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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the system even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the these really military kills at least $27.00 palestinians across calls on residential buildings. and the most could talk to the somebody, the miller, this is all to 0, live from dough. and so, coming up denouncing washington's role in the one goes on as a republican national convention times it's focused to foreign policy. remembering the victims of malaysia a lines, it makes 17 memorials held to walk 10 years since the plan will shut down over. you
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claim the fall on the digital activism. how and to government protest as in can now a mobilizing though, if it's the social media the we're, we're getting gaza with as well as once again targeting policy engine homes, places of shelter and medical facilities. the attacks, right? across cause i've killed at least 27 palestinian since don't on wednesday is really just attacked them all scanned the house and on the say, the refugee camp, at least 11 people were killed and civil attacks in the area or in gaza city in the most of the stroke palestinians were targeted as they ran, to seek shelter inside of school. 3 children, well among those killed in all of them, all neighborhoods on tuesday, a strike. what are you in one school? killed 23 displays palestinians sheltering in the facility. honey,
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my hood has moved from darrell vala in central garza, in the past 24 hours, have been quite different goes for palestinians across the gauze. crib. this is really monetary, committed for a trust that is against entire families. whether inside the residential homes or evacuation centers, these are backwards and sensors are managed and operated by ottawa international organization, but they're not protected inside these facilities. people were murdered, were killed, remained inside these uh facilities. the took them as a citizen for the past 9 months and more recently from areas like a rough activity and fun unit, as is really military expanded. it's military maneuvers. we're looking at least $81.00 people have been killed, so far more concentrated in the central areas. this really monitor is stepped up. it's area less talk across the river. you come and the western part of the city, including these trends, part of the central area, the the, and
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a bridge. refugee can $27.00 of those $81.00 killed within the past 24 hours only in the past at 10 hours just causing further civilian casualties. and to your level of destruction, that is a quite a bit of a right now. any area across the gaza strip, anywhere you go there are those rubble sold rose roads as well as the many devastations trails of devastation to public facilities in all means of life. meanwhile, did really military continue, is due to block the land. the crossings then prevent injury of basic necessities and supplies, including, if you will, that is representing a lifeline for hospitals as well as for other necessities and services, including water wells and waste treatment management plans including destination the water system anymore. more outage of the central area, gaza strip. the widespread destruction in the rules of gaza and the split of famine
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is forcing people to make the dangerous journey self interest. but as the news in desperate need of medical treatment among those fleeing garza city journalist, a remote community spoke to some of them as they left, as many as even use have a strong desire to stay in their homes despite the ongoing attacks and starvation in the north of gaza, however, the severe lack of access to basic necessities, lightford, water and the treatment has left many feeling. they have no choice, but the leave of a stand up for the most you would have to be here. i was injured when the school was sheltering in was targeted by these regions. i have rod implants in my leg this shortage of medical treatment in northern gaza. so my lead got infected. it's been 18 days since i was injured. i'm moving south to seek treatment like that allows you to have good. i yeah, we have fed up. we have had enough of the sliced heading stuff. would it be because
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there is no food log? no one, no, no life. you told me we are going to the south to be with the people that you're in is full of suffering is families face dangers like violence and harsh travel conditions as the, as they have trouble walking for distance is gary and heavy packages by these hardships, the help of meeting up with their families and getting into a treatment of for months of a border war keeps them going. evacuating families in yorba physical and emotional pain as the lead behind their homes and communities. this mass movements highlights the immense suffering and the discrete need for solutions to address these challenges. their strength and determination and such tough times underscore the cvt or their p like an urgent need for for lif. so there's growing anger at his where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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off the allegedly said the captives housing cause suffering, but not dying demonstrates as of gathered in tennessee following those comments. they're demanding these where the government finalize a ceasefire deal, which would see the release of the captives. the scenario fortunately, made the comments on tuesday during a cabinet meeting. excuse me. the un security council is holding its quote to the open debate on the situation in the middle east, including israel's will. on garza, the wind chief of staff or coordinator rad traces extreme hunger and infectious diseases on the rise across the strip. nowhere in garza is safe. meanwhile, the integrated fluid security phase classification partnership reports that almost half a 1000000 people face catastrophic levels of food in security. communicable diseases
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are on the rise show cause under fuel supply, have severely reduced access to water sanitation, hygiene, and health services. the donald trump choice for vice president domini said to introduce himself at the republican national convention. outside the venue, people have been protesting to show this on a diety with the palestinians shop with times a report from milwaukee, a goes, it has been central to the protests, outside the republican national actors see the us back was a result of a corrupt political system. d p linked to other issues like economic inequality and civil rights and israel genocide against the palestinian people. because this is the primary issue in the world today our generations vietnam war,
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one of them over their heads, the us posted in community network. it goes involved and helping organize the mileage on the r and c a year ago because of fears of a 2nd, trump presidency. it was important because we knew that the trump was going to be the nominee. that you know, we had seen for pretty brutal years from him when he was president. but after 9 months of jo biden's unconditional support for israel, this mobilization of thousands outside the r n. c is no longer his groups. big, the political protest of the campaign season. that will be a be democratic national convention next month against them. and they go genocide, jo. now the mass mobilization is going to be chicago in august. now it's going to be tens of thousands that are there with the r n. c. on the way the democrats are trying to make the case the, they remain the lesser of 2 evils for the power of citizens. drew bite and expanded
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on that v and an interview released this week. i'm the guy who's done more from the housing community, but we watched the interview with some published in americans in milwaukee and asked for that reaction with such a great friend who needs enemies. right? like, or is that how do you say it? i am obviously it has to be like that. you know, if he has been so grateful that opinions, why are you know, 40 close to 40 minutes, 40000, but it's 2 years now. most of you to hear this type of for a lack of nuances, the nicest way i can say it bordering on dilution. it, it breaks my heart and infuriates me at the same time for those who want to stop us as rows are sold on gaza. this election isn't a choice between a great uh, lesser of 2 evils, but simply between the evils and having made goes with the focus of demonstrations here with the r n c protections problem to regroup at the democratic national convention in chicago and next month to try and stop for kim,
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if she ever times the elder 0 you as president joe biden said to speak in the background state of nevada, at the annual conference for need us us a hispanic civil society group. and biden's expected to discuss an immigration policy announced last month. it would protect hundreds of thousands of on documented spouses of us citizens from debilitation. and, you know, we spoke to parents was saying a professor at howard university. it says there's been frustration with biden's immigration policy amongst the latino community, african americans and full of you know, voters. it's hard to acknowledge anything that they really got out the 1st top administration problem with horrible on integration. of course very much i'll bring me the wife nationalists terms. i think there's been some frustrating with the, with present inviting and it has been so cold for him to fail when he's
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fun. but i think one see the district really to basically a side by side and look at what time did while he was president, what? by new times. well, he's president, then it becomes pretty obvious that a trump has not acted in the interim is a little community or other communities that i have been marginalized by the republican party. the sermon a small 10 years since malaysia airlines flight inmate 17 was shut down over east and ukraine. nearly 300 people were killed. a moment of silence was held for victims at a memorial near amsterdam. the plane was on its way from the dutch capital to one of them for a 2018 investigation concluded a russian messiah hit the aircraft steadfast and was at the moral service a quite an emotional ceremony. here, a d,
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a made 17 memorial park near escape. whole airports, we have more than 1300 relative travels from all over the world. you can see, 17 slacks here behind me from nationalities were on board of that slide. on the july 17 2014. we've heard the names of them. all of them mentioned to one by one by the relatives, also the ages. there were a few people, a 2 children on board. and also we heard some, some stuff statements also from the prime minister of the novel. and so dig scroll forsyth, we are united in grief, but we also failed united in the fights for justice also to prosecute office freely a mont dreyfus said that they are determined to fight for accountability. a dutch court has sentence to life 3 people to russians and one ukrainian, 2 years ago, for the involvement of bringing a book,
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a missile system from russia to eastern ukraine. and the court established that this missile system has shut down the passenger plane, killing all 298 people on board. but those who are responsible for ordering at the sides system being brought to you ukraine, according to the doctor investigators, it's very likely that that was coming directly from moscow from the kremlin. but they said there was no conclusive evidence. so nobody is in prison. now 10 years later, and what we're hearing today is not only the words of grief and sorrow, but also still waiting for answers. and these answers are very important for people, they say to be able to move on step fast, and l just sierra and safe house and the answer that rights groups. and can you say more than 50 people have been killed in the recent anti government protest? demonstrators and so still continue and then using social media to connect. catherine, so a reports from nairobi. it owns the company at 6 studies. we are done with your
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copying to is one of the most popular 2 characters in kenya. kind of a shop. he has a huge social media presence. he's saucy, we are both see and lout is creative says he talks about issues that resonate with many canyons at the cost of leaving corruption and bad governance. he does this with a touch of humor, know, coming to his main goal is to, to bring, you know, to make your life is to being a human, being a bit of joy. this person, you know, in the times we're going through the mental ill know people are blessed with to know with everything that's great when people are hungry and can use a using social media to push for change. the discuss serious topics to music. comedy
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skips and don's president william who to has used it to some of the demands. but they say this is not enough. the frustration online and on the street. he's evidence y'all. william omar says he has been unable to access government funding to pursue he's university education. he's an often education piece. what as to because he did fuck before anything else. so personally, i think i'm look happy to the president of the president. so that's very of a depends which, i mean the president doesn't hold up, so you'd probably many wanted the president to address them on social media. you know, democracy there too. did. he's one of a few details on the continent to do so. so you have a plan to get out to dispute tomorrow, but i'm tony bulky, who hosts a show online sales. they still don't trust him because of many broken promises. we
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had a maybe kid class of jobless youth is a very dangerous list. we need jobs, and that is what the government has to respond to otherwise, before, keep on coming out, calls for the present to step down are getting increasing these out. many of these young people are not afraid. they say this is their right to protest. and that very angry as well about of how the country is being one who they say they're going to be here until the president. the end of government does best on accountability and just put those who have died in the protest. catherine, so all the 0 nairobi still ahead and i'll just say around we hear from west african migraines, who's made this with the dangerous joy needs to escape poverty. the
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hello 1st. let's start with the bad news. i suppose. good to see you by the way. so we've got the system unwinding across the northwest that spreading rain into scandinavia, it's leaving the baltic states pushing into western russia and bel roosevelt. let's get to the good stuff that he wave in central and eastern europe. we've got some big storms rolling across ukraine. that rain will catch up to romania by the time we head towards thursday. watch what happens on friday. a certainly a much pressure feel bucharest for the 1st time in a few days. you're out of the 40 spot. let's go back to the here and now it's dialing up the temperature in spain. i mean seville, 40 degrees court above in the forty's, madrid, closing on. forty's and same goes for the other side of the mediterranean for this northwest slice of africa. look at merit catch $43.00, of course, that continuing heat wave in central algeria also. how do you know for greece and
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turkey a look at that 36 and is stumble and still rain locked into turkey is black sea coast where there has been some flooding likely to see funding as a result of this rain and getting the south denny and see, are the big pulses here, and we'll land in south africa where we've got another rain and wind combo pulling into the western cape providence. 14 degrees in cape town on thursday. that's a catcher later. the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching all to 0 or aligned to about top stories. this hour is ready, dread, subtract them off, scanned a house in gauze, own to save a refuge account the attacks, right across the strip of kills at least $27.00 palestinians. since the one on wednesday have a ceremony small 10 years since melisha airlines flights inmate 17 was shot down
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over east and ukraine. nearly 300 people were killed. 2018 investigation concluded a russian list. so if the april of 2200000 displaced in these people have flooded into the east and the city of cordero, they are trying to escape fighting between the army and paramilitary rapid support forces. mama involved visited the displacement camps in the area. abraham. our is the least likely person to the cost of 3 on the move. he's poor with a large family, including city disabled children. i want a wheel chair, a bed and a cushion because sand and stones are hurting my back. that they have to go from place to place, starting from top to flee, a conflict off to one yet in sanaa state, the fighting caught up with them and force them to move to good life. some of the rapids support forces tend to hurt people when they a text and yet everyone was leaving, they could take people's prophecy and at times kill them. well,
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they might take the goals, i have these children with disabilities and had to do something. this woman also edited until come to has to see me. that fee is $1.00 of the we were in hard to him and went to center. then one problem started. i have to flee again in order to protect my daughters with 3 girls. i'm in a special situation. they need to be in a place that's safe for them. but if c a is paying for a loss, must be even more agonizing. the bid, i mean, well go to the hospital. what was in my uncle's high since in jo, when the attack began, i'll have 2 children, one less than 2 years old, the other 3 and a half up to now i can't find them, my husband mohamed, how my game with all his family and my own kind of de la all so i've no idea where that going. the stories like this one and the even worse a bone do this temporarily come for the displaced. it's one of the separate them in
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the city of good body with people the us to use schools and other public facilities . despite the relief aid being provided by different organizations, these people are traumatized and been living off conditions. they are more than 200 a cells and i do these and get out if we are actually need for the fittest to be in a shelter to take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the food. food is essential and we the health, house equipments, house medicines. this is very session for us to be here. on monday, at 6 new families allies in this school, which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. many have to sleep in the open until a more suitable place is found. they all full of anger and exasperation, and all they was for ease and immediate end to the war. and to be able to return home, how much the fund. i'm just, you know, the city of go about it so that the number of people making the treacherous boat
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from, from the gambia to the canary islands has been breaking away quotes. it's due to the tightening of border controls on the mediterranean routes to europe. i'm going to address has moved from cartoon in the gambia. it's been 8 months, says a traumatized boy. does the say last. so my nephew, he left on a migrant boat to speed through i root locus called the back way. it never reached its destination. this is new to into log me because i'm still fighting to isn't i have to reduce the efficient community of cock told me to be a, is less deaf, a state assess. and that bought you up that quote, print to 7 of the 200 passengers on board, while young men and women from the village. a few months later, another vessel left the coastal community. but what could it by g, was one of the migrants. he used his life savings for the trip money he said could
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have helped set up a small business in the gum. yeah. that money is lost and he is likely to be alive . the key i was gonna pay for a lot of people that kill it, says the smugglers turned back the boat. when so my grandson both threatened to report the murders for the spanish police when they reached sho. what's the general or attempted to migrate once? but for you is willing to try again. i expect to get better lives and maybe i can offer everything. what's my kid's needs? because since i could diverse, the mine was not less consequently for what you're supposed to do. that's across the case. i see i didn't pressure on west africa's, like crypt and under funded met attempts to kill changes the company and navy says it's deploying the fuel resources that has a lot of challenges continued to grow. we got information recently that some of these missing customers to,
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for some of these microns that waiting for the board of boards. that thing them, that big of board. and then say loud, irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 2024. and it looks up to get worse by the end of the year. as harsh living conditions pushed more young men and women to make the dangerous journey across the atlantic capitalizing on the dispersion, us walk looks like most by what shows us the next pick of point of the journey to europe. taking 200 migrants on wooden boats. this rather, it isn't for the buck waiting. what only one person pays in a day is more than what fishing gibson a month. partnerships with the european union had helped to stem the tide for a while. with a matter of time, ages is struggling with logistics and the rising poverty that concerns even more people will attempt to reach you by see how many degrees i just gotta control the gotta be a heavy rain. denise and i've gone, it's gone,
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have killed at least 40 people, and injured nearly $350.00 of is ton of unofficial say. hundreds of homes have been destroyed east and then the heart was the last. my hale and heavy rain on monday evening. well, i'm gonna jump to the reports in eastern afghanistan after the rain storms, and amid the devastation residents and then go our province tried to salvage what they can oh, recalling the neighbors and loved ones who did not survive, praying for them as well. so have you quoted, could i do show by all of them to shut down one room? the rain and storm garden pens, the 100 noise and the little girl came and said, the roof collapsed. i ran and screamed and asked for him. nobody was here with flooding here, having killed dozens. maybe maria has no idea what her family will do next, the sub. but i love that. i was thinking, i don't have any house, and i have an old father in law. what would he do for me?
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and i have small children and a disabled mother in law. what should i do? local officials say hundreds of houses have been destroyed as a result of the latest round of flooding. and the power has been taught in many areas. the scale of the devastation also cleared to see in the rooms and corps doors at this hospital. in the hall regional hospital, we've received $29.00 bodies and around $230.00 wounded people from sucrose of district floods. and this is a preliminary number. exceptionally heavy rains in afghanistan have since may alone, killed over $400.00 people, being among the poorest countries in the world means afghanistan is also particularly exposed to the effects of climate change, which after decades of war has left these residents of mango har province. even more vulnerable than they already were. how much enjoy associated in 9 days, the sporting world will gather in pharaoh's will this he has an empty games, but their concerns was that the same river won't be clean enough for at least to
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compete in the mail. and he'll go swimming the water way to prove it's clean. latasha butler reports from virus. they can you splash unfulfilling a promise. paris may need to go taking the plunge and the rivers send to prove its clean and ready for the olympic games. i was to be here and meet somebody, it was injury and me know it's really not. and the reason i thought it was it originally people in the area alongside the man was ahead of the powers games organizing committee. 3 time olympic gold medal. when a newest tony stone gay, what a great symbol to make sure that 10 days before the games it's a, it's ready to die, please. it can be sure to be from the say, new state to be the style of the powers games. the opening ceremony will be held on
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the river and athletes will swim in each during offense, including the track alone and swimming virus and shoot on seasonal rain, push out pollution levels. organizers say swimming events can be delayed a few days. cleaning up the senate has taken more than a decade and cost $1500000000.00 every now new water treatment facilities and the whole sewage system has had to be improved. this environmental campaign a says the benefits of a clean since the wellbeing bill impacts for health and yes for the system to. so it's interesting to, to, to, to do all those west and to be able to find them to swim. because no way with the climate change, the city is going longer and longer. the french president is also, i promise to swim in the same box with the manual might cross much to the political crisis of this month's paul elementary election. it seems i'm likely he'll be
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taking a deep any time soon. natasha butler ultra 0 paris. do you guys can charles as for many open parliament and a traditional ceremony? he laid out the new labor government's priorities for the they include a strengthening buttons, borders, other commitment to a 2 state solution for palestine, and as well to many palestinians displaced by israel's wound. garza, i've seen the lives change dramatically over 0, followed one, displace palestinian, who lost his entire livelihood due to israel's will and gaza. this is his story on us of a 100 and called knows that i'm going to somebody to give any of them a gun. the gun and you must not sure that'd be good. even with the making it to the most popular bundle it would have gotten it shows can get better. how to push about save the out of time. care for the how much shorter and it kind of going to suggest if we're still in the i still have to be, i don't know what kind of control as we go heavy. so it's not


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