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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the level tech side you causes allison just at hospitals and banks, major airlines of ground and some tv port cost is a taken off in the hotel mccrae, this is l. just they're alive from. so coming out the, the internet is causing bangladesh on for at least $59.00 people are killed in protests against government, job courses. i am running to be president for all of the americans,
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not half of americans. donald trump accepts the republican presidential nomination, signing divine intervention sites, inform and assess the nation to attend the at one person is killed in a drones truck on television. you've given street takes of claimed responsibility the where you begin with breaking news, a major i t find you a has had companies, governments and airlines around the world. computers and banks transport systems, supermarkets and media outlets. a down. major us airlines have been grounded in airports across europe have suspended some slides because of the global outages, unclear, but some expense of pointing to the antivirus software called crowd strike, which released an update to windows operating systems. for more on this, we're going to go to join. the hollow joins us now in london,
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and we any closer to understanding exactly what has happened to what is behind this outage. but it has, as you say, been a quite extraordinarily dysfunctional disruptive morning from an i t point to be or the mid afternoon if you're in australia where the 1st signs of a real problem began to emerge in the last couple of hours with banking and supermarkets. reporting problems, essentially it happens as you're sitting in front of your terminal. if you'll tell them was a mine is a microsoft windows terminal, it suddenly goes to a blank blue screen. it's called the blue screen of death arrow. you are locked out of your operating system and that is, it's total a delta, a breakdown in service. the big question of course is, is that some sort of a massive tech breakdown malfunction or something more sinister. so there's usually
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debilitating global cyber attacks. the weight of evidence at the moment seems to be pointing at very much to the full amount of this company called crowd strikes, produces cyber security software that he's downloaded onto the computers they come through and see what seems to be software that these downloads and specifically on to windows operating systems, crab strikes seems to have had some sort of mandatory update to his software that went horribly wrong car crowd strike saying during the course of the morning that it was investigating the problem. saying that the issue was related to it felt can sense a product with engine is working hard to resolve it later on, verifying that engineers and the identified was described as a content deployment problem and riveting the changes. now i can't begin to tell you precisely what that means, except to say that there are signs that some of the malfunctioning businesses, uh, companies, computers, app systems are beginning to route to, to normality. as we mentioned,
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that tv and radio stations affected sky news here was off the, at one of our competitors in this country. it's for an hour or so they all. now back on the some sign that operate existence, i'll be getting to return to normal though, of course the backlog caused by all the basic types of transport, particularly for instance, but to across the board really and across the world will be absolutely events. yeah . like you say it is a global problem at this point in time. can you give us a sense of the scale of this issue? not just you graphically, but to the number of businesses and companies in industries that, that are also being affected. so sure what i mean, this takes place across the transport infrastructure at ports, airline companies, railway companies. it is across the business. it is business operating systems. it is bank city's stock exchanges. if he's health services, hospitals g, p. surgeries, and so i'll give you
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a sense of it and what company is attending their. their custom is ronna, europe's largest airline by passenger number's war and its passengers and potential disruption saying the outing outage would effect o lines operating across the european network. delta airlines, k l m, tweeting the dates and other lines of the airports are being affected by a global computer out outage making slight handling impossible southern rail. a railway company in this country we're currently experiencing watch, but i t issues across our entire network. uh, there's something from a g p surgery here with no access to patient's medical records. so unable to book appointments. oh, provide any information and you know, just to give you a sense of the global reach at a banking company, in dramas, books out of africa, capital bank reporting widespread issues across the entire network and say, some signs that some of those things are beginning to resolve themselves but not without an immense amount of chaos closed,
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that will take far longer to put right and date. thanks so much for all of that. that's you on hold for us there in london. but we're going to stay with a story and go now to i'm in the country who is the chief executive officer at grid with cyber security. he joins us from sidney, thanks very much for being with us here on al jazeera. now at this stage it appears it is not a cyber attack. so can you just explain to us exactly how something like this actually could happen? it's absolutely, it's quite common for loves service providers to provide different updates. so that would be issued to, you know, thousands of millions of and points across the world. but often something is missed or just potentially not really taking into accountable human error involved in the code could result in really a conflicting issue. and we know it has to be 9 to, to solve for the sort of bucks that come in the pos are, you know, it's,
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it's not very, very common. however, when these uh, sort of issues like, uh, um you know, the call, the consequences can be very, very significant. so it's a, it's a seems at this stage like it does a software update going wrong. how long does something like that actually take to fix when we see the system's back up and running normally? it can very, um, i think in this situation um crap truck has issued already within an hour a official fee for the issue. one of the issues of experience, bio sterling organizations, which were one of the 1st to be here across the world, is that the official fix actually does involve a bit of manual process on a scale. all, you know, global companies and airports, the critical infrastructure. manual any manual solution is going to require an immense amount of man, man power. so that's a moment it's, it's additionally you're,
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it's caused by significant disruption. it's not as simple as a quick update being rolled out to effective devices. this is affecting so many companies, some of the largest in the world. i mean, there's obviously no backup system data to override any of the an update that goes wrong. i mean, can you explain from that point of view how something like this could happen? the rules, sometimes providers just need a particular particular conflict that should be many controls typically in place to ensure that seems like compatibility we've, we've windows, a lot of operating systems during corrupt will cause issues. so the, you know, an industry, we know this, this quote, planning of testing and quality assurance that goes be a full software update. so security mattress are rolled out and it's unfair to re circumstances you know, things can be missed. um, we don't, we don't have more information at this point. so we could only really speculate as
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to why crestmarc was able to release us an update that d cause such, you know, my nutrition sort of conflict with the thousands of windows devices. yeah. can you tell us a little bit more about kit crowds tranquil sort of reputations that i haven't? what's, what's gonna happen to that reputation? now, a blue cross soc, is a, a very large and well known provider in the security space to market leading security provided that's utilized by the, you know, old you know, many leading banks and, and last, you know, blue chee and government organizations. so certainly the impact is going to be quite significant. we don't even know how long it might be before these issues are resolved. and you know, certainly one of the risks we see is potentially even for that is taking advantage of this situation. so we really do a well really do caution. a lot of our clients at the moment to the very,
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very wary and vigilant of clicking any potential links, all sort of any potential repercussions that might come unrelated to the, the software update itself. um, so as do we get to see what the total impact might be? yeah, in date it sounds like it's going to be sometime before all of this is sort of the, i'm its country chief executive officer. i agree with cyber security. thanks so much for joining us here and we'll just there. thank you so much. to other news now and, and bangladesh authorities have come to internet services a day, off the 39 people were killed and emptied government protest. violence broke out between police and students and several locations around the capital dot com, the students demanding the forms, the courses for government jobs. so these 1500 people have been injured in the past week. the demonstrate is a cooling for a complete shut down of the country. tended chandry has the lightest from the capital for the suppression remains guided volatile and intense and bangladesh.
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those repub, so flash shows all across the country, including in southern location in buying of this just behind me, dispute blocks are we have the pleasure of going on, return here, sound good. and as we're getting here, shot gun fires, care, guess, out, love. and the protest arms on not giving game so nearly as are still blocked by the student government as the applied parent military buyer that bought our dress all across the country. the worst situation is there's 2 adults communication blackout . there's no internet, no access to social media. we spoke to the internet companies and they said, look, we've been ordered to shut down the gateways. that's why you don't have access the government. on the other thing, the building that houses the main servers for the internet gateways were damaged due to fire, but that's not what the internet service companies are telling us all that road code. this thing we can tell our names, but this is the case. this is to stop the students and demonstrate there's to mobilize themselves under pros,
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so many graphic videos and social media is which is really instigating a lot of people to come out in the streets. and that has been stop. people can't do banking transaction and atm machine because there is no internet access and the government is still compromising. that said, we're ready to sit down and discuss about the quote uh their side that the supreme court special branch will have a hearing this sunday. and they'll have come to some printers and the government said, were willing to open up 80 percent to the general students to compete in the exams and live 20 percent as a quota. but the story leaders are now saying it's too late and the gong, and it's most fair for discussion with the government is no longer there. because so many of our colleagues and students have died and killed and taken to the hospital. this was not the time to sit down with the government,
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so the situation remains still volatile. and it's intrinsically taking a different dimension all through the opposition call our mass progression procession rather all across the country. and that the protest rallies. we went to, lot of the people are actually coming people, the people are working as an extra puller shopkeeper, that even taking participation in this demonstration does a curious, inc, frustration due to high inflation sorting for the price of many people are frustrated that this election was rigged in january this year, so there are a lot of pent up frustration coming out in the streets, along with the student protests. and it probably will continue. so there is no sign of real compromise or discussion as of the i and the students. so they'll stay in the street and keep protesting. for me, you as president, donald trump has given his 1st major speech since evolving and assassination attempts. trump accepted the republican parties nomination for president and painted a bleak picture of the country. but assured,
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suppose he can fix america's problems. hell, official reports from milwaukee in wisconsin, or it was a moment just millimeters from never happening. any trump accepting the republican party presidential nomination. just 5 days after being hit by would be assassins bullets tonight with faith and devotion, i proudly accept your nomination for for a few dispute himself. as team said, the uniform of the firefighter who died insensitive shooting cody con paternity behind him on the stage in milwaukee. the name spelled wrong, we talked about, it's after the shooting. there was a hoss just the code listened and he says he will never discuss it. again, prior to the shot. if i had not moved my head at that very last interested,
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the assassin's bullet would have perfectly headed smock and i would not be here tonight. but for all the promises of a different tone, the change candidates. trump returns to familiar ground and familiar targets. they got another subpoena from the democrats crazy, nancy pelosi, they should drop the spartans in which on switch i have been going through for approximately 8 years. there were many things that trump got wrong. there was simply not true. his duck picture of america, an echo of his acceptance speech in 2016. the claim, the world was on the edge of world war 3. the crime was rump into the america that there was an invasion on the borders. and he alone could fix it. so to night i make this pledge to the great people of america. i will end a devastating inflation crisis immediately bring down interest rates and lower the cost of energy. we will drill baby drill as he ended his speech,
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he was joined on stage by his family, including his wife milady. his be missing from various court cases and political alleys. in recent months and by his side, his vice presidential picked gd vance in the whole, a predictable thumbs up from his supporters. and i'm so excited for november. trump was always going to get a great reception and this whole that was the given. but to when he's got to reach beyond the republican base, i convince on decided voltage support pin mother that he is actually defective time to. that would be the best of presidents no matter who the faces in november all and for sure. all just need on the public and national convention in milwaukee. what's the head to roll now to 0?
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we hear the hopes of palestinians a head on you in coats opinion on israel is occupation fits expect to it's in the coming out of the, the latest news as it freaks they are not afraid. they are going to stay here and on that with detail coverage, the last few weeks. se job likely lose the presidential debates. donald trump secured a number of important code. victories can survive and assassination attempts from around the world. irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 2024. the
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the, the news the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories. but sal, imagine i to find you a has, has companies, governments and airlines around the world. computers have banks transport system, supermarkets and media outlets down because of the globally outage is unclear.
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antoinette services have been cut across bangladesh and tie up to 59 people who killed an antique government protest. students are demanding reforms the courses for government jobs. at least 1500 people have been injured. and the republican national convention in wisconsin has ended with donald trump accepting the parties, presidential nomination. he said he would be a president for all americans. the trump supposed to tristan surviving an assassination attempt the . is there any forces up on bothering residential buildings in refugee camps for a 2nd day? at least 5 people were killed when the army showed the house and the ovaries, refugee camp, and other 5 were killed in the nearby on this rock, refugee can be injured, have been taken to unlock the hospital in day, i'll follow. meanwhile, in kansas city is ready forces have targeted another united nations run school,
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the 9th in recent days. at least one person was killed and several others injured. the school was being used as a shelter at the displaced families. is there any forces that they kill to palestinian sizes in the air? right? these rarely, military has carried out overnight strikes and southern living on 2 separate attacks. targeted 2 towns close to the board of this drawing home and 3 story building security sources. say 3 people have been killed before on the sign a hold a is a lot for us in southern living on an incentive can you just explain exactly where you are and what's happened behind you there? well we're in the southern town of stuff of the l, but to you, as you can see behind me the rubble, the destruction wide spread, destruction. this was a 3 story building. this was the result or this is the result of it is really strike over nights. you can see the at least 2 people were killed, 2 members of has below on what we understand from security sources. one of them is
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a field commander with it's a lead to unit, the red one brigades, but it wasn't just the building that was affected by this strike because many people live in this area, we are approximately 8 kilometers from, from the border with israel and the main battle ground is up to 4 to 5 kilometers deep along the borders. so this is a strike deeper inside lebanon, so many residential areas around us, up to 19 civilians were injured lightly injured. so, you know, this is part of the ongoing violence along this border between that is really military and has the law now has bloss saying that for the 1st time it target to the settlement of the ream, that is approximately 6 kilometers south of the is really border, they hit this area for the 1st time because a few days ago as well as secretary general house on the throne, the war, and that if civilians continue to be hurts, caught in the crossfire in this ongoing conflict. because this is still really
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confined to military targets, then house below will widen the scope of it's a tax. so as you can see, this is just, you know, one building that was hit. this is what border villages look like along the 120 kilometer stretch of territory along the border is and as you mentioned, the things are clearly incredibly tens along that border. i mean, these latest air strikes just the fear, the tips attempt that we have seen almost on a daily basis since the will began or could potentially be this out of even food, the risk collection as well. we cannot rule out further escalation. now hezbollah officials believe that israel is not able to widen the scope of its attacks. they say that these really army is bogged down in gaza and it's already having, you know, its resources have been exhausted following 9 months of fighting. but this really
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is our threatening, and we heard from the defense minister just a few days ago when he said that's an escalation could happen in quote moments. it could be very swift. what is ro wants is for hezbollah to pulled back from the border to pull back at least 8 to 9 kilometers from the border. in order for you know, 70 to 80000 is ready to return to their homes in northern israel as well as refusing to discuss anything. any new arrangements along the border until after the war on garza. and so the longer this tit for tat strikes continue. you cannot rule out the possibility of this conflict whitening. but like i mentioned for the time being, they're both the warring sides are sticking to the unreturned rules of engagement. the targets are military targets, but like i showed you there, there are houses everywhere here. 19 civilians were taken to hospital and they all suffered injuries and damage to their homes. and they think so much for taking us through all of that as an a hold of for us there and stuff and living on we're
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human services have claimed responsibility for a drone attack near the us embassy office and tell her face one person was killed and several others injured, the site they used a new type of drawing is rarely obviously that into this rarely use space without being detected that says if a trolls have now been increased. literally i spoke to l just they were a senior correspondent mohammed jim june, who's been reporting on the warrant because a he has more on the latest reactions to the drawing strike that we're hearing from both we're hearing from the proceeds. they're stating that this is a new type of drone that is able to get around the sensors that is able to get past radar systems. they've also stated their military spokesperson in the video statement. if they posted on the social media platform x, that there will be more attacks against televi, they're indicating now the television and the surrounding areas have become one of
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their primary targets. so the question now is going to be, are we going to see more attacks if this was indeed the, who with these a plan responsibility for? well, we start seeing more attacks from them directed towards that region specifically because in the past, there have been numerous attacks by the who with these, against, with missiles withdrawing against the southern is really city of you lot those of all been intercepted by either the west other western allies of israel, or the israeli military itself. now this might mean something different going forward as far as the as railways. these rallies have not said who they believe is behind it. they're saying they're not ruling out the possibility of anybody being the source. but also said that the initial investigation reveals that air raid sirens, other warning systems more triggered because of human error. they've also said that this was a larger, more long range type of drone that has typically come there. wait. the international court of justice has to, to present an advisory opinion on with it, as well as occupation of palestinian territories of highlights international law. in february,
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the quote had submissions from 52 states and international organizations, as well as voice opposition through the case, palestinians believe the ruling could result in significant the pressure on this ro, no idea explains, of the ruling of the international court of justice and the legal status of the is rarely occupation comes after 5 months of deliberation. this is what the judges of the world's highest court heard from more than 4000 states and international organizations back in february. so the is really occupation of the west bank including east jerusalem and gaza is illegal because it's become permanent. it amounts to annexation. it's maintained by a part time. and it aims to deny palestinians their freedom. israel's policies of colonization and land grub, as well as the government's program of full annex ation. we're reference as proof
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of the data is staggering. of nearly $400.00 illegal is rarely supplements and outposts $780000.00 settlers in the occupied westbank including east jerusalem and the seizure of 42 percent of the occupied westbank. and then there's israel system of apartheid. the old city of hebron is often cited as an example where israel has curved the movement and lives of 35000 palestinians to facilitate the movement on presence of 700 is rarely settlers. judges also heard about the different structural and legal measures is, will use us to maintain its apartheid like segregated roads, separate court systems, political and cultural persecution, and 69 discriminatory laws. the court is weighing in on the crushing total of these really occupation, the killings, destruction of homes, most of the tension and force displacement israel objects to the proceedings at the
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i c. j. it's senior ministers have threatened to declare the full on exploration of the occupied westbank in retaliation. the palestinians believe the icy de ruling could have a significant impact, especially because the court has to define the responsibilities of states. i'm the united nations towards the situation. they hope to use that to push states to force as well to choose between permanent occupation, an isolation, not all the address, the palestine with thousands of people in pakistan and protesting against the new military offensive against the groups and the northwest of the country. mass demonstrations are being held against the move and the kinds of phone club provence on tuesday, telephone find his staged and attack on the military outposts by new districts coming at least 8 military personnel. beyond the responded with the announcements
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of the new offensive as the him 23 of the group has made major gains recently in the eastern democratic republic of congo. for the past 2 years, finding between the group and government forces has displaced communities that the group imaged more than a decade ago. it is based in north keep it a resource which province and the d. c. lead is mainly from the 2 ethnic group. one of the items is to find the groups found and find who to sue flayed for one to opt at the 1994 genocide. initially, m. $23.00 had merged with the conk lease army and a 2009 p steel. but in 2012, they said the agreement had been violated and broke away by the light is fighting between the in 23 and the d. c. army has calmed in the east and that is off to the us, announced a 15 day extension of humanitarian truce. fall and split and recent mountain says
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in 235 is advanced. capturing multiple towns aligned by county has the licensed from benny and east and the government, which welcome district expense on the way to the new york call me to call on on up the police for these tools. and also our funds of it will continue to work closely with the countries in the region, including the governments want on. and i'm going to support the original different 164 to within different more of the instance in order to achieve the last thing sufficient or facility is it's based on comes at the time when fighting has been reported between the commodities on the support is available and then to the to rep wasn't signal areas in the city total loss of monday. what to do to enjoy the disability. and just by that you want to start on tuesday the last


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