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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 18, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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is the 6 to you, my fellow republicans is we love this country and we are united to win 30 vans. donald trump's choice to be his vice president, to accept the nomination of the public and national convention, the pro carry johnston. this is all just bear with us and so, so coming up us present, joe biden tests positive for cove it and is forced to cancel the campaign event in las vegas. these ready army continues to target to residential buildings across the gauze. at least $27.00 customer needs to tax across the street. i'm putting
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trusts in people smart goods. we have from west african migrants. we've made a dangerous journey to escape. the will begin in the us, well hire senator j events has officially accept to the republican vice presidential nomination. he gave a speech to the republican national convention for the 1st time as donald trump's running mates. and his address events gave an account at his table up for it, he wrote hyatt. he also touched on trade foreign policy, and sprague, called the republican party as a victim, backs the republican party of the next 4 years united in our love for this country . and committed to free speech in the open exchange of ideas. and so tonight, mister chairman, i stand here humble and i'm overwhelmed with gratitude to say,
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i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america. and this, it was that the republican national convention in milwaukee a. this was the mind picked by donald trump to be as vice presidential running, mate introduced himself to the american public. a duty vance was raised in relative poverty in ohio by a grandmother because of his mother's addiction. he went into the marines and sat in a rock. i then went to ohio state university and eventually you most school. when he graduated, he is the best selling author of the memoir, the hill billy allergy. he talked about those books in some detail, but he started by praising the man who selected them as a vice presidential candidate, a man who in the past, he is often the right at the said, the republican party was a pro 10 for people with many ideas and he said the difficulties facing any of the
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american public was because of the people who govern in washington. and it was his intention, along with donald trump, to change that there was no mention of his controversial positions on things like a to ukraine or abortion, or his position on china. instead, this was him presenting a glowing face to the american public which site political circles might not know a great deal about him from the books just over my shoulder. that's where donald trump, what's smiling and applauding. so the attention know tons to donald trump himself speaking to the convention for the 1st time since the assassination attempt, when he addresses everyone and formally accepts the nomination on thursday evening . and we'll see if the talk about a different tone from donald trump. actually comes to oh so sure, i'll just do that. that's what the public and national convention in milwaukee as well thank you. guarantee. as
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a republican delegates from california and the former executive assistant to former president ronald reagan. she's with us live now from milwaukee. welcome to the program. so j, the vance announced himself to why the audience was speech at the convention and what the republicans hope he will bring to the ticket. he did. it was such a pleasure to be here tonight and wow, what a range of emotions and speakers, of course, culminating with j. d vance, introducing himself not only to this audience in a way, but america in the world. i think that everybody in this room can relate to some part of his story. most people in america were born into wells, and he, many people can relate to the hard times the poverty, the struggle that he went through in his early years. and yet he painted this beautiful picture of inspiration of patriotism, of hope, of optimism, of overcoming, in only a way that the all american story can be told. he did that beautifully. tonight, the crowd was on their feet multiple times as he spoke. and it really was an all
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american success story that he would wind start in the hills of apple leesha and wind up here on the stage, accepting the nomination as the future. hopefully vice president of the united states alongside donald trump. does this convention that reveal a real shift in the republican party when you consider that the noticeable absence, for example, of ga, to drown these lot in the bush find with his father. but again, well, this is a party, it's now donald trump's party, in many ways. and donald trump had said back when he 1st ran that this was a party and he was going to include the forgotten men and women all over this great nation. and we saw that on display tonight and for anybody who was in the room, it was quite the roller coaster almost of emotions. there was everything from university of north carolina fraternity boys who had defended the flag to a 98 year old world war 2 veteran who looked at president trump and said,
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i'd re unless, if you would allow me to. he loves this country and was proud to serve it. we had parents who have a son who is still held hostage by him. us and gold. star family is that the audience rose to their feet to cheer and to pay tribute to their loved ones who had been lost. and probably the start of the show tonight was donald trump some grand daughter who was a teenager. and as she looked at her grandfather watching her, give her 1st speech ever, you could see the pride in his eyes. and so this was not just an an evening about j . d. vance. although that was very important. it was a night about all of america and a very inclusive republican party that is no longer known as the party of the country club of leads, but is known as the party of the forgotten men and women, the ordinary men and women who make up this great country. okay. north americans are getting ready to give me footprints around so you definitely get me for interrupting me that we understand the story that was been given the as you
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mentioned, but right. the balance is speech. there is no mention of abortion issues. for example, were positioned on china. was there enough actual substance as well? i think there was quite a bit of substance tonight and this is a 1st introduction to j events. we're going to see and hear a lot more of him. he will be out on the road starting with the campaign immediately. and so as soon as the convention wraps up, we will get to know a lot more about j events and how he feels about things tonight. he was relatively unknown to a lot of people, not only in this audience, but around the nation in the world. and so i think it was a great start for us to get to know who he is, what he cares about, what is the vision for america is and to meet his lovely wife as well. and so i think it was a great start. there certainly are hard questions to come. he will undoubtedly be prepared to answer those. here was a lot jail law school grad is very articulate and so we will hear more from him. but i think he was off to a great start tonight, introducing himself to the world in a general sense. then do you think that has been any tuning down of rhetoric since
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the attempt on donald trump slice a? well donald trump, actually before he there was even the attempt, the assassination attempt. i think his rhetoric had changed a little bit. it was a little softer. it was a little more unifying. and we've seen over the last 3 days, how determined he is to unify this party. he said this convention is going to be all about unity and love. and he has shown that and not only by showing up, but it's when he has shown up. he has shown up to hear these stories from everyday americans that night, the 1st night, the 2nd night and again tonight. and so he's showing us that this is a party of unity last night. he had some of his biggest adversaries on the political stage speak. we had nikki haley, we had purvey from us, wyoming. we had randa santa as they all spoke. and donald trump was here in the arena to listen to each one of them speak and give their endorsement to donald
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trump. so this is a party that is completely unified, and i look forward to seeing what we're going to do from here. we hope to get him across the line and elected in november and look forward to making america a wonderful process for a successful se free place to live again, starting in january. okay. packet, grantee, thank you very much indeed for joining us. thank you for having me with southern announcement that to us present. joe biden is tested positive for cove, it assert, and they were ready kyle to collection campaign into more disarray. it's a fair time by them whose 81 has constructed the virus. the news came is he was scheduled to give a speech to a group of latino civil rights advocates in las vegas. i'll just say it was about rentals. was that the crowd feeling the cavernous ballroom, waited eagerly for president jo, buying to take the stage. instead, a stunning announcement,
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i was just on the phone with president biden and he shared his deep disappointment at not being able to join us this afternoon. as the present has been at many events as we all know. and he just tested positive for cove. it a short time later, bite and forwarded air force, one en route to delaware, where he will self isolate in his home for an undetermined period of time. the just 24 hours earlier biden had appeared well, giving a forcible speech to the n a a c p convention in las vegas. i go home. i don't know how to do this job. but on wednesday, after taping a radio interview, he tested positive. the white house said his symptoms were mild, a slight fever,
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cough, runny nose and general feeling of malays has been vaccinated and boosted for cove it. it was another heavy blow to a battered campaign. biden's disastrous performance in the debate with former president, donald trump has led a growing number of democratic politicians to say publicly he should drop out of the race in favor of a different, candid to the latest is california. congressman adam shift who earned a high profile as the main advocate for trumps 1st impeachment over arms to ukraine and who is now running for senate shift told the newspaper he has serious doubts bite and can defeat trump in november and said the president should pass the torch . the cobra diagnosis also comes after biting described circumstances under which he might drop out for health reasons for his medical condition. and if somebody, if the doctors came to me said you got this problem,
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that problem. the president has already taken his 1st dose of the anti viral medication packs lovitz. his enforced isolation will take him off the campaign trail at a critical time, and may very well lead to increased calls for him to in his quest for a 2nd term. rob reynolds, l g 0, las vegas also had her sign is a democratic political, a strategy this time the founder and the principal of convey communications. he says, there is some concern over the president's health. i kid's name. there hasn't been any henry game going on behind the scenes, and i will say it's happened at all levels. as he mentioned, it's happening at some of the highest levels. there can confirm anything like that . there is some, some worry is the basis for all of this. henry, is this, we know as democrats, that the stakes are inc. read the police side. the contrast between division that these 2 candidates present could not be great or could not be starker. we've had
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for years under trump and they were disastrous, there's a pen, demick, unrest in the streets, terrible economy and event for years of items. we're just seeing some of the biggest growth rebound this countries ever see. so the contrast is there not just in the economy, but in the future of what we believe our democratic society has to be. so yeah, people are very sensitive to our chance as to whether we, when we win or not as to what we would do as a, as a result. if he does sit down, i don't think that's quite is clear. and then also, it also provides intention that said, the more we focus on the stakes, the more that we focus on the fact that trump has been gold with his vision for the united states, for his dismantling of the economy 1st or of the government. rather, the stakes are very high, so people are very concerned the
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is route is once again targeting homes at places of shelter and medical facilities in gauze. the text right across the street as killed at least 27 kind of students since don't on wednesday is ready jets talk to most kind of a house in the on this right. a few g can least 11 people were killed and several attacks in the area and goes and sits in a north of the strip palestinians were targeted as they ran to seek shelter inside a school. 3 children were among those killed in the oven mountain neighborhood on cheese day as try calling to you in the run school til 23. displace posting is sheltering in the facility. honey might live, it has more from the opposite central casa, in the past 24 hours have been quite difficult for palestinians across the gauze trip. the is rated military, committed for atrocities against the entire families, whether inside their residential homes or evacuation centers through the backboards and centers are managed and operated by ottawa international organization,
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but they're not protected inside these facilities. people were murdered, were killed, were maimed inside these uh facilities. the took them as the shoulders and for the past 9 months and more recently from areas like a dropbox and ton unit, as is really military expanded. it's military maneuvers. we're looking at least 81 people have been killed. so far more concentrated in the central area is this really monitor is stepped up. it's area less talk across the river. you come and the western part of it is that i city including these trends, part of the central area of the, the, and a bridge refugee camp $27.00 of those $81.00 killed within the past 24 hours only in the past. at 10 hours, just causing further civilian casualties and to your level of destruction. that is a quite a bit of a right now any area across the goal is to serve anywhere you go. there are those rubble told rhodes rhodes,
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as well as the many devastations trails of devastation to public facilities and old means of life. we lived is really military. it continues to block the land across things, then it prevent gain 3 of basic necessities and supplies, including if you will, that is representing a lifeline for hospitals as well as for other necessities and services, including water wells and waste treatment management plans, including definitely nation the water system anymore, more how does your, the central area garza's trip. so the head on al jazeera, we tell you why the matter of terrace is taken up. something to the river side. the
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hey there, it's hot both by day and night across the arabian peninsula, and that is the dangerous part. we're not getting much relief overnight, so we'll get there in one second. some burst of rain transferring from jim into a bond. and here we go. promised to we talked about this, so this is what it will be overnight tonight. these are overnight lows. doha 36. it will feel closer to 40. not much relief in kuwait as well. you're dipping down to 34 now by thursday afternoon, up to 45. so the need are all legit call departments in cats are is issued warnings for just how hawks it's going to be when still a factor. so that spinning up the sand and dust for weight and the eastern province of saudi arabia for buckets done months to range, picking up in the north here around the capital territory and punch at providence. and still for turkey, i, we're seeing whether along the black sea coast, or there has been flooding recently, could see a repeat some of the showers getting close to the capital territory and stumble hot enough at 36. meantime, it's around guinea, guinea b, south sierra leone,
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where we're really seeing the biggest pulses of rain here as a move out toward the fine check for central africa. okay, most of the action around the gulf of guinea and we've cut another rain and wind combo coming into cape town on thursday field later. the ellis team in the gaza strip. as is there as long, lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage. that actively humanizes is really is and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time, so to understand the weight of the tracking, those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing, most african stories from african perspective is at the time that he had
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my life. and i did process is to show documentary spite african filmmakers from molly and sending somebody please uncle, one loss of the size of the can. 3, linus and tyler, new series of africa direct on, i'll just 0. the colleges here with the the
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welcome back reminds now of our main head sadie vance has given his post speech as a republican vice president nominate used his address, republican national convention in milwaukee to share his upbringing in the bureau. a higher, he talks about the republican policy as a big tend space for different opinions us present. joe biden is tested positive for cove. it's quite on the campaign trail. the nevada button canceled his speech and said that, you know, civil rights organization is heading back to his home in dunaway is very jet. so talk to most of the house and the causes on this route to matthew jacob attacks right across the street and kills at least the 22nd kind of students. since wednesday morning, up to 200000 display succeed in these people have fled into the eastern states. you've got a ref. to escape fighting between the army and power minute to rapid support forces
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most that came from the neighboring states of it. so now i'm involved visited, the displacement comes in the area you brought him, i was the least likely person to the cost of 3 on the move. he's poor with a large family, including city disabled children. i want a wheel chair, a bed and a cushion because sand and stones are hurting my back. that they have to go from place to place, starting from cup to flee, the conflicts off to one. yet in sanaa state, the fighting caught up with them and force them to move to the by the, by the rapid support forces tend to hurt people. when they a tech subject, everyone was leaving, they could take people's prophecy, the times kills them. well, they might take the goals, i have these children with disabilities and had to do something. this woman also edited until come to how simulate fee is worth of the we were in hard to him and
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went to center. then one problem started. i have to flee again in order to protect my daughters with 3 girls. i'm in a special situation. they need to be in a place that's safe for them. but if it is paid for a loss, must be even more agonizing to be the army will go to the hospital. what was in my uncle's house in single when the attack began, i'll have 2 children, one less than 2 years old. the other 3 and a off, up to now i can't find them. my husband mohammed have a game with all his family and my own kind of de la. also i've no idea where they're going. the stories like this one and even worse a bone, do this temporarily come for the displaced? it's one of the separate. i'm in the city of good body with people are staying schools on a public facilities. despite the relief aid being provided by different organizations, these people are traumatized and they're living off conditions. they are more of the $200.00 the cells and i do these get audio and we are actually need for the
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fittest to be in a shelter. take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the foot, which is essential and with the health house equipment house medicines. this is very session for us to be here. on monday you 6 new families of life, this school which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. many have to sleep in the open until a most suitable place is found. they all look good and exasperation and all day was for ease and immediate end to the war and to be able to return home how much the funds. i'm just, you know, the safety of the body to that. the number of people who are making the treacherous journey by see from the gambia to the canary audience has been breaking records. it's due to the tightening of border control. so minutes writing needs to your address has moved from control in the gambia. it's been 8 months,
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says a traumatized body to see say last. so one nephew left on a migrant boat to speed through i root locus called the back way. it never reached its destination. it is new to the end of last week because i'm still fighting he's not going to isn't i have for the, for the fishing community of cock told him to be a, is less deaf, a state assess. and that brought you up that quote, print to 7 of the $200.00 passengers on board, while young men and women from the village. a few months later, another vessel left the coastal community by g was one of the migrant. he used his life savings for the trip money he said could help help set up a small business in the gambia. that money is lost and he is likely to be alive. the key i wasn't gonna pay for a lot of people that killed it,
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says the smugglers turned back the boat when some migrants and both threatened to report the motors for the spanish police when they reached sho much sooner general or attempted to migrate ones. but for you is willing to try again. i expect to get better lives and maybe i can offer everything. what's my kid's needs? because since i could diverse demand most not less, consequently for what they're supposed to do, that's an acrostic use. i see, i think pressure on west africa's, like crypt and under funded met attempts to kill changes the company and navy says it's deploying the fuel resources that has a lot of challenges continue to grow. we got information recently that someone is missing customers to for some of these microns that waiting for the board of boats . that thing them, if they go forward and then say loud, irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 2024. and it looked set to get worse by the end of the year,
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as harsh living conditions pushed more young men and women to make that dangerous journey across the atlantic capitalizing on the dispersion, us walk looks like most of the shows us the next pick a point of the journey to europe, taking $200.00 migrants on wooden boats. this rather isn't for the buck waiting what only one person pays and the date is more than what fishing gibson a month. partnerships with the european union had helped to stem the tide for a while. with a matter of time, ages is struggling with logistics and the rising poverty that concerns even more people will attempt to reach. you don't by see how many degrees i just did. i cut all the gum. the heavy rains in eastern afghanistan have killed at least 40 people, an injured 9350 of those kind of unofficial say. hundreds of homes have been destroyed. eastern none. go. how was lashed by hale and heavy rain on monday evening. i'm
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a jump to the pools in eastern afghanistan after the rain storms and amid the devastation residents and then go heart province, tried to salvage what they can oh, recalling the neighbors and loved ones who did not survive, praying for them as well, so that it will take it as usual, but all of them to shut down one room. the rain and storm go down, pens, a 100 noise and the little girl came and said the roof collapsed. i ran and screamed and asked for him. nobody was here with flooding here, having killed dozens. maybe maria has no idea of what her family will do next. the sub by the them that i was thinking, i don't have any house and i have an old father in law. what would he do for me? and i have small children and a disabled mother angel. what should i do? local officials say hundreds of houses have been destroyed as a result of the latest round of flooding. and the power has been cut in many areas . the scale of the devastation also cleared to see in the rooms and corps doors at
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this hospital. those in the hall regional hospital, we've received $29.00 bodies and around $230.00 wounded people from sucrose of district floods. and this is a preliminary number. the exceptionally heavy rains in afghanistan have since may alone, killed over $400.00 people, being among the poorest countries in the world means afghanistan is also particularly exposed to the effects of climate change, which after decades of war has left. these residents have nagel har province even more vulnerable than they already were. how much enjoy associated cities across china is shawn sheet problem. and so i've been left by torrential rain flooding streets and disrupting traffic extreme storms of hit several provinces across the china. this summit that a 2000 residents were evacuated from biology to city. authorities of play several provinces on the high and the further disruption heavy rain and flooding. several
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severe storms of pulse ways of united states and canada slash flooding and destructive tornadoes have torn through several areas including upstate new york and canada flood waters left motorists stranded on highways around to run to thousands of people have lost power and air conditioning during the days of blistering heat, and then north macedonia authorities are struggling to fight, while fosset broke out on wednesday. airplanes and headed cops is from there by countries including corporations bearing to keep up in helping to contain multiple places. authorities say no residential areas are currently in things that have declared the month long state of emergency thousands of dead fish of so 1st on the river, the city of san pablo in brazil. officials say industrial waste dumped into the parent complement the system is the likely cause they're investigating companies. it suspects its way behind the legal disposals. if the 2nd time this month,
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the thousands of dead fish have appeared at the same location in 9 days time. the sporting world will gather in paris for this is an epic games, but there were concerns. the city's river side wouldn't be clean enough acetate to compete to the man as the delegates, while i'm in the waterway to prove it is clean. especially buckley reports from past may. can you splash unfulfilling a promise? paris? may i even go taking the plunge in the river sin to prove it's clean and ready for the olympic games? the from the it was injury and me know it's really not. and the reason i don't know if i originally people in the long side, the man was the heads of the power skins organizing committee.


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