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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 18, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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the goal of latin america for most of my career, what no country is a like, and it's my job to shed light on how and why the donald trump arrives, that the republican national convention narrative is running. mate j. d. francis headline speech. the hello i'm dire in jordan, this is i'll just be around life from dell also coming up. yes, president joe biden test positive because of 19 and it's supposed to cancel. a campaign event in las vegas is really on a continues to target residential buildings across because at least $27.00, bonanza, killed and attacks across the street and put in your trust in people smugglers. we
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hear from west africa, microsoft has made the dangerous journey to escape poverty. the what is the day 3 of the republican national convention with j, the vance, the republican vice president nominees expected to address the conference for the 1st time. donald trump has arrived there and his son donald trump junior, will also be speaking soon. today's focus is turned towards foreign policy issues, including vitamins handling up as well as well on gaza. and i'll just say it was out in fisher joins us now from the convention in milwaukee island. so took us through what's been happening earlier at the convention of what we can expect later on as well. and certainly one of the most royal and emotional moments was the families of some of those who died at the gates in afghanistan during the us disastrous withdrawal from there. and they did a video report as a video film of them. and then there they came on stage and they talked about how
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do they felt assigned in big like field ignored by fuel bite. and they got a great deal of respect and a great deal of affection from the people in the hall. it was a fed a roll moment because we all know that the withdrawal from afghanistan was not to bite and great as moment. plus, during the debate 3 weeks ago, he talked about how new service members had died on his watch, which was clearly on for the most have been talking about the border and insisting that there is a crisis there. there was no mention of course of the what that was done by 5 foxes exist in the senate to try. and i'm just looking to see, i mean, i hate to mention some world war 2. the one that was done by the byproduct of, you get to try and reach some sort of agreement for new board legislation. but, but that was essentially be towards by donald trump because he wanted to as an issue to run on in november. and he also wants to make sure it could be highlighted
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. we're see that the convention, and so that was a success. but if you want to fight check people there, they said that there are millions of, of immigrants sweeping across the board. and in fact, the number of people across the last month is, is we done. if i lower than any points is before donald trump was, was president. and they also said that the immigrants are killing and reaping americans. there's no evidence to suggest that that is actually happening in the fight crime rates in the united states. i've done significantly, but of course everyone here and is a part call tonight are we see here from gp yvonne snow. donald trump is also waiting to hear from davy barnes. he's over there and his votes right at the front here what his vice president has got to see. you'll be interested to see how you're going to address is the issue that he was a big critic of donald trump has no very much become one of his staunchest
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supporters in the senate. but we're also going to essentially see did events introduce himself to the american public? there's some people known as the best selling. also people in ohio, well known as one of their senators. but in the why the political world know many people know who this guy is, will tell his story. unexplained. he moved from being one of the problems biggest critics to one of his biggest supporters and demand, you know, cause a boss because he's on the ticket for the election in november island. so yes o lives. then on j, the vance phase headlines, speech lights on how much importance is placed on the b p pick. and how much value does the band springs from public and the ticket that, you know, it's probably over hyped. how much the b p adds to the ticket. everyone says, well, you pick someone from a swing state, ohio, 10 to, to cool republican. so that's not going to help them massively. it is inside thing
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that he is a younger generation. when so many people are talking about the ages of the 2 candidates from from 70 to bite and 81 and with proven it to give you a bunch of the next generation. he's 39, a for marine, ideal high school, graduate gill law school graduate, as well as well as the best selling author of the hill billy ality. he's got a story of how he grew up in poverty was raised by his grandparents and then moved on to you. and so he, he is seen as, as the next generation. but does it affect people vote? it's very rare that anyone looks at the ticket and things well, i'm not sure about joe biden. and donald trump, actually, i quite like ged binds more than i like. come to hottest. so therefore i will be for republican that really f ever happens. but d d events could be a liability for to come. and a number of areas one is dead set against any mobility creed. that is even being paid by said guy lot, that's important is the, is the last thing that's the right of route to take. he is in
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a portion of so this is in that he doesn't believe there should be abortion, nor even for incest and rape. and also he's a very, very striking about china is position in the world and thinks that they should be confronted at every opportunity. what kind of goes against donald trump's idea of no more wars? and so the, the, there are these tensions. but we also know that you define said that if you go back to 2020, and if he was faced with the idea of giving his a seal of approval to the election of approving the the results from 2020, you would not have done that. i don't remember if that's why donald trump is running this time with a mike paint because mike penn said he followed the constitution would not go against the constitution and therefore would not say donald trump actually won the election to define says he's got no qualms about doing that and for that sort of loyalty, that certainly deals yourself. so to yeah,
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and then we were just looking at pictures there behind you, a daddy vance, and i think that's donald trump, junior. i got stuck with each other on the stage. we know that donald trump, julia will be speaking shortly. um was, was we wait for the next one to finish and stuff or just the final thoughts out in the president biden catching cobra does that has not been mentioned. is that how does that play that out? this evening, but it hasn't been mentioned a toll i. i not maybe fits some of the idea that the rhetoric was going to be twins died suddenly the highlighted policy differences quite stridently. but the rhetoric does seem to have come down just a no, it's not quite a huge amount, but just fine notes. but of course it's all about compare and contrast business here is joe biden wants to come up. the campaign trail is not his full pico cove. it and he's doing what the doctor say you should do it yourself. isolate
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a take yourself away from people, but it means he's not on the campaign trail for the next couple of days. home. buffering, any message that comes out of the audit and see here in milwaukee, and contrast that with donald trump, who 14 hours after an attempt on his life was here at the convention, he walked into the hole to a rock to his welcome. and in fact to nights was probably about the same sort of level, but more subdued on, on tuesday. but to night, as the entry was much we'll see, he came into view as soon as a man was totally as if he is in a thing, a very good producer of media moments like that. and that sleep very well in the whole, is that so right now he won't talk to the, the, the, the bolts that he's and waved to the crowd and they just absolutely loved that. but then it's important to say that this is a united republican party in the way that the democrats,
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so note and who will make the democrats think more about joe biden, and whether or not he's fit for the next 4 years here. everyone's behind the right to uninstall sunlight per se in milwaukee. the republican national convention will no doubt come back to a bit later. but for now, thank you. next spring and reading a shaw. she's that political strategist on the found, or black strategies that say political intelligence firm, she joins us live from washington dc. we know always good to have you on the program. so look, i mean, you're a long time republican who's never been a trump support. what do you make of the convention so far when you see what your policies become? but the absence of many of the old g o. p grand, these like the bush family mitt romney? the pond has been completely taken over by donald trump. and it looks like a party that's better fit for england. then for the united states. i mean these speeches would make even king charles blush. they're completely sounding like they're praising a king. everyone's speaking from folks who were previously and then his
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administration, people like counsellor kelly and kind of way who now as a private citizen has been a lobbyist for tick tock. her marriage even ended in divorce because she and her husband were a pose. and there was a poor support of trump and look at you. she said today it's a really striking words. she said we're, we're a party that welcomes all people. that's completely opposite of what trump has been saying ever since he announces candidate fee for 2024. i noticed when she said that actually there weren't that many tears or clapping in the hall there. so again, these kind of these kinds of beaches are, you know, typical you have the ard, at supporters take to the stage, but the sound completely different than years past. in the past, it was about the party this time it's about the man, and it is just so jarring. i must add. i am glad i am not. there it is. it doesn't
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look like a party i recognize. let's, let's talk about j d events. then i mean, he'll be making that headlines speech later on. read, what do you make a payment value? does he bring to the republican ticket? i don't, i don't think he brings much value. i don't think he was a strategically good peck. he was the pick of donald trump's gone, don junior, and perhaps even eric or we were to have had everything to do with this pick. i think for them they wanted their dad to see this exactly is what j. d. vance would be a legacy. pick somebody to carry forward the mantle, a mazda, and if trump had gone, would somebody perhaps a more moderate amended fences with nikki haley perhaps and chosen her? i think that would have been a strategically sound peg. and in fact, i think that could have been very competitive, could made the race more frankly, in favor of the republicans. i think trump would have had a better chance of winning this november or for one. so it's really not to that. let me just let me just interrupt you that quickly because the donald trump junior
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is just taking to the stage, you're going to dip in and take a few minutes of what he said. just let you mean as well, right, you? i think getting my remarks, i'm going to do something a little. i'm characteristic a trump is going to give up. the microphone doesn't happen often. you may never see it again. but i got a call on monday morning from a young lady who said, dad, i want to speak at the r n c. i want to speak at the owner and see because i want america to know what my grandpa is actually like the to who the 1st time ever on the stage 1st time ever giving a speech. i want to bring out my eldest daughter and the eldest grand daughter of the president of the united states, your favorite president,
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todd madison. trump the hi, everyone. my name is time magazine true. i am the grand daughter of donald trump. i'm speaking today to share this, i am a grandpa that people don't often see. to me, he's just a normal grandpa. he gets those candy and soda when our parents are looking yours wants to know how we're doing in school. when i made the high honoring, he printed it out. so is this how probably the
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he calls me during the middle of this to have how my golf game is going and tells me all about his but then i have to turn in the i'm in school and to call him back later. when we play golf together, if i'm not his team try to get inside of my head. i know and he's a surprise. i don't let him get to me. i have to remind him i'm gonna try and say okay, so you're just watching live pictures that of donald trump juniors other stores a chi addressing the republican national convention. let's go back to rena shaw who's been talking to us earlier. rena, i know you see is mounting that a bit of stage managed to the convention. i wanna ask you though, i mean a lot of permanent people at the convention including j defends himself. our election denies how strong is the denial tendency in the policy as we close in on
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the election. is there any scenario that this of public and policy would accept losing the election perhaps? well, i appreciate your question, but i'd be remiss if i didn't pick up on what i just heard there. if i have to hear about golf one more time from a presidential campaign stump, i'm gonna my head is going to explode. i already heard about it during the debate between bite and then trump. it was the one moment in there to big where the, both of them seem animated to walk into an area and talking about golf a game that most americans can even access because it's so pricey. where is it? talk about average american families like mine. i've got 3 young children, the price of child care, the price of daily commodity like cheap eggs. the milk is ridiculous, and i'm thinking of myself. this is supposed to be the party for rural americans for working americans, for americans that want to move from one station of lights of june, economically to another. and it's just filled with deleted them through and through . and i can't look at the democrats for it either. it just is so frustrating
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because most americans are feeling like me fatigue, and they're also made to feel fearful of the future. so how do we even turn out this fall to vote for one of these 2 choices? that doesn't seem to speak to the problem is that our nation's people face, nor the tribes that brings our nation from abroad. it's just more of the same establishment. sort of dodgy, yesterday year type of all of this and i, i realize i'm sounding redundant there. but this is why people have, have sort of tuned out. they are apathetic. and i'm really worried about that as a political professional. we know from 2020 to 80000000 americans chose not to show up at the pool. and what, where do they go this time? so this kind of stuff is just add onto that frustration that the american public has with our 2 big party pointing forward. these poor choices, really just as i said, we're going to go back to um donald trump junior at the convention for a few minutes. just listening to what he's saying, walking at one of the most crucial moments in american history. just days ago,
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something at once seemed unimaginable became days ago, something at once seemed unimaginable. became a terrifying reality. my father came under a literal fire, as an incredible patriotic rally turned into a tragedy. on a field in butler, pennsylvania, a brave firefighter died, others were injured, and as those bullets ran down, we came millimeters away from one of the darkest moments in our nation's history. but we did lose in american heroes that day. we wished that he were with us tonight, but his memories will live on for ever in the hearts of his family, his community and the nation that he loves.
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so i would like to take just a moment tonight to express our gratitude for the life and service of american hero . cory compared tore the need. see, you can't tell you. we know how you respond in a moment of danger until you're actually confronted with. and so what was my father's instincts as his life was on the line? not the cower, not to surrender, but to show for all the world to see better next american president has the heart
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of allowing the boot. the next american president has the courage to put the american people 1st. once again, the name of my father didn't just show his character. he showed americans, character when he stood with blood on his face and the flag of his back. the world saw a spirit that could never be broken. the, this is the true spirit of america. america knows what it's like to be down.
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we know what it's like to be confused and to be afraid. long before the attempt on my father's life, every american i met was filled with fear and anxiety. they were afraid, our country was being torn apart. they were anxious about the massive and chaotic invasion of illegal aliens across our border. they were deeply concerned about parties have lost their education, indoctrination and attacks on freedom of speech. the most terrifying of all they saw that our leaders did each chair worse that they joyfully aided and abetted the erosion of our rice and the lines. oh yeah, the lines, we won't ever forget the lines from left wing politicians from their allies in the media. when you hear them in a row, you fully understand the extent they have gone to divide this great nation.
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they lied about russia, collusion. they lied about hunter's laptop. they lied about joe biden, fitness for a hospice. they lied about the border being secure. they lied about inflation being transitory. they lied about how they would safely withdrawal from afghanistan. they lied about by and being a co moderator. and they told one non stop lie after another about my father, but they could only run away from reality for so long. all hell has broken loose in america and it's impossible to hide anymore. the remember big back better.
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instead we got broke bumbling bite and nothing is built, nothing is bad and nothing is better. reduced or collapsing. our credibility is crumbling and our money is worth less and less every single day. it was just one giant, be switched, and normal americans are the ones left holding the bag costs. gasoline prices, grossly. your bills just keep going up. wave after wave of illegal aliens, deadly roads keep pouring across our border. meanwhile, pray crime, district attorneys have turned our cities into giant crime zones. they've turned criminals into victims, prosecutors into criminal defense attorneys and police into public enemies.
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laughter wearing activists are pretended to be educators, teaching our kids that there are $57.00 generators. but they can't even define what a woman is on one hand, they think free speech protects their right to expose your children to explicit dread chance. on the other hand, they want to put you in jail for making a mean. it's like the entire world has been turned upside down. does any of this sound like a country that's going in the right direction? and honestly, who isn't actually running the country anyway? it's obviously not joe biden. so he are they asking us to work seriously? who's running things?
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does anyone really know? is it due a, hey hunter. it's obama. maybe it's the goes to point whoever is running the show. the only thing they are effective at is persecuting my father. they twisted contorted and corrupted the criminal code to turn bookkeeping . here's a defend always. they can talk that new legal series out of spin air. they impose gag orders of my father because the last thing a defendant should be able to do is defend himself, right? they punished him for merely speaking the truth. they say they hate vladimir putin, but it sure seems like they spend a lot of time copying his playbook in
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this country, we don't criminalize political differences. we debate them, we vote on them. but we don't make you choose between picking a party or picking a jail cell. there was a time when the democrats really wanted, what was best for america, even if they had a different way of getting there. it was the party of franklin roosevelt, john f. kennedy, martin luther king junior. you may have disagreed with that party, but at least you could respect it. with this new extreme democrat party, they want us to somehow believe that the only way forward is going backwards. we're hiring decisions are based solely on race. we're just, this is only for those with the right opinions were the streets around luxury only for the lease where economic opportunity exist only when you know the right people
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. right now of the america we all grew up with the america that we love. feels like an old photograph where you sit down with your children and tell them what might used to be like. you look back at that america. and remember a country that was confident and proud in america that knew who it was and what it stood for. and it did all feel like a distant memory somewhere along the way, we stumbled somewhere along the way. we lost ourselves. but we can't leave on us down with you. yes, america was great. but our greatest days are yet to tom the
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because no matter how to do all that the photo, amazing field, it's not the end of our story. we're like that man who stood on that platform and felt the bullet. here's his flash just days ago in pennsylvania, as he may have moved to the ground. but he stood back. oh, the when he did my father res, who's this to be here? he looked out at the crowd. the
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and we will find we will fight. we will fight with our voices, we will fight it with ira ideas. and on november 5th we will start with our homes. c i've always been proud of him, but i've never been prouder of my father than i was in that moment. and that's when the era found out that there is tough. and then there's trump top. and the good news. the good news from the
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in 1912 more than a century ago. and now there are legendary republican president came right here to milwaukee at a political reality, less than one mile from where we stand to night. teddy roosevelt was struck by it would be assassins. boy, but he didn't twin either. he finished his speech and he kept fighting my friends, i don't believe and co incidence is, but i do believe in god plan what
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cross a back to political strategist to read this. so for me to access strategies, what do you make up of what you've been hearing? headband. he said that since donald trump trump put junior st. next, american president has the hearts of a lot and he showed america's character when talking about these types of nation attempt on his father, what do you make of what he's had to say? so as well, he's capitalizing on the moment that it really struck everyone. and struck everyone mostly because out of the huddle of secret service agents, donald trump, the former president, the united states, read this based into the air and the picture that's been circulating has a bloody year along with it. so it shows him defiant in the space of what was the most jarring. i think the time that any of us living that that but at least i.


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