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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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peaks out against israel. bruce law on gaza until palestinians are safe and secure. ease riley's naval will be and use the envelope no to my name. witness on l g 0, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i money in site. this is the news on line from the coming on in the next 60 minutes. and he's 17 people that across funded dash is demonstrates, is cool for a complete shot town and country. joe biden returns home to delaware off the coven diagnosis, throws his us presidential campaign into even more time. while the red cross was
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hospitals and southern gauze of pushed and breaking points by israel's willingness bombardment and subs. who's some of the salt lake dries up to the 1st time ever on the prolonged heat wave across the bulk of the i'm p to spend that with the latest sports news on the pope smash as a century on the opening day of england. the 2nd phase against the waste speed, the welcome to the program. we begin this news out with breaking news out of bangladesh where at least 17 protesters have been killed, demonstrates as a cooling for a complete shot down across the country. buttons has broken off between police and students in several locations around the capitol, deka students on demanding of a film to quotas for government jobs. at least 1500 people have been injured. over the past week,
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a group of students broke through the main gaze of the state tv building off to entering the building. they set it on fire the networks as a number of stuff, all trapped inside the facility. and that's just quite a system for government jobs. is that how these freight test, it was established back in 1972 to help those who fought in the liberation will the year before. today, 30 percent of government positions are reserved for the children. and all the $26.00 people, all for women, disabled people, ethnic minorities, and people from disadvantaged areas. every year, nearly 400000 graduates compete for $3000.00 positions in the civil service exam. the critics say the system sometimes excludes qualified applicants and leaves positions on failed. we as last minute as an executive director of the docket attribute,
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and he says the students and the dates back use in 2018 when there was a purpose for months. this group of students who were on the stage, the end of campuses on the asking for you to a fall, not every shipment. and therefore the, and there was a good, a 2 to 6 1st as opposed to a in buff in jobs for various groups. and honestly, 44 percent on the basis of many. so they've been issued it and that's fine to me. that day, i believe the certificate they needed 0 which is which they never off for it. you know, off the doors up to 3 years from then to parts of went to the quote, asking for these dancing those products. so the hybrid came up but definitely simply came up with a dc show, which is essentially a uh,
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facilitate the reinstatement of those photos into which of these products. i don't know if you didn't, again, embalming this thing that we have puppies. i mean, but it says the, the box here and i really do the code asking that the table. ready wants to move it to the, to a 2018 or, or did you shut off? uh, no florida. but the students are also saying that, but in the process that the, there is a huge amount of these drugs going on. now us president joe biden is isolating all of the testing positive the coven. 19 in las vegas. the wednesdays diagnosis leaves bite and increasingly politically isolated, as well as one year old has been forced off the campaign trail at a time when a growing number of senior democrats, according for him to step aside because of concerns about his health and his age. well, reynolds has moved from las vegas as the crowd filling the cavernous
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ballroom, waited eagerly for president jo, buying to take the stage. instead, a stunning announcement. i was just on the phone with president biden. and he shared his deep disappointment at not being able to join us this afternoon. the present has been at many events as we all know. and he just tested positive for cove in a short time later, bite and forwarded air force, one en route to delaware, where he will self isolate in his home for an undetermined period of time. the just 24 hours earlier biden had appeared well, giving a forcible speech to the n a a c p convention in las vegas. i don't want to i don't know how to
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do this job. but on wednesday, after taping a radio interview, he tested positive. the white house said his symptoms were mild, a slight fever, cough, runny nose and general feeling of malays. he has been vaccinated and boosted for cove it. it was another heavy blow to a battered campaign. biden's disastrous performance in the debate with former president, donald trump has led a growing number of democratic politicians to say publicly he should drop out of the race in favor of a different candidate. the latest is california. congressman adam shift who earned a high profile as the main advocate for trumps 1st impeachment over arms to ukraine and who is now running for senate shift told the newspaper he has serious doubts bite and can defeat trump in november and said the president should pass the torch . the cobra diagnosis also comes after biting described circumstances under which
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he might drop out for health reasons. for his medical condition and somebody here, the doctors gave me said you got this problem. that problem. the president has already taken his 1st dose of the anti viral medication packs, lovitz is enforced. isolation will take him off the campaign trail at a critical time and may very well lead to increased calls for him to in his quest for a 2nd term. rob reynolds, i'll just 0 las vegas to speak now to our white house correspondent give me home kids and she joins us from washington, dc. kimberly, as we had the pressure growing on president biden, from people within his party for him to step down from the campaign trail focused through overlays just developments as rides the senior democratic leaders in the us congress are essentially losing confidence in the president and his ability to win the november presidential election,
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they have convey those feelings to the president's. whether it is as rob rentals report of the adam chef who is running for the senate. and has been prominent in the impeachment hearings for donald trump. whether it is the democratic leadership team, jeffries in the house, or chuck schumer and the senate, or even nancy pelosi, who has also been promised not only as a speaker, but also in fund raising for the democratic party. they've all conveyed nancy pelosi saying, basically you can't win and we need you to go. what we're hearing is that the calls that have so far been private and behind the scenes up to this point are now going to get even more public and louder. and what we're also hearing is that is likely to accelerate at a pace that really is going to gain momentum. and we could see those gathering steam by the weekend with really the,
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the call for him to step aside. gathering steam towards sunday, essentially saying this is your ultimate and you've got to go. and kimberly adding to the old, the blurs is this coven diagnosis? it means that he can go out on the campaign trail for a while. now. how damaging is that to his chances? it isn't particularly damaging, because right now is 65 percent of democrats, according to the latest pull, are saying they don't want joe biden to the top of the ticket. and the other statistics, it's not into by his favor, is the coven statistic, and that is, but the cases of co pay are rising as the president's not the only one in the united states that has cobit right now, 11 percent of americans have cobit and that number is going up by the day and the number of deaths are also up almost one percent. and the problem for the president is when you catch cold with in your 81 years old a, it can be
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a death sentence. and so that's why the present is having to take the precautions that somebody much younger may not have to take. so he's self isolating and the recommendation, but the centers for disease control is that, you know, if you're feeling okay after 5 days, you can go about your business. but that may not be the case for an 81 year old man . and so a we heard about from him one week ago saying look at, i just have to get out there. i know i had a bad debate performance, but if i just get out there and i show the american people that i'm strong, all a laser fears, the problem is he may not be able to do that. okay, thank you for that. can be home cut that for us at the white house. meanwhile, donald trump is set to accept his policies presidential nomination. later this does a at the republican convention comes 5 days off to he escaped an assassination attempt. his running made a higher set as a j the bounce except to the vice presidential nomination. on wednesday, he promised jobs and pledge defies for working cloth americans. and fisher is this
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report from the venue in milwaukee as it was his introduction to america demand, it could be just a heart beat away from the presidency defiance as a relative unknown. and total comes choice as his vice presidential running mate the open with praise for the man. he wants heavily criticized, competing to hitler to night. we celebrate. he is our once and future president of the united states of america. a relatively new sent it to from ohio. he needed the trump endorsement to win his election to of any future in republican politics. a former marine a best selling author funds is an abortion absolutist bond, with no exceptions even for reporting says he's opposed to continued military support for ukraine. i'm believe china is a mass effect. he claims washington has cost too many hardships for too many ordinary americans. for my racks, wrapped in
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a stand from the financial crisis to the great recession from open borders to stagnating wages, the people who govern this country have failed and failed again. he was introduced to the convention, but his wife showed the daughter of indian immigrants. his goals and this new role are the same, but he is pursued for our family to keep people safe, to create opportunities, to build a better life. and to solve problems with an open mind. the theme of nice the was make america strong again. this because told for the security, the audience wave signs calling from us deportation and documented migrants. no mention the donald trump effectively blocked possible bipartisan immigration legislation. he wanted it as an issue to the one the one to use at his convention payroll. and course the immigration laws, he will find the mexican drug cartel and he will arrest the criminal
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field label address and then the hi bob. it's a team says the selection of j t binds is about the long term future, but no attention tons to donald trump himself. you'll close the convention with his speech on thursday. the 1st time you've spoken in public, really. since the attempt on his life at the we to do a line. so the question it's up for us with the means a different kind of donald trump, our for sure. i'll just need a public a national convention in milwaukee. oh, particle hain joins is now from the convention in milwaukee. so you're passing good to see you again. what reaction is they've been this morning to j, the balance of speech as well? again, i know some of the unusual move there. not really having any events here during the day for this convention. but really the atmosphere here has been really jubal,
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at the pick of judy vance. really seemed to be cementing the mega ideology on the hold on the republican party over the next couple of decades. just to give you a sense of how the party, the republican party is reacting as divided as the democratic party. it is right now. sense here is that the republican party is come to the united behind former president, donald trump. usually you don't see this incredible conventions, but if you walk any of the hallways around this rina, they're absolutely just trying to get into pictures, live size, pictures of the former president with different slogans. make america great. again, you can see delegates come up and take their picture with them. there is truly a sense here when you talk to the delegates, we talk to the people in attendance that they believe that they are going to win. that donald trump is going to win, that they're going to win the house that they're going to in the senate. and that is especially more so now after trump a survive that assassination attempt is really changing the sort of narrative.
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let's listen to what his vice president picked. judy bass said about it as a face and freedom breakfast just a few hours ago. president trump is incredibly unique figure in american politics course is the only person to ever come entirely outside the realm of government or military and run for president and do it successfully. and it's just such an honor to be on the ticket with them. it's such an honor to stand with them after what happened last saturday. i'm sure that you've heard a lot of people say this, but you will never be able to convince me that that last 2nd turn of a head was anything other than a miracle. i absolutely believe to and lies pass a will be on donald trump to nights he will be speaking and giving a speech for the 1st time off to that assassination attempt. what are we expecting from him? well our producers and a briefing right now with republican officials and he's been sending me some lines . and one of the things they say, this is going to be quote,
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one of the most historic speeches trump has ever given. and it will be very personal. they said he's writing it himself and he's still making changes this morning and she did give an interview to reporters. this will be his 1st public speech since the attempted assassination. he talked to of you print reporters and he said that these to attempted assassination is just going to change everything he had to throw to speech. he said he is going to be very tough, but now he wants to try and unify the country. if that is going to be his message, it's one that did not get to the people who've been speaking of this podium throughout the week. they've really gone after president joe biden got it from the democrats. and one of the things i think that's really noticeable is just outside the arena. there billboards of that picture of donald trump with his ear bloody somebody up his fist. it says fight underneath that. they are definitely using this or they want to use that episode to paint donald trump as a strong man. and if you need evidence of that,
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just look at the list of speakers. we believe former pro wrestler hogan is going to be giving a speech at the in prime time. and the purpose of is going to speak last before present. former president trump takes the stage, is the c o, the ultimate fighting championship. so what we're going to wait and see donald trump says it's going to be a kinder gentler donald trump. he hasn't been able to do that in the past, but we'll see if he is able to follow through in the hours just to indeed be very interesting to watch that patrick, i'll hand that for us in milwaukee. thank you. it does intensified as rarely a tax rod cause i've killed more than $500.00 palestinians in the past 10 days. 50 full, were killed just in the last day. an attack on the central town of olives, the why the killed at least 8 palestinians and injured all those women and children armed on the victims. as far as the forces of also attacked only there,
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it's an berrera's refuge account, a santa hunting mac, moody joints from darrow ballot and central garza so as i was saying that the last 10 days, honey have been russo palestinians in gauze and 9500 people did how of people coping in the, you know, 1000000 is not only the ongoing mass going the people that is affecting the negative. they saw far and thinking it's all on their mental health and psychological well being. but the fact that there is a daily struggle as a root did you do the, the creation of, of difficult living conditions. the trauma that the children and an elderly and people of vulnerable people are experiencing on daily basis for the past 9 months. just to be alone, the past 24 hours. what we're looking at is the close to $54.00 people being killed
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. the vast majority of this, of the casualty is happy to, to be women and children. and this is the same exact part of that. we've seen in the past 9 months, entire families been obliterated. and when we talk about entire families that it has to do with the way the society of the structures of policies is made of large families. extended family includes the 3 generations in every household. the grand father, the parents, and then the grandchildren all in one house and went on a predictable, bombs fall on these residential homes or, or houses. they, what do you do the get the eliminate the entire generation of people. we have to close to 730 families that have been completely removed from the civil registry for the past 9 months. and the number could be really higher than this. given the fact that there are more people. so miss thing, there are still under the levels with so much difficulties for civil defense,
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a cruise and permits to remove bodies of from under the rubble of $500.00 people killed in the vast majority. happy to each other. we seeing here at the hospital, the number, the shopping number of the children's arriving here on time deal as either critically injured or really dead or in pieces as what we've seen today. and to children who work, remove it from under the robins or from overnight a tax on a residential home. and a raise back is you can, that's the, the patterns and that has been the daily normal for so many families across the garza. for the past. the reason a talk happens to be concentrated in the central area. we've seen a scale of band and storage and those air attacks and the artillery should i. but again, the by 500 is just a conservative reading of the casualties. given the fact that there are many of the children, many of the people who are still buried on the rubble, they're still missing, very still. uh, the, the, the viper rate is just given,
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the intensity of the bomb dropped on civilian populations across the goddess group . thank you for them, honey. my mood that for us in darrow balance, central golf, the international committee of the red cross as hospitals and southern goals. i asked a breaking point, the influx of palestinians, wounded by israel's bombardment, his leg over crowded, waiting rooms, and patients being treated on the floor tarry couple assume has this report from there all by on here today inside the departments of august, the hospice and which is one of the police function of hospital industry and you can clearly see the capacity of the hospital is overwhelmed. wounded and patients are getting medical treatment overseas due to the overwhelming capacity of the vast majority of the departments of the hospital. so we can see that there is a very severe shortage of bits that are necessarily required for palestinians in
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order to get medical treatment. and what clearly kind of stuff is that medical services are struggling with that to keep providing this number of people with a central medical care i will be hearing from the international committee of the red cross. that's at least the vast majority of hospitals in southern garza are suffering and also have been incredibly pushed to be forced it to take a very critical decisions. and who can really get treatment such as the vast majority of these hospitals are no, it's a very dangerous pritchens points. now we can see that lean towards a boat increase of air strikes from the central area imposes who it medical pressure to do is talk to an even medical team on the ground to keep up the ration as they have been struggling with a few crisis alongside with distribution which is over central medical supplies to our company, which is 0. there is,
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but i how does fine the to the u. k. now, when you'd like to prime minister chemist on those hosting thousands of european leaders as he tries to strength and ties with the confidence on the agenda, the when you crane and europe's migrant crisis, the european political community summit is the 1st events thomas hosting. since as landslide victory in elections earlier this month, let's get to john to hall his line for us that platinum palace. jonah, to what extent is this gathering about recalibrating european security ahead of wherever the us is heading onto the elections. what look as much as the form of the gender items here may include things like, technically, immigration crisis that affects much of the european continent. things i gotta do security as well, and fonts and democracy on the racing up. the order of importance here and pre
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occupying most of the leaders here is what is happening in the united states. what will have to be on november the possibility looming, of course, of the 2nd, trump presidency, and all of that will be in for european at security of a more isolationist the united states. to formally the traditional guarantor, of course, of european security, turned antagonistic towards nato. towards european defense towards you credit and president zalinski is here speaking earlier, you have a more emotive terms about the need for unit to you about the need to guard against those who would divide. you repeat unity. now remember, the european political community, this grouping here was set up in the wake of russia's invasion of ukraine 2 years ago. specifically, to bring together all the countries of the european continent beyond just the t you $27.00 to be able to discuss issues of common interest, including the russian a threat. it doesn't include the united states. this is about you're looking after
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the trying to for the way to which standing on its own 2 feet. and frankly, that is an objective. this is seldom seen. more important does. it does now in terms of how important is this event system a to pass me showcase his leadership but i think putting that sort of large cloud over events to one side it's, it's an absolutely great occasion for the new british prime minister just 2 weeks in the job getting maximum exposure on the world states he meant to us president as inviting the members of nato in washington last week. he's hosting this massive summit here at glen, impossible place of winston churchill. 8, a gives him the opportunity of course not just to be seen and to meet and greet all of these fellow leaders, but to significantly advise to at least begin conversations on his twin foreign policy. priority is one of which is to reset relations with the european union post breakfast. the other is to gain the cooperation of european countries,
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particularly frogs, but others as well in dealing with the migration crisis, smugglers, putting people into small boats and sending them across the channel from france. here to england. here's what do you have to say at the opening plenary about that as we speak because we do offer here a criminal implied is it work in the recovery rep presented here to the property of human misery, of desperation prepared to send in funds by iep is pregnant mamma is innocent, people to that day of last week fold all souls and actually last night another one will last in the waters of the english channel. the european parliament has re elected or live on the line for a 2nd time as president of the commission on the line has vowed to strengthen the blocks economy and show a significant investment in key industries including defense. she also insisted the
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you is committed to tackling climates, migration, strong, says newly elected parliament is amazing for the 1st time as trade unions and the left wing line support is protesting in the capital, calling for the president in monument from to point a new prime minister from the left coalition, the new popular from one of the most seats, but still has an agreed on account of it. the sasha butler reports from powers we've got members of the trade union in faults of main trade union and also some supporters of the whole class from about political party you will call. so select a new line. so what they think heading off is a thank you to say that they feel that the french presence emanuel michael is not respecting the results of the election in which left to any lines. 1 may seize even those in with a majority. they all say the micro to the point appointment is stuff to is for this
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last we broke. now the problem is, is the, the left when you're line to say for fails to come off with a candidate for the job. they kind of want to freak on who should be said, 5 minutes, the negotiations, all still ongoing for the that goes all the more damaging it is for the last well in the meantime. well, we also have, today is the 1st session of the new parliament. you and piece all sitting and they will elect the speaker attached to butler out. is there a power and no doubt as a journalist with the french daily newspaper, let's take a row. he's known, show that politicians from the left distance, centrist parties can unite and to get pause this political crisis. and it's interesting to see if the left, which represents, which has got the most seats but not i told a not some majority because they've got like 182 seats. and the absolute majority
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is it's $289.00. and if they can have a number one, unity for a candidate and the number to the support of the center and to be elected as a president or some of the houses that they need, the pro maxima all sent question. and from the constitution, i'm done. you don't need to become a prime minister confident. oh say that you the only thing that the parliament can do is to fire you if there is an absolute majority of $289.00, we call that most show this off to you sense. so if you like, but you need $289.00, so you have to understand that in our constitution,
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the prime minister does not need to go to the fireman to add a vote in support. the only thing that the empties can do it is to fire him to fire is government. and so it has all now to sierra crossing the desert to find safety reports in the rise in people smuggling across the dogs border with each means of relief. palestinians in gauze ahead to see to escape be intense from the heat. inside that makeshift type of a 14 year old becomes the youngest, play as an inmate to lead self care details. coming up next in the the have that let's have a look at the weather across the south america where high pressure is largely in
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charge. it's looking. i'm usually dry across much of brazil, just a few showers creeping into that northeast corner and across more northern areas dry as well for much of peru and equitable the west of the weather, pushing into venezuela and into the guy on is. and so right now i'm not temperatures are set to pick up because that's central bad where we have seen something of an extended cold spell. we'll see them peak out for places like us and shaun as well as santiago in the days ahead. but as the winds change, blowing up from the south, we'll see cooler at moving into winter service. what to weather as well as we move towards the we kind of miss the morning that on thursday that rain taking us through to saturday. now there's more heavy rain to come for pots of central america on the carrier bins, in particular for costa rica and panama. you can see that heavy rain being blown in by the trade winds. we've had flooded
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a lot for the dominican republic. the heavy rain bubbling in here on thursday into friday was scattered showers as well from much of mexico. of the in india is remote tribal areas, hockey, use the friction. so it gets selected for the national team play for the country. that's my 3 tribal athletes, a contributing to english, international policy, research and, and the support is transforming that communities. 11 east reveals india tribal, healthy trans on al jazeera,
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the safe them even come in as an international anti corruption excellence award denominator here on now the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out just their mind. if i told the stories, this our local media in bangladesh and reporting at least 17 people have been killed and some government protest vote say the demonstrations set headquarters,
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the main st. food cost on fire. students have been demonstrating for weeks against a quoting system for government jobs. here as president joe biden is an installation of the tested positive type of 19 well on the campaign trail in nevada . now as his home is rarely as obstacles dogs, i have killed as 500 people in the last 10 days. 25 on thursday. the time on the central town of allens the wide uh, killed at least 8th is there any prime minister? benjamin netanyahu has made an unannounced visit to southern guns that he visited. soldiers in process, especially, which has been on the constant, is rarely bombardments in recent weeks. is rarely media reports that nursing yahoo told soldiers that ultra orthodox jews will be shortly recruited into the ministry . wayne one is really driving strongly because killed one of the commanders of 11
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these resistance groups in the countries east and talking to the vehicle in the becca region. the found to our forces is the military wing of the 11 on jamal sonia . it's one of several small groups that have joined the fight against israel. another striking 711 on his killed a, his bullet number as well. and the lebanese group have tried to admit daily bias since a one goss began. set a cold as move from their roots on b is rarely strikes or 11 older. and targeted assassinations have become a near daily occurrence and the ongoing confrontation between the is ready the military and has the law. it is a strategy employed by the is really military for months. now. what they do is that they targets to members fighters, commanders of hezbollah as well as palestinian groups like come off early on thursday, 40 kilometers from the border. a car was hits,
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a commander belonging to the l flush, her forces. that's the military wing of lebanon's shamal. mia was killed now. this group cooperates with the lebanon branch will come up. a few hours later, a car close to the border was hits, killing has fall off. members, now this the confrontations, both sides. the warring sides largely respect, respecting the unwritten rules of engagement whereby attacks are largely confined to military targets. but in recent days, civilians have been caught in the crossfire and that led the has well, the secretary general has on us relo to issue yet the new warning to the is varies, telling them that if they continue to kill civilians then has the law will targets of new new settlements in northern as well. so this is a conflict that is dangerously boys and link to the war on god's drugs and until that for. and then they cannot find
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a solution to these ongoing confrontations and the chances of this conflict widening are real center for their eligibility to pay. the heat wave in garza is making living conditions even more difficult for palestinians of moving haul for food buildings damaged or destroyed. hundreds of thousands of people displaced every patch of shade is precious. somehow as the means of turning to the scene for relief, same as robin reports. in garza, a stroll to the beach is more than just to break. it is a necessity. high temperatures wait daily on every facet of life for palestinians living under siege homes destroyed no access to running water. a swim in the cool blue mediterranean sea off the guards a coast off. and the only way to cool off photo has the land. so when i want to go to the beach with my brother, we must be bid for time, so the flip flops on stolen. we swim and shower in the sea, stay as much as we like,
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and then go back to the tent. so many people have been driven out of their homes, a kind of shanty town of mix shift shelters. now lines the gods of coast in this part of con, units. people here say sometimes it can be hotter inside the tent. and i, as most of the have chest problems and the life intent doesn't suit people with just problems, we will to the beach, spend some time enjoying the cool breeze. this gives us some relief from all horrible life in the tent. living conditions here are harsh, at best, very basic. they ration drinking water, choosing to either clean or cook rarely books, and the harder it gets, the faster the spread of infectious disease. life you know, tend to, during the war is very tough and extremely rough. we came to the beach because we don't have any other option. i am old and sick. i feel suffocated in attend. sitting here like this for around 9 hours
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a day is now healthy. either to host ration is difficult for everyone, particularly old people and children. the tents are full of insects. no one can sleep at night because of insects and flies. you can't tolerate more than 5 minutes and attends the water in a bottle is becomes very hot and the food dispos quickly. i don't know what to do. a reprieve from the ruined around them. welcome the brief and even here the war is on their minds. mohammed says the tents may be hot, but some people live in dirty streets. some don't know where to go. but they say they are grateful to be alive. zane bus route or just a passenger train has derailed in northern india killing at least 2 people. thousands of passengers have been injured as at least 10 pages of an express train . i've turned in the state of war to prove that rescue team is on sites official save the close of the accident is being investigated to thousands of student needs
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cross the border to egypt every months to escape sufficing between the army and the power military rapids support forces getting a visa can take weeks and it's led to a rise and people smuggling have a little bit reports from below. how much the steps are. some of the last off route will be taken with your mother on her country soil from then did in se sedan. she and her family had to flee when the parent military rapids support forces, or r s f rated the city. their escape from home mark this part of a long journey in search of safety in a neighboring country to let them instead of her. so was the only be that we managed to escape belong without elderly mother who's sick. she has asthma and high blood pressure. she had to work with us for over age, killa mesa is we were without food for 2 days. we reached the village, then started moving from city to city until we got here to abo hummadi to go to
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egypt and through the desolate 70. if you don't make it at all, those here are aiming to cross the international border between sedan and egypt illegally. that's because crossing the border officially needs visas, egypt change, it's visa requirements for us to then these national. shortly after the start of the conflict last year, the new rules meant the long waiting list. so many states smuggling became their only option. it's a journey that those most desperate incidents conflict take the are barely any stops on the way for food and water and the journey come come with difficulties on a shot at there are no mechanical workshops on the road. so unless the car happens to come along and take passengers do it or you bring spare parts from other honda, you can get stuck for days on the road. cars can break down motors, stop working, or the car may overheat or get caught up in the desert rain. but we all have to wait for a solution to despise it, not being an easy way for hundreds every day. it's much easier than the official routes. the most reliable way to get from here to the border and beyond is on
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pickup trucks, like these to avoid detection by far the those who can pay more to save upfront. those who can enter this coaching sun for 2 days if they're lucky and for more than a week, if they're not, i'm not everyone makes it more than a 100 people have lost their lives, trying to cross the border in the past year. that figure is likely much higher since many do not report their relatives crossing the border illegally. vis tarmac road amongst the entry into egypt. most register as refugees, after reaching cairo, at least half a 1000000, put in these refugees are in the diction capital. the entire process is cheaper than waiting for official passes. and the name of the amount of money i've paid to be smuggled into egypt isn't enough to assure travel documents from my family and sit on the cost of issuing a passport as 256 dollars. and i have 9 family members. so dance
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conflict has resulted in the largest displacement crisis in the world. and with the iris f entering new cities. more and more people are being forced out of their homes and having to look for safety elsewhere, no matter what it takes. he but morgan, i'll just narrow behind them. well, many young africans who leave europe and the hope of about a future end up returning back home. well, somebody has to call violence a life for themselves of a struggle to integrate. and is there a spoke to one commune who's back home and has sets up his own business? my name is tied to interior level. i am eric tony, margaret, on indigo. mia? i am the ceo on the phone to aside your intern double funding for the. we have uh i looking for um he lives with all of us. i he, i was, i'm one of the force we planted but non us and if you have the orange juice,
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we have the upland. we have corrupts. and we have because to, under your so half and long us and many or, you know, on 3. so we have, i trouble entering the cotton tuned to leave you when i was between 17 per cent. what happens on my way is slightly more betray us. and, and was, you know, one of the most difficult part of my life, the happiest moment was when i, i've unplugged yourself. um, i think was the happiest moment so far. because when i came to the producer, it is heavy. we see like the lights everywhere. how do we to come was we, i need to cause, you know, the force new clothes. did you 1st food, you know, the nickel school for table? they may of course, believe that we have a bit of feature with them. what else could say my life was difficult before i traveled,
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but it was more difficult after traveling and very difficult. i started one in home . life on opportunities are always very limited. so i decided to move as soon as that on the when i life industries island i, i was okay, this sort of country for me because if this thing around it is not something that i mean the ones that so i decided to move forward. i to go to john when they finish. i like it's possible for us to con the course. i and you said a lot of guardians, when i see them or the whole, the lease we, i didn't leave the lives the was not something that i had in the one that might because that was 10 in the you don't that long that by because progress my ex focus and live is to stay in the gum. yeah. be that kind of life really once it's positive, southern and eastern europe all experiencing record breaking summit temperatures,
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many governments, the village people to stay in doors during the hottest time of the day in northern soviets been so hold the beat was found the salt lake has drawn it out for the 1st time, charles traffic, this me what used to be a lake in northern serbia, now barely a pond. crank smiled and false drawing rebates monk where a popular nature was a once was bought a sum of all the people. only lot of can sustain life a little bit to food celts, but i'm changing my sure it's non stop. as someone poor bolted on media so i don't know what to say. it is scary how fortunately, i really skate off with the balkans and much of central eastern in southern europe are in the midst of a blistering heat wave. the next time we are currently experiencing an extreme weather event. a heat wave is characterized by duration and intensity. this means
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considering the sum of the temperature anomalies in a strong heat waves. such heat waves would almost not exist if we're not for climate change. from it to the to romania. governments have issued with real simple one people to stay in doors during the holidays. part of the day, i are thousands of tourists, flux to beach is on the coast of croatia. desperate to cool down. the water is amazing, but the land is so hot, it's a catastrophe. it says this way, we won't even get out of the water, says another some respite from the heat's own land may be, but the temperature of the adrian succeed around the historic city of dubrovnik. it's another rick. what breaking calling before 2 days in the bar only keeps was almost 50 degrees. and these lots is that's what we're going to call other things. basically, basically, the ethic is about 5 degrees warmer than the average or in these parts of the air. the use copernicus, climate change services,
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the average global temperature has been one and a half degrees celsius, above the pre industrial era for 12 successive months. extreme where the, including of a hold of some is across some parts of europe and now no longer an exception. but increasingly, the new child strength, but i'll just here to lead the on the allergies there in sport j. japan's male gymnast, look for exemption in power so naturally missing out some limpid gold at the last gates in the the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination into by the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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time of his funding, thank you very much. we'll start at the use the gulf major. the open championship taking place at royal street in scotland. all lies were on tiger woods. the 15 time major champion is a 3 time window of the famous terrace jug periods with ability on the food hole to i guess, the fellow american justin thomas's, the early lead to the so i'm a sort of 3 on the past 60 days in east coast on february mcroy had around since the gates that old an irish been calling a 7847 of the 1st round of practice. try and do you have a strategy that you think is gonna help you get running the golf course. but then when you get a, when the album played and it starts to present different options and, you know, you start the thing, you know, but maybe had an i, you know, a few clubs you having it and practice and are yes, just one of those days right, i just didn't adopt well enough to to the conditions. oh,
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just seen as vice president has thrown her support behind the countries football is who a close up in the controlled to see a chance following a couple american victory. chelsea, the ends of an end is posted this video from the team bus. it appears to show origin tina's day is making the rugged read comments about french plays with african heritage fee for all investigating officer complain from the french football federation, the cold, the johns racist and discriminatory but origin seen as vice president victoria video has defended her country's national team posting on x 2 roads. argentina is a free and silver and country we never had called an easel 2nd class citizens. we have never imposed that way of life on anyone, but neither will we tolerate that they do it to us. no colonialist country is going to intimidate us for a song or for telling the truth that they do not want to admit, stop finding indignation hypocrites in so i support you. argentina, stall, man, and cats and you know, may see injuries, ankle during the compliment of final. forcing him to miss vanessa stages of that
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match. what smell emerge, that he will be out of action in different fee that's according to ease of major league, soccer club into miami. may see set out the $31.00 when of it's a run. so we have see on wednesday, and the top says it will keep assessing the captains of and dependency us and dismissing takes a break. the next generation already funding the death, including kevin sullivan, is become the youngest player to appear in an emily's match. at 14 years and 293 days used goes on as a substitute for philadelphia union meeting the previous paper by 13 days. and the almost schooled sullivan is already being linked with them in some interest the city. once he turns 18, the union beat new england revolution 51 to end the 10 match winless street. the with a today is to go until the parents olympics begin depends means gymnastics team
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will be looking for redemption in the french capital. they never really missed out on golden tokyo 3 years ago. joanna guys are all scruples in gymnastics. it's a fine line between affection and failure. and so is the margin between gold and silver medals. just off the japanese men's team, they were beaten by roster at the home game 3 years ago and it still stings even for the star key. as she molto who picked up 2 individual goats perpendicular to the frontier, we had the bitter experience in tokyo and missed the goals middle by the narrow list of margins of 0.103. i want us to win the golden parents as a teen life and enjoy the view from the podium to give the historically, japan is one of 3 power houses in the men's team. competition along with china and russia. the countries claims team gold medals at all, but one olympics going back to 1952,
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but this time there will be no russia up to the country was banned by the international olympic committee over the war and ukraine with japan winning the world championships in october, head of china, the team is confident that chances in paris ok way to submit this window and even load up. but you still now simulations the difficulty level that japan performs that is higher than china. that's quite a surprise. it's always been the other way around. but now we have a higher difficulties school than them. i think we have the strongest 5 members this time with personal resource k, and it is important to not make any mistakes and create conditions where we could win in the end. we need to make sure we do well and qualified to go super fast, and then we can perform that last step, right. this is the horizontal bar off the opponent in the final victory for japan
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would extend the record whole to 8 team goals and turn around the fortunes of to the disappointment they faced. in total, do you want to guys raska, which is 0 to england's only purpose? smashed a century on the i think they have the 2nd faced against the wasting these, the 26 year old, schooled 100 and $21.00 runs in nothing and it's the 6th century. all hopes, taste, career, and photo see how century in the 1st match of the series that loads a short while ago, england with 316 for 5. they currently leave the 3 match series. that one has only go through 600 for english. and i'll be here again later with most both these money that pizza now read, dinosaur skeleton has sold for record $44000000.00 in new york christian so they
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may have known what makes this like a source so valuable a meat apax a 161000000 year olds, data source standing nearly 3 and a half meters tall, and 6 meters in length. it's built as the most complete and best preserved possible of its kind with 79 percent of its skeleton intact. just how rare is it? it's sold at auction for a staggering record price in terms of stake as sources. this is an incredibly rare animal. there were only 8 or 9 known in the world. the fossil was discovered in colorado, in 2020, to may of 2022. my birthday and i was with one of my best friends at the time and he was my head excavator, and he said, well, jason, what do you wanna do for your birthday? and i said i wanted to find a dentist. sotheby's auction house closely collaborated with the owner, renowned commercial, paleontologist jason cooper, to document the entire process and this video from its discovery and excavation to
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its restoration preparation. and mounting evidence of arthritis suggests the state of stores had lived to old age, found with the tail curled up underneath the body, which is a common dest pose. for animals, you know, your dogs, cats when they're going to either gonna crow up. let's say it was a big win for sotheby's and the fossils owner. but some paleontologists are worried . it's a loss to science when a fossil like apax ends up in the hands of a wealthy private collector. i'll do 0, spoke to polly ontologies, terry woodruff, who worries, museums won't be able to compete. what is the, are concerned about the state as far as going up for sale in the us? you know, a lot of times museums, we work on private land. so, you know, we might get permission from the land owner. they may donate the fossils, allow the museum on well now the land owner clipping on the news and seeing a dinosaur headset, you know, record prices,
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banks as well. i'm letting them using. i'm just have them. sotheby's says the buyer intends to explore loaning apex to a us institution. christian salumi, algebra, new york. okay, sounds good for me. my name's site for the season. i'll be back in just a moment and of today's the unique perspective. i love that i really not that because definitely i left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing best i can. all of you so much connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these provisions, if it was part of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable that is to hold on what's the stream on our, just the or in 2021. the toughest security surfaces. the rest of the 15 suspected spies allegedly routine to buys rainy
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intelligence. the must have to report on our how this didn't just allow me to get in touch. you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. so just a little while to explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface most that is done on desperate for route to palestinians to this, to diesel a nation to on a freight they even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles, i don't have enough money. even the water we drink here is not properly sold before the war. this punch provides, it's 20000000 liters of a fresh water a free day, around 250000 people. now the facility can produce just 15 percent of the original outputs off to the east bed, only destroyed power links to the prompt. it has been forced to run a backup generators using fuel,
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which is radically running out how to study in west coast and coordination with the use very forces on now attempting to connect an external power line to the electricity supply is restored. it's around for once again, be able to run a full capacity for these palestinians. it will provide at least some really the they 17 people, a tailed across the phone with us has demonstrated coal for a complete shot down at the country. the money in sizes is out. is there a line from jo? how old said, come, you know, joe biden, suspends his presidential campaign off to test things positive because it's raising moved, doubts about his bit for re election. so these were some of the salt lake drawings
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out for the 1st time at the, on the prolonged heat wave of trumps. the balkans protest isn't from cooling from


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