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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now the so you want to stop court finds israel settlements policy and the occupied palestinian territory violates international law. the law offices alger 0 life from don't also coming up with dish and poses a nation wide curfew and deploy. is the army following violence? anti government protests, more than 100 people for porters. we killed a major global tech outage, causes chaos around the world. slides, facts,
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businesses affected the serious concerns for an american journalist after russia sentences into 16 years in prison on spying charges. the the international court of justice says, israel's ongoing presence and occupied palestinian territory is illegal and violates international law. judges determines israel is obligated to end, is unlawful presses as quickly as possible and must stop all new settlement activity so fast that reports from the hague. it was a landmark case for the 50 judges of the international court of justice with $52.00 countries participating. it is one of the largest the court has ever to decide on. they have to rule on the legal consequences of its wells. 57 year long occupation
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of the west bank garza and east jerusalem. and the impact that has on the palestinian population. this is a different case than the one south africa filed against israel for committing genocide in gaza. in this advisory opinion, most of the judges greet israel's occupation has become a permanent annexation and therefore violates international law. that was that one with respect to the policies and practices of is right. 52 in question a which was found to be unlawful. design has an obligation to put an end to those and offer lots in this respect is right and must immediately seize on you. supplement activity is right also has an obligation to repeat all legislation and measures creating or maintaining the unlawful situation. including sources discriminate against the palestinian people to the courts as, as well as imposing systematic discrimination. mounting to apartheid on the palestinian people. it's policies of encouraging more than 700000 satellites to
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live in the occupied territories in breach of international law. the quotes come to the conclusion that is it as policies and practices, including the maintenance and the expansion of settlements because protection of associated infrastructure. and there was the expectation of natural resources, the proclamation of jewels and them, as is as carpeted the quote consider that these policies and practices amount annexation of large parts of the pipe. but a city instead of the court also said that all un member states and international organizations have an obligation on the international law to stop and abling, the legal occupation, a palestinian delegation. i took what's called it a historic day for the palestinian people. i believe it's so sort of because you know, it provides. so it's interesting answers to many questions that's state in our minds for so many is it's, you know,
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answers the questions that so many countries what are waiting in order to decide and determine the policies. these are the as well and the type of relationship that should be they should have admin thing with the as well as an occupying power as well, immediately rejected the courts conclusion and prime minister benjamin nathan yells at israel cons occupied land that as they are the court ordered the un general assembly and the un security council to take what action necessary to empty illegal occupation. what the shep moments may be processing into long hoped and worked for official recognition by the wills, highest court of the decades long suffering. and the inequality of israel's actions, but also knowing that this non binding legal opinion won't change anything immediately. this is now up to old u. n. members to decide step 5, some. oh, just a rough take. a nora day reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank were
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attacked by his really settlers to place on friday evening. as the president of the international court of justice was reading out the landmark ruling of the highest court in the world, deeming the is rarely occupation of the occupied respect, including jerusalem and gaza. illegal is rarely subtler unleashed attacks against the palestinians in whole order and buried burning out of fields and several businesses in those areas. reminding palestinians that the reality on the ground continues to be punishing where these really occupation a settlers in those violent attacks in order to take over the land, which is exactly what the judges referred when they reach that decision across the board in palestine. factions on human rights organizations have well come to this ruling saying that a lot can be built on it. and, but now states have to come up with ways to respect and honor that ruling and
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implement that. they say that this could open the door for sanctions, for arms embargo and many other steps. and it will remain to be seen for palestinians if their leadership will follow up on those steps and take those bold steps at the international stage to make it more costly. for israel to maintain that occupation, note all the data from a law palestine, a palestinian man has been killed by is rarely fired during reed, on the city of hebron and the occupied westbank. so you see t v footage shows the soldiers opening fire towards a cart. the reed in hebron is still ongoing and will keep you updated as more information becomes available elsewhere. and however, on a 22 year old palestinian has succumbed to gunshot injuries to his head, local journalists say, abraham awad was released from an he's really present just 2 weeks ago. at least
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577 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces. and settlers in the occupied west back during the 9 months of war on gosh, on, include 18 palestinians who died in his rarely custody the government and bucking with us, has imposed a nation wide curfew and the port, the army. after days of deadly protests, students have been demanding it into a quote, a system that reserves more than half of government jobs, for certain groups on the system was scrapped in 2018, but then was reinstated in june. a few news agency reports at least 105 people have died in the unrest. charles stratford has more the, the road blocks and running buckles students protesting across, spun with dish, angry at the reinstatement of the quote to assist the government jobs.
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students should be rallying on university campuses, weeks demonstrations to environmental on monday, when confrontations broke out, most of the lady told me else it was a good we came here in the morning soon up to the or does that members of the building for the student being started to a tech and to students have been shot in front of me. and we took them to the hospital for government to show a public and private universities. and since security, for instance, on to campuses, it says it's willing to meet student leaders. demonstrate to say they want to accountability for the killings before they discuss a possible compromise with the government of the day. we want justice for killed the brothers. our 1st demand is that the prime minister must apologize to us for the remark. how can the head of government odor such of the words above the student, except that she must apologize to us. secondly,
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just as must be insured. nationwide on risk, disputed by mass unemployment, among a young generation struggling to find work in the country of a 170000000 people. because the system was established in 1972 to help those who fault in the war of independence. holden hall from the government position was the result for the children as well as women disabled people in accident, minorities every year. hundreds of thousands of graduates compete for $3000.00 public service jobs, clement associates, and seeing that appeared on state to be on wednesday. appealing for com, searching students to wait until the supreme court is the appeal august. john stopped with how to 0 denver surgery centers. this update from dotcom, of the situation is getting out of control, despite using extra se, for sudden deploying power military units. they was not able to control the streets across the country. the streets basically last 2 days was dominated by protest
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stairs and increasing to get political time when opposition party members, as well as the general public, started participating and supporting the student. and this last 2 days, when the students declared nationwide shut down, it took a very violent turn and the police read it as aggressive as i was doing and so many casualties. and the student is to say, but the government, despite the government called for a compromise and inviting them to act a meeting by district on if you have blood on your time, there's no mode for compromise. are sitting down with you until unless justice is done and the government in please realize that losing control of the situation on the street despise using so many kind of military force and police. and the problem i get is trying to, some are they defy the army and being situation. i have no control to assist the civil administration. and there is also increasing this continue to troubling
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economy high inflation and soaring ford prices. this was making public frustrated. this was a boiling point where a lot of public actually got out in the street instead of separating the student as well. and also knowing that a lot of kids were getting killed the should the public sentiment and the government couldn't control this. this content industry services are coming back online after cyber security software updates disrupted computer systems globally, the seo of the company behind the outage crowd. striker says the recovery could take weeks on data from a flight radar shows the impact on flights across the united states air traffic that included united, delta and american airlines slowed down during the outage and elsewhere. hospitals, stores and banks were also affected. priscilla, we reports from new york city a fairly friday afternoon on australia. the 1st science of trouble emerge and
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retail outlets banks and on television and a news broadcast reporting. the situation went to black resuming eventually to reveal blue screens in the background indicator, the dreaded shut down of a windows operating system. the extent of the problem, perhaps most obvious, at airports around the globe. their long lines formed as airlines last access to check in and booking services. at a time when many travelers are heading away on summer vacations, very much looking forward to seeing the east coast of my country. however, it doesn't look like i'm going to be able to get there today. i fly from my nashville was cancelled at 5 o'clock in the morning. so now i got to pick another flight tomorrow morning, the same flight pick available because of the chaos. thank you for contacting, hosting support pro site gets out there for most of the passions on windows photos . that was a prerecorded message put out by the cyber security firm crowd strick,
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the company c o would later announce that a glitch in the software update was to blame. we know what the issue is. we're resolving and have resolved the issue now it's recovering systems that are out there. and essentially, as you've talked about in the statement i put out is um the system uh was sent and update and that update had a, a software bug in it. and cause a, an issue with the microsoft operating system. a relief for government's worried about a cyber attack. hard work ahead for company i to departments perhaps talk is a, a very large and well known provider in the security space. it's a market leading security provider that's utilized by the, you know, all the, you know, many leading banks and, and last, you know, blue, cheap, and government organizations. even the us government was infected long lines formed at the southern border after customs and border protection reported processing
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delays. the glitch revealed the vulnerability for the global economy and resulted in volatility in markets. the company that causes crowd straight saw it shares dropped just how interconnected we are in an increasingly digital world. not lost on this traveler in paris, and people listen to these people. it's a bit while reading is how one company can impact the global economy. and the life of the planet systems are being restored, sorting through the consequences for ordinary people may take longer. kristin, salumi al jazeera new york, and andrew maynard directs the future of being human initiative as to arizona state university. and he says, we won't know the full impact of this outage for days. if not weeks. this is complex. there are multiple things that play. one of them is the challenges of one sector, a one company having so much ability to disrupt the well. but i think it's more than that. there is welfare,
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we've just been around for 5060 years now called normal accidents, which basically says things will go wrong. and it means that irrespective of whether it's one company or all sex or many companies, we've come to learn how to navigate the way that comes when things inevitably do go wrong. people being incorrectly innovative, have been incredibly resilient to that job and finding ways around the problem. we want know, the full extent to the impact the fact several days you have maybe even several weeks. but the reality is it services that the more complex of technology is become the more we've got to understand those for deal of he's that we're building into the system. as so head here on al jazeera, us presidential bind vows to resume his re election campaign is more democrats and more am drop out of the rates. the
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have that slip to south asia, and the monsoon 12th is sitting, flying east, south of its position. it will remain there over the next few days, bringing very heavy rain to western and central parts of india. we are expecting flooding here. we've got red alerts out from good us down to the south carol and also see some of that heavier re. but you can see it picking up for central and eastern areas on saturday. some heavy rain as well. we'll push into a central pumps of pockets done with the mountain weight of spotty showers, across the very north and places like sri lanka. but the rain will pick up to the north east on sunday, pushing into both time as well as an airport in the days ahead with some rain coming back into deca in bangladesh. that rain forming heavier as well for sunday in me and mom and heavy rain is a story for east asia. thanks to the may. you from the continues to pose those
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bouts of heavy rain for the east, from showing down in china on woods to the korean peninsula. we have already seen flooding in south korea. we could see 200 millimeters more over the next few days, some more flooding like a night. rain pushes off into northern parts of japan, bringing heavy rain to the portal. on sunday, the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out a 0 mind are of our top stories. this, our, the army in bangladesh has been to florida after days of protests, people to finally found a say, again, demonstrated on friday. the government has imposed a nationwide curfew. a major i t failure cost chaos around the world, computers of facts, airport supermarkets and media outlets have gone offline. it happened when an updates by the cyber security for crowd strike affective computers using microsoft windows. and the international court of justice says,
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israel's ongoing process and be occupied, palestinian territory violates international law and advisory opinions. it says israel is obligated to end its own lawful presence as quickly as possible stuff. uh, but i would say is the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and a former information minister. and he says the i c j's ruling is a victory for the palestinian people. this is exactly what we were hoping for and it presents not blunder. i started with decision, it is a big blow to guys that are the side to is it l as a state, as an establishment, as a government, the settlers. and it is a big victory until the police to new clothes. from legal perspective is, there is a order, the invited and condemned for its policy is what its occupation for several months
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for the illegal apartheid was worth practicing apartheid about the legal value of what happened is that this conclusion by the national court of justice, which has the highest legal structure in the world, it has condemned all is the only measures to try to claim that there is no to a patient. if this it has confound. there is a patient on this. okay. patient is the legal it has, i found one more time the geneva convention is applicable to the okay, by 33 is turn our attention out to the united states where a president, jo, by says he's ready to resume campaigning next week after it was halted because of his positive go with 19 test, but the number of democratic lawmakers calling for him to drop his re election bid . instead. leroy, meanwhile, a group of democrats who are worried about biden's candidacy has released an ad urging him to anticipate pass the torch, drove past satori,
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and it will start airing on monday on the news channel. and this nbc, more than the 30 congressional congressional or democrats have publicly called on button to drop out of the race for out of concerns about his health and his age. joining me now is me on the you're carter, she's an associate professor in the school of public policy at university of maryland. and she comes to us from hyattsville in maryland, a very good thing. thank you so much for your time professor. the presidents for assess his campaign team and says, he's not going anywhere. how sustainable is the situation the longer it drags on? well i think be, be those who are calling for him to step down, excuse me, will have to get used to be i did and they need a lot of behind job. i'm if he chooses to stay in the race he is allowed to do so he won the primary with very little to no challenge, and that's on these very same people who are now asking him to step aside. so these
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decides to keep going. then they have to live behind. it is a very awkward situation, isn't it? um, but let's, let's focus on the burden. support base hope makes up his support base and are these costs for him to step down, vote or based? absolutely that these are mostly a leak driven and donor driven most particularly the folks who are calling for him to step down. definitely don't look like the voter base. you remember just a 2 days ago we had a letter from 1400 black women calling on the democrats to stand behind joe by urging them to support job. i'm in income le harris and they're run. so i think when you look at who shows up at the polls, black women being a part of that group, black men, latino men and white liberal women. they're saying they want in there. now if they had their druthers would they have picked someone else probably, but that ship is sale in most voters,
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it's saying they want to stick with the horse that they chose in the primary. now, should he, in the event, hypothetically speaking, should he decide to stand out? are the supporters transferable to another candidate? well, i think that's what they're banking on. those who are calling for job. i to step down. i think that's what they are making on. and certainly people retain many of those boulders. i don't think that people who are upset by this move will then become trump, voters. that's not going to happen. some people might after stay home, but it is not a foregone conclusion that people will support whomever the democrats put in there . i mean, i think it's starting to feel more, more like us to ride because what was the point of a primary, if you're just going to circumvent the people to put someone else in that you would rather because you saw one bad debate performance and you can't think of anything to say about a man who has been civilly convicted of sexual assault and committed a 34 belt leave that on the democrats. not joe biden. now at this moment, the party you know,
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seems stuck and it just can't get on stock. why is it so hard to, you know, potentially get another candidate should, you know, should that be needed as well? the parties not stuff, they actually have a succession plan in place if they let this play out. it's joe, by nicola harris. should he be coming, burned or unable to continue? calm. le harris is veterans is b p for reason she is the next in the line of succession. i think the better question is, why are democrats in their own way? they're not stuck. there is a passport. there is money still to be spent in this campaign, yet they want to stay in their own way because again, they're scared, but they never had the 4th of will that republican seem to have? there were a lot of people that are in c, this we holding their nose for donald trump, and yet they died behind them. and they said what they needed to say democratically to do the same. because the truth is, in some cases, he may not, the new candidate is likely to be a man, may not make it on the state ballot. that's going to be
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a problem. the money that the bad campaign is rate is not transferable to these new candidates. there's a lot that has to happen very quickly if this is going to be the case. so i just think it's a, a really short sighted move on behalf of democrats. how do you think about this and conclusion? i'm going to end on this and the growing chorus, a very high profile democrats. um, you know, officially not officially calling on him to step down. i think these people are disloyal. i think these people are not to be trusted, and it's not to suggest that they lose their positions. but i think it's, it's interesting that these are the very same people when people raise that with voters raises the question about joe bads, age 4 years ago. they said no, no, no, he's the guy, he's the only one that could be drunk. and they said that throughout the primary cycle, they set that up until a month ago. but this was the guy in as soon as he had a bad night,
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it just sort of erased the other 4 years. so i think these people are actually being more harmful and seem like they want donald trump to win, rather than joe by who they claim their so scared will lose. they're going to lose this race right now. be your carter associate professor in the school of public policy at university of maryland. thank you so much for your time. thank you. and former president donald trump says he's had a very good phone call with ukrainian president of a lot of years, the landscape. all the call between the 2 leaders is their 1st conversation. since trump left the white house, it comes the day after you formerly accepted the republican party's nomination for president. the 2 men have agreed to hold a meeting, but it comes on it concerns about what trust policy towards the conflict would be if he were to become the next us president. a russian court has sentenced an american journalist to 16 years in prison for
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a spin osh wall street journal reporter of and their risk of which is the 1st to insure in the list to be arrested on spine charges in russia says the cold war. he says the allegations against him are false, the us government and his employer have slammed the verdict, describing it as disgraceful, and a sham annually. uh shuffle. volleyball has now moore from moscow of a will think 16 years in a maximum security prison. the hearing and the espionage case against evan gash coverage was held behind close doors and the se. chevy catamaran blog, and the euros he didn't know. please go to the say. persecution was initially requesting 18 years in prison for him, and when gash coverage was detained in march, last ga, in the city of vehicles have been bug and the keys of espionage. according to the 1st occasion, he collected sensitive information about the activities of while the goals of gold, which produce tanks and other ministry hardware. the investigation believes that
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the cache covers had been receiving instructions from the c r a. he denied his accusation, saying that he had been doing his job, interviewing people, and gathering material for his obstacles. his colleagues also insisted on his innocence. some said he had permission for inter, he's received from the russian ministry of defense. before his trial, i guess, coverage, spend 15 months in the most clearly force of a pre trial detention center. and now it took just 3 days for his case to be reviewed interest to me, things the investigation into the case of the american journalist was complete. uh, presumably back celebration of the process may indicate that gash coverage may be exchanged in an interview with american media pass. and also you talk a call. so in a few months ago, presidents, legitimate patient said that there was no reason to keep him in prison in russia, presumably, patient came to the guest coverage, my place of exchange for russian special services office of indian cross, a club, arrested in germany, who was not serving a life sentence that from that to you,
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let ship of oliver ultra 0 mosque or as 3 people have been killed. and more than 20 injured after. gunman opened fire on a piece rarely and pockets. dawn on friday, the thousands of people were taking part in a peace march and banu when the on identified men started shooting. now group has claimed responsibility, so farm focused on has witnessed a surge in violence, says the tyler bonds seized power in neighboring. i've gone to started in 2021, and earlier this week, 8 soldiers were killed when a suicide bomber rammed his explosive laden vehicle into a barrick. today, thousands of tribesmen participated, advantage historic peace much. everyone was peaceful. suddenly some miscreants opened fire. 20 people have been injured and 3, what killed? i'll clear message to those who think we will leave peace or struggle. the fools we
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will not stop by much is the peace. farmers is survosity. they are unable to plan across because of fighting between the army and paramilitary rapids support forces . un is warning of severe foods in security for millions of people and the coming months. mama vall, how's the story now from the south eastern states of good doris? but he to most and his family just to lived in good life. he says he left his home and he's land for the life of dependency in a displacement the camp. but he had no choice but then i'll be moving on. is it all we still want you to farm is we're used to doing during the rainy season, but the rapid support forces attack the area and looted everything. most of the people who are high, he a leading the fighting in so not our farm is normally at this time of yeah, they should be in the fields, but they say there is no way they can go with them. do it to is security with more


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