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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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the system even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the is rarely fights address hits. yeah. then for the 1st time since the war on goes up and who the rebels from is to respond to the thoughts of o rama the watching officer like headquarters here in the also coming in goes or is there any faces town areas across the street at least 30 palestinians are killed in the science of the world, cool time,
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protected by the army is where the settlers attacked thomas to the end of the pipe . westbank soldiers on patrol in bangladesh. a nationwide confusing ties to quell student led protests against government jump quotes. the welcome to the fact that we begin in the admin where the who the rebel group says it won't hesitate in attacking what he calls vital targets in israel hours of to key sites. so the city of a data hits early as well as military says, it's fine to have him who'd be talking to me. i'd been walking an escalation between the 2 sides. picture show a major fire. it's an oil facility in the port city of a data. a power station was also hit the so that all reports of casualties video released by you have in the media. so a number of people being treated as hospital full that enjoys the duties of already
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pledge to respond to the like just to so that is really a to came a day after a deadly who the drone strike on israel's largest city. one person was killed with a low winch tried its location near the u. s embassy office in central to leave on friday of correspondence from the city of drugs. now here on set and cheese head, because as well as government has banned down to 0 from reporting from within the country. good to see how the let's just begin with what we know about this confirmation by israel. it is take the responsibility for that strike called to data. well, what is really, officials are saying is that the red line essentially has been crossed here, that they have been targeted around 220 times by the who sees most notably in the southern most city of the nuts. but this is the 1st time we've seen it in tell a b, they're saying that that red line was crossed and the days of them sitting idly by
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and doing nothing are over. we heard this from these really armies spokesperson, daniel, how gary, who also claimed that this port and for data is being used to quote, transport weapons from it on. and that's why these really saw it as a legitimate target. but we also heard from israel defense minister jo, off the launch, who we do know approved these plans earlier in the morning and then waited to carry them out later in the evening. let's take a listen to the a. yes optic. i'd say me both the fire that is currently building and hard data is seen across the middle east and the significance is clear. the who things attacked us over 200 times the fault, the 1st time that they homes and as rarely, citizen, we struck them. and we will do this in any place where it may be required. the blood of israeli citizens has a price. this has been made clear and level in gaza in yemen. i did other places, if they will dare to attack us, the result will be identical. them allow me most time pop?
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well, it's worth mentioning that these plans to attack the who these in yemen. these targets were actually made up months ago several months ago during the war. but israel finally enacted those plans when they said the ground went to tel aviv and killed one person and enjoying at least 10 others saying that that was a line. that was problem. yeah, let's just bring in a topic on friday is obviously ready to be as ready. just entered is where the space under the radar. well, when does you know what the response again will be from the who t's because of his attack on who data didn't really have to admit that they've done these attacks, you know, is read often attacks, places beyond that support has never admits to as the who these are quite happy to admit to as that's right be, is really action as we know in syria and often times and. busy even on is not really accounted for they, they never admit that they're the ones who did the wrong doing. we also know that israel had to struck 8 on earlier in the year when there was that exchange. never admitting to that as well. just hearing through american sources that it was,
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in fact, these really is who carried out those attacks. but the who these have said that this is not going to go and answered. we do know there are a series of casualties, injuries, and deaths that have been going on in yemen as a result of this strike. but what happened in tel aviv on friday was quite troubling for these realities. and they're actually still investigating the matter as to how this drone was able to travel nearly 2300 kilometers one go on detected while it was trapped, linked to how it entered is really aerospace and was able to come off the mediterranean sea from the beach and go into tel aviv and then explode. no aerial arms, no iron to missile defense system. this is an aerial defense array that is iron clad. it's 3 fold. there are so many levels to it. and somehow this slipped right under the radar. so something these really army says they are investigating, but it is worth mentioning, this is one of the series of aerial defense or a failure is that the army has been experiencing throughout the last 9 months. yeah,
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we'll continue to keep it though there's some definitely thanks very much. i just reminded him dies with us here on set because nothing, you know, his government has been down to 0 from reporting from within israel. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu watched the attack console with cd and security officials. he watched the attack from a bunker. these ready made a treat, a promise to retaliate for a drive and strike. the hotels, of course, carried out to him to leave on friday. teacher i have is a senior size, good fellow and security studies at the united royal united services institute for defense and security studies. he joins us now from london. good. have you with us on the program and how dangerous is this an escalation in terms of face that'd be completed by these riley's that they're taking responsibility for the strike. oh, thank you for inviting me on the program. so since the beginning of this relative
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environment of gaza in october, i think that many have been quite concerned about the notion that escalation across the region as, as really being attempted to here. and what we've seen with this latest retaliation by this rape is on the who sees in yemen, i think is more evidence of that. there might always be the sense um from one side or the other or thinking that they can, you know, retaliate and just this particular not should not take it up any further than that . but of course, the law of unintended consequences always applies and think can spit out of control and who see so sad that they will retaliate and respond. is a reason to suggest that they will this particular tech doesn't, doesn't remove um their results, it doesn't establish is really the terrance. it's all it does is shows that these rubies will give quite frankly, know who these what they want,
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which is to present the phase as a worthwhile adversary against these various, on the who these are what make a lot of mileage out of that. it because the speed and direct way as while avoiding it wrong, as far as israel is concerned, i mean they, they all unofficially debating back of the hey these to well, i think that when it comes to the rain in a row with the who with these things are somewhat more complex, they are an indigenous movement. of course it on a is a supporter. but even without that on, i think the movement would exist. but it's autumn movement by the way, that i think is remotely positive for the m and on the country. but i do think that it poses success and so much more than the reigning element. but certainly from within these really apparatus from their perspective. although i think that this is misguided if they had not respond to the hood these then perhaps they would have
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felt that they were telling the rainy and said, you know, we're not going to retire when we're attacked. i don't think that's a right less than to draw. quite frankly, i think. but if you, if you turn in your adversary into a target of this nature, then that actually increases their importance as an adversary. um, these rabies are a powerful military apparatus. the who these are not, and i think that it would have been quite natural for them to not have retired to them this manner not allowed for this retaliation. and instead focused on removing the reason why the who these are interested in presenting themselves as a source of resistance against the as readings, resistance and quote, unquote. and which is like the in gaza. okay, let me just find that mean that if this uptick in violence,
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anywhere near the red sea is going to are the shipping and regional powers, you might say a obviously the wider well because we know which is a viable economic colorado. we've seen that violence anyway. they yeah. and then does disrupt that whole economy that goes through the red sea and to will change it to the service canal? yes. so it, here's the thing. um, the whole thing is, i don't think need much excuse to be engaged in piracy. i think we've seen the evidence of that over the years. but what we're discussing, what you raised right now, which i think is crucial, is about the red sea. and when it comes to the red sea, in particular, the movies have made it very clear that if there's the escalation in gaza, if there's a cease fire and gaza, then attacks and the red seed will stop. and we've seen evidence that they take that sort of pledge quite seriously, because as, as you may remember, last year there was such as these fire and activity in the red sea diminished
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tremendously. um, so i think that right now everybody's trying to avoid this reality that the key to unlocking the escalation paradigm is precisely as he's for and gaza. that's true with regards to the who sees it's also true incidentally with regards to his by law and the loved the news. but conversely, that the continuation of this campaign against gaza. i think it leads us down a path where much wider escalation, regionally speaking, particularly with lebanon, but also the price of the seas becomes more and more likely. and that leaves us down the road of incredible devastation and destruction, which i don't think would be good for anybody. the tool is good to get your inside hatred heavier. thanks for joining us from london. thank you so much. the . is there any strikes across clauses instead of the morning old center,
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they have killed at least 30 pilot studies. most of them in refugee comes in densely populated residential areas like level has more. this is really a strikes level residential buildings in all new site at in central garza to date an injured abroad to oh ok, so hospital minis still lie beneath the rubble of the buildings that collapse around them must have a football. so i figured look that up a little bit, we woke up around 3 15 am after i missed southwell, i went downstairs and found oldest destruction above our heads have no connection to any organization. 2 of my daughters were killed before my relatives also died. there were more than 7 injured, including my father and my sister in the middle, the death doctors managed to salvage life. this baby was rescued from the womb of her pregnant mother. killed in an is riley attack of the night and see i saw it
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sets up well especially that an immediate operation was performed up to the hospitals offices. his mother was killed and the baby now is in the incubate department. and he started his life as a move, and i know most of the dozens of people were killed. the hospital mold full of families, forced to say good bye. caught them upon what's i know mama, the cook children, and a pregnant woman does enough present to crime is real. these don't care about the international community or human rights. the who, the, for the self. these riley army is released footage of its operations and rough. uh, it's a soldiers of killed a number of palestinian fighters in the tallow soul. tom area mike level, which is there. somebody is of his way to kind of dissolve, demanding,
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the prime minister as it goes the seats 5 days before he travels to the us, where he is expected to address congress. now these are a lot of pictures from television, but thousands of people are calling for the tentative release and the elections that'd be most protesting every week since the war began. since october, the 7th is really satellites have carried up more than $1100.00. the tanks on palestinians, they don't keep tight westbank. that's according to the un on find everyone's top coats. that is, rally is obligated to end some loss of presence in the territory as quickly as possible. i must stop old new settlement activity. the land won't co decision that's being held to victory for palestinians. there's no data pulls now from the law. it'll take a lot more to change the violent reality on the ground. armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched compute in a t is rarely settler's attack, a palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from
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the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or confront from firing in the year to protect the settler's walk, how was sent to hospital where she received 7, such as the head or this is not the 1st time. well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is rarely settlers killed. what's his brother? and the assaults have not stopped since the shooting and there no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died. they don't spear any one. they don't want any palestinian here. elsewhere and the occupied westbank is rarely subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and fields near nablus. a seer ring, reminder for palestinians. the, on its own, the landmark ruling by the international court of justice on the legality of israel
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occupation did not bring dispute from reality to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability. easily supplements enterprise is solely intertwined. with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. oh simple. just this is why i know it's time to impose this function so nice. row control doesn't comply on the ground, the daily bottles to protect the palestinian land. m lives will continue for rose. just it was really your thoughts are unlikely to stop. hello sundance feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead. exact the cost on the is rarely occupation and the international actions allowing it to continue. not all day as ita drama. la palestine, still a head. hey, the old elders there. so it does explain the every sounds
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coming from the lake in central chile, the have a lot of a europe kicked off the weekend with lots of summary, weather, very high temperatures and hot and dry conditions, especially in the southwest, spain. sweated through its 1st official heat. wave of the temperature is picking a right up into the 14th. it will be coming down. however, as we go into sunday, thanks to a weather front. moving from the west to the east temple just have come down slight equals eastern areas. thanks. the storms of breaking out in the balkans, but that heat remains for to akira and grease those numbers touching well above the
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average. now the way just all the weather on sunday is being pushed across the low countries into germany, down across switzerland and austria. we've seen some very strong storms here with a chance of hail and some powerful winds as well. that weather is also going to pop off around the balkans, putting it to you frame bring a splash of what weather as well to remain here. but a lot of heat continues down in the south of spain and portugal. and despite the temperature picking up in rome, we aren't going to see the arrival of some what weather if we have a look at the 3 day here, temperature remaining in the early thirty's. that rain rolling in on sunday. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about what you all, just bear with me. so robin, the reminder of all the top stories. these really military says it's fine to do so, struck to the military targets in the you have any thoughts of the, of the data they have on the health industry says i teach people to be in just the pebble fights,
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is about to respond to the attack is what exactly is the time they palestinian family the occupied west bank? the settlers were protected by it's by the soldiers on friday. the humans to quotes of the pallets crates the co us of environment, but displace palestinians is already full. so the continued funding homes, residential buildings and refugee comes across concepts, at least $25.00 policy needs to be killed, the son today, 8 to them, and they understood refugee camp in central cancer. a separate testers and bundle that should have defined a nationwide curfew just by telling me soldiers patrolling cities across the country, at least 105 people have been killed in thousands, in jet and demonstrations against the government's jobs. quote, a system salvage chandry. how's this update from the capital com? the coffee is back on after 2 hours of break. people rushed to the grocery store and did the essential any emergency stuff. but the internet is still shut down and
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across the country. it's causing serious inconvenience for the people across the country. now, people are very anxious trying to keep it then apprehensive. what will happen next? after all this violent past few days, the government is still open to negotiate with the student. the student leaders have put 8 point demands among them to demand. josh, those are instigated the violence against them, including ruling party leaders, student waiting for members, as well as the police members must be brought to justice. all the leaders behind the buyers are who are being apprehended must be released. these are some of the demand before they even consider sitting with the government. now the government, as wiley blamed, is on the opposition thing to capitalize on the student movement and saw the violence in energy across the country. the opposition party said that they did support the students movement publicly, and many members of the public actually took part in the products with the students
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. and that is where it stays. people somber for the number of deaths and injuries that happened within last several days in the country. and they don't know where the political situation will have within coming day of months and weeks, temperatures rate. i'll just say the doctor, a precious bounty on us present, try by them to quit his re election bid that moles inside the political allies have publicly edge binding to drop out of the race. a television that has been released in the us calling on him to test the tools. now the president has been isolating in delaware. we've created 19 since wednesday, but he says that he'll be back home to campaign trial next week, while the week after surviving of assassination, attend by the republican rival, were held as best riley. the secret service has increased security measures around donald trump will be joined by his running mate date events at the campaign event in the battleground states of michigan. philadelphia is outside the venue in grand rapids. i will talk to him shortly, but 1st mike colors in washington,
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dc. a hi by coming by and obviously still under pressure for members of his own party to resign. but he's the type, it's a push on as well. he has stated clearly that he has no intention of stepping down from the nomination as the president of the us. so to have members of his campaign committee, there have been reports that some the senior democrats had been pressure rising for him to step down. but these old anonymous sources of the leaders themselves, the lead of the senate, the minority leader in the house full misspeak and nancy pelosi and none of them have publicly made a position clear that he should step out of the way. in fact, chuck schumer, the senate majority leader, has said that any reports to the country are absolutely as speculative. so as far as the leadership is concerned, they've step quite, as you mentioned, as more than such, the members of congress,
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democratic members of congress have quotes point to step done. but to put that in a context, sell 250 democratic members in congress. so this, at this stage is a very small minority, the bulk of clearly keeping quiet or indeed or backing bite. and so, although we have reports of pressure amounting on biden, and no doubt it is that would still be more helpful perhaps if some names were attached to the speculation that is rife in the us media. well, let's just say well, isn't speculative, is this t v ad that is getting a run on one of the major news channels in the us? that is going to combine, isn't it because they will be that public sentiment backing that particular advert? a yes indeed. and it will be running on what is reported to be his favorite stations, so he'd be watching it in isolation that is vacation home in delaware. but mentioning that particular advert as well,
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this is another issue. nobody knows who financed it. nobody knows who's actually made the said, but the finances only have to be really revealed within 3 months. so it's yet another anonymous attack on the by didn't candidacy. and this is causing a major reaction within the democratic party in terms of the rising public sentiment, in terms of democrats being reported to be taking a position, but not having publicly confirmed. so an ad for such as this, nobody knows who actually made it the make cuz of the adverse have not come forward . nobody knows who actually financed it. so it's a very lucky area indeed, which just makes the pressure on bite and even more intense. indeed, 70 questions yet still to be and such. so they've been said might kind of that force in washington dc. thanks so much mike. let's go over the phil laval who's standing by in grand rapids, michigan for us. hi phil, republicans, i'll be up. i'm presenting a bunch more united front with trump in advance of having show 3. i'm sure there's
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a great deal of excitement why you are. yeah, you know what? there is a lot of excitements, ohio. let's call it and i'll talk to them in good spirits that are good natured, said the fairy defiance. well, i thought the number of people did i feel nervous about being can't, particularly without assassination at times last saturday. i'm the result and we got the to is know we have to be here. and one of the interesting thing is we're seeing a lot of the t shirts, but as showing the image shift on the truck, remember last week when he got back to sleep after that shot was fired. at erases fist into the ass that has now become one of the symbols, the people are shot, jumping, flight flight flight on the shelley, not as simple as i do to tell you. the president was supposed to point out the 2 lines. he but the people who won't be in this line is really excited steadily. there is another line to my left to people of walking away. this is because the line has been snaking right around the block for hours. these people have been told, look, you've been here for a while, but we are full capacity. you're not going to get in. you may as well go home. you guys will watch this on tv. i'm not just goes to show how popular he is with his
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support is because this rena can home 12000 people. we know it is on trump. likes to do a big crowd. he always talks about how he draws big crowd has 12000 people in the state in where he's actually a paper full. okay, well, all right. you to hear him speak. i'm let me just show you some of these patients while these are the petitions, i'm talking about the lighting t shirts and obviously so what's on the trumpet? all the t shirts to show that such as flight fight flight. so after less of today, the feeling boy, by that i love it more or is this your 1st time that a trump really? yes it is. and what are you expecting? and so what are you expecting to have? anything that american this he comes back to office a good job by to now will not take the button. so what are you thinking, trade events i wrote on how i might draw that drone trust you guys. thank you very much. that it also is a fema, we've seen a lot of over the last few hours, not me talking to people. what do you think of j defense as a picks for
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a potential vice presidents? i'm almost everybody i've spoke to is that both i know is i've seen him on tv, but i don't really know much about him, but it's donald trump trusts and then that's good enough for me. that's what people have been saying. now change events will appear on stage with donald trump, and this is the 1st time they've paid one of these campaign values. yes, they were on stage last week and they all are in seats, but he was on file. but this is the 1st and then it becomes i to my journey as the goal is to do that, wrote valleys spreading, not my good message, but of course we'll get more from you, phil, as that presentation on stage at grand rapids continue. so the movement, thanks very much. i a woman who's a 43 years in prison. some the in the us state of missouri is now free. after her conviction was overturned, sandra had was released on friday after weeks of legal dispute. she's now 64 years old, a judge of a tons of conviction last month,
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but the attorney general fault against her release place in west, in front of us, take us to dispatch and t base and protest us the climate activists gather that, blah rochelle, quote, to oppose the building of agricultural roles. events of was several 1000 protest. as it already gathered on friday, despite a police spent a bridge in northern china has glanced up to try and shall rain state media reporting the 12 bodies have been found inside vehicles recovered from the river. bolton, so 2 people are still missing in west india. heavy rain is caused nobody's to residential areas across the region. the sides of good dropped the my roster. i have been effective. the weather office issued further severe alerts for rain by jerry, it has fine tech drug meant to $220000000.00. when it cools multiple and repeated violations over, he's the keys, facebook and what's that parent company of violating the countries dates of protection and can see the right schools. they say meta shed uses personal data
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without authorization, denied nigerians the right to determine how that data is used. i like conceptual, truly is producing sounds and say, uh i thought, well, it's really fun to say the phenomenon has a more athlete explanation. but i can get this explains a haunting melodies, has been rippling across this lake in central chile this has heard say it sounds like a chorus of wells or liaison bottle and out of space. scientists say a noise is very much of this wild to a know, but this happens in europe and some north american countries, they called in the singing lakes the sounds of cost. when i sent


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