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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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these things come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm not even sorry. this is a news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. in the funds of the world quotes and protected by soldiers is really stuff was attacked. palestinians in the okey pod, westbank is there any forces in the area? is the goal is a strip at least 30 palestinians account soldiers on patrol in bangladesh and nationwide cafeteria,
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as opposed to quells student led protests against government jump and warnings of cyber crime is also a policy security software updates to global i t and travel time slots . we meet families forced into temporary accommodations, life pointing along the 11 on israel, the, the plane, the plane scheduled from the work plane, the info, right from the dallas reach to 1st final enrolled into he is dallas, in speech concert, the sonic city, sharpen, field service fitness head all that's still in the color. welcome to the program. a tax finds, wiley, settlers in palestinians, across the okey pod, westbank, all relentless, vague crates will be international. courts of justice has ruled as coercive
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environment meant to displace palestinians and amex that territory. the i c, j reading has been hailed, is groundbreaking, but it's not changed. the violent reality on the ground, nor all day has moved from ramallah, are armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched impunity is rarely settler's attack of palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or consent from firing in the year to protect the settler's walk, how was sent to hospital where she received 7 stitches to the head this is not the 1st time well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is rarely settlers killed. what has brother and the assaults have not stopped since
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the shooting and there no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died. they don't spear any one. they don't want any public opinion here. elsewhere in the occupied westbank is really subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and fields near nablus. a seer ring, reminder for palestinians. the on its own. the landmark ruling by the international court of justice on the legality of israel occupation did not bring dispute from reality to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accounts ability. these will supplements enterprise is solely intertwined. with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. oh simple to say that this is why i know it's time to impose this function. so nice real control doesn't comply on the ground,
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the daily bottles to protect the palestinian land and lives will continue for rose . just is really your thoughts are unlikely to stop a hello sundance feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead. exact. the cost on the is rarely occupation and the international actions allowing it to continue. not all day as ita drama. la palestine. the from north to south. so yes, and now the day is where the forces have been forming homes, residential buildings. i'm a refugee counts in garza, at least 30 pala stains were killed on saturday. so fall at least 8 were killed in the island. is there a refugee camp in central garza? the strike targeted a residential building funerals and also been held in the nearby alexa hospital,
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which has been treating injured since october. as charles was killed nearly says he, 9000 palestinians, most of them women and children must have a football. so i figured look that up a little bit, we woke up around 3, 15 am. after i missed south fell, i went downstairs and found oldest destruction above our heads have no connection to any organization. 2 of my daughters were killed before my relatives also died. there were more than 7 injured, including my father and my sister in law and elders. eric cameron enough nude, a key, has been injured in an as riley strike on l. missouri. he was taken to alex the hospital, at least a 161 palestinian media workers have been killed since october. the 7th. and the north of guns is ready forces of carried outs and strike on going to the city and talking to a residential building. one person was killed at least 4 others injured for the
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south as well as army has released footage. if it's operate. sions in rough. uh it says soldiers have killed a number of palestinian fighters in the tow. all schools tom area is relative control of the roof. of border crossing with egypt during its military operation in the city of before the attack. 1.5000000 displaced palestinians were crammed into rasa following evacuation. what is in the north? the strip? the un estimates $50000.00 people all still the it's a still now to target the resume. he's outside garza's largest remaining health facility. the likes the hospital in there on the dollar charge. so the engine from the strikes in missouri it's had been taken to a lack. so hospital where you all took us through the conditions that has it been saying 1000000 strikes continue to target palestinians from the north
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to the south of the strip as the focus of these valleys. boom, bump mentors on the centro areas of the church. right now. we what we do notice something will patches of casualties have turned up to the hospital to get medical treatment as we have been every day touring inside the departments of the hospice and what we see every day is in critically and obviously collect sake. we say very overwhelmed departments have very exhausted medical stuff and at the same time they are struggling each day in order to keep providing the minimum rate of health care for displaced and in just how i'm shot. but we do also observed during the past casualties that the vast majority of them were young children. one of the latest attacks that way, well, that was carried out was that i wouldn't be afraid to refuge account has injured, at least for palestinians, a children who are right now, this in a kind of surgery inside the hospital. some of them have been forced to be i'm, she tell you to the, to, to the critical entry resulted from
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a true attack on the work claim on the roof of the residential house. so easily unlocks the hospital. does this apparently functional? it's one of the mainly operational hospitals on the ground. the are the are also getting injuries from different areas in the central a go for nights of district from a bridge from under. is that right alongside from us? the why? the town um they are also responsible for providing medical care right now for more than 700000. how city is inside direct by the which is an ongoing turmoil, especially that as well as continue to bands. they increase. so if medical supplies with sufficient amounts for the medical sec, so in order to tell them to continue providing medical services for in good health city as well. also, as we've been hearing from somebody called officials, they've been saying that as long as there's going to be ongoing solar and golf casualties among civilians, it's what adds more minutes to measuring for the medical conditions inside the box, the hospital which causes the struggling with the deep, short tooth over fuel supplies,
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which will impact to get safely and the ability of medical teams to continue operating as well. really. and sorry we, we've been talking mostly about central garza and southern guns that the problems on going also in the no step in most strikes the do we know where the injured all being taken to of the will the number of parts have gone as it has been on the winds intensive as strikes, but being carried out by these verified subjects and also to re artillery units on the ground where the casualties have been there only thing to the past just talk to some of which is actually hospitalized that had been widely operating on the ground with a very limited and medical capacity and very a deep shortage of a sent you. medical supplies that we've been speaking to adults is inside the hospital. they've been saying that day by day would be getting different sorts of casualties. different children and women, elderly people and men being, acoustically wanted them to are in the very desperate needs for
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a long surgeries that cannot be clearly millions of being carried out and be closer to them and said inside these how she sounds that they are in the very desperate need for having a medical referral to be transferred, approved outside of district in order to get a medical recovery fund. the situation that the news specifically is beyond imagination, those ongoing sign of his function ongoing age by the attacks on residential houses . some of them are under the same selling some of the stuff as we've been hearing from them, very close to leave from neighborhood. instead of looking for some sort of sites, people say installing the least people that are really cling deep to say the whole month. i'm just saying the houses and they're saying that the are some of their family members be wanted them. they are right now getting a treatment of the flu inside the boxes hospital while the bus majority of hospitals including a she fucks hospital come on at one and division hospital in the news of the strips . apparently, functional,
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do today's very grades of the station and destruction being coast when the, when they have been multiplying storms by these. but it all mean the initial month of the is very encouraging for the know that part of district. so from the north to the south mysteries escalate to us. there was never any urgent medical and suspension being carried out to them. now melisha. okay, thank you for that update topic about assume that for us up b l. access hospital to talking about the medical challenges for 9 months pregnant women and goals that have given birth on the bottom and to have spent and time pregnancies under what's being described as genocide. we want to tell you the story . now. one expectant mother in central garza, she was killed when a home and on is there. it's came on the is riley attack. she died but doctors did manage to deliver her baby and save the child. when was 9 months pregnant when she was killed? heavy kenneth, this woman was the only survivor 4 months ago when i was talking to this woman was
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the only one who survived among have found many at the time. and today, she was talking to the she was 9 months pregnant and she was killed off to being targeted by the occupational meantime. as an immediate operation was performed up, fell out of the hospital. the officer this mother was killed. the baby now was in the incubators. department and he started his life as a milford and no mother. i'm pregnant women and gone. so i've experienced a range of different form is during israel's will, a groups and non governmental organizations estimates. they are all moving 50000 pregnant women in the gaza strip. right now, the relentless attacks mean they all 3 times more likely to experience a miscarriage. a group say pregnant women all 3 times, more likely to also die in child that we can speak now to pass gal cos sod, she's an emergency coordinate. if adult does without food, as she joins is from ton unit in southern garza. so let me start by asking you of to 9 months of relentless will we know the access to health care for pregnant women must be
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a practically non existent in goals that took us through that for the main health risks facing pregnant women as well. a pregnant woman right now as a set of challenges in mainly i would say and do lots of a high gene for, for really didn't day in the camps. right to, i mean there is a very different i for her drinking water and no so clean water in any case for a pascal can you hear me? unfortunately, it seems that we have lost a miss pascal across side. we will see if we can try and reinstate the connection. so now let's move on because the children and goals us we've been hearing have been out of school to move in 9 months instead of books. and now share the burden of
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finding morsa and food with the families. the one says israel has reduced golf is water supply by 94 percent. a agency oaks farm is accused as well, of using votes as a weapon to more against palestinians and children, a paying the heaviest price. the same conduct reports from there all by where once they tell you to dream children now carry water in and just contain or they can find when they can find a carry heavy load. and i'm not used to carrying heavy things. i'm 11 years old. i'm too little, i walk a long distance from the tons to get water. i do several trips back and forth and i get drenched as i walk in this on the clean water is a precious resourcing garza with water stations like this one have run dry. some are switch off for days or weeks of time, so there is never enough water to go around. and that means children have to walk longer. just this is to find
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a top that's working. my name is dave. we've been displaced today at all. butler, we are having difficulties with puerto. sometimes we find it sometimes we don't know and it helps me carry the bucket to the 10th fetching water exhausts me. we q in the sun and my head starts. i take one at a time to bring to drinking water here. when today it's nowhere near in the stuff. some people get water most do not know my yeah. but if i do want to think we have these children and they show during the responsibility, they have to fetch water and do the laundry and won't shut them off to that. they go to the sea, which is up to 5 kilometer by foot, just to get a little loose. i swear the other day, we have to look to fetch the sea water to drink. international charity aux pharmacies. israel has been systematically what the nice thing walter against paris,
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to using the showing disregard for human life and international. the results of that, with the nice ation, are clear everywhere. you look into the alternator de la garza pa, this time as return to the challenges faced by pregnant women in garza. as you can imagine, internet has been an issue in gall, solved as well as communication blackout. let's pretend to pascal costs sod. she's emergency coordinates. if the doctors without borders, she joins us from southern golf and con eunice wherever stuff operates. maternity ward in nasa hospital and m i rice and saying mysql saw that. so this hospital that you working in is the only hospital now in southern gaza, which is providing maternal health care. oh yeah, i'm sorry because of the connection. no, i'm not sure. i heard your question, but um,
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well you were asking me before about the situation of the pregnant for many in gus and when they can say that well, right, what they can face people mostly lack of the once or or with the hygiene we which will of course bring that out of the infections and for a friend we appointment. we didn't talk about urinary tract infections, for example, and this press and they're leaving conditions. they also will make them more profitable. pre term deliveries discourages and we have seen that in the words that we are supporting us and not sure us because not quite sure. related to it. communications as well are very common. and in general, they're leaving conditions after the delivery are all very stupid for women. so taking care of themselves and the baby is as being really, really complicated. okay, so on top of the risk of being killed,
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pregnant women are dealing with dehydration, which you talked about, lack of nutrition disease even if they are able to get to full time and give baths . presumably the new born babies will also be highly vulnerable. yeah, we are seeing the term deliveries so we are talking about 2 more and more uh, free towing babies babies. oh sure. that being born on 9 more than not born before . so of course, uh yes. and they're, they're very polar between fractions as well. and then again, because of these, the very, very early being some dishes, the babies are leaving incense where they don't have a means to, to be transferred car, a t, right. and again as well. and, and then that's not supposed to be the necessary hospitality in, in may in the in garza. so any complications would mean a lot of a lot of the pressure on that has to be done. right. let me,
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let me pick you up on that you'll, you'll, you'll based at nasa hospital which if i understand correctly, is there in the hospital now from providing maternity care. what does that mean for the, the many thousands of women who called access maternity care unfortunately, we seem to have a very poor connection with that pascal across sod speaking to us that from con eunice, an emergency coordinates if adults is without for just talking to us today about the challenges facing pregnant women in gaza, a punch. morehead on the news out, including a search involved in crime is putting the chinese president gabrielle burridge in the health states. he's cancel this trip to the powers olympics, and i am, i'm indeed recei. uh, in the gun be when i'm dishes,
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government told them to stop rushing port is helping to raise out support uninstalled the sound the story took most soldiers on patrol in cities across bangladesh has installed purchased is from defying a nationwide care if you least a 105 people have been killed, thousands injured in demonstrations against the government's job quoted, system, internet and text message services, civil servants under the effectively isolating the country child's traffic reports so, which is on the streets of bangladesh is capital dot com. it's a similar scene in towns and cities across the south asian nation. as a country wide co, 3 was enclosed. what did you see down what vehicle police drove us away and the notes said to come here to this the travel agents. but we're not allowed in here
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either. wherever we go during this costume, this is insane. security come down, comes up to the days of student protests against the reinstatement of the quote, the system for government jobs. leaving a 100 people have repeatedly been killed. thousands injured groups of protest is gathered on the empty streets in the car on saturday to find the government fine. the government doors of the co, a few of to a prison was attacked more than 850 inmates escaped because the system was established more than 50 years ago to help people who folks in the work independence holden hoff of government jobs. the reserve for veterans, children, women, disabled people in extra to minorities. the system was scratched in 2018, but reinstated earlier this month,
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the state appealed the ruling and the supreme court suspended the case for a month. but it wasn't enough to quote and go among university students struggling to find work in a limited run, george jump market, who protest is blamed, prove government's groups, the salting, the violence. some of the didn't get the leaders securely method, the t of the government ministers last late last night and actually they put forward 8 months which um, so it's not clear yet whether government we agree to do those demands. those demands essentially include the navigation of the ministers, some of the top reading by the leaders who according to the students instigated the routing part is sorted font to a dock on the students. incidents and text messaging services have been suspended since thursday. international phone calls mostly failed to connect many opposition
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leaders, activists, and student protested. so being arrested charles not putting elder 0. well, tom bad temporary has this update from dhaka. so the cost is back on after 2 hours of break, people rushed to the grocery store and did the essential any emergency stuff. but the internet is still shut down and across the country, causing serious inconvenience for the people across the country. now people are very anxious, tennessee, even apprehensive. what will happen next? after all this violence past few days, the government is still open to negotiate with the student. the student leaders have per, they'd find demands among them to demand. josh, those are instigated the violence against them, including ruling party leaders, stood in waiting for members as well as the police members must be brought to justice. all their leaders behind the buyers are who are being apprehended must be released. these are some of that demand before they even consider sitting by the
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government. now the government, if wiley blamed, is on the opposition thing to capitalize on the student movements and solve the violence and energy across the country. the opposition party said that they did support the students to move men publicly, and many members of the public actually took part in the products with the students . and that is why it stays people somber for the number of deaths and injuries that happened within last several days in the country. and they don't know where the political situation will had within coming day of months and weeks temperatures re . i'll just say the doctor. let's get more on this with saw him not to use the rights advocates and policy advocacy mileage at the balance of the school of international affairs. he joins us from boy, slave and canada. thank you for your time, sir. i believe you have extended family in the country. what is your understanding whether you're not even sure if you're able to communicate with them,
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given that communication blackout a boat, are you hearing anything about the situation on the ground? do we know if the violence has subsided? the tool since the army was deployed and the cuff you put in place a little bit to shut down. ready kitchen system, so the coming occasion is very past the calls are not going through and even if they are barely hear anything locally, the sites have an access to. ready oh, and that makes matters even worse with that with the government carrying out sweeping operations now often resulted in c. ready human rights violations, madison deposit torture of detection and even ex, any additional committees and we've been getting reports since tests is big. so the rules are all alarming circumstances. political opposition leaders are also being picked up. but this whole incident is unfolding from a very more of
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a student demand to restore the cold system in the recruitment of like service jobs. and it didn't have to go this way. it's a systemic change that the students demand it. but in the process of a peaceful coat this, it just slipped into the p lawlessness situation, which kind of shows a lot of cost. i couldn't this, i'll be gone. and an official policy gonna speak to to handle this much better before it went this way. the valley ridge. absolutely, i see all the, you know, the situations where a protest hijacked by all sorts of orders, including the really pollutions they really are the product and supporters, official smell. they're out by supporters who have instigated pro. ready in the top, so it's not new to the guy right. uh, to address this better. they could have done it. okay. apologies for interrupting that. i wanted to pick you up on that point because it does appear, this is,
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this is gone beyond just the student led to issue. i mean they, they seem to be various of the groups now protesting on the streets, hops, instigating the violence. i mean, what, what does that tell us about the seriousness of the challenge? the government is facing of this pro, this shouldn't be seen as an isolated event at the i'll call a lot of frustrations of people as a system with regards to employment costs. the rising cost of living corruption, injustice, all these things. how, how, how depend expression on all people? so as soon as the testing board fair opportunity, a fair opportunity, the public service recruitment people that have was a back have been pushed against the world because of the cost of living and uh, and,
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and that season or in the support to this protest. that's how i handle this situation. i don't, i mean, you see that student leaders or someone like on site was being shot at such close range by the police and the selection reporting on the video footage is it's, it's shocking and painful to bear. but yeah, briefly mr. nodding, because we're running out of time. where do you see this situation going? i mean, if the government does away with the quota system, which i believe it is promising to do, is this, the end of the problem is, is the end of the instability, all the fundamental issues. still the as well. they made it across the country parts the course for making things better. uh, it shouldn't happen much friendlier before hundreds of people were killed on the streets. and then to show no force with the kind of the 3 of the seas being rolled out on the street with the choppers flying this time. and the
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brutality that have been extended on the people in those were not carried out. i imagine that they could have been a better resolution, but right now it's very upsetting the we things we don't own whether protest is be content with the, with the outcome of what the government proposes are, sorry, are the government proposals in general? so it really needs to be seen how things go forward, but i see this what kind of garage and all, many frustrations that the government mr. handle beyond just the recruitment process. okay, i appreciate your analysis side. i'm not a policy advocacy manager with the base any school of international fest purchased as i expected outside the white house. the start today cooling on us president joe biden, to quit his re election bid for the inside. the political allies have publicly urged him to drop out of the race. a television ad paid for by
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a group of democrats has now been released saying by didn't she paused the torch. the president has been isolating in delaware with cape of 19 since wednesday, but he says he will be back on the campaign trail next week. let's go to my kind of a joins us from washington, dc. mike. so by then still under a huge amounts of pressure from members of his own policy to resign, but he seems determined to push on. yes. so you may is indeed he has stated repeatedly that he will not step aside and just the point of clarity, that's a television ad you refer to. we do not know who paid for it to that has not been confirmed at this particular stage. i mentioned this because there is a lot of anonymous goals going around, people not actually saying who they are. we do know, let's just go back to what we do. no more than the team members of congress have called full biden. to step aside. to put this into a context, we have some 250 members of congress, democrats, members of congress. so the by nora
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t at the moment just calling for him to step aside. the vast majority of the democrats in congress either keeping quiet or continued to back him in the run. so from senior democratic leaders, we have be once again anonymous reports that they've been calling on by that to step aside saying that he is damaging the chances of the democrats and the election . however, the senior leaders have not said so publicly. the minority lead in the house, the lead in the senate. they have remained silent as a full misspeak of the house. nancy pelosi, though they've all been quoted by anonymous sources as courting on him to resign. so to with brock obama, the former president, now he has said something publicly, and that is the only person who can make joe biden step aside. is joe biden, himself, me? now republicans, on the other hand, presenting a much more united front trump and his running mate j,
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the vance. expected to pay at a rodney together in the coming else. and indeed, usa will be at grand rapids in michigan, michigan, one of the swing states, one of the many swing states in this election. and it is the opportunity for donald trump to display his new running mates at j. d fence a 39 year old install contrast to the mo, elderly man who are running for the post of president. now the putting events on the ticket carries with its own problems. he is on certain issues such as abortion, even more conservative than trump. and so it's certainly democrats all going to be holding in on abortion, for example, as an election issue. and j d events is extreme positions against abortion are likely to give them massive ammunition in the campaign to come. okay, thank you for that update. my kind of address in washington dc. it has on the how does sarah, has israel become a valuable so tight cell that he'd be drone? the hid fits biggest city full. so it has
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the cypress smoke small for century since the nation was divided and we hear from the spring to talk the thing and, and the best, the power of games coming up the had lower than now maybe winter across the south america. but it is feeling like from, for those essential areas of the little ones in places like bolivia as soon see on most central pots of brazil. this is where we'll see. temperature is continuing to rise over the next few days. it's feeling a little bit cooler down in the very south. we've had a weather front sweep into southern parts of chile as well as argentina, bringing
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a few showers here in this cloudy conditions as well. and some stronger winds around coastal areas and coupled with those hotter and dry conditions across the north. we have a warnings out for wild 5 of moving parts of chile. one is. * as well for wild fires across ecuador, there's a lot of y a here, and it has been in recent days. the west is all the weather is for the east of this for columbia and venezuela. we could see some flooding as of rain falls heaviest. here over the next few days, now we've had some very hot nights across central america and the caribbean, in particular for the bahamas that had his hottest july night in history on friday . he continues here on saturday is what is for florida. we've got a heat advisories out, but as a trade winds blow, that went to weather for the west, we are going to see some of that rain splash into the bahamas on sunday. that's what of the
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relationship with nature as well as in balance. fossil fuel extraction, intensive agriculture, over consumption. it becomes quite clear. we need a reset, ohio, the planet excuse how reassessing human kind place within the well is key to tackling climate change. this is a totally different will be piece of will leave me. we are house with nature, no support from it on which is 0. examining the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to ship, they started attacking the machines, unflinching john, those. what message do you think that they were trying to send? we'll come here and we'll tell you, i mean, are sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's, you will determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on a funding. well,
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class progress on which is the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out. is there a line to our top story? is this our, is there any forces continue bombing homes of residential buildings on refugee camps across the golf? at least 20 followed palestinians of been killed homes found today a system in the owners. there it's refuge account and central golf that most soldiers on the streets and buying a dash, but people are still defying a nationwide caffeine. at least a 105 people have been killed. thousands more injured in demonstrations against until quite a system. with inside the democrats,
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according on us president joe bought into quit his re election bid fight and has been isolated in delaware with cape of 19 since wednesday. but he says he will be back on the campaign trail next week. i wanna bring you some breaking news that's coming through from is really media. they are reporting that is where the forces have targeted, who seek positions inside yemen. the port city of data has been targeted. show you. these are the latest pictures that are coming through off that attack. now of course, this attack comes a day of drones strike on tele v one person was killed when a long range drone hits central tel aviv addie on friday. late to that day, the who sees claimed responsibility for hitting a single pul flagged cargo ship in the gulf of aidan. the group has been of course, head glazing, its attack since israel's will on gauntlet began to are now the is really ministry,
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say it's in. they all investigating not strongly on tel aviv one media report says the drone flew to 1000 kilometers from yemen. me most hurt the drones fail to even reach as role southern most city of a lot, which is on the red sea. okay, let's try and get more on this with elijah manya is the ministry and political and let's see joins us from paris. so elijah, let's take a step back and talk about this drone attack on televi. what did you make of it? because according to the is riley's, the drawn was a some of the 3 which isn't normally from what i've been reading this stuffy by design. but the who the say the drone was a new tide, capable of flying on, detected through israel's extensive ad defend system. what, what does, what does this will tell us?
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thank you for having me. the drawing to talk on the lives was the extremely damaging for this side. call it g. all these really in the 1st place, painting them that they have no more any safe space on along the east, right. including the capitals tend to be way more than 4000000 people are giving that in the whole area, health goes down with the economy, the center of all the business, and the infrastructure now for the unsettled law, who refused to launch a drawing from 2000 kilometers and to reach the target instead of eve is very significant because it's informing call the people in the off is right that they have no safe place to go. and it is better to stop the. busy on got, it is also putting pressure on prime minister, being your mean to, to, you know, who is
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a people and political policies are increasing the objection to the continued use of the war. and above all, the chief of staff concerned. he doesn't have a more banks or trainers so difficulties and so i would not have been sending drones and my size. but since the beginning of this falls, but that had been intercepted by the american, the british, the french and the on ice. and the red sea never did s one or 2 drones would always manage to go through as we have seen in the last, uh, 10 miles. and that also indicates that the access of the resistors, which means i've got some pre k, the m in the test for law and get that done. and the rocky are increasing the sides and involved in the war because they need to make sure that is right is suffering for the cause of these. to convince that anyhow, to stop his will. and what does it tell us about the sophistication of the, the who sees and the weapons?
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uh, because honest on this drone also used different routes to confuse the is riley on the, which has never been done before. of what this is the is always a problem and add down the and traveling regardless of specifications picking the ticket when this kind of drone that is made by the iranians and you're on has share this technology with what each on item talking about. yeah, man is up and down here. ok. and syria said because it leads bass, more re dos signature, it scans the fly head, fatal aptitude, it can change the speed. therefore, it's very difficult for me to separate miss side to meet is on the way, and this is why the agent need off of 16 in the to try to down the drone.
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now we see also the vibration of the speed is appropriate, lactic. for the intersection of the system, the high volume and the date of the drum, and it says the material that the drawn is made of make it impossible for the right out of a difficult to see the print off this rate uh, on the end of this uh drone on the radar and also the fact that it has been offered by this for since the 7th of october. that has been extremely valuable for those who are fighting against these right to convince it to start to gods. and these people are learning from all these months, so full to adapt to these rebates, kind of the system or deception system and look for the weakest point of is right. and he did not withstanding all the support that is right is having from the west.
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so today the technology of bothering and undetected radar is no longer in the hands of the west only. and this is what the charming gate today for is right. and it's all on a and just briefly a line set. so we're getting these reports that apparently these writings have retaliated according to is really media the data points and human has been hits. what does this tell us about how concerned a israel is about these developments? it explains is, right, is position. it says exactly why the access of the resistance wants it to be. so it is drive into a quagmire. it is drive into war that these don't don't. and if this is what been, i mean the thing. yeah. once with all the, uh, uh, the days that we have coming out of is right where the all me, the chief of staff, the shut off to be done as security. the political bought the people in the street,
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the family, a whole, the captive, everybody gathering, including the americans. again, it's been a mean that now and always falling into a trap by bomb being. government government has been bought for 7 years and nothing convince the here many to change the course of action that they have adopted. and that was certainly not stopped supporting guys. on the contrary, they would have more reason to escalate that has been yeah, mean nothing. now is offering it on the silver plate and it's not vague, separate to forward into that front, but to do okay, really appreciate you. and now since the launch of money and military and political am to speaking to us, the from the powers. now we have all correspond to how does fluids on uh, sets here in the studio. so how many you've been looking at the information that we have available? what the is really media reporting? what exactly are we hearing about these is really as strikes on her data port in human? well,
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what we were 1st seeing was unusual is really the military air force just flying over the city of and that, that is the southernmost city in israel. this is also a city typically that is targeted by who is the drones that come from them. and there have been several collisions there. there have been several attacks that have happened there and it's something that these rallies have said they are looking to combat. so let's talk about what happened next. so on saturday, what we know is that there was a drone that came from him and the targeted televi, but no alerts, no signal wells had come off and nothing had wrong. and it was quite unusual because this is an aerial defense system that is iron clad, even if a drone that you fly yourself in the sky and taking photos that could perhaps trigger those alarms as well. so last night what we heard from the defense minister you'll have gone was that israel is going to respond at a place and time of their choosing. we do know back in march, the americans had targeted young men for the seizure of ships in the red sea. we
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also know is that these rallies have said they're not going to leave that front completely open. so we're looking at the 3 fronts with these really they're dealing with the north and 11 on gaza, of course, and in the south. so the officials, what we're hearing off the record is that is really is have targeted several areas in human heating containers according to his really media that had oil within them . so it's not surprising if in fact these are is really airstrikes in him and considering that they said there would be a reaction. swift, please. okay, thank you for bring us up to date. honda civic that 1st still ahead on al jazeera installed red bull head problems during qualifying secondary and the one from 3 on to the is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are. they are in raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. here's from, i'll just say around on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile apps. is that the, this is where we, the effect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite top to just set for it and type to move
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the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the the only thing along israel's border with 11 on has fulls tens of thousands of people from that homes in the south are towels of older refuge to some of the displays. families. but as holiday season arrives, own as need the rooms for taurus increasing pressure, all the places offerings, shelter of all of the most and has moved from mar one. yeah, they wait and wait for fighting between these railey army and has below is only intensifying people like these has been forced from that homes. can only wonder when they'll be able to return to international organization. for migration, says 95000 have been displaced in the southern level menu to make shift
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accommodation. the montana hotel near the village of more when near the southern lebanon is one such center of stuff. um, largest sheet for 5 killer chairs, a room with a parent, some brother, the family has been living here for 6 months. and the beginning of the ware, i'm safe at home to office and i'm scared from that were planes and i was crying. i was the i was hiding, i was. * watching i miss my village every seems such as my bed my to my metal, my, my home, my best friends like that in the home. i sleep on the bed but to i sleep on the floor. so i'm that redeem, it's good as us the risk reduction agency, the local municipality, and runs the montana already struggling with limited resources. he worries the israel carries out a full scale ministry campaign. the hotel may be pushed to breaking point the for the whole,
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the with on people graciously open their homes for us and let us stay. but unfortunately, we're not seeing some homeowners returning from a ride. we need their houses back, that'd be good. just placing extra pressure on, as you do with the conflict between israel and husband, are intensifying the montana hotel in southern lebanon has once again become the 1st point of cool for those being the border area. but it's already full. i'm unable to take in any more of those seeking shelter, a sprinkling resources, and not the only risk for those that have been displaced by the fighting. if they try to attend to their homes in the future, new dangers of weight, the unexploded artillery shells and mines present dangerous threat. members of a non governmental organization. i've come to the montana to want people here not to approach anything that could be a hazard. if they go back for noses, other threats, wondering how no the plane, the plane scheduled from the lower plane, without
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a political solution to the conflict. nausea is fi account and more people are likely to seek refuge in the montana to escape the escalating fighting. oliver marsden alger 0 self 11 on the repercussions from a software security update across computers, across, swelled online key to be felt for weeks. that's according to the chief executive. the company behind fridays and global i see outage across from mike's george court says, and it engineers have released to fix update microsoft operating systems, effective cyber security software. it costs the disruptions, tens of thousands of flights worldwide, well grounded, and hospitals, retailers and banks will offline well ground, strongly because wound about e crime act is in a statement. it says the company has observed the rest act as leveraging the event to distribute malicious zip archive. it explains that the zip archive contains
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a payload that loads remote control and surveillance software and says the campaign is likely targeting loss in the american base customers. police in western fronts of use take us to dispatch at the base and protest as the climate active is gathered at la rochelle, poor to oppose the building of agriculture. war to rest of was several 1000 protesters had already gathered on friday despite a police plan. and a bridge in northern china has collapsed off the torrential rain state. media reporting 12 bodies have been found inside calls recovered from the river within. so i see people are still missing western india heavy rain as cause damage and residential areas across the regions. states of goods ross and my roster. i have been effective to why the office issued fed that's the less so right. okay. it's time for support his on the thank you so much, molly. momma,
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clarence alondo norris's in poll position for somebody's come, gary and growing prius teammate. i'll skip past or you'll start 2nd. there's a fall from perfect day for will champions read both such a pair as a crushing out earlier on. and he's down in 16th on the grid pathway to much the stuff. and he qualified behind mcclellan's in 3rd, north sits 2nd in the drive, his championship behind the stipend and the english drive. it will now be targeting his 2nd girl in pre, when all of the season we've already got confidence. so it's, um, it's not like we need a lot more of it over searching for, you know, i think we've come into this weekend and the last few happy and coughing though. we can do a good job and you have a good time to, to fight football. and that's exactly what we did today. so yeah, like i said, a great job by the team. we've been improving every weekend to end up on polls. today's sweets. ruffin and als reached his 1st finally moving to yes, he did it by beating da. i do give it to serve you in the last 4 of the swedish sharpen, the 38 year old building of his fitness, the head of the pass olympics,
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that on his back and it's time to be cited for the 1st time since he won the french open in 2022, he'll be going to go with him both of singles and doubles. have the power skills that will be president thomas bank says the stage is that the power was games which start in less than a week's time back as in the french capital to oversee final preparations. 32 sports on show at the games with moving 300 gold medals up the groups. and i'm here for more than a week. i tend to wherever you come and go where you see that the, the lights are on free of the preparations. i going get a very well well, one of the big drawers of the games will be us, says basketball team, kevin drunk back on. cool. hey, with the team in london ahead of an exhibition game against south to down the to time and be a champion. is recently be sidelined with an injury there on one. the 1st is 3
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olympic goals and the 2012 london guests. well, another american looking for gold is spring. so no alliance, but it's not just one. he's asked the he'll be attempting to become the 1st male athletes in olympic history. it's a win for sprint. gold medals, some size and ripples. the only one that's missing from the list is an olympic gold . and i'm planning on leaving with a lot of those details. it just to the, to the lows is one of the 12 month lease in the world right now. and certainly one of the most confident now last year allows emulate to design both in winning a have trick of well titles in the 100 meters, 200 meters, and the 100 meter relay. he now wants to add the full by $400.00 to the list in paris, as he seems to become the 1st male athlete to win full sprint gold medals of the
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single olympics. he also has bolts 200 me to old record and insights comprising how that works. as i get faster and show up for the biggest competition in the world. i'm expecting my fast as times and when i say that, i'm expecting the p r. and a lot of people though, i'm knocking on the door. some of these were records. so i'm expecting to see world records full as i p r. in the 100 meters miles faces more competition, he's only the 4th, quickest, the season to make a big seville beat miles just last month. i ran my 2nd fastest time in jamaica, of course getting beat. this bill was not the plan, but he had to be already be me. so i'd say that, you know, i'm making the composition stand on their toes, knowing that i'm in, in good shape and the 100 grand in his debut olympics, until he killed miles wilks away with the bronze medal and the 200 meters, 3 is late. so that he's expecting a lot more concise and out 0 and gulf whole flight open later. and for champion not
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showing the learner is just stoned to this 3rd round realtor and the argument has a 3 shots advantage round of the day. so far as the scope and well that belongs to some jane, a 5 on the 65, the south drain, a type of 20 of his best, the performance of the open. how the look at left on the bottom i can saw i hey, playing a right handed swing with the club, the wrong way round and a bit to escape right. despite these best as skilled as a constraints on pace on 6 sides of off and it's being the good is this on the bodies are enjoying themselves that the 2nd says between england and the west indies, shamal joseph had the crowd running for cover as the windy set $457.00 in that 1st endings. england late this best of 3 series, one male. okay, multiple from a light term, but that is how we are looking for not only thank you and they, and that's it for me not inside this news. i'll be back in just a moment, much more of today's news. for now you can check out our website out there and
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don't come to stay with the with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war and ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics the bottom line. they don't want to miss. there's dignity being displaced and makes shift comes and not being able to get access to food, asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing yahoo would be arrested when visiting a fine look posing from the action. but what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects about the best off from the factories and india
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out as it was changed across the world. when you closer to the house with the story . the security concerns and political uncertainty, or just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic games in paris . as millions turned their attention to friends with the hosting, they shouldn't be ready to welcome to world on july, the 26 stay without a 0 for the latest updates the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now, the 2 things say as well, has trump targets in yemen and oil refinery has been hit fatalities for posted the by you. this is all just there in life from dell also coming up.


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