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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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conditions, it says that even if an immediate cease fires into the man said it will take kids to repass. the damage close to the destination of plants, sewage systems, and networks of water supplies the the army is deployed in bangladesh to enforce a nationwide curfew. often the days of protests against government jobs quotas, the company bucher. this is just a life from doha. also coming up dropped his rescue a palestinian baby from his mother's womb after she was killed in this way. the strikes on central gauze pride scrapes. welcome the i c j youth advisory on israel is occupational palestine is
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a 1st step towards and doing generational kind of slow recovery from i t k of businesses around the well bring services back on line of to one of the largest tech outages in history. the, for joining us, we're beginning bangladesh for a nationwide to few is in place following protests against a government jobs, quote, a system, at least a 105 people being reported the killed. there's a heavy police presence on the streets of the capital. cost of the gatherings will be in band of to several buildings with tor, certainly when the weekend internet services have been cut for weeks, students have demonstrated against the quotes, the system that reserves public service posts for relatives of veterans of the war of independence. temperate child who has been following all the developments there from the capital colon ton v. we know now of course they always on the streets. this curfew is beat in place. what's the latest to
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where the coffee was relaxed for 2 hours just about and now at a g, g m p which is low co time 2 p. i made less from noon to, to pay on local time people to rush to the grocery store, to buy essential and do the other emergency needs. but not they have to go back. but as a coffee is coming back into active all day, it's kind of relaxed that you see a lot of military patrol. you don't see a lot of gathering or military trips in different locations like normally you'd expect, most of them are petrol duties. and the public are basically kind of an shows it was kind of run president that they didn't expect the army would be deployed. but some people like kind of relate because there is a great deal of respect for the army and bangladesh. people saying that they're not like heavy hand, that they are much more respectful to public opinion and public peace. so people that don't really mind arming the present, but the mode is also very strong by so many people died. people just couldn't
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understand why the crack gun laws against the student went by and large where peaceful. uh, so the moods remains kind of mix. it's summer mode, very anxious, and also very apprehensive. what next? what will come? i mean, just because the army is that they don't think the political, this whole dynamic is going to change very soon. and i'm at this time and acuity situation. i understand protests of issued a series of demands. what's the government have to say about? that's what the government still kept the door open. that said they're willing to sit down and compromise on the cold. the issue and the supreme court special apple of division will have a hearing on sunday to negotiate this out. but they're still done right now. seems to be much more adamant about meeting that demands that said all those who are behind actually directing to instigate violence against them, particularly the wrong of the senior government politician and those who told the
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student a government ruling party students to attack the protesting, shooting those must be brought to just stay with the police were involved in violence against them must be brought to justice, even the vice chancellor in some university and proctors who instigated the police to track down on the students that must be brought to justice and all those who are detained and they're arrested should be released immediately before they even consider sitting with the government. because many of the student live the, there's where after them did came and the government saying that this was basically apply by the opposition party to capitalize on it. it is true that the all the opposition parties did put that's supposed to as a student movement, and many of the members were about our procession as a place the of the senior leaders are the opposition. right? arrested yesterday. and today, one of the popular leader was arrested also by that detective police. so all this put together, there's a complex environment considering the bottom of this trouble economy. inflation
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storing food prices, a great deal of public frustration also during the products we saw a lot of our united people from the general public took part in this product along with maybe some opposition members. but by and file, it was the student protests and which became very violent, unfortunately. time. so right, a lot of apprehension. what will happen is army going to solve the situation because it is under the civil administration either if there's going to continue after the army is gone, or is it still an ongoing situation? a lot of apprehension and uncertainties and the date that tons of children. thank you. as the israeli strikes across causes since early morning on saturday, have killed at least 25 percent of students. one striking central guys on friday killed heavily pregnant women. voters managed to rescue the baby from his mother's
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womb. she was 9 months pregnant when she was killed in on the threats refugee camp as well as war and gaza has killed now nearly 39000 people, most of them women and children heavy and cannot. this woman was the only so 5 or 4 months ago when i was talking to this woman was the only one who survived among half harmony at the time. and today, she was talking to the she was 9 months pregnant and she was killed off to being targeted by the occupational meantime. as an immediate operation was performed, fell out of the hospital. the offices of his mother was killed. the baby now was in the incubators department, and he started his life as an officer rather than know. mazda, how old are you? okay, let's head to central kaiser and speak to include or a who's live outside the. i likes the hospital then heading to another child. boom . this child will never know it's mother killed in the the serat to attack the. what's the latest on these rates? the, the, well, the last there's
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a are strike was on of the rage in the middle area for of the term problem with the word the civil defense teams are still trying to search to recover and to rescue more bodies where these really forces targeted the please to houses full or display people and residents in the past 24 hours. we're talking about these 25 policy new killed in the middle area. most of them were he, it's where it took here and their funeral were here in a locks a hospital. let me 1st tell you about this baby that was uh, removed from his mother is a one b c section where his mom was killed. that is where the ports has targeted at their house in mislead off. his mom is a 25 year old mom. she and she married a months before the war and she got, she was expecting her baby before she was killed. the father is still in
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is in the hospital where he was severely injured. it's not only that a lot of comedies are still trapped under. there are both to move defense teams are still trying to rescue as much as possible, but also we're talking about more than one point. 8000000 policy news, please. in the middle area, they thought that this area was place. they came here in this place and shelters in schools and new and facilities in our, your culture areas. and they're still being targeted for the kind of feeds are enough. homeless has been there, not knowing where to go, they thought that the middle area is safe, but the middle area has been under intensive at 1st. right since the past couple of days. so kind of thing is that there is no place save across the causal strip pins. many sites that include a lot of outside of the actual hospital and central guns and the palestinian human
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rights group. have cause welcome to the advisory opinion issued by the international court of justice on israel's occupation, is the 1st step towards undoing generational home on friday. the humans top court finally as well as the ongoing presence in the occupied palestinian territories violates international law. judge is determined is riley, is not obligated to end its own little presents as soon as possible and must stop or new settlement activity, set voss and reports in the hague. it was a landmark case for the 50 judges of the international court of justice with $52.00 countries participating. it is one of the largest the court has ever to decide on. they have to rule on the legal consequences of its wells, 57 year long occupation of the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem. and the impact that has on the palestinian population. this is a different case than the one south africa filed against israel for committing genocide in gaza. in this advisory opinion,
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most of the judges greet israel's occupation has become a permanent annexation and therefore violates international law. that was that one with respect to the policies and practices is right. 52 in question, a which was found to be unlawful. design has an obligation to put an end to those and offer lots and the suspect is right and must immediately seize. all new supplement activity is right also has an obligation to repeat all legislation and measures creating or maintaining the unlawful situation, including sourcing discriminate against the palestinian people to the courts as, as well as imposing systematic discrimination. mounting to apartheid on the palestinian people. it's policies of encouraging more than 700000 satellites to live in the occupied territories in breach of international law. the quotes come to the conclusion that is it as policies and practices, including the maintenance and the expansion of settlements because protection of
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associated infrastructure. and there was the expectation of natural resources, the proclamation of jewels and them as is as separate good. because consider that these policies and practices amount annexation of flux, spots of the occupied by the city instead of. the court also said that all you and member states and international organizations have an obligation on the international law to stop and abling, the legal occupation, a palestinian delegation. i took what's called at the historic day for the palestinian people. i believe it's so sort of because you know, it provides. so it's interesting answers to many questions that's state in our minds for so many is it's, you know, answers the questions that so many countries what are waiting in order to decide and determine the policies. these are the as well and the type of relationship that should be they should have admin thing with the as well as an occupying power is
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well, immediately rejected the court's conclusion. and prime minister benjamin nathan yells at israel cons occupied land that as they are, the court ordered the un general assembly and the un security council to take what action necessary to empty illegal occupation. what the shep moments, many paralysing into long hopes and works for official recognition by the wills, highest court of deb decades long suffering and the inequality of israel's actions . but also knowing that this non binding legal opinion won't change anything immediately. this is now up to old u. n. members to the side. step 5, some. oh jeez 0. take. these are the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was criticized the i c. j. 's advisory opinion. in a statement, he said, jewish people are not occupies in the right line and describe the course decision as absurd. the mass welcome to the i. c j's opinion, and quote on the u. n. to immediately take measures to end these ready occupations . the stuff about gucci is the secretary general of the posting and national
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initiative. he says the i c j's decision is a victory for palestinians. this is exactly what we were hoping for and did the presents not blunder. i started with decision, it is a big blow to guys that are the side to is that i as a state as an establishment, as a government, the settlers. and it is a big victory until the police to new clothes. from legal perspective is there is a order the invited and condemn for its policy is what it's ok patient for it's several months for the illegal apartheid was, were practicing apartheid about the legal value of what happened is that this conclusion by the national court of justice which has the highest legal structure in the world. it has condemned all is the only major is to try to claim that there is no to patient this. it has confirmed that is will to patient on this. ok,
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your patient is illegal. it has i found one more time the geneva convention is applicable to the okay. by $33.00 is is there any forces of killed the post in your mind during a rate and they won't get fired westbank it happens in the city of hebron. cctv footage from the scene shows this way. the soldiers opening fire in the direction of a co 20 year old has to come to gum, showed injuries to his has local journalists. abraham. i'll ad was released from industry the prison just 2 weeks ago. no. the it has this update form i live in the occupied westbank. there's an ongoing rate in nablus, where 2 palestinians at least have been detained and we've seen an escalation. and those military raids in the past 9 months. in fact, the number of daily raids, whether at night or a in the morning, has more than tripled in these past months. we've also seen an escalation of is really subtler attacks yesterday as the ruling at the international court of
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justice was being red settlers attacked palestinians in the novelist area in for water and building. they burned businesses and fields and also in the southern hebron hills, there were there was an attack by a group of his ready settlers against the family. a woman was severely beaten and as she is now in hospital of being treated and in all those attacks of his ready settlers, these really soldiers were close by defending the settlers and protecting them and barring palestinians from defending themselves. which is something again referenced by the judges at the i c j and they have still a head without your 0 or senior democrats. cool on us president joe biden to drop his re election band. and science has explained the theory sounds coming from the lake and the central chile, the
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a week. the look at the world still placing the stores. what kind of response can we expect from china is tech talk is in the back. the markets in economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed. can they be fixed to understand how it affects the 9 south asia is growing for employment levels that actually fully why is that counting the cost? oh no. jew sierra, are security concerns and political uncertainty, or just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic games at paris . as millions turned their attention to friends with the whole nation, be ready to welcome the world on july, the 26. stay without a 0 for the latest updates. here's from alger 0. on the
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go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we live from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and have to move the new app from alta 0 new at using. is it the the you're watching. i would just say, right, here's a reminder of our top story, is this our a nationwide confusing pace in bangladesh, following student protests against a government jobs, quote, a system, at least a 105 people have been killed, public gatherings have be, find the internet services account is there anything strikes across causes since
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early morning on saturday, have killed at least 25 posting is on friday and attack? can central guns are killed? how many pregnant women? they don't as managed to rescue the baby from his mother's womb and is ready for us is they've killed a promising amount during a raid in the oxide. westbank happened to the city of hebron. cctv footage show soldiers opening fire in the direction of the car. the 20 year old palestinian succumbs trays, injuries computer systems around the world of finally coming back online after a defective cyber security software update called global disruptions. the c e o of the company behind the outage crowd strike. since the impact is likely to be felt for several weeks, flight truck, a show the impact on air travel in the us. globally 4 percent of what was scheduled commercial flights were canceled on friday hospital shops, trains and bunks will,
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will affected. kristen libby has spoken to you early friday afternoon in australia . the 1st signs of trouble emerge and retail outlets banks and on television. a news broadcast reporting the situation went to black resuming eventually to reveal blue screens in the background indicator, the dreaded shut down of a windows operating system. the extent of the problem, perhaps most obvious, at airports around the globe. their long lines formed as airlines last access to check in and booking services. at a time when many travelers are heading away on or vacations, very much looking forward to seeing the east coast of my country. however, it doesn't look like i'm going to be able to get there today. i fly from my natural was cancelled by a clock in the morning. so now i got to pick another flight tomorrow morning, the same flight pick available because of the chaos. thank you for contacting hosting support. how can i get the most of the passes on windows for us?
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that was a prerecorded message put out by the cyber security firm crowd strake the company c o would later announce that a glitch in the software update was to blame. we know what the issue is uh, were resolving and have resolved the issue. now it's recovering systems that are out there and essentially as you've talked about in the statement i put out is um the system uh was sent in update and that update had a, a software bug in it and cause a, an issue with the microsoft operating system a relief for governments worried about a cyber attack. hard work ahead for company i to departments perhaps talk is a, a very large and well known provider in the security space. it's a market leading security provider that's utilized by the, you know, old, you know, many leading banks and, and last, you know, blue, cheap, and government organizations. even the us government was affected. long lines
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formed at the southern border after customs and border protection report and processing delays. that was revealed the vulnerability for the global economy and resulted in volatility in markets. the company that caused it crowd straight saw it shares dropped just how interconnected we are in an increasingly digital world, not lost on this traveler in paris, and people listen people. it's a bit while reading is how one company can impact the global economy and the life of the planet systems are being restored, sorting through the consequences for ordinary people may take longer. kristen, salute me out to 0 new york. okay, let's bring it into the wall a show. here's the chief scientist for the artificial intelligence institute of the university of new south wales. he joins us live from sydney, australia very well. welcome to you. and it was precisely australia where you are. the 1st felt the effects of this glitch systems all we know slowly coming back online. but what does the fact that this happened to tool say about our current i t
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voted abilities? it shows that we're increasing dependence opposed to computers and that the already, of course is the beach that was designed to be a new key. the approved teacher will prove a communication network and it's clearly not that it's old one vote. and when the ability can take down a large truck, this is probably the largest outage of i t. uh, we were lucky. it happened just as the weekend was about start so many of my colleagues have had a weekend to try and fix things for monday morning, but i think you could expect this going to be quite a bit more trouble yet. so especially when people get back to work on monday morning and discover the dreaded blue screen of death. that's toby, of course many people's immediate fee. it was this was some, some kind of international hack that to some rogue states or wrote, i wrote back. so it was behind it, i mean, have we taken off off the bull here, focus too much on
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a voting hybrid warfare that we've ignored our own technological findings? well, i always do just that, you know, level 3 starts because the internet will stop. i mean, i think it's a pretty, pretty uh set to certain things, but that's going to be the case. but in this case it was the, the good guys, the people tried to protect us transfer. i could mean one of them we appear to have lost a toby walsh that yes, we have lots of indeed, unfortunately, we have toby welsh the either way. she's trusted scientists. we all special intelligence institute at the university of south wales. all right, let's move on to the us now. another 12 congressional democrats have called on us president joe biden to draw up his re election bid bite and then says he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. he's be nice. lading at home in delaware since wednesday of to being diagnosed with cove and 19. well it comes hours of to biden's
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republican rival, donald trump. i outlined his policies. so the policies national convention, mike kind of has moved from washington. reaction to the trump speech was split on a partisan basis. republicans won't be welcome to speech last night, and in the course of today, they've continued to applaud what from said. his critics, however, point to the many post thoughts that occurred in the speech the by the inherits campaign released the statement, saying that the speech reveals that this was the same donald trump, who was rejected by the american people back in 2020. the campaign also is made clear that president biden was going to contest the election that he was not going to step down. this is what the campaign co chair had. jen o'malley dylan had to say . i'm not here to say that this hasn't been a tough several weeks for the campaign. there's been a doubt that it has been and we've definitely seen some slippage in support,
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but it is been a small movement and, and you know this, the reason is because so much of this race is hardening already the american people know that the president is older they, they see that they knew that before the debate. yes, of course, we have a lot of work to do to make sure that we are reassuring the american people that yes, he's old but he can do the job and he can when, however, a mold and such the congressional democrats have now called on president by them to step down and not to contest the election. to put this in a come as though there are some 250 democrats in congress today. little ow besetti have called for him as to him to step down and not contest the election. this is a very most small, a number of democrats at this particular point. but the debate, the argument is likely to rage for days, possibly weeks, that had my kind of ultra 0 washington. so the economic situation is for lancaster started to improve us according to the country's president. the nations were
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covering from major financial challenges which let to mass protests and a political crisis 2 years ago. so long who was unable to repay foreign debt defaulting for the 1st time and its history. now fernandez has moved from the capital columbia. a lot has changed and she lot goes into the economic crisis that brought the country to a standstill in 2022. still in the projects of resuming like this 5.3 kilometer every way to the highway costing $360000000.00. fuel and food use appeared to be a thing of the past. the turn around began with a $2900000000.00 bailout package from the international money to fund. but it came with strict conditions that your land can restructure it, that we service soon about that in 2023. we successfully completed the restructuring of domestic that now we have also successfully completed by lateral that restructuring with phone countries. and our next objective is to reach an agreement with commercial creditors, which includes international silver and fund. told us,
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by letting the creditors have agreed newtons, which become missing and says, save the government over $5000000000.00. opposition parliament adrian is around becoming rapp. no, it could be a banker who headed the national development bank. said that isn't locked to be done. the balance reforms with benefits to everyone, the attention on the streets because people have really, really been have a great and that is really one a big cause for concern i typed was, i am, is this my sense that is a, you can take all the boxes but if it creates social, andreas don't think your program has succeeded. the program has failed. and only said that fuels is a key to recovery, pointing out that some sectors that contracted up to 70 percent of bounce back much are nowhere near the previous output. the number of people who are empowered, bees estimated between 25 to 30 percent of the population. so although there is
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a sense of calm plenty to over life, both almost 50 percent the population, it's not even more has gone down. you know, she agrees i just even meta buying vegetables on her way back home from my job as an account assistant in the city. the cost of living is much too high. i have 4 children to have the most of studying, really about to colombo and traveling. so daily costs are very high, but my salary hasn't increased in proportion ministry long cuz they agree that the country now is in a better place than it was 2 years ago. development projects up back on track, and inflation is on the controls, but they divided about the government's handling of the economic recovery, including stringent reforms that implemented to secure a bailout, somebody international money. pay fun. fernandez, audra 0 combo. all right, you're up to date, that's it. for me, pocket to if i got a website though, i'll just say what don't call them much more about top stories,
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including the implications of the ruling at the international court of justice. declaring israel as occupation of post and land as legal, and also biden's prospects to the us selection council. the cost is coming up next day with us with the i had a lot of there. it's all about the heat across europe. at the moment. we've got a number of heat ways, but also attempt just a sitting well above the average across much all the content that they will be coming down, especially across the western but also eastern areas of the next few days. but not down in the south. we've got more heat coming up from africa, pushing temperatures up to the likes of greece and to kia and officials in athens. is that to close at some of the historic flights the due to the afternoon
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temperatures, we seem temperature is well into the 14th here. they will be coming down, however, across the bulk and somebody's coming in the form of west, so whether it's still sitting pretty high across the south, west for spain, thanks to a heat wave. we will see those numbers start to come down as cooler blows in. however, across the west that's tanks is trailing weather front, bringing whatsoever across person and the island of island saturday into sundays, some heavy rain as well in to fronds ahead of that. we've got those stones of bubbling up across the bulk and also for the baltic states pushing into western russia. and as that system works, its way to most central areas, we're going to see some very heavy rain push into central parts, but also into scan today. you will see that rain in also on monday the .


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