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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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in talking to conversations, you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if it was published for medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable that the horror of what's the stream on our, just the, or the global tech side. you causes outages of hospitals and banks. major airlines are grounded in some tv, both cost as a taken off in the country. mccrae, this is l. just a line from the also coming up the internet is causing bangladesh. after at least 50 people are killed in protest against government job causes. on thursday, the person is killed and
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several others injured in neutrons. strike on tele faith. humans, 3 things have claimed responsibility. i am running to be president for all of america. not half of americans, because there is only a trump, except the republican presidential nomination, signing divine intervention sites, him from an assassination attempt. the we begin with breaking news and major i t 5. yeah. has had companies, governments and airlines around the world, computers and banks transport systems, supermarkets and media outlets on down. major us airlines have been grounded and airports across europe have suspended some floods. the cause of the global outages unclear about some experience of pointing to the antivirus software called crowd strike, which released an update to windows operating systems,
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a look around strikes the yo george codes posted the statement on x about the message. he said the crowd, a strike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content updates the microsoft windows hosts, mac and linux host. and the impact is you also confirm that what happened was the security incident or a cyber attack. he said the issue has been identified isolated and that a fix has been deployed a could, ends by saying his team is fully mobile, lies to ensure the security and stability of customers. but for more and all of this, we're going to go now, since you all know who joins us in london, clearly uh, crowd strong control would very hard on getting services back up online. how successful have they been so far? but we're already getting reports that airports, for instance, that have gone offline on our back on line to flight. so they've been granted now
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now taking off some of the reports coming from the medical services packing services and so on. so what about fix has been deployed to this software that was downloaded onto the systems around the world systems using a combination of windows operating systems and the crowd strikes cyber security software. and that by all accounts is an extremely popular combination. they will suddenly collapsed without warning. a few hours ago, the company has issued a fix which allows the system to be rebooted and then have these issues resolved and that does appear to be working. but, you know, you've got to scale this across countries in consonance companies all over the world, offer a oh, offering services to millions of customers. how many systems individual systems have got to deploy this fix. and how long will that take? that is an open ended question, but it does appear at is that
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a fix is on the way. and of course, notably that this was not because that was the big worry during the hours of the day that this was not a cyber attack. this was in fact a malfunction caused by software issued by the company crowd strikes. yeah, as you say, release that it wasn't a cyber attack. and there is a fix underway. but obviously, like you mentioned the scale of this geographically, you know, almost every corner of the world and also so many companies. and so many different industries are affected to we have any idea how long this step is going to take to get ahold of those systems. back up and running so people can get the slides. so go to the soup in the supermarket and use the banking systems. right. but i, you know, i mean, i think there are 2 questions. the 1st is how long does it take to get the systems up and running? and the 2nd is, how long does it take to play backlog? so mean, if you consider the consequences of an airport full and i know that because of bad
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weather, or perhaps a series of airport soonest, city because of bad weather in the numerous travel backlog, that's the results from that. now consider that across whole countries and as i say, confidence, so not just an airline or an airport industry, but travel across the board, banking services, supermarkets, hospital provision and so on. i'm the backlog. the chaos caused by the disruptions of these services absolutely immense. that is the real long tail to the story and we're in the beginning to see that now. as one computer expert puts it, apparently i described it as an unprecedented global process in i to this he said starkly exposing the fragility of our heavily digitized world. and i think that he's very much what this does and fee is about a possible cyber attack. earlier, although on found it now and a lot of people would be very relieved by that disability does expose the
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vulnerability of the system under which we will live certainly does. so thank you so much for all of that. that's shown how for us in london throughout the news now and, and bangladesh authorities have come to internet services a day off to 50 people were killed, an antique government protest balance between of police and students broke out and several locations around the capital deka. the students of demanding reforms to quotas for government jobs. at least 1500 people have been injured in the past week . demonstrated the cooling for a complete shut down of the country tended chandry has moved from the capital and the government's explanation for the intended outage. the giving the excuse that there was a building which actually setup the whole server system for the gateway that was burned last night. but when we spoke to the internet companies, because we do have contacts and they didn't want it to be named, they told that that's not true though. they were instructed to shut down the
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gateway of completely. so the entire country doesn't have internet. you don't have access to social media. the worst is you kind of access the atm machine because of the crabs, internet, and people are unable to withdraw money from the atm system. but the government and sticking by what it says that because that was a damage to the central server room and that's why they can get internet and the situation still remains very bullets. island times. we're getting reports from different sources of our journalist colleagues in different location in the city and all the parts of the country. it is as worse as yesterday. there's been violence going on in different location in the capital dr. where i'm spending just about 4 blocks from on the other side. behind the lake, there's been chaise on counter changed by demonstrator and police. periodic gunfire suck, sound grenade, and t, i guess that's been going on since 9 in the morning local time. the
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. is there any forces bombarding residential buildings and refugee camps for a 2nd day? at least 5 people were killed in the army, show the house and elbow res refugee camp, and other 5 were killed in the nearby on this or up the refugee camp. the engine had been taken to alex the hospital and i'll follow. meanwhile, in kansas city is ready forces have targeted another school, the nuns in recent days, at least one person was killed and several others injured. the united nations run school is being used as a shelter. the displaced families is rarely for us to say they killed through pellets and the and foxes in the air, right. a se, a warning of a new medical crisis unfolding. and gallons of the polio virus has been detected in the search and contaminated both the intense camps. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been forced from their homes, a living and temporary shelf is intense without access to clean most that will
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sanitation. polio is a highly infectious virus that can cause deformities and paralysis as well says that his stomach backs and i think its sold just terrible. as soon as more on this from the outlet and central cancer, the discovery of the pole you virus has really sparked great concerns among display some of these who are already suffering from city shortage to a prop drinkable war to us. this alone side also with the full collapse of the hygiene conditions in district, and especially specifically the central areas where the vast majority of these things can be really enough, suitable for human hesitation. but they are forced to cope with the situation on the ground. as we've been hearing from authorities in the central areas, especially endeavors by law, they have been saying that the waste water treatment plants have been incredibly shocked down to due to the lack of a few items, which will definitely will impose more significant for it and will increase the
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possibility of to be a bit of goose as have been 100 pallets up. 100000 probably needs to be infected with series router and the problem diseases. and this is intrinsically the worst scenario that palestinians right now have been expecting now the bahamas with these really attacks. but now with the discovery, the virus, the situation is getting much more dynamic for them. basically, this is a very, a cumulative process because as well has systematically targeted the vast majority of what's a wells i'm inside with the waste treatments loans across the strip. and we can also, i hope that the palestinians are right now, we're searching the ultimate free cushions in order to be away from such a response. the grim reality is that the vast majority of the sewage, which is standing next to evacuation senses i'm floating. i'm slowing next to also the mix ship tense where children women are. the vast majority of this will, can be infected. we've got calling support. this is what we do here from medical
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sources that there is to now know from the nation of food that for display scottish city and some largest going denials of essential medical supplies into to this to, to humans who states have claimed responsibility for a drone attack. and they have the u. s. embassy office in tennessee. the one person was killed and several others injured. the who they say they use a new type of trone capable of entering in space without being detected israel science, human error, the defense systems failing to trigger alarms that says if the trolls have been increased, these are in the military has carried out of an odd strikes and southern living on 2 separate attacks targeted through towns close to the border, destroying home and 3 story building security stores. the site 3 people have been killed, has ballasa is 2 of its members are among the dead. these are the army and the liberties group. have exchanged fine was daily since the war on guns of again
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the former us president donald trump has given his 1st major speech, then surviving and assassination to attend. trump accepted the republican policies nomination for president and painted the bleak picture of the country. but a show of support as he can fix america's problems. ellen fisher reports from milwaukee in wisconsin. it was a moment just millimeters from never happening. danny trump accepting the republican party presidential nomination just 5 days after being hit by would be assassins bullets tonight with faith and devotion, i proudly accept your nomination for for a few dispute himself. as team said,
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the uniform of the firefighter who died insensibly shooting quoted comparatively, behind him on the stage of milwaukee. the name spelled wrongly, we talked about saturday shooting. there was a hoss just the code listened and he says he will never discuss it again prior to the shot. if i had not moved my head at that very last interested, the assassin's bullet would have perfectly headed smock and i would not be here tonight. but for all the promises of a different tone, the change candidates, trump returns to familiar ground and familiar targets. they get another subpoena from the democrats crazy, nancy pelosi, they should drop these partisan, which on switch i have been going through for approximately 8 years. there were many things that trump got wrong, there was simply not true. his duck picture of america, an echo of his acceptance speech in 2016. the claim, the world was on the edge of world war 3. the crime was rump into the america that
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there was an invasion on the borders, and he alone could fix it. so to night i make this pledge to the great people of america. i will end a devastating inflation crisis immediately bring down interest rates and lower the cost of energy. we will drill baby drill. as he ended his speech, he was joined on stage by his family, including his wife, malaria. his be missing from various court cases and political alleys. in recent months and by his side, his vice presidential picked g d. events in the whole, a predictable thumbs up from his supporters. i think those people who are on the vans and i'm so excited for november, the trump was always going to get
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a great reception. and this whole thought was a given. but to when he's got to reach beyond the republican bates, i convince on decided voltage department mother, that he is actually the best of the time that it would be the best of presidents no matter who the faces in november all and for sure. obviously you don't have to the public and national convention in milwaukee, but breaking news now from vietnam where it's been announced. the communist party chief and union through truong has died. he was 18 years old. he had held the country's most powerful position for a move in the decade of it, and i'm just president. turn them to go to the trunk. the street. he's on thursday when the potty announced strong needed to focus on medical treatments. jessica washington looks back on his life for more than a decade, knew in full term was the most powerful man in vietnam, serving as general secretary of the communist party since 2011 its top leadership
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known as the full pallets consists of the prime minister, the president the chair of the assembly and the general secretary, which is considered the most senior position, a 2021. jerome secured a red 3rd time body members credited him with managing the economy. it's made an exception to the to time limits. under his leadership, vietnam became an international manufacturing hub. the economy boomed into the country, maintained voted cold bamboo diplomacy a foreign policy approach. it describes as from flexible in 2023 us, president of joe biden visited vietnam, pledging more trade corporation and investment opportunities. it coordinates that 9 new president joe biden and died on behalf of all countries have just decided to go through with a joint statement to upgrade the relationship between vietnam and the united states of america to comprehensive strategic partners for peace corporation development,
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ad stability, and do you having shortly off to china as president, she didn't ping also visited henry, and it'd be to strengthen ties and counter us influence the domestically trauma introduced, sweeping onto corruption, campaign known as the blazing sun, is hundreds of state officials and business executives were prosecuted or forced to step down, the drive also led to political upheaval, with prominent content is removed from the scene. in recent years, the general secretary's health had been under scrutiny. he had a stroke in 2019 and his public appearances decreased in 2023. on july, the 18th president til them took over the general secretary's duties to allow trauma to focus on his health. on the same day, the public bureau awarded to him with the gold stone middle, recognizing what had called exceptionally outstanding contributions to the party and the nation. jessica washington to 0. spell this place is still
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a head here on l just there, including we joined dan b as navy on patrol in the atlantic ocean trying to reduce the search and migrant votes. getting secure and out of work and out of luck, we take a look at what thailand's manufacturing sector, the software, the down to the, to understand. we must experience life through not designs, discover the stories forgotten. we spent a loan in the past due to the voice is drowned out by the can witness on which is era the
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. ringback the, the the, you're watching you'll just hear a reminder of how top stores the ssl is a major i t 5. yeah. has had companies, governments and airlines around the world. computers at banks transport systems, different markets and media outlets of down the cause of the global average is unclear. it's new services have been cut across bangladesh and down to 50 people were killed in antique government, protest students on demanding reforms to closest with government jobs. at least
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1500 people have been injured and helpful. so he's a warning of a numerical crisis on folding and garza, the honey and pictures. polio virus has been detected in search and contaminated for the intense camps. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are living in temporary shelters. and tents without access to clean holes that will sanitation the international court of justice is due to present and advisory opinion on with that as well as occupation of palestinian territories violates international law one. in february, the court had submissions from 52 states and international organizations, as well as voice opposition to the case. the palestinians believed the ruling could result in significant pressure on as well. no, a day explains the ruling of the international court of justice and the legal status of the is rarely occupation comes after 5 months of deliberation. this is what the judges of the world's highest court heard from more than 4000 states and
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international organizations. back in february for the is really occupation of the west bank including east jerusalem and gaza is illegal because it's become permanent. it amounts to annexation. it's maintained by a part time. and it aims to deny palestinians their freedom. israel's policies of colonized, nation and land grub, as well as the government's program of full annex ation. we're reference as proof of the data is staggering. of nearly $400.00 illegal is rarely supplements and outposts $780000.00 settlers in the occupied westbank including east jerusalem and the seizure of 42 percent of the occupied westbank. and then there's israel system of apartheid. the old city of hebron is often cited as an example where israel has curved the movement and lives of 35000 palestinians to facilitate the
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movement on presence of 700 is rarely settlers. judges also heard about the different structural and legal measures is, will use this to maintain its apartheid like segregated roads, separate court systems, political and cultural persecution, and 69 discriminatory laws. the court is weighing in on the crushing total of these really occupation, the killings, destruction of homes, most of the tension and force displacement israel objects to the proceedings at the i c. j. it's senior ministers have threatened to declare the full on exploration of the occupied westbank in retaliation. the palestinians believe the icy de ruling could have a significant impact, especially because the court has to define the responsibilities of states on the united nations towards the situation. they hope to use that to push states to force as well to choose between permanent occupation, an isolation,
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not all the address data, palestine firefighters into key battling a wildfire on the west coast. now this video, published by a government agency, shows the view from a helicopter flying over the place and the as me area. some flights have been suspended and others had to divert their routes. 6 spines, coast god has rescued more than 150 people lost a migrant boat near the canary islands. with already sight, 2 vessels will lead to safety at a port in grand can area on thursday. the islands have registered about $20000.00 a regular arrival. so found this year, the west african natives and navies and coast guards are struggling to cope with the search of people trying to reach. and you were by say that thousands of people have died this year alone. a correspondent down to the interest joined to the can be a navy on the troll and sees of the coastline regular migration from
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west africa into europe. in the 1st couple of 2024 rose by more than 170 percent cause she cannot make conditions pushing more and more young men and women to take the dangerous route to get to europe. we had to that particular boat. why be going to be a navy on a regular portfolio wants to board it because after a stroke cold, there was no response. we got information recently that some of the specing customers to, for some of these microns that we have for the board of boards, that thing them, i think up board and then say loud look for is going to have a nice and lovely license. in this case, there less than 6, but you have expected to be shipped for the vessel. one way be able to find out, did you find any, any from microsoft based north of microns on board. at the 40 on board member from the top 10 down south to save yourself some documentation
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around. but this doesn't have any, any 10 microns on this. the crew members of different nationalities. it was such a 5 by the navy that each and every one of them has probably documented that out according to the commander. if that's why they filed some of these votes for symbols, that's a premium. and they want some random arrest. i'll just say that again, times manufacturing sector is taking ahead with almost 2000 factories closing in the past year. the economy may slow down even further in the coming months as industry struggled with rising cost and increasing competition from china. when higher reports from the capital bank, koch a thailand, industrial machine is slowing down. manufacturing makes up almost a quarter of gross domestic product. but the rising costs and cheap imports from
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china, blunting the countries competitive age. this manufacturing company is one of the most acute, having diversified away from specializing in top pots during the 1997 asian financial crisis. we have a 0 order we to know, so any pot. so after that, be changing our minds to expand this and as to maybe cody weiss industry, and also now i think the coach of machinery industrial 27 years on many others. still having the he did the cooling, end up paying the price. almost 2000 factories had closed in a year. and government does, it shows more than 50000 people have lost the jobs. call me from the one i'm worried because i'm not doing good anymore. i'm nearly 40 and i lost my job at an age when it's going to be so much harder to find one. yeah. there are plenty of vacancies, but mainly for low income jobs. the prospects
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a slimmer for those wanting to earn a bit more. there was a time when this public notice board would be bustling at this hour of the day with people looking for work funding. dozens of jobs advertised. now it's largely abandoned serving as a sign of the job market. here. new factories are opening such as chinese electric vehicle manufacturer of b y d, which started production earlier this month. but that was tempted by an announcement by japanese company suzuki, that it's closing one of its facilities. another challenge is the government's planned increase in the daily minimum wage to just under $11.00. we need to be careful and that probably because a lot of factories or the move all the thailand with they have the higher minimum wage. in the last 10 years, companies like this which have been operating for some time, believe the competitive edge is quality rather than price. given the current and looming economic challenges, both domestic and international, they'll soon find out if that's enough. wayne, hey, al jazeera, bangkok. well,
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it's, it's, and they told me to cry for the moment where there was nixon inside story looks of why the olympics band rush, if it's born you cried, the note is running despite it's for on casa, stay with us, the have that, let's look to east asia where the menu from is in full force pumping. torrential rain across central pots of china onto the korean peninsula where we've seen flooding in places like so that cause disruption to traffic in the city. and there's more heavy rain to come. we could see up to 200 millimeters over the next few days. that's thanks to those pulses of heavy rain pumping out of shutting down in china. we could also see some flooding. the rain will eventually slip its way
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further east on was to northern parts of japan, where it continues to be a very hot and humid story. we've had record one night in july the that heat extending across into central and southern parts of china. lots of heat and humidity to be found here, with temperatures in places like shanghai well above the average. and there's also heat and humidity to be found in southern parts of focused on as we move to south asia for corruption in particular. it is going to get west, so the monsoon trough is sitting across central parts of india, but still will see some of that rain splashing into pots of pockets done possibly, causing some flooding with a red light for such a date. remained for western parts of india for connecticut as well as content and go staff date to sunday. in 2021. the to the security surfaces. the rest of the 15 suspected spice allegedly
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routine to advise really intelligence the most that to report on our college student and just allow me to get in touch you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. so just a while to explore the doc surveillance on dwelt beneath the diplomatic surface. most that is done. on the summer olympics, the world's biggest sporting events opens in paris next week. russia is fans for it's for in ukraine, but not israel for it's for on dollars on top of your role. the politics on business play in the game. it's kind of cost be justifies business inside story. the .


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