tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 18, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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to this business uptake these voltage by the 6 bank gross dot net of on the dash before he is investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alger 0, the the hello, i'm sammy's. i them, this is the news out live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. the present has been at many events as we all know. and he just tested positive for quote, another size bag for us president job. i've known the pressure to drop out of the election rice. meanwhile, message to you, my fellow republicans,
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is we love this country and we are united to when don tom is running. my daddy vons formerly accepts the nomination. that homes destroyed vice ready bombardment, palestinians in gaza do what they can to stay comfortable in the intensity the time protests in bangladesh, students to monk changes to the closest system for government jobs driven asked with this for the final men's goals major via the open championship has teed off the royal train in scotland for bringing the latest action from the fast routes. the welcome to the news. how we begin in the us by president joe biden is tested positive for koby 19, forcing him to cancel a campaign event in las vegas is the 3rd time that he one year old is confronted
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the virus. but it comes at a critical time and his re election campaign now with renewed coals from some democrats for him to step aside. reynolds begins coverage revolting from las vegas . the crowd filling the cavernous ballroom, waited eagerly for president jo, buying to take the stage. instead, a stunning announcement, i was just on the phone with president biden and he shared his deep disappointment at not being able to join us this afternoon. the present has been at many events as we all know us and he just tested positive for cove. it a short time later, bite and forwarded air force, one en route to delaware, where he will self isolate in his home for an undetermined period of time.
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the just 24 hours earlier biden had appeared well, giving a forcible speech to the n a a c p convention in las vegas. i don't want to i don't know how to do this job. but on wednesday, after taping a radio interview, he tested positive. the white house said his symptoms were mild, a slight fever, cough, runny nose and general feeling of malays. he has been vaccinated and boosted for cove it. it was another heavy blow to a battered campaign. biden's disastrous performance in the debate with former president, donald trump has led a growing number of democratic politicians to say publicly he should drop out of the race in favor of a different candidate. the latest is california. congressman adam shift who earned a high profile as the main advocate for trumps 1st impeachment over arms to ukraine
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and who is now running for senate shift told the newspaper he has serious doubts bite and can defeat trump in november and said the president should pass the torch . the cobra diagnosis also comes after biting described circumstances under which he might drop out for health reasons. for his medical condition and him or somebody here, the doctors came to me said you got this problem. that problem. the president has already taken his 1st dose of the anti viral medication packs, lovitz is enforced. isolation will take him off the campaign trail at a critical time and may very well lead to increased calls for him to end. his quest for us can turn rob reynolds, l g 0 las vegas. meanwhile, ohio sent it to j. the vaughn says officially accepted the republican vice presidential nomination. he address the policies national convention for the 1st
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time is donald trump's running bite, promising jobs, and plunging to fight for work and calls the americans. officials send us this report from the new and middle loyalty it was his introduction to america demand. it could be just a heart beat away from the presidency defiance as a relative unknown, and total comes choice as his vice presidential running mate the open with praise for the man. he wants heavily criticized, competing to hitler to night. we celebrate. he is our once and future president of the united states of america. a relatively new sent it to from ohio. he needed the trump endorsement to win his election to of any future in republican politics. a former marine, a best selling author funds is an abortion absolutist bond, with no exceptions, even for report and says he's opposed to continued military support for ukraine. i'm believe china is a mass effect. he claims washington has cost too many hardships for too many
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ordinary americans. for me, i racked throughout the, at a stand from the financial crisis to the great recession from open borders to stagnating wages. the people who govern this country have failed and failed again. he was introduced to the convention, but his wife showed the daughter of indian immigrants, his goals and this new role are the same. but he is pursued for our family to keep people safe, to create opportunities, to build a better life. and to solve problems with an open mind. the theme of nice the was make america strong again. this because told for the security, the audience we've science calling from us deportation and duck minted migrants. no mention donald trump effectively blow up the possible bipartisan immigration legislation. he wanted it as an issue to run on the use of his convention payroll, and course the immigration laws. he will find the mexican drug cartel
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and he will arrest the criminal field label address and put them behind. the truck team says the selection of g defines is about the long term future, but no attention tons to donald trump himself. you'll close the convention with his speech on thursday. the 1st time you've spoken in public, really. since the attempt on his life at the we to do a line. so the question it's up for us with the means a different kind of donald trump all the for sure. i'll just need a publican. national convention in milwaukee and thomas gift is the director of the center on us politics at the university college london joins us from cambridge, massachusetts, good to have you with us. so j, the bonds a relative unknown in the political st. ones compared trump to hit the wall made
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donald trump choosing today's running night as well. thanks so much for having me. it's great to be with you. you know, katie vance does not fit the typical bill for a vice president. he doesn't add the electoral mass. he doesn't balance out the to the valid demographics weight, but what he does do is double down on galvanizing the base. i really think that judy bass reflects the future of trump is a, he's a young intellectual. well spoken less charismatic, arguably more ideological version of trump. is really slowing in populace nationalism. so trauma didn't choose bands for the typical reasons. and the fact that he didn't actually might suggest that he's quite confident in his ability to win this race. i'm glad you mentioned that because i was going to ask you were looking at his performance and how he was received at the convention. is it fair to say that vance is being car?
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and they said, not only is the vice presidential candidate, but something of an air of the manga movement in a way that mike pins never was. well, i think at this point you would have to say, here's the error parents, and he has a remarkable background growing up in poverty, in appalachia from a broken home except a deal law school gets elected to the senate. it's easy to see how that resonates and ideologically, he's very much in lock step with trump. course there are no guarantees we don't know, trump is going to win this year and 2028 is still very far out. we also saw on the democratic side, but calmly. harris in 2020 was perceived as the heir apparent to buy him. and now perhaps less so. so we'll start to see how this plays out. but at this point, i think vince the popular choice among database and they're looking for him to carry the torch in to the next generation. we saw the cross has focused back on democrats and on bite and in those speeches at the republican convention. so,
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how mall defined, how change, how unifying is the message been? so file, since the assess the attempted assassination of donald trump? what's been kind of a mixed bag at this point? certainly, we've heard some speeches that are more unifying, some that are darker and more antagonistic. but the real question is, what trump is going to say? can he deliver a unifying address without going out script? just so out of character and it conflicts, i think with every impulse he has from job or cereal he wants to be on the attack. he's not content unless he gets less work. so this just doesn't come to actually to kind of present a you to find, find an even in the trunk can give a more unifying speech of the directions. the challenge is whether he and other republicans can maintain that for another 4 months. i'm somewhat skeptical that he's going to be able to do that $180.00 between now and november. trump said that his presidency is going to be a retribution toward that he's going to route out the deep state. none of that is
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consistent with lowering the temperature of politics, and that gets even unclear to me, whether offering a unifying message would help wine and his circle support. you know, american stay that they want politicians to dial back to vitriol. but at the same time, their voting patterns suggest otherwise, talk about taking the temperature. let's look at the other side of the divide mole . democratic figure is coming out and urging, binding to the step down is the course of voices as a tipping point. yes, in your reading of the temperature as well, we have to keep in mind that this decision is ultimately going to be binds, but it does seem like the walls are closing in what people were saying, just privately. they're now saying publicly, so that's a real challenge for democrats. best case scenario, bottom is running at a time in which major figures these are not low profile profile figures like adam shift, like even the speaker,
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the senate majority leader. they're all saying basically that a trunk should get out of the race. so it's going to be hard for him to kind of maintain momentum between now and november. he can do it. i certainly don't think that this election is over, but at the image of a what you say the time that it can be really ways. the fact that he's just going down with colorado in a virus is not going to impact not in these campaigning, but his ability to recover get ground, to reach out to people and find recover some of that loss ground to donald trump will certainly be sticking to have come at a worse time and he has a lot of ground to make up. if you look at pulling almost 3 and 4 americans, things that bind doesn't have the cognitive acuity or physical bigger to complete the job. i think the one help provide me why i think that this race isn't over yet, is that trump still is a polarizing figure. now you could actually look at the polling and say, it's kind of remarkable. the trump is only by $56.00 points nationally by adopt
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that same amount in key swing stays, momentum can shift and of course, just like be attempted assassination of trauma, events happen that alter the landscape that we can expect are still 4 months between now and the election, but i think any clear minded assessment of the poll suggests that button is down these down by a non considerable amount and then he's really going to have to ship them a matter of if he's to win this thing. all right, so it's good to get your thoughts on analysis. thomas gift staff from university college on the a. thank you. the now these right, the ministry is attacking densely populated areas across garza, at least 50 full palestinians, have been killed in the past 24 hours and attack on the central town of as to why they killed at least 8 palestinians and injured others. women and children are
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among the victims is very false, is also attacked very on the site on and the age refugee camps. product of iso has mo, from data that often central guns are on the latest, overnight from boston. and since the hours of this morning, i even know that noise attacks is wait a minute, 3 has been focusing on destroying and attacking central areas of this trip. at least 7 palestinians have been killed in an attack on a zone. why is that sound low to others being killed in a very tough to, to residential homes? what completely attacks without getting any one? what's the situation is getting really grim as we have been a sub in the police search of military strikes on the seems for areas, especially in the area where a civil child was targeted in the very densely populated areas. at least 3 palestinians have to report a few. people basically have been going through really different psychological and physical throw. my regarding this on getting attacks. they have been absolutely
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terrified as they have been enduring and terrible loss. and basically those palestinians have been moving from different areas slowly and you're looking for safety box with these ready on the present at the surge of attacks on evaluation senses. system preferences along side with transportation. so i'll just send you guys have been using the situation is getting really very difficult in light of a very plea that your ration in terms of humanitarian situation of the ground as well for displace kimberly's topic. i would just say right there is that i have a story somewhere in gaza. this year began with a heat wave in high temperatures and making living conditions even more difficult, more than half of all buildings damaged or destroyed. many people are displaced and the patch of shades is precious palestinians, the toning to the sea for vice a relief samples. probably. now in garza, a stroll to the beach is more than just a break. it is
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a necessity. high temperatures wait daily on every facet of life for palestinians living under siege homes destroyed no access to running water. a swim in the cool blue mediterranean sea, off the gauze, a coast off. and the only way to cool off photo has the land. so when i want to go to the beach with my brother, we must be bid for time, so the flip flops on stolen. we swim and shower in the sea, stay as much as we like, and then go back to the tent. so many people have been driven out of their homes, a kind of shanty town of mix shift shelters. now lines because the coast, in this part of con, units, people here say sometimes it can be hotter inside detect. and i, as most of the have chest problems in the life intense doesn't suit people with just problems. we will to the beach, spend some time enjoying the cool breeze. this gives us some relief from all horrible life in the tent. living conditions here are harsh, at best, very basic. they ration drinking water,
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choosing to either clean or cook rarely books, and the harder it gets, the faster the spread of infectious disease. life you know, tend to, during the war is very tough and extremely rough. we came to the beach because we don't have any other option. i am old and sick. i feel suffocated in attend. sitting here like this for around 9 hours a day is now healthy. either to host ration is difficult for everyone, particularly old people and children. the tents are full of insects. no one can sleep at night because of insects and flies. you can't tolerate more than 5 minutes and attends the water in a bottle is becomes very hot and a fluid dispos quickly. i don't know what to do. a reprieve from the ruined around them. welcome the brief and even here the war is on their minds. mohammed says the tents may be hot, but some people live in dirty streets. some don't know where to go. but they say
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they are grateful to be alive. zane bus for avi autism and his riley drive and strike is killed. one of the come on does of a lebanese resistance group in the countries east. it targeted a vehicle in the region. the sides of forces is the middle tree wing of the 11 and jamal this, let me, yeah, it's one of several small groups that have joined the fight against israel. another strength in southern lebanon is killed. the has the law member who surround the lebanese group of traded near daily fire since the war and guns that began. as the law says, it opened the front against israel in solidarity. we've come us a sign, a hole that has mall from by roots on these riley strikes and lebanon targets at assassinations have become a near daily occurrence. and the ongoing confrontation between the is rarely military and has the law. it is a strategy employed by the is really military for months. now. what they do is that
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they target to members fighters, commanders of hezbollah as well as palestinian groups like come off early on thursday, 40 kilometers from the border. a car was hits, a commander belonging to the l flush are forces. that's the military wing of lebanon's, which amount is that mia was killed. now. this group cooperates with the 11 on branch of come up. a few hours later, a car close to the border was hit, killing has full member. now this the confrontations both sides. the warring sides largely respect respecting the unwritten rules of engagement whereby attacks are largely confined to military targets. but in recent days, civilians have been caught in the crossfire and that led the house by the secretary general has won us relo to issue yet the new warning to the is rare is telling them that if they continue to kill civilians then has the law will targets new,
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new settlements in northern as well. so this is a conflict that is dangerously points and link to the war on god's drugs and until that for. and then they cannot find the solution to these ongoing confrontations and the chances of this conflict, widening are real center for their algebra 0. they do the balance of the u. k. when you really liked it, 5 minutes thick? yes. dom or is hosting thousands of european leaders as a tries to strength and times with the content on the agenda of the war and ukraine and europe's migrant crisis. european political community summit is the 1st event installer is hosting since is landslide victory and elections. any of this month? i don't. how is live from that in palace for us? so dentist, 1st of all,
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to what extent is this gathering really about trying to recalibrate your opinions, security in lights of phase about where the us may be heading. mm. well, that's certainly not how the c, p c began in 2022 when it was holding by a french president, emmanuel macro, and in the immediate way because the russian invasion of ukraine. but that he's very much where he's focused. now, it is a grouping of european nations beyond just the e, you $27.00. there are 45 heads of state represented here to the of course you guys and looking at issues of importance to them. the russians, red energy, security migration, of course. and it is notable this for them because there is no transatlantic element. the united states is not at the table here. the traditional backbone all be repeating the security and defense is not here. this is about your if essentially looking after its own and the thing that really concerns. all of these
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leaders now is what happens in november in the united states. the moving possibility of a 2nd, trump presidency, ever more isolationist, antagonistic towards nato, towards european security towards ukraine's defense. president lensky is here. he'll speak of that press conference later, expecting to be honest, directly about j. dfacs. just comments from vice president. take recently who said, look, i said i don't care one way or the other. what happens to you credit and that is a view that happens. they sort of security a platform across europe and not really quite foundational way. and also is they send them pools and the, i'll put you in and see if the kids style my purse and laser kind of showcase himself as a leader on the global stage to swell the eighty's. yet more absolutely for to with this timing for the new british private as tequila started the last week. of course, the other face to face meeting with us president biden, to the nato summit,
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t washington this week. now he gets to go, i, to why with all of these european leaders to be among them to be one of them. hosting the summit, atlanta and palace. they both space of woodson church for the cost of living. these things were putting training well before he won the election, but the timing incredibly fortuitous. and it is of course, important as well because of his state today in the manifesto of resetting relations with you or particularly european union, post breakfast, what he wants is a new security and defense agreement with them. what he wants to start to trade relations, what he wants, he's cooperation, dealing with illegal migration smugglers, putting people into small boats across the channel from process to come here to the u. k. is something on that in comments that he made us, the opening plain racial while ago as we speak because we do offer here a criminal implied is at work in every country rep presented here to the property
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of human misery, of desperation. prepared to said in foot space pregnant mothers, innocent people to that to us last week, photo souls and actually last night, another one will last in the waters of the english channel. many young africans who leave for europe in the hope of a better future end up returning home. somebody's to call that a life for themselves with others struggle to integrate under 0 spoke to one the on down the news back home, setting up his own business. my name is tied to interior level. i am gonna edit 20 margaret on indigo. mia? i am the ceo on the phone to aside your intern double funding for the we have uh i looking for um he lives with all of us. i he, i was, i'm one of the force we planted, but non us and then you have the orange juice. we have the upland. we have corrupts
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. and then we have the castle and we also have long us onto many or, you know, on 3. so we have trouble entering the cotton tuned the media um, when i was between 17 per cent. and what happens on my way is slightly more betray us. and, and was, you know, one of the most difficult part of my life, the happiest moment was when i, i've unplugged yourself. um, i think was the happiest moment so far. because when i came to the producer, it is heavy. we see like the lights everywhere. how do welcome us, we are the 2 cause, you know, the 1st new clothes, did you 1st food, you know, the nickel school for table? they may of course, believe that we have a bit of feature with them. what else could say my laugh was bit difficult before i
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traveled, but it was more difficult after traveling and very difficult. i felt a tony and whole life on opportunity around is very limited. so i decided to move this to develop. but when i life industries i want, i want, okay, this is not a country for me because everything around it is not something that i really want that. so i decided to move forward to go to john when they finish. i like it's possible for us to come because i am, you said look, i've gotten dance when i see them as we hold the lease we, i didn't leave the lives the was not something that i had in the one that my biggest really good was 10 in the you don't that long. that spite because progress, my expectation in life is to stay in the gum. yeah. be that kind of life. i mean, the ones that are up to 200000 displaced people and so down
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a flight to the east and city of good that us to escape fighting between the army and the pilot free rock and support forces most from neighboring sen, all state. i'm involved visited, the displacement counts the area that this report abraham, our is the least likely person to the cost of 3 on the move. he's poor with a barge family, including 3 disabled children. i want a wheel chair, a bed and a cushion because sand and stones are hurting my back. they have to go from place to place, starting from cup to flee is the conflict of to one yet. in sanaa state. the fighting caught up with them and force them to move to the by the, by the rapid support forces tend to hurt people. when they attack subject, everyone was leaving. they could take people's prophecy, the times kills them. well, they might take the goals, i have these children with disabilities and had to do something. this woman also
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edited until come to how simulate fee is worth of the we were in hard to him and went to center. then one problem started. i have to flee again in order to protect my daughters with 3 girls. i'm in a special situation. they need to be in a place that's safe for them. a, what is see a is painful, a loss must be even more agonizing. to leave it, i mean, well, go to the hospital. what was in my uncle's high since then, joe, when the attack began, well, have 2 children, one less than 2 years old, the other 3 and a off, up to now i can't find them. my husband, mohamed, how my game with all his family and my own kind of de la. also, i've no idea where they're going. stories like this one and even was a bone, do this temporary come for the displaced. it's one of the separate. i'm in the city of good body with people the us, the schools, i'm a public facilities. despite the relief aid being provided by different
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organizations, these people are traumatized and they're living off conditions. they are more like 200 a cells and i do these get audio and we are actually need for the fittest to be in a shelter, take them from the water. secondly, we want them to provide them with the food. food is essential and we the health house equipment house medicines. this is very station for us to be here. on monday, you 6 new families allies in this school which has received 4000 families over the last 3 weeks. many have to sleep in the open until a most suitable place is found. they'll pull up and go and exasperation, and all they was for ease and immediate end to the war. and to be able to return home. how much the funds. i'm just, you know, the safety of the body to that. so i had an al jazeera,
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the power of digital activism. how anti government protested in can they're on mobilizing through social media. and a 14 year old becomes the youngest player in major league soccer. that's coming up with gemma in school. the have a lot of there. it's all about the red hot summer heat across the southern and eastern parts of europe. at the moment. we've had exceptionally high temperatures, searching all the way from western russia down to greece. now we've seen those temperatures continued to sit very high in cities like athens through to scratch a day. they will be coming down slight either in places like ukraine is record heat the over the past few days. read more warnings remain, however,
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across croatia through to remain you down to bulgaria where we saw while fi is walled. fi is as well in north macedonia and the threat continues across most southern parts of italy. that's as temperature is peak up over the next few days. we have got red warnings out in room, $139.00 degrees celsius. the ad for the south west. well, temperatures will continue to pick up in spain with that heat wave comes as also looking mighty fine in london. we've got fine and dry weather to come here to get across southern parts of england as we go thursday into friday. the further east of this week with and windy weather that will move away from scan today. you across into western russia, taking that rain into moscow on friday. that's the weather of the what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want to create it?
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all of this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice, age guides, which actually autonomy and operating and doing this is the apple kind of technician, oh, is it already too late? so if corporations this more power might in the building an entire country, the future's going to be good for the i would be nice if to put functions as well as human on al jazeera, examining the headlines is really the soldiers when they came to shift, they started attacking the machines, unflinching john lewis. and what message do you think that they were trying to send will come here and will tell you and meet or sharing personal stories with a global audience? it's you will determine what the future we all collective we make, always explode on a pundents world. class. progress on ours is 0. the
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the welcome back to watching. i'll just do a time to recap, i'll headlines you as president joe biden. this tested positive for co with 19 while on the campaign child in nevada, he canceled his speech. i tell you that, you know, civil rights organization is heading back to his home in delaware, ohio, send it to j. the fonts has officially accepted the republican vice presidential nomination. he addressed the republican national convention is 1st form a speech being chosen. donald trump's funding night is right. the ministry striking densely populated areas across garza, at least 50 full palestinians, have been killed in 24 hours and then sank on the central town of as why they
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killed at least 8 people and injured others. at least full pro testers have been killed in bangladesh. just thousands, cool for a complete shot down across the country. violence has broken out between police and students in several locations in dot com. and on the outskirts of the capsule. hundreds of people have been injured in the past week. students are demanding an end to quotas for government jobs. come through, challenge re joins us live from the co, with mall. so to what extent of the student protests is being able to impose this shot down? pretty much quite extend. diamond traffic is very light, very few public transport or private cars moving around the mostly emergency big island, the central vehicle. the city is very tense right now. there's been classes going on in different sectors of the capital city. we've been to some products just about
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quarter mile from where i'm sitting. we can hear gunshots done in san grenades. there's at least 6 private university of and the students read out in the streets since morning. and that's so pressing with police there that way. i think i've just, they've been trying to land police helicopter troops inside the building to despise the students. situation is also bad in other parts of the country. we have a pump from truck program which is the 2nd largest post city that was there, bought some classes that i am leaving the other parts of the frontier. this, despite the fact the government just announced by the law minister in the paula, i'm in a press briefing are generally that the government is willing to sit down with the protesting students. this is a conciliatory message and a thrown down by the government. and also i lost everything the prime minister should come soon enough, and their conciliatory spits that they will go for the judicial inquiry after who is behind all this. say allison crime and killings recently and said the to have
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patient until the supreme code gives a party. but the students are very item and they want this co dot to be abolished on that side if not just a quarter anymore. it's a fact that so many people were injured and numbers of students were killed. we won those just bumps about for those to become to back to just as long to learn. i left with 50 protesting. so the situation is quite critical still. and the student appears to be still going on, protesting the flag government is that for to say that the ones that compromise and sit down, the police are tracking down still all across the country and ride behind about a quite a kill. everybody can hear gun funds and grenades and helicopters, all that on there trying to track down on that student. so i can tell the situation is still quite critical. intense in the capital city, as well as in other parts of the country. and no doubt will come back to life, attend via for an update on that critical situation. as i was last night, is executive editor doc,
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a tribunal joins us from the capital. it sounds like quite a dramatic and there's not correspondence at critical situation. how much of a threat now these protests be coming to the government? yeah. those you the at least knew him that uh your boss, the ending from the bar by to the 9th in doc button. best buy and most of the shot guns has gone through as testing, evidently, and at the bottom is uh there dropped at various places. and in most of the cases the students are. and then they should be at the end of these bodies by the places that there are land for soldiers, and also as the basis allegations of routing bodies thrown in from also attacking them. so that's kind of that situation, but as so far we also came to know that the top of the 4 people and i mean kids and 6 small kid as you know
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a day before yesterday. so the situation is really well or bad, but uh the been has as the most, but it was also debbie said just uh, barely an hour ago they offered the visit 80 to do the furnace. these bids that the government says ready to talk to students, but to what extent is the issue up to the government now, because my understanding is this has gone to the supreme court and it was moved by relatives of veterans of the war of independence who will not happy with the government decisions describe the closest system. so is this, i mean this, the position of the government here really one a that it wants to keep the causes in place and be even if it wants to, what does it really have much safe? it's up to a supreme court ruling. yeah. yeah. yeah, but i, i the use it the really tricky a security suggestions really tricky. a member argue that just basically in 2018
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when there was a purpose for months, this group of students who are on the stage, the end of campuses, and they have been asking for how long they have been asking for the 30 fall, not every shipment and the, and there was a good up to, to 6 percent the product. oh, well, i ended up in jobs for various groups and only 44 percent of the bases of maybe the have done anything at that point while the case was bouncing around between the 3 that at the end, that's the end of football. been deep, ultimately, did they ever lose the certificate they needed 0 percent, which is which they never awful accurately. now, after afterwards, after 3 years from then to parts, those went to the code asking for a standing those go to. so the high board came up,
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but definitely simply came up with a decision which is essentially a uh, facilitate the reinstatement of those photos into which of these students are interested in. again and government is saying that we have a piece, i mean, but it says the, the box here and the billing to the code. asking that the data the they go, but they want to basically to do it any 80 or, or the shuttle uh, no. florida, but the students are also saying that but in the process that there is a huge amount of these drastically. not all the same issue uh, coming, watched it for a while, then going back the sort of thing into the process producer. seeing that their future is be, i mean, as they did, they did do a bit as the thing have, you see st that is the in the hassle, the core and the quote she doing is and finally bought the division of. busy i
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bought the happens on the 11th, if the coal rules to keep the business. yeah. yeah. yeah. you see, and these are all these uh for best. and now do they been saying that induced am? i sort of a barely been bobo, but basically go back to the court and we try to bring back everything forward. then they don't say that of being that far by talking to the company. so these kind of things been good to get to the end. so been saying to the end, to talk to the engineering stuff is but these have been done. i mean from the executive branch of the bowman, big good to have shown this part of the, i mean, uh uh, i want to get sure having dialed and uh, the reason that they are showing that the and giving with the full dispute has been done to the more than 2 weeks. all right. all right. and in the
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process they get any lights have lost. right? yeah. all right, thank you so much for your analysis on that recalls a month from the duck. a tribute springs and breaking news just coming in and the news is a passenger train has the railed in knolls, in india, 10 coaches of an express train. the rail was held in gun that's in the state of per dash. now a rescue team has been sent to the site is what we're hearing and bringing more information. as soon as we can about what's happened 60 to those passengers and people on the train trying this top leadership is called for a forms aimed at boosting. it's slowing economy at a key meeting held in by jane communist policy conference focused on self sufficient economic growth. it also focused on making china
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a technological center. the world's 2nd largest economy is grappling with weakening consumption, a real estate crisis, and geo political tensions. or c, g is a shanghai director at economist intelligence corporate network joins us from shanghai. so 1st of all, is this a moments of crisis full, the chinese economy? how do you see it as well? i wouldn't say it's a moment of crisis by you did. the chinese economy is performing recur than expected, especially the 2nd quarter of growth. i actually use most of the markets, the expectations due to the fact to us that you just mentioned. so because i'm sure and then also very weak investor and hospitalization, confidence. and this is why it's important policy meeting off the top of leadership . it's quite crucial at this moment once you make of the announcements. so all the
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statements solve reforms going on at that meeting. yeah, according to the communique, the what stress free lease, we see that. so the top leadership of china is a store for sizing of pursuing the so called high quality developments and commit thing to open, open this open to for the investment and the for, and business as the men and development priorities for china moving forwards. while this also suggests that so it's kind of with thoughts actually pursue higher rates growth as a past thing or for the over for the past about 2030 years. but instead you will be focused on developing the tv industrious that are. busy start to importance product from tray that are off national, security and the industrious that have top that can come up with a disruptive innovation, which is defined by the government as the sectors for high quality developments and
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sectors for new productive forces. and these are the people cuz of the of china, new development time moving forward. also lines dropping about something of a re shuffle going on with a chinese communist policy. essential committee. removing some key figures like the form of foreign and defense. smith says, what does that tell us a well this to a high, a members of the top leadership of the safety of the and the chinese government for after they spaced off charges of corruption and immoral activities. and it was reported that especially for the defense managed part of that, it was actually associated with us, some top secret leasing. and 2, the 24, you can call her back. and this also suggests that there's a, a board and if a size of national security that's been enforced by, by, by the top leadership, that is all right, thank you so much for your thoughts and analysis on that. why?
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so you see from the economist intelligence corporate network. okay, and president william roots, i was named this foreign minister as i've seen cabinet cycle. grateful ministry's and sauces is missing almost using ty, cabinet, police of band demonstrations in the capsule nairobi following weeks of protests against a controversial finance bill that would have raised taxes, rights groups. i'm more than 50 people were killed. young canyons are at the full front of the private test, they using social media to rally supporters. catherine, sorry reports from nairobi. all the company that took studies we are done with your copying to is one of the most popular to characters in can you shop? here's a huge social media presence. the saucy, we are both see and lout is created says he talks about issues that resonate with
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many canyons at the cost of leaving corruption and bad governance. he does this with a touch of humor, know, cutting to his main goal is to, to bring, you know, to make your life is to being a human, being a bit of joy. this person in the, in the times we're going through the mental ill. now people are blessed with to know with everything that's great. when people angry 61 can use a using social media to push for change. the discuss serious topics to music. comedy skips and guns president william who to has used it to some of the demands. but they say this is not enough. the frustration on line and on the street. he's evidence y'all. william omar says he has been unable to
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access government funding to pursue he's university education. he's an offering education piece. what has to be close to that 5 before anything else? so personally, i think i'm not happy to the president of the president. so that's a bit of a defense was to me, the president doesn't hold up. so dude, problem many wanted the president to address them on social media. you know, democracy there to did is one of a few details on the continent to do so. so you have a plan to get out to this be tomorrow, but i'm tony bulky, who hosts a show online saves. they still don't trust him because of many broken promises. we are maybe kid class of jo. bless you. it's a very dangerous place to be. we need jobs, and that is what the government has to respond to otherwise, before, keep on coming out, calls for the present to step down are getting increasing these out. many of these young people are not afraid. they say this is their right to protest. and that very
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angry as well about how the country is being one who they say they're going to be here until the president. the end of government does best of the accountability and justice put those who have died in the protest. catherine, sorry all the 0 nairobi, the still ahead on al jazeera, more on the dinosaur, also sold at auction for a record breaking some and in sport japan's male gymnast, look for a demolition in paris, often narrowly missing out on a limited goal that home that's coming up with gemma, the, the agriculture revolution promised abundance, but it's damaging the planet to this system is destroying the habitat that tried
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leeway, explored how sacrificing by diversity from maximum view is leading to food and security, and threatening on very existence. leaving the self seized on able to adapt to climate change the needs we thing what we so full health plan is on o. just the era, the, the the, all right scroll finds, let's catch up on all the sports news we've gemma thank you saw me. origin tina's vice president to store and a support behind the countries football. those who will close up in a controlled to see if a chance for them to come from america victory. chelsea's ends a fernandez pasted this video from the teen boss,
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which appears to shy argentina's players making their own good. 3 comments about french play as with african heritage fee for our investigating offer a complaint from the french football federation. you called the chance racist and discriminate 3, but i'll just seen as a vice president victoria at the chevy. well, has defended countries. national c, pasting on x, she writes, argentina is a free and sovereign country. we never had colonies or 2nd class citizens. we have never imposed our way of life on anyone, but neither will we tolerate that. they do it to us. they claim in this country is going to intimidate us for a song of what's having the treats, but they do not want to admit, stop sustaining indignation, hypocrites, enzo. i support you. now, you might just need images of that e mail message. this for an uncle. i have a social media, well as download to the entry will keep them out of action and definitely, according to his club into miami, messy it damaged the ligaments during argentine as a come from mca title defense. last week. he south outs why i'm, he's much on wednesday is they beat through onto f. c 31. the club says it will
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keep assessing the captain's availability. to especially takes a break. the next generation already is putting the gap, including kevin sullivan. these become the youngest plaza of pit, and in my last match, at 14 years and 293 days, he was brought on as a substitute to philadelphia union between the previous record by son same days. i'm still my scold sullivan has already been linked to the move to mind. just assist you. once he turns 18. the union beach new england revolution 5 was and a 10 much when the street with 8 days to go until the power so then picks again depends men's gymnastics team will be looking for redemption in the french capital. they not really missed out on gold and take a 3 years ago trying to go through the reports in gymnastics, it's a fine line between affection and failure. and so is the margin between gold and silver medals. just off the japanese men's team,
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they were beaten by roster at the home game 3 years ago and it still stings even for the star key as she molto who picked up 2 individual goats, half of it going to the frontier. we had the bitter experience in tokyo and missed the goals middle by the narrow list of margins of 0.103. i want us to win that golden parents as a team last and enjoy the view from the podium to give the. historically, japan is one of 3 power houses in the men's team, competition along with china and russia. the countries claims team gold medals at all, but one olympics going back to 1952, but this time there will be no russia up to the country was banned by the international olympic committee over the war and ukraine with japan winning the world championships in october, at of china, the team is confident that chances in paris ok away to submit this window and even
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load up based on how simulations the difficulty level that japan performs. that is higher than china. that's quite a surprise. it's always been the other way around. but now we have a higher difficulties school than them. i think we have the strongest 5 members this time with personal resource k, and it is important to not make any mistakes and create conditions where we could win in the end. we need to make sure we do well and qualified to go super fast, and then we can perform that last step, right. this is the horizontal bar off the opponent in the final victory for japan would extend the record whole to 8 team goals and turn around the fortunes of to the disappointment they faced. in total, do you want to guys raska, which is 0 to the final minds? golf major of the thing is underway. a royal train in scotland can rory mcelroy and his 10 year major droughts, while he came very close at last month's us, i said,
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god, number 2 started with the bank even got the shot back. out of a sudden remains level ha, to time to teach a champion, adjusting thomas have the outright lead for them to process the shots like this. put a double play here, the 12th was packed him back. it was also a strong stop from englishman maxwell se, hold out here for an ego at the pa 5 full. so when he was leaving at one point, but a triple budget, the 9th, so he's dropped back. and how about this? from 2013 mazda is, went out and scope out the 1st sort of 5 way to stop the tournament, and he's one of the lead one of the folks that is always wolf. now, melissa, somebody. thank so much, jim. now a read dying. the soul skeleton has sold for rent gold, $44000000.00 in new york. christian salumi has more. i'm what makes this big a source so valuable? a meat apax, a 161000000 year olds, data source standing nearly 3 and a half meters tall and 6 meters in length. it's built as the most complete and best
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preserved fossil of its kind with 79 percent of its skeleton intact. just how rare is it? it's sold at auction for a staggering record price in terms of stages sources. this is an incredibly rare animal. there were only 8 or 9 known in the world. the fossil was discovered in colorado, in 2020 to may of 2022. my birthday and i was with one of my best friends at the time and he was my head excavator. and he said, well, jason, what do i do for your birthday? and i said i wanted to find a dentist. sotheby's auction house closely collaborated with the owner, renowned commercial, paleontologist, jason cooper, to document the entire process and this video from its discovery and the excavation to its restoration preparation. and mounting evidence of arthritis suggests the state of stores had lived to old age, found with the tail curled up underneath the body, which is
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a common dest pause for animals. you know, your dogs, cats, when they're gonna die, they're gonna curl up. the sale is a big win for sotheby's in the fossil zone or put some paleontologist are worried. it's a loss to science when a fossil like apax ends up in the hands of a wealthy private collector. i'll do 0, spoke to pelley ontologies, terry woodruff, who worries, museums won't be able to compete. what is the, are concerned about the state as far as going up for sale in the us? you know, a lot of times, museums, we work on private land. so, you know, we might get permission from the land owner, they may donate the fossils, allow the museum on. well now the landowner flipping on the news and seeing a dinosaur headset, you know, record prices. thanks. i as well, i'm letting them using. i'm just have them. sotheby's says the buyer intends to explore loaning apex to a us institution. kristin, salumi, algebra, new york. i'm back since from may for this news. now. we'll be back in the moment
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with another for show. so to stay with us, the the latest news, the lounge routes that could supply the people of gauze of what are available for the us didn't use it's leverage to force as well to open them. with detailed coverage makes shift as cool stuff as from distraction to from the ongoing context and plumbing um, displacements of lights and goes up from the hall. so the story is really monetary claim. the target of the attack was a scene or how much military commanders, but how much is the claim falls? a todd huge. i mean to be used as israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way
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. that's our facing realities. you're running, mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era business latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in dubai, the
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business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the present has been at many events as we all know, and he just tested positive for quote and i'll just sit back for you as president joe biden, who's under pressure to jump out of the election. rice, the hotel mccrae. this is i will just say we're alive from the also coming up. but message to you, my fellow republicans is we love this country and we.
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