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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the knowledge is the way the you and the top court says as well as presence in the occupied palestinian territory. vitalogics international. the hello on elizabeth put on. and this is alex with a live from dell ha. also coming up adopters, rescue a pound screen baby from his mother's mood after she was killed in this rody strikes. i'm central gaza bound to the ition pauses a nationwide curfew in detroit. on a phone on,
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on an anti government protest. more than a 100 people that reported the count and defending the town, the young man found flies armed rentals and democratic republicans comes on. the israeli prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has criticized the laws or your opinion issued by the international court of justice on the occupation of palestinian territory, calling it absurd that he wants top court found that as well as ongoing presents and the occupied territory is illegal. i'm violates international law judges dependent israel is obligated to end unlawful presence as quickly as possible and must all new settlement activity step boston reports from the hague. it was a landmark case for the 50 judges of the international court of justice with $52.00 countries participating. it is one of the largest the court has ever to decide on.
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they have to rule on the legal consequences of its wells 57 year long occupation of the west bank garza and east jerusalem. and the impact that has on the palestinian population. this is a different case than the one south africa filed against israel for committing genocide in gaza. in this advisory opinion, most of the judges, great israel's occupation, has become a permanent annexation and therefore violates international law. that was that one with respect to the policies and practices of is right. 52 in question a which was found to be unlawful. design has an obligation to put an end to those and offer lots in this respect is right and must immediately seize on you. supplement activity is right also has an obligation to repeat all legislation and measures creating or maintaining the unlawful situation. including sources discriminate against the palestinian people to the courts as, as well as imposing systematic discrimination. mounting to apartheid on the
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palestinian people. it's policies of encouraging more than 700000 satellites to live in the occupied territories in breach of international law. the quotes come to the conclusion that is it as policies and practices, including the maintenance and the expansion of settlements. because protection of associated infrastructure. and the was the expectation of natural resources, the proclamation of journals and them. as, as, as carpeted the court consider that these policies and practices amount annexation of flat spots of the pipe, but a city instead of the court also said that all you and member states and international organizations have an obligation on the international law to stop and abling the legal occupation, a palestinian delegation. i took what's called at the historic day for the palestinian people. i believe it's so sort of because you know, it provides. so it's interesting answers to many questions that's state in our
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minds for so many is it's, you know, answers the questions that so many countries what are waiting in order to decide and determine the policies. these are the as well and the type of relationship that should be they should have admin thing with the as well as an occupying power is well, immediately rejected the court's conclusion. and prime minister benjamin nathan yells at israel cons occupied land that as they are, the court ordered the un general assembly and the un security council to take what action necessary to empty illegal occupation. what the shep moments may be processing into long hoped and worked for official recognition by the wills, highest court of the decades long suffering and the inequality of israel's actions . but also knowing that this non binding legal opinion won't change anything immediately. this is now up to old u. n. members to decide step 5, some. oh, just
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a rough take. what's the viability is the secretary general, the policy and national initiative, and a full of information minister when he says the i c j is reading is a victory for palestinians. this is exactly what we were hoping for and it presents not blunder. i started with decision, it is a big blow to guys that are the side to is that i as a state as an establishment, as a government settlers. and it is a big victory until the police to new clothes from legal perspective is it and is the order the invited and condemn for its policy is what it's ok patient for it's several months for the illegal apartheid was. we're practicing apartheid about the legal value of what happened is that this conclusion by the national court of justice, which has the highest legal structure in the world, it has condemned all is the only major to try to claim that there is no to patient
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. if this it has confound, there is a patient on this, okay. patient is illegal. it has, i found one more time. the geneva convention is applicable to the okay, by 33. as you'll see the data and as a full. that is why the justice minister and he says the is there any government is unlikely to be detected by the i c j's decision. i don't think that a really big deal for resolution. the government is the most striking one as a and a many of the ministers, 6 to especially from the stream, very extreme right. to believe that there is one that can live without the load. and that say anything which is the said about us about the conquering, about occupying and whatever is by us then the they can never accept it. and the, i mean, although i must admit that they did not the identify we talked about. so they do
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the cation today, and so there was some things that they couldn't, except others that, that done. but the main thing is that the, if you ask me, how did they, they call to decide that they, we will, to open the whole i thought every kotia in all of your patients. a, that the, it is not the, a studio next ation. it is only all of your patients that will not be a lot of so for me, i mean i would say, oh, we don't need to bid the we should not be there. i mean, if we remain in the, in the territory in the west bank and gaza, i mean, it means that is where i will never be a jury state. i mean, i'm, and he's really, but the truth, i'm is honest and it is a game zone isn't and against a, any idea of, of easily is a joyous democratic stay it to stay in the territory. so it is not just that the
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dimension of a community is telling us, oh, your big guy is a a and perhaps ignoring even why did the 67 will a begin a begun the week. they adapt both egypt and jordan and that and as is a but this is not the story to day. yeah. we were right in the will of 67, but it doesn't mean that we have to stay for ever in, in these areas. as body forces have killed a palace to the manager and the rate and the occupied westbank that happened in the city of hebron, south of jerusalem. cctv footage from the same shows is rarely sold as opening font woods. the com. i think 25 palestinians have been killed in this way the strikes across of gaza since early morning on saturday. one striking central gauze on
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friday killed heavily pregnant women. doctors managed to rescue the baby clinging to life inside his mother's wound. she was 9 months pregnant when she was killed at the alma site at the refugee camp as well as well. and gaza has co nearly 39000 people. the majority of who a women and children heavy in. uh kenneth, this woman was the only so 5 or 4 months ago when i was talking to this woman was the only one who survived among have found many at the time. and today, she was talking to the she was 9 months pregnant and she was killed off to being targeted by the occupation on time. and an immediate operation was performed fell out of the hospital. the offices of his mother was killed. the baby now was in the incubators department, and he started his life as an officer rather than know mazda a whole year. well, let's head to central gaza and speak to our correspondent hendo holiday. she's joining us from outside. i likes the hospital and that on by the hand,
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it's hard to know what to feel about. the story is into the babies provide, bought with his mother, killed the rest of that family killed. and as many strikes months ago, lies a head for him. her name was the 25 year old. the women that got married one with this before the worst started on because she lost the 2 brothers or sisters in the past couple of weeks. but yesterday she was still the targets in the house. she was a transfer to an out of the honda what to where it was a mirror close to that me is a be a live. unfortunately, there's no name for this fabian, because there's no one to name him after he lost his my said, and his father is a next week to go. mazda inquiry, he is a baby boy,
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but this is not the 1st incident that happened. the savings incident happens a couple of months ago in the hospital because of the city and also you know, quite to the hospital in the past couple of days we're definitely for the middle areas. pennsylvania said off where the is, where it is targeted. dozens of houses, houses that are livable with people, as since the early hours of the morning, civil defense seemed to have been trying to the best of their people from the i'm here at the russell here behind me, you know, and not a lot of this thing is gave their last goodbyes in the paid and residential, all of these only the residential area, but also the news that evacuated and were forced to be displaced in the middle area
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. we're talking about at least 1800000 policy news. the squeeze under uh, the middle there. yeah. not only that thinking they came to this area, thinking that this is a safe, humanitarian so they will be at targets by that is really what we intended by the here, does not stop hearing and this explosions all night long. and here today we see the bodies put by the 2 by the in here, palestinians are very sorry. it's another side. they for palestinians in the area and in the gaza strip. what happened? thank you very much for your reporting and for bringing of those stories. handle hold of a live in data volume the the, the government and bond to base has imposed a nationwide to
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a few and deployed the on a days off a deadly protest. students have been demanding an end to a quota system that reserves more than half of government jobs for session groups. the system was crapped in 2018, but reinstated in june, a news agency reports at least a 105 people have died and the unrest, antoinette and mobile phone services have been disrupted. child stratford has more the roadblocks and running back these students protesting across, spun with dish, angry at the reinstatement to the quote to assist the government jobs students should be rallying on university campuses, weeks the demonstrations to environmental monday when confrontations broke out. and the lady told me else that we came here in the morning. we went up to the forties and members of the building parties, student being started to attack. and those students have been shot in front of me
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and we took them to the hospital for government, a shot, a public and private universities. and since security, for instance, on to campuses, which says it's willing to meet student leaders. demonstrate to say they want the accountability for the killings before they discuss a possible compromise with the government of the day we won just as for killed the brothers. our 1st demand is the prime minister. must apologize to us for ugly remarks. how can the head of government odors such as the words above the student, except she must apologize to us. secondly, just as must be insured. nationwide on risk disputed by mass unemployment, among the young generation struggling to find work in the country of a 170000000 people. because the system was established in 1972 to help those who fault in the war of independence. holden hall from the government position was the result for the children as well as women disabled people in x that minorities every
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year. hundreds of thousands of graduates compete for $3000.00 public service jobs. clement associates, and seeing it appeared on state to be on wednesday, appealing for com, searching students to wait until the supreme court is the appeal. the oldest child starts with how to 0 in palm beach. all the reset, this update from dhaka, of the situation was getting out of control, despite using extra se, for sudden deploying power military unit, they were not able to control the streets across the country. the streets basically last 2 days was dominated by protest stairs and increasing to get political time when opposition party members, as well as the general public, started participating and supporting the student. and this last 2 days, when the students declared nationwide shut down, it took a very violent turn and the police read it as aggressive as i was doing and so many
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casualties. and the student is to say, put the government despite the government called for a compromise and inviting them to act a meeting by district on if you have blood on your time, there's no mode for compromise. are sitting down with you until unless justice is done and the government in please realize that losing control of the situation on the street despise using so many kind of military force and police. and the problem i get is trying to, some are they defy the army and bring secretion. i have no control to assist the civil administration. and there is also increasing this content you to, i'm traveling economy high inflation and storing quoted prices. this was making public frustrated, this was a boiling point where a lot of public actually got out in the street instead of separating the student as well. and also knowing that a lot of kids were getting killed the should the public sentiment and the government couldn't control this. this content industry, still
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a head of knowledge as a savage in violent crime is presumed. she lives president in the hot seat. kentwood has and then think games a visit to paris, the same depth analysis of the days headlines he's right. is like his res, accusing that i was looking for them since informed opinions. this is places 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way, as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around the pod hitch. i mean to be, is israel and obstacles piece? i think that's the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way.
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that's our facing realities you're running. mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important fact that he had the story on talk to how does era the challenges with the the the watching eligibility. elizabeth put on them and don't have
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a mind to about top stories. the salad, the international court of justice says as well as an ongoing present and from the occupied palestinian territory violates international goals. it says, as well as obligated to end its unlawful presence as quickly as possible. at least 25 palestinians have been killed and is rarely strikes across the thoughts of since early morning on saturday. one striking central gauze on friday killed heavily pregnant women. the doctors managed to rescue the baby clinging to life and sighed . has mothers for the government and bung. the base has imposed a nationwide to a few and deployed the army out of days of deadly protests. but people defied the band to continue protests against the quote, a system that reserves more than half of the government jobs for searching for 3 people have been killed in more than 20. injured off to an identifying government . open fi on a crowd at a pace, riley and pockets don on friday with
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thousands of people taking part in the demonstration in the city of new and shots rang out. no one has claimed responsibility so far. august not has witnessed a search involved. and since it's all about phase pilot in neighboring over the phone and 2021. earlier this week to set for the tax on an army base. and a health sent to an northwest pockets, don killed a 28 people, including 10 soldiers. the cypress has mocking half a century since the island nation was divided with simon's whales from the early morning as to the case and greek cypriots mock separate anniversaries. long standing tensions between the communities combination and a greek cypriot clue which in turn to get a technician military intervention in 1974, it resulted in the casualties on both sides of the creation of a un office on the spot in decades of international efforts peace talks remain
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deadlocked to the us. now we're 12 more congressional democrats have called on the us presidente to drop his re election bid, but joe biden and says he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. he's been isolating since wednesday when he was diagnosed because of 19, when the abbey casa is an associate professor and the school of public policy at the university of mount. and she says they'll be many challenges for the democratic party. shouldn't bide and drop out of the race. i think be the those who are calling for him to step down, excuse me. i will have to get used to be i do and they need a lot of behind job. i mean, if he chooses to stay in the race, he is allowed to do so he won the primary with very little to no challenge, and that's on these various and people who are now asking him to step aside. so if he decides to keep going, then they have to live behind it. they let this play out. it's joe, by nicola harris. should he be coming, burned, or unable to continue?
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calm. le harris's bears, his v p for reason. she is the next and a lot of succession. i think the better question is, why are democrats in their own way? they're not stuck. there is a passport, there is money still to be spent in this campaign, yet they want to stay in their own way because again, they're scared, but they never had the 4th of will that republican seem to have? there are a lot of people that are in c, this we holding their nose for donald trump. and yet they got behind them. and they said what they needed to say democratic to do the same because the truth is, in some cases he may not, the new candidate is likely to be a man, may not make it on the state ballot. that's going to be a problem. the money that the bad campaign is race is not transferable to these new candid there's a lot that has to happen very quickly. if this is going to be the case. so i just think it's a, a really short sighted move on behalf of democrats to the democratic republic of congo. now, way young men in the eastern town of benny are coming together to find the n 23
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door for just taken several 1000 villages from government troops and recent weeks. and i want connie met some of them and sent this report from betty. of the driving been got to sign up with me. so i'm going to defend the town from the other boxing m 23. they said that was not listed there on the 4 inch label, and it's now time to, to have the technique or for me to try to use a different way. i would be 30 proteins, then it is on the 4th clothing tone it all to more than one. we started 1000 people manuals each. was it this way to come this late, this a for to stop. the group came suddenly, this is a very good, i need to use it. need it needs to be supported by i thought it is because of the steps we are facing the cops. i was young enough. i would up during the night. well, now i'm good in the middle sound that we are caught between 2 flights from the north. we have the input to 3 rentals advancing. and then in the south,
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the adf rebels are killing people. this initiative can help defend our town because we don't have another option to come. what is the government has been battling them 22 for more than a decade. but the latest disclosure and started in 2020 to construct q was this one to fucking the fight. does it come to the united strongly because it does displace new york frequently and from their homes. there is no fear that the mark wouldn't be approved. it does, it don't really like it any of those to do. look at it into ne, on be honestly, hasn't been under the foot of the group for decade. and now, before you, i've been wondering what will be the difference between what day you are trying to get to you as it looked like the 1st group. and those former defendants, which has been accused of many abuses against civilians in this area along the way, cutting, i'm just, you know, been the democratic political school. and finally, this bulletin, centralized president gabriella bar, which has cancel the trip to the power to send them to excessive government faces,
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criticism, over spike and violent crime. that the 17 people will noted in the capital and recent days. election america editor lucy and human reports from santiago a. we can party on the outskirts of chiles, capital a party that ended in the flood bass. 5 people were shot dead, 12 injured police ground high caliber bullet shells everywhere. so even his whalen, suspects had been detained in another low income neighborhood. the body of 30 year old barber one. that'd be a wage burial friend. say he was trying to break up a fight when he and the neighbor was charged and killed. one of the lead leads behind 2 young children and a white mock. i didn't know it would be evidence. she tells me, mill, where is safe? the us so many we pins, children at the age of 12 of carrying guns. this has become normal here was no
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isolated incidents that very same day at exactly the same time on the other side of town, here in the north part of the metropolitan area. a grandmother was celebrating her birthday when her grandchildren came out here to light a fire. a car came out. gunmen came out and began shooting wildly. you can see all of the gunshots. 4 people were killed. 4 of them did less than the youngest, 13 years old. through 4 days, 17 people were killed in the capital of chile until just a few years ago, considered latin america safest country. since the pandemic, a crime wave attributed mainly to organized crime groups from outside the country, as seen murders per $100000.00 people increase 6 fold it surpassing the global average american. we knew that the too late and state was ill prepared to face organized crime. we didn't know how to conferences investigates, it will have a judicial branch prepared to deal with. is that social is senator
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a call suddenly getting sort shop blamed criminal gangs from countries such as venezuela into the chile, we didn't have i. a gunman did nothing. so i ran to day, there are no hyatt done, so it could not being said, you don't have a forwarding component on thursday president w, anybody child an emergency security meeting and announced plans to deploy an additional 500 police officers to santiago, build a new high security, prison and tighten cheese, porous borders. members of the opposition, meanwhile, according to the interior administered to step down, got this. we're going to go ahead and pull up what spend your energy in state working together to foss, track us security. so in congress and once and for all approved lifting bank secrecy laws, so we can follow drug traffic has money. but whatever, then you measures. there's an unsettling awareness that there's no quick fix for
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a wave of violence that spreading throughout south america. see and human elders era santiago, up next inside story examines the race for the white house. as joe martin comes on the increasing pressure to drop out. thank you for watching the i had low that extreme heats continues to scorch pots of northern africa, and that's flooding in across the van. pushing temperature is high for places like a to a kia iraq, as well as q weight will be touching up into the fifty's once again. 52 expected into a city on sunday. and that heat the sens, down across the gulf of also go to small. that is expected to continue to kick up just creating that hazy sunshine and hazy sun shining drives. guys all the story
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for the north west of africa. we've got heat warnings out. weston pots of algeria, the heat, continue as a full egypt with cairo, seeing the temperature touch up into the early forty's over the next few days. for the south of that across that central band is all about the east city ways pushing across nigeria, on which to ben and to go and gone and some heavy rain to come for became no fuss. so we'll see another wave of push across into southern parts of chad, the central african republic as well over the next few days is much to why uh for the south of this not so cape town were expecting cooler conditions and some went to weather on saturday. into sunday, with some rain touching into eastern parts of south africa on sunday of the
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days after being shot, donald trump becomes the republican presidential nominees. his rival president joe biden is isolating with po, with 9 seems more senior democrats are urging him to quit the election race. how critical a week has this been for both man? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm getting you navigate on when she took the stage at the republican party convention.


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