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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award. denominator here on now the is there any flights of jobs said yemen for the 1st time since the war on gauls or there are dozens of casualties the phillip. so robin, what you all just every like bad for it is here in the also coming up in defiance of the world. colton. protected by the army, is very settlers, the type palestinians and the occupied west bank. we made some lease holston to temporary accommodation by fine single lebanon's boat, but there's a lot of discomfort the plane,
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the plane scheduled from the lower plane. and with donald trump says to big campaign events since accepting the republican nomination for the us presidency, the book into the fact i'll be here with the bible group says it won't hesitate to the attacking wasn't cold, vital targets in israel. it's made the threat just hours off the key size, way to the city of a data. evans health industry says at least a few people have been injured him. the salute has more as an oil refinery, a blaze in humans, port city of her data. clouds of smoke filling the air after the attack in which a power station was also hit. all part of the retaliation israel had promised the who sees after they launched a drone, which had till
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a v. prime minister benjamin netanyahu watched the attack on fault with security officials after the country's defense minister gave the order to attempt me to let them come off from the beginning of the war. i made it clear that israel would hom, anyone who homes us and so earlier today i convened the political security cabinet . i asked them to support the decision i brought to attack the who the targets in yemen. who the say they targeted tel aviv with a drone that went on detected on friday, killing one person in injuring 10 others. these really military is still investigating why the countries air defense systems were not activated to intercept the aerial target. but the who these are now threatening to not let this a task go an answer to the many of the many armed forces confirmed that they will respond to this place integration. and that with the help of a lot of my teeth, they will not hesitate to strike the volume targets of these riley enemy,
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while consuming what was stated in the previous statement considering occupied jasa as an unsafe area. dozens of casualties in yemen. as the attacks mark an escalation between both sides as israel continues its assaults on garza and southern lebanon from the central jersey to say hello, it is a senior associate fellow insecurity studies. they've royal united services institute for defense and security studies. he says, the risk of an escalation, like this has been cleared since the war and girls have begun. what we've seen with this latest retaliation by this rave is on the who is in yemen. i think is more evidence of that. there might always be this sense um from one side or the other or thinking that they can, you know, retaliate, adjust this particular not should not take it up any further than that. but of course, the law of unintended consequences always applies and think,
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spit out of control and who caesar said that they will retaliate and respond. there's a reason to suggest that they will. um, this particular attack doesn't, doesn't remove their resolve. it doesn't establish is really to tyrants. and all it does is shows that these rubies will give quite frankly, know who it is, what they want, which is to present the who sees as a worth while adversary against these various on the who these will make a lot of mileage out of the attack spies where these atlas on palestinians across the occupied west bank of relentless, they create what the international court of justice has ruled as a co s of environment. then to displace palestinians annex that have a tree fridays. i. c, j really was ground breaking, but it has not changed the violent reality on the ground as no de reports now from ramallah. armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched
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impunity is rarely settler's attack of palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or confront. firing in the year to protect the settler's walk, how was sent to hospital where she received 7 stitches to the head or this is not the 1st time. well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is rarely settlers killed. what's his brother? and the assaults have not stopped since. what was your kind of what do i do the shooting them there? no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died . they don't spear any one. they don't want any palestinian here. elsewhere and the occupied westbank is rarely subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and fields
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near nablus. a seer ring, reminder for palestinians. the on its own. the landmark ruling by the international court of justice on the legality of israel's occupation did not bring dispute for realities to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability. easily supplements enterprise is solely intertwined with the, the, the, the, the state. oh simple. oh simple to say that this is why i know it's dying to impose this function so nice real control doesn't comply on the ground. the daily battle to protect the palestinian land and lives will continue for rose. just it was really your thoughts are unlikely to stop. hello sundance feel vindicated by the world court. let's say there's a long and hard road ahead. exact the cost on the is really occupation and the international actions allowing it to continue. not all day as ita drama,
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la palestine for knowles to sell for we got to another day is already full say is the bombing homes, residential buildings, and refugee counseling garza, at least the t palestinians have been killed on site today to them and list the refugee compton, central gossen, a lease trying talk, did a residential building funerals or help me i, i like the hospital, which is treating me in just now for 9 months. women and girls. i have given beth and the bombardment toll spent entire pregnancies into what was being described as genocide will expect. a mother in central garza was killed when her home and the sweat came into is really attack. she died but don't just mothers to deliver the baby inside the child. the woman was 9 months pregnant, but she was killed. heavy in uh, kenneth, this woman was the only survivor. 4 months ago when i was talking to this woman was
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the only one who survived among have found many at the time. and today she was talking to the she was 9 months pregnant and she was killed off to being targeted by the occupational me time as an immediate operation was performed. i fell out of the hospital, the officer this mother was killed. the baby now was in the incubators department, and he started his life as an offer for us know, mazda a hold of you. earlier we spoke to a possible request on an emergency coordinator for the doctors without borders. misqueso is coming in con eunice, but i missed that full price, a maternity ward and the nicer hospital. she explained the health risks facing pregnant women. the that we can face is mostly a lack of the water for with the hydrogen we, which will, of course, bring that out of the infections. and for a pregnant woman, we haven't talked about urinary tract infections, for example, and this press and they're leaving conditions. it also will make them more trying
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to reach them deliveries, miscarriages. and we have seen that in the words that we are supporting at the next year us because blood pressure related communications as well are very common. and in general, they're living conditions after the delivery are all very good for women. so taking care of themselves and the baby is a being really, really complicated. families of is really kept as on demand thing. the prime minister skills, a safe side l. divorce. he travels to the us, why he's expected to address congress, thousands of people gathering in tennessee, calling for the captives release and elections. that'd be most protested the every week since the war began. well, it's wireless card on the strikes on several areas of southern level a has belong. i mean, nation that who has reportedly being talked of near the town of a doing setting off a large file. now the group says a ton expires right along this. false is, and that's who the allies and you have
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a mock, a dangerous tub in the conflict will fighting low levels. boulder has fulls tens of thousands of people from that homes, hotels of off the refuse to some of the display assemblies. but as holiday season, the right that is need the rooms of taurus, increasing pressure on other places, offerings, shelter of boston, as bull from southern lebanon. they wait and wait for fighting between these riley army and has below is only intensifying the people like these has been for some that homes can only wonder when they'll be able to return the international organization. for migration, says 95000 have been displaced in the southern level menu to make shift accommodation. the montana hotel near the village of more, when near the southern lebanon, is one such south of south largest sheet from 5 killer chairs, a room with a pair. in some bubble. the family has been living here for 6 months. and the
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beginning of the where i'm safe at home to office and i'm scared from that were planes and i was crying. i was the i was hiding. i was. * watching i miss my village every seems such as my bed my to my metal, my, my home, my best friends like that in the home. i sleep on the bed but till i sleep on the floor. so i'm that redeem, it's good as us the risk reduction agency, the local municipality, and runs the montana already struggling with limited resources. he worries the israel carries out a full scale ministry campaign. the hotel may be pushed to breaking point the whole the with on people graciously open their homes for us and let us stay. but unfortunately, we're now seeing some homeowners returning from mcbride. we need their houses back, that'd be good. just placing extra pressure, honestly, there was a conflict between israel and husband, are intensifying the montana hotel in southern lebanon has once again become the
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1st point of cool for those being the border area. but it's already full and unable to take in any more of their seeking shelter. dwindling resources and not the only risk for those that have been displaced by the fighting. if they tried to attend to their homes in the future, new dangers, wait them. unexploded artillery shells and mines present dangerous threat members of a non governmental organization. i've come to the montana to warm people here, not to approach anything that could be a hazard if they go back. but the noises of the threats wondering how no. the plane, the plane scheduled from the lower plane without a political solution to the conflict noises via con and and more people are likely to seek refuge in the montana to escape the escalating fighting. oliver marsden. alger 0 self im living on the under the donald trump will addresses this,
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riley's is becoming the republican presidential nominee. hundreds of republicans supporters of gathered in michigan full the campaign event. trump has been joined by his running mate, j. d events and the 1st public appearance together since the republican national convention. that's why president, so i think he's done a very excellent job during his work. and i think he's going, he is the man to operate this thinking shift as far as i'm concerned, the or the earth show when he got shot because everybody felt it. can you imagine what this country would be like without him? i came here to support my present the choice was pretty good. we're happy with that, but just the way around the country before. did you know much about trade events before because nobody wants to know a lot about what we do now. we really like let's go over to phil eval, who's in grand rapids, michigan of cool. 6, i've been building a as we've seen and heard from those people in that title report the what is the
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atlas felt like of the it's very of faith. it's very positive, it's very, very busy as well. so have no trouble from what we've talked about. how big is crowds all he loves a big crowd sometimes is skepticism about whether or not it's as big as the sensitive spot. you know, you have to have the 2 and a half these popping up as viciously. ready holes, $12000.00 people on your feet, tiny people to wait for the last hour and a hall at the back of the line, telling them that they called joining the line. i'm having to leave and a happens, it go higher. well, go somewhere else to watch it, and i'm seeing people here with my own eyes coming in. now to i saw joining the line to 3 hours ago that shows just how many people are also there are full capacity. so when he says there are thousands of people have got to believe in this case because 12000 people will fit in that stadium in terms of security. overstate security is a big issue because of what we saw a lot south today. so the roads are all blocked off, that's a very secure site and the people have to be screened before they go in for them. there are police everywhere down that they're on the bikes. if you move further
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around because the sheriffs and the police, some of them are on horseback. i was a half the road is blocked by dump a trucks fail, taking no chances, especially because on fridays amount was arrested in florida for making threats to kill those donald trump and j. d events. but as you say, this is the 1st time people will hear from j events from the stress time as a potential vice president. and a lot of people don't really know who we is. i just ask 1015 people in general, the generally the answer has been, had been seen him on ca, definitely know anything else about him. i don't think i'll just sorted out coffee and talk. he was not being able to get inside. look, the dog has been here before because you were here when donald trump. i paid a 2016. right. what is the crowd like here compared to back in 2016, a lot more as a lot more people here today. i just decided this. no. i don't know the man we can't get in. what do you think?
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it seems of what happened last subsidized. do you think not sleep crowd off because i mean, just as he wants leticia, it's on the same size and they're showing the fist pumping. yeah, i think so, you know, our candidate. gotcha. and sorry to say a bystander got killed that makes it even more for me to be on the subject. you know, we're talking about division and when donald trump date is speech of the order and see on says that he talked about wants to be accounted as a few of the same kind of the account of, of the units. he says people also divided by, well i hope it has that has that effect, but our country is so different then then it was like a time in j a. k was shot. it's um, hold divided and so angry that i hope it does, but i think people on the other side of the democratic party, they don't, they, they, they assume where a party of anger and you know, we,
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we want peace. we want, you know, to be united, and however, this goes, i think, our party, most people i know from our party, we are peaceful people and we will accept, we will accept what happens. you know, i mean a lot of people on his side to be honest with you, support the results and there's been, people said, it's free. in fact, you will be free. i would like to say, yes, i'm sure it will be free and fair. but after our last selection, i think most of us know that that was not on the steps of many of us. we said that was fairly, there was a lot of tricking this going on in that itself. i'd like to be. so we've got to that point, kathy talk, thanks very much and was the say they run isa is to get them to write about 45 minutes time. besides that again, it's me. experience of covering these things. donald, from everybody takes to the stage on time. so we don't know when he will get there . we should wait and see uh unlocked with baited breath. i'm sure phil of ally for
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thing, grand rapids, thank a precious bound to your own from so i will take quits his re election, best moles. and so the political allies have publicly edge a button to drop house all the rice, a television that is also being released in the us, calling them to pass the torch to another democrats. the president has been isolated against all the way with coach, with 19 since wednesday, but he says that he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. the still ahead, hey, all the soldiers on patrol in button to the plan nationwide. kind of you as opposed to qual, student that protests against government job quite since they close industry. how's it going to be? is offering incentives to farm is to produce me of his own rice. the pod huge. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the move in the f one is government with this is 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e,
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you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the effective use of the present as not the need for the effective he of the story on talk to how does era the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award,
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denominator here on now the, [000:00:00;00] the book like you want to, i'll just bear with me, so he'll run the reminder, all top new stories is really military size. it's fine to address that structure to st minutes. he targets in the pulse of the, of the data. the health industry says things the people have been injured. the rebels have time to respond to the attack. donald trump will address it, says riley, as the republican presidential moment in the backround states of michigan. trump has been joined by his running mate, j defense,
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in that fast public attendance together since the republican national convention. the protest isn't bundle that should have defined a nationwide coffee despite sol, just patrolling cities across the country. at least $105.00 people have been killed in demonstrations against the government jobs quote, a system time that child rate has moved from the capital doc in the country is back on after 2 hours of break. people rushed to the grocery store and did the essential any emergency stuff, but the internet is still shut down and across the country is causing serious inconvenience for the people across the country. now, people are very anxious trying to keep it then apprehensive. what will happen next? after all this violent past few days, the government is still open to negotiate with the student. the student leaders have put 8 point demands among them to demand uh that those are instigated the violence against them, including ruling party leaders, student waiting for members as well as the police members must be brought to
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justice. all the leaders behind the buyers are who are being apprehended must be released. these are some of that demand before they even consider sitting with the government. now the government, as widely blamed, is on the opposition thing to capitalize on the student movements and saw the violence in energy across the country. the opposition party said that they did support the students movement publicly, and many members of the public actually took part in the products with the students . and that is where it stays. people, uh somebody for the number of deaths and injuries that happened within last several days. in the country, and they don't know where the political situation will have within coming day of months and weeks, temperatures rate. i'll just say the doctor police in weston phone. so if used to goes to display as n, t base and protest as the climate activist gather the lower shell, to oppose the building of agricultural water reservoir,
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as several thousands of protests is gathered on friday despite the police. but the gotta be, it is rounding up production of his most popular food. 80 percent of the west african nations rise is imported. so the government is offering incentives to farm is to grow that right. i mean, it just reports from wichita of the 300 kilometers from the gbi and capital project field is being prepared for the next planting site. the surgeon agriculture electricity is, is driven by an emissions government program to increase rise protection can be a staple for being. so been leaving a board on our coming to take advantage. the one that happened was a 400000. you as the in matching branch where they paid 60 percent and i did the rest, right? so apart from that, i also would benefit it from like i'm in a big, i mean, i mean like i'm in like my storage and some of the, you know,
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you come in to the government do. so using established promise of i came to distribute grant machinery in palm inputs, re add the simplicity of put together, i see the able to come in this entire country at no cost. and we think that is also enticing department. and those sees that we had disability. the a high you climate smart, some of them i dropped resist, i'm even florida is is up until now, 9 for probation in the gambia looked like this. it still is in many parts. the government says it wants to change the old methods of not only production, but processing rapid and local inductors in last often of the call to boost that the concept by computerized consumption in the gum. yeah, a country of 2800000 people is 115 kilograms. 80 percent of it is important. very crazy. also create opportunities for investment. this rice meal is one of several that operating in the gambia,
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addressing the child and promise used to face in processing that product. some rules how much they getting that produced through the markets is still a challenge. the left quadrant lead, i'm in cost about it. yeah, the 1008 and 80 kilometers local farm us also one of the quality of saw be improved to open up more areas for contribution and better prizes for that crops. how many degrees i was just gonna put you all the gum. yeah. a divided cypress is mocking the rolled up again on july the 20th, 1974, but as one side molds its laws and the other celebrates a military victory. 50 is on reconciliation. seems a long way of trying a hold of thoughts. sirens interrupt the silence of the door just as they did 50 years ago at 5 20 in the morning. when turkey's troops landed on the beaches of northern cypress,
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the military and athens had days earlier attempted to to init, casea to re united cyprus, with greece to kias response was to invade, occupying a 3rd of the island, a division that remains to this day. the door yes, the pain and bitterness we feel for this day cannot be described in words. all those dock days come to our memories. we remember that the trial that happens when they just left our children over that be killed. because these 10, it gets, this was 30 at the time, displaced like thousands of others from his home in the north here tending his brother's grave. the self declared took his republic of northern cyprus, announces itself in the distance. many of its citizens displaced as well. are the 2 sides separated by a buffers unprotected by the un folders peacekeeping mission?
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2 sides mocking this moment quite differently. greek cypriots moaning on what they call a black anniversary, the turkish cypriot leadership. meanwhile, celebrating a military victory. previous attempts at reunification have failed. a plan put forward by then you and secretary general coffee and then in 2004 and talks in geneva that collapsed in 2017 greek cypriots and the u. refusing tech, a separate demands of a 2 state solution. there is a need for the need is on the island to redouble their efforts to secure a political solution. the secretary general has made clear that to the window of opportunity is only becoming smaller with the passage of time. and so an easy state is quite a remains bullet riddled buildings. a reminder of all old pictures that commemorate
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the missing and graveyards the dead. the former international airport abandoned in 1974 still running away untouched. jo, now how elder 0 and you can follow all the stories on our website at al serra dot come on the back with more news in hot knob. the next to note is there is 1212 just determines the the hello. that was not down on the in australia and eastern areas of the country have been feeling rather chilly with some focus stops to the mornings and pots of queens . and it's also been rather cold across the se, thanks to a cold front. it's still going to bring some showers to pots of new south wales victoria, and it has made me you can see the rain continuing to pull in that on sunday. will
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also see some rain starts touching some parts of w. a with showers in past the west of the flow of and means the temperature will be picking up sitting at 20 degrees celsius the through. so monday. now temperatures will be coming down in new zealand thanks to a change in the wind. we're also seeing more in the way of wes, a weather splashing once again into the north island, creeping down into northern areas of the south wind. but it is looking laundry dry in christ church on sunday, not the case on monday you can see those shawn was that there was an there's a south east asia or heavy rain that continues to plague and move and areas of the, the region we are seeing some heavy rain thanks to a tropical system, pulling its high 9 island. and then we will heavy rain coming in because northern parts of the philippines, thanks to a developing tropical storm, moving its way north of the
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s piracy the past to host the olympic games. french athletes where the head just will not be allowed to compete. alongside players, coaches and team leaders and athletes challenges the by creating a space for all to embrace the game they love, regardless of what they wear on their head. paris, the game changes with this document. part of the just the project is done. nestled in the heart of asia is in the end of striking contrast and rich history. this mountainous nation featured some of the white piece in this as a pos that stretches back to the nearly sick and bras ages. it's mountains
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and valleys have witnessed the rise and full of civilizations and pleasant tennessee, the from ancient patient cultures to the 5 per tooth broke era.


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