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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  July 19, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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the which is the selection that the best news from across the network and the days after being shot, donald trump becomes the republican presidential nominees. his rival president joe biden is isolating with po, with 9 seems more senior democrats are urging him to quit the election race. how critical a week has this been for both man? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm 30, you navigate them. when she took the stage at the republican party convention,
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perhaps the only sign donald trump had been shot less than a week ago was the patch on his ear. his keynote address lasted about the length of a feature film. but even hollywood screenwriters would struggle to come up with a plot to reflect the drama that's been unfolding the week has delivered a contrast, the somewhat dramatic proportions to for trump election, rival president joe biden, as he isolates from co, with 19 a growing number of senior democratic figures is urging him to a bands in his bid for a 2nd term. so how big a week has this been on? what impact will it have on the november election will bite and stay? or will he go? and if he does quit, who will replace them? will be analyzing all this with our guests shortly. but 1st, this report from image and kimber, an acceptance speech longer than any made as a us party convention. donald trump, to me except the republican nomination,
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to run for president. some supporters save yourself a nation attempt is left him a change mind as he called for unity to every citizen. whether you are a young or old man or woman, democrat, republican, or independent black or white, asian, or hispanic. i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. physically to split the bondage on his ear is the same. and some critics say he's speech referring to an invasion of immigrants and saying he can still for the 3rd world who is classic trump. the events of the post we refused to do is put in our team on support base and kept in dominating us media coverage. the controls thing week for j point in the us president is always selecting at home with carpet 19 until 9 pardon. this remains that falls, he will not quit his campaign for re election. but with this latest health set back,
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adding to 19 questions about his age and capabilities and more gas, such as referring to defense secretary lloyd austin as the black man security defends for the black man. democrats at the highest level, a pushing for him just on the side report say senior policy members including former high speaking nancy pelosi and senate majority leader, chuck schumer, private until biden, should step done. and behind please tools. democrats have reportedly also former president brock obama. the guidelines the isn't much time left to find an alternative candidate. the policy convention begins in a month. so my, let's say volumes running mate is in pole position. most likely would be the vice president commer harris. and i think if that were to happen, guys do things. we got the 1st year, huge sides and around the country. some democrats would be just thankful that you
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didn't have to be through this with depression. and then 2nd, i think there would be e, genuine, excitement and motivating on behalf of the vice president the week of different functions for the 2 candidates, i'm on may prove a critical point in the race for the american presidency. you mentioned kimber out a 0. the inside story. the ok let's, i'm bringing our guests from crested butte in colorado. were joined by john. nothing girl who was the former communications director of the democratic national committee in sandy springs. georgia is janelle king, who's a former deputy state director of the republican party in georgia. i'm from chicago . we have with us james warren, who's the executive editor of news guard. that's a media fact checking readings organization. and he's also a former washington bureau chief of the chicago tribune. thanks for your time with us on inside story. we appreciate it, janelle, i'll start with you and we'll start with trump. so on the assassination attempt,
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he claimed that his speech, but it was divine intervention, which saved him. i mean, that type of speech plays well with his constituency, but do you think that he missed an opportunity to speak to swing voters? i mean, there are a lot of swing voters who are also believers in christians as well. so i don't think he missed opportunity at all and to say that it's divine intervention. i mean, you have to consider the fact that the bullet missed him by a quarter of an inch. and if he had not turned his head to look at the chart that he had placed on the screen, he would not be with that. it would be a turn to say any further to the right, he would not be with us. so i think it's safe to say that there was certainly divine intervention there. i don't think that will. does her independent voters? i think independent voters, we're excited to hear a lot of his policy positions. i think they understood that the state of this country and where we are and considering that we have such a weak president in the white house at this time. i don't think independent voters
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are lost on the fact that we need someone who strong who can withstand some of those challenges, particularly it was asking, easy to tap. right. hang on a slide because he did start off uh, kind of for the unifying tone, unifying speech, but then really devolved into a lot of grievances. he said some misrepresentations he sometimes came across is on hands, but to win again, he's got to reach beyond his base. he's got to reach the swing voters on the suburban mother. so in that speech, did he really show some of the weaknesses that still persist in him as president a? well, i mean, it depends on who you as you know, perception is leading a lot of this discussion. the fact of the matter and he said it things that he had a witness, the state of things that happens to be back there are a lot of vibrant to import into this country without having any type of legal paperwork or legal representation. i think that is a true statement. a lot of things that he did mention are things that we really are
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facing when you think about the state of this economy financially, we are struggling. um families are really, really struggling. you have grandma's that are splitting kills because they can't take the right amount of dosage because they don't have the finances to re up you're talking of. 9 people to mothers who are struggling to buy diapers. i mean, we're really living in a tough time right now. so i think you have to kind of push past your perceptions and start to listen to the fact that we, he's stating things that people are actually. i mean, it's not really a perception though, is that i'm going to bring in my other to guess. but i, i, we have to be clear, it's not a perception here. i mean, there, there were a number of fact checkers that actually fact checked his speech. but let me bring in jon, was this from different to the trump that accepted the parties nomination back in 2016. do you think for about a half an hour? yes. for the 1st half an hour we saw the red from the teleprompter, which was loaded with this fascinating riveting story, right of his near death experience. and then we heard some new things from donald
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trump, some some tons of reconciliation. but, you know, i, i'm very sympathetic to the folks who prepare donald trump for this speech. you do your best to try and set them up for success to try and, you know, contain their, their instincts and channel all of their wonderful energies and wonderful directions. but what happened after that 1st half an hour was went back to regular donald trump. and in fact, it was not just sort of vintage entertaining. donald trump, it was not the best version of donald trump. it was long to the point where people in the, on the floor of the convention were reported saying, wrap it up, darn it for after the 1st 7. or there was an hour of that regular stuff to the point where this was the longest convention except in speech in the history. and so he went on and on and on, which i guess shows great stamina. but he was not high energy. he was not particularly entertaining, he was sort of listless through
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a lot of that. and what i think in, in a bigger picture of what this means is we, we've seen heads of this, obviously the 1st debate was catastrophic for joe biden. it may in his political career, yet we're about to find that out. but in parallel, people also didn't like donald trump's performance at the 1st debate. and we'll see how they react to this now. but the democratic strategy has always been that when people tune back into donald trump when they see him again, and when they see this new project 2025 darker version of donald trump, that the democrats are going to be fine, even with a sort of a an older placeholder. okay. hang on a 2nd, don't. let's talk about the democrats, because okay, look, let's talk about the demo democrats. i mean, because this republican convention, many people say, really put the republicans unity on display. and if you contrast that with what's happening to the divisions that are really rolling, the democrats, where do you think things sit right now with the democratic democratic party?
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i mean, this is an incredibly dramatic moment. is it not? yes, absolutely is. and i will tell you, for myself, in all my democratic friends and allies, this has been got friendship ever since the debate. and you know, one day it's like, oh my god joe is going to go. and then i know he's gonna hang on and we're gonna have to do with this and it's been back and forth and back and forth. where we seem to be right now. the latest reports are showing that really there are a lot of forces slowly, sometimes to publicly for my taste it's, it's slightly humiliating to see all these people probably call for him to, to stand down. but it does, it is looking like joe biden is less likely to be the different kind of comedy. all right, that means it says at the end of the day, the republicans may be the party settled with the low energy, old guy, where's the democrats would have somebody new excite. okay, james, last spring, you will look the chicago convention as a month away. presidential biden's re election bid hanging in the balance really, i mean, more and more democrats asking him to kind of privately,
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some publicly find him to just step aside. is it a matter of when not, if for by and do you think or, or do you think that the democrats still think that he can go up against trump? well, the most important stuff right now is we don't really know all the media reports. aside from what he's being told by his family and his inner circle of 2 or 3 long time age, we simply don't know that. and we don't know whether the stubbornness he has showed is going to prevail. but i think we have a pretty good sense that the next week is going to be critical of conventions about a month away. and it's, you know, 50 years ago the almost the same time that richard nixon and then president, in the midst of the watergate scandal, was only persuaded to resign the presidency. in fact, the very next day after a trip to the white house by 3 very, very, very prominent republicans. 0 $1.00 senator and 2 congressmen of the time
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now will something of the same happened. now. one doesn't know, but the bottom line is that even though it's common law, harris might, might succeed him. and we might conceivably have a contested convention here in chicago in a month. the underlying polling realities polling realities. and we're in the middle of summer and we still have a few months are, are not good for the democrats. there are 3 states they must must way. and that's the only way they can win the presidency. and those are around here. the michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania they are trailing and all those and they're 6 or 7 states remember . and so electoral system 6 or 7 states of bite and one against trump that he is also trailing in. and when you look at polling, if you believe it of the relative strength of comma harris versus bite and when it comes to a $1.00 to $1.00 match against trump. it's a, it's about the same. they both have underlying weaknesses. at this point,
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i'm glad you're, you're brought up holding not timely because i wanted to ask you about that. but just one more question for you, james. i mean, just, it's just give us sort of an overview about how challenging this has been for the democrats to deal with a few take. for example, someone like the former president, brock obama who is reported even listening to many of the democratic concerns. he has to weigh sort of the mounting opposition to president biden, continuing his campaign with his loyalty to his former vice president. so how delicate a moments is this for democrats? well, i mean, just think of something you might play out of one's own family with an elderly uncle or you know, a dad and you want to take the car keys away and say, you know, you really, you're not up to driving anymore. i mean, it's in credibly uh, you know, sensitive and one slight. com. i might have with the setup piece about that reference to all the media attention that trump has been receiving. i think, to the chagrin of the democrats, most of the media attention this country,
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the last month or so, it has been on joe biden and his health. and that's something that's, that's momentum on the republicans behalf that they're going to have to somehow somehow quickly change, which is why i think the next week, you know, of, of buying that has to make that big decision about whether can, to continue and the democrats can be naive about the hurdles that regardless of whether it's harris or somebody else, the hurdles that they still confront in these last few months. janelle, with the republicans to be worried over another candidate. i mean, take, for example, we've mentioned kind of a harris, for example. do you think the harris could be donald trump? so uh, absolutely not the republicans are not worried about pamela harris and i think of it, it shows that the democratic party is not speaking to their base because the black men are not going to vote for cala harris. considering the fact that she has such a record of putting that in prison. so i, i definitely think that we will be helpful to have calmer harris who will be
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hopeful to have gavin newsom because we look at the state of california if the whole country wants the entire country to look like california been here when, but i certainly don't see that happening as well. um, we're not concerned about who the democratic put for. i think the fact that there is showing that they have to switch out the person that they have in place now shows that the party itself is not ready to move forward. so i think the american people will clearly see that whether they have issues with both parties, both candidates, if either way they understand that at this point, we're picking capability over everything and present. it's not showing that he has the capability to do the job. john, unlike of presidents resignation, though, which automatically of course promotes the vice president biden a potentially, we don't know yet, but if he were to drop out of the race, there's not necessarily mean that harris will be at the top of that ticket, correct? i mean, how, how would a new nominate be chosen? i wonder if you can just explain that for our international viewers,
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that maybe not, that might not be aware of this. it. absolutely. so the thermal process is that the delegates who were chosen to represent joe biden, in the democratic primary, we'll get together at the convention unless something happens sooner. and every conversations about that a get together the convention and they will vote to name the democratic normally what could happen is joe biden could say, you know what, i'm going to hang it up and i release my delegates to vote for whomever they choose . or he could say, i recommend to my delegates that they should vote for my vice president of campbell harris. so we'll see what he does. we don't know yet. which way that goes there? been a lot of conversations over the last week in democrat with democrats, with hollywood, with all kinds of people talking about how to set up a mini primary people calling the blitz primary, the college, choose your champion, to basically to respond to the public. the idea would be if we get
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a fresh start in this moment, i mean general is not wrong. that this is not a good, but for the contrast that we get does, which works is at this point. but on the other hand, it is true that if we knew, months ago that the american people were not excited about a truck versus buying re match. and so if the democrats have an opportunity to be responsive to that feeling and the republicans are not, we could end up with something like an almost like a reality tv show crossed with the, you know, many debates or forums. and then we would have a couple of weeks of getting to know the new, you know, how does so how quickly they're thinking, how many could be chosen to i mean, look, i know how many is going to be chosen at the convention. the question is, what happens between now and then? does do button stick it out? does do binds a go vote for comalla, in which case i think that might do it. that's probably his decision to make the tacoma law. my apologies, let me just jump in there, james. if it's just hand it over to com
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a lot and you remove that elements of competition. is that a good thing for the democratic party? i mean, i think the quicker, the better you can make a decision because of the formidable link to our law challenges you have in the states that you are trailing and, and just as important will be who you would pick as a number to and whether she or she could help you in this, can these 3 key states, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan and select oral system? can one come up with a tandem, whether it's a harris at the top or not? who can somehow reverse the momentum? that's in play right now and benefits the republicans and talk to us about the momentum james, you were me. you mentioned at a short time ago, but i wonder if you can just elaborate a little bit more about that. polling that you were talking about between harris and trump. for example. is there a big difference between her and biden versus trump? no, not a whole lot. the washington post data survey of 11 national polls. and in for them a bite in this lively better than harrison for them. harris the slightly better
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than pilot. and then in the final 3, it's sort of a wash. but the most important thing is that they are all a couple of percentage points of behind trump at this point. okay. uh, janelle, if a party fails to rally behind someone, and i'm not here just talking about the democrats, whether happens with the republicans. well, if they've failed to rally behind someone, what happens then and, and how likely is that scenario that i mean, i think it's actually very likely. i know it was just mentioned that, you know, we saw early on that a majority of our voters was not supported either one of them. i believe it's the tune of 70 percent of voters said that they didn't want president trump or president biden. and i do think that this is a message that is being sent to people like that. so strategist, people that are working behind the scenes and working with political candidates that we need to encourage a strong primary process. so what i think is going to happen in november is that it's going to kind of shake out in the was, i mean,
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i know there are some distant chance that republicans and we're waiting to see what they are going to do and whether or not they're gonna show up to the falls or sit home and the same thing goes for the democrat party. there are a lot of different chance of democrats as well. so it's gonna kinda be a battle of basses. and if our base turns out a lot stronger and then will be 5 and right now, looking at the polls, it looks like that's going to happen. so i'm interested to see what happens, but there's no see grant that both parties are struggling with maintaining a strong base guidance on what happens to if 5. and if there's another presidential candidate, democratic presidential candidate, what happens to the money to abide in his race? so far, so that money would go, there's a legal dispute about whether it could go directly to a candidate harris. that's probably the easiest way to imagine that money being used directly. there is another path that could take, which would mean it would go to the d. c. and then it could also be spent on behalf
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of that candidate. but for a lot of technical reasons, it's a little bit more difficult than if the campaign, the main campaign just owns that money itself. so that is something that's giving inside or awkward is like to not say on the, on the democratic side, some headaches, about potential future scenarios. it's definitely easiest of july and tuesdays. and then 2nd easiest if it's commer. got it. okay. uh john, um, how would you sort of describe the, um, the political scene right now in the united states? i mean, is there sort of a, is it, has it become more polarized? do you think it's so interesting? you see donald trump and, or at least the people loading donald trump, teleprompter, recognizing the need to try and find some unity hit some tons of units. right. and i think democrats are also trying to be responsive to the fact that the public, thanks joe biden is too old for this job and, and try and reach out and be responsive to the,
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the great mass of american people right now. right now on the one hand, it's one of the most to most to us times that i've lived through in our politics. on the other hand, i think one way or the other, we could come out of this as a stronger nation. we could come out of this in a more united place that has yet to be see. see donald trump can maintain the sort of scene of unity for half an hour. democrats don't even know where a candidate is. so it's all pretty much up in the air right now. and so now i saw your nodding along. so what john have to say? i mean, but if you look at president trump, a lot of people would say, well, he's not the unifying figure that the united states needs right now. or yeah, i think the interesting perspective that's happening right now is that whether or not you think he's the unifying figure or not he is, we have to, to their point is that we, we, we don't know what's going to happen on the democratic side. and i do think that this assassination attempt did bring a lot of people together. i think it put some things to perspective. i think it
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showed that this is a very serious of both the very serious time we. i look at it like we're bless, to live through this period in time because we're making histories and what we're getting ready to see happen in august with a democrat is going to be historical regardless of what happens. because they are deciding whether they want to compete in this rate for handed over to us, and that's where they're standing right now. so i'm interested to see what happens . what i'm looking for is that it's a november james. so, janelle was saying that she thinks that the assassination attempt brought people together. but let me ask you, do you think that the assassination attempt actually has an impact on the election and the way that people vote because in a nation, as we're saying that's already deeply divided. you would think that the core votes for either trump or bite and it's pretty much already locked in. well, i think you're absolutely right. yeah. but it probably rebounded a little bit at least temporarily to trumps favor. in that, you know, who would not be sympathetic discomfort, but who was the,
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the target of an assassination plot and was literally bloody. but i'm not sure it's gonna have the impact of 2 or 3 months down the road. because we'll have to see how the republicans a counter attack here, not just on the obvious liabilities the trump again showed. and some of them have to do with just the issue, a fax, which we have news, gartner involved. and so you can keep saying that you $1.00 to 2020 election, that is a false absolute false, that the democrats also have some potential targets with the relatively unknown vice president to the presidential running made of trop, namely the 39 year old center from ohio named j d vans who have sort of modest accomplishments, only been elected official 2 years. and even though vice presidential candidates generally don't have much impact on a presidential election, it at least would offer whomever might might succeed,
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replace of bite. and for at the top of the democratic ticket with a potential avenue of criticism that might pro tenchi have a little bit a impact on a few of the undecideds. and there seem to be very few times. i mean, regardless what happens with bite and yeah, outcomes needs are not in just a moment, but let me just continue with james, regardless of whatever happens with buying and how do you think the democrats will come out looking after all of this? that's what one doesn't know. it all depends on what happens in wilmington, delaware, where joe biden is vacationing. and what he decides to do right now, they have the challenge of reversing very, very, very negative momentum, a lack of energy. republicans coming off of pretty rockets and unified convention. so tell me if he steps down and i have a better chance of answering that, but again, all right, well, maybe won't speak as backstory the,
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all these things. all right, well we'll speak about this as an when the story develops, james, but let me bring into an ultra, now you want it to say something. yeah, now i, i was just kind of remarking on the statement that, you know, we are as, as republicans, that we, that we weren't unified or that a unified, momentarily. i do think that this is something that we're going to be a lasting effect. i do think the independents are looking at this from several different angles. i think they're looking at it from the perspective of, hey, you're telling us that president trump is not that he is the problem, that we should consider him, that he's doing all these things. but then when you see something like an assassination to it makes you wonder whether or not that narrative dance true, or if you're being misled. so i didn't think you have a portion of voters that see it that way. so hoping you have a portion of that think that this is being taken a little too seriously. all right, final word to john and colorado. i mean your thoughts on how this is all going to play out. we have about 45 seconds left. oh, none of us know,
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none of us know which is what makes this so interesting and exciting. i mean, we could end up with a trunk to term with lots of republicans ready to staff the administration with a very conservative approach and, and very conservative policy market could take a hard right turn. or we could basically get a younger version of, i don't know, somebody who would do we continue with joe by his policy. so it is a, it's a heck of a moment to help cuz none of us, you know, where, where the experts, but we really don't know. all right, well, we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much. so to my guess, thanks for joining us. john. now finger janelle king and james warren, we really appreciate your time with us. thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll de 0 that. com for further discussion. you can go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash aging inside story. so in the conversation on x or handle is a inside story for myself and whole team here in del hi, thanks for watching and bye bye. for now the
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