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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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a showcase of the best documentary films from across the network on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the color on the bulk of this is the news out loud from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. beyond these detroit in bangladesh, to impose a nationwide costs you following, these are fund and protests against government. jo quite has talked to his rescue, a policy and baby from his dead mother's with she was killed in this way. the strikes and central cause of price groups. welcome the i, c j 's advisory on his rounds of the patient of palestine as a 1st step towards on doing generational
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cypress box for centuries since the nation was divided with turkish. i'm greek cypriots, holding separate events. thanks for joining us. we begin this news hour and banquet dash with nationwide. few is in place following protests against a government jobs quote, a system at least a 105 people have been killed. heavy police presence is on the street. so if the council co police gatherings, it'd be bond off to several buildings with tours earlier in the week. and internet services have been cut for weeks. students have demonstrated against the closest system that was of public service, posts for relatives of veterans who of independents, tons of challenging is live for us in dot com and tons. as i mentioned, the all be on the streets across a few in place. how people coping a
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while right now, the army is relax. uh the coffee for 2 hours from 60 mt to a gm to local time to us noon to, to in the afternoon itself. very light the traffic. but people are rushing to grocery store to get that basic essential, all the emergency started with those people going to hoss without doing that best to get things done because as it is last 2 days was very difficult to move out on in the capital, even in elsewhere in other parts of the country, situation is still better times as i speak to you, we got some reports of scattered violence in some parts of the city and not like last few days. by and large, it's come, there is army patrolling the city, but not like a large number of armies station anywhere, mostly that petroleum does to dates. they're supposed to help the civil administration to how well the disturbances that's been going on last few days. they've gone to the tons of what is the government response being to these process?
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the government has been saying that somehow the opposition, the main opposition buying the best nationalized party, then the jump, mathis, lemay, and other opposition has been said infiltrate that the students protest and that they're the one who has been behind all this destruction the full and by and scribe blaming the opposition for this yet, we know that mostly the project starting from the 2nd july, is mostly that students. it is true the last couple of days there has been out. and then so public and opposition member who's in solidarity with the students took part in this demonstration. so i'm up right. read undoubtedly very balanced cars, right by and government offices where burn. but buying launch is as children product, as the opposition publicly declared, that it is supporting the move in by the students and the government on are considered are you not still as welcome that students to sit for them?
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the student had put up a condition to government to make that demand. i want, i want go into detail, but one of the primary is to let all the details on their i see of the students that come out to bring those who i talked them, particularly from the ruling party student wing, the police to just do that one some of the vice chancellor of the university through design, as well as the proctors, there are some of the main condition that put firewood until or unless those new demands. i'm not mad, we don't know you have, they didn't declare any movement. but this is some of the, a condition that put in the them on the government and saying that nothing will be tolerated anymore. one of the senior leader of the ruling party said that if there is any disturbance, the army will open fire on anybody without question. so it is quite a transfer and we don't know how the army is reacting then not that heavy hand that like the police where the basically patrolling. and it is a good dead turn, spend our lives in the street because people usually respect the army in bangladesh . devin usually want to print from them,
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but we'll see how things proceed next few days. then we'll be able to tell you more rights on very with the very latest. on the days of process the and bangladesh, many things tend to story. as i'm about is the executive editor of the duck, our tribute and he joins is on the phone from deca. thank you so much for your time . so as we've just been hearing from a colleague, tons of chandry and duck out of the crisis in bangladesh, only appears to be deepening. the armies deployed this curfews in place. i mean, how would you describe the mood and the country right now? the mood of the country right now is it, is it the whole country that it's on by mode and actually the full days of peace, bedroom between the school diploma and you didn't notice the end, the law enforcement, you know, each claim to anything beyond $100.00 lives and most of them are young students and the there of course, that's how my other people are also the bystanders and defend professionals who got
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killed and by have got into the cross present the feud aggression groups. so after those full days of a balance, when the fed up from both sides to extra dd, the with the line for says, uh, shooting at the students and also the students go join by it literally now some of the obligation activity activities in the country. so the, the whole situation about so well other than that, the government finally decided to, as you know, that the children about saying that it came down to it nationwide got few and also the going army all over the country. so now the a girl that has been asking for the, for me called those invalid, they share government jobs and some of them didn't get leaders, security method, the t of the government ministers last late last night. and actually they put forward h d minus reach out,
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and now it's not clear yet whether or not been really agreed to do those demands. those demands that essentially include the ignition of the ministers, some of the top running by the leaders who rush and going to the students instigated that routing bodies student font to talk on the students. so the combination of having troops on the street, but also the possibility of having that demands matched by the government keeping that's the only way of taking the heat after fees, the days of unrest. now exactly truly the 80 mines. those have been put, followed by the certainty to, to the, the move and lead us through the government. actually, it all depends how it is the one side of the thing is taking things under control. and so the department of on me and involved in garfield. but on the other hand, the, the module, the depends on how the mid 3 expertise be months actually,
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how quickly they respond to at least some of the most important be months. which needs to be this other was actually the go to the for movement leaders in or i knew the moment they have not given anymore shutting down program or any program for today. right. but, but it all depends how many to do the extra data be months and how to respond to how positively did respond to those the most right. but i also wonder if you could help us understand something, because as far as on the way shape or seeing us government actually scrap the quota system back in 2018, but it was reinstated by guy cooled. can you explain why this, this friction between government and the course is actually the own? but there was it origin of problems when there was a 2018 and will expand of pulled up by the government. that was quite arbitrary. and it is actually the government also as well is later on that day on the face of
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the strong really stands and move in by the students in 2018. they are due to the eval, is the quote, the system and it begin is 0 quarter, which essentially is a, is not necessarily that demanded for that for the only thing the score was reforming the quote in the system. so that bung with dish bluecross, he's even work with ease. bees become based on the menu to quickly not on the o heavy bias to the cold. because at that point of time, there was a code of 56 person, and i'm the on the 4540 hold, but said it was on the basis of many. so evolution went up to the whole system. also in this community, the people including the students, to the, the on the pivot is people, you know, the ethic by knew these and, and now among the uh, the other groups need those good type of. and so the piece that at least the pipe parts and difficult. uh good to see there. okay, go method to to advocate. well,
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he's been doing the 80 and debt to equity. is that oh, because of the new problem, right. and i didn't timing that getting re, as many signs for helping us understand all of that reyes. i'm it just speaking to us from doc, a executive editor of the docket attribute, a government in pockets. ton of opening fire, a crowds of the peaceful routing. 3 people were killed and more than 20 injured and the shooting and kind of pike to inquire prevents on friday, thousands of people were taking positive demonstration in the city of funding. when shots, right? you have no group has claimed responsibility, and so yet, pug stone has witnessed a surgeon violence system. tyler bond took power in neighboring afghanistan in 2021 or this week to separate a tax on a army base on the health center in the northwest killed. 20 a people including 10 soldiers? no, no. today thousands of tribesmen participated in bad news to start and peace much.
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everyone was peaceful suddenly so miscreants open fire. 20 people have been injured and 3 will code. i'll clear message to those who think we will leave peace or struggle. the fools we will not stop by much is the peace of mind. the . is there any strikes across causes since early morning on saturday, of killed at least 25 pun us, to use? one striking central guys on friday killed heavily pregnant women doped his minus to rescue the baby though from inside his mother's womb. she was 9 months pregnant when she was killed in on the sort of refugee camp. israel's war and gaza has killed nearly 39000 people, most of the women and children, the heavy and well, i cannot. this woman was the only survivor. 4 months ago when i was talking to this woman was the only one who survived among have found many at the time. and today, she was talking to the she was 9 months pregnant and she was killed off to being
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targeted by the occupational meantime of an immediate operation was performed, fell out of the hospital. the officer this mother was killed. the baby now was in the incubators department. and he started his life as a milford and no mother. let's go, central goes and i don't speak to him who did read his live outside the likes, the hospital in the hand. it almost is beyond his thinking. isn't it a baby rescue that form its mother's womb killed in his really strikes on the no sort outcome? what's the latest on those trucks? well let me tell you, the doctors said it's with the mirror co bringing out this feed be from a killed palestinian women at see was we went to a c section surgery when she killed because they wanted to save the lives. the baby inside this baby was it was, was there, but when his mother was killed in an air strike in the play das in a,
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an air strike on a residential house that had dozens of toddler sinews. also there has been intensive air strikes on the middle area since the past couple of days yesterday was very intense. where these warehouses in the middle area were targeted at so far to this minute of withdrawn family in as good age a are, have civil defense teams where that is where the forces targeted this house in the past couple of hours. and there are a lot of how this thing is missing and trapped under the rubble of this house. there has been a lot of missing since the beginning of the war. but the civil defense teams have been trying their best to rest, to, and full and recover as much bodies as possible. also, there has been intensive, are temporary settings in the middle area. let me remind you that the middle area
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is the area where thousands of hundreds of palestinians that were displaced from different areas from the north to the south. it came to this area because they thought it was a humanitarian safe zone. so they chose this, this area, but this area has been witnessing severe airstrikes, severe and tens are tele reselling. we're talking about a piece 25 policy news that were killed in the middle area in the past 24 hours here behind me. there were a couple of funerals, how to those palestinians and tubs, and very heartbreaking moments along the hospital with nist earlier today in to cody reporting format. and so the alex, the hospital, the money science for them to the health authorities, a warning of a new medical crisis on folding and gaza. the polio virus has been found in storage and contaminated water and over crowded tent comes israel says it's vaccinating its troops as a precaution,
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but it continues to bulk the entry of desperately needed medicine. the medical supplies to the strip of my mood reports and darrow bottom and central gas. it of the noel, 1st for palestinians in garza, afford, is say, the poll your virus has been detected as stores and contaminated water. wastewater flows of freely between 10 in overcrowded count avoiding the polluted areas is nearly impossible for nothing but what we have begging for help. we have begging to be saved from the sewer as soon as people are locked in their homes and can't go out. there are mosquitoes, sewage flies and rubbish. i'm not really a talk have caused extensive damage to garza storage systems. that's the nation of plants and water supply networks. saving the 4th 12 or the 7th of palestinian did not have enough the clean water line going, aid agencies and the u. n. for daily deliveries, a lack of a fuel to operate. generators has only made things worse to polio,
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is transmitted through the sequel or oral groups. normally, if you have a case of polio, you're going to isolate something, you're gonna make sure that they use a bathroom that nobody else uses that they're not in close proximity to other people. that's impossible. pause of running rubbish. filled the streets, gonna step all surfaces a ground to a halt in the early days of the war the you and has documented hundreds of 1000 of cases of a skin infections and. busy area i just, we forced to live with slice cheese. haines hit the types of c and other diseases with suffering and law as well, has as part of vaccinating exposure as in gaza to protect them against the virus which can cause deformities and paralysis. palestinians have a few options. most hospitals have been forced to close. those are still able to offer services on the resource dishwasher. no one is supporting us here and can use
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the smell is killing us. we can sleep, we can't eat. we can drink. many palestinians here say they are exhausted, tired of moving from one temporary shoulder, do another being hungry and waiting in fear for the next attack. and now they also worried about the threat of diseases. and even more of the uh, from the central area of the guys and from palestine. latimore ahead on the news now, including all senior democrats, cool on us president joe biden to drop his re election bid academic relief or credit to winning full sort. lancoste assets. debt has the following a deal, but there were concerns. it might be too good to be to it the productivity of human rights. oh huck. cuz welcome to the advisory opinion issued by the international court of justice on israel is occupation. it says it's the 1st
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step towards i'm doing generational home on friday. well, you and stop court found israel's ongoing presence in the occupied palestinian territories violates international judges. the time it is right is now obligated to end its own little presents as soon as possible a most helpful new settlement activity, boston reports and leg. it was a landmark case for the 50 judges of the international court of justice with $52.00 countries participating. it is one of the largest the court has ever to decide on. they have to rule on the legal consequences of its wells, 57 year loan occupation of the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem. and the impact that has on the palestinian population. this is a different case than the one south africa filed against israel for committing genocide in gaza. in this advisory opinion, most of the judge is great. israel's occupation has become
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a permanent annexation and therefore violates international law. that was the one with respect to the policies and practices of is right. 52 in question a which was found to be unlawful. design has an addition to put an end to those and offer lots in this respect is right and must immediately seize on you. supplement activity is right also has an obligation to repeat all legislation and measures. creating ormond painting unlawful situation including sourcing discriminate against the palestinian people to the courts as, as well as imposing systematic discrimination. mounting to apartheid on the palestinian people. its policies of encouraging more than 700000 settlers to live in the occupied territories in breach of international law. the quotes come to the conclusion that is it as policies and practices, including the maintenance and the expansion of settlements. because the direction of associated infrastructure and the was the expectation of natural resources,
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the proclamation of journals and them as, as, as carpeted the court consider that these policies and practices amount annexation of large parts of the occupied by the city instead of the court also said that old un member states and international organizations have an obligation on the international law to stop and abling the illegal occupation. a palestinian delegation that the court called at the historic day for the palestinian people. i believe it's so sort of because you know, it provides. so it's interesting answers to many questions that's states in our minds for so many is it's, you know, answers the questions that so many countries what are waiting in order to decide on determine the policies. these are the as well and the type of relationship that should be they should have admin team with the as well as an occupying power as well, immediately rejected the course conclusion. and prime minister benjamin nathan yells
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at israel cons occupied land that as they are, the court ordered the un general assembly and the un security council to take what action necessary to empty illegal occupation. what the shep moments many palestinians alone hoped and worked for official recognition by the wills, highest court of deb decades long suffering and the inequality of israel's actions . but also knowing that this non binding legal opinion won't change anything immediately. this is no up to all you and members to decide. step 5, some. oh, just a rough take. well, these are those prime minister benjamin netanyahu was criticized the quotes advisory opinion in a statement. he says, jewish people are not occupies in their own land and describe the quotes decision as absurd as welcome the i c. j. 's opinion include on the u. n. to immediately take measures to end these radio occupation. what you'll see, belen is a full amount is ready just to submit us a he says the so 80 government is unlikely to be deterred by the i c j's decision. and i don't think that
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a really big deal for resolution. the government is the most tried to swan as a and a, and many of the ministers, 6 to especially from the stream, very extreme right. to believe that they use the can live without the load. and that say anything which is the said about us about the going about occupying and whatever is by us then the they can never accept it. and the, i mean, although i must admit that they did not the identify we talked about. so they do the cation today, and so there was some things that they couldn't accept others that, that done. but they, the main thing is that if you ask me and they, they call to decide that they, we will open the whole lot thought every kotia in the i'll of your patients
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a that the, it is not the a facility and exception. it is only all of your patients that will not be a lot of so for me, i mean i would say, oh, we don't need to be the we should not be there. i mean, if we remain in the, in the territory in the west bank and gaza, i mean, it means that is what i really never visually state. i mean i'm, and he's really but true, i'm is honest. and it is a game zone, isn't and against a, any idea of, of easily seduce democratic stake a to stay in the territories. so it is not just that the dimension of a community is telling us, oh, you are a big guy, say a and perhaps ignoring even why did the 67 will a began it begun the week, they adapt both egypt and then joe, them and,
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and the others a but this is not the story to day. yeah, we were right in the, in the will of 67, but it doesn't mean that we have to stay for ever in, in these areas. so you've been speaking to azalea. well is there any forces have killed a published a new mentoring rate in the occupied west bank that happens in the city of hebron. cctv footage from the senior citizens. so just opening fire in the direction of a cause. the 20 year old has it comes to comes to the injuries to his head, local journalists, abraham, all odds was released from industry the prison just 2 weeks ago. let's go to new ok now who joins us one more model in the occupied westbank. so a little more raid small set of attacks, what can you tell us as well as you said me there, these rates continue as we speak. now there's an ongoing rate in nablus,
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where to palestinians at least have been detained. then we seen an escalation and those military raids in the past 9 months. in fact, the number of daily raids, whether at night or in the morning, has more than tripled in these past months. we've also seen an escalation of as really subtler attacks yesterday as the ruling at the international court of justice was being red settlers attacked palestinians in the novelist area in for water and bullying. they burned businesses and fields and also in the southern hebron hills, there were there was an attack by a group of his ready settlers against the family. a woman was severely beaten and as she is now in hospital of being treated and in all those attacks of his ready settlers. these rarely soldiers were close by defending the settlers and protecting them and barring palestinians from defending themselves. which is something, again referenced by the judges at the i c j in the hey. and as he mentioned that of
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course the ruling of the i c j in the hey, cooling israel is occupational legal. never the less doesn't seem to have done anything to the rates precisely like this. so yes, well, i mean senior senior palestinian officials that we've been talking to have said this is not the end of the road. this is the beginning of the road. then there is now a whole list of things that can be done with states to take action against what the court has deemed illegal. we have to keep in mind that this advisory, this is an advisory ruling, but this is not any court. this is the highest court in the international system. it has seen more than more than a 100 cases over the years and countries rely on it. they cannot from a palestinian perspective, pick and choose which advisory rulings to respect and which not to. i've been speaking to senior human rights figures here in palestine and they, you know,
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civil society and palestine has already begun meeting and holding workshops on what to do next. what actions they will concentrate on one senior figure told we look, the court has criminalized supplements and subtler activity. it has implicated the state of israel in defending those settlers and subtler attacks to take palestinian land. now we have to take that bottle to countries that still allow, for example, donations to subtler groups to happen. they, they make these donations, tax deductible and pursue governments and, and companies that profits here from this ongoing situation. so the possibilities are there and it will take time, palestinians understand that. all right, and the money thanks. the nora day and river in my life as the spring in idle of dog. he's a director of the phone policy and security program at the middle east council. and go to the fast, he joins be here, the cd. thank you for your time. so let stop by reflecting on developments of the i
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c, j. these certainly occupation is a legal israel most reversed estimate. building the 2 key takeaways, but what power to change? anything, does this really give the politics? well, i mean there's 2 ways to look this in a positive sense. this is a big win for the palestinians, highlights the guarantee of the settlements and puts further pressure on those reins in particular in the long term disorder. and can be used to highlight of how doing trade with the legal documents is against international and put pressure on many of is rooms allies around the world. but in the same time, it highlights the futility of international law. this through the student comes or so after the icpc routing, we have the i c, j running also with genocide, we have multiple un resolutions. a secretary general, everything again, but it continues to act with impunity on the ground. so i don't think it would have an immediate effect, but then the long term may have an effect. so this is a non binding advisory. it is not legally binding. it does not mean it could be easily ignored. i guess it would be using no, no, not ready?
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prime minister, nothing. yeah. what's spoken out against it? like he has spoken out against month but other resolutions, but we have to look at the broader picture. it's starting to adjust to you and it's the u. n. i c, c i, c j or so you know, the olympics are starting the next week when russia invited ukraine. the russian updates were barred from the wood in pixar, also barton from fif. but in the same time this work continues on his way. the seats are allowed to compete next week in the, in the olympics. it also competes a t for so it's a has to be a multitude of functions and what codes to actually put an end to this occupation. of course the, the power level of legal case is going through the icy january, touched upon it was this case pulled by south africa, accusing israel of committing a genocide and in gaza. the united states issued squeezing attacks on the corpse when that proceeding began b u k. so that was on the help for right now, for israel to be singled out. so like this, i just want to watch the calculations. israel's weston pump. those, the us,
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for instance, are likely to be going through right now, is they come to play? well, the i, c, j has a rolled once again. this goes to the corner of the issue of this a book receive and segmentation of international law is international law. for everyone, or is it selective and applies to certain people? you know, when the i c, c and i, c, j had the condemnation against russia, the u. k. and the us were very happy with the twins come to is there and they're not as happy with it, but the 3 highlights this fragmentation of international that's observing under our very eyes right now. all right, money. yeah, thanks for your thoughts and opinions on that. i don't have to get fall, thank to go without insurance. so head farmlands become fossil grounds and we look at how the conflicts deepening the hunger crisis that a search in violent crime is putting chiles president gabrielle burridge in the hot seat. he's canceled his trip to the powers olympics, the,
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the latest news, the loud routes that could supply the people of cause of what are available for the us didn't use it's leverage to force israel to open them with detailed coverage. makes shift as cool stuff as from distraction from the ongoing contest and plumbing um, displacements of lights and goes up from the hall. so the story is really military claims. the target of the attack was a theater. how much military commanders, but how much is the claim falls on examining the headlines, these really soldiers, when they came to say fox, they started attacking the in that i machines unflinching john noise. and what message do you think that they were trying to send? we'll come here and we'll tell you a minute, sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's, you will determine what the future we all collective we make, always explode on abundance law class progress on which is
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the the, you're watching. i would just say, right, here's a reminder of our top story is this our nationwide cup usually placed in bundling dash following student protests against a government jobs, quotes a system at least a 105 people have been public gatherings of being funds and internet services cost is very strong, so across causes since early morning on saturday, have killed at least 25 percent of students on friday and attacking central gaza to the heavily pregnant women for adult has managed to rescue the baby from his mother's womb this way. the forces of killed the pilots in your mind during
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a rate in the occupied westbank happened in the city of hebron. cctv footage shows soldiers opening 5 in the direction of a car. the 20 year old palestinian succumbing to his head injuries. now cypress is mocking. half a century since the end was divided. 2 sovereign sounded early on sunday morning is tucker and greek cypriot smote separate anniversaries. these are life pictures from nickel, sierra on the tucker side of the green line, the cost of stuff, highland. okay, well let's take a closer look at the history of cyprus. the conflict between the greek cypriot majority and the turkish cypriot minority started off the island, gained independence, imprisoned in 1960 of 2 years. all finance greece tried to alec cypress during the ministry to but in 1974 took his troops to control as more than a 3rd of its territory. on paper, the island is part of the you. but on the ground,
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it's divided between the republic of cyprus and the south, and the dispute to the tire shop of northern cyprus in 1983. and could declare the turkish republic of northern cypress. the international community doesn't recognize it as a states and as coffee we unification. but the region is dependent on turkey and politically and economically profile a markets. he is a professor with international relations. he joins us from room to discuss this at more details. let's take a look at some pictures of the parade ceremony. it's about welcome the turkish president, the other one. this is clearly a very calculated decision by the wind and his supporters for him to visit the island at such a milestone in its divided history. what do you make of it? well, for 30, these as being a boy's important for a number of reasons of a political cultural ministry and a more recent people sort economic reasons. so,
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so the visit all there to then is an important a reaffirmation of the priority that northern cyprus plays into the turkish legend has been called a frozen or forgotten conflict. but 50 is on. i mean, how would you define tensions on the island of cyprus, right? now, the fortunes intentions are still there in these, uh 50 years there being several times to solve the issue related to by the un in conjunction with the site for succession to the you. uh, but still a one time the one site degree type degree inside the time. the 3rd your size. uh they never manage to achieve a affordable uh that satisfied both parties and the situation remain attends the island is divided. in fact, the, on the, on the 2 sides of the green light and
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a life especially for those living in the surface side is limited. i mean, they have a limited economic opportunities. believe me, the opportunity is to travel their documents are not entirely recognized in all countries. so it's, it's a, it's a precarious situation. power situation for people to know the cypress. it may be nevertheless, that a p is judging by the scenes and the cost. yeah, that's a encore i wants to extend a hand of support, a friendship to consolidate. took his position in the north of cyprus as well. the for sure, i mean, nor the cyprus depends largely on the subsidies and to help from on color. and especially this a fine for thirty's, particularly important because they're being, they're being important to explorations in terms of natural resources in the
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eastern we need to really and so for turkey, a, b, all the opinions, reasons that we mentioned. there is a reason related to the discovery of natural reserves, natural gas reserves, and so for on color is very important to reaffirm the is, friendship is slowly directly and to some extent the, it's the sovereignty over the land and the subsequent maritime area, right? i mean, specifically talking about those maritime areas. so need to, as he said, tensions have risen in recent years, maybe around the discovery of natural gas reserves in abundance, both cyprus and took a defending rights to access these gas bills. those right now raise the prospect the, this frozen stand off spotting into something well heated as well there being confrontations on the, on the sea between the thirty's. sure navy and the other countries,
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navy. um, unfortunately this situation is uh, installed made the, the you did the manage to generate a new push for a solution uh, part of dock securely. both greece and turkey are a member of nato, but they didn't tell me really to solve the, into it how vance a to or dissolution. so in fact, the discovery of these are natural resources might be occurs, might be an additional problem to distribution to all the tension in the islands as you type in many time you many other countries, every time you discover and natural resources, the, there are resources and and mommy to distribute, then the situation can get the and more trouble, raphael i'm, i'll catch a good to hear thoughts. thank you for joining us. thank you. let's take you to the
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us. that was another 12 congressional democrats have called on us president joe biden to drop his re election bid. but by the name says she will be back on the campaign trail next week. he's be nice of lading at home in delaware since wednesday after being diagnosed with cove at 19. but that comes hours off the bindings for public and rival. donald trump outline his policies that the policies national convention. mike kinda has moved from washington. this reaction to the trump speech was split on a partisan basis. republicans won't be welcome to speech last night. and in the course of today, they've continued to applaud what trump said. his critics, however, point to the many post fluids that occurred in the speech. the binding harris campaign released the statement saying that the speech reveals that this was the same donald trump, who was rejected by the american people back in 2020. the campaign also is made clear that president biden was going to come test the election that he was not
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going to step down. this is what the campaign co chair had. jen o'malley dylan had to say. i'm not here to say that this hasn't been a tough several weeks for the campaign. there's been a doubt that it has been and we've definitely seen some slippage in support, but it is been a small movement. and, and you know, this, the reason is because so much of this race has hardened already the american people know that the president is older they, they see that they knew that before the debate. yes, of course, we have a lot of work to do to make sure that we are reassuring the american people that yes, he's old, but he can do the job and he can when, however, a mold and such congressional democrats have now called on president biden, to step down and not to contest the election. to put this in a contest though, there are some 250 democrats in congress today. little over the city, have called for him as to him to step down and not contest the election. this is a very most small, a number of democrats at this particular point. but the debate,
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the argument is likely to rage for days, possibly weeks, that had my kind of ultra 0 washington. meanwhile, donald trump says he's had a good phone call with the cranium. president bloom is elaine scheme is the 1st conversation since trump left the white house in 2021. the 2 agreed to meet a maid concerns about trumps. about about what trump's policy would be on russia's invasion of ukraine if he became president once again. now the new services are coming back online after defective cyber security software update disrupted computer systems globally. the ceo of the company behind the outage crowd strike says the impacts are likely to be felt for weeks flight track of the show, the impacts on ad travel across the united states. globally, 4 percent of all scheduled commercial flights were canceled on friday. hospital stools, trains and banks will also affecting torrential rains,
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causing flash floods in china is northern province of shining. she has collapsed a bridge. chinese media reporting 11 people were killed and several. the still missing rescue operations are underway. 5 vehicles have been recovered from the water the economic situation in salonica has started to improve. according to the countries president, the nation is recovering from major financial challenges which lead last process and a political crisis. 2 years ago, for lanka was unable to repay for an dep defaulting for the 1st time in his history . no fernandez has moved from the capital. colombo, a lot has changed into long cause, is the economic crisis that brought the country to a sense do in 2022 still have projects that resuming like this 5.3 killer me to every way to the highway costing $360000000.00 fuel and food use appeared to be a thing of the past. the turn around began with
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a $2900000000.00 payload package from the international money to fund. but it came with strict conditions that should long could restructure its debt. we service done about that in 2023. we successfully completed the restructuring of domestic, that now we have also successfully completed by level that restructuring with phone countries. and our next objective is to reach an agreement with commercial creditors, which includes international, silver, and fund told us by letting the creditors have agreed newtons, which become missing and says, save the government over $5000000000.00. opposition parliamentarian iran become a rapp. no, it could be a banker who headed the national development bank said there is a lot to be done to balance reform with benefits to everyone. the attention on the streets because people have really, really being have a great and that is really one a big cause for concern i typed was i am, is this my sense? that is a you can take all the boxes, but if it creates social,
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andreas don't think your program has succeeded. the program has fans and only see that fuels is a key to recovery, pointing out that some sectors that contracted up to 70 percent of bounce back, which are nowhere near the previous output. the number of people who are empowered, bees estimated between 25 to 30 percent of the population. so although there is a sense of calm plenty to over life, both almost 50 percent, the population is not even more has gone down. you know, she agrees i just even mentioned buying vegetables on her way back home from my job as an account assistant in the city. because the cost of living is much too high. i have 4 children to have the most all studying really about colombo and traveling. so daily costs are very high, but my salary hasn't increased in proportion ministry long cuz they agree that the country now is in
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a better place than it was 2 years ago. development projects that back on track and installation is on the controllers, but they divided about the government's handling of the economic recovery, including stringent reforms that implemented to secure a bailout somebody international money. pay fun. fernandez audra, 0 palmers, and see them say they are unable to plant crops because of pricing between the army and power ministry rapids the poor forces. do you and is warning of severe food in security for millions of people in the coming months. bahama deval as the story from the se in state of got r f. but most of these family just thought lived in good life. he says he left his home and he's land for a life of dependency in a displacement comp. but he had no choice, but then i'll be moving on. is it all we still want you to farm is we're used to doing during the rainy season, but the rapids support forces attacked the area and looted everything. the most of
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the people who i have leading the fighting in so not our farm is normally at this time of yeah, they should be in the fields. what they say there is no way they can go with them. do it to is secured it with more than 80000000 heck, it tells of our land. so that is often described as the bread baskets of the world . some of the most felt tile fields are in this state, such as your c not on good life areas where the conflict has been spreading quickly in the past few months. we definitely give you the most young asked who that does it. a state supplies all of sit done with food when the season starts and you were planned to sort them on and we, and many other crops. but there will be no funding this year. the villages until the artist, if is for everyone, i'm to leave. because while you, since the beginning of the violence in april last year, godaddy posit receive more than 1000000 people displaced from conflict zones across
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the country. many of them off promise, a life of the bodies, the daughter of isn't a good cultural state where full 1000000 hacked is of land are planted with various crops, including wheat, mays, sesame, beans, and sunflower has. it has the largest silos in the arab world. this year the planted area began to shrink, especially near the border. woodson are because of the fighting there. the other factor is this war in cost of fuel the pesticides and fertilizers, welfare pharmacy. they're afraid to as expensive machinery such as practice for fear of looting. if the fighting skills over in the body sort of them is a staple for them. so then, and the state used to export millions of tons to other regions including costume and thought for now with small houses, it's expected. the government will need to find alternative sources to avoid the funding. how much fun does it a good body to that?
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right, let's take you to read our protests as a big bouncing on the streets of the capital, lima, calling for president deena ballasa to resign. by the ones, the investigation into depth into the depths of 67 people who killed steering and uprising went below and say took over in 2022. i'm gonna see international says it was one of the greatest episodes of widespread human rights violations, improves history stuff too. when full federal castillo was removed from office, so from that attempt itself to blow out a stepped into his welf. today's present, gabriel burridge has canceled a trip to the power so lympics as his government faces the criticism, move a spike in vine and crime, at least 17 people were killed in the capital. in recent days alone, boys has resisted cause to declare a state of emergency which would allow the army to support the police or latin america edits salisia newman reports from santiago as a we can party on the outskirts of chiles. capital
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a party that ended in the blood bass. 5 people were shot dead, 12 injured police ground high caliber bullet shells everywhere. so even his wayland suspects had been detained in another low income neighborhood, the body of 30 year old barber one that'd be a wage burial. friends say he was trying to break up a fight when he and the neighbor was children killed. one of the lead leaves behind 2 young children and a white mock. i didn't know it would be ever is. she tells me no where is safe. they are so many weeping children at the age of 12 of carrying guns. this has become normal here was no isolated incidents that very same day at exactly the same time on the other side of town here in the north part of the metropolitan area. a grandmother was celebrating her birthday when her grandchildren came out here to light the fire. a car came out. gunmen came out and began shooting wildly. you can
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see all of the gunshots. 4 people were killed. 4 of them added lessons. the youngest is 13 years old. in 4 days, 17 people were killed in the capital of chile until just a few years ago considered latin america safest country. since the pandemic, a crime wave attributed mainly to organized crime groups from outside the country has seen murders per 100000 people increase 6 volt, surpassing the global average system. yet it, we knew that the to late and state was ill prepared to face organized crime. we didn't know how to conference it investigates. it will have a judicial branch prepared to deal with it. that social studies are a close suddenly getting suicide blamed criminal gangs from countries such as venezuela did. you didn't. oh yes, we got the other one in chile, we didn't have i had gunman did nothing. so i ran to day. there are no hyatt done. so it could not being said, i don't have a forwarding component. on thursday president w,
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anybody child an emergency security meeting and announced plans to deploy an additional $500.00 police officers to santiago. build a new high security prison and titan, choose porous borders. members of the opposition, meanwhile, according to the interior administered to step down, got this. we're going to go ahead and pull up what spend your energy in state working together to foss, track us security. so in congress and once and for all approved lifting bank secrecy laws, so we can follow drug traffic has money. but whatever, then you measures. there's an unsettling awareness that there's no real quick fix for a wave of violence that spreading throughout south america. see and human algebra santiago, the human rights chief has visited guatemala, where he says the future of democracy is at risk bulk. and so that could be un met with the president, but on the out of out of hollow civil rights representatives,
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local business people in guatemala city, political attentions have been highest as long as he is elections. the prosecutor's office tried to invalidate the vote, results to stop out of halo from taking office medic, even though it's a style the phone see on there for a state to function. the 3 branches of government must work in harmony for now. this is not happening. the polarization between the institutional bodies, this enormous public opinion is very frequent. corruption levels are still very high, and mistrust between different groups is only growing. the still ahead allowed to 0 . the scientists explained that erie sounds coming from the lake of central chile, the the call cheers solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find
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creative solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to great because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not, and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts, that's our officers. whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you
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the, [000:00:00;00] the malaysians king salt on. abraham is gunned as being officially installed 6 months off the he was sworn and the coronation formalized is the sultan's role. as the 17th king under unique rotating monitoring system, 9 s the malay state rules take turns. this king for 5 year terms is on always a senior product with the single institute of international affairs. he says, the newly installed model is expected to be a stabilizing force in the country. it is a popular expectation that the new king would perhaps play
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a very wrong bost and hopefully positive road and make this political. ready turbulence, because malaysia over the past few years. and i've seen a lot of changes in government and for example, and in those kinds of price is usually the king. and in that case, it was, the former king would pay his constitutional road to not so much to adjudicate, but indeed to intervene in the fall of the country to step a lice both politically and sometimes socially. i think there is indeed very good uh, working relationship as well as a very good person. no, rob pull between the new king and the prime minister. you hopefully we have the prime ministers reform missed the agenda going uh, boosting
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a had the king would. of course, hopefully be supportive for this agenda, especially in terms of uh, anti corruption move by, by the king. uh that use uh rather strong words. uh come, damming, uh uh those. ready co wrapped and sofa and this uh would go in tandem with the prime ministers uh anti corruption drive. and that i think it's at the top of many citizens mind. oh, they can central chimney is producing sounds that some sale otherworldly uncle that explains a haunting melodies, has been rippling across this lake in central chile this has heard say it sounds like a chorus of wells or liaison bundle in out of space. but scientists say a noise is very much of this wild to a know, but this happens in europe. in some north american countries,
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they called in the singing lakes the sounds of cost. when i sent a frozen lake expands and cracks, sending vibrations through the water, the yearly support, but the ice formed on the surface is light to dig float over the water, the water keep toner moving because of the current or because of the wind from elsewhere. therefore, the ice form to the surface of the lake can eventually move on to before mean or crack in this generate sound. the phenomenon is unusual in chile last 100 people and it is not very known in chile because we don't have many lakes in environments that sustain low temperatures for several days. and when we have the formation of this kind of bicycle, it is produced, but they don't want to be likely known for now visit us to low, not, and mildly enjoying the as a well, the sounds bob brand good to say right. strange stuff. that's it for me, the bulk of it's news i'll be talking about with most of all of those things that
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go in the 2 books has been the streets of chicago on different with the same ambition, biting the way to a better life for themselves and their. 6 in the volatile world of chicago, south side is no easy task. witness ringside on out to 0, a $150.00, is that the gyptian history seen through an extraordinary photographic archive. this remarkable treasure troves shows how well photographers captured key military historical moments from the earliest british occupation to the arab israeli,
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who was the 20th century and the contrast and emotions at 6 trees and defeats egypt through the lens. conflicts on al jazeera, the streets of con units and central goers, offloaded with on 32 to waste water from piles of protein rotation. months of these very bombardments have closed, extensive damage to series systems, the southern nation thoughts en route to supplying it works even before told that the summit, how soon he has been going as a face to shortage of a clean drinking. what's really going on various agencies as well school has intensified the don't running crisis. hepatitis is spreading among children as well as adults. this is the results of mound nutrition and the like a couple of healthy food view and has one of the 2 rating ads being human living
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conditions. it says that even if an immediate cease fires into the man said it will take kids to repass the damage close to the destination of plants, sewage systems, and networks of water supplies the the army is deployed in buying a dash to enforce a nationwide curfew. often days of protests against government jobs quotas, the company bunker this is just a life and have also coming up to his rescue a palestinian baby from his mother's womb after she was killed in this way. the strikes on central gauze right scrapes, welcome the i, c, j. use advisory on israel. so keep patient of palestine is


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