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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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it's the so you ins, top court finds israel settlements policy and the occupied palestinian territory violates international law. the rock this is al jazeera, alive from dell. how also coming up a major global tech outage causes chaos around the world. slides, bags of businesses affected by addition poses a nationwide curfew into ports, the army following violence, anti government protests within 100 people reportedly killed and defending their town. the young man found way to fight the armed rebels in the eastern
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democratic republic of congo. the, the international courts of justice says, israel's ongoing presence in the occupied palestinian territory is illegal and violates international law. judges determines israel is obligated to end, is unlawful presence as quickly as possible and must stop all new settlements activity so fast reports from the hague. it was a landmark case where the 50 judges of the international court of justice with $52.00 countries participating. it is one of the largest the court has ever to decide on. they had to rule on the legal consequences of israel's 57 year long occupation of the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem. and the impact that has on the palestinian population. this is
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a different case than the one south africa filed against israel for committing genocide in gaza. in this advisory opinion, most of the judges greet israel's occupation has become a permanent annexation and therefore violates international law. that was the one with respect to the policies and practices. so is right. 52 in question, a which was found to be unlawful. design has an obligation to put an end to those and offer lots in the suspect is right and must immediately seize. all new supplement activity is right also has an obligation to repeat all legislation and measures, creating ormond painting and also situations including sourcing discriminate against the palestinian people to the courts as, as well as imposing systematic discrimination. mounting to apartheid on the palestinian people. it's policies of encouraging more than 700000 satellites to live in the occupied territories in breach of international law. the quotes come to the conclusion that it is policies and practices,
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including the maintenance and the expansion of settlements because the direction of associated infrastructure and the war. the exploitation of natural resources. the proclamation of journalism, as is as carpeted the quote consider that these policies and practices amounts annexation of large parts of the pipe. but it city instead of the court also said that's all you and member states and international organizations have an obligation on the international law to stop and abling, the illegal occupation palestinian delegation at the core. what's called at the historic day for the palestinian people. i believe it's so sort of because you know, it provides. so it's interesting the answers to many questions that's state in our minds for so many is it's, you know, answers the questions that so many countries, what are waiting in order to decide on determines the policy is ease of use rel,
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i'm the type of relationship that should be, they should have, i'm in teen with the, as well as an occupying power as well, immediately rejected the course conclusion. and prime minister benjamin nathan yells at israel cons occupied land that as they are, the court ordered the un general assembly and the un security council to take whatever action necessary to empty illegal occupation. what the shep moments many pallets sitting into long hope and work for official recognition by the wills, highest court of the decades long suffering and the inequality of israel's actions . but also knowing that this non binding legal opinion won't change anything immediately. this is no up to all you and members to decide. step 5, some. oh, just a rough take. so how about i would say is the, the secretary a general or the palestinian national initiative and a former information minister. and he says the i c j's ruling is a victory for the palestinian people. this is exactly what we were hoping for and
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it presents not blunder. i started with decision, it is a big blow to guys that early side to is that i as a state, as an establishment, as a government settlers. and it is a big victory to the police, to new clothes from legal perspective, is it and is the order the invited and condemn for its policy is what it's occupation for. it's several months for the illegal apartheid was. we're practicing prototype about the legal value of what happened is that this conclusion by the national court of justice, which has the highest legal structure in the world, it has condemned all is the only major to try to claim that there is no to patient . if this it has confirmed, there is what your patient on this patient is illegal. it has. i found one more time. the geneva convention is applicable to the okay. by 33 is oh your see,
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your billing is the former is really minister of justice and initiator of the oslo process. and he says, is really government is unlikely to be deterred by the i c j's decision. i don't think that a really big kind of a resolution the government is the most tried to use one as a and a many of the, the ministers 6 to especially from the stream, very extreme right to believe that there is one that can live without the world and that say anything which is the said about us about the conquering, about occupying and whatever is by us then the they can never accept it. and the means, although i must admit that they did not the identify we talked about. so they do the cation today, and the, so there was some things that they couldn't, except others that, that done. but the main thing is that the, if you ask me,
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how did they, they called to decide that they, we will the adult every kotia in the i'll a few patients. a, that the, it is not the a facility and exception. it is only all of your patients that will not be a lot of so for me, i mean i would say, oh, we don't need to be the we should not be there. i mean, if we remain in the, in the territory in the west bank and gaza, i mean, it means that is where i will never be a jury state. i mean, i'm in these really, but the truth, i'm is honest and it is a game zone isn't and against a any idea of, of easily is adriece democratic stake a to stay in the territories. so it is not just that the dimension of a community is telling us, oh, your big guy is a
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a and perhaps ignoring even why did the 67 will a began it begun the week. they adapt both egypt and jordan and, and as a. but this is not the story to day. yeah, we were right in, in the will of 67, but it doesn't mean that we have to stay for ever in, in these areas. the services are coming back online after a cyber security software update disrupted computer systems globally. the c o a, the company behind the outage crowd strikes as the recovery could take weeks on data from the flight radar here shows the impact on flights across the united states. air traffic that included united airlines, delta airlines, and american airlines slowed down during the outage and elsewhere. hospitals,
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stores backs were also effected. christmas salumi reports from new york. the early friday afternoon in australia. the 1st signs of trouble emerge and retail outlets banks and on television and a news broadcast reporting. the situation went to black and resuming, eventually to reveal blue screens in the background indicator, the dreaded shut down of a windows operating system. the extent of the problem, perhaps most obvious, at airports around the globe, their long lines formed as airlines last access to check in and booking services. at a time when many travelers are heading away on summer vacations, very much looking forward to seeing the east coast of my country. however, it doesn't look like i'm going to be able to get there today. i fly from my natural was cancelled by a clock in the morning. so now i got to pick another flight tomorrow morning, the same flight pick available because of the chaos. thank you for contacting
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hosting support. how can i get the office? most of the passes on windows photos, that was a pre recorded message put out by the cyber security firm crowd strake the company c o would later announce that a glitch in the software update was to blame. we know what the issue is uh, were resolving and have resolved the issue. now it's recovering systems that are out there. and essentially, as you've talked about and the statement i put out is the system uh, was sent in update and that update had a, a software bug in it. and cause a, an issue with the microsoft operating system. a relief for government's worried about a cyber attack. hard work ahead for company. i. t department's stock is a, a very large and well known provider in the security space. it's a market leading security provider that's utilized by the, you know, old, you know, many leading banks and, and last, you know,
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blue shape and government organizations. even the us government was affected. long lines formed at the southern border after customs and border protects and report and processing delays. that was revealed the vulnerability for the global economy and resulted in volatility in markets. the company that caused it crowd straight saw it shares dropped. just how inter connected we are in an increasingly digital world, not lost on this traveler in paris, and people listen to the people. it's a bit while reading is how one company can impact the global economy. and the life of the planet systems are being restored. sorting through the consequences for ordinary people may take longer. kristin salumi out 0 new york. joining me now is tori hard to use? a cyber security expert and he comes to us from the gold coast in australia. very good day sir. is everything up and running again where you are? look, it's a little bit hard to tell because it's finally impacting businesses. i haven't been
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outside yet today, but i'm quite curious to see what i see when i go to the local shops. right now. it hasn't been a nefarious. that's spend a determination so far, but it's still caused massive disruption. you know, how much of a wake up call is this? yeah, look, it's a massive wake up. cool, because as you said, it's cause that much disruption across all industries across the globe. and the fact that it's just happened so instantaneously, everywhere is quite starting as well. so there's definitely to be a wake up call. going to ask a lot of questions after this about how we take updates from software vendors. right? i mean, you know, i want to talk to you about the scale of the disruption. i mean, it has taken people by surprise. i mean, the fact that airlines bags of businesses across the globe all rely on one provider as well. i mean, it's not everyone, but it is obviously a very large number of organizations that are dependent on crowd striking. you know,
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what are the things i think makes it so fascinating is that it all happened pretty much instantaneously. this wasn't sort of, you come to work and you start your computer and it wasn't. but it did literally shut the machines and they wouldn't come back online and it just happened across the global that once. so do you feel that now businesses, airlines, banks would have to consider diversify. look at it's a good question. the paradox we have is we want the antivirus dropped that very quickly to be responsive to emerging threats. we don't want to be wasting with 9 bad malware out there and machines on up to date. so on the one hand, we want to take these updates very, very quickly across the flights of machines. on the other hand, we've got this situation where it obviously wasn't sufficiently tested and but being pushed out all that once and credit risk organizations are going to need to think about that a lot moving forward in the future. right? because i mean, how do you feel that this was handled and, and exactly to your point going forward, what, what needs to happen now?
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well, we need a good price bottom that, that's the 1st thing we need to figure out how this happens. it's obviously extraordinarily embarrassing for crowd. strife is a mistake, they made some way and i suggest that probably would enough safety guides to catch this before it did the damage. it did. so imagine in the post mode and we'll say better controls around the way updates a patched and set up and also looking at the controls for if something goes bad. how does the machine recover as opposed to blue screen of death and needing the the i tell you prior to come around and fix everything manually. all right, so try on to security expert talking to us from the gold coast and australia. thank you so much. thank it's as so head here on al jazeera us presidential binds vows to continue his campaign for re election. even as more democrats implore him to exit the race. the sciences explained the ear we sounds coming from a lake in central chile,
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the same depth analysis of the days headlines. he's ready slack his res, accusing that i was looking upon them, said informed opinions. this is person's 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out just in 2021 the to a piece security surfaces. the rest, the 15 suspected spice allegedly revised really intelligence, the most sense to report on our college student and just allow me to get in touch you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited.
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so just the real world explosive doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface most that is done on the mold and untold stories from asia and the pacific. on the the, the you're watching out to 0, i have a mind and all of our top stories this, our, the international court of justice says israel's ongoing process and be occupied, palestinian territory violates international law and an advisory opinion. it says
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israel is obligated to end its own lawful presence as quickly as possible. a major i t failure has cost chaos around the world. computers at bags, airports, supermarkets and media outlets have gone offline. what happened when an update by the cyber security from route stripe effective computers using microsoft windows? turn our attention out to bundle dish should the government in bangladesh has imposed a nation wide curfew and deployed the army after days of deadly protests. students have been protesting against a quote, a system that reserves more than half of government jobs for certain groups of the system was scrapped uh in 2018, but then was reinstated in june. if the news agency reports at least $105.00 people have died in the unrest, charles stratford has more the roadblocks and running
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back these students protesting across, spun with dish, angry at the reinstatement of the quote to assist the government jobs. students should be rallying on university campuses, week's demonstrations to environmental on monday, when confrontations broke out, most of the ladies, nobody else. it was the good we came here in the morning. we went up to the what is that members of the building for the student being started to a tech and to students have been shot in front of me. and we took them to the hospital for government to show a public and private universities. and since security, for instance, on to campuses, it says it's willing to meet student leaders. demonstrate to say they want accounts abilities to the killings before they discuss a possible compromise with the government of the day we won just as for killed
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brothers. our 1st demand is the prime minister, must apologize to us for the remark. how can the head of government odors such as the words above the student, except she must apologize to us. secondly, just as must be insured. nationwide on risk is fueled by mass unemployment. among the young generation struggling to find work in the country of a 170000000 people. because the system was established in 1972 to help those who fault in the war of independence. holden hall from the government position was the result for the children as well as women disabled people in accident, minorities every year. hundreds of thousands of graduates compete for $3000.00 public service jobs, clement associates, and seeing that appeared on state to be on wednesday. appealing for com, searching students to wait until the supreme court is the appeal august john stump of how does 0 and the time very, it's hard to resent us. this update from the situation was getting out of control
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despite using extra force and decline paramilitary units, they were not able to control the streets across the country. the streets basically last 2 days was dominated by protest stairs and increasing to get political time when opposition party members, as well as the general public, started participating and supporting the student. and this last 2 days, when the students declared nationwide shutting down, it took a very violent turn and the police were as aggressive as i was doing, and so many casualties. and the student is to say that the government, despite the government called for a compromise and inviting them to act a meeting by district on if you have blood on your time, there's no mod park compromise. are sitting down with you until and unless justice is done and the government please realize that losing control of the situation on the street despise using so many different military force and police. and the
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problem i did is trying to summer did defy the army and being situation under control to assist the civil administration. and there is also increasing this content. you do a traveling economy high inflation and storing full price of this was making public frustrated. this was the boiling point, where a lot of public actually got out in the street instead of separating the student as well. and also knowing that a lot of kids were getting killed if should the public sentiment. and the government couldn't control this, this content industry. to turn our focus now to the d. r. c, where the arm to group m. 23 is on the offensive in the northeast of the country. the groups fighters have taken several towns and villages from government troops and recent weeks. local units in the town of benny are forming a defense group to fight the arm group. and we are county met some of the use and
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sent this report from benny. film which method, why even been dug up to sign up with me. so i'm going to defend the town from the other one was in m 23. they said that was not listed there on the 4 inch label. and it's now time to, to have the technique or for me to try to use a different way. i would be any $3030.00. then it is unfortunate clothing. tony at all to more than one was started 1000 people. many of each, was it this way to come this late? this a for to stop the group came suddenly, this is a very good on the you need to be nice to myself, posted by. i thought it is because of the steps we are facing the cops. i was young enough. i would up during the night. well no, i'm good in the middle sound that we are caught between 2 flights from the north. we have to input the 3 rentals advancing, and then in the south, the adf rebels are killing people. this initiative can help defend our town because
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we don't have another option to come. what is the government has been battling them? 22 for more than a decade. but the latest disclosure of starting to 1022 construction was one of those fucking defy. does that come to the united strongly displaced new york frequently on from dell homes? there is no fear that the mark wouldn't be approved. it. i don't really like any of those to do. look at the north east on the honestly hasn't been under the little down to google decade and now before you had been wondering, what would be the difference between what do you, if i tried to put me at the local, the physical open goals for my um, dependents which has been accused of many abuses against the dealer in this area on the wake county. i've just been the democratic public of cool retire attention now to the united states where president joe binds, says he will be back on the campaign trail. next week. he's been isolating since wednesday, after he tested positive for coven 19th. this campaign team says he will not step
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aside this by growing pressure from within his own party to drop his re election bid on more than 30 congressional democrats have now publicly called on by them to drop out of the race. because of concerns about his health and his age, and that comes hours after binds republican rifle, donald trump detailed his policies at the parties national convention. my town of reports from washington, a reaction to the trump speech was splits on a partisan basis. republicans won't be welcome to speech last night and in the course of today, they've continued to applaud what from said. his critics, however, point to the many pulse swords that occurred in the speech to bind in harris campaign release. the statement saying that the speech reveals that this was the same, donald trump, who was rejected by the american people back in 2020. the campaign also has made
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clear that president biden was going to come test the election that he was not going to step down. this is what the campaign co chair had. jen o'malley dylan had to say. i'm not here to say that this hasn't been a tough several weeks for the campaign. there's been a doubt that it has been uh, and we've definitely seen some slippage in support, but it is been a small movement. and, and you know, this, the reason is because so much of this race has hardening already the american people know that the president is older they, they see that they knew that before the debate. yes, of course, we have a lot of work to do to make sure that we are reassuring the american people that yes he is old, but he can do the job and he can. when, however mold and such congressional democrats have now cold on president by them to step down and not to contest the election. to put this in a contest though, there are some 250 democrats in congress today. little over city have called for
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him as to him to step down and not contest the election. this is a very most small, a number of democrats at this particular point. but the debate, the argument is likely to rage what days possibly weeks ahead. my kind of, i'll just hear a washington a lick is central to a is producing sounds some say are similar to songs from outer space. but scientists say the phenomenon as a more firstly explanation, barbara and go by has more. a haunting melodies, has been rippling across this lake in central chile face who's heard say it sounds like a chorus of wells or liaison bottle in out of space. but scientists say a noise is very much of this won't say i know, but this happens in europe in some north american countries, they called in the singing lakes the sounds of cost. when i sent
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a frozen lake expands and cracks, sending vibrations through the water, the yearly support and the ice formed on the surface is light to dig float over the water, the water keep toner moving because of the current or because of the wind from elsewhere. therefore, the ice formed on the surface of the lake can eventually move on to before mean or crack in this generate sound. the phenomenon is unusual in chile nelson hill headed to people and it is not very known in chile because we don't have many lakes in environments that sustain low temperatures for several days. and where we have the formation of this kind of bicycle it is produced. but they don't want to be likely known for now visit us to low, not and mildly enjoying the as a well, the sounds bob brand good. i want to say right. and that does it for me. i'm the rock weather is next. then inside story, with
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a look as a race to the white house, the, the hello they let slip to south asia, and the monsoon 12th is sitting, flooding the south of its position. it will remain there over the next few days, bringing very heavy rain to western and central parts of india. we are expecting flooding here. we've got red alerts out from good drive down to the south carol and also see some of that heavier rain. but you can see it picking up for central and eastern areas on saturday. some heavy rain as well will push into a central pump of pockets done. we're seeing more in the way of spotty showers across the very north and places like sri lanka. but the rain will pick up to the
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north east on sunday, pushing into both time as well as the pool in the days ahead with some rain coming back into deca in bangladesh that rain forming heavier as well for sunday in me in mont and heavy rain is a story for east asia, thanks to the may you from the continues to pose those bouts of heavy rain for the east from shank down in china on woods to the korean peninsula. we have already seen flooding in south korea. we could see 200 millimeters more over the next few days, some more flooding like a night. rain pushes off into northern parts of japan, bringing heavy rain to the portal on sunday. the latest news, as it breaks, they are not afraid. they are going to stay here and on that with detailed coverage the last few weeks of seem to apply to lose the presidential
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debates. donald trump secured a number of important victories can survive and assess the nation attached from around the world. irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 2024. or the days after being shot, donald trump becomes the republican presidential nominees. his rival president joe biden is isolating with po, with 9 seemed more senior democrats are urging him to quit the election race. how critical a week has this been for both man? this is inside story. the .


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