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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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to me, leah house has nature no support from it on out you 0, the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back threats to our planet. on our 20 the the wins top cold finds that as well supplement policy and the whole keep i palestinian territory violates international. these are the easy supplements in the west bank empties it was a live and video game associated with them being established and thought of being maintained in violation of international. the phillips, the whole robin watching all of their life. my headquarters here in the hall also
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coming up a new health crisis in garza a highly infectious virus aside and sewage uncontaminated water. the fun with of deployed the army and impose the costs to following nationwide anti government protests, sort of like that. and the major global tech outage causes cables around the world . slides bank send businesses all, all affected the welcome to the program. the international court of justice says israel is ongoing presence and occupied palestinian territory is illegal and violates international judges determine these riley is obligated to end some lawful presence as quickly as possible and his route, most of the old new sacraments activity and evacuate tools such as from the
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occupied territory of the nature of his is ax, including the fact that is it a sequence, the confiscates then following to the motion of the city of property, 40 locations, these an 80 sentiments indicates that this measures are not temporary and collected and therefore it cannot be considered as beneficial investigations before geneva convention. and because view is what it says and practices are con 3. so the play mission a force to be transferred over people effective population on the article $49.00. but if one of the 4th geneva convention, the court for the knows that is a settlement policy has given the nice divided by settlers and security forces against, by having examined the evidence before it is in light of the provisions of international law. the court costs of the the violins by sexes against by the sinew is eyes
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failure to prevent or to punish it effectively. and it's excessive use of force, against, by the sinews, contribute to the creation and maintenance of a course of environment. i can cite assume in the presence case on the basis of the evidence before that because of the you, that is a systematic failure to prevent or to punish attacks by set to this, against the life or by the integrity of the scenes. as well as is it as excessive use of force, again, for the sinews is inconsistent with its obligations in light of the above. because at the foot, as it did, its wall advisor will think that these are the easy supplements in the west bank. and these are those of them and video team associated with them have been established and are being methane in violation of international policy. any foreign
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minister viability says that the wells must now take action against as ro, the old states under you on the autumn. now, under the obligation not sort of thing lies the legal it to you is rose presence and occupied for the students to retreat and to do nothing. so as this is ryan in maintaining this illegal situation, they are directed by the ports to bring, as well as legal probation to an in. this means all the states and the you must immediately review the relations with this row to ensure that policies do not age in isabel's continue the collection against the front of the people, whether the directly or indirectly neutral data pulls off a group outlined the occupied westbank tanks by settlers continuing, as the president of the international court of justice was reading out the landmark
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ruling of the highest court in the world, deeming the is rarely occupation of the occupied westbank, including jerusalem and gaza. illegal is rarely subtler unleashed attacks against the palestinians in whole order and buried burning out of fields and several businesses in those areas. reminding palestinians that the reality on the ground continues to be punishing where these really occupation a settlers in those violent attacks in order to take over the land, which is exactly what the judges referred when they reach that decision across the board in palestine. factions on human rights organizations have well come to this ruling saying that a lot can be built on it. and, but now states have to come up with ways to respect and honor that ruling and implement that. they say that this could open the door for sanctions, for arms embargo and many other steps. and it will remain to be seen for
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palestinians if their leadership will follow up on those steps and take those bold steps at the international stage to make it more costly. for israel to maintain that occupation, note all the data from a law palestine, or is there any fine minister? benjamin netanyahu has reacted to the instructional court of justice opinion saying that jewish people are not conquerors in their own land and not in the land of all m assessed as in the west bank. no faults decision in the hey will the store this historical truth? honda fluids are correspond to join us doubles that because that these are the government has been down to 0 from reporting from within the country. have that um, what reaction to what other reaction has to be not from within israel to what's being hugged in take? well, let's talk about what else we heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling this ruling by the i c. j. absurd. and it's something that was echoed with in these
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really political landscape. we heard from members of the far right who are members of netanyahu's government within his own coalition, we're talking about known ultra nationalist like you some more bend we're and based on a smart rich, these 2 individuals have high ranking positions and his rules cabinets and even before the decision came out, they said that israel should annex the west bank and its entirety in protest of this. but we are also hearing from israel's, the opposition who say that the international bodies, likely you, when the i c c and the i c j saying they're one sided. and something we often hear from is really officials in cases like this is calling these decisions, quote, anti semitic and seemingly there go to. but we do know that his role doesn't really respond well when these types of decisions happen, whatever sort of international body is ruling against israel. but the issue of a legal settlements has been going on for decades. and in fact, they are legal under international law, not just in the occupied west bank,
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but an occupied east jerusalem encroaching on palestinian land and really not being able to achieve that territorial continuity that would be needed for palestinian state. so further relief trying to block the issue of its just a solution, but it really does focus the attention of this particular opinion on world capitals . now who have to decide how to move forward with this if they want to. that's exactly right. there's been a lot of pressure on nets and yahoo from allies like the united states who joe biden says he's a staunch supporter of the 2 state solution. there's been a number of countries who come out in recognition of a palestinian state in recent months and then you have also several countries who have taken action like sanctions against these rallies against violent extreme. a settlers who attack palestinians attack private palestinian land. but what happens when these decisions are made? these rallies just slammed them, they don't respond. well, they don't say,
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you know what? it is time to perhaps regroup and change some policy. they slammed that and they say that they are not doing anything wrong. the pattern that we repeated we see from is really officials not just in the occupation that's been going on for 76 years. but in this war on guns that were israel repeatedly use this excuse after, excuse to justify the wrong doing in this for the sleep without update. thanks very much. i. so everybody to the, here's the poor thing from having done well because nothing, you know, his government has done dollars as they are from reporting from within israel. no hope of policies, all warning of a new medical crisis unfolding. cause that the polio virus has been found and sewage and contaminated was today the crowd of tents. kemp's israel says it's vaccinating its troops as a precaution, but it continues to prevent the entry of life saving medicine and supplies desperately needed by palestinians inside the strip. honey, most major pulls up from data by law in central garza know health
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rest for palestinians in garza for it is say the polio virus has been detected as stores and contaminated water. wastewater flows of freely between 10 in overcrowded count avoiding the polluted areas. it's nearly impossible for nothing. we a begging for help. we have begging to be safe from the sewer as soon as people are locked in their homes and can't go out. there are mosquitoes, sewage flies and rubbish. i'm not really a tots have caused extensive damage to ga the storage systems. definitely nation of plants and water supply networks saving before october. the 7th palestinians did not have enough to clean the water line going, aid agencies and the you and for daily delivery. a lack of a fuel to operate. generators has only made things worse. polio is transmitted through the fecal or oral route. normally, if you have a case of polio,
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you're going to isolate something. you're going to make sure that they use the bathroom that nobody else uses that they're not in close proximity to other people . that's impossible because of running rubbish, fold the streets, gonna stuff all surfaces a ground to a hold in the early days of the war. the you and has documented hundreds of 1000 of cases of a skin infections and. busy area i just we forced to live with slice, i'm a cheese haines, it's time to see and other diseases. so with suffering alone. as well as this part of the vaccinating exposure as in dog to protect them against the virus which can cause deformities and paralysis. palestinians have a few options. most hospitals have been forced to close. those are still able to offer services on the resource dishwasher. no, and is supporting us here and can use the smell is killing us. we can sleep, we can't eat. we can drink. many palestinians here say they are exhausted,
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tired of moving from one temporary shoulder to another being hungry and waiting in fear for the next attack. and now they also worried about the threat of diseases. most of the, uh, from the central area of the gods and from palestine give us a piece of time responsibility for joining attack near the us embassy office in tel aviv for person was killed and several other than just the who they say they use a new type of drone capable of entering a space without being detected as well. sites human error for defense systems failing to trigger alones the, the be in bugs of the shows being deployed of to days of protests, people defined about on friday. again demonstrating in the streets the government
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has imposed a nationwide to few. if the news reports that at least 105 people have died in the address of the protest, sort of a quota system. that reserves bold and half of government jobs for certain groups. so the children said this update has declared coffee all across the country from midnight today in bmt mid period. instead, what time the coffee will end business day and the civil administer ation that is rescued. they're getting, so the army defied in the street all across the country to help the for the ministration. this comes up the week supply lamps in the country where the student thing for caught up came under by the ruling party, the waiting time. the police police out in very excessive in force. there's been a lot of casualties and that's in the country. and they were unable to control the protest in the country within the last few days. forcing the government to state
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called the alba. i'm regina across the country. suddenly charlie dot com. so it may draw, i t say there is causing tails worldwide. the software glitch affected airlines banks and major companies flights were grounded, spending thousands of passages. now it happened with an update by the cyber security from crowd strike effective computers using microsoft windows. joe, the whole, how's the story from london? a thank you for contacting hosting house. most of the passions on windows most related to the 5. and then as countries went into the meltdown effecting millions that was the prerecorded message put out by the cyber security fed crowd strike the company. c o would like to renounce the default the update was to blame and the systems were being restored. we know what the issue is uh,
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were resolving and have resolved the issue. now it's recovering systems that are out there. and essentially, as you've talked about and the statement i put out is in the system uh was sent in update and that update had a, a software bug in it and cause a, an issue with the microsoft operating system release for governments worried about the cyber attack hardwood head to foot company like to departments around soc is a, a very large and well known provider in the security space. so market leading security provider that's utilized by the, you know, all the, you know, many leading banks and, and last you know, blue, cheap and government organizations. so certainly the impact is going to be quite significant. it was early friday afternoon when the 1st signs of trouble emerged in australia with telecom companies, banks, and media outlets affected sentimental television news broadcast reporting. the
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situation went to black resuming, eventually to reveal blue screens in the background, the credit, blue screen of death error indicating the shutdown of a windows operating system. and so it unfolded in companies and service providers across countries and continents banks, financial services, stuff, exchanges, airports, hospital supermarkets, schools. it's barely a sector left. i'm touched by these global i t out teaches one, computer analyst described it unprecedented global prices. that stock the exposes the fragility of our heavily digitized will a point, nope, lost on this traveler trying to build a plane empowers on people lives on. so cool people, it's a bit while reading is how one company can impact the global economy. and the life of the planet, as i understand it, this has impact everywhere. systems being restored, sorting through the consequences may take longer. jo, nicole elders here at london as well, still had here all the elders that i am running to be president for all of
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americans. not half of americans, because there is no victory. donald trump, except the republican nomination, saying divine intervention saved him in an assassination attempt diving for another gold rush. why this olympic champion will compete? as the rescue chief at the power escapes? the hello them not to hear of has been sweltering on the extreme. some a hate this we can, we are going to start to see the numbers come down across eastern areas with the arrival of some, some of the storms, but down in the south where we will continue to see that blistering the hot heat in
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places like is we as well as greece and to kids, but the good news is we will see those numbers come down and places like remain yet book arrest, dropping down to 34 degrees celsius the on sunday. and in the south west, the spain and portugal numbers all going to drop as well. that cooler air, extending across from west and areas that's brought on by a line of very heavy rains and shows and storms in that moving. of course person on the island of island into western parts of fronds touching into northern spain as well. and on sunday, that continues is to send to further east that cold front, bringing temperatures down and move very heavy rain to the likes of germany, as well as the low countries, switzerland, and northern parts of italy in scandinavia as well. we'll see that way to whether it's not to move into no way on sunday and walk us out walking showers as well for the north east for western russia. and there's a storms bubbling across the bulk and renewed temperatures down in romania by monday in the
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african stories from african perspectives, antagonists had my life. and i did process is to show documentary by african filmmakers from molly and sent somebody for example, one last on the sides of the can. 3, linus and tyler, new series of africa direct on i'll just 0 the the what you on to the these, the whole rahman done. how reminder of all top stories. the international court of
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justice says israel is on getting presents in occupied palestinian territories, violates international. and it advisory opinion, it says his role is obligated to end this unlawful presence as quickly as possible . we ought to be involved with this has been deployed up to days of protests people to find about on friday again, demonstration, the government has impose a nationwide cookie protest so we can use the quote to system the reserves, bowls and half of government jobs for such and groups and the major on c failure has both counts around the world computers at bang sample city walk as a media outlets. what offline is happens when it updates by the cyber security said crowd strongly effective computers using microsoft windows. donald trump has given his 1st big speech since the volume again, assassination attempt the republican presidential candidate as a show of support as he can fix america's problems. i'll official reports from
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milwaukee in wisconsin. it was a moment just millimeters from never happening. danny trump accepting the republican party presidential nomination just 5 days after being hit by would be assassins bullets tonight with faith and devotion, i proudly accept your nomination for for a few dispute himself, his team said the uniform of the firefighter who died insensibly shooting cody con paternity behind him on the stage in milwaukee. the name spelled wrongly. he talked device after the shooting. there was a hush is the code listened and he says he will never discuss it again prior to the shot. if i had not moved my head at that very last interested, the assassin's bullet would have perfectly headed smock and i would not be here
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tonight. but for all the promises of a different tone, the change candidate. trump returns to familiar ground and familiar targets. they get another subpoena from the democrats crazy, nancy pelosi, they should drop these parties in which on switch i have been going through for approximately 8 years. there were many things that trump got wrong. there was simply not true. his dog picture of america, an echo of his acceptance speech in 2016, he claimed the world was on the edge of world war 3. the crime was rump into the america, that there was an invasion on the borders, and he alone could fix it. so to night i make this pledge to the great people of america. i will end the devastating inflation crisis immediately bring down the interest rates and lower the cost of energy. we will drill baby drill. as he ended his speech, he was joined on stage by his family,
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including his wife milady. his be missing from various cold cases and political alleys. in recent months. and by his side, his vice presidential picked gd vance in the whole, a predictable thumbs up from his supporters. clothes for the next for november, 2012 was always going to get a great reception and this whole was a given. but to when he's got to reach beyond the republican base, i convince on decided, voltage support pin mother's that he is actually the best or tend to that would be the best of presidents no matter who he faces in november, all and for sure. all just need on to the public and national convention in milwaukee. let's go over to mike kind of who joins us though from washington dc. i
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think everybody's had time to digest exactly what the low to impact to say that the acceptance speech will sort of reactions that we guessing now as well a lot to digest. then the length is something to digest as well. what are the 90 minutes? it's the longest ever speech by a candidates at the republican convention, but the bite and harris campaign has released the statement lashing out at donald trump saying this is exactly the same. donald trump, who the vote is rejected back in 2020, pointing out that much of his speech focused on himself, on his own self interest. and interestingly pointing out, but he made no mention of project 2 o $25.00. now this is the blueprint for a trump administration to show it's coming to paula, which would have mess of ramifications for the country as a whole. the by didn't hire his campaign, also making mention of the tax releases that he will be making for the rich. the self interest that he will continue to display and pointing out to that he's
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already stated publicly that he will be dictate to on day one. of course, mike, either somebody suggests that sort of trends rumblings and getting off the script have left it open for the democrats. you have alluded obviously to what the democrats have already said. but how's this acceptance speech given the a you might say i munition in the weeks ahead as we had towards november. well, it has given a great deal of immunization in particular, all those mega themes that trump hit during that speech. but also 3. unfortunately, things like as the republican abortion stands now, this has been accentuate to the dis, something that's going to be a mess of the election issue of the trump administration. removing essentially and sharing the removal of roe v wade, which was provided for a constitutional rights for the women to the body. but this has been extend to a to now by trump's decision or choice as running make dave events. now on abortion
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j events is even more conservative than donald trump. in fact, he has publicly stated that abortion for a rate is not acceptable. neither is abortion acceptable. even if the mother's life is at risk and on these all extreme positions, that bullshit is going to be something that is a major election issue. and with the conservative position on abortion manifest within the republican party as a whole ending these to the president and vice president candidates in particular, that is going to be a major issue. and that is something that the democrats are going to hit very hard in the weeks to come by kind of for that update. thanks very much know can use president test a new partial tablets. his latest attempt duplicate protest is what do you agree to? it says that he's trying to create a broad based government. he listed 11 names for minister, real pays just over
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a week after the 2nd oldest old of his cabinet. you know, position collection says it's just a cosmetic move rights group, say bolden, 50 people have been killed at a bunch of protests against a controversial find that's spelled of the m 23 level group is gaining ground, denise and democratic republic of congo, leaving some residents favoring that town is the next to be taken out, even though it's prompted a mass recruitment drive in many encouraging young people to join to a self defense militia. l y comedy has moved from the as well. yeah. it just started you. i'm in the all for many of them live down here what your meeting id in one of the activities into the quote which they call themselves. it will put them at the local the, this is the wondering about the move and also the both of them to the 3 different areas of what of the money to culture of kind of i don't know and also to them.
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but as of now they're moving forward in different areas. so i just to the city of temple even though that you want to was declared and had to take the day for 15 days. but oh god, the world and too much because they didn't see the able to stop durable from i must be somebody to 3200 now. moving forward in the $30.00, which was not to push on it by this confident. are there any people are just the tenant every day that out of 10 years a go and the i'm printing variables are coming. uh the, the, the properties in month 12 from benny. and do we, uh, just uh, go to the doctor each time uh, uh, tools and supplies all for you to come in, go me to uh infinity, jody is to find a solution for the problem. you have been discussing the wondering whether these
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people here will visit frontier with us uh, which we have already handled. so what would be the difference? what's kind of this sort of how they're going to, to make a difference from what you have seen on where the other 2 groups, those were been fighting alongside in new york, but they were not able to stop them. plenty to rebels from other volunteer to watch in different territories unless you're opting out. like on a busy, i'll just be the democratic public of community space cuz god is rescued. more than a 150 people off of my club by the canary islands. the authorities say 2 vessels will lead to safety. the full 10 grand canario at 1st day. now the islands have registers about $20000.00 the regular arrival. say father, she is wells bends, a football team has been cleared to play at the power. so let me take some of the fee for again postpone the decision of the potential but the palestinian s. a s. football is governing body to suspend israel from the national game months ago
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because of the war on garza before it was set to make a decision as meeting on the site today. but it says it needs full time to examine the cases from both sides. that will make a decision after the games as well says match on wednesday against molly and then let me pick sprint. can we can chime people compete as the refugee of the powers games. so then the jorge lee k sled, his native cuba 2 years ago. but thanks to the international olympic committee, that's the chance to go for gold. again, david stokes explains on the waters of cape coral, florida. fernando diane, who get into because it's training hard for me, stood olympic games last time out in tokyo, he won a gold medal, representing cuba. but things have changed since then, and i know the me, the material i sent it in 2021 or the 2nd to the phone myself. living here now have a great opportunity to compete in paris for the refugee today. and monday,
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the 25 year old is one of the growing number of athletes. desist in cuba. well, wages are low and there are food shortage.


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