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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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sounds we cannot take effect into the side of the present as not that important effective. he, of the story on talk to al jazeera, the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back. threats to offsets on 20, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news. our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. joe biden returns home to delaware officer. a cobit diagnosis throws is u. s. presidential campaign to even baltimore. red cross williams, hospitals and southern goals or a push to breaking point bicycles, relentless bombardments,
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last week. total souls and actually last night, but novel loves the waters puppy english. u. k. prime minister kissed alma pledge is a crack down on people smugglers. the deep valves to tackle europe's migrant crisis and savvy as it was on the salt lake drive out for the 1st time ever. for a long speech wave across the phone, the german asked with the sports of tiger woods seasonal for the eyes and championship. shortly to begin his quest for 6 things, major title will bring you the latest action from world truth installed in the beginning this news hour in the united states. what president joe biden is tested positive for cove is 19 forcing him to cancel
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a campaign event in las vegas. it's the 3rd time the $81.00 rolled his contract to the virus, but it comes at a critical time now and his re election campaign have been renewed calls from some democrats for him to step aside. reynolds begins on coverage from las vegas. the crowd filling the cavernous ballroom, waited eagerly for president joe biden to take the stage. instead, a stunning announcement. i was just on the phone with president bye. and he shared his deep disappointment at not being able to join us this afternoon. the present has been at many events as we all know and he just tested positive for cove it a short time later, bite and forwarded air force, one en route to delaware, where he will self isolate in his home for an undetermined period of time.
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the just 24 hours earlier biden had appeared well, giving a forcible speech to the n a a c p convention in las vegas. i don't want to i don't know how to do this job. but on wednesday, after taping a radio interview, he tested positive. the white house said his symptoms were mild, a slight fever, cough, runny nose and general feeling of malays. he has been vaccinated and boosted for coven. it was another heavy blow to a battered campaign. biden's disastrous performance in the debate with former president, donald trump has led a growing number of democratic politicians to say publicly he should drop out of the race in favor of a different, candid to the latest is california. congressman adam shift who earned
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a high profile is the main advocate for trumps 1st impeachment over arms to ukraine and who is now running for senate shift told the newspaper he has serious doubts bite and can defeat trump in november and said the president should pass the torch . the cobra diagnosis also comes after biting described circumstances under which he might drop out for health reasons for his medical condition and the nurse that somebody hits the doctors gave me said you got this problem. that problem the president has already taken his 1st dose of the anti viral medication packs, lovitz is enforced. isolation will take him off the campaign trail at a critical time and may very well lead to increased calls for him to end his quest for a 2nd term. rob reynolds, l g 0. las vegas mom, ohio santa j. the vans is officially accepted the republican vice presidential nomination. he addressed the policies national convention. so the 1st time was
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donald trump's running bates on his promising jobs, pledging to find for working class americans. and officials sentenced this report from the venue in milwaukee. as it was his introduction to america demand, it could be just a heart beat away from the presidency defiance as a relative unknown. and total comes choice as his vice presidential running mate the open with praise for the man he wants to heavily criticized competing to hitler to night. we celebrate. he is our once and future president of the united states of america. a relatively new sent it to from ohio. he needed the trump endorsement to win his election to of any future in republican politics. a former marine, a best selling author vance is an abortion absolutist bond, with no exceptions. even for reporting says he's opposed to continued military
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support for ukraine. believes china as a matter of fact, he claims washington has cost too many hardships for too many ordinary americans. for me, i racked wrapped in a stand from the financial crisis to the great recession, from open borders to stagnating wages. the people who govern this country have failed and failed again. he was introduced to the convention, but his wife showed the daughter of indian immigrants. physicals and this new role are the same, but he is pursued for our family to keep people safe, to create opportunities, to build a better life. and to solve problems with an open mind. the theme of night 3 was make america strong again. this because told for the security, the audience wave signs calling from us deportation and documented migrants. no mention the donald trump effectively blocked possible bipartisan immigration legislation. he wanted it as an issue to the one the one to use at his convention
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payroll. and course the immigration laws, he will find the mexican drug cartel and he will arrest the criminal field label address and them behind bar. it's a team says the selection of j t binds is about the long term future, but no attention tons to donald trump himself. you'll close the convention with his speech on thursday. the 1st time you've spoken in public really. since the attempt on his life at the we to do a line. so the question it's up for us with the means a different kind of donald trump all the for sure. i'll just need a publican national convention in milwaukee and speak with the white house correspondent, kimberly how could and joins us from washington, dc and kimberly were hearing more voices judging by than to step down from this
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campaign. how is team buys and dealing with the mounting pressure? well a, it certainly is a problem for the biding campaign. and i, i think it was a, a bite and campaign official. but it was a member of the democratic party. in fact, a former obama administration official by the name of van jones that put it so so essentially just moments after it was learned that job i didn't have co, but he, he said basically his name is van jones, a former obama administration officially set a bullet couldn't stop trump, but a virus just stopped by then. and i think that's kind of how the campaign is feeling right now is, but the republican party has this candidate that is looking invincible right now. and the democratic party, by contrast, has a candidate that is appearing weak and frail and 65 percent of democrats, according to the latest polls are feeling that as a result their,
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their candidate needs to step aside for someone that feels more vibrant, younger, and can run against donald trump, and even though the 2 men are really matched and age, their physical vigor is stark and contrasts. now, as you mentioned, there a growing number of democrats calling for joe biden to step aside for somebody else on the top of the ticket. not only the top intel uh, the top uh member in the house. uh uh we haven't had a number of people in the democratic party including nancy pelosi, a former house speaker, but also we've had came jeffries and then on the senate side. we've also had chuck schumer know they both say they haven't asked for him to step aside, only that they've of the ask for him to and really have related the concerns of the party. so you have to remember her, we were one week ago, we were listening to joe biden as he was giving a press conference at the nato summit. and what he was saying is look,
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i can do this job, i just have to get out there and campaign and the live a those fears. but now he's doing just the opposite. he's struggling to get in and out of a vehicle. he's looking frail and he's doing anything but campaigning. he's hiding in this home, recuperating from cove it not very good timing. how's that gonna impacts his appearance? there's no learning campaigning, but the nomination. well, the problem is the timing. i mean, is that it's really hard to see how he can recover from this literally and figuratively. the bottom line is, is that when you're older and you have an illness, it's always magnified. and in a political campaign, it's almost the same thing. one blip can be devastating, and joe biden already was fairly recovering from the fact that he had that horrific and debate performance at the end of last month. but he seemed to recover, and he even seemed to
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a definitely manage the assassination the attempt of his rival by looking presidential in the using the gravitas as the oval office. but this is definitely going to negate all of that. and there's very little time to recover figuratively and literally, in terms of turning this around and it is the once the momentum shift out of your favor, it's very hard to swing that pendulum back. it. it appears that the party is exasperated and has given him all the chest as they're willing to give. so the bottom line is, is that there's also this one last factor we should talk about. and that is when it comes to cdc protocols. well, there is some up taking cases in the united states. there certainly isn't. the sort of major concerns about co, with his campaign is portraying. and on top of that, we didn't see the president worry a mass. there weren't people around him were in mass. you almost wonder if the
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campaign is hiding something given the fact that no one seemed particularly alarmed . and this has been a white house that hasn't entirely been truthful about the president's visit physical condition. up until now. i think so much to kimberly how could outside the white house for us the the intensified is riley attacks throughout gauze. they have killed more than 500 people in the last 10 days. 25 on 1st day alone. an attack on the central town, that was the way that killed at least 7 palestinians, and injured many of us, women and children are among the victims. is there any forces of also attacked on the site on the age refugee camps? let's go to honey. my moods, he joins us live from data valley in central gaza. so how all palestinians dealing
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with 500 desks and just 10 days you know, sammy, this the, this is the most been served for the reading of casualty is across the gauze. us from not only within the past 24 hours or the past 10 days, or since the beginning of the war. if we look deeper into those who are missing, get trapped under the rubble, those are separated from their families. the number could be the land and in a triple, and in some cases, 500 people in 10 days. this is a direct result of the ongoing bombing, intense bombing company. and across the, the gauze has been many concentrated in the, in the central area. and the site are you can build it by the, the eastern part of the central area, both on but as the unabridged record, you can just this morning, a whole entire family talk about the 3 generations, a grand parents, parents, and their children were old golden. this is the,
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the patterns of, of mass killing that we've been seeing over and over, and every single, the entire families, you know, blood traded, complete in what seems to be a systematic mass going palestinians across the gulf, the merely children. just the number of children arriving to the hospital every time is wrapped in white cheats and soaked in blood is quite shocking and tragic. there to be murder at the record number due to the incense bombing campaign. relentless error strikes and the heavy artillery. and it doesn't seem to be, there is an end to end, or there is laid up in the talks. we see is happening. we're seeing a surgeon it to a scale up in almost every corner and the dealer with unit stars like this early in the morning. people gather here, the hospital taking bodies from the more performed lots of prayers here, the respect to the graveyard in the afternoon, early hours the afternoon, late hours afternoon,
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intense bombing campaign everywhere leading to depth and murder of more palestinians. the hospital in a span of half an hour, 45 minutes, becomes quite chaotic with many people, many remaining family members get here collapsed father crying mothers over the bodies of their children in the evening. once again, we are back to intense, can't bombing campaign everywhere and our of the morning that seems to be the daily normal for palestinians. and again, 500 people that the quite conservative reading of the possibilities and the damage that is caused. and the trauma cost to them. thanks so much to honey. my mood that in the so now the international committee of the red cross as hospitals in southern gaza have breaking point the influx of palestinians wounded by as well as bombardment, is led to over crowded, waiting rooms,
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and patients being treated on the fuel. meanwhile view and agencies of palestinian refugees underwood says only 38 percent of house centers in gauze are operational. thought a couple assume has this report from data by the hand central gone so on here today inside the departments of blocks, the hospice in which is one of the fairly functional hospital industry. and you can plan to see the capacity of the hospitalized over whelmed wounded. and patients are getting medical treatment due to the overwhelming capacity of the vast majority of the departments of the hospital. so we can see that there is a very severe shortage of bits that are necessarily required for palestinians in order to get medical treatment. and what clearly kind of stuff is that medical services are struggling with that to keep providing this number of people with a sensual medical cap will be hearing from the international committee of the red cross. that's at least the vast majority of hospitals in southern garza are
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suffering and also have been incredibly pushed to be forced it to take a very critical decisions. and who can really get treatment such as the vast majority of these hospitals are no, it's a very dangerous pritchens points. now we can see that mean towards a bu increase of the air stripes from the central area imposes move it medical pressure to do is talk to an even medical team on the grounds to keep up the ration as they have been struggling with the few crisis alongside with distribution which is over central medical supplies to our company, which is 0 that i have is fine. and his riley drive and strike is killed. one of the come on those of 11 east resistance group in the countries east autonomy to the vehicle into the region. the funds or false is, is the ministry wing of the 11 in july. so i'm a, it's one of several small groups which have joined the fight against israel. and now the striking southern lebanon is killed. the hezbollah member is riling the
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lebanese group of traded near daily fire. since the war and gauze that began as ballasa did open the front against israel in solidarity, wisconsin the to the u. k. now when you really elected prime minister keeps dom, or is hosting thousands of european leaders is a tries to strength and ties with the continent on the agenda, the war in ukraine, europe's migrant crisis. the european political community summit is the 1st event storm or is hosting sense is landslide victory and elections. earlier this month, jo, now how is live from platinum palace for us? and so, jonah, to what extent is this gathering about recalibrating,
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europe and security ahead of wherever the us is heading off to elections or well, i think that's the certainly right stuff. the scales in terms of agency, particularly the last few weeks, perhaps with events in the united states, push lots of president biden's potential candidacy and of course events surrounding the president trump as well for contacts the c p. c. relatively new form was set up in 2022, the brainchild of french president emanuel macro. in the immediate aftermath of russia's invasion to view credit, it was meant to bring together all the countries of europe. and i'm not just the you 27 there. the 50 heads of state representative, all of them to talk about issues of concern to the european continent, not just the russian threat. energy security migration is a big topic across as well. and notable him at every pc is the absence of a transatlantic element. there is no united states to the table, the traditional sort of backbone european defense. this is about you're looking out
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for its own right now. i think the real preoccupation beyond the energy field and security field and uh, migration is what happens in november. this looming possibility of a 2nd, some presidency ever more inward looking oscillations antagonistic towards nato, towards european security towards ukraine's defense as well. president lensky is here. he will be honest, i to, i am sure about his views. on jag events comes vice president, pick up his views, where he said, look, he's doesn't care one way or the other. what happens to ukraine, that he's a view if he comes from the top in the united states, that 70 up ends the security landscape in europe in a really quite fundamental way. and jonah, how important is the event for kids, stomach pass and latest child kind of show case his global leadership concern uh usually imposes an extremely fortuitous look. he's only 2 weeks into the job case
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tom and he's already had an opportunity to meet the us president in washington last week as a nato summit series. now, hosting at the best place of winston churchill. no, that's that in palace. hosting 45 leaders of yours from across the continent he gets to walk amongst and he is one of them. now he does a great, great showcase for him. and of course, this days opening comments that the scene or that i think being really a brick will be a friend of the parts are ready to work with you. he said no part of the you, but very much off to the euro. it's all about a reset with the european union that he promised and he's election manifesto he wants to rebuild ties, press post breakfast with them. he wants new trading arrangements. he wants to defend some security agreements. he wants co operation, notably on a legal migration on cracking down on the guns, putting people in small boats and sending them across the channel here to the u. k . these what he's comments keen, that's opening
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a set of remarks as we speak because we gather here a criminal implied is it work in every country represented here to the property of human misery, of desperation prepared to send in funds by iep as pregnant mothers? innocent people to that, to us last week, photo souls and actually last night, another one will last in the waters of the english channel, as well as tom a has applied to get tough on people smugglers by using investigators. as of july, the 10th, more than 14000 people have cross the english channel this year by small boats. a 177 migrants are estimated to have died in the english channel between 2018, and july 2024. that's according to the international organization for migration across here up as a whole,
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just over 71000 people arrive by small boats this year. last year there were more than $263000.00 c arrivals in europe with it's lee receiving 60 percent of them. proof of that are totally on the is professor of political science that they come to the tense university of methods. she joins us now live from the spanish council . good to have you with us. so should we expect something of a new european approach to the migration crisis from this event? i don't think you're going to have to any anything new from now. as you are mention as primary. busy steps, you know, pushing up for increasing cooperation. we see you remember states and by impulse. and again, they got a group which is basically cooperation of pulling in police, couple of cooperation with europe, or which is a european agency for the police in order to control the model there. so that
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the, you know, kind of thing is people into, into the, into the, okay, let me just say that the main problem with these, these, that they, the only approach we seen from the, you and also the u. k. is the in control of, of migration for those instead of managing their migration for those. and so basically the, all the channels that to, to get into the, into the labor market close for all these people. and so they are looking for a new economic way of life. and basically the approach that the european union and the u. k is given, is just to consult on to, you know, stop by and the migration pro into something possibly because migration is, is structural issue is not i go down to rush. what about the approach of the u. k prime ministers advocating tackling the problem by focusing on people smuggling. i mean, this is a,
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i thought you said you set up an approach to your notes and putting all the blame on this. my beer is, of course they have, you know, they are, they are guilty of trafficking with people. but the main problem is that these monitors we've not been able to catch some gains of monetary moines. if, if the governments of the in the u. k. are in the your opinion, you have open and these us, i told you before, the ways of getting to the labor market or, you know, do the system requirements properly. and so these, these uh, bigger problem is more than is marketing. and of course is, marketers are um, you know, their guides and they'll of course they're going to look for opportunities to we more money by traffic and people. but he's not just, he's their fault, but he's also government's. busy of sports, no, that bought no approaching migration, something might not be an issue about the console issue. i'm military station issue
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which is which is. busy lying in that we are seeing i over over there the last 10 years or so. and also we seeing the, you know, a home different governments the possibility of. busy didn't they didn't have the scar sustained or not, right? these they're saying we have to approach migration. security is just a threat for our society decided i think we should put the sick human security in the center in their me though. i'm protective. people who are always needed of help here is how it with divisions right now. how much unity is the on this issue is i believe that the, you know, they approach for more they, if you mean, just the european union member states, i guess, you know, there is and united unity that the migration is the top on the political agenda. there is a united unity and taking into account that the company business of the member states sharing with me the,
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the european union. they all agreed that they had to is 5 days monday or they have to control the borders. the only problem is that they escaped, one of the issues on the, on the legs that they also migration policies can boast of which these means i saw you mention it as the main racial management and also to respect the, the international. busy for my see them. so what we've seen over the last on that and, and most of them that like you mentioned me this morning as well. they wanted to, you know, increasing devolution was increasing the, the ways of re get rid of my grants. and you know, it's very difficult to do is speed up the table shows me solid that goes to end of the countries of the country. so like we do, i did you want to, to spend my run stores more? i'll go for insights from his band. you need to the agreement with the american government,
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and of course the american government is going to us for something in exchange. so it's not going to be easy to, to, to, to knows selling these, that these messages. and because they are the implementation of, of those problem is these, there's no quite easy. and when you're saying these kind of things in public, you have to immediately, you have to be trusted by this, these things. and they may probably now is that to, because it's difficult and you don't want to, you know, break up the international did seduce the sidelines. they all say, yard yard stay. you just saying that you are going to use the different options, but you are not able to the to do so and that's why we see them. for instance, in the, in maloney, maloney is the government over the last year. i us. all right, thank you. so much for your thoughts and the analysis on that's loose the data to the on from the company lands university of method. thank you very much. i also sort of on the line is one
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a 2nd time as president of the european commission. she'll serve another 5 years as president. she's insisting that you will not deviate from ambitious climate goals. in that time. holden, hoffer european palm and voted full then the line for the policy of italian prime minister, georgia, maloney refuse say it would be against the principles. it's time for weather now. here's carter had a lot of the let's have a look at the weather across the south america where high pressure is largely in charge. it's looking. i'm usually dry across much of brazil, just a few showers creeping into that northeast corner and across more northern areas dry as well for much of peru and ecuador, the west of the weather, pushing into venezuela and into the guy on his. and so right now i'm not temperatures are set to pick up because that central bad where we have seen something of an extended cold spell. we'll see them peak out for places like us and
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shaun as well as santiago in the days ahead. but as the winds change, blowing up from the south, we'll see cooler at moving into windows service. what's the weather as well as we move it towards the weekend to miss the morning that on thursday, that rain taking us through to saturday. now there's more heavy rain to come for pots of central america on the carrier bins, in particular for costa rica and panama. you can see that heavy rain being blown. and by the trade winds, we've had flood a lot for the dominican republic. the heavy rain bubbling in here on thursday into friday with scott to showers as well from much of mexico. you still have them out just sarah, the pro 10 in bangladesh. students come on changes to the quote, the system for government jobs. and a 14 year old becomes the youngest flyer in major league soccer. that's coming up
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with jemma. this for the with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war and ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics? the bottom line was a journey through every story. every step is to the celebration of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to simmons and exclude does the redesigns luxury living, crafting
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a future today we create what we do at all just sarah is try to follow this story and leave the people who allow us into them live speaking with you in democracy the the combined time to recount those headlines now. you as president joe biden is tested positive for co with 19 while on the campaign trail in nevada, he canceled his speech ship. have seen those civil rights organization. this heading back to his home in delaware prisons, newly elected prime minister care style mode is hosting thousands of european leaders as a tries to strength and time through the continent. on the agenda,
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the war and ukraine and europe, migrant crisis, intensifies is really attacks throughout jobs are killed, more than 500 people in the last 10 days. 25 on the 1st day, a load and attack on the central town of as a way that killed at least 8 palestinians and injured others. women and children are among the victims. a heat wave in gaza is making living conditions even more difficult for the palestinians. more than half of the buildings damaged or destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people displaced. every patch of shade is precious. some palestinians attending to the sea for relief. the same the folly reports. in garza, a stroll to the beach is more than just a break. it is a necessity. high temperatures wait daily on every facet of life for palestinians
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living under siege homes destroyed no access to running water. a swim in the cool blue mediterranean sea, off the gauze, a coast off. and the only way to cool off photo has the land. so when i want to go to the beach with my brother, we must be big full time, so the flip flops on stolen. we swim and shower in the sea, stay as much as we like, and then go back to the tent of so many people has been driven out of their homes. a kind of shanty town of mix shift shelters. now lines the gauze, a coast in this part of con, units, people here say sometimes it can be hotter inside detect. and i as most of the have chest problems and life in tents doesn't suit people with just problems. we will to the beach, spend some time enjoying the cool breeze. this gives us some relief from all horrible life in the tent. living conditions here are harsh. at best, very basic. they ration drinking water, choosing to either clean or cook rarely books, and the harder it gets,
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the faster the spread of infectious disease. life, you know, tend to, during the war is very tough and extremely rough. we came to the beach because we don't have any other option. i am old and sick. i feel suffocated in attend. sitting here like this for around 9 hours a day is now healthy. either to host ration is difficult for everyone, particularly old people and children. the tents are full of insects. no one can sleep at night because of insects and flies. you can't tolerate more than 5 minutes and attends the water and the bottle is becomes very hot and the food dispos quickly. i don't know what to do. a reprieve from the ruined around them. welcome the grief. and even here the war is on their minds. mohammed says the tents may be hot, but some people live in dirty streets. some don't know where to go. but they say they are grateful to be alive. zane bus for avi or just frances newly elected
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parliament is meeting for the 1st time trade unions and left wing a line support is a protesting against recent election results. demonstrations, a cooling for president, the monument, calling to a point, a new prime minister from the less fisco relation, the new popular front, one, the bow seats, but still as an suggest is a candidate show off that has moved from paris. we've got members of the fiji to trade unit a fall main trade union and also some supporters of the whole class from about political party you will call. so select a new line. so what they think heading off is a thank you to say that they feel that the french presence of mind when michael is not respecting the results of the election in which the left wing lines 1 may seize even those in with a majority. they all say the micro to the points appointment is set to is this less we control? now the problem is, is the left when you line to say fault fails to come off with
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a candidate for the job. they kind of would agree on who should be said, 5 minutes, the negotiations, all still ongoing for the back goes all the more damaging it is for the last well in the meantime. well, we also have today is the 1st session, alternate parliament, you and peace, all sitting and they will elect assess because the talk to paula out, is there a power as well? i know duvall is the chief correspondent of the french daily paper, left to go to all, joins us now live from paris. good to have you with us. so festival is the election of a president of the low a house of the assembly this time more than just a formality a it's interesting to see if the, the left, which represents which has got the most seats. but the not i told a,
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not some majority because they've got like that. why not doing an 80 to see some of the absolute majority is 289 a if they can have the number one unity for a candidate. and number 2 at the support of the center and to be elected the president of the house. so they need the pro, my call center. so they is a communist candidate at all. ready the gentleman with a lot of the parliament experience is proposed by the left coalition. remember that aspirations in votes have the late 27 percent. but um, because of those special offend systems demo seats that live on that should that uh got. uh so what i'm gonna let you,
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i'm good like 35 percent of the boats anyway. so we'll see evasive. not and the lions possible between the left and the center. this is the old point of the day of today i and that's why talking. we're looking at live pictures, i should point out coming to us from the assembly in paris as a live pictures. the new m p is coming in, taking up the best seats in this new palm. and you started by saying it's interesting. and the reason is, the reason why it's so interesting to watch who becomes the chief of, of parliament, is it because it will give an indication of who can come on the majority, whether the left this managed to put that candidate light under i signed, or where the chrome block managed to put that can,
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that is going to give us an indication of how much support they have true. but you can also have that maneuver from the max inside. they can leave you the speak of the house to the very left. the government is potty to this gentleman on the saying, but then keep the real part of a point and much more right wing a prime minister and having also. ready so there's a bold uh, open on it off. um the right. uh not that far right, but the right that has got uh 60 and beats. uh so, um. well, see if it can be a new uh good me to sign,
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but it's true that everybody is watching because uh for the time being after this uh, unexpected the solution stop election school by pays on my call and we have a little bit a the cows in the politics and falls. now there is a bit of chaos and we've seen demonstrations by some of the last going on today. but can my call even if he wanted to a point somebody from the left is blocked as prime minister. if the left is block, haven't portfolio being able to agree and the kinds of that have they yeah, i mean they question in front in the constitution, um you don't need to become a prime minister a confidence. so the only thing that the parliament can do is to fire you is a,
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is an absolute majority of $289.00. we call that most show to solve to send. so if you like, but you need to other than 89. so you have to understand that in our constitution, the prime minister does not need to go to the parliament to have a vote in support. the only thing that the employees can do is to fire him to fire is government. it's not certain that they would want to fire him. now maybe they will wait a little bit and it's the problem is that um, it would be very difficult for the left to have an alliance with the far right to fire, a prime minister. all right, it definitely is, as he said, interesting to watch. thank you so much. i know joe hall and i figure it out for us
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. we have a nice thank you for having it has a 7 private test as have been killed in bangladesh. those thousands cool for a complete shot down across the country. a violence has broken out between police and students, and several locations in dhaka, and on the outskirts of the capital. at least 1500 people have been injured in the past week. the students are demanding an end to closes for government jobs. valerie hospitalized from deck com products going on in different parts of the capital today as well as instructor drawn the 2nd largest city and even other parts of the country. and are we are in the valley road right. big enough i drove college. studies are holding a full just you, i live here. this comes up the day after a major file across the country, particularly in the doctor university campus. and john, remember you had a bunch of the templates where palacio. a fair got shut down. so this was to the inside the cam, regardless thing and hundreds of injuries,
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including many journalist as well as policemen who are in your during the classes. now the students are not willing to back down the prime minister and to tell it was yesterday they told us students to come down and have patients till the footprint or give the body. and she promised a judicial inquiry into the balance. and those who are involved, who will be brought to justice, but that as we come down the road and they want, the government said volley for the and then also upset because of us. things are actually marked by the prime minister. so just thing, all those students who are progressing against the quota are basically like elaborate 1st of 1971. liberation was that one that 3 months with john will probably say more products than counting days if not, wait until that some sort of compromise. tundra tundra,
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i'll get it off. the passenger train is d riled in northern india. kidding. at least 2 people. thousands of passengers have been injured as at least 10 coaches of an express train of a ton to the state of ulta for the rescue team. is that the site official site, the cause of the accident still being investigated, that governments across the southern and eastern europe are urging people to stay in goals during the hottest times of the day. is the region in jos rankled breaking summit temperatures and northern survey of the heat has been selling stream that will send the salt lake is drive out for the 1st time. charles trotted reports what used to be a lake in northern serbia, now barely a pond. crank to mountain falls, drawing rebate smoke where a popular nature was of once was bought a sum of all the beaver. only voltage can sustain life a little bit to foot celts, but i'm changing my sure it's non stop. as if someone puts bolted on me here,
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so i don't know what to say. it is scary how fortunately, i really skate off with the balkans and much of central eastern and southern europe are in the midst of a blistering gateway. the mexican, we are currently experiencing an extreme weather event. a heat wave is characterized by its duration and intensity. this means considering the sum of the temperature normally it's in a strong heat wave. such heat waves would almost not exist if we're not for climate change. from it to the 2 romania governments issued with real simple want people to stay indoors during the holidays. part of the day thousands of tourists flux to beach is on the coast of croatia. desperate to cool down. the water is amazing, but the land is so hot, it's a catastrophe. it says this way, we won't even get out of the water, says another some respite from the heat on land may be, but the temperature of the adrian succeed around the historic city of dubrovnik. it's another rick,
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we're breaking calling before today's the end of the week it was almost 50 degrees and he's the only quadratic basically. basically the keys about 5 degrees warmer than the average are in these parts of the air. the use copernicus, climate change services, the average global temperature has been one and a half degrees celsius, above the pre industrial era for 12 successive months. a stream with us including of a halt of some us across some parts of europe, and now no longer an exception. but increasingly, the new child stuff with elders here still, i had them out to 0 in spoil. japan's male gymnast, look for exemption and power as often now are missing out on the limpid gold home that's coming up with gemma.
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the catch up now and all the sports news we've gemma thank you saw me. tiger woods has just turned off his opening round. it goes final later this season. the open championship is his fellow american justin thomas who set the pace at royal train in scotland. the 2 time p j champion made 7 bodies and dropped 4 shots to finish off the 3 on the ball. which season in the club house lease. it has not been a good start date for a while. number 2 roll rate mcelroy, he made the thudding here at the fed. that is the only highlight for him. so i saw his weight on the board as 6 i the fall. englishman, maxwell has produced one of the shops of the day. so i saw here at the pa 5 full
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way hold out for an ego. he finished it. what i have a pot which leaves him 2 of the paces, also on that score is this month for ma mazda is champion adam scott's. this was one of the 3 bodies in his bounce skills. origin team, his vice president distorted, has to pull is behind the countries football is because up, but they control the say of a chance for them that come from america victory. chelsea's ends. i fernandez pasted this video from the team bus, which a pass to show origin team is players making derogatory comments about french players with african heritage fee for our investigating officer complaints from the french football federation. you quote the chance racist i'm discriminatory, but often seen as the vice president victoria, be sure we well have defended how countries national team, pasting on x. she writes to argentina is a free am silver in country we never had to colonies or 2nd class citizens. we've never imposed our way of life on anyone, but neither will we tolerate that they do it to us. nuclear waste country is going to intimidate us for
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a song of what's happening. the trees they do not want to admit. stopped fanning, indignation, hypocrites, and very i support you. you know, you might've seen that. these images of a, you know, must have's a sort of ankle as a social media. it is now the inch to the end. you will keep most of action indefinitely, as according to his club into miami. i see it damaged ligaments during argentine is confir america, title defense. last week. you set out to miami's match on wednesday as they beat to on to f. c 31. this lab says it will keep assessing the captain's availability. as most he takes a break. the next generation already splitting the gap, including kevin sullivan. these become the youngest plas repair, and emma that's match at 14 is $293.00 days. he was full time as a substitute for philadelphia union between the previous record by 13 days and he will misquote some of it is already being linked for the move to manchester city. once he turns 18 in, in beats new england revolution 5 wants and
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a 10 much when the streak the abramivitch name or son to the back of an ac, milan shuts off to the italian club sign that was left on the son of mac, submitted into his 1st professional contract, abraham vit. she's son, he turns 18 in september. we'll play with my hands on the 23 same is that score 93 goals and a 163 appearances during 2009 before retiring from football last year. with 8 days to go now until the power set and picks again depends men's gymnastics team will be looking for redemption in the french capital. they just missed out on goals and took care of 3 years ago. joining casual scott reports in gymnastics, it's a fine line between affection and failure. and so is the margin between gold and silver medals. just off the japanese men's team, they were beaten by roster at the home game 3 years ago and it still stings even for the star key. as she molto who picked up 2 individual goats presented to the
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frontier, we had the bitter experience in tokyo and missed the goals middle by the narrow list of margins of 0.103. i want us to win the golden parents as a team. last and enjoy the view from the podium to give the historically, japan is one of 3 power houses in the men's team, competition along with china and russia. the countries claims team gold medals at old, but one olympics going back to 1952. but this time there will be no russia up to the country was banned by the international olympic committee over the war and ukraine with japan winning the world championships in october at of china. the team is confident that chances in paris ok away to submit this window and even load up based on how simulations the difficulty level that japan performs. that is higher than china. that's quite
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a surprise. it's always been the other way around. but now we have a higher difficulties school than them. i think we have the strongest 5 members this time with personal resource k, and it is important to not make any mistakes and create conditions where we could win in the end. we need to make sure we do well and qualified to go super fast and we can perform that last step, right. this is the horizontal box, off the opponent in the final victory for japan would extend the record whole to 8 team goals and turn around the fortunes of to the disappointment they faced. in total do you want to guys raska, which is 0? i think lynn's cricket has, has the gun a new era without the top. we can't take it. james anderson who's retired, the rest against the west indies and the 2nd test at trent bridge and going to a puts into a box and most of which it is that currently off, just 3 who's been docket. they came to the rescue. he hit a bessie tubal ha century and was eventually out. the 71. england has moved on to
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201 for 3 to just that is a spot for me that pizza will be by laser and getting more from the open championship. i can tell you. tiger woods has paused his 1st hold at moultrie and scolded somebody. thanks so much. dana. now in brazil, thousands of dead fish of so 1st on the river in the city of south polo, official se dumped industrial waste is likely to close the investigating companies suspects. it's be behind the legal disposals. it's the 2nd time this funds, thousands of dead fish of a peers. at the same location. red dinah sol, skeleton is sold for rankled $44000000.00 in new york. it's one of the most well preserved fossils of its kind. i'll just say it was chris and salumi has more and what makes this biggest source so valuable? a meat apax a 161000000 year olds, data source standing nearly 3 and
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a half meters tall and 6 meters in length. it's built as the most complete and best preserved possible of its kind with 79 percent of its skeleton intact. just how rare is it. it's sold at auction for a staggering record price in terms of stake as sources. this is an incredibly rare animal. there were only 8 or 9 known in the world. the fossil was discovered in colorado, in 2020 to may of 2022. my birthday and i was with one of my best friends at the time and he was my head excavator. and he said, well jason, what do you wanna do for your birthday? and i said i wanted to find a dentist. sotheby's auction house closely collaborated with the owner, renowned commercial, paleontologist jason cooper, to document the entire process and this video from its discovery and excavation to its restoration preparation. and mounting evidence of arthritis suggests the state
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of stores had lived to old age, found with the tail curled up underneath the body, which is a common dest pose. for animals, you know, your dogs, cats when they're going to either gonna crow up. let's say it was a big win for sotheby's and the fossils owner. but some paleontologists are worried . it's a loss to science when a fossil like apax ends up in the hands of a wealthy private collector. i'll do 0, spoke to pelley ontologies, terry woodruff, who worries, museums won't be able to compete. what is the, are concerned about the state as far as going up for sale in the us? you know, a lot of times museums, we work on private land. so, you know, we might get permission from the land owner. they may donate the fossils, allow the museum on well now the land owner flipping on the news and seeing a dinosaur headset, you know, record prices, banks as well. i'm letting them using. i'm just have them. sotheby's says the buyer intends to explore loaning apex to a us institution. kristin, salumi, algebra,
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new york. and you can find much more on all those stories that you head over to our website. how to 0, don't com, the to bump system the streets of chicago on different with the same ambition biting the way to a better life for themselves and their. 6 through in the volatile world of chicago, south side is no easy task. witness. ringside on out to 0. african stories from african perspective is at the time that he had my life. and i did process is to show
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documentary by african filmmakers from molly and sent it to the lady. please uncle one loss of the size of the can. 3, linus and toddler, new series of africa, direct on, i'll just 0 the safe, the mean comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award,
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denominator here. oh, now the colleges when the media in bangladesh say 17 people killed in confrontations between student processes and police. the on sent me say them, this is i'll just hear a live from dell hall. so coming up job, i'm returns home to delaware officer cobit diagnosis,
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throws his presidential campaign into even more time on the red cross swans


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