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tv   Africa Direct Taala Three Lionesses  Al Jazeera  July 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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a 16 day extension of ice, you made a terry interest fall and split and recent bounces. in 235 is advanced, capturing multiple towns, a line by county has the licensed from benny and east and the government, which welcome districts in may as well as the wage department told me to call on on up the police for these tools and also our funds of it will continue to work closely with the countries in the region, including the governments want on and i'm going to support the original diploma take you forth within the framework of the internet in order to achieve the last thing, sufficient or facility to such that someone comes at the time when fighting has been reported between the companies on the support is available and them to the, to the wasn't civil areas in just a total loss of money to add what's causing you to
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enjoy this i'm on disability. and just by that, you want to go down to the cloud, 2 weeks manually in the area and then to the, to the system on the, on the following. the 2nd of all you want to know so far between the symbol and little bit a we don't during this period 0 and just for the day off, this is in the area please. the model of the to a general dependency spends us to your phone and the fairly whole 5 of databases by this movement indicated to roberto today of the 1st one was kind of i'm going to buy them to the to like on it. i've just been the democratic republic of the science coast. god has rescued more than 150 people off a migrant button in the canary islands. what's already site to vessels relates to safety at a point in grand canaria, on thursday. the islands have registered about $20000.00
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a regular arrivals. so i found this year and increase of more than 160 percent compared to last year. i to the firefighters into kia battling a wall file on the west coast. this video, published by a government agency, shows the view from a helicopter flying over the place, and it is meant area. some floods have been suspended and others had 3 types of favorites. well that, so for the moment you can find more information on the website. i'll just share a don't comment, includes the licensed on breaking news of the major i t 5 year that has had companies, governments, and especially airlines around the world because of the global outage is not clear at this point, but some people are pointing to a software update going wrong and use continues here. often, africa, direct up. next, the a, we look at the worlds to please me, stores what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the global
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markets in economies and smooth businesses. how time cube has wide economic problems be addressed to strongly be fixed? to understand how it affects d, 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost on o g, a 0 the the
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you know, in the back the the
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the on like the bunch of the new way, nickel for much i'm going to do. i do want to come for me to the how does it sounds? i am i ok, so we and found fidelity. me now let me focus on the name for new. ok. look on this 130 for somebody on the before the power of somebody who didn't get me. otherwise i do so talk to the notices until alabama and he said yes, you would, you be doing $11.11
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. i need to move a month and then we proceed. and this is a new duty and team, one of the others has to do it is united states. and also i want to see model of the district that the american national and the must be with auntie. you don't to the example you go, go, go to what and, and produce a good life and the different from that it will go, i mean, to do so we have time for the, for the navy. and maybe you can do normally do them at that. and it wouldn't be the
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the, the but i am going a little money, me, but a not live money it in front of me. and they all say what you tell them or not this income of all of this in the wake of for some time with some with someone to say only a but a little body. and then for us on a level for some yeah that i mean, anytime someone lands on his on visit or be mm hm. you know what i need to
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i think it was the same time. yes. yes. by the engine, but i'm sure it was the only one i had of course not a very good the . 2 the
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who the the . 2 the me to know the
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the, the number i'm not going to order in here now. now i'm not in the remote in addition with the to get them loaded on the, on the sheil. mm. alright and 9. this is on the i'd 8090. mm hm. all right, and the ok, no words can you and now
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what was the oh and now was one now 10. did somebody please uncle one, most of the songs of the can us get the light is on the book. would you be on the my, the descending? uh, you know, i'm gonna come little fishy of you see the love it but to on the don't know what you do certain of it's more suitable to this. no, to do with them losing. could he could i see in to see, see across the street the and the data on the, in the video game in digital photos info. then. no,
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no, no, you know, a, the silk associate focus will be fine. okay. so can you can jo, quick on my mind? i would coffee june on my end, but i need a car. is doing a tank in for one. 0, hold on one second, let them know. mm hm. and the loan. i'm going to do that. so actually we need to send a note to you. let me know what day you into the day and to book with the uh, what do you believe the level
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was for to one? no, sir. well we did. well. i was uh do to do this, the one in allow us to judaism community. mm hm. okay. so in this ability and to get into the co workers or why didn't you turn the dock in when you're done or not though not letting me know what uh load you went for you and you had ordered a wedding. well, i didn't get a little you you didn't
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good mine. yeah. follow up on the you ready for what? the what the buffalo you were you before you meant to you, but i won't be ready to go. are you doing well for me? you're going into for iphone, want to go home, are you ready for? for a josie, since it'd be you want me to go for a baby at the level. don't a toll we live room vehicle full from live with this. give me a so i can make a rookie, i'm moving, but i guess i turn this on canvas. i think i didn't get the wind doing cool. let me know to. so i'm going to the window
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and i will ask me to do your, the new york is that you want? we did some do a uh, did you uh your random random color, but i get is 0 and the money you said you had a non supervisor to resemble uh do the affordable. uh so bona was a will uh to see the more alarming. not the one with
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the main gate, then you mean don't it in your van? don't let them not unless you are usable. z z g a. would you me to what i said to hook up with the additional without looking name and hook game and we can get you the then a lot to him back the
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one. now one more near me. will the buffalo, the be the locally near you for your from color enough i enough for the but the the, the, the,
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the, the idea go out loud. oh oh, now for who what about a age and that's a good deal for me. i do what's the name of the more you for me or the so we just don't know why you go for a lot. we can, i think, is going generate the gift from
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a we thought of like the, the, the
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last to rid of it showed me both sick. he loved montage because it was good enough. i'm up to the happy to do the flex logical to the actual list book. so i'll call her and pursue stuff that the fumes don't for a simple easy the
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b, c. and i was do mamma and them known to know the come by and, and the only thing about me to do, i left given up with some capacity to give me a good one and they probably already want to use it gives you all just move it sure what was the the, the size of the piece as you see, see. 2 the some silly the sticky sound to me now should i do, i'm actually present new on the, on a let's go to ya. shoot christian artist or to fade as well. one of white months of the username gallery being if i can please show to your pass code
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00. do you see that i see present on a pc? i have is on the compass and a and it will see my content on the one in the zip code. you said, just go see what was sending uh, calling from cornerstone. what to do. could you send me it to salem for the new the sales boss? i mean, cuz i know that it is 91995 to ship this claim for 950 minus
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the new one can can. can you put the yeah, can you appreciate a fee to connect the loan to the home? it was a lose a exclusive bundle on dustin today for a dental and fee. aquino. need to put together this bill the don't this, this pro framing. it can only be a place to experience we use on, on the fees or any given us enough. well,
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select his own compare pensacola bank gosh, the sweetest you take to move one of the substitutes. they will see no, no, not cause you to do to feed on the menus on avenue plotkin, who need to go see her as of monday. if he gets a pin list that shows from vincent, vincent, pleasant to the guess. we need to meet the bill to go visit us. this is what allows me, what did you put it in the put of your local. i'm on the 2nd one is in a while. no. so you don't use this easy when a visual met them. it's available and then you, if you do, you know what does that mean? i'm just saying i happened you on the human cord dual can digital because before
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the they may have been object different now wiley's i have been you, they give me the positive the some of the said the to the news. i'm continuing the past on the definitely can you connect me with connect to the see the i'm pregnant, who's in the
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most unique here. could you see kind of the moment she reduced with the lesson me to, to cover the, the for systems at least with a brochure. so full something i need to get out before mr. premier, the concerning the,
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the, the
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african stores from african perspective. and they convince i dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary wise applicant filmmakers from kenya and kansas. it took you to assign to them, but i can meet with you pulled up on me. it says all them on the left side, the bile, bob waste and all was fine. i use the on, i'll just sierra security concerns and political uncertainty,
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or just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic games of paris . as millions turned their attention to friends with the whole nation, be ready to welcome the world on july, the 26 stay without a 0 for the latest updates these business uptake. these voltage by the state bank growth partner of bundle dash before he is the
1:00 pm
this business uptake. this makes this try this exact restaurant. no bundle dash before to use the . the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. global tax id i causes outages of hospitals and banks. major airlines the ground in some tv road costs is taken off at the pass and is killed and several others injured in a drugs dry content of age. humans whose.


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