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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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doctor houses era with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will, is broken for. is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on gaza? the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line the the present has been at many events as we all know. and he just tested positive for cove. it in other sit back for you as president joe finding his pressure amounts on him to jump out of the rice. meanwhile. but message to you, my fellow republicans, is we love this country and we are united to when donald trump is running, my jeddy bones formerly accepts the nomination of the republican national convention, the
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until mccrae, this is, i will just hear a live from the. so coming up at least, palestinians of kills as ro, continues as relentless attacks on residential buildings in central council, the inside and protest, wrong bangladesh of students demand for form of the quarter system, the government jobs. the we begin in the us were president joe biden has tested positive for cove it. this is the 3rd time the 81 year old has contract with the virus and comes at a critical time to his campaign with renewed calls from some democrats them to step aside. how does arrows of rob rentals, reports from las vegas, we bought and was juices bank the crowd feeling the cavernous ballroom waited eagerly for president joe biden to take the stage. instead,
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a stunning announcement. i was just on the phone with president biden and he shared his deep disappointment at not being able to join us this afternoon. the present has been at many events as we all know this and he just tested positive for cove it a short time later, bite and forwarded air force, one en route to delaware, where he will self isolate in his home for an undetermined period of time. the just 24 hours earlier biden had appeared well, giving a forcible speech to the n a a c p convention in las vegas. i don't want to i don't know how to do this job. but on wednesday, after taping a radio interview,
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he tested positive. the white house said his symptoms were mild, a slight fever, cough, runny nose and general feeling of malays. he has been vaccinated and boosted for coven. it was another heavy blow to a battered campaign. biden's disastrous performance in the debate with former president, donald trump has led a growing number of democratic politicians to say publicly he should drop out of the race in favor of a different, candid to the latest is california. congressman adam shift who earned a high profile as the main advocate for trumps 1st impeachment over arms to ukraine and who is now running for senate shift told the newspaper he has serious doubts bite and can defeat trump in november and said the president should pass the torch . the cobra diagnose is also comes after biting described circumstances under which he might drop out for health reasons for his medical condition or the nurse that
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somebody has. the doctors came to me since you got this problem, that problem the president has already taken his 1st dose of the anti viral medication packs low bit is enforced. isolation will take him off the campaign trail at a critical time and may very well lead to increased calls for him to in his quest for a 2nd term. rob reynolds, l g 0, las vegas. here with him is political in the list. he says the bottom campaign is failing and its efforts to maintain the support of fellow democrats and foxes. this is a campaign clearly that is under siege right now. and while certainly, joe biden has done so much to try to well be asked to try to tam down on the deep concerns that so many within his party have. it simply isn't doing that enough . we have seen the president give an hour, long press conference. we just saw him speak to a national press on monday night. he was in las vegas,
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the key battleground state. in addition to that, we're seeing that the president is closing the gap and some of these key battleground states. but nevertheless, what we continue to see is, as the republican party is showing a sign of unity at their republican convention, this week, democrats are splintering, and there's wintering in very bad ways. right now, we're already seeing so much of a play out in public already. we have seen, perhaps the most high profile democrats at them ship, who was running for the senate, now calling for joe biden to step away from the campaign, and these costs are going to continue to grow. now, until joe biden accepts the nomination for his party to serve as president. and so i think this is now becoming a much larger divide where you're seeing congressional democrats, elite donors on one side and rank and file voters on the other. and quite frankly, what this is doing is this is certainly causing more tension, more, and particularly what they're most art in base of supporters. african american
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voters. us meanwhile, the highest and there's a jetty balance here, is officially accepted the republican vice presidential nomination. he addressed the parties. national convention for the 1st time is donald trump's running night, promising jobs in vowing to find a working class americans. ellen fisher sent us this report from the republican national convention and milwaukee. it was his introduction to american demand. it could be just a heart beat away from the presidency defiance as a relative unknown, and total comes choice as his vice presidential running mate the open with praise for the man. he wants heavily criticized, competing to hitler to night. we celebrate. he is our once and future president of the united states of america. a relatively new sent it to from ohio. he needed to trump endorsement to win his election to of any future and republican politics. a former marine a best selling off the buns is an abortion absolutist bind,
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with no exceptions. even for reporting says he's opposed to continued military support for ukraine. i believe china is a mess of said he claims washington has cause too many hardships for too many ordinary americans from iraq throughout the, in a stand from the financial crisis to the great recession. from open borders to stagnating wages. the people who govern this country have failed and failed again. he was introduced to the convention by his wife, who showed the daughter of indian immigrants, his goals and this new role are the same. but he is pursued for our family. to keep people safe, to create opportunities, to build a better life. and to solve problems with an open mind. the theme of night the was make america strong again. this because told for the security, the audience we've scions, calling from us deportation of and documented migrants. no mention donald trump
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effectively blocked possible bi partisan immigration legislation. he wanted it as an issue to the one to use as his convention payroll. and course the immigration laws. he will find the mexican drug cartel and he will arrest the criminal illegal address and put them behind. the truck team says the selection of 2 defines is about the long term future, but no attention tons to donald trump himself. you'll close the convention with his speech on thursday, the 1st time you've spoken in public, really since the attempt on his life at the we to do a lot. so the question it's up for us with that means a different kind of donald trump. i would for sure, i'll just see it on the public and national convention in milwaukee. scott lucas is professor of us and international politics at clinton institute university college dublin. he says he can't predict calvert,
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his will react to jedi von says nomination, but he can see the republican strategies at work. what i should be doing is english is considering spectacle, which is austin's federal versus issues. and this was by truck republican national convention last night. you know, so j e may have to tell him that personal story that he's written about. and joe, really elegy, you know, the rice from rags to riches of the father, the mother who's addicted and then bringing mom up on stage, being planets over. you know, this was theater j. you may have to, of course, not referring to the fact that while he said i will fight for the work you ma'am with everything that he has already a 0, that's a 0 percent from the american federation of labor and c, i o, you know, our labor units, meat, j bass, talking about how donald saw we were down, we were out of america. donald trump changed to save us. when in 2016 chevy batch have referred to trump as americans have, or at a more or something he didn't mention last night. of course. in other words,
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j events re made himself for this moment. he may remind him, so to be a devout member of the plan. as it were, you know, the, the organized group is taking over the republican party. and he's going to put out this down home american narrative. hope that no one really pays attention to the substance or the issues that actually is what we should be considering all the way to know the these rarely military continues its attacks across sky. so striking densely populated areas at least died pellets. indians have been killed and others injured in an attack on the town and central cancer. women and children are among the casualties in this try come l as a way to is there any forces have also attacked illness or on to in the ovaries. refugee camps before and this is go to tar composer and who joins us from down by that. and central cancer with, as we mentioned,
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is really bump up and has continued over night and into the morning to our can you just bring us up to date with the latest and these are the night strikes the situation. in fact, tom is deteriorating, especially to the security one, why we've been hearing loud explosions during the past couple of hours, but generally of a nice strikes. well focusing on the central areas of district, at least 7 palestinians have the repeal skills in as the wind, the town off to our residential house was completely targeted. the number of casualties this would have been reported, but also the image director of fiji can had been provided alongside with a range where at least a residential building was completely destroyed to palestinians happened before the killed by waiting a window is when the since the hours of this morning, in fact tom, these wait a minute, we had been a run the got the military attacks phone, civil cause i said because been talking to him. i definitely felt i had one of the most densely populated streets in there and by
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a close to 3 palestinians have been recruited, kills alongside with another civil car just 15 minutes ago. and as the winds up town, where a number of casualties have been, report to them, they were approved to unlock the hospital. in order to get medical treatment fox, let us be realistic in terms of what's happening on the ground. the focus of the attacks during the course of the past couple of weeks was from the central areas. people have been leaving from roughly, i'm calling in is coming to the central areas of the strip, which had been right now to see itself for days when it strikes where the is ready . um it is attacking evacuation centers. the thoughts of the aged to the not to mention alongside with residential house isn't even a transportation. so it kinda seems happened using in order to move we because we're nights of the middle areas. spots basically tom, the, the grim reality is that the vast majority of this was being killed. where civilians, including children and women, and we serve different disgusting series for families here at the hours this morning. locks the hospital which reflects the grim reality of how people are
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coping nowadays. tom? yeah, just on that point. i mean, how people actually managing to the carpet in these areas. can you just give us a sense of what it is like and living through this? what are the living situations like right now? with the vast majority of, of the central areas population have been multiply, displaced after receiving could to that should manage or just by the is for the army. they have been moving from different places, ending up living in a very drastic humanitarian condition for them and getting more time food is a daily challenge. they are really struggling with in every single day we. so children are spending that phase in order to get water and sewage. i'm being would also with the somebody to the, somebody's with something to eat. at the same time a families are not even away from these very from bottom. and they have been told to come here to be away from accident. oh, so again, here's why does attack in these areas. now of the attack and evacuation center,
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they are doses of families that living that that means that there's going to be a very high rate of casualties amongst the volumes of also tom and alice of this morning. i show how mothers are really help broken as the are a big thing for what zip loved one right now i can hear that women are, are shouts in the background. as you can clearly see, because they are really, really excited about the most of the beloved ones happening during much time since the beginning of the one right now they're just counting the days to the visual come come to an end, but basically the like for them is as it relates to misery, where in order to get food in order to get water and even are not feeling safe again because of the unprecedented intensity of attacks and the central area that the supposed to be safe. so it's one of those thought of simmons and a thank you so much for all of that. that is terica bowes in for us the the wind speed destruction in the north of gauze or in the speed of famine is full of people to make the dangerous journey south engine,
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palestinians in desperate need of medical treatment are among those fleeing kansas city. to enlist either him, alec kelly, spoke to some of them as by lift, as many as even use have a strong desire to stay in their homes despite the ongoing attacks and starvation in the north of gaza. however, the severe lack of access to basic necessities, lightford, water and the treatment has left many feeling. they have no choice, but the leave of a stand up for the most you would have to be here. i was injured when the school was sheltering in was targeted by these regions. i have rod implants in my league, this shortage of medical treatment in northern gaza. so my lead got infected. it's been 18 days since i was injured. i'm moving south to seek treatment like that allows you to have good. yeah, we have fed up. we have had enough of the sliced heading stuff. would it be because there is no food log? no, what? no life you to do,
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but we are going to the south to be with the people. the journey is full of suffering is families face dangers like violence and harsh travel conditions as the, as they have trouble walking forward, distance is gary and heavy packages by these hardships, the help of meeting up with their families and getting for future treatments off for months of a border war keeps them going, evacuating families in yorba physical and emotional pain as they leave behind their homes and communities bring up all this mass movements highlights the immense suffering and the discipline needs for solutions to address these challenges. their strength and determination and such tough times underscore the cvt on their p like an urgent need for for relief as well. there's plenty slate here on the al jazeera, including adonis, all saw solar sold at auction for a break with breaking some of the new york details or off to the break. the
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had a lot of there. it's all about the red hot summer heat across the southern and eastern parts of europe. at the moment. we've had exceptionally high temperatures stretching all the way from western russia down to greece. now we've seen those temperatures continued to sit very high in cities like athens through to scratch a day. they will be coming down slight either in places like ukraine is record heat the over the past few days. read more warnings remain, however across croatia through to romania, down to bulgaria, where we saw while flies walled fires as well in north macedonia. and the threats continues. of course, most southern parts of italy that's as temperature is peak up over the next few days. we have got red warnings out in room, $139.00 degrees celsius,
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the and for the south west. well, temperatures will continue to peak up in spain. with that heat wave comes is also looking mighty fine in london. we've got fine and dry weather to come here. particular across southern parts of england as we go thursday into friday before the east of this week with and windy weather that will move away from scan today. you across into western russia, taking that rain into moscow on friday. that's the weather. the lines of ethnic on groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most contest since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and find find battles, shouts, the progress of an idealistic young generation of ripples as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries,
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the trouble of history on the phones, me in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, the, the, your, what, you know, just here a reminder about top story is the sound like us. president joe biden has tested positive because of 19 more on the campaign trail in nevada. he canceled his speech ad latino, civil rights organization and has hit us back to his home in delaware, ohio. as soon as the jedi balance has officially accepted the republican vice presidential nomination, the address the republican national convention whose best speech since he was chosen as donald trump's running nights. and he is ready, military is striking,
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densely populated areas across the kansas strip and attack on the central town of allison. why that killed at least 8 palestinians, an engine, others, women and children are among the victims in his riley drawings. drunk has killed one of the commanders of live in these resistance group in the east of the country, a targeted vehicle in the back of region. the furniture forces is a military wing of living on john. that is the mia. it's among other small groups that have joined to the fight against is right. and, and, and other striking southern living on the hill, his beloved member has been killed as well. and they live in these group have tried it near daily, strong since the war on gallons of began. here's the law says it opens the front against israel in solidarity with palestinians in this trip. up to 200000 displaced people. and so don had fled to the eastern city of got a rif it, to escape. fighting between the army and paramilitary rapid support forces most
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from the neighboring states of central. but i'm involved visited the displacement camps in the area. and since this report was, as you brought him out, is the least likely person to the cost of 3 on the move. he's poor with a large family, including 3 disabled children. i want a wheel chair, a bed and a cushion because sand and stones are hurting my back. they have to go from place to place, starting from top to flee, a conflict of to one yet in sanaa state. the fighting caught up with them and force them to move to provide some of the rapid support forces tend to hurt people. when they attack subject, everyone was leaving. they could take people's prophecy. it at times, kills them. well, they might take the goals. i have these children with disabilities and had to do something. this woman also, as it didn't come to how simulate fee is worth of the we were in hard to him and
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went to center, then one problem started. i had to flee again in order to protect my daughters with 3 girls. i'm in a special situation. they need to be in a place that's safe for them. but if see it is paying for a loss, must be even more agonizing to be the army. will go to the hospital. what was in my uncle's house in single when the attack began, i'll have 2 children, one less than 2 years old. the other 3 and a off, up to now i can't find them. my husband mohammed have a game with all his family and my own kind of della also. i've no idea where they're going. the stories like this one and even worse, a bone during this temporary comp for the displaced. it's one of the separate. i'm in the city of good body with people to us, the schools and other public facilities. despite the relief a being provided by default organizations, these people are traumatized and been living off conditions. they are more than 200
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the cells and i do these get out if we are actually need for the fittest to be in a shelter to take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the foot, which is essential and with the health house equipment house medicines. this is very session for us to be here. on monday, you 6 new families, our lives in this school, which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. many have to sleep in the open until a most suitable place is phone bill full of anger and exasperation. and all day was for ease and immediate end to the war and to be able to return home, how much the fund. i'm just, you know, the safety of the body to that. many young africans who leave for europe in the future end up for turning hun, also managed to kind of out of life for themselves of a struggle to integrate. i'm just here
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a spoke to one's own gabby and who's back home and has set up his own business. my name is tied to interior level. i am going to need my grand indigo amir. i am the ceo and the phone to aside your inter double finding further. we have uh, i looking for. um, yeah, like we, i, once i hear was i'm one of the force we planted. but non us under the we have the orange juice. we have the upland, we have corrupts and we have because to, under your so half most and many or you know, on 3. so we have, i trouble entering the cutting um community media. and when i was between 17 percent of what happens on my way, it's like more betray us and, and was, you know, one of the most difficult part of my life, the happiest moment was when i, i've unplugged yourself. um i think was the happiest moment sofa
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because when i i've seen it, i'm producer, it is heavy. we see like the lights everywhere. how do better come us we, i need to cause, you know, the force new clothes. did you force food, you know, the nickel school for table? they may of course, believe that we have a better future with them. what else could say my life was difficult before i traveled? but it was more difficult after traveling and very difficult, athletic, tony, and home life an opportunity are always very limited. so i decided to move to some development. but when i life industries that on i want, okay, this is not a country for me because if this thing around it is not something that i really want that. so i decided to move forward. i to go to john when they finish. i like it's possible for us to con the course. i visit a lot of guardians,
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when i see them, we hold the lease we, i didn't leave the lives the was not something that i had in the one that might because that was 10 in the you don't that long. that by because progress, my expectation in live is to stay in the gum. yeah. be that kind of life. really one 5th student protest is and bangladesh are calling for a complete shut down across the country. violence has broken out between police and students and civil locations and data and the outskirts of the capital. at least 6 protests had been killed and several hundreds injured in the past week. the students had to mind digging into courses for government jobs. and the challenge re, has more from the capital of the situation is stovall of thailand, restlessly in the capital city and all across the country. this comes after the protesting stories and also a nation wide shut down for today. there's been reports of violence in different
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parts of the city. there's a products going on right behind me by high school students. there's also classes in the trucks are going the 2nd largest city in the, in bangladesh, all the public university and college of r shut down, students were told to vacate their dormitories. now there's been violence yesterday or in different university campus as students with spots. police use rubber bullets shot guns, tear gas, and even some time where followed by pro government student being members who attacked the student inside the campus. and dr. universities as well as in john gary university of scott, of the capital that resulted of hundreds of that there was also flashes outside of the capitol yesterday as well said at least and one that that is confirmed by the local media. now we know the protest that spreading in different parts of the city as we speak. i've got 3 parts of the us in other parts of the country. it doesn't
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seem to go to not backing down the prime minister in a tele, by speech yesterday evening. say to come down and say there have patient until the supreme court give the bar take on said there will be a judicial pro into the volumes that happen. and all those right involving violence in criminal activities will be brought to justice regardless of which side they belong to. but definitely seems to have convinced the student much. the government seems to still patio and very heavy under practice is very unprecedented using that kind of police force against students inside the university conference. very rarely seen that happened last several days. and papers are saying that these are a young student that shouldn't be dealt with by heavy police wires using rubber bullets and shot guns. but that's what happened. we will see how the whole day is rolled by. but right now, as we speak, there are products all across the country is still going on as a country, it's supposed to be on a shut down, or at least 16 people have been killed in
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a fire in china, southwest in special and provence, the blazed pro account of the department store and the 14 story building in the city of cycling, a preliminary inquiry plans, construction work, and the detailed investigation is underway to identify the specific course. well, cities across china is shawn. she problems have been lashed by to rachel, bryan, southern straits and disrupting traffic. extreme storms have had several provinces across china. this summer, nearly 2000 residents evacuated from biology city. what are these have placed several provinces on high alert for the disruption heavy rain and flooding. and severe storms have had the united states and canada several areas including upstate new york kind of head, flash flooding, and tornadoes. and in canada, front both is lift motor stranded on highways, around toronto, thousands of people lost palette and air conditioning. after days of soaring temperatures, and in brazil, thousands of dead fish have surfaced on
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a river in the city of south poland. official site dumped industrial waste is the likely cause dire, investigating companies suspected to be behind the legal disposals. it's the 2nd time this month that thousands of dead fish have a paid at the same location. a re, a dinosaur skeleton has sold for a wrinkled, $44000000.00 in new york. it's one of the most well preserved fossils of its kind. i'll just say it's kristen salumi has more of what makes the stake a source so valuable? a meat apax, a 161000000 year olds, data source standing nearly 3 and a half meters tall and 6 meters in length. it's built as the most complete and best preserved possible of its kind with 79 percent of its skeleton intact. just how rare is it? it's sold at auction for a staggering record price in terms of stages sources. this is an incredibly rare
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animal. there are only 8 or 9 known in the world. the fossil was discovered in colorado, in 2020, to may of 2020.


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