused hardship among the people described by humanitarian organizations as collective punishment. they were lifted in february this year to try and entice the 3 to stay
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in the class, but it was too late. specs and usually formed confederation of the house states that cos wants to introduce a single currency entirely replacing the west african frank, a remnant of the colonial era. despite sanctions, the 3 countries contributed 8 percent of a cost annual output. so the exit would be a disruption of the country. so leading towards russia on the way from full mclean, your power from barbara. and i'll just sarah for counting the cost. joining us not from a crime gonna is danielle and a tell you a name who was president and chief economist of the policy initiative, economic development in africa. advert economic economic some policy think tank good to have you with this, daniel? so what will be the economic impacts then of molly burkina faso in this new jazz decision to withdrawal from echo was a thank you very much. uh,
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besides, uh, the guys have just a lifetime as well. so molly image is going to do some business locally, really not at all. do tv with yourself all set here. it is the one you're going to busy as possible. now. the so in these yeah, the i didn't need your. busy produce all the units we need to have more time with us means key immediate, yes, speed is the present gonna as soon as shopped, decline supply, all the news and as well as easy the price is all of these through the spouse know that right? so, so my tools and i any saw the model of the ink. uh so what it means is as much as the only because by because all the stuff decreases the dental,
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this is not easily online. what it means is that it probably got a 2 week getting into re, uh, as well as a, to have advice from economics, a more to be able to improve the spelling of all the seasons. so, not to give you the mostly they use the, the full, the cnn that we are approximately used to seeing a lot of products, okay, from taylor to book, you know, fossil, you've got to review, see the results. what it means is that the top rated income generation dot com. okay. so smart uh, yeah. like 300 some of the view by columbia county. yeah. oh the, so the lose the, i tell you how much of a threat does this close then to echo worse is plan is the full body cannot make
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union across across the region. is that now it's not over, but plan gone? i'm and i'm to what extent of eco was only have itself to blame here. so i think there to the intense level of dealing with it could be tough. i was little fall coming in the least expensive. that the lead me lead us all resolved to indeed we have from the phenomena intentional to get this all set for the last. so the group which was to uh, usability fall to kind of these their lives there. when the task isn't believed, you got me to mean well, something which was no to re uh, by the time the withdrawn from the ridiculous release of it was nice to fall. wow. is due for the engage, you promise the friday will be the uh,
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we always will see the way we got to get out of the way. would you please give us a month? we have so many cars. charlie, this is useful stock. can you see the security issues i have in education? yeah. okay. so the need for us to be able to do with this issue is anyone stepping into the, the breach to alpha and he cannot make, publish it to this? i have, i'm thinking here, particularly of russia for the recall or when the, i know the, as these areas, insides rush outside and gives you these countries. what it means is, uh uh, the bro, easy to provide it because it gives the provider we literally went balls and the comic salt is about us was between the 2 through that to the gym. i could cancel coming back to the mall. why i haven't brought up behind the been able to get a rough house. if i choose the 1st one, they're going to call the religious the new releases you on the continent we the
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ways and then the power is becoming very difficult for the last oppressors. and so this is one of the community for them to be able to like mail an is probably stop result, the continued a daniel, do you expect other countries to abandon the c f, a frank as booking of fascination, i'm not a have of done on how will a car and see a common current seat between the 3 of them were given the security situation of the region just now? did you recall and yes, i think you just area uh, most of these categories to rely on god i meant to uh, in desktop desktop. like what do i have to go to as well say for most of these countries and what are they to get? what about the one full garage out that will make them to be taught the columbia county very strong. and who said that the re all the music while excepting this,
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the degrees you in the do that to fall the snow dental. it's been great to talk to you on copy of the cost manufacturing date for being with us. us. boeing has agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy to defraud the us federal aviation administration and pay a fine likely avoiding along public trial. this is in connection with the regulatory approval of its 737 max. that was followed by 2 plane crashes of the coast of indonesia at at e. c o. p, up the us justice department assessment afford conviction, but hold boeing accountable for misstatements. it made to recognize as a lawyer representing some of the victims, relatives pulled a deal, a slap on the wrist. they want a trial of action against the company leaders. so what lies ahead for boeing would explore it a little for the navy ation on a list of just a moment, but 1st, a report from image and campbell green to plead guilty to food. but we used to
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pay the us justice department, $243600000.00 for breaking the terms of best settlement in 2021. the government had agreed at the time not to prosecute. if boeing page $2500000.00 and successfully completed a 3 year probation period, the us government, a judge boat and in 2021, is one kind of conspiracy to defraud. the federal aviation administration overflowed safety system. this for like to boeing, 737 max jets, crushing within months of each other in 20182019 getting 346 people. just as the period of monitoring was coming to an end. adult blue of a boeing 737 max knowing jet mid flight in the 1st week of 2024. this opened up questions on whether the company have made the safety improvements required. we welcome boeing, says it is sorry, and will prioritize safety. holly. so i would like to speak directly to those who
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watch level ones on line or flight 610, e t o p, and airlines flights 3 or 2 of the i would like to apologize on behalf of all of our boeing associates. i want you to know we are totally committed in their mind for focus. one says the 1st law as life is worth the latest plea deal, allies bowing to avoid a criminal trial. the 3 is it has to be seen by government appointed independent. wanted to spend $455000000.00 to improve safety. no individuals in the company face criminal charges. families of the crush victims are unhappy with the agreement that they need. that is these, this is not about compensation, but about humanity about human lives and boeing talks a deal phone does not have
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a concern, but they must take responsibility. consequences must be applied according to the lowest in the us. they have to be criminal detached. boeing is crucial to the us economy and is the nation's largest exports of i value. 37 percent of its revenue comes from us government contracts, including foreign military sales. there's also nasa, with whom it has business in the billions. well, the store line a space project is beset with problems, costing, building $1500000000.00 in los is a guilty plea, potentially limit springs ability to secure government contracts, but agencies have the power to wave restrictions. a federal judge will now decide whether to accept the play do image and kimber, which is 0 for counting the cost. joining us not from the 2nd floor as graham on web hayes on aviation analyst, an advert fellow that runs off from school of international studies. good to have
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you with us again, a grants we heard a lawyer representing the victims, families of school. this deal, a slap on the wrist is, is that how you see it? a while i, my heart goes out to the families all you know, the, the, the, the victims of the surgery, 7 mex crashes. i mean a 246 lives. a lot of any lives is non trivial of life, just intrinsically precious. and my heart goes off with them and i think, yeah, this is a shame up with you. and. ready in my own personal view, i think dealing with families should reject to put pressure to make, to ensure that this deal is not accepted. i'm listening to the clip while you're on the boeing can and has to do better in terms of it. so next safety standards and the lapses they've been seen and shot over over the last few years. because all of us depend on uh, travel and we are uh quoted by doing this uh deluxe. oh boy and boss. and i think
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it's incumbent on the age of sector in general, and for these 2 companies. and we boeing in particular, the do a little better than it has in the past of the enough measures in this field at the very least ensure improvements in quality and safety as well. the piece is always in the putting, as you know, the f, e a and boeing officials, a boeing leaders together recently to what called a plan of action to improve the standards, the safety culture and the other processes that impinge on the quality of what we so commercial across in 11 page with map. anybody remains b c. and i think the intention of that is the right one to take. but we're going to task and to show a stronger oversight on what is the crucial company. but just to the us economy,
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much to people around the world with, as i mentioned earlier on, depend on the likes of boeing's across the boxes across to take us around to our design destinations. and so this road map, i think, is a physical stop. but i think it remains to be seen with those improvements as well . and whether or not blowing shot record gets back onto the right track. as we go along, you say the boeing's crucial for the us economy is, is it too big to fail? i think it is. uh this is a company has been around since 1916 it is. um, in terms of the defense side of the businesses, you know, very well boise. so i'm talking to one of the company and a sweet con piece into 2 parts. it has a commercial airlines or commercial aviation business, you know, a lot of all that or thursday, so it will cost is defense space and security business, which uh, you know,
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cost you spent 44 percent of its business. now this with a bulk of this business does come from us contracts. so essentially boeing sits at the heart of the united states military industrial, complex base, a critical role providing cutting edge technologies in terms of military grade across satellite systems. miss all technology and like and so in that regard, boeing is rather too large to fail. one can expect that the us government will try to get boeing that push or helping hand did you will accelerate government military contracts. ensure that boeing, you know, gets its, uh, a city chunk of its revenue stream. uh to, you know, uh, how going to buffer the psalms that is facing right now. okay, what, what time is the best time to boeing's business in terms of revenue, but also in terms of a reputation on and what does boeing need to do to,
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to repair that reputation, kind of be done? well, anything is possible, i think, i think with the, with, with the, with the, with the, a commitment to really make a tangible change of tangible defense and infection in the practice of the manufacturing processes and the safety culture within board. which clearly is a much to be desired right now that we can turn around and regain some of that most growth, right? know as you speak, a boss is getting beating market share. i mean, this is, this is also be sort of days for us now. it's a range of back off of, you know, increasingly popular among air travelers. we want to just kind of go to information at all, smiles, the vision of all, since you most customers in the commercial, if you, if it isn't as history, people, uh, cheap. so this kind of all praise on the, on the experience line, one of us has read it back up with this issue 20 you the, if you 30,
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if you just use a truck blowing i think is uh, you know, thinking a bit of a shit. yeah. because people are getting more towards that comfortable. yeah. couple some i'm on a trip edition awesome themselves. this is this going to be a safe life? so this is still a little i think it's still probably underneath the surface customers off. okay. always credit storage here comes with the cost crime manufacturing day for being with us. again. my pleasure. and that's all show for this week. if you'd like to comment on anything that you've seen, i'm at a finnegan on x trying to remember to use the hash tag h i c t c o. you could drop us a line. comes with the cost of elder 0 dot net is on the e mail address. as always, this principle for you on lineup elder 0 dot com slash ctc. that takes you straight to our page, and they will find individual reports, links at the top episodes for you to capture. but that's it for this edition accounts for the co sign, adrian. instead of going from the whole team here at the hot, thanks for being with us. the news on al jazeera is
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the latest news, as it breaks solely, belle and shawn is one of the party latest presidency manual. not going to have to negotiate with the only thing right now, politically was a desire stone to fall right, with detailed coverage, well, live up, maybe up beats about its decisive victory for the verge of turnouts. and we'll, the hampton was down from around the world who's taking office, have you ever seen they have for you or twice ties with ideological allies. the strategy has helped turn me into an icon of the global life. and the lines of ethnic groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most contest, since the 2021 with the exclusive access to remote camps and frontline bundles, people in power shops, the progress of an idealist. the young generation of rebels is
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nominator here on now the, the there's really ministry kills and these $27.00 palestinians across gauze, a residential buildings on a most targeted the money in site is out. is there a line from don't will so coming up denouncing washington's role in the war and golf as the republican national convention tends, its focus to phone policy power of digital activism. how i'm seeing government purchased is in kenya and mobilizing the efforts for social media. i'm remembering the victims of malaysia airlines.


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