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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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i'm best place to understand the macbooks and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. that desktop theme that we don't harm. we don't tucked we do. we exploit the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm on the inside. this is the news on line from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes is really fine to just hit. yeah. been for the 1st time since the war on gaza. you see controlled oil refinery is on fire. the in gaza is
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really focused on the areas across the street from these sachi palestinians on killed soldiers on patrol in bangladesh. nationwide cut few as opposed to 12 student led protests against government job quotas and farms become baffled grounds in the see john, we look at how the conflict is deepening. hunger crisis in sport mcclellan set up a hates on the for the one wheel champions. red bull, the car on site that salt cheese pulsing, qualifying the hung, gary and thrown free land. no. norris employee position the hello. welcome to the program. we begin this news out with breaking news. israel's military says it's fine to jets of hits, who see targets in yemen. mocking an escalation between the 2 sides. picture show
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a major fire off an oil facility in the pool city of the data. of house station has also been hits. they are reports of casualties, video released by you have any media show a number of people being treated in hospitals, injuries, who these have already pledged to respond to the latest attack. that is rarely a tide came a day off to a deadly who see drug and strike on israel's biggest city. one person was killed when a long range drone hit near us embassy office in central's tel aviv on friday. okay, let's get more on all this with all correspondence from the salute. come to us. so we have had confirmation from the as ready. all means that they carried out the strike on human talk with sort exactly what they've said. that's right. we have confirmation from these really military. we just heard from the army spokesperson, daniel a gary who said that israel acted alone in this. and that there were several red
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lines that israel had saying that they were attacked by the who sees around $220.00 times since israel's war on guns that began. most of those are actually in israel, southern most city of a last. but what we saw on friday was a much different story. we also heard that israel is not going to allow this to happen any further saying that there was a policy that was not really spoken where they weren't going to respond to yet another front. that was being opened up against them, they say, but that, that time had run out. and we also heard from these really defense minister who said that this is now how they are going to continuously fight this war on all the fronts. take a listen to that. a yes optic, i'd say me both the 5 that is currently building and her data is seen across the middle east. and the significance is clear. the who things attacked us over 200 times before the 1st time that they homes and as rarely, citizen,
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we struck them. and we will do this in any place where it may be required. the blood of his riley citizens has a price. this has been made clear and level in gaza in yemen, added other places. if they will dare to attack us, the result will be identical. them allow me my thigh or will look the defense minister's comments, comment as the who these have said that this response by these rallies will not go unanswered. that remind us of this attack by the who sees that struck ton of eve on friday. it was different, wasn't it from previous attacks by the hear these it was quite different because what we usually see, our crews are ballistic missiles going over the red sea from him and around 2000 kilometers, going to southern israel. but here was a different story. we saw this drone that was seemingly undetected by any of israel's aerial defense array. this is an air defense system that's 3 fold and the alarms in the air are quite sensitive and are often triggered when there isn't even
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anything in the sky. so the fact that it was able to infiltrate off of the sea coming off of the mediterranean, it was able to be caught on video by someone who was actually at the beach and then traveling just a short distance away and exploding out on a building. so this is something that these really military, not only are they looking into the series of failures as to why this wasn't detected and one person was killed and 10 others were injured. but now these relatives are saying that this is something that is going to have to be responded to and then retire. now the who these are saying this is something that's going to have to be responding to. so perhaps an escalation, we'll just have to wait and see there. okay, thank you for that. how does salute that for us? well, let's speak now to use of mary. he's a janice and political unless he joins us now from some the you said thank you for joining the program. firstly, you are in some the tell us what you're hearing about the strikes on the port of data. we understand they have been some fatalities. what sort of damage are we
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talking about as we're talking about the usual damage, and that's that new age, which was the oil and diesel facilities. and of course, the local electric power transmission towers and electric power stations. the reason why these public facilities were the direct target of these is really air strikes, is because of us and the british failure to disarm in disabled and to target b, i'm sort of lost who these military bunkers to destroy their, their defense systems. and the fact that the us and you can have failed to identify where the on site a lot who these are storing their ballistic missile, storing their weapons and they're launching pads. so because this information was not shared with is rarely intelligence from the was israel does not know where else to head, so they have to resort to attacking one of the most sensitive public infrastructure, which is of course,
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the electric station and the oil and diesel facilities. and we have to look at what's happening on the ground and recognize that the us, the british air strikes and even now with these really afraid they have failed to disarm on sort of loss food. these ability to continue launching attacks and the red sea in the arabian sea, even in the mediterranean sea. and of course, as you mentioned, the, the, the latest drone that targeted tel aviv. okay? it was a reason why this drawing was successfully able to target tel aviv, and that's because of the radar system of israel was penetrated and it was, it was disabled. so they were not able to, to detect this sort of law who the drone with that managed to hit its targets. right. i mean the, who is these have now responded to this strike on her data and wound. i'm just gonna use the words from the who the spokesman passed the plague as well in retaliation. is that tough tool or do they actually have the capabilities to do
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that? as well, according to one side of law visual's been attacked by is recalls on your mind. it was expected, it was expected, yemenis were waiting for this attack to occur. so the attack was expected. however, according to military officials, you don't sort of law who these, the response from young man is going to be on expected. and the reason why, why this was a statement given is because of the, because the weapons that are in the possession of the unsolved, a law who these look, they have, you know, they have the weapons, as we have seen, to hit targets across the entire region right, and we know that you don't sound a lot with these. they have hyper sonic missiles which they have only used ones in this entire conflict. so what happens to is rio if on sato law, the who these are able to disable the air defense system and their radars. and what happens if more drones and even hypersonic miss styles and ballistic missiles,
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are able to penetrate the air defense system and hit targets in tel aviv. and this would result, as your guest mentioned earlier into an escalation, not just between yemen and is real. but an escalation across the entire region. and the reason for that is because, according to ensemble law, for with the military spokes person, this attack was, was carried out on the i'm and with coordination from out of states up states that were helping is real, coordinate. this attack, okay, on the port of those data and as the on sort of like who the officials had mentioned earlier, any speed and you're out of regina. any government in the region that helps is real or the west carry out attacks on you, i'm on. they will be met with would tell you ation. okay, so it is that your understanding is that your expectation, we are now going to see more attacks by humans who sees into israel into places like tel aviv. it's not just, not just as we all,
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it's going to be an all attack from young men against all us is really and british military presence across the region, whether that be in the island of so got the which is here in your mind whether that be in us military bases in saudi arabia, u e in jordan, you name it according to the on sort along with these. they will be getting there basically declaring war on israel. the us, the british government in any out of regina that is considered a ally of israel. so the par gets the targets for humans on the side of law who the use. you know, you pick a target basically because of their us military presence here in yemen. in the south, there's us, military is really a activities taking place in the island also got the in the island of me own there's us u. k. british military bases, you know, and saudi arabia in the u. e. but i can tell you that from what i'm receiving from the on site
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a lot of military officials while i spoke with the attack is not just going to be one target. it's going to be a number of targets. and that might start with 1st targeting the audibly james, who are enabling those real to carry off these attacks on young men. and according to the code to the code, these on sort of law officials, okay, a lot of regions that are enabling what they are calling, of course, the genocide that's taking place in palestine. so you know, right, story short, this more is just starting okay. and do we tell you you can come the color frame? uh, we don't have that much time, but can i also, you're talking about, you know, the who things response how to ordinary. yeah, my knees. feel about what the who fees are engaged in here engaging with israel in this way. for the 1st time we've seen as roll attack. yep. and it is that presumably that must have since, since the will be gone, presumably this has come is a bit of a shock to ordinary human. these people to well,
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unfortunately it's always the civilians who suffer. and it's the reason is because civilians are being targeted when you're targeting public infrastructure when you're talking targeting public facilities. but let's not forget the how many people have grown use it is because the images that you are seeing today are the same images that human use experience for 89 years during the solve the look, coalition war on your mind. however, what is happening, you know, when you, when you, when you attack public facilities, of course, it's going to put the burden on the innocent people who will, you know, obviously will not have access to basic necessities will not have access to propane gas, who will not have access at the fuel points, of course, on my way over here, i can tell you that there is lions, you know why that local gas stations with people rushing to the fuel pumps to try to pump fuel and trying to pump gas because they, they understand what's coming they know that there's going to be an economic blanket on them and they know that fuel is going to be a where product is going to be a rare substance. and most of them in the use will not have access to the most
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basic necessities which is something that you may need to have experience. but just because they experienced it, it doesn't mean that they want to continue witnessing it. so you have that taken place in addition to the public diplomacy, here in yemen, where you see the protests taking place on a, you know, in most many provinces, you know, declaring their support for the military operations that are directed at and leave eating the suffering of the palestinian people, so you have, you know, both ends of the spectrum or both ends of the extreme. you have people who are in support of these attacks and you have but you have people on the other side who are who you know, who are saying that that are not necessarily in favor of these attacks because of the we precautions that will you know, that will face, but yet many people in terms of access to basic necessities and the entire economy being stirred into, you know, another recession in the economy. suffering means that millions and millions of you have any use will be it's on the verge of starvation is
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a full block you to is impose on them. so that's what you mean. these are in fear of what i can tell you with that. in addition. yeah, mean these are still supporting these attacks against the is really redeem and they're supporting these military attacks. okay. and support of palestine. okay. i appreciate you talking to us or not. is there a use of mary, a journalist on political, anna speaking to us, the from the government e capital on the so what tax biased already such as i'm palestinians across the occupied westbank have been relentless. they create what the international court of justice has just ruled as a co west of environment meant to displace palestinians. and next the territory. friday's i c j ruling was ground breaking, but it hasn't changed the reality on the ground as newer. all day reports from
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ramallah armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched impunity is really settlers attack a palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or confront from firing in the year to protect the settler's walk, how was sent to hospital where she received 7 stitches to the head this is not the 1st time. well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is rarely settlers killed. what's his brother? and the assaults have not stopped since. what was your kind of what do i do the shooting them there? no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died . they don't spear any one. they don't want any public opinion here. elsewhere and the occupied westbank is rarely subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and
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fields near nablus. a seer ring reminder for palestinians. the on its own, the landmark ruling by the international court of justice on the legality of israel occupation did not bring dispute from reality to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability. easily supplements enterprise is so intertwined with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. oh simple. just this is why i know it's time to impose this function. so nice. real control doesn't comply on the ground, the daily bottles to protect the palestinian land. m lives will continue for rose, just it was really your thoughts are unlikely to stop palestinians feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead. exact. the cost on the is rarely occupation and the
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international actions allowing it to continue not all day as ita drama, la palestine from north to south. so yes, another day is really forces have been forming homes, residential buildings and refugee camps and gaza. at least that the palestinians were killed on sauce today. so fall, michael. i flo, ports. this is really a strikes level residential buildings in all new site at in central gaza. 0 0 to date, an injured abroad to, oh ok, so hospital minis still live beneath the rubble of the buildings that collapsed around them must have a football. so i figured look that up a little bit, we woke up around 3 15 am after i missed southwell, i went downstairs and found oldest destruction above our heads have no connection to any organization. 2 of my daughters were killed before my relatives also died.
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there were more than 7 injured, including my father and my sister in the middle, the death doctors managed to salvage life. this baby was rescued from the womb of her pregnant mother, killed in his riley attack of the night. i'm and see, i saw it sets up well especially that an immediate operation was performed up to the hospitals offices. his mother was killed and the baby now is in the incubate department and he started his life as a move. and i know most of the dozens of people were killed. the hospital mold full of families, forced to say good bye. caught them upon what's at all mama, the cook children, and a pregnant woman does enough present to crime is released. don't care about the international community for human rights for the
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self. these really all me is released footage of its operations in rough. uh, it's a soldiers of killed the number of palestinian fighters in the tallow soltani area . mike level, which is their children in gauze. i have been out of school for over 9 months. instead of books. they now share the burden of finding bullshit and food with that families. agency or expand has accused as role of using voice as a weapon to full against palestinians. knew him could die or reports from darrow by, as well. once they played and dreamed children now carry water in and just contain, or they can find when they can find a carry heavy load and i'm not used to carrying heavy things. i'm 11 years old, i'm too little. i will kill long distance from the tons to get water. i do several trips back and forth and i get drenched as i walk into sun. clean water is
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a precious resourcing gauze of water stations like this one have run dry. some are switch off for days or weeks of the time, so there is never, you know, flush her to go around. and that means the children have to walk longer distances to find a top that's working. and as my name is dave, we've been displaced today at all. butler, we are having difficulties with both. sometimes we find it sometimes we don't know and it helps me carry the bucket to the tent. fishing would exhaust me. we q in the sun. my head starts, i take one at a time to bring to drinking water here once a day, it's nowhere new in the stuff. some people get water moves to know my yeah, but i do want to think we have these children and they show during the responsibility they have to fetch water and do the laundry. i'm gonna shut them off to that. they go to the sea, which is up to 5 kilometer by foot just to get
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a little more so i swear the other day we have to work to fetch the sea water to drink. international charity oaks fancies, israel has been systematically what the noisy water against politan using also showing disregard for human life and international law. the results of that, with the nice ation, are clear everywhere. you look into the alternator de la garza palestine of the sites as most soldiers patrolling cities across sprung. the dish has been installed, purchased as from defying a nationwide curfew, at least a 105 people have been killed, thousands injured in demonstrations against the government's job question system. internet text message services have also been suspended, effectively isolating the country charles traffic reports so which is on the streets of bangladesh is capital dot com. it's
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a similar scene in towns and cities across the south asian nation. as a country wide coast, we was enclosed. what did you see that was one of the vehicle police drove us away and the notes said to come here to this travel agent, but we're not allowed in here is the webinar we go through this custom, this is insane. secure to come down comes up to the days of student protests against the reinstatement to the quote to assist the government jobs in a 100 people have repeatedly been killed. thousands injured groups of protest is gathered on the empty streets in the car on saturday to find the government fine. the government ordered the co few of to a prison was attacked. more than 850 inmates escaped because the system was established more than 50 years ago to help people who fools
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in the work independence holden hoff with government jobs. there was a perpetual ins children, women, disabled people in experts, minorities. the system was scratched in 2018, but reinstated earlier this month, the state appealed the ruling and the supreme court suspended the case for a month. but it wasn't enough to quote and go among university students struggling to find work in a limited graduates job market who protest display, improve governments groups, selecting the violence, some of the leaders security method, the t of the government ministers last late last night. and actually they pulled forward 8 months, which um, so it's not clear yet whether government really agreed to do those demands. those demands essentially include the navigation of the ministers, some of the top on ruling by the leaders who according to the students instigated
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the ruling bodies stored in front to attack on the students, incidents and text messaging services of being suspended since thursday international phone calls mostly failed to connect many opposition leaders, activists, and student protested so being arrested. charles trumpet, elder 0 tunbridge henry has this update from dakota. and the cost is back on after 2 hours of break. people rushed to the grocery store and did the essential any emergency stuff. but the internet is still shut down across the country, causing serious inconvenience for the people across the country. now, people are very anxious trying to see if i apprehensive what will happen next. after all this violence past few days. the government is still open to negotiate with the student. the student leaders have put 8 point demands among them to demand uh that those are instigated the violence against them,
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including rolling party leaders, student waiting for members as well as the police members must be brought to justice. all the leaders behind the buyers are who are being apprehended must be released. these are some of the demand before they even consider sitting with the government. now the government, as widely blamed, is on the opposition thing to capitalize on the student movements and saw the violence and energy across the country. the proposition party said that they did support the students movement publicly, and many members of the public actually took part in the products with the students . and that is why i stay people somber for the number of deaths and injuries that happened within last several days. in the country, and they don't know where the political situation will have within coming day of months and weeks temperatures rate. i'll just say the doctor pressure is mounting on us president joe biden to quits his re election bid move inside the
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political allies of publicly as biden to drop out of the race. a television out has been released in the us cooling on him to post the torch. the president has been isolating in delaware with cove 19 since wednesday, but he says he will be back on the campaign trail next week. what happens on a week off the surviving an assassination attempt? biden's republican rival will hold his fast riley. the secret service has increased security measures around donald trump. he'll be joined by his running mate, j. d von. at the campaign events in the battle ground state of michigan or phil laval is outside the venue in grand rapids. we'll talk to mitchell even fast. let's go to my account. he's in washington dc. so let's start with president biden, who is still under pressure as an a for members of his own policy to resign. but he's made it pretty clear that he's determined to push on as well present invite in
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has made absolutely clear that he has no intention of stepping down. so to have spoke to people for who the by and the harris campaign. now there's been a lot of anonymous sources being quoted in the media about senior democrats pressure rising him to sit down the names. the mentioned off the senate majority leave, the house minority, meet the former speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, but all of these individuals have not said anything publicly. in fact, schuman has dismissed these reports as idle speculation. we also heard from america bama publicly, who said that the only person who can decide whether or not the president biden should run is president biden himself the mold, and the members of congress, democratic members of congress, who have publicly called on the president to step down but to put that into a context, there are some 250 democratic members of congress. so this is a minority, very much a minority. the vast majority of democrats in congress either keeping quiet about
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the issue or the carrying on to support the president by then. okay, thank you for that. mike has had of that in washington dc. let's cross now to phil laval. in grand rapids, michigan where full uh, president, trump and j, the vance audience had paid a rowdy together in the coming hours. so it was some weird like that so that it's just very positive. you might be able to have it. there is music in the background, it's all defiance and i'll be there for 7 hours. i'll be walking up and down the crowd. you know, some people that i feel nervous about being here considering what happened last subsidized very much. the answer is no. we have to be here, we have to be physical. what's on the truck? i mean have to be here to say, what hate on jay, the bunch of going to say the other thing that i've noticed we've driven down the line is to see lots of the more i think, obtain events as of running nights. i'm. the general thing is we don't really know much about it and we know his name, we saw him on. so you basically all run sites, but we don't really know anything more about him. there are thousands of people
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that i mean this state and could hold it till 12000 people's summit be lining up all night. the line is started to move steadily in the last few minutes or so as people have started 3 admitted ahead of this. but other than not, everybody's just you get to get into kind of us, you a quick question about a bunch of them. what do you think of j d months is a big i think is a great tech and especially um reset them. yeah. i think it's perfect. what do you think don't come chosen? who, what could you say that was useful? i think he's kind of an unexpected things. great background grew up in mount and and on top of his tray i think it's a good thing. is this your 1st rally? so you've been to yeah. when you think of it, especially considering what happens to consider what happened last week, are you nervous about being here? no, i'm confident and the people that are here, i'm having supporters and holland security. right. thank you very much. so if you to us, i must, generally,
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the movie said we've already spoken to people. what's mentioned about security. it is really tied here. i mean, you've got these barriers here. there are police everywhere. there offices on horseback service night pissed stationed on various roof tops. now remember, this is an into arena, so it's a very different scenario. so what we saw last week, it's much hard if anybody to get advantage point to the president, unless they have admission. so it has to be less in my have to be squared. it's not like last week when somebody can be in the distance, somebody can do the president. so there is, that's a bad remind donald trump as hell that event have in the past. so that's how by exports, that's usually not as a blueprint, but obviously security is tied because of what happened last thought that i also because a man was arrested in florida on friday nights. and he was accused of making threats to kill donald trump and j. d. von, so who are not in the background? the security is a bit extra type. i don't tell you what's gonna happen out today. donald trump will take to the sites which id them. so they've already paid or they are and say everybody knows who he is. but this will be that 1st come pay that payments
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together after that the account pay moves up and off because this has now a $2.00 button. com page, so they'll go off and that different directions, j. d. vance has its own events. funny as one, i know, and so it's hard to state of ohio on monday where they will spread the market message. obviously they're not going to convince these people. i mean these, all the supports as these of the people to line up for hours to hands on a trump, on the line up the hedge id on speak. but remember, we are in which you and this is a one of those swing states for an off months. the guy who knows what will happen between now and the. okay, thank you for that. so level. busy that for us, at the venue in grand rapids, lot small from phil about at that raleigh. throughout the evening. the still ahead on out there. don't go to us congress families. this is randy captive off benjamin netanyahu to secure a seat. i do the
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side for small century since the nation was divided the time in support. we'll hear from this spring, said tom, mixing in the lympics 1st of the periscope. the had a low the let's have a look at the weather across the middle east and live and remains a launch the hots and dry picture. a little bit unsettled to we've got some breezy winds blowing across the event. some breezy winds as well moving down the gulf states, and of course, the spattering of showers affecting the coal cause is, and possibly some showers coming into the very self or mon and human. as the monsoon winds continue to keep things allows you to cool around coastal areas, but temperature will be picking up across the region over the next few days to wait
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. think 52 degrees celsius that into monday. and doha is set to see the temperature pick up into the high forty's, with lots of heat here in could top. now heat is the story across the north of africa, temperatures on as high in the northwest. they will continue to rise in the north east, across egypt, temperature, switching to edging towards the middle. forty's, the much west to across the west. and parts of africa was essential areas thanks to the easterly waves, but will continue to bring some heavy rain to chad. and the central african republic on sunday to monday is looking much to wire. however, for the south of this full cape town in south africa, ahead of rain that moves back in on tuesday. the hard hitch, i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that to me and the f one is government with this is 5 digit, you say getting russell,
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a thought provoking nonsense that you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not the need for the effective he of the story on told to how does era the
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the welcome back you're watching out, is there a mind i told the story? is this alex evans who he say they won't hesitate. skin attacking, find so targets in israel. i was of the city of the data was told that the casualties have been posted often will facility and power station will hits rarely from this to benjamin that, you know, says somebody who's being used as an entry point for weapons from wrong. is there any forces have continued main homes, residential buildings and refugee camps, cross gaza, at least betsy palestinians have been killed on past today. a system in the out and is there it's working to come in central cost more soldiers on
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the streets and bung of a dash for people are still defying a nationwide because here at least a 105 people to kill palaces, more injured in demonstrations against a jobs close to the allied democratic forces, rebels have killed at least 37 people in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the m $23.00 armed group is also advancing on the cone gleese on the near the town of bennie in the north. an you connie reports, this is one of the quarter to contain that it's located in the detailed total for many or most to 54 kilometers away. and this area has been under heavy i talk from the it, if we looked at for we're going to end up doing that at one of the i system groups . these people have been in the forest of this area for decades away now. and then the army has been trying to deal with them by launching the rental,
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finishing up soon. because of the cleaning conducted by these people have report this in the telling us when it goes that you weren't calling. did the off the government, do you want to be more? what's i decided to play the launch at the last 2 years by the deal. and they've gone down on the 30th, but it was remains very active even this week. they killed it on the 27th people for monday because of a lot from disabilities and even after now, people still searching for bodies in different areas. but for this village, only 2 people were killed around hundreds of civilians. most of the big things we came to bring my ship is some of the bodies were 20 in the water by the men telling the i mean is 1st thing worth now is coming from didn't off because this is this outside. what did the if is most our team and the other side or last time for the 3 levels, the bossing to watch this last month. and that's been a big post on the total for been and even for the population in the region here. fortunately, the capacity of the deal, honestly,
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i mean to deal with the military will finish on the descent on. and 1st thing, some of the most active moving within the region is what i've seen. for example, the top command, the rise, cheerful stuff for the army is now here in this area, you can talk to the population. i'm trying to assure them that's the i'm, is doing what they can do. what's popular so knows very well that it's a big challenge for the army. and this is why they are expressing difficulties on and don't worry about what time it happened for them here in the village. if it's from the full cost of only $20.00 m $23.00, which seems to be holding fuel the government's island like on it does 0203020 the democratic republic of cool farm is in. see john say that unable supply and crops, because of fighting between the army and power, military rapids support forces you and this morning of severe food and security for millions of people in the coming months. mohammed file has the story from the south
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. eastern states have got a rest as he to most and his family just so i lived in good life. he says he left his home and his land for a life of dependency in a displacement comp. but he had no choice, but then i'll be moving on. is it all we still want you to farm is we're used to doing during the rainy season, but the rapid support forces attack the area and looted everything. most of the people who i have leading the fighting in so not our farm is normally at this time of yeah, they should be in the fields, but they say there is no way they can go with them. do it to is secured it with more than 80000000 heck, it tells of our land. so that is often described as the bread baskets of the world . some of the most felt time fields are in this state such as your city, not on good life areas where the conflict has been spreading quickly in the past
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few months. we definitely give you the us who that does it. a state supplies all of sit done with food when the season starts and you were planned to sort them on and we and many other krupps. but they will be no funding this year. the villages until the artist, if is for everyone, i'm to leave. because while you, since the beginning of the violence in april last year, godaddy posit receive more than 1000000 people displaced from conflict zones across the country. many of them off promise, the life of the bodies. the doctor isn't a good cultural state with 4000000 hacked is of land are planted with various crops, including wheat, mays, sesame, beans, and sunflower. as it has the largest tiles in the arab world. this year, the planted area began to shrink, especially near the border woods an hour because of the fighting there. the other factor is this war in cost of fuel pesticides and fertilizers,
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welfare pharmacy. they're afraid to is expensive machinery such as practice for fear of looting. if the fighting skills over in the body sort of gum is a staple food in sudan, and the state used to export millions of tons to other regions including costume and thought for now with small houses, it's expected. the government will need to find alternative sources to avoid the funding. how much fun does it on the body to that? the committee for the families if is writing captives has demanded. the prime minister secures a safe 5 deal before traveling to the united states where he's expected to address congress. thousands of people, a gathering, again in tennessee coating for the kept his release on early elections that have been mass protest nearly every week since the war began. we can speak now to the new lip. shit sees the grandson if ever todd is really jealous. odin lips chest and
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was taken captive during the attack on october the 7th. he joins us now from tel aviv. thank you so much for your time today. money is really, is like, you saw have been out on the streets every saturday for months now appealing to your government to come up with a sci fi deal. so that caps is, can be released calling for ali elections get here. we are 10 months into this war . nothing has changed all you will please fully own that he is so its not sure that nothing being changed. uh there was the 1st deal to uh, secure the release of more than a 100 hostages. my grandmother came back and now it seems like we are really on the edge of the new plus the bona agreement. the pressure from the mediator is, was very good in the last 2 months. uh there is uh the military pressure became foot point that we now have to take the deal. the deal is the biden deal,
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but then you all deal the deal that was offered by the rallies. and uh i oh, yeah, mary comes with no now to make the pressure over the prime minister that he will seal the deals from the other side. i pull the cats are towards everyone to continue the pressure over a month to make sure that they are agreeing to the deal as well. and also to people in guys that we see them throwing doubts more in lot of the 3, say after the assassination of the data, it would seem like something happened there. so we need also the pressure from the galvan, that's one piece piece by it. that's the ones the deal for the release of the hostages is the end of the war. and we really want to come to that point. okay, so, so you all how full and you feel that sees 5 talks, sci fi deal is on the cards, but this evening, it seems, israel's was entered a new front with you will on me attacking yemen for the 1st time. and the who is
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these have bound to retaliate. we've already seen them attack tel aviv on friday, given we're seeing the sort of escalation, how concerned are you that your demands are not going to be met? so the drawings, the expelled the color of the ball is about 400 meter from my apartment. it could easily hit the company and see wholesalers and the show us the another and $911.00. and i'm very worried about that. i hope there will be no escalation and that so we will be able to steal the ceasefire dealer, the dealer that will bring the oxygen back. because the, you know, the end of the war, as i said, is done revert to the release of the hostages. like go any farther. the only great britain father has hostage in the world of them yellow. these like my sister, my best friends, olivia. all a good both on october 7,
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i'm very worried about what's going on in the region. and i really hope nothing in few days already. we can see a change that will end the war in does that in 11 non and the same issue that is coming from yemen, the most, i think more our country as the step in and to make sure that the, the end it ends in the human it's ends in data. we need to help us. so if the thought me rate the jeep chance, the malaysian thing to an agent, whoever is able to put the foot some of the ground, let the idea go out and bring the hostages back home. we need it, it's a very complicated solution, but we need everyone to understand the boots on the ground, like the pressure over from us, like the pressure of the prime minister and it's in the out. and i really hope that you can, the next time we talk it's off, the bill is over and the old worries over my grandfather is home,
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our valet zone and all the other 118 hostages back onto the family again. and you all holding up a picture of your grandfather if he, if you want to lift it up, that he was taken captive on october. the 7th. a. tell us a little bit about him and, and why it's so important for you that the captives are returned or so my grandfather, 1st of all, is one of the most amazing people in the world picture for me. i know it is only the live control, it's for quite deceased. then he was one of the 1st journalist to interview. yes. there are on the spot the to seek to get them. every fridays that 3 it's meant to be people general be in. he's reading the hospital and bring them back before he comes to us to me, to his children. and so he is great when both are that is really waiting for him. you know, i never imagined that in october, 7 elderly, big kid up there is nothing that can be accepted to achieve nothing. 84 years old,
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the man there is each everything against the core. i'm doing something like that. and 300 days old or mostly see here already 287 days. that's my grandfather. 84 years old man with a lot of problems of the blood pressure. the last thing we know about team that after he was injured in october 7, 5 bullets were shots through the door of these hands repeat safe boom. they dragged the naked that's home. the. the master always just threw him outside of his back yard. he was unconscious and bleeding there, and my grandmother thought that he died. she was sure that the dead. but after the 1st release, 2 woman saw him, one of them. uh, i just think he said in an interview that he was next to her. it was we the white glove be so full of blood and the even told the theories here uh, they speaking arabic, you tried to do everything even there inside. and the other one,
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the being with them said that you was waiting for a month and a place they didn't get any medicine. they were abusing them. and uh, after a month, the pain and the to tell receipt to kim. and since then we have no information about him about 8 months. okay, thank you for that. no. maybe 3, medium back. okay. so and the score and to bring the spec. ok. thank you daniel. thank you for speaking to. so now does aaron sharing your story, daniel left, says grandson all feet were tied is riley. john is on that list says who was taken captive during october. the 7th. the divided cypress is marking the rule that began on july, the 20th, 1974, but as one side moons its last and the other celebrates administering victory. 15 years on reconciliation seems
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a long way off. china ha reports. the sirens interrupt the silence as to just as they did 50 years ago at 5 20 in the morning. when turkey's troops landed on the beaches of northern cypress, the military and athens had days earlier attempted to to init casea to re unique cyprus with greece to a kia his response was to invade, occupying a 3rd of the island, a division that remains to this day the boy, yes, the pain and bitterness we feel for this day cannot be described in words. all those dock days come to our memories. we remember that the trial that happens when they just left our children over that to be killed. because these 10, it gets, this was 30 at the time, displaced like thousands of others from his home in the north here tending his
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brothers great. the self declared took his republic of northern cyprus, announces itself in the distance. many of its citizens displaced as well. are the 2 sides separated by a buffers unprotected by the un folders peacekeeping mission? 2 sides mocking this moment quite differently. greek cypriots morning on what they call a black anniversary. the turkish cypriot leadership. meanwhile, celebrating a military victory. previous attempts at reunification have failed. a plan put forward by then un secretary general coffee and then in 2004 and talks in geneva that collapsed in 2017 greek cypriots and the u. refusing tech, a separate demands of a 2 state solution. there is a need for the need is on the island to redouble their efforts to secure a political solution. the secretary general has made clear that to the window of
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opportunity is only becoming smaller with the passage of time. and so an easy state is quite a remains bullet riddled buildings reminder of wool old pictures that commemorate the missing and graveyards the dead. the former international airport abandoned in 1974, still rubbing away untouched children how elder 0 so head on now to sierra in fort raphael, the dial looks to be in hitting full just in time to the powers and then fix. and they will be here with that story. the aspire is the past to host the olympic games, french athletes where the head just will not be allowed to compete. alongside
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players, coaches and teams eaters and athletes challenges the by creating a space for all to embrace the game they loved, regardless of what they wear on their head. paris game changes with this document on the jersey. the african stories from african perspective. like convince i dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary why asked looking filmmakers from kenya and kansas if it goes to science it in. but i could meet with you pulled up on me. it says all of them on the left side, the bile, bob waste, and all was fine. i use the on,
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i'll just sierra the funds to support his on the thank you so much, marlene. well, mclaren not setting up the hates on for that one will champions rental lender, norris and poll position for sundays, hung gary and groaned pre with his t miles capacity. and 2nd, a ripples problem started only searching for his crashing out. so this thought a qualifying. he's done in 16th on the grid, todd lead at max to stuff in qualified behind mcclellan's in 3rd. norris at the 2nd in the drawing, his chum would you be behind to stop and the image driver will now be targeting the 2nd girl the when all of the season this week, we're already on confidence. so it sounds like we need a lot more of it over searching for, you know, i think we've come into this weekend and the last few happy and coughing though. we can do a good job and you have a good time to, to fight football. and that's exactly what we did today. so um, yeah, like i said, a great job by the team. we've been improving every weekend. so we end up on polls
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. today's sweets crossing to dallas reached his 1st finally moving to yes he did. he bought the thing, da, i did give it to serve you in the last for the swedish open. so the arrow building up ahead of the power cell intakes and the dial is back and it's tied to the side for the 1st time since the one the franchise can back in 2022. we got the gold info, the singles and the doubles. have the power gains will only be present. so as blank says, the state is set the parents games which start in less than a week's time back in the french capital to oversee final preparations. $32.00 sports will be on share with the games with moles and $300.00 gold medals for groups. i'm here for a more than a week to wherever you come and go where you see that the, the lights are on, on read. all the preparations. how going get a very well american sprint said no eliles looks to be taking it just the wrong
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time. lyles is just one of the 100 makes. is that the diamond league meeting in london? the american run a personal best time of knowing point 81 seconds in paris, civic song, thing elliptic history attempting to become the 1st manual athlete in games history to win for sprints. gold medals is some size stuff. the only one that's missing from the list is an olympic gold. and i'm planning on leaving with a lot of those details. it just to the, to the lows is one of the 12 month lease in the world right now. and certainly the one of the most confident last year allows emulate to the same both in winning a have trick of world titles in the 100 meters, 200 meters. i'm the 100 me to relay he now wants to add the full by 400 to the list in paris, as he seems to become the 1st male athlete to win full sprint gold medals of the
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single olympics. he also has bolts 200 me to build record insights, driving how that works. as i get faster and show up for the biggest competition in the world. i'm expecting my fast as times and when i say that, i'm expecting the p r. and a lot of people though, i'm knocking on the door. some of these were records. so i'm expecting to see wherever it is full as i p r. in the 100 meters miles faces more competition, he's only the 4th, quickest, the season to make a big seville beat miles just last month. i ran my 2nd fastest time in jamaica, of course getting beat this a bill was not the plan, but he had to be already be me. so i'd say that, you know, i'm making the composition stand on their toes knowing that i'm in good shape and the 100 grand in his debut olympics and take care of miles walked away with the bronze medal and the 200 meters, 3 is late. so that he's expecting
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a lot more concise and out 0. the american very hostile as being one of the big movies on day 3 of the art print championship is the final major golf tournaments of the year or so, mastering some pretty walls conditions in scotland with a couple of holes remaining. he's on 5 on the power shop on lead. that is daniel brown of england. and his left hand the bold mark inside playing a right handed swing with the club, the wrong way round and fixed with skype trouble. that despite his best efforts in the score is a few shots off the page that extends its been on 6 overall. look at the photos and the boxes are enjoying themselves. the 2nd fest between england and the west indies, shamal josephine had the crowd running for covers the windows had 457 in that 1st eddings and then played this best of 3 series 31. all right, that is i suppose is looking for that sunday. and that's it for me. my,
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the inside for the me is on sale. rahman will be here in just a moment, much more of the days to stay with us. the or the lines of ethnic. i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and frontline battles. people in chumps the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries. the trouble history on the phones being ma, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, 2 weeks into protests against a controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of kenya.
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police accused of disproportionate violets showed no signs of backing down. president william retail may have scrapped the bill, but protesters demands, as of all, they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to canyons exercising their constitutional rights. there's still a great deal of anger against the government protesters here say their voices are still not heard. and the government still doesn't understand. they're coming out and protests,
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the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the is rarely find to dress hits. you haven't sold the 1st time since the war wrong goes up and who the rebels from is to respond to the thoughts of o rama the what you're going to say. we're like headquarters here in the also coming to the bin goes or is there any faces told areas across the street,
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at least 30 palestinians are killed in the science of the world. cool time. protected by the army is where the settlers attacked thomas to the end of the


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