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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence, award, denominator hero. now, the these really ministry kills at least $27.00 palestinians across cause a residential buildings. and the most good talking to the, for me, the, this is all to 0 life from don't also coming up denouncing washington's role in the one goes on as a republican national convention turns its focus to foreign policy. remembering the
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victims of malaysia and lines image 17 memorials held tomorrow, continues to sustain or shut down rain and as thousands of microphones continue to rest their lives. crossing the mediterranean, so much in libya is to tackle the prices the . we're beginning garza where israel is once again targeting palestinian owns places of shelter and medical facilities. the attacks that right across cause i have killed at least 27 palestinian since don't on wednesday. is where digits attacked the mosque and the house and the elders say that refuge account. at least 11 people were killed and civil attacks and the area it's in gaza. city in the north of the scripts, tell us the news with all get to it as they ran to seek shelter inside a school. the children were among those killed and over them all neighborhoods. on tuesday, a strike on a you wouldn't run school kills 22 displays,
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palestinians sheltering in the facility. honey mode has moved from federal law in central garza. in the past 24 hours have been quite different. goes for palestinians across the gulf strip. the is rated monetary, committed for atrocities against entire families, whether inside the residential homes or evacuation centers. these are backwards and sensors are manage and operated by on or what international organization, but they're not protected inside these facilities. people were murdered, were killed, were maimed inside. these uh, facilities, these took them as the filters and for the past 9 months and more recently from areas like a rough activity and fun unit as is really military expanded. it's military maneuvers. we're looking at least $81.00 people have been killed, so far more concentrated in the central area as this really monitor is stepped up in the area less talks across the river. you come in the western part of the city, including these trends,
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part of the central area of the integration refugee can $27.00 of those $81.00 killed within the past 24 hours early in the past at 10 hours just causing further civilian casualties. and to your level of destruction, that is a quite a bit of a right now, any area across the garza's tribunal where you go, there are those rubble told rhodes rhodes, as well as the many devastations trails of devastation to public facilities and old means of life. we lived is really military, it continues to block the land across things, then it prevent gain 3 of basic necessities and supplies, including if you will, that is representing a lifeline for hospitals as well as for other necessities and services, including water wells and waste treatment management. plans including definitely nation the water system anymore. more. how does your vida,
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central area garza's trip? i know we spoke with dr. java up in the name. he's the goals and medical team leader for doctors without borders. he told us about the mass numbers of casualties, the emergency rooms been dealing with. this is really a tax assessor to we would just putting in blood at the end of it. the 1st case i saw was a 3 year old go with her side. i peeled off how about the 2nd case i saw was a woman covered in dust, as she looked at me, she was breathing it and i did. she's globally okay. but i took down the dressing on her belly and had a piece of abdomen. a piece of the bottle was out, and then suddenly a rush of healthcare workers, fully dressed, 1st aid responded as in the uniform o injured. it was so shocking to see healthcare workers interested in this way. and then i looked across at my nurse and they were helping manage the ad way of the boy
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that looked about 13 or 14. and she looked at me and. and in a mass casualty, if you have to manage the highway, you have to call that person that it was a boy. none of us had the heart to call him dad. and then the next one came in and the next one came in and they wouldn't know beds and you'll need anything on the floor and you can, serial knee is wet with blood. and you have to quickly decide who's more watching and who's not just mine looks like he has a brain injury. he has to be left for dead. this woman has had me almost blown off . take a straight to operate and catches very quickly at all 8 or pricing fits as a nasir medical complex were full. all the surgeons that were available, what operating i still have 2 critical cases and they were supposed to patient them still surrounded by hundreds of patients in the yellow and green. so we have to try
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and send these patients somewhere. one, we kept with us waiting to go to the or t, the other we sent to one of the local fields. hospitals, even though he was on state, but it shouldn't be moved. i know that both those patients died. this isn't in the context of looking up, can i just say looking up in middle of managing all these patients and i saw my any success colleagues and i was, i said, what, why are you in here? what's happened? and he said, i've just found out my house got destroyed and my families didn't hear somewhere. there's going on goods really prime minister benjamin netanyahu off to you allegedly said that the captives housing cause a suffering but not dying. demonstrates as have gathered in tennessee following those comments. they're demanding these really government to finalize a ceasefire deal, which would see the release of the captain. let's and y'all were reported the made the comments on tuesday during a cabinet meeting of the
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donald trump's choice for vice president. domini is said to introduce himself at the republican national convention on say 3 of the meeting. the focus is also expected to turn to foreign policy, including the biden's handling of the goals of war. outside the venue, people have been protesting to show their sellers already with palestinians. she have retents, a report from milwaukee with the convention is being held because it has been central to the process. so cyber republican national actors see the us back was a result of a corrupt political system. deep feeling to other issues like economic and equality and civil rights and israel's genocide, against the pals and in people. because this is the primary issue in the world today. our generations vietnam war, one of them over their heads, the us have listed in community network. it goes involved and helping organize the mileage on the r and c a year ago because of fears of a 2nd,
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trump presidency. it was important because we knew that the trump was going to be the nominee. that, you know, we had seen for a pretty brutal years from him when he was president. but often 9 months of jo biden's unconditional support for israel. this mobilization of thousands outside the r n. c is no longer his groups, big the political protest of the campaign season. that will be the democratic national convention next month against the mandate goals, genocide, jo, now the mass mobilization is going to be chicago in august. now it's going to be tens of thousands that are there with the r n. c. on the way the democrats are trying to make the case the, they remain the lesser of 2 evils. for the power citizens drew bite and expanded on that beam and an interview released this week. and the guys done more from the housing community. but we watched the interview with some published in americans in milwaukee and asked for that reaction with such a great friend who needs enemies,
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right? like or is that how do you say it? i am obviously it has to be like that. you know, if he has been so great for the bas dns, why are you know, 40 close to 40 minutes? 40000. but the thing is now most of you to hear this type of a lack of nuances. the nicest way i can say it bordering on delusion it, it breaks my heart and infuriates me at the same time. for those who want to stop us as rows are sold on gaza, this election isn't a choice between a great to lesser of 2 evils. but simply between the evils and having made goals are the focus of demonstrations here at the r m. c. protests is prompt to regroup at the democratic national convention in chicago next month to try and stop for carolina. she everytime see elder 0 look. a sermon is being held to commemorate 10 years since malaysia airlines flight it was 17,
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was shut down over east and ukraine continually 300 people. a moment of silence was held for victims of the crash at the memorial. yeah, i'm to them. the pain was on its way from the doctor capital to one of them pull when it was fired on a dutch load investigation in 2018, concluded that the russian mas, i'll hit the aircraft device and was at the memorial service. quite an emotional ceremony here. a d, a made 17 memorial park near skip hole airports. we have more than 1300 relative travels from all over the world. you can see 17 slacks here behind me from nationalities were on board of that slide. on the july 17 2014. we've heard the names of them. all of them mentioned to one by one by the relatives. also the ages that were a 2 people, a 2 children on board, and also we heard some, some stuff statements,
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also from the prime minister of the novel. and so big scroll force that we are united in grief, but we also failed united in the fights for justice also to prosecute office freely a mont dreyfus said that they are determined to fight for accountability. a dutch court has sentence to life 3 people to russians and one ukrainian, 2 years ago, for the enforcement of bringing a book, a missile system from russia to eastern ukraine. and the court established that this missile system has shut down the passenger plane, killing all 298 people on board. but those who are responsible for ordering the size system being brought to you ukraine, according to the doctor investigators, it's very likely that that was coming directly from moscow from the kremlin. but they said there was no conclusive evidence. so nobody is in prison. now 10 years later, and what we're hearing today is not only the words of grief and sorrow,
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but also still waiting for answers. and these answers are very important for people they say to be able to move on, step, fasten, elses here, and safe house. and the answer that for up to 200000 display sit in these people are flooded into the eastern city of conductive to escape. fighting between the army and paramilitary rapid support forces, most fled from the neighboring states of senna, lombard, vol, visited the displacement of camps in the area. you brought him our is the least likely person to the cost of 3 on the move. he's poor with a large family, including city disabled children. i want a wheel chair, a bed and a cushion because sand and stones are hurting my back. they have to go from place to place, starting from cup to flee, a conflict off to one yet, and send off state the fighting, caught up with them and force them to move to
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a device. some of the rapid support forces tend to hurt people. when they a tech subject, everyone was leaving. they could take people's prophecy, the times kills them. well, they might take the goals, i have these children with disabilities and had to do something. this woman also edited until come to see me. that fee is worth of the we were in hard to him and went to center. then one problem started. i had to flee again in order to protect my daughters with 3 girls. i'm in a special situation. they need to be in a place that's safe for them. but if see it is paying for a loss, must be even more agonizing to be the army will go to the hospital. what was in my uncle's house in single when the attack began, i'll have 2 children, one less than 2 years old. the other 3 and a off, up to now i can't find them. my husband mohammed have a game with all his family and my own kind of della also,
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i've no idea where they're going. the stories like this one and even worse, a bone during this temporary comp for the displaced. it's one of the set of them in the city of the body, with people to us, the schools and other public facilities. despite the relief a being provided by default organizations, these people are traumatized and been living off conditions. they are more than 200 a cells and i do these get out if we are actually needs for the fittest to be in a shelter to take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the foot, which is essential. and we the health house equipments, house medicines, this is very session for us to be here. on monday, you 6 new families, our lives in this school, which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. many have to sleep in the open until a most suitable place is found. they all full of anger and exasperation,
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and all they was for ease and immediate end to the war. and to be able to return home, how much the fund. i'm just, you know, the safety of the body to the representatives from 20 countries have been meeting in libya to address the dangerous crossings of the mediterranean, made by migrants. many european union nations are attending, alongside african nations. monday trainer has moved from the meeting in libya as capital tripoli, or these officials aren't triply to discuss a pressing issue. african and european union leaders want to enhance cooperation to combat people smuggling and irregular migration. post libya has been at the forefront of the migration crisis. we said, let's ship them to, instead of you spending money fighting, immigration in searching for them, why don't we build strategic projects and you provide the funds as partners to stop the influx. libya has long been
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a transit help for migrants trying to reach you are being shores. but compared to last year, there's been a 60 percent decrease of arrivals in europe from libya this year. so migrant say that's because it's becoming increasingly dangerous for them to be in libya, many are choosing to go back home. i'm looking, i mean, maybe yeah, yeah, right now they have a very, very dangerous to how people go to see what's of course to see. so they'll have to stop pause. so i know everybody is going back right now to dial country. so far this year, more than $17400.00 migrants risk the dangerous journey across the mediterranean, and the rise in italy from libya. but nearly 900 died or went missing, etc. but you ins migration agency says there are more than 725000 migrants in libya, but libyan official save the number is much higher. according to the un, the vast majority, 85 percent cited economic reasons for leaving their countries by their or should it
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be i came to libya by con my situation to need. yeah. was very poor. i had no work . i have no problem with the libyans. i came here to make money and provide for my children, and then i will go back home. many are also seen war like a neighboring sudan fighting there has displaced more than 11000000 people. local officials estimate 1000 and sudanese refugees are now entering libya every day. the libya says it's not the source, but a transit country for migrant officials here in says they simply don't have the resources or capability to meet the humanitarian needs of the growing number of migrants and the rest of jeez libya, once a coordinated international effort to help tackle migration, they helped meetings like this for him. kind of cheese that out right now, i'll just 0 tripoli. still i had a note to 0. the power of digital activism. how anti government protest is in kenya?
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immobilizing their efforts as it cools the social change, the a 150 is that the gyptian history seen through an extraordinary photographic archive. this remarkable treasure trove shows how well photographers captured key military historical moments from the earliest british occupation to the arab israeli, who was the 20th century and the contrast and emotions in 6th street and defeats egypt through the lens. conflicts on alger 0, the showcase of best documentary films from across the network on al jazeera the,
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the . ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching all of a 0 reminder about top stories. this hour is where the jets attacked
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a mosque and the house and calls us on the state of refuge account the attacks right across the strip of killed at least 27 palestinian since don't on wednesday you in chief post office told the security council the extreme anger and infectious diseases on the rise in the gaza strip. oh, courtney recreate? says morgan. awesome. william philistines on the verge of starvation ceremonies withheld and them to them to on of those killed when malaysia airlines flights inmate 17 was downs over east and ukraine. nearly 300 people died in the crash 10 years ago. the flight was on its way from amsterdam to corner implore adduction it investigation, concluded the russia shut down the croft the to you as president joe biden is campaigning in the battleground state of nevada, where you will be going to court latino voters. he said to speak at the annual
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conference of hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization. immigration is expected to be one of the main topics. well, let's now go to rob rentals. he's in las vegas robin. what are we expecting a president biden to say as he addresses that organization of the well, i think so maybe you did expect press inviting to highlight the policies of his administration that have benefited latino american voters, latinos are, and then very important part of the diverse political coalition, the president bite, used to win re election 1st time in 2020 and they're just as vital now in 2024. take the nevada where we are right now is he said it's a crucial swing state bite. one is by here's rep, 35000 votes back in 2020 and let you know, voters were
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a big part of that. but now the situation has changed quite a bit. the polls are showing that latino voters have have the weekend in their support providing a new full that came out in june and july. this month, the just after the debate in which president biden for badly, by all accounts, putting his own shows that just 36 percent of latino adults have a very high or a somewhat high view of president fight. so i think you can expect to see a trump or excuse me, fight and try to one desk and argue that he's done a lot for latinos in terms of jobs, through of housing, in terms of immigration policy. just he's the company that would allow the immigrant spouse is of us citizens a to get legal residency and so on. but he needs this,
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this building block very badly. well, rob, and this also comes on a day when he gets another voice. once a president biden, to end his reelection campaign, this time adam shift and so fall the highest profile democrats. so that was very difficult to provide and to try and deal with at this point. as we lose right. it seems we've lost a rob rentals for the moment. we'll try to get him back at a later stage as we expect president joe biden, to address a latino, a civil society organization in the united states. now right groups and cannot say organ, 50 people have been killed in the recent antique government process. many demonstrate to say they're not afraid and will continue with demonstrations until the demands of mets. they're connecting to social media platforms to debate, crowd source,
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and mobilized approaches. catherine, so a reports from nairobi and the company that took studies we are done with you copying to is one of the most popular 2 characters in can you kind of make shop? here's a huge social media presence. the saucy, we are both see and lout is created, says he talks about issues that resonate with many canyons at the cost of leaving corruption and bad governance. he does this with a touch of humor, know, coming to his main goal is to, to bring, you know, to make your life is to being a human, being a bit of joy. this person in the, in the times we're going through the mental ill. now people are blessed with to know with everything that's great when people angry can use
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a using social media to push for change. the discuss serious topics to music. comedy skips and guns president william who to has used it to some of the demands. but they say this is not enough. the frustration on line and on the street. he's evidence william. oh my says he has been unable to access government funding to pursue he's university education. he's an offering education piece. what has to be close to that 5 before anything else? so personally, i think i'm not happy to the president of the president. so that's very, very painful to me. the president doesn't hold up. so dude, probably many wanted the president to address them on social media. you know, democracy there to date. he's one of a few details on the continent to do so. so you have a plan to get out to this be tomorrow, but i'm tony bulky, who hosts a show online saves. they still don't trust him because of many broken promises. we
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had an indicated class of jo. bless you. it's a very dangerous place to be. we need jobs, and that is what the government has to respond to otherwise, before, keep on coming out, calls for the present to step down are getting increasing these out. many of these young people are not afraid. they say this is their right to protest. and that very angry as well about of how the country is being one who they say they're going to be here until the president. the end of government does better accountability. and just to put those who have died in the protests, catherine, sorry, are the 0. nairobi to china and the philippines have agreed to set up an emergency hotline to prevent the future. escalations in the south, china sea is the 1st time the 2 countries are setting up a direct line at the presidential level to handle such disputes. metal as
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a choose china's coast guard and the hostile maneuvers in the contested waters. beijing says from the pin ships having the pulse encroached on chinese territory. so you guys, king charles has formerly opened parliament in a traditional ceremony. he laid out the new labor government's priorities with you . thanks and strengthening purchase orders and a commitment to a 2 state solution for palestine and israel. the labor block. you want a mass of majority in general. elections by government will govern and service to the country. my governments legislative program will be mission lead and based upon the principles of security, fed as an opportunity for all stability will be the cornerstone of my government's economic policy. every decision will be consistent with its fiscal rules.
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it will legislate to ensure that those significant tax and spending changes are subject to an independent assessment by the office for budget responsibility. oh, that's it for me, for me, tomorrow you can find more information on our website also dot com with us next to then inside story looks. that's what we can expect from the u. k. is new labor governments, the the i love the monsoon rains are picking up freight across asia really so we see them pep up through the adamant seats and the gulf of thailand. that's injecting a lot of moisture into indo china as a big pulse is a brain here. another place has been funding southern philippines minute now. island. but really up and down the western side of the philippines. you're getting driving rain in the forecast on thursday. sure. summer rains and china are there,
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but watch throughout the day on thursday they start to break apart. so we're getting into more sunny spells and that's boosting the temperature of supercharger . and if you'd like shanghai at $38.00 degrees. but here's where all that. what weather is go in the korean peninsula, particularly for sol, looking at half a month's worth of rain that much rain, that fast will trigger some funny. nobody is getting hotter by the day in tokyo, you're going to tap into a humid southerly wind. so feeling about 40 degrees on sunday, it don't easiest mostly in the clear, especially for javin too much or island spit of rain rolling across borneo for the indian use inside the lake side and for per night as volunteers that weather maker and western australia pretty much stretching from purse to the pill brush by friday, this is going to be in the bytes on its way to that southeast corner of history of once again, and will end in new zealand. okay. we've got a bit of rain rolling around, but otherwise not a bad that see later,
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the once a journey through every story. every step is a narrative. a separation of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to cities and external re designed redesigns, luxury leasing, crossing l. a. future. today we create the the new u. k. government such so it's funds with big focus on this ailing economy on foreign policy and once better, e u relations while back in farming ukraine will continue. so what can be expected from here, saunders government, on what change on issues like the war on gossip?
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this is inside the


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