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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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is the fact that you assign the present s not that important affect the, via the story. on talk to al jazeera, the the humans top court finds as well session and policy in the occupied palestinian territories violates international law. the, the problem and this is alex is here a life wonder how so coming up, long evasion pauses a nationwide because you add the choice on the following fall. and to add to government protests, more than $100.00 people have a full checking account. a major global tech house which causes chaos around the world. slides, bags and businesses are affected. as defending the town, the young men bound to flies on travels an eastern democratic republic of congo.
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the the international court of justice says as well as ongoing presents and occupied palestinian territory as in legal and violates international renewal. judges determined as well is obligated to end its unless the presence as quickly as possible and must stop new settlement activity. step fossil reports from the hague . it was a landmark case where the 50 judges of the international court of justice with $52.00 countries participating. it is one of the largest the court has ever to decide on. they had to rule on the legal consequences of israel's 57 year long occupation of the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem. and the impact that has on the palestinian population. this is a different case than the one south africa filed against israel for committing
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genocide in gaza. in this advisory opinion, most of the judges greet israel's occupation has become a permanent annexation and therefore violates international law. that was the one with respect to the policies and practices of is right. 52 in question, a which was found to be unlawful. design has an obligation to put an end to those and offer lots in the suspect is right and must immediately seize. all new supplement activity is right also has an obligation to repeat all legislation and measures creating or maintaining the unlawful situation, including socially discriminate against the palestinian people to the courts as, as well as imposing systematic discrimination. mounting to apartheid on the palestinian people. it's policies of encouraging more than 700000 sapaulas to live in the occupied territories in breach of international law. the quotes come to the conclusion that it is policies and practices, including the maintenance and the expansion of settlements because the direction of
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associated infrastructure and the war. the exploitation of natural resources. the proclamation of journalism, as is as carpeted the quote consider that these policies and practices amount annexation of large parts of the pipe. but the city instead of the court also said that all you and member states and international organizations have an obligation under international law to stop and abling the illegal occupation palestinian delegation at the core. what's called at the historic day for the palestinian people. i believe it's so sort of because you know, it provides. so it's interesting answers to many questions that's state in our minds for so many is it's, you know, answers the questions that so many countries, what are waiting in order to decide on determine the policy is ease of use rel, i'm the type of relationship that should be they should have admin team with the as
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well as an occupying power as well, immediately rejected the course conclusion. and prime minister benjamin nathan yells at israel cons occupied land that as they are the court order. the un general assembly and the un security council to take whatever action necessary to empty illegal occupation, what the shep moments many pallets sitting into long hope and works for official recognition by the wills, highest court of the decades long suffering. and the inequality of israel's actions, but also knowing that this non binding legal opinion won't change anything immediately. this is no up to all you and members to decide. step 5, some. oh, just a rough take. most of about the whole thing is the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and a full information minister. and he says, i see j's ruling is a victory for palestinians. this is exactly what we were hoping for and it presents not blunder. i started of decision. it is
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a big blow to guys that are the side to is that i as a state as an establishment, as a government settlers. and it is a big victory until the police to new clothes from legal perspective is it and is the order, the invited and condemned for its policy is what it's occupation for several months for the illegal apartheid was we're practicing apartheid about the legal value of what happened is that this conclusion by the national court of justice, which is the highest legal structure in the world, it has condemned all is the only major is to try to claim that there is no to patient if this it has confound. there is a patient on this okay. patient is the legal it has i found one more time the geneva convention is applicable to the okay. by 33. as you'll see, bailey and that's a full. that is why any justice minister and he says that is why the government is unlikely to be deterred by the i c j's decision. i don't think that
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a really big deal for resolution. the government is the most tried to swan as a and a, and many of the ministers, 6 to especially from the stream, very extreme right. to believe that they use the can live without the load. and that say anything which is the said about us about the going about occupying and whatever is by us then the they can never accept it. and the, i mean, although i must admit that they did not the identify we talked about. so they do the cation today, and so that was something that they couldn't accept others that, that done. but they, the main thing is that if you ask me and they, they call to decide that they, we will the adult every kotia in the i'll of your patients
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a that the, it is not the, a studio next ation. it is only all of your patients that will not be a lot of so for me, i mean i would say, oh, we don't need to be the we should not be there. i mean, if we remain in the, in the territory seeing the west bank and gaza, i mean, it means that is what i really never visually state. i mean i'm, and he's really but true, i'm is honest. and it is a game zone, isn't and against a, any idea of, of easily seduce democratic stake a to stay in the territories. so it is not just that the dimension of a community is telling us, oh you oh big guy say a and perhaps ignoring even why did the 67 will a began it begun the week. they adapt both egypt and jordan and,
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and the others a. but this is not the story to day. yeah, we were right in the, in the will of 67. but it doesn't mean that we have to stay for ever in, in these areas. of allison in math has been killed by the as riley on a during a raid on the city of hebron in the occupied westbank cctv footage show soldiers opening fire towards the ca elsewhere in hebron, a 22 year old palestinian man has to come to gunshot injuries to his head, local general to say it, but a mile wide was released from him. his rarely prison just 2 weeks ago. if these 577 palestinians had been killed by israeli forces and settlers in the occupied westbank during the 9 months of war on gaza. they include 18 palestinians who died in this way. the custody. the, the,
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the government's involved to the issue has imposed a nationwide co few and deployed the army. often days of deadly protest. students have been demanding an n 2 o'clock just system that was more than half of the government job. secession includes the system had been scrapped in 2018, but was reinstated in june. a news agency reports at least a 105 people have died in the interest jobs stripes that has more the roadblocks and running back these students protesting across, spun with dish, angry at the reinstatement of the quote to assist the government jobs. students should be rallying on university campuses, weeks the demonstrations to environmental on monday when confrontations broke out. most of the ladies, nobody else. it was the good we came here in the morning. we went up to the what is
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that members of the building for the student being started to a tech and to students have been shot in front of me. and we took them to the hospital for government to show a public and private universities and sent security. for instance, on to campuses. it says it's willing to meet student leaders. demonstrate to say they want the accountability for the killings before they discuss a possible compromise with the government of the day we want just as for killed the brothers. our 1st demand is that the prime minister must apologize to us for ugly remarks. how can the head of government odors such as the words above the student? she must apologize to us. secondly, just as must be insured. nationwide on risk dispute by mass unemployment, among the young generation struggling to find work in the country of a 170000000 people. the closest system was established in 1972 to help those who
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fault in the war of independence. holden hall for the government positions. it was a for the children, as well as women, disabled people in x that minorities every year. hundreds of thousands of graduates compete for $3000.00 public service jobs. clement, associate casino appeared on state to be on wednesday, appealing for com, searching students to wait until the supreme court is the appeal august john stump of how to 0 on the charles and he sent us. this update from dhaka of the situation is getting out of control is despised using extra force and applying paramilitary units. they was not able to control the streets across the country. the streets basically last 2 days was dominated by protest stairs and increasing to get political time when opposition party members, as well as the general public signed participating and supporting the student. and this last 2 days, when the students declared nationwide shutting down, it took
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a very violent turn and the police were as aggressive as i was doing, and so many casualties. and the student is to say that the government, despite the government called for a compromise and inviting them to act a meeting by district on if you have blood on your time, there's no mod park compromise. are sitting down with you until and unless justice is done and the government please realize that losing control of the situation on the street despise using so many other military force and police and the fellow i did his time to summer did defy the army and bring situation under control to assist the civil administration. and there is also increasing this content. you do a traveling economy high inflation and storing full price of this was making public frustrated. this was the boiling point, where a lot of public actually got out in the street instead of separating the student as
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well. and also knowing that a lot of kids were getting killed if should the public sentiment and the government couldn't control this. this content industry services are coming back online after a cyber security software update disrupted computer systems globally. the seal, the company behind the average crowd strikes us. the recovery could take weeks flat track of the show, the impact on air travel across the united states. elsewhere, hospitals, stores and banks were affected. kristen salumi reports from new york, the early friday afternoon and australia, the 1st science of trouble emerge and retail outlets banks and on television and a news broadcast reporting. the situation went to black resuming eventually to reveal blue screens in the background indicator, the dreaded shut down of a windows operating system. the extent of the problem, perhaps most obvious, at airports around the globe. their long lines formed as airlines last access to
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check in and booking services. at a time when many travelers are heading away on summer vacations, very much looking forward to seeing the east coast of my country. however, it doesn't look like i'm going to be able to get there today. i fly from my nashville was canceled 5 o'clock in the morning. so now i got to pick another flight tomorrow morning, the same flight pick a fail book because of the chaos. thank you for contacting, hosting support pro site is available for most of the passions on windows photos. that was a prerecorded message put out by the cyber security firm crowd strick. the company c o would later announce that a glitch in the software update was to blame. we know what the issue is. we're resolving and have resolved the issue. now it's recovering systems that are out there. and essentially, as you've talked about in the statement i put out is um the system uh was sent and update and that update had a, a software bug in it. and cause a,
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an issue with the microsoft operating system. a relief for government's worried about a cyber attack. hard work ahead for company. i. t department's stock is a, a very large and well known provider in the security space. it's a market leading security provider that's utilized by the, you know, the old, you know, many leading banks and, and last, you know, blue, cheap, and government organizations. even the us government was affected. long lines formed at the southern border after customs and border protection, then reported processing delays. the glitch revealed the vulnerability for the global economy and resulted in volatility in market. the company that caused it crowd straight saw it shares dropped just how interconnected we are in an increasingly digital world, not lost on this traveler in paris, and people listen to these people. it's a bit while reading is how one company can impact the global economy. and the life
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of the planet systems are being restored, sorting through the consequences for ordinary people may take longer. kristin salumi al jazeera new york still ahead on, i'll just say are us president joe biden boss to resume his re election campaign as more democrats and so want him to draw a balance of the race and aiming for another gold rush. why this olympic champion will compete as a refugee at the palace gains the the hello that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for north america. and you can see some very stormy conditions. there's taken hold of eastern and south eastern areas of the us now we won't move storms bubbling up here on fat today. it'll bring some very heavy rain to georgia and the car line is we could see some
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flooding here. some of that pushing up towards washington, d. c. but new york remaining pretty drawing in the sunshine at 29 degrees celsius. now the rain intensifies almost central areas of the us as you go in to sunday. some of those heat of the day is thunderstorms running down into the south west and in story of dangerous heat flooding back into the desert, southwest and western parts of the us. pushing up into the pacific northwest and west and pump as canada, where we have seen records breaking heat. now the good news is the numbers will start to come down over the next few days. for example, in seattle will be down to $26.00 degrees celsius. that on monday with more in the way as sunshine, and it's more in the way of scott to the showers for much of mexico as we move to central america and the caribbean companies here, slightly below the average for monterey down to conclude some heavy rain to come stretching all the way through to costa rica and panama set a date to sunday. in
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india's remote tribal areas, hockey use, depression circuits selected for the national team play for the country. that's my 3 tribal athletes are contributing to introduce international policy research and, and the support is transforming that communities. 11 east reveals india tribal, healthy trans on al jazeera, revealing eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet. on o, g 0. the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the challenges they all have me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a line to of on top stories. the sound, the international court of justice says israel's ongoing presence in the occupied bows to the entire tree violates international. it says, as well, is obligated to end its unlawful presence as quickly as possible long as it has to for the on the days of protests, the government has imposed a nationwide courtesy of the people defied the bad and demonstrated again on friday the protests or against the closest system that reserves over half of government jobs, secession groups, and a major failure has cost chaos around the world. come to me just the bags, airport. supermarkets and media outlets went offline on friday. that happened when an update to the cyber security says crowd strikes, effective confusions using microsoft windows to the democratic republic of congo, where the armed with m twenties,
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where it is on the offensive at the northeast of the country. the groups funds have taken several towns and villages from government troops invasion tweaks a local youth in the town of benny fleming, a defense group to fight the group. and walk on. he met some of the units and said this report from benny. are they driving to been gotta have to sign up with me. so i'm going to defend the town from the other one was the m 23. this or that was not let their tongue before the into label. and it's no time to, to have the technique or for me to try to use a different way. i would be 30 voting then it is unimportant for the tone it on to more than one was started 1000 people manual was this welcome. this latest, if were to stop, the group came suddenly, this is a very good on the youth they need. it needs to be supported by. i thought it is because of the steps we are facing the cops. i was young enough. i would have
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joined them not well, no, i'm good in the middle of sounds and we are caught between 2 fights from the north . we have to input the 3 rentals volunteer and then in the south, a frivolous or killing of people. this initiative can help defend our town because we don't have another option to come. what is the government has been battling them 22 for more than a decade. but the latest disclosure was starting to those on $22.00 constructs actually was, is one of those fucking defy, does that come to the united strongly the coffee does displace new york frequently and from their homes. there is no fear that the mark won't be approved. it does, it don't really like any of those to do. look at it into ne, on be honestly, hasn't been on or they put the group put the kid in. now, before you, i've been wondering what will be the difference between what do you i tried to create the as it look like the physical open goals form, which has been accused of many abuses against civilians in this area. on the wake
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county. i've just been in the democratic public school. so as president, joy biden's has, he'll be back on the campaign show next week is being isolating since wednesday after he tested positive for clover 19 is campaign thing says he will not step aside despite blood pressure from within his own party to drop his re election bid was associate congressional democrats have publicly called on by them to drop out of the race because of concerns of his age. well, that comes out to biden's republican rival, donald trump address has policies national convention. my kind of reports from washington dc, a reaction to the trump speech was split on a partisan basis. republicans won't be welcome to speech last night, and in the course of today, they've continued to applaud what from said. his critics, however, point to the many post fluids that occurred in the speech. the binding harris campaign released the statement saying that the speech reveals that this was the same donald trump,
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who was rejected by the american people back in 2020. the campaign also is made clear that president biden was going to come test the election that he was not going to step down. this is what the campaign co chair had. jen o'malley dylan had to say. i'm not here to say that this hasn't been a tough several weeks for the campaign. there's been a doubt that it has been and we've definitely seen some slippage in support, but it is been a small movement. and, and you know, this, the reason is because so much of this race has hardened already the american people know that the president is older they, they see that they knew that before the debate. yes, of course, we have a lot of work to do to make sure that we are reassuring the american people that yes, he's old, but he can do the job and he can. when, however, molds and such congressional democrats have now called on president biden to step down and not to contest the election. to put this in a contest though,
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there are some 250 democrats in congress today. little over city have called for him as to him to step down and not contest the election. this is a very most small, a number of democrats at this particular point. but the debate, the argument is likely to rage for days, possibly weeks. that had my kind of ultra 0 washington, a russian quote, a sentenced american journalist is 16 years in prison for espionage. wall street journal reporter evan goes, cuz it says the allegations against the falls, the us government, and his employer have slammed the verdict, describing it as disgraceful. and to show you the shop of oliver has moved from moscow. a whopping 16 years in a maximum security prison. the hearing and the espionage case against evan gash coverage was held behind close doors in the states. you have a good time involved in the euro's. he didn't know, please go see the say. persecution was initially requesting 18 years in prison for
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him, and when gash coverage was obtained in march last ga, in the states who vehicles having beg and the keys of espionage. according to the 1st occasion, he collected sensitive information about the activities of while the goals of gold, which produced tanks and other ministry hon, where the investigation believes that the gash coverage had been receiving instructions from the c. r a. hayden, i just accusation saying that he had been doing his job, interviewing people and gathering material for his obstacles. his colleagues also insisted on his innocence. sam said that he had permission for interviews received from the russian ministry of defense before his trial. uh, there's coverage spent 15 months in the most clearly force of a pre trial detention center. and now it took just 3 days for his case to be reviewed. interest to me saying stay investigation into the case of the american journalist was complete. uh, presumably back celebration of the process may indicate that gash coverage may be exchanged in an interview with american media personality talk a call. so in
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a few months ago, presence i deem a patient said that there was no reason to keep him in prison. in russia, presumably, patient painted that gash coverage might place a big change for russian special services. office of the jim krauss, the club, arrested in germany, who's not subbing a life sentence that from that to you let ship of oliver old jersey wright mosque or to a wave of wine and crime is fighting for the chile and capital president. gabriel barge has resisted calls to declare a state of emergency which would allow the me to support police forces, but he has canceled a trip to the palace and then fix to oversee the crisis. alaska in america, edited lucy and human reports from santiago a. we can party on the outskirts of chiles, capital a party that ended in the blood bass. 5 people were shot dead, 12 injured police ground high caliber bullet shells everywhere. so even his whalen
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suspects had been detained in another low income neighborhoods, the body of 30 year old barber one that'd be a wage burial. friends say he was trying to break up a fight when he and the neighbor was charged and killed. one of the bead leaves behind 2 young children and the wife mock, i didn't know it would be ever is. she tells me nowhere is safe to be out. so many we pins, children at the age of 12 of carrying guns. this has become normal. here was no isolated incidents that very same day at exactly the same time on the other side of town here in the north part of the metropolitan area. a grandmother was celebrated her birthday when her grandchildren came out here to light a fire. a car came out. gunman came out and began shooting wildly. you can see all of the gunshots. 4 people were killed. 4 of them did less than the youngest is 13
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years old. in 4 days, 17 people were killed in the capital of chile until just a few years ago, considered latin america safe this country. since the pandemic, a crime wave attributed mainly to organized crime groups from outside the country, as seen murders per 100000 people increase 6 volt, surpassing the global average system yet to we knew that the today and state was ill prepared to face organized crime. we didn't know how to confront its investigates, it will have a judicial branch prepared to deal with this. that social studies are of course, suddenly getting suicide blamed criminal gangs from countries such as venezuela into the chile. we didn't have, i had gunman did nothing. so i ran to day, there are no hyatt done, so it could not being said, you don't have a forwarding component on thursday, president cabinet and buddy chilled an emergency security meeting and announced plans to deploy an additional 500 police officers to santiago, build
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a new high security prison and titan choose part as mortars, members of the opposition. meanwhile, according to the interior administered to step down, got this, we're going to be, i think, what i've, what i spend your energy in state working together to false track of security. so in congress and once and for all approved lifting bank secrecy laws, so we can follow drug traffic has money. but whatever the new measures, there's an unsettling awareness that there's mill, quick fix for a wave of violence that spreading throughout south america. see and human outages, era, santiago? malaysia's king salt on abraham has come, that has been officially installed 6 mountains off the he was one on the con, ation at the national palace. both formalize these photons roll at the same king and the unique rotates a monarchy system. non ethnic malay state from let's take ton says king for 5 years
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attends island pick. sprint kinda and champion will compete as a refugee of the powers games. fernando hold, hey, and because fled his mace of cuba, 2 years ago, bought to fax to the international olympic committee. he has the chance to go for gold. again. david stokes reports on the waters of cape coral, florida. fernando diane hogan enriquez is training hard for me, stood olympic games last timeouts in tokyo. he won a gold medal, represents in cuba. but things have changed since then. and i know the message went through on that. i sent it in 2021 or the 2nd due to non alpha one myself. living here now have the grace of paternity to compete in paris for the refugee team. on the 25 year old is one of a growing number of athletes possessing cuba. well, wages are low and they were food shortages to come in. this government wanted his endorsement, but he chose a different path to follow. i went to go into the him,


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