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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the summit as an international inside corruption, excellence award denominator hero, now the, [000:00:00;00] the total until mccrae, this has been use our line from coming off in the next 60 minutes. at least $25.00 palestinians are killing a wave of organizes riley attacks across gaza, including on this throughout richard g. kent with an amazing voice and gaza charity . all expenses as well has produced supplies to palestinians by a staggering 94 percent. the army is deployed across bonds, the dish to enforce a nationwide cou, a few of the days of protests against government jobs,
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courses and cyprus monks office entry since the nation was divided with turkish and greek cypriots holding separate events as far as small with this ford as round 3 involves, open championship is underway with 2 shot leaders, shane lowering teen off later and some impressive rounds early on ad royalty and in scotland will have all the action coming up. the we begin and goes away, is ready strikes across the strip since early morning on saturday. have killed at least 25 pellets to indians. either of those victims were killed in an attack on a residential building, an illness around refugee camp and central gaza. that since october as well as boy has killed nearly 39000 people, most of them women and children, to one strike in central guns or on friday til the heavily pregnant women. doctors
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managed to risk you the baby from his mother's when she was 9 months pregnant when she was killed in eldest arrived, refugee can heavy and cannot. this woman was the only so 5 or 4 months ago when i was talking to this woman was the only one who survived among have found many at the time. and today, she was talking to the she was 9 months pregnant and she was killed off to being targeted by the occupational meantime of an immediate operation was performed, fell out of the hospital. the offices of his mother was killed. the baby now was in the incubators department and he started his life as the most of them. no mother. meanwhile, in northern gauze, or at least one, palestinian was killed in n as riley strike on kansas city. saturday morning is really forces talking to the residential building in the area. several palestinians have reported to have been injured in this truck for the se rarely army has released footage of its alterations and veronica, it says soldiers have killed a number of palestinian sizes. and that's how sultan area is royal. took control of
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the roof of border crossing with egypt during its military operation in the city of a fully a sold one point. 5000000 displaced palestinians were crammed into rough following evacuation orders in the north of the strip. but now the you in estimates on the around 50000 people from mine and they'll just hire a cameraman. not mood like he has been injured after and is ready striking the residential building an illness throughout refugee camp and central garza. he was rushed to the nearby outbox the hospital and the bella is ready. forces have repeatedly tug is a june list and goes as since develop again. at least $161.00 media work is had been killed in this trip since october, the 7th. and in a separate attack is really showing in northern guns that killed the palestinian journalist and his family. i'm a town who just to his wife and 2 children in the home and to bother you. medical sources say these really on a target to their house. a capital symbol on all of us. it's got
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a 2 tower composer and who joins us from del bala in central gaza. and as we've mentioned, this strikes right across the strip. can you just give us an idea of what is happening there today? more displaced people are they being targets as well. tom, basically the military is a stepping up the military attacks on this threat. well, we can clearly understand that there was no any place to be targeted. that tax continued to have a residential neighborhoods in the north and the central air isn't even far south of the tax rate. but basically what we do now is that the focus of the mandatory strikes, he's on the same truck areas we're talking about different as well as the tax on i'm, is that raj refugee camp was a what target has just during the hours of this morning and about 3 palestinians, at least being killed. one of those attacks on to residential. so that's in angel lute residential towers. is that located into another part of under is
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that right? so that the tech has resulted, the injury of our lead, with the key, who has been injured in that attack box, the slee tom, what we also kept, what was that the clarity is key, intensification of the use of the minute tree. quite colt, 2 tribes of the central areas of districts. just 10 minutes ago, at least 4 chose would have been from injured off 10 minutes. we quite hoped to try them. dropped remains on the roof of the house without getting any sort of free warning for them. i'm 50 is a part to it's wait a minute. 3 campaign has been here also for medical professions diminished with helping them buy from us government saying that within the past 24 hours at least 37 palestinians, hufton reported to that also bringing the number of casualties and tools to a very sore and great resulting from the especially on getting repeated at tech support, this joint can fact is that the fight thing is, is full. so is it still on going in the far south of this set words i must offer it sits,
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have been engaging and fighting with these very occupation. thoughts isn't that narrow streets of rough spot where the manager is? we've been hearing from informed sources that they are continue to target the strip out central areas of a rough law. basically, i doubt will supply and got food residential supply chosing a very significant string of disruption for such areas, which will definitely take kids in order to be removed. and that also put palestinians in the front of multiple challenges in terms of the reconstruction process, fall generally tell them the situation is excessive painting day by day on the new source of worst, fight in fighting known as strikes. and it just seems relentless at the moment. thanks so much tag terracon bu isn't for us there and to i'll follow a reason for pull by oaks fam accuse this is where i live with a noise in volta and gaza. the in g o. c is water supply has been reduced by staggering 94 percent. now, most motor facilities are in ruin, and israel continues to have struck the provision of aid and to the strip in the
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country brings us this report from del ballot and central cancer where once they played and dreamed children now carry water in and just contain or they can find when they can find a carrier heavy load and i'm not used to carrying heavy things. i'm 11 years old, i'm too little. i will kill long distance from the tons to get water. i do several trips back and forth and i get drenched as i walk into sun. clean water is a precious resourcing garza to water stations like this one have run dry. some are switch off for days or weeks of time, so there is never, you know, flush her to go around. and that means the children have to walk longer distances to find a top that's working and asked me, my name is dave. we have been displaced today at all, butler, we are having difficulties with for today. sometimes we find it sometimes we don't
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know and it helps me carry the bucket to the tent. fishing would exhaust me. we q in the sun. my head starts to take one at a time to bring to drinking water here once a day, it's nowhere new in the stuff. some people get water moves, do not know my yeah, but i do want to think we have these children and they show during the responsibility they have to fetch force and do the laundry. i'm won't shut them off to that. they go to the sea, which is up to 5 columbus just by foot, just to get a list to move. so i swear the other day we have to work to fetch the sea water to drink. international charity oaks fancies. israel has been systematically what the noisy, walter against politan using the showing disregard for human life and international . the results of that with the nice ation are clear everywhere. you look into the office either de la garza pa,
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this time to the us secretary of state. and so the blinking has been speaking on if it's just a q a ceasefire, saying a deal between israel and a mouse as close the u. s. has been working with contact an agent to broker deal definitely can see that the latest proposal will be discussed with israel's prime minister when he does. it's washington next week. yeah, there's a lot going on and the middle east is run center. i believe we're inside the tenure online and driving towards the goal line and getting an agreement that would produce the ceasefire. get the hostages home and put us on a better track to try to build lasting peace and stability is ready forces, have stones, the city of nablus and the occupied west bank. the right began on saturday morning . now local sources say a young palestinian man was arrested and a super tried is ready, so i'll just have killed a palestinian man in the city of hebron. cctv footage from the same shows as riley
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forces opening fire in the direction of the con. the 20 year old has the comes to gunshot injuries to his head like what you, unless i, even i what was released from in this riley prison. just 2 weeks ago will set africa has cooled on the international community to bring in immediate end, as well as occupation of palestinian territory and just don't that's human rights violations. on friday, the you ins top court found as well as the ongoing presence in the occupied with bank is a legal violates international law. judges determines, as well, is obligated to end of the unlawful presence as quickly as possible and must stop all new settlement activity. but just to die off to those findings on the occupation from the high again, is ready. cortez or the palestinian man and occupied east jerusalem to demolishes families. hun we'll pay is randy. we'll start he's to pull the zip for him. i'll come by has told local media that his relatives have lived in the house and you
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fall and look over the nearly 60 years. he says it's ready, said let's have previously tried to buy the property. and the family has been harassed by a settler association. one thing to take ownership of this go, let's take a closer look at the number of palestinian properties, demolished in recent years. according to the you in see military and affairs office . i 1450 homes have been bulldozed across occupied east jerusalem. and the occupied with bank in the past decades alone, 1205 of those had been demolished since the war and gallons of sconces on october. the 7th w in says the demolitions have this place to more than 17000 palestinians since 2009. which if helper is the director of the is riley committee against house demolitions. he says this little palestinians can do to stop is ready to start. he's from destroying the hunts palestinians, when they get a demolition order, which is approved by the court. they can go to the court, but they always lose
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a 100 percent of the time. their houses will be demolished and so they have a draconian choice. either these railings will demolish their house, which means to bring out police, bringing bulldozers and so on, which costs a lot of money. um, uh or the court will make a deal. so call this deal of self demolition with the family and they'll say look, we don't have to have this expenditure. your house is going to be demolished. you're going to get a fine. the fine can be something like $20000.00 and then some slap on the wrist. but if you don't, waller's the house yourself. so we don't have to pay for all the expenses. then we'll reduce the fine by half or 2 thirds, or one 3rd, or whatever the court decides. it's a really, uh it, it, you know, it's a terrible kind of a position to be imagine demolish in your own home. there are thousands of cases
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like these. it's routine oppression going through the courts and nobody knows about them. they're not publicized. the families have to deal with it themselves. it costs money that they don't have, obviously, and the trauma and the heartbreak of seeing your home either demolished or you demolish. imagine you demolish your own home, is it just too much to put into words, but this happens every single day in the east jerusalem but even more so of course in the west bank does have been going on now since 1967. so there is no need for, there is no legal argument in almost a 100 percent of the cases. it's decided this trial and the liberties on group has blah have exchanged fi on a daily basis since october. the funding has full tens of thousands of people from the hands on both sides of the board. i've gotten southern living on some had been given very few just hotels, but as holiday season, a rise zone is need of rooms for tourists, increasing pressure on other places. offering shelter, hold
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a mazda and report from southern living on. they wait and wait for fighting between these railey army and has below is only intensifying people, like these have been false from that homes can only wonder when they'll be able to return the international organization. for migration, says 95000 have been displaced in the southern level menu to make shift accommodation to montana hotel near the village of more when the in southern lebanon is one such south of south largest sheet from 5 killer chairs, a room with her parents. and brother, the family has been living here for 6 months and the beginning of the where i'm safe at home to office and i'm scared from that. were planes and i was crying. i was the i was hiding. i was charging. i'm a slice village every seems such as my bed, my room ahmed. oh my, my home,
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my best friends like that in the home. i sleep on the bed but tid, i sleep on the floor. so i'm that redeem, it's a disaster risk reduction agency. the local municipality and runs the montana already struggling with limited resources. he wires that the israel carries out a full scale ministry campaign. the hotel may be pushed to breaking point. if at the home they looked on people graciously open their homes for us and let us stay. but unfortunately, we're not seeing some homeowners returning from a drive. we need their houses back. i thought we could just placing extra pressure on, as you did with the conflict between israel and has the lar, intensifying, the montana hotel in southern lebanon has once again become the 1st point of cool for those being nevada area. but it's all ready for, i'm unable to take in any more of those seats and shelters the sprinkling resources and not the only risk for those that have been displaced by the fighting. if they try to attend to their homes in the future, new dangers of weight,
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the unexploded artillery shells and mines present dangerous threat. members of a non governmental organization. i've come to the montana to want people here not to approach anything that could be a hazard. if they go back for noses, other threats, wondering how no the plane, the plane scheduled from the lower plane, without a political solution to the conflict noises via con. and i'm more people are likely to seek refuge in the montana to escape the escalating fighting oliver marsden. alger 0, self 11 on the and bangladesh. the government has deployed the army to enforce the countrywide cou, a few days of demonstrations against the jobs closest system. at least 105 people have been killed in thousands more injured cells drive. it has more
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soldiers on the streets of bangladesh is capital dot com, which is similar seen in towns and cities across the south asian, the nation is a country wide coast. we will be closed down what the police drove us away in the notes said to come here to this travel agent, but we're not allowed in here either. wilner, we go during this costume, this is insane. security come down, comes up to days of student protests against the reinstatement to the quote to assist the government jobs. even a 100 people have repeatedly been killed. thousands injured groups of protest is gathered on the empty streets in the car on saturday. define the government, fine. the government doors of the co few officer of prison was attacked. more than 850 inmates escaped
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because the system was established more than 50 years ago to help people who felt in the work, independence organ, half of government jobs. there was a veterans, children, women, disabled people in experts, minorities. the system was scrapped in 2018, but reinstated earlier this month. the state appealed the ruling and the supreme court suspended the case for a month pending a hearing on august the 7th. but it wasn't enough to quote on the university students struggling to find work in a limited graduates job market. a protest is blamed, prove government's groups. the salting divines, some of their leaders security method, the t of the government ministers last late last night. and actually they pulled forward 8 months, which um, so it's not clear yet whether government we agreed to do those demands. those
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demands essentially include the navigation of the ministers, some of the top on ruling by the leaders who according to the students instigated the routing by these students front to talk on the students, incidents and text messaging services of being suspended since thursday international phone calls, mostly failed to connect many opposition leaders, activists and student protested, subpoena arrested. the government is reportedly expected to announce on sunday, where the supreme court hearing can be brought forward to avoid further violence will stop it. i'm just here. thousands of protesters in the city of bundled and focused on the searching assistant against the tax and the region gunman up and fired crowds that a piece really on friday, killing 3 and enjoying more than 20 people with the violence that broke out ed fridays,
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protest hasn't the to demonstrate is from pretending for a 2nd day, focused on, has witnessed a surgeon violence since the telephone to power and neighboring afghanistan in 2021 . earlier this week to separate a tax on an army base at the health center in the northwest killed 20, i'd people including 10 soldiers snow. today, thousands of tribesmen participated in bodies to start in peace much. everyone was peaceful. suddenly some miscreants opened fire. 20 people have been injured and 3, what killed, how clear a message to those who think we will leave peace or struggle? the fools we will not stop by much as the piece will come all. honda has moved from as long about what started over the base for the project. jaguar that ended by tens of thousands of people and by new ended in while. and so when the crowd were dispersing, they were elements within the crowd were seen ready to hand guns fighting into the at that caused
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a bit of confusion as to who was fighting at the crowd. that net defend ammonium and rates. at least 2 to 3 people. it was good and that number of people one day, but they were accurate. nugent, that defy, came from the ministry. however, if that had been the case, there would have been hundreds of guide your date. according to i written event, the military did resort to 80 and fighting through this guy, there is a crowd from entering into that military area. now the people in the up, i knew that this is going to continue as a peaceful protests, but now it just turned into a fit in hundreds of them are at that setting that you all got like need to grow because it is considerable open reason against what the people in the 80 i see is rising number of widens where the attack from the dead. he gets all on focused on, and also the ministry mulling over plans for the med joe friend, 7 the idea. now the paper that apprehensive because they've been dis located in the past,
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they're doing ard warranty period or what happened in the past operations that force millions of people out of the region come on like that. it all. it's not my by submitted cold chairs, the doctors without borders is rescued. 47 migrants from the mediterranean sea. they were found in all over crowded thoughts of the tennessee and the $10000.00 costs. $179.00 of the migrants were rescued on friday. earlier this week, tennessee was prime minister is europe in countries to increase financial aid? to help tackle the flow of migrants from some to hire in africa, thomas and so down side are unable to pond to crops because of fighting between the army and paramilitary rapid support forces. the union is wanting of severe food and security for millions of people in the coming months. but i'm involved, here's the story from the south. eastern states have got a risk but most of these family just thought lived in good life. he says he left his home and he's land for the life of dependency in
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a displacement comp. but he had no choice. but then i'll be moving to another or we still want you to farm is we're used to doing during the rainy season. but the rapids support forces attacked the area and looted everything. the most of the people who i have leading the fighting in so not our farm is normally at this time of yeah, they should be in the fields. what they say there is no way they can go with them, do it to is secured it with more than 18000000 heck, details of our land. so that is often described as the bread baskets of the world. some of the most felt tile fields are in this state, such as your city, not on good life areas where the conflict has been spreading quickly in the past few months. we definitely give you the us who that does it. a state supplies all of sit done with food when the season starts and you were planned to sort them on and we and many other krupps. but they will be no funding this year. the villages until
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the artist, if is for everyone, i'm to leave because while you, since the beginning of the violence in april last year got body positive sees more than 1000000 people displaced from conflict zones across the country. many of them off promise, a life of the bodies, the daughter of isn't a good cultural state where full 1000000 hacked is of land are planted with various crops, including wheat, mays, sesame, beans, and sunflower, as it has the largest titles in the arab world. this year the planted area began to shrink, especially near the border. woodson are because of the fighting there. the other factor is this war in cost of fuel the pesticides and fertilizers, welfare pharmacy. they're afraid to expose the machinery such as practice for fear of looting. if the fighting spills over in the body, sort of gum is a staple for then. so then, and the state used to export millions of tons to other regions,
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including costume and thought for now with small houses, it's expected. the government will need to find alternative sources to avoid the funding. how much fun does it a good bodies to that cypress is making half a century since the island was divided solar and sounded early on saturday morning as 2 cushions. greek cypriots, much separate anniversaries, turkish prison. 31 has attended the military pride in northern cyprus. he's once again back to, to site solutions for the split nation, saying there is no benefits to resuming you and lead peace tools. meanwhile, the greek cypriot presidency that we're unification is the sole viable solutions of cyprus. he's criticized, took his presence on the island, saying it's responsible for the violation of international law as well. the conflicts between the greek cypriot majority and the ticklish. the prius minority started onto the islands,
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gained independence from person to 1916 after years of violence. greece tried to antics cyprus during the military co, but in 1974 took his troops to control more than a 3rd of its territory. on the type of the islands as part of the you, but on the ground it's divided between the republic of cyprus and the south. and the dispute of the territory of northern cyprus in 1983 and correct declared the formation of the tickets for public of northern cyprus. and the international community doesn't recognize it as a state and has called for unification. but the region is dependent on to key both politically and economically. rafeely. i'm not, kitty is a professor in international relations at least university in front. he says tensions have risen due to the discovery of natural gas reserves that are being confrontations on the, on the seat between the turkish. uh,
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navy and the other country is navy. um, unfortunately, the situation is uh, installment. uh, the you did a manage to generate a new push for a solution. um product docs. actually both greece and turkey are a member of nato, but they didn't tell really to solve into it how advance to order solutions. and so in fact, the discovery of these, the natural resources might be, occurs, might be an additional problem up to dissolution of the tension in the islands as the type in many times the, many of the countries, every time you discover and natural resources the, there are resources and money through a distribution, then the situation can get the in more draw a software with or update his car, say hello, then maybe winter close to south america. but it is feeling like some for those
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essential areas of the little ones in places like bolivia as soon see on most central pots of brazil. this is where we'll see. temperature is continuing to rise over the next few days. it's feeling a little bit cooler down in the very south. we've had a weather front, sweeping to southern pots of chilly as well as argentine not bringing a few showers here in this cloudy conditions as well. and some strong winds around coastal areas and coupled with those hutcher and live conditions across the move. we have a warnings out for wild fires up of moving parts of chile warnings. * as well for wild fires across ecuador, there's a lot of y a here. then it has been in recent days. the west has all the weather is for the east of this for columbia and venezuela. we could see some flooding as of rain falls heaviest. here of the next few days. now we've had some very hot nights across central america and the caribbean, in particular for the bahamas that had his hottest july night in history on friday . the heat continues here on saturday. as wonderful florida,
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we've got heat advisories out, but as a trade winds blow, that went to weather for the west. we are going to see some of that rain splash into the bahamas on sunday that you will. so let's place he's still a head here. ronelle just air, including a search and find on crime is putting chiles present. gabrielle march in the hop states. economic relief or create as a winful. tr lanka says it's did, has eased following a deal. but there are concerns that might be too good to be true, and no allows targets and unprecedented quadruple in the olympics. that's coming up later in the a 150 is that the gyptian history seems for an extraordinary photographic archive. this remarkable treasure trove shows how well photographers captured key military historical moments from the earliest partition occupation to the arab israeli,
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who was the 20th century and the contrast of emotions and victory and disease. egypt through the lens, conflicts on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks. they are not afraid. they are going to stay here and see the problem with detail coverage. the last few weeks of the july to lose the presidential debate, donald tom secured a number of important code victories and survive and assassination attempts from around the world. irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 10 to 24. of the
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the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl is rarely strikes across gauze systems early on sizes that have killed at least $25.00 palestinians were killed in an attack on a residential building. and alice around refugee can and is ready cortez or to the palestinian man and occupied east jerusalem through demolishes families on. i'm out they'll come, boss is families being harassed by him is rarely sailor association wanting to take ownership of the property and a nationwide curfew is in place of bunker dish, following student protests against the government jobs, quote a system at least 105 people has been killed, attended chandry as at those purchase and deck out and sent us this report. the cost is back on after 2 hours of break. people rushed to the grocery store and did the essential any emergency stuff. but the internet is still shut down across the
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country, causing serious inconvenience for the people across the country. now, people are very anxious, tennessee event, apprehensive. what will happen next? after all this violence past few days, the government is still open to negotiate with the student. the student leaders have per, they'd find demands among them to demand. josh, those are instigated the violence against them, including ruling party leaders, stood in waiting for members as well as the police members must be brought to justice. all their leaders behind the buyers are who are being apprehended must be released. these are some of that demand before they even consider sitting by the government. now the government, if wiley blamed, is on the opposition thing to capitalize on the student movements and solve the violence and energy across the country. the opposition party said that they did support the students to move men publicly, and many members of the public actually took part in the progress with the students . and that is why it stays people somber for the number of deaths and injuries that
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happened within last several days in the country. and they don't know where the political situation will had within coming day of months and weeks temperatures rate. i'll just say the doctor, computer systems around the world, coming back online off the defective cyber security software update cause global disruptions to the ceo of the company behind the outage crowd. strong says the impact is likely to be felt for weeks. slide track is here show the impact of it travel in the us and globally full sustainable shields. commercial flights were canceled on friday hospital shops, trains and banks, but also affected kristin selling the reports from new york or early friday afternoon and australia. the 1st signs of trouble emerge and retail outlets banks and on television and a news broadcast reporting. the situation went to black resuming eventually to reveal blue screens in the background indicator, the dreaded shut down of
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a windows operating system. the extent of the problem, perhaps most obvious, at airports around the globe, their long lines formed as airlines last access to check in and booking services. at a time when many travelers are heading away on summer vacations, very much looking forward to seeing the east coast of my country. however, it doesn't look like i'm going to be able to get there today. i fly from my natural was cancelled 5 o'clock in the morning. so now i got to pick another flight tomorrow morning, the same flight pick available because of the chaos. thank you for contacting hosting support. how can i get the most of the passions on windows? cause that was a pre recorded message put out by the cyber security firm crowd strake the company c. o would later announce that a glitch in the software update was to blame. we know what the issue is, we're resolving and have resolved the issue. now it's recovering systems that are out there. and essentially,
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as you've talked about in the statement i put out is um the system uh was sent in update and that update had a, a software bug in it. and cause a, an issue with the microsoft operating system. a relief for governments worried about a cyber attack. hard work ahead for company. i. t department's bout stock is a, a very large and well known provider in the security space. it's a market leading security provider that's utilized by the, you know, old, you know, many leading banks and, and last, you know, blue chip and government organizations. even the us government was affected. long lines formed at the southern border after customs and border protects can report in processing delays. the quotes revealed the vulnerability for the global economy and resulted in volatility in markets. the company that causes crowd straight saw it shares dropped just how interconnected we are in an increasingly digital world. not
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lost on this traveler in paris, and people listen people. it's a bit while reading is how one company can impact the global economy. and the life of the planet systems are being restored, sorting through the consequences for ordinary people may take longer. kristen salumi al jazeera new york. well, for more of this, we joined now by daniel odds, who was managing director and senior equity research and list covering the technology sector with bush security st. joins us from new york fi. scott, thanks so much for being with us here on the else. is there a physical, i mean we might now have a better understanding of exactly what happens, but a lot of people are asking how an outage of the size of the scale could occur. yeah, this is a black guy moment, not just a garage, right? giving the industry. and they'll be studying this for weeks and months here and not just in the industry, but i think in the belt way, really in terms of the rat applications there. and this is
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a code red situation that that's something that this can never happen again. i mean, is this an issue of complacency then? i mean, within the software industry itself, and they've been just to blogs, i about this. i think there's a little, maybe view asleep at the wheel in terms of how updates like this could actually have an impact. it's not microsoft, even though yet. you said the blue screen, the fact that there's one faulty code update that could cause massive disruption around the glove. it's a head scratcher, and i think that's a big worrying side. so the over. busy industry going boards were obviously scrambling to make sure that this doesn't happen again. how do they actually go about making sure that it doesn't? i mean, look, they're clearly going to have to do remediation look at all the best practices, but this will be an adverse like up to a client. i think their brand is one of the best in the industry, but there's clearly brand damage. they've got to walk through with customers and
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industry because this is something where a crowd strikes now becomes a household name, but not a good way. like in video, it's a bad way. yeah. is we hear that with a market leader. i don't know if that how much longer they will continue to be. we know that this stock is down, but house take markets reacted to the average sofa getting concerned that may be contained in terms of the damage how, how tech market to viewed it. this is more crowded, strikes specific, but it's a worrying sign, especially when you will get a revolution broader tax that something like this could happen. shutting into the market, took it well for crowd strike. there could be still some dark days as broad as we saw the, the are a cripple businesses across the globe and many, many sectors and it's clearly still causing some problems. how much has it cost so far? can we put a number on it? a good time to put a number on today, but it's not insignificant. i mean if you look at just the last business i just the
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maryland hotels restaurant around the world. if you're a lawyer for crowd strike, i don't think you're going to be seen of beach the rest of the summer. yeah, i mean, are we talking millions tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions of dollars. do you think? i mean, i think there's, there's some, there are to approach a significant number. i mean, seen that something would be in the 10s or hundreds of millions you're probably would not be out of the round. right. do you think there's going to be a backlash against, you know, the take industry is a whole, you know, the last, a large amount of trust with many people in society is right around the world. a look, there's frustration. but the reality is, we all know, i mean tact more, more is going to become a part of the world range from enterprise to consumers on every day perspective. and i think, how do you make sure this doesn't happen again? that's one thing. but the reality is that it's becoming more in are connected, not less, but talk to a traveler stuck in airport usa for 5 hours. they want you have that view, right?
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so that, that's going to be the frustration going forward. indeed had, thank you so much daniel. we really do appreciate your insight into a little this is daniel lives for us out of new york. thanks so much. well, to begin with. now we're not the 12 congressional democrats have called on us president joe biden to drop his re election bid. the biden insist he will be back on the campaign trial next week. he's being honest, advising at home in delaware since wednesday to being diagnosed with club at 19. so that comes out as of to buttons republican rival. donald trump outlined his policies at the bodies national convention. mike hannah reports from washington reaction to the trump speech was split on a partisan basis. republicans won't be welcome to speech last night and in the course of today, they've continued to applaud what trump said. his critics, however, point to the many post fluids that occurred in the speech. the binding harris
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campaign released the statement saying that the speech reveals that this was the same donald trump, who was rejected by the american people back in 2020. the campaign also is made clear that president biden was going to contest the election that he was not going to step down. this is what the campaign co chair had. jen o'malley dylan had to say . i'm not here to say that this hasn't been a tough several weeks for the campaign. there's been a doubt that it has been and we've definitely seen some slippage in support, but it is been a small movement and, and you know this, the reason is because so much of this race is hardening already the american people know that the president is older they, they see that they knew that before the debate. yes, of course, we have a lot of work to do to make sure that we are reassuring the american people that yes, he's old but he can do the job and he can when, however, a mold and such congressional democrats have now called on president by them to
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step down and not to contest the election. to put this in a contest though, there are some 250 democrats in congress today. little over city have called for him as to him to step down and not contest the election. this is a very most small, a number of democrats at this particular point. but the debate, the argument is likely to rage for days, possibly weeks. that had my kind of ultra 0 washington specialist presidents. gabriel barge has cancelled a trip to the parents olympics. as this government faces, criticism of respond can violent crime, at least 17 people were killed in the capital and recent dies and barges resisting calls to declare a state of emergency, which would allow the army to support the police. that in america is lucy and human reports. from santiago a. we can party on the outskirts of chillies capital, a party that ended in the blood bass. 5 people were shot dead. 12
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injured police found high caliber bullet shells everywhere. sweeping his wayland suspects had been detained in another low income neighborhood, the body of 30 year old barber one that'd be a wage burial. friends say he was trying to break up a fight when he and the neighbor was children killed. one of the lead leaves behind 2 young children and a white mock. i didn't know it would be ever is. she tells me no where is safe. they are so many weeping children at the age of 12 of carrying guns. this has become normal here was no isolated incidents that very same day at exactly the same time on the other side of town here in the north part of the metropolitan area. a grandmother was celebrating her birthday when her grandchildren came out here to light the fire. a car came out. gunmen came out and began shooting wildly. you can see all of the gunshots. 4 people were killed. 4 of them added lessons. the
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youngest is 13 years old. in 4 days, 17 people were killed in the capital of chile until just a few years ago considered latin america safest country. since the pandemic, a crime wave attributed mainly to organized crime groups from outside the country has seen murders per 100000 people increase 6 volt, surpassing the global average system yet good. we knew that the to late and state was ill prepared to face organized crime. we didn't know how to confront its investigates. it will have a judicial branch prepared to deal with this. that social studies are a close suddenly getting short sap named criminal gangs from countries such as venezuela, due to the shooting chile. we didn't have, i had gunman did nothing. so i ran to day. there are no hyatt done. so it could not being said, i don't have a forwarding component. on thursday president w, anybody killed an emergency security meeting and announced plans to deploy an
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additional $500.00 police officers to santiago. build a new high security prison and titan, choose porous borders. members of the opposition, meanwhile, according to the interior administered to step down, got this. we're going to go ahead and pull up what i spend your energy in state working together to foss, track us security. so in congress and once and for all approved lifting bank secrecy laws, so we can follow drug traffic has money. but whatever is in you measures, there's an unsettling awareness that there's no real quick fix for a wave of violence that spreading throughout south america. see and human algebra santiago to the economic situation and tru lanka, has started to improve according to the president of the country, is recovering from major financial challenges which led to mass protest. and the political crisis. 2 years ago, to lincoln was unable to repay foreign debt defaulting for the 1st time and its
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history. nelson. and as has moved from the capital of columbia, a lot has changed into long distance, but you can only crisis the growth, the country to a sense do in 2022 still have projects of resuming like this 5.3 kilometer any way to the highway costing $360000000.00 fuel and food use appear to be a thing of the past. the turnaround began with a $2900000000.00 payload package from the international money to fund. but it came with strict conditions that should long can restructure its debt. we service soon about that in 2023. we successfully completed the restructuring of domestic, that now we have also successfully completed by level that restructuring with phone countries. and our next objective is to reach an agreement with commercial credit. this, which includes international, silver and phone, told us by letting the creditors have agreed newtons, which become the thing. it says, save the government over $5000000000.00. opposition? parliamentarian iran become a rap?
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no, it could be a bank who headed the national development bank said there is a lot to be done. the balance reforms with benefits to everyone, the attention on the streets because people have really, really being have a great and that is really run a big cause for concern i typed was, i am if this my sense that is a, you can take all the boxes but if it creates social, andreas don't think your program has succeed in the program has failed. and only see that fuels is a key to recovery, pointing out that some sectors that contracted up to 70 percent of bounce back, which are nowhere near the previous output. the number of people who are involved with these estimated between 25 to 30 percent of the population. so although there is a sense of calm plenty to over life, both almost 50 percent, the population is not even more has gone down. you know,
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she agrees i just even mention of buying vegetables on her way back home from my job as an account assistant in the city. the cost of living is much too high. i have 4 children to have the most. i'm studying really about the colombo and traveling. so daily costs are very high, but my salary hasn't increased in proportion ministry long cuz they agree that the country now is in a better place than it was 2 years ago. development projects up back on track and installation is on the controllers, but they divided about the government handling of the economic recovery, including stringent reforms that implemented to secure a bailout somebody international money. pay fun. minute fernandez, audra 0, colombo. well, this place is still a hit here on al jazeera, including scientists explained the airy sounds coming from a lake and central chile. and the crowd got more than a bag. and for here, a huge 6 is the width. and these take
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a 1st endings lead action coming out as follows with far the there's a delivery mission of pulse in western and it needs to be questioned. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere here at the listing, the best the,
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[000:00:00;00] the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award. nominator here on now the, [000:00:00;00] the scientist for now his far tom thank you so much. robin adel has reached his 1st final in more than 2 years. he did it by beating duke of beach of serbia and the last 4 of the swedish open. the 38 year old is building up. his fitness had of the paras olympics. and the dial is back in
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a title decider for the 1st time since he won the french open in 2022. it's the case because it's a gold in both the singles and doubles and parents get around. 3 and goals. open championship is under way at the role treat in scotland to shalt leader and former champions. shane lowery begins his round later and the round of the day so far belongs to is sunday. m. and 5. under 65 for the south koreans 8 shots off the pace overall, the constellation for him, of the par, 38 toll also known as the postage stamp has been the stuff of nightmares. for golfers. well, this was one of the shots of the day so far though from cameron young as he avoided trouble took that into the bunk to alter the crickets and the latest on day 3 of the 2nd tests between england and the west indies with the match firmly in the balance and how about this from smart?
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joseph is 6, a smashing group at trent ridge, mccloud. take cover amazingly though no one was injured was yes of going on to help his side to 457 eventually out for 33 to give the west and decent 1st findings lead to 41 england or we get down in there. clarence landed north clumps. best time in final practice. how does the hungarian ground free the britain who was quickest in 2nd practice as well? just educational services made oscar yeah. street. current championship liter. matched for staff and finish the 3rd, the right they'll driver is working to make it. they have trick of titles and hungry and is upgraded. car qualifying takes place later on saturday. not happy with that and be a superstar cameron direct trained with the us olympic basketball team for the 1st time on friday as the parish games getting underway in 6 days. now, the phoenix suns forward and this team are in london. how do their expedition match
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against so sit down to to time and the champion has been sidelined with cap injury and has missed all 3 friendly so far that the usa have one derived one. his 1st, the 3 olympic gold have the 2012 of the landing get 20000 just being around grace every single day. so you know how to operate and i just took a lot of that stuff with me. so you guys here and how the entire use. so you see there must truly are. so this is a lifestyle. so another american looking for gold is spring to now. now what lyles, but it's not just one, he's after he'll be attempting to become the 1st male athlete in olympic history. twin forest sprint, gold medals? tom size, land reports. the only one that's missing from the list is an olympic gold. and i'm planning on leaving with a lot of those those are just to the,
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to the allows is one of the 12 month lease in the world right now. and certainly one of the most confidence last year allows emulate to design both in winning a have trick of world titles in the 100 meters, 200 meters, and the 100 b to relay. he now wants to add the full by $400.00 to the list in paris, as he seems to become the 1st male athlete to win full spring gold medals with a single olympics. he also has bolts 200 feet of old records and is sites driving how that works, how can, as i get faster and show up for the biggest competition in the world, i'm expecting my fastest times. and when i say that, i'm expecting the p r. and a lot of people though, i'm knocking on the door. some of these are well records. so i'm expecting to see wherever it is full as i p r. in the 100 meters miles faces more competition, he's only the fullest, quickest, the season. to make a big seville beat miles just last month. i ran my 2nd fastest time in jamaica,
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of course getting beat. this bill was not the plan, but he had the p r to be me. so i'd say that, you know, i'm making the composition stand on their toes knowing that i'm in good shape in the 100000000. in his debut olympics and take care of miles walked away with the bronze medal in the 200 meters. 3 years later that he's expecting a lot more concise and out 0 on north korea will be featuring and the olympics for the 1st time since 2016. as they set off for paris on saturday, they declined to send the swan to tokyo in 2021 is foreigners remain closed due to over 19, the international olympic committee subsequently banned them from the winter olympics in beijing, the following year. 16 athletes will take part across 7 different disciplines. they one goals and weight lifting engine gnostics and rio 8 years ago. and the la dodgers, freddie freeman had a grand slam home run in the 8th inning,
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and their game against boston red sox at dodger stadium. the place scoring runs off miguel vargas show he had tony and will smith to leave, leave the dodgers to a for one when over the red sauce. this was freeman's 7th, a career grand slam at his 2nd the season. okay, and that is all your support for now. back to you, tom, thanks so much for that. well, like in central chile is producing sounds some se, otherworldly designed to say the phenomenon has a more easily explanation buffer and go has more haunting melodies, has been rippling across dislike and central chilling face. who's heard? say it sounds like a chorus of wells or liaison bundle in out of space. but scientists say a noise is very much of this wild to a know,
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but this happens in europe in some north american countries. they called in the singing lakes. the sounds of cost when i sent a frozen lake expands and cracks, sending vibrations through the water. the yearly support and the ice formed on the surface is light to dig float over the water, the water keep toner moving because of the current or because of the wind from elsewhere. therefore, the ice formed on the surface of the lake can eventually move on to before mean or crack in this generate sound. the phenomenon is unusual in chile nelson hill headed to people and it is not very known in chile because we don't have many lakes in environments that sustain low temperatures for several days. and where we have the formation of this kind of bicycle it is produced. but they don't want to be likely known for now visit us to low, not, and mildly enjoying the as a well, the sounds bob brand good to say right, well, that sits, and they told me the cray for this news out as much more information on our website
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that sound to sarah, don't. com. i'll be back in just a moment with much more of the dies use like to stay with us. the pod came into this is israel and obstacles piece of. i think that the new thing you have one of these governments with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential, could we do it or some we cannot take the effective use of the present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era thing, what is happening to gaza since october 7 has been frankie. i'm so
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ashamed. i'm so ashamed because it's being done in my name, a leading jewish voice speaks out against israel bruce to own garza until palestinians are safe and secure. ease riley's nipple will be and use no, no to my name. witness on oh, geez era. and beat it services can be the defense between life and death. but here in gaza, the lives of paramedics are also endangered. the son is one of those who was detained. he says his rescue team was actuating to inject from the hospitals and they were stopped around balances. we intercepted despite coordination with the palestinian with chris and they stripped us of our clothes treated us members. terrific way of the war was supposed to prove him deadly for those attempting to save flies. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had to shut out with a direct hit of. i'm getting an emergency. he was killed during
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a strike on the clinic in the cities, the house ministry described them as a solid model of successes and determination. put the high chips in person, some like so they have son is he would continue working to see colors to wheels unless it's raining from by thank or the at least 25 palestinians are killed in a wave of ivan ices riley attacks across garza, including an illness rod refugee can the hunter mccrae, this is caroline from dell. so coming up with an amazing realtor in gauze, charity, all expenses as well has reduced the price of palestinians by staggering 92 percent


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